Art House: Display Of Creativity By African Artists At 'Evolved'Exhibition

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a creative mind as a restless mind is always that need to do more and we saw a bit of that last week where contemporary artist the senior Sandra Lee from paintings to capture and there are platforms that gives creators the opportunity to stretch the imagination we'll tell you about it on this week's edition of the show a warm welcome to our house and Melinda actually my position is that serious and good art has always existed to help to serve humanity not to indict [Music] selected African artists display their skills in an exhibition titled evolved it's organized by the brilliant brass gallery in Lagos the brilliant brush gallery comes to the Renaissance Hotel in Vegas to exhibit a veil the gallery has an existed for a while now and I've hosted several art events across the world but they now feel it's time to announce themselves more in Nigeria especially because of what they've set out to achieve did a new outreach kind of which side is less of an exhibition less promotes if you look at the evolution really it's basically except for one or two axes it is this guideline Egyptian for upcoming artists and all those first ok these are artists who are trying to come up and trying to evolve into masters and put in masters and all the research we choose the word evolve for you tradition [Applause] [Music] the lumber season fax outfits that was established in years ago by bursts are Kennedy and Sibley about four years ago out of passion for the promotion of art in Lyon and across Africa they had this passion over the years of onions acquired paintings in the last two decades so I think out of passion for art and pollution of nylon art and artists it's tied to through the configuration to mood of African art and John Allen particular evolve is the title of the amazing exhibition it features contemporary artists who making waves and those unsung heroes who are also doing well but don't usually get noticed we've got the collection of artists from the veteran opener by Depina with presently the assistant to the governor EEMA state we have a large oval with the lecture on University of Lagos we have a lobby look on display we have initially Chuku you know get away on some analysis Razak America although most of the artists they're not present one of them is here and she explains the style and technique she's adopted in her works of art and the issues which are passionate to her I work with all kinds of things I work with standards I work with acrylic paints I do mix media and other kind of all kinds of things to my work whatever takes my fancy really it depends on the other journey what I want to defect I've done all kinds of things as one I won't did you do too bad I can hit anything mixed media but the things I love to work with these are trailing I have had an exhibition where I was more nationally inclined unit and I cuz I always say my voice my art is my voice I've had an exhibition where I really spoke about things pertaining to Nigeria and all that you know and when I am drawing when I'm telling a story about Nigeria I draw Nigeria as a green woman I've done all kinds of things with her with that theme [Music] all this beauty and attention to details have not gone unnoticed as some art patrons talk about the work that what their I wonder walked into the room for art patrons like a key faster day seeing this work of art called or Joelle ever felt so real because it's all too familiar ask him in here and I pass through Delaware and I saw you really back real captured here and I'm asking myself the question dearie artists or the exhibitors know I was good pass through a girl ever you know when talk about moto coming from the heat motor photo from the west from the north and then there's a confusion in the center really captures and depicts the real history of this place is evolving and I've seen that evolve from the street to the palace a lot of the things that I see here I just wanna see somebody away I see something like the a Orion leaguers as you something that captures as far as the mean to cut angora it is brilliant [Music] [Music] the title says billion worth gallery I've seen such brilliance from a jeweler - fela - aesthetic things that kind of display a lot of the things that you have shown on your channels TV on the program and the colors are brilliant the emotion they are well articulated and a matter of fact you won't even know this can come from this part of the world I'm so proud to be here Kennedy on Yahoo CJ is the man Drive in this vision it's a passion for this lover of the Arts who decided it was time to encourage more hands so think deeply and create interesting art I've always collected works always had a passion for art and the art space and because otherwise collected works at the point I felt I could do more in this space and so I started noting the idea of setting up a gallery and I run into a young man who associated with used to bring me paintings as well over the years and we thought okay why not do something and let's try and use it as a platform to do a little bit more in this space and so we decided to form berlin brush gallery and the idea was to acquire walks carefully pick artists mentor them guide them give them the necessary support because a lot of them sometimes don't have the support of the capacity yet they're very very talented and that was our that to set up this gallery and also encourage people to be interpret appreciate add a little bit more with all the turmoil and all the issues and all the issues going on in the country sometimes this sort of things will remove a lot of tension is that was fair come together on a lighter note and I think it bodes well for everyone and that's how the journey began the blank pages had been filled with artists like this create but there's a word for those outside these walls what we've been trying to do with your community needs to really focus on you're indeed individual strengths and talents they should stop trying to imitate the order as it was realized that there's a lot of imitation works out there by booting and from the upcoming artists we try to like look it I want to make like on pink like a lava look around a bit like a lava buraco this should really create their own path so that people can see them and once they were with all this signature somebody can actually see the works and realize okay even without any this is the same style and this assessment works there are different categories of artists I mean you have the veterans of course those who have been painted for years who are deeply talented of course the works command a lot more because we have the history they have the strokes and all over the globe and of course we have the mid-range artists and you have some younger artists that are so gifted you know is like dancer sometimes some people you teach to downsample just are just wonderful dancers there are young artists who are just so gifted and you just you can cut them very young so such artists we try to identify them we try to encourage them we'll try to build them up and some of them actually been displayed here as well and you see some of the strokes and you see even though they're young artists you can see the strokes are strong play the works are beautiful and yeah so that's the sort of we do it without it this is a first major exhibition by the gallery in Vegas and from the look of things another one's may soon be in the works from there we take you to another interesting event which art house was privileged to be a part of or that's in a moment so join us again
Channel: Channels Television
Views: 14,146
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Keywords: Nigeria, Nigeria News, Naija, Channels Television, Channels TV, Stories, Art House, Creativeness, Creative Arts, Artists, Evolved Exhibition, Art Exhibitions, Lagos Gallery, Content Creators, Youtube London Space, Content Studio, Youtube Management, African Journalists, African Artists, Lagos Convergence, Youtube SSA Staff, Content Management, Online Management, London Youtube Office, Entertainment, Artists Of The Picture Of The Week
Id: VqNx7HYrI3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2017
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