arya stark season 6 all scenes I 4K logoless

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thank you are you listening blind girl do you hear them talking do any of them talk to you no so sad foreign fight blind girl I can't see that's your problem not mine see you tomorrow what's your name foreign what's your name no one I don't believe that oh you don't believe that [Music] who are you no one Africa says her name a man will let her sleep under a roof tonight a girl has no name if a girl says her name a man will feed her tonight a girl has no name God says her name a girl has no name okay leave it a girl is not a beggar anymore to our children may they have your talent and your filthy mind a girl will poison the rum lady crane is the only one who drinks it if a girl could use one of the faces from the hull a girl is not ready she's a good actress so a man has heard seems like a decent woman does death only come for the wicked and leave the decent behind no who wants her dad that does not matter the price was paid the younger actress he's jealous because lady crane is better the girl must decide if she wants to serve the mini-faced god a girl has decided a servant does not ask questions careful of that one she wants you dead thank you foreign as I expected a girl had many gifts you promised me don't let her suffer [Music] there's nothing lying man he says the iron freaks in slavers Bay I'll be fine to believe him I'm not going anywhere near those [ __ ] yo what's Rosie what do you care I want to build passage home you can't afford it where'd you steal this from what do you care and even two days you're gonna have a hammock can you steerage I want a cabin and we'll leave it Dawn see you at sunrise sweet girl shoot foreign foreign foreign you're good at that where did you learn I'm a jealous woman I've always liked bad men and they've always liked me they'd come home wherever home was that night stinking of some [ __ ] perfume so we'd fight and I put a hole in them and then I feel terrible so I'd patch them up I got good at patching them up and good at putting holes in them I'm bad what happened to the actress the one who wanted you dead Bianca she'll have a hard time finding work as an actress after what I did to her face foreign I never did learn to cook but eat you needed the company is moving on to pentos soon you should come with us I can't why not got a feeling you'd be good at this sort of work and besides we need a new actress and I think I could remember all of the lines come with us what's left for you here you wouldn't be safe oh she's looking for me yeah she doesn't have a name where will you go essos East and West Ross is West but what's west of Westeros I don't know nobody does that's why all the maps stop the world Maybe I'd like to see that um what's that milk of the puppy I don't want any sleep is the only way you will heal trust me if my soup didn't kill you nothing will okay you're not one of mine how are you no my Lord didn't think so pretty where am I damn more on Sons black Walder and lotha promise to be here by midday they're here my Lord well what are they doing trimming that [ __ ] has tell them to come here now they're already here my Lord here my Lord they weren't easy to carve especially black Waldo my name is Aya Stark I want you to know that the last thing you're ever going to see is a stark smiling down at you as you die
Channel: logoless multi
Views: 322,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DwwcGR2G4vU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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