Arthur's New Friend, ANDY

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Hey would you like to see my photo album great now let's see I think it wasn't here no maybe it's in here no maybe under the bed whoa I wonder how long this has been under there you wanna sniff oh I didn't know you had company maybe you like to read Hopalong the Frog DW were very busy don't bunk mom and dad but here you can have my pizza oh there it is there's this one picture I really want to show you that's me with POW when he was a puppy isn't he cute and that's me with the president uh I don't know that is must be GW there it is this is the one I wanted to show you do you remember when this was taken I sure do I was so nervous I really wanted you to like me Arthur's new friend starring Andy got something for you Arthur oh right guess who's coming to visit me Andy oh is that the friend you've been exchanging letters with yeah and we're finally going to meet this is the best news and I'll be at your house this Friday can't wait to meet you your friend Andy and here's another photo we all have to do something special I know what we'll do we'll take your friend to the Mary moo-cow live show the best part I know is that you add DW we've already been to that four times yeah but it might be the first time for your friend and the first time's the best we could throw a party that's a good idea and we could have all my friends from school over and lots of balloons in half and I could make my famous mint chocolate Brussels sprouts pie I'm not sure if my friend would like that even though it's delicious okay just let me know what you want and I'll make it you're gonna love this party it's gonna have everything you like hmm maybe we should have a clown at the party now now I'll make a giraffe out of this balloon no the only clown I know is allergic to pow maybe we should have a magician but what if he's too good now the great Zamboni will make this child disappear that'll be ten dollars please hmm thinking up the perfect party is harder than I thought maybe I should get some help two words after space party what does that mean get rid of all the furniture and hang out in an empty room no it's a party where everything has to do with space everything would be dark except for little stars on the ceiling and we would wear really cool space costumes [Music] ooh I knew I shouldn't come as Saturn and we need cookies and cakes shaped like space stuff oh I can't really see these alien cookies but they sure are delicious I think that's a napkin George and maybe the brain could build a real rocket in the front yard she's ready [Music] and we all countdown to blast-off ten nine eight hey wait a minute he said we should all count that means all of you at home as well ready start counting have your party in space it's the cool thing to do party in space to welcome you to welcome [Music] greeted by a crazy bad but Aryans [Music] they'll run they'll hide so go inside a cave and when we try to follow them yeah that's the type of party you should have buster that's ridiculous I can't afford to build a rocket for Andy I can but I don't like space stuff no it should be a party with princesses dragons and nuts of course I would be the princess alas I have been lost in this tower by an evil troll simply because I am too beautiful will no one save me ah quit your bellyaching I gave you a room with a view didn't I Oh joyous day [Music] it's that great nice partners new friend [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Thanks all that spicy food was beginning to give me heartburn [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's not Castle trained you know he'll burn holes in your carpet three cheers for Andy now that's what I call a great party maybe for you and Andy but I don't know how fun it would be for the rest of the kids oh let them eat cake well thanks for your help but I think I better ask around a bit more there should be sports sports and more sports we'll play catch tag and kickball all day long [Music] [Music] [Applause] or a music party your friend and I could play Mozart's duet for clarinet and xylophone I didn't know Mozart wrote a piece for the xylophone hey Arthur I know just the thing to make your party a big hit brainteasers there's a book in the library about how to make fun of the brain know it brain teasers are like math problems only they're even more fun all right children take out a piece of paper if Arthur's new friend ate four pieces of fudge in five hours and five fish sticks in 15 minutes party it's just like um thanks mr. Ratburn but I'm not sure if that's the right type of party for Andy not now boy I'm not in the mood it's this party that's got me down everybody has really good ideas but which is the right one I wish you could help me [Music] maybe it's better to have no party than a bad party I should probably just cancel the whole thing dear Andy what are you mailing a letter telling my friend not to come visit me I just couldn't decide what kind of party to have for Andy but Arthur you don't have to have a party your friend just wants to meet you yeah but how can we have fun if I don't even plan anything you don't plan to have fun with me it just happens that's true we've had some great times doing nothing I wonder would it be like just to hang out with Andy we'll get up beats up Buster always takes the biggest slice excuse me we can hang out with Francine she might let you take swing she cheers you on every hit but thinks your name is still oh nice going sing it Tandy we can watch the clouds go by with not a thing to do there's a camel and a bike in hey that looks like you the way we always do let's hang out just me and you you're right who needs a party we'll just have a normal day but it'll be the best normal day huh what's going on it's your wake-up call look at the time DW it's 6 o'clock in the morning oh so that's what it says good that means you have plenty of time to prepare prepare for what for the party of course now what do you think your friend would like to play first confuse the goose or Tower of cows there isn't gonna be any party oh I invited some friends over and we're just gonna hang out with Andi but aren't you wanna do anything special nope now go back to bed boy some friend you are it's going to be so boring what if she's right it could turn out to be really boring Andi might think I just didn't care this could be terrible ok ok this is what I'll say I was going to have a party but the party store didn't have any party stuff because they were attacked by balloon and paper eating aliens oh that sounds like one of Buster's stories no wonder I couldn't think of a good party I can't even think of a good story oh no it's Andi I'm doomed I hope you don't mind I brought a princess costume and a big inflatable dragon just in case well I guess that's something hey Arthur should I leave this bag of soccer balls baseball mitts and frisbees outside oh sure I have a surprise for you Arthur son instructional karate videos your fortune tellers here I couldn't get a xylophone but wait till you hear Beethoven's concerto for 20 kazoos I brought the alien cookies they're made with real alien ingredients [Music] okay perfect I didn't have time to make something really fancy but here's a chocolate Larrick a great Andy will love it Arthur I think your friend is here it's Andy hi Andy welcome to your party that was the first time we ever saw each other and we had such a good time didn't we Andy over here I can show you a much better time than Arthur ready the best way I know is if you don't turn that thing off [Music] every day when you're walking down the street [Music]
Channel: 2Metal2Socks
Views: 95,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zQA6lTqKEU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 13 2018
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