Artists Mash-Up Dark Souls and Hollow Knight

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This is my FAVORITE style of drawfee video. Ones where they do more simple things are also great, but seeing them get to flex and really show off how talented they are is really fun.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CBing13 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I want more episodes where they pre draw and explain the process. It’s such a ride i love it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/haileyreebs πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've been thinking about it and I think the most Dark Souls NPC in Hollow Knight is Eternal Emilitia. She's laughs a lot because she's sad and lonely.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SpaceCrom πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey guys in case you hadn't heard drop he's now fully independent which means we need your support to help us pay the bills every month the best way to do that go slash crappie and who knows maybe there's even rewards you can get go there now slash drop you the best website of all time bye welcome to drop you retake your dumb ideas and make even dumber drawing I am Jacob I'm Nathan I'm Karina and I'm Julia and today we are combining two great tastes that taste great together hollow Knight and Dark Souls wow you got Dark Souls in my follow it's tasty we decided to do both holo night in the style of Dark Souls and Dark Souls in the style of holo night depending on the artist and what they wanted to do Nathan you're up first you did hey I did a Dark Souls in the style of hallow night yes you want to tell us which character you chose I chose gravelord nito oh he's the skulls he's a piece of real mess of skulls yeah and me to kick this off you can decide and talk about it alright three two one go so Neto is a big mess of skulls but everything in hallow night is bugs yes so I decided to make Neto a big mess of bugs instead good that's a logical a logical decision so the thing about hollow night is it's got such a beautiful style to it and I was like oh it'll be simpler than trying to do a Dark Souls style but it's like deceptively simple but then you drew a 5,000 bug-eyed room full of I I drew a bunch of bugs I know that Neto doesn't have sleeves he just sort of has a cloak that I don't know how is attached to him it's just sort of like hair follicles coming off the back yeah I think it's just like dark gross energy we all have that kind of yes I didn't I didn't do that I just gave him a cloak because everything in a hollow night has cloaks yeah totally it's in your canvas flip gave me a bit of panic because I just thought I did not canvas let mine and I'm terrified and how it would look yours looked good well thank you when you can this lit Julie I promise you we're not gonna flip it in this video so you're safe no one can to split my yeah I think cheeky little viewers you're gonna do it yeah don't be a drip never flip so most of these bugs are just sort of the basic bugs you fight against because I tried to keep that true to the the neato design where he you know the first enemies you fight in Dark Souls or just regular old skeletons and yeah it was just a whole bunch of those but I did throw in a few bug face shapes from the audience in the Coliseum of fools cuz I liked those bug faces that's a fun touch and I also made his sword like a bug mandible cuz it's kind of a bone sword in in Dark Souls yeah it's a big bone sword and most of the the weapons in hollow Knight are either just appendages or some sort of nail type thing yeah and so I figured I'd go with the bone the bone angle I like it I feel like this is looking really really good so far thank you yeah it took me a while it took me I think around four hours of drawing and then a whole bunch more time of just thinking about it and I had a few false starts as well art be hard sometimes it was you know I think I wasn't expecting this one to be as challenging as it was but I I put a lot of pressure on it because I really wanted to do a good job and I think I did an okay job I think you've done a very good job so yeah unless you really like [ __ ] the bed well I wasn't sure how much to render it because there's there's very subtle shading in hollow Knight some of the some of the enemies are like no shading and some have very subtle shading yeah and I knew that because it's very busy inside the the mess of bugs so I knew I want I knew I wanted to do some shading and there just to sort of get get them all together yeah little cohesive little cohesive look design yeah there's our friend the hollow Knight here's the there's the knight he's the knight is the vessel he's the knight the vessels and that what he's called the vessel the vessel yeah yeah yeah I sort of wanted to make this look like a scene out of the game like you you do the because you in in Dark Souls you sort of go off a drop and the neo just sort of emerges from the darkness yeah so I sort of wanted to do that I thought about making mine like a scene from the game and that's another thing that I gave up on to I gave up on a lot today Jacob gave up sometimes you got to give up apparently he's most commonly referred to as the night the night that's what I wasn't he referred to in the game as the vessel at some point or am i yeah character the vessel there's the broken vessels the broken valve he is a vessel yeah let's not let's not forget also I I know that the limbs everyone's limbs in the game are usually just black but I was like I want it to be more sort of skeleton II oh yeah so I used the color that the the corpse creepers in deep nest which is what happens when you like kill these guys and they come back as monsters with spikes yeah I use that color that makes that but you'll see later I changed my mind and I go back and I change it all to black anyway you know it's you gotta try things out sometimes yeah yeah and I don't know I don't even know what's better cuz I think it looks fine like this I think it looks okay the other way too sometimes it's just a matter of how you feel in the moment definitely just be like that oh and I see you're going after trying to capture sort of the look of the environment work the environment yeah what I'm interested to see is if you ran into the same problem I did which is that you tried to start painting it because that's how it looks in the game and yeah give up I I did I think I just did a worse version I did I think I did a passable version but it if you compared it side to side with the game you would see that it's not as beautifully painted as the game at least you gave it the old college try to give it a try I think that's pretty cool I think you know I'm just used soft brushes I didn't use any sort of pain turd there's so many similarities in the way you and I approached kind of the whole thing it'll be fun to watch mine after this and yeah it's just it's such a pleasant art style and I this is an homage to it I don't think it's a perfect replication but it was fun to try yeah totally and like if you really look at the backgrounds of holo night they are they're beautiful tail they're detailed yeah exactly I was because I was considering doing a different boss but that one would have to have been in an inside one and I didn't want to have to draw the structures yeah this is so cool I change it all to black yeah that's really cool yeah that looks so good so yeah that's my one that's my neato I've been aka answered it really well okay a mess of bugs yeah thank you thanks for getting me yeah this rule is excellent job thank you I guess I'll go next we'll get we'll get the the holo night styles outer away and then then Sol's his second Sol's a second sounds good okay so I'm up now and the character that I chose to do was Artorius artorias of the abyss he's the one that everyone sort of knows he's like the wolf night guys got the cool blue cloak and the shadow face and the big ponytail I always think artorias is the name of the dog so I got very excited to see a holiday that's if the great gray wolf yeah they are tied together because they're worried isn't SIF our partners for life that's why they're married there they're married they're married so I'm gonna go ahead and start playing this and then I'll discuss it three two one go so I'm doing Artorius which actually has a lot of kin connections to holo night like there's a lot of similarities Artorius was essentially like the you of the game like she was basically fighting the abyss and was an honorable knight and eventually was corrupted by it so he's kind of reminiscent of like the broken vessel type of character or the hollow knight himself like a version of you that succumbed you know yeah I love these long limbs yeah and artorias is very gangly he's very hunchy and he's very just sort of like brutal and violent so yeah I found a pose I liked really quickly this is kind of his signature pose from Dark Souls this hunched over one dangling arm he has like a messed up arm that doesn't work and I gave him like the bug helmet up top with the real eyes underneath so he's like wearing another bugs mask that's cool because our Turia's and Dark Souls kind of just goes around murdering stuff just goes around murder yeah when you see him he's already like been corrupted by the abyss and to represent that here I gave him like the orange in hell oh yeah pustules that's good to show that he's been like infected by the the thing that's infecting hollow nests I was considering doing a pustules on on my knee toe but I I decided against it you went for a no pus jewel I went I went no pus that's fine no pus no problem I also realized halfway through doing this that there's an abyss in hollow night as well Dark Souls and Hall and I both have an area called the abyss yeah so I was kind of able to draw from that inspiration to going for like the big chunky cloak lines yeah like you did Nathan as well all the hollow night clock cloaks all night clerks are just like big chunky mines yeah I think they're they're very cool they're so good to look at yeah what um [ __ ] I can't I can't not think of hearing that British esque voice Jacob just did and picturing that Jacob has a like a speedrun channel but instead of speed runs at speed draws she's like I'm too must be drove Channel show you a draw hallo night class Flags right brush was the end of the sentence I was I'm saving what say what brush were using to ink this is my it's actually just the usual brush I use which is the Kyle Webster ink box pro comic sinker number one I just made it chunkier nice holla nights got big chunky lines these chunky lines yeah he'll Inc clean as hell shaped an ink well holo night works out well for that because it's got big chunky clean inks on the characters yeah so it kind of worked out in that sense and I was going for more of like a cutscene look yeah other than a in game I was originally gonna do in game then I decided to do sort of like you come on the area and I did a short cutscene where he like drops down oh that's fun a kind of idea I paused for a while here I marvel at your I started thinking about the background and I'm like oh my god I have to do a background and I just really have to like I think I was looking up reference for a long time of like different all the night aspects yeah because there's so many there's such a wide variety of backgrounds in the game like you don't think about it a ton while you're playing but there there there yeah and right there I just desaturated all the colors a bit because everything in the game is pretty desaturate it especially the abyss stuff is kind of like drained of color so I was going for the sort of bug piles of corpses well that's a good bug pile in the abyss there's like the masks are sort of like you can see them like in like big piles everywhere like all the corpses of previous vessels yeah so I was going for that and I was originally gonna try to like really do it up and I realized very quickly how long that would take and so I sort of cheat it as you'll see I'm a cheater I'm a bit of an art cheater do it I just don't want to take all my whole life everyone who does art is an art cheater in some way yeah so I started out trying to sort of figure out like to rough out like how it might look if I were to like really sort of try to paint it mm-hmm I was like I could do like a big brush like that and that could look pretty good I'm like but I could just not do that at all all right I think I try actually one more time with even that looks like it's so brave even sketchier brush and I was just gonna try to like give it a sketch attempt yeah I just give up on that if I knew I was gonna take too much time and you know this isn't I'm not making actual art for the game this is for fun fun and this is for you know a few minutes in an Internet video yeah exactly seven minutes in heaven of watching this video uh yeah so yeah instead just kind of did what I normally do which is just big chunky shapes to kind of get the impression of everything that's cool everything's very dark right now I do better so don't worry about that because I don't want it to be just a pitch-black composition but the abyss is really dark I know it just has like weird make the highlights is the abyss the place with Saul hell no okay the abyss is the place that's almost all black and it's full of corpses and the ghosts are all there the black ghosts spirit ghosts you clearly are not remembering at all what I'm talking about so yeah I added in fog sort of like you did Nathan yeah and then highlight the limbs so you lop out and yeah that just always looks nice that just looks nice and then got a orange oh yeah for the infection the medians yeah I would say this took me probably like two hours three hours I think it wasn't the fastest and also not the slowest we both did bug piles for hours yeah my bug pile was not nearly as detailed well your bug pile was the background in my bug pile was the character yeah I do like the way you did your bug pile with that very gentle glow yes yeah that was a nice touch thank you I thought it looked nice and I actually ended up putting a blur on them as well which makes them kind of recede a bit more into the background which I thought looked cool and also what they do in holiday yeah yeah they really get back in there literally what I did with my background is just copied assets from the foreground it blurred them and saturated them that's pretty much what I did just to make it like hint at big big bug piles big book I mean this looks like a big bug pile I'm happy with how it ended up looking in the end I think it's like a fun piece yeah this is great even if it's not totally in the complete hollow night background style I just like looking at because I had to look at so much holo night stuff for this challenge and that that art style just sparks the imagination totally it's all got a big vibe it just makes me want to design a million characters in that style definitely because it makes it it does make you seem like anyone could do it like it's accessible looking yeah as soon as you get into it you're like oh as accessible as I thought but yeah that's mine it's beautiful beautiful bug yeah I loved the scene I appreciate it thank you cleaning your next next alright Corinna who did you do oh I'm not a gamer and I'm very unfamiliar with both of these games I'm sorry it's okay that's fair but I did Hornet Hornet hollow Knight Hornet holiday night in the dark so dark sauce Hornet silk song good night the summer with little they know I mean I think that'll be fun to see like what your sort of interpretation is is someone not yeah gotten deep into at least one of these games i'ma count you off three two one go so that's my old reference from myself and I was trying to design her as the knight because that makes sense she recommended me a character to like look at for reference and I immediately forgot who it was we're just going off I just Dark Souls night and went for it so here I am working out a poem good pose that's good gesture really good like torso turn yeah musculature and then trying to figure out how I wanted to do this so gotta have all them Chloe type things oh yeah tattered I do love just for the character the shape of the cloak II type things and then I was like what if more cloak I don't have to draw classic hardest trick welcome to the part where I just do lots of and that's where I save just moving things around because I decided I didn't want to draw them so I added more cloak so I didn't have to draw one arm and then did some fabric drawing cuz fabric one cauldron above the cloak only was only one so I don't have to draw the other everybody gets one yeah like the cloak action looks so cool like the way ya made the cloak like look so energetic yeah it looks like a burst and then I have lost the pose under the cloak and had to refined it and then I was like no thank you [Laughter] aeneas here's just me trying to figure out the helmet edges in Dark Souls the characters hardly ever you can see all of them on screen this is a helmet and I I read that she was a she's like spider so I saw in Dark Souls they have a lot of slits and stuff spooky slits so I gave her more slits eight in fact it's the perfect number and a lot of this is just gonna be me inking this is fascinating just like the the shaping in in the cloak these these tiny shapes I almost look like guidelines for shadows like it looks so cool yeah it does look really cool do you always just go full gut instinct when I draw fabrics so this one was is kind of all over the place the front makes a lot of sense and then it kind of goes a little crazy so much looking at all of it I once liked the fabric in the back just has to be like some some wigs yeah I mean I do I do that oh and she's got her a little helmet from the game on her I thought that that's good but I didn't do much with the legs because they were gonna get lost in the shading anyway so artists hacks know any more than you need to like strongly just zoom into the face real close-up yeah I mean again in hallow night the legs are usually just little perfectly black like yeah just like I don't want to put too much stuff there I like that it's simple and then I just didn't draw them at all so that's the the least amount of stuff you can but here's a little sword how long how much you rotate the canvas when you drop yeah reason I will like contort my body to avoid rotating you could just hit our I know but instead I'll like crane my elbow up over my head my whole head like I'm eating a taco as a side note I get asked a lot why I do this stuff and like why make it red and this is just me masking in where I'm going to color so I don't have to deal with all those edges later I can just do it all at once and I just choose red because if you're on you know default black or white it's on the read window you know shots it's like that's the most accessible column yeah it's just there I just hit whatever's there there's no real rhyme or reason to it I'm just masking in the color more than anything so that I can just opacity like it and just slap down some colors and not deal with those outside edges that's a nice treat yeah I never draw anything that has this many lines that's usually pretty easy for me to fill yeah I was just like I'm not even gonna bother closing this up we're painting it in screw it yeah you can't you couldn't tell with how sped up this is but I was kind of playing pokemons drawing it there's like little pauses say you're not a gamer yeah to breed pogies I get the shinies bad so here's here's things here's where I'm trying to figure out how to shade cuz Dark Souls has a lot of just like hella deep shading and it was very it's very contrast II yeah yeah so and then I was like that's how I spent so much time doing this fabric I'm gonna lose it all if I'm not careful so I did some like not terribly deep shell cell shading and then gave a little glow I don't know why I did that honestly but it's there now it's cool and then I was just trying to figure out how how I should lift the lights this is giving me like 90s anime vibe I was trying really hard for Dark Souls and I just ended up with 90s anime but you know it's like to manage a scroll couldn't figure it out so I decided to just do this stuff instead because I figured instead of the thread it would be like fire I don't know that's a huge thing but I saw some art with it the fire hi I'm your clueless mom I don't know what Dark Souls is but here's some fire it looks so rad definitely like a samurai X poster I see New York City Comicon that's dope though and that I was trying to figure out the lighting again this looks so cool it really does look like anime would have had in my room yeah I was too coward coward Lee to go full you know deep dark shadows so I went close yeah well I mean well yeah we all chickened out in some shape or form except maybe Julia who worked for like five hours I think this one took me about four it's so good thank you yeah I really love the every time I see an art like the foreground particle elements that looks so cool like the blurred foreground fire gives us so much like depth I mean yeah that's something I've always wanted to emulate and I've never managed to do I feel like well I rushed this a little it sounds silly to say that but a lot of the light work on this was just adjustment layers but I feel like the salty yeah who cares yeah I could have done more but then I just did a just mint layers and I was like this looks good as is just make it look cool enough no no mind ya is the lesson here as long as someone's first thought is oh that's rad yeah you're done with your work and you can stop pencils down hello awesome job green it is yeah yeah all right Julia final drawing me tell us what you've done I did a quarrel and made him a Dark Souls he's the little Hollow Knight guy who like he's the map smash you out no that's corner fur I originally you were originally gonna do him yeah okay so what happened was that I was going to do corner fur I did an entire drawing for corner fur and then I decided I didn't want to do that anymore so I started over that's a mood and then I did quarrel instead and he's the forgetful wanderer guy who you can usually find sitting on benches now that guy's got a little bit of a belly and I love him yeah he's got like his little sword he hopes he wears the mask on top of his head yeah it helps you fight that one boss yeah the jellyfish the jellyfish electric jellyfish yeah yeah because he gets summoned and he doesn't know why but he is like told to go out you know to this area for some reason and he's trying to figure out what it is and then he finds out but yeah I did quarrel all right I'm gonna count you off sure three two one go so I think we keep joking about how long it took me but it's really that I had I was very busy the day that I started this one and it actually took me four and a half hours which is longer than I usually take on these things but I was having fun / struggles / I want to figure this out deal going on so I drew him in the city of tears mm-hmm in one of the train stations because I love those signs you can already see where the complications come here on a full background I also tried to do like a line list painting to give it more of a dark souls fuel which was bad it was bad for Julia and yet it takes so long to do lineless I had a period in college for like three years where I did lineless work so I feel like I have a method down but it's still not fun to try to do a full painting without lines but yeah I tried to convert his outfit into sort of like a dark soulless thing he has some those little like you know bug lines on his tummy and I tried to convert those into like the padded medieval armor yeah they have and I tried not to give him too much armor because he's just supposed to be like a traveler which is why he also has these little like I made up a story where he like collects little things from each area he goes to because you find him at different points in the game right so he is like the crystals from Crystal peak he has like a little thing grass from the the Queen's Gardens or whatever it's called I'm so glad we all chose to do the black foreground I felt like it was hollow night very dark souls like I felt like it worked for both yeah I kept with it oh my god so hey it's Julia shapes I wanted him to still feel like he was wandering around and you're just like joining him on his life what's this sort of thing but I really tried to kind of make it a little bit more like busted up like it would be in Dark Souls yeah I had a lot of problems trying to figure out his whole tone so you'll see me just play with the hue and saturation thing a lot in a moment also any bring us in this video is because I was cackling at watching the rescue dog show at the same time and it was very adorable but yet that's like I'm trying to lighten it and ultimately I think like if I were to do it again I would make him lighter because I went too dark I went with like the the Dark Souls you know black shadow sort of deal would I feel like it gets a little too dark and confusing my my main complaint with the game is that it's too dark yeah it's too dark you can't see anything juicy details I mean I do think there's something to the fact that like hollow Knight is a very difficult game and Dark Souls is a very difficult game but I kept playing hollow night because I liked how it looked and I stopped playing Dark Souls almost immediately because I hated how it look I really liked the sound effects in holidayed for some reason that kept getting me to go back just everyone's a little like yeah so much as I forgot to put in a little detail I had the whole no one owned it out call the art got to put in those little rivets in the mask Wow no wow now sketch those in didn't even I didn't even render them I know absolutely so much fabric detail already there's a lot of fabric and there's a lot of fabric details what what's your painter brush that you're using yeah I use like the oil sets ultimate oil lash they see you're using I see lush I use lush a lot I that's like good like oil detail oil lush there's a few like blender ones that are in there I wind up using a lot of different brushes for this whole piece now I'm trying to get each little bump so that it like reads more like you know quarrels Billy but also that like padded armor I think I'm wind up going in and drawing little puffs cuz it's reading a little flat right now definitely get some more buckles in there the other thing is that the first half of me drawing this is that I was watching a the King and I was looking at all of their outfits and definitely jotting down notes while I was oh I'm drawing this just cuz I liked all the the clothes and armors in that one with Timothy Shalem a Timothy Shama may yes and Robert and Robert and Robert his manservant Robert yeah you know oh yeah those gloves yeah I also flip between what I'm working on a lot and that always happens when I start getting too frustrated or confused with what I'm working on or if I don't like a thing that's another I don't know probably an important thing for artists to know is that I think there is always a stage where you get to your into your piece and you're like oh this looks awful and I want to stop I think you should just like push through a little bit and get it you know to the end at least finish it because I learned a a lot of things and B I wound up liking it pretty okay at the end I feel like part of that is just you look at something for so long yeah and you just got to get it out of you face yeah I just got a lot of messages from fans being like how do you ever finish a piece I wind up hating the piece half way through and I'm like sometimes you just got to do it you know what really helps is actually having to finish it for that's true yeah like if you can make a situation for yourself where you have to finish it like you don't have a choice then you'll end up usually pushing harder and I think discovering some new ways to do things yeah I feel like I learn way more when I'm drawing something like this for droppy if I have to complete it I can just stop and like it isn't working I give up yeah like if I were to redo this I know the things that I would change like I would add an actual light source because I didn't figure that out while I was actually doing it and I should have but in Dark Souls your character does often have a subtle glow yeah to them I carry like a glowing yeah but I do like that you added the little glow just as a gentle just to make him push him forward yeah cuz he was getting a little lost and I was thinking about repainting him and I was like I finished this piece an hour before you guys showed up and I had lunch so it's so cool this guy's way so he's so like rendered what a scene and I love all the the glyphs on the hanging tapestries yeah it's it's like the little signs at the train stations that show you like where you're supposed to be going and what's where and you actually did paint the damn bog carapace is on the floor like yeah but this is this is Dark Souls style yeah but in holo night they do it too yeah I just gave up sometimes sometimes it's okay to give up I'm part of your drawing finish the rest yeah you can just try again another time you go just get a product out there yeah sometimes you're making content and like we love it we love content I love content but yeah I really wanted to get that feeling that like the player slash I'm sure Quirrell has when you're just wandering around Halla night you get to like a new area and you're like ooh shiny this is it was like so much to look at it's magical it's kind of like that ghibli magic that you get tonight yeah this looks so good awesome job Julia yeah thanks it's a it's got a lot of mood I really like the city of tears it's it's very good I love it's a very good place the sound the music yeah great soundtrack I love the the gentle rain when you're outside yeah it's very good well these are our hollow night Dark Souls mashup drawings I hope you enjoyed watching the whole process and seeing the drawings and if you have any ideas for other things you'd like to see mashed up or other speed draw type videos you'd like to see you can let us know in the comments below yeah and as always we're sorry sorry sorry
Channel: Drawfee Show
Views: 1,273,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drawfee, Drawing, Drawfee Channel, How to Draw, Adobe Photoshop, Illustration, funny, comedy, sketches, Caldwell Tanner, Nathan Yaffe, collegehumor, dorkly, live drawing, videogame drawing, videogame characters, anime drawing, anime characters, Julia Lepetit, Jacob Andrews, Karina Farek, dark souls, hollow knight, silksong, souls series, bloodborne, sekiro, hornet, from software, team cherry
Id: K4LpIMvi-8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 10sec (2170 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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