ARTFUL Box 3 Sept 2020 | Fantastic Box!... however... | Quarterly Art Subscription Box

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hello watchers and today i have got an unboxing video of course um this is from the brand artful by oh dear uh and it's a uk subscription box but i believe this is actually their first box i've done that's available internationally and this box looks like it has been through the walls it's really beat up but it's really heavy and i can hear metal in there as well so um i was talking to a friend of mine when they released the image and i was like i'm pretty sure it's going to be printmaking so let's open it up purple and orange very halloween here oh the smell oh don't you just love the smell of lino in the morning okay so first up we've got a brayer and this is i think it's the as the um professional one um then we've got some blades one two three four five six seven eight nine ten blades and there then we've got some block printing premium based premium water-based block paint in black and red then we've got a handle for the blades free of the easy cut this this one's a lot easier to cut than the harder one which i'll i'll show you in a minute what i mean and then we have a piece of acetate and then we've got a pad of premium heavyweight cartridge paper um 25 sheets uh 220 gsm um made in the uk a4 size suitable for pencil watercolor pencil pen ink color i could never say that word in um pastel oil pastel and light washes so yeah this just feels like the paper that you get in you know the c white sketchbooks that are very good um so yeah it's just your standard cartridge paper nice and smooth so it's artful's own brand there brought to you by oda so yep and then of course without before we get our big magazine let's pop the box on the floor so it says september in november 2020 on the side because i think the ones they just said issue so just have a quick flip for flick through of this what is our fault etc oh here's a list of the materials and how much they cost um this box in total cost 30 pounds um because i got five pound off um [Music] and i worked out the prices um for where i would be able to get these from because i've always had an issue with the prices with with artful um the um price for the the blades and the cutter handle um it's pretty much spot on um you can find a small one for with just five blades for 525 um the lino sheets again the price for those was spot on you can't the this is this and the ink are the most expensive things when it comes to printmaking um so that's usually where all your money goes um the for the red and blank black ink was 11.99 and again that is spot on um for both of them not each each they should be like um four pound 99 or 599 depending on the effects you're after um the serve now this is the surface media the cartridge paper and it's exactly that cartridge paper carpet paper is notoriously well behaved for a lot of mediums oh i think this is actually coming apart yeah mine's already coming apart so it's not very well made the pad itself um [Music] yeah cartridge paper is notoriously good at taking a lot of different mediums and things but it's also extremely cheap now they've got it priced as 12.99 for an a4 pad with 25 sheets but you can get a decent um branded pad of cartridge paper for 4.99 and that's by frisk and it's got the same weight the same amount of sheets so same everything basically and if you spend two pound more you can get um uh claire fontaine's paint on mixed media paper which is a heavier way in much thicker but again can handle everything even quite heavy washers um and you get 40 sheets for just two pound more so i think they fluff the price up of that too much for just cartridge paper so yeah the acetate sheet 40p that's pretty much spot on um the breyer eight pound 25 um so again pretty spot on as well um so yeah the only price i have an issue with is the cartridge paper that's way overpriced for cartridge paper basically um and i know i know artful liked to put a monetary value on the magazine and i can understand it because the last magazine they really did they stopped making it a catalogue for their own brand and they did a lot more with it and i can already tell you that again they've gone into a lot of detail with this as well um so i really appreciate that for this magazine because a lot of people don't know about printmaking and the benefits of it and things so i'm glad that they've sort of gone into the history about it and they've tried to give you as many projects and different people's opinions on it um but yeah i mean i've not done printmaking since art school and i will show you my sketchbook in a minute to show you what i produce because i forgot that i actually did it architecturally based um even way back then way before i even know i wanted to do architecture but yeah um the magazine goes into great depth uh depth about what you can and cannot do architectural lino cutting djing and tutorial on large-scale prints that is big large girl so yeah it shows you so much oh i like the teacups that's quite cute but yep you can use printmaking for fabrics so this lady makes her cushions lots of little different projects embroidery so they do add something else other than printmaking as well because obviously it might not be for everyone and then other different illustrators and things as well and then they've started doing vid video tutorials as well released on the 15th of every month oh and they've started showcasing people's work as well which is nice as well um but yeah overall this box cost me 30 pounds to buy but when you tot up the prices of buying these things individually they work out to be 38 pounds and 83 pence even when you only charge five pound for the cartridge paper so you're saving eight pound in um 83 pence so for me that is a plus with this box um in terms of what the actual box contains i think it's a great little setup like you've got your blades you've got your cutter you've got your inks you've got something to put lay your inks on to roll them out however even though you're saving money um if you didn't buy these things individually the same brand sd if that's how you pronounce it do a kit which is this one and you get so much more stuff in this you get even a thing to be able to flatten your work down whereas here there's there's nothing to flatten your work down you're only going to be able to use your hands which you don't always get a good thing you get a hand protector to stop you from stabbing yourself you've also got a stamp making kit and other lino shapes including the hard one um and this is only 25 pounds to buy so yes buying these things individually would have cost you more money but if you bought a kit instead you would have saved even more money and got a lot more bang for your buck so i don't understand why they just didn't give you a print this kit in the box instead because i know they could have talked to sd and got a whole bunch of kits and done it because it would have been cheaper for them and cheaper for us so i i just think they need to think a little bit more about not necessarily what's value because even if they released something that was um that cost less but if it was a fantastic product something we've never seen before or something um that people don't use a lot i don't know i'm rambling i'm rambling i'm basically just trying to say they need to think about more options rather than just going oh we'll do a little print making getting we'll do this this and this it's it's like no you should try and shove especially with the box being a quarterly box you know even though printmaking does take a long time so it probably take me till the next box to to to get something done but um yeah i i don't know what i'm trying to say i'm just just wish they'd think a little bit more deeply about it but it is great this month's box is a great sorry this quarters box is valuable money you are saving money but like i say you could just get the kit but anyway but if you just get the kick you're missing out on this wonderful magazine that they have spent a lot of time researching and finding things out and doing things and making it graphically beautiful um so yeah that's the unboxing and my rambling um phase of the video done um i am going to actually make something with this mom's box because the last two boxes added nothing first one because i was upset second one because it's pencils i've got loads of pencils um but printmaking i actually hence i've got the kit and was starting to get back into it because i wanted to make stamps of my logo for my upcoming shop um so i can use it on the packaging and the envelopes and things so that's why i started getting back into print but when i was sorting some stuff out upstairs in the storage i came across my old art school stuff and this is the sketchbook from art school when we we're learning to do printmaking let's see if i can get it in full shot yeah um i can't even remember what the brief is but i'm guessing it was something to do with take some elements from architectural um different architectural styles and create something because i did a bit of research into different types of architecture so i was only 16 when i was doing this so itty bitty bitty me um and i settled on using this bamboo burger and grill in peru because it is such a modern looking building but to be honest with you i think i chose it because it's easy you know to replicate the styles um so we did a little bit about mono printing and mark making without the use of lino and things and then we then went into lino block printing which is this stuff um and i decided to go ahead and use this design um that's the tracing paper i used because you need to use tracing paper uh draw out your sketch not directly on there um somewhere else then trace it and then flip the tracing paper and print it on there backwards because when you come to print it then goes the right way if that makes any sense to anybody but if you can work backwards anyway especially when it comes to lettering you can draw straight on there's nothing wrong with drawing straight on there but just know it will print in reverse of whatever you put on there um and then i still have the original lino cut but as you can hear it is much harder than this stuff i don't think this was available um oh the smell every time i waft it i get a smell um was available when we did and this was so hard to cut i actually jabbed my hand like twice much to the horror of the tutor um that was teaching us at that time um but yeah it's got like a hessian back as well um i'm tempted to rip this out and sort of ink it up and see if i can get it to ink again which i can't see why it wouldn't um so i might use that again just for some test pieces um but these are what i did with it i did some final ones as well these ones the ink came out quite faded on there um but these what i did different color papers um and textures we did it on some bubble wrap and some like cardboard material and then evaluations so it was only like a couple of weeks long um it was just part of the time when we were just learning a little bit about all of the different methods right at the beginning of art school um so you know what let's i'm gonna rip that out um ink up something and see if it still works with these inks um i know the inks i use on here were like the oil um much harder to clean sort of stuff but yeah let's rip this out as best i can whatever i stuck this with it's that good really super duper strong so now i have an ugly page in my sketchbook it's all right it'll be fine um yeah let's do a little bit of inking because i already have a pre-made lino cut all right so we'll use that paper as well let's just put those together for one moment all right so let's do a red one black's obvious so get a nice blob on there and the acetate not the desktop just in case you can't see it on camera then roll it out oh these smell like the um [Music] the acrylic paints used to get at school let's really lather that up trying to not get it on the paper while i'm doing it go in different directions as well to make sure that you really get everything covered um wait nope i ruined the piece of paper but it's okay it's all right we can use a different piece all right i think i got that covered i think so let's just tear a piece off and we'll use that as a mucky piece okay so now you place it as best you can but usually when you're doing this properly you can draw a grid on it now here's my issue with the box you've now got to use your hands to squish it down which is fine but as you'll probably tell in a second it's not very good because you miss bits so let's try that again let's use our mucky piece of paper ink it up again now i remember at school we had like a big roll press where you squished them down but obviously everybody's not gonna have a roller press at home um but you could use a rolling pin though that's that's something you could use um a lot of people are saying as well um on other people's videos that you know what am i gonna use printmaking for and i'm like christmas cards that is like the best thing to make your own because even when you finish the print you can then also go back in and add more detail with hand and each card will be individually done um so i think that would be really really really really nice or like the lady in the book make you print it on fabrics and make your own fabrics for bedding curtains cushions your own individual style but i quite enjoy printmaking i like the actual cutting as well i find it quite therapeutic and just chilled out and you can watch do it while you're like um watching your favorite show or something but just be aware of your hands so this one i'm gonna lay flat and then i'm gonna get the thing from the kit which is basically the handle by the way and do it of this but then they put it in a thing and then also at the bottom you've got all your blades and things in there so that's really neat idea so all you do is then just put weight on and hopefully you'll give you a better print than what we just did and really put some weight on there all right for the reveal yeah that is a much better print put that back on there um so as you can tell much better print much more solid print and my lino print from years ago still works so artful it would have been useful just to put one of these in and again it comes in its own little kit as well they could have they didn't quite think it through that's that that is is what i was trying to say in my long ramble but you know a rolling pin which i'm assuming everybody has one in the kitchen probably um might work as well but you really need to press it down um but that's me using really hard lino the softer one might be better which i will find out in a minute um but the the great thing about these being water-based instead of the old oil is they are so easy to clean you literally just throw them in the sink give them a wish a wish a wash um and the same with the brayer and the acetate sheet as well and it should all come off beautifully um so i'm just going to post the video pose pause the video for now um i'll be back probably in a second for you guys um and i'm gonna use artful's lino cuts and i'm to create something to do with cinderella's castle um for the castle collection um my latest video was last week i'll leave a link in the cards for that one but i'll also leave a link in the cards as well for the cinderella castle one i'm going to take some different architectural styles from the castle and create sort of a graphically hopefully pleasing visual and print but i'm going to print i think i'll use the black ink [Music] we'll see we'll see how this develops but yeah roll the vt i suppose because it'll be done later okay okay so as i was transferring data from my memory cards to my pc to media encode them i watched uh jamie's video tutorial and he shows you that you can monoprint which is what i showed you here which is basically you lay the ink down on uh jamie by the way he's the creative director of artful i should mention um he's the chap that's you know planning these things and trying to get it all to work um so it's basically for when you run out of lino or if you just don't want to use lino to cut into them there's another way to use the materials in the box you basically lay this up with ink then put a piece of paper over the top and then draw on it and it will create these things but you need to not put too much ink in on where the paper will pick all the ink up but the method he showed you was called the direct method um and i think i'm going to show you this a sub sub subtraction method ah i love how i can never speak but there's also an additive method but you need oil based inks for that and linseed oil and terps there's a whole big process with that one but there's object method and also stencil method and also you can mask as well so i just want to quickly show you a couple of other bits and bobs that you can do with the inks and the acetate um in the roller um without having to use lino cutting as well um if you're a bit apprehensive about using that stuff um but these are what i did way back when when i was just being introduced into these things so i'll just show you a couple of bits and bobs um i'll use black ink for this one as well so as before just roll your ink caps again don't put too too too much on there so yep we get that and need some tissue just to put the brayer on so basically what you do with the subtraction thing is you get your ink is that all the way on there imagine it and you work into the ink so let's just draw some lines and patterns now i'm just using the other end of my dip pinks it's the closest thing i had to hand this is just a silicone um shaper but you can use all sorts of things just to make marks and just move the ink around ah that's the other thing i want to show you you can also use this is just a little bit of tissue paper i'm using and all i'm going to do is just show you that you can use it for masking um you can use any paper i'm just using what i've got close to hand and then get your paper whatever one you want to use you can use the one that came in the box or just print paper and then use your well you didn't get one of these in the box but you could just use your hands but i'm using this because i know it works better um artful hint um i know you've put some extra goodies in your shop like different inks and things but can you put one of these on there as well i think people will find it useful very easily did just going to go in all different directions to make sure that it's worked and then peel it off and hope that we've got some interesting marks but i just love the texture that the ink creates even on this paper it creates a nice sort of photo uh photocopy sort of look um which i think is really nice um but yeah just use your imagination and make some creative stuff um so this is the subtraction method whereas jamie used the direct method um the other thing i want to show you but i need to go in the garden let's see if i can go and find some objects i'll be back in a second okay so the other thing i'm just going to show you i'm just going to take the masking bits off the ink just put that to dry because things would take a while to dry not as long as the old oil ones used to um what did i want what did i want i want to put a bit more income and then just go over the top of what we just did no need to wash out all right i'm relatively happy with that and i've got ink all over my nails now um now this method is called the object method so on here you can place like this is just embroidery thread so i'm just gonna lay it on top of the ink and hopefully create some sort of interesting pattern [Music] really should have used maybe a different color for energy it's all good oh good so i'll lay that on the top then i've also run in the garden and got some leaves so i'm just going to place those on the top as well we just want another sheet of paper on the top and then flatten it out best you can obviously it's a bit more trickier because you've got 3d opt free the objects underneath in a way this is like stenciling as well which is very similar which is you just place a stencil and then work into the ink as well and then uh do this on the top as well to create something else so let's see what this is like well that's created a very blotchy mess but i actually like again the textures that the ink have created but the other thing i want to show you now because we've just laid those leaves out i think that's what i'm gonna do get another sheet of paper and see if we can get some of the texture off yay from the actual leaf um let's see if we can do it with the other leaf yep so we can do that as well i'm not even getting it on camera my camera angles are so bad today i do apologize i'm like full of sugar so i'm finding it well i'm not full of sugar and for some reason i've woken up full of energy today and i'm finding it hard to focus on things so i'm just a little bit like ah going 90 miles an hour in a 10 mile zone um but yeah you've got some really nice textures from the leaves as well which i suppose this is the imprint method um but yeah just have fun and create with this stuff um it is good fun i really enjoy it um hence i'm starting to get back into it so yeah um i'm now definitely stop getting distracted and do my sin development as i was telling you earlier um so i'll be back in a second again so i'm gonna just draw something up in procreate um i like to use procreate because it just helps with the layout and the composition and also just to sketch out ideas i've never as of yet done anything sort of final in procreate i've only ever used it as like a sketchbook um because i find it's great because you can just grab things and minimize the size or make it bigger so i quite like using procreate for that reason so on screen you'll see just a quick speed drawing of of how i've put my composition together for printmaking okay so this is pretty much what we've got from the uh procreate i've then put it into photoshop and messed with the colors a little bit and also spaced out the diamonds better um and again i've gone in with my pencil and drawn even some more details as well um i think i'm being a little bit too too ambitious but we'll see how we get on and the next step is to just get some tracing paper or you can use um greaseproof paper works just as well this is just um a pad that i've had for ages from hobbycraft so i'm just going to use this i'm just going to trace the design the right way around [Music] because when you finish you need to flip it onto the lino and then draw over the lines you've created and then you should then it should be a reversed image i'm gonna go all the way down but i think i've got everything yeah i've got everything on the tracing dip now let's put that to one side for reference just rip that off because they're just trying out right so what you now want to do is get your lino sheet flip your tracing paper line it up to where you want your design to be and now what i'm gonna do is for time you just press and scribble over the top and one hopes that it will yep it worked show the image below or you can just retrace your lines if you want but that will take more time um and the other reason why i'm doing it this way is because i'm gonna um flip the image back the other way and draw over the top again but put it in my sketchbook and make notes and things for future reference so i'm reproducing the image just from the tracing paper all right so i think that's everything yeah um so like i said just i'm gonna flip it back over and then in my sketchbook then draw over again so i get the image back into my sketchbook um but the other thing i just want to do is just add a circle around the clock not too big yeah so you can draw it directly onto the liner as well but it's just when you need things in reverse you kind of need to do it that way um obviously i'm going to add my lines back in here as well okay if there's anything else on there i want to add i mean these are railings for the platform that lead into the main entrance of the castle um but i might just do those with a cut out but yeah and i'm happy with that so i think we can start getting cut cutting i think i'm probably best starting with the squiggles at the background and then working my way sort of out don't worry i'll do a time lapse i'm also going to put a clock on as well because i'm i'm i'm curious to see how long it's going to take [Music] [Music] okay so after what i started at 11 20 so four in a bit hours and we have got a finished well a cut out piece we don't know if it's finished yet um i use the blue plan just to thicken the lines to go around them rather than drawing around the lines again to make them thicker it's just a quick way of doing it so all of this is now going to get covered in ink but i do quite enjoy um cutting the line though i find it quite relaxing in a way put on a bit of music and just sort of tune out for a little while i only ended up using two of the cutters um i've got a handle from the of a set that i showed you earlier um i use the number number three and i think number one yeah number three number one there we go a little pile of cuttings for the amount of time in length it took me you'd think there'd be more cuttings but anyhoozer so i'm just going to use black ink and see if there's any more that needs to be cut out because that's the thing with uh print making is if you take too little off it's fine you can always once you've inked it first you can see then if it needs more but if you cut too much off to begin with then there's no going back you have to start all over again so just take another sheet of the cartridge paper um the other thing with the roller by the way is it's got this lip on the side so when you place it down none of the rollers actually touching the surface i always forget about that let's just move the curtains a little bit further out of the way so they don't get stuck in the ink i'm just gonna whack the liner on my leg to make sure there's no more little bits and blow it but you could always use a hairdryer um one of the tips in the book in the magazine actually is um to heat it up a little bit with the headrex it makes it easier to cut but this stuff is super soft to what i'm used to using anyway so it doesn't really matter for me anyway but yeah okay so black ink [Music] dab i don't know why but i always like to go both ways um here's just a scrap piece of paper just in case oh wow i can already see this thing coming alive already all right i think i have enough ink so i'll pop that one upside down and because it's on the lip you don't have to have anything underneath it um just trade the ink palette for the paper try and get it somewhere in the middle um now artful are expecting you to use your hands because they didn't supply one of these in the box um but i'm gonna use this because i know it works better i'm just gonna go all the way around the edges just playing quite a bit of pressure not too heavy though otherwise it'll just i don't know what will happen okay now here's for the big reveal so am i in short everywhere yes texture of the ink it's it's giving it almost like a a rendered thing but that is super super nice i am very impressed with myself wow um but yeah so that's printmaking in a nutshell well in a very long nutshell but um yeah i really enjoyed this i think i'll actually do some more especially for the castle series because i just think it's a nifty idea and i really like the effect that you get just look at the texture of these and even with the teeny tiny itsy bitsy teeny lines they come through because i was a little bit worried that i was going into too much detail um as you can tell i deleted some of the stuff off there because it was just far too small and i realized i've cut in to there a bit too much but that's my mistake but yeah i'm very pleased with the way this has turned out even the midnight i needed to make the circle a little bit smaller but that's okay but everything is just wow i have seriously impressed myself today um so yeah that is the artful box not for box number three price wise fantastic you're saving money if you buy these things individually however you can buy a kit from sd um which is 27 pounds off amazon where you get a lot more things in it and some smaller stamps um so if you're a little bit apprehensive about doing something so big that might be an answer for you or they do really small kits for like five pounds for stamping as well so that might be a better option as well however with the artful box you do get this magazine which i know in the beginning i was whinging about but i only winged because they like to put a monetary value on this which now that they're starting to go a lot more in depth um i will allow it i will accept it i understand it um but when it was just like a catalog at first no i don't want to be paying for your advertising if that makes sense um but it's not like that anymore it's so much more filled with templates you can use different ways of using it um other peop i think they've got like three different people in here so that's the only thing i would say it gives this an edge rather than just going buying a a box from sd is that you get this wonderful book uh magazine with it which i'm now probably going to get ink all over um but yeah i hope you really enjoyed this and like what i've created as part of my castle collection um i think i'll definitely do more of these i really enjoyed this so if you like what you've seen seen here today please please please give me a thumbs up uh and subscribe if you want to see more of this stuff there will definitely be some more printmaking videos for sure because i just love it so much um but yeah like and subscribe and share this video with other people that you think that might like the my content um i've just had an idea um because through the post i've literally just got some paint on uh 50 by 60 centimeter paper but the difference about this paper is that it's blue it's denim blue i don't know if this is a new product it says it's a new product but i can never tell um so i'm going to use this and print with silver but instead of using printmaking ink i'm going to use grumbling noises i'm going to use the golden open um slow drying acrylic um i got some of these in an art snacks box and i just love them so much so i've gone and got a couple of other colors as well with the intention for using them with printmaking so this is the first time i'm trying it with printmaking so hopefully it's gonna work out quite well um i'll just put this black ink um this is the tray you get in the kit uh the sd kit um so i'm going to use that because it saves me having to wash the black off because i'm going to use black for something else in a minute i.e my sketchbook um i've washed off the print and that's the black roller brayer and then this is the brayer that you get in the upper box which i think is the same size but with a red handle so i don't know again the same thing with a lip you can put it that way so let's get this silver paint up down just look at how nice and silver that is just look at how reflective it is as well already so yeah so this one well it feels just as thick as the um the black ink so let's see how it goes on the liner oh those are nice and shiny let's make sure we cover it um i think this actual board that you get in the kits actually quite like warped which is why you're getting all the weird shapes which is not very good for when i'm trying to get a nice flat edge but okay i think i have managed it all right pop that one there just get this one sad um i've cut two sizes so let's try the square one first and again try and get it in the middle and of course using this to flatten it i don't know what this is called all right so let's see if the silver helen has worked oh wow oh wowzy whoa as you can see this is completely different effect to the black this is almost giving it an outline with texture i'm really liking that but i think the blue i mean you can see in the light the reflectiveness is really nice but i think i need to use this either on much darker paper or lighter i'm not sure yet um i have ordered some of the sd premium water-based block printing ink in the metallics so it's going to be interesting to see what the silver metallic sd is compared to the open acrylic and see if there is a difference or what i don't know we shall see um but i think the effect we get with both of the inks is pretty cool so if you enjoyed this video please please give me a thumbs up um subscribe if you would like to see more um and please share my video with with people if um they'll be interested in my content um many more videos to come hopefully um so yeah i really like this month's this quarters artful box box number three okay so i've done another few prints um here's a black one and here's a silver one let's compare this little ones first so this is the one on the paint on blue paper which i do like the effect but i've realized this is the same open acrylic zinc it's not the ink it's actually the paper so this is paint on by claire fontaine the denim one and then this paper is they're all still wet so i can't put anything anywhere um this paper is the strathmore printmaking um paper so it adheres to the print making paper better the silver ink anyway um than the paint on so it's the paper not the ink so i still kind of really like that because the outline on that is just like really bold i hope it dries that way and stays that way it should do because it's acrylic so hopefully it will do um so yeah just a quick fyi it's the paper not the ink but again i will do a comparison with the sd um ink and the open acrylics as well i might do a whole separate video with that as well and do another print of something else hmm yeah um let me know in the comments below if you want to see me do another video on printmaking um comparing the open acrylics to the sd printmaking ink and if enough people want to see it then i'll do it thank you so much for watching this video and in the meantime happy [Music] architecting [Music] you
Channel: Architecting Studio
Views: 2,196
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: Artful, scrawlrbox, scrawlrbox september, art snacks october, artful dodger, artful subscription box, unboxing, reviews, art supplies, ohh deer, art videos, fine art, uk art subscription box, new unboxing, cinderella, disney castle collection, surprise art supples, art magazine, quarterly art box, golden open acrylics, essdee lino cutting & printing kit, ink prints, printmaking, stamping prints, september unboxing, lino cutting, lino cutting tutorial, printmaking techniques
Id: Dyr7-LTh7Yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 17sec (3737 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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