An Art Collector's Luxury Home Tour! πŸ™Œ You Won't Believe This Architectural Warehouse Conversion!

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Crazy home! Just watched this, I've seen it on a few other articles online but not a video of it before.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/srirachakewpie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hi guys lucy here from hunting for george today i am in paran and i have a very unconventional home to take you through it's part art gallery part residence and it's unlike anything else i've ever seen let's take a look [Music] [Music] do [Music] so i said this was unlike any other this is essentially a building within a building so that front facade is an original warehouse so it's flanked by those existing brick walls but this glass door is actually the front entrance to this home [Music] so the ground floor of this home is actually dedicated to a gallery space and in fact the clients the homeowners went to the architect and their brief was art first home second [Music] [Applause] there is just so much to take in in this space i really am quite lost for words as soon as i walked through that front door this digital artwork caught my eye and i loved the movement in here and there's so much catching for your attention but this is actually an incredible gravitational pull leading you towards the back of this home through here we have a powder room [Music] edge pop [Music] through here we have the home office [Music] very well said so this is encased by this internal courtyard again with that existing brick wall from the original warehouse we have our home gym a very enviable home gym at that [Music] another powder room here a shower toilet everything you need after a sweaty session i love the artwork i can see a stormy meals on the artwork out there and as well as that there's this beautiful vertical garden so any place that can have art has definitely found art [Music] watch a step so here we come through into the dining room so this is off that open plan gallery area i love how dramatic it is in here this long banquet table with very indulgent styling and again the way just every wall is just celebrated with artwork [Music] [Applause] [Music] this hanging piece is so special it's casting the most beautiful amount of shadow [Music] we have another internal courtyard which faces onto a very cozy ground floor living space [Music] i really love how intimate it feels here we've got these lower lying ceilings with this charred timber on the ceiling and also it's just so rich and indulgent it's dedicated to warmth and the fire we are surrounded by the fireplace as well as this beautiful artwork and these wonderful indigenous pieces with okra and beautiful warm tones from a range of different indigenous artists that red velvet curtains very special as well i said this was about a gallery space and galleries are also fantastic for entertaining so in order to throw a party you need supplies [Music] so this is a ground floor entertainers kitchen ready for all the guests we also have a laundry through there as well and a double garage but i'm going to take you upstairs it's time [Music] i love these carpeted stairs so soft so quiet [Music] i'm going to choose a bottle of wine for dinner don't mind me [Music] [Applause] [Music] so now that we've transitioned up to this upper level we're now in the heart of the home and it means cozier living lower lying ceilings and it's just has such a wonderful warmth as well through here we have a butler's pantry [Music] i love the black and white marble contrast on this island it's incredibly dark and moody in here but there's a wonderful amount of light coming through that gives you a peek of what's to come but as well as opening those curtains up i also wanted to open up this [Music] oh because i do love a very clever hidden tv i love those details within home just the colors the artwork in this home are absolutely sensational there is so much to see but first i want to take you through to the master bedroom [Music] brace yourselves you can go first [Music] the interior design and styling of this room i am just all for it i just feel like i'm some sort of jungle queen i love the playful wallpaper i love the rich deep green tones and these goldy mustards that kate bergen artwork is just so perfect in that space and you can also hear beautiful running water which is coming from that suspended pool which i need to show you very very soon [Music] but okay this quite literally blew my mind this might actually have to be the most exciting and just the most indulgent walk-in rope i have ever seen i mean some of these pieces are incredible what do you mean some actually all of the pieces are incredible pull out shoe storage oh my god i think we just found the fifth sex and the city character this is amazing but it continues the indulgence continues come on through [Music] welcome to the master ensuite very generous proportions in here i absolutely love these deep aquatic blue tiles we saw them on that lower level powder room as well they're very dramatic and i literally have no words our ensuite opens up to a nice private secluded courtyard space leading onto our pool area and spa do [Music] [Applause] so we actually have three bedrooms on this upper level we have a bathroom two bedrooms and an ensuite at the rear of this building first the bathroom [Music] i love how unique every single interior is in this home [Music] okay believe it or not we're not done yet [Music] i love this space in the home because you get a sense of the scale and you can see the three different levels you can see down to that ground floor and that internal courtyard the level that we're on now with this suspended pool which i'm about to take you out to and the full extent of it this staircase actually goes up to the rooftop which let's check out this rooftop shall we but we're going to go this way [Music] i love how those doors open completely up to this terrace area so this is still on this upper level but we do have a rooftop terrace [Music] ah what do you think not your average home is it [Music] do you know what there's a lot to take in and a lot more detail that i need to show you about this house so let's go downstairs i'm going to get a drink and let's sit down and take a closer look at this house [Music] [Music] i'm generally quite parched after all that that was actually quite the walk [Music] this home is completely unconventional and it's just so damn confident and i really am quite taken back and intimidated by how much cool factor this home has but at the same time i really want to be its friend the owners have been incredibly bold to really lead with the artwork for this home and have that kind of dictate the energy and the way this home really comes to life the leading architects behind this design were nick travis and justin northrop from technique architects and they are very well accustomed to that industrial meets residential design but this really is quite a unique home it's set on a 520 square meter block in paran and it actually used to house an old textile warehouse but recently it was mainly just used for storage the original warehouse building was built in 1920s and it was quite a simple and understated building the architects however did want to keep that exterior brick facade and in fact decided to create a building within a building so the home is actually enveloped by those original brick walls of that warehouse and from the street you'd never actually guess what lies beneath this home it kind of has an almost alice in wonderland aspect to it as soon as you open that front door you are just completely taken into another world and it's one of just filled with so much energy and life and it really does transport you into a totally different dialogue and none that you would ever anticipate ever coming across in a home so the idea of that warehouse style home is really celebrated on that ground level and that is a very much an open plan gallery space and you do feel like you could literally be in the middle of an art gallery in any part of the world to be honest with you those inset floating walls hold the artwork beautifully they are quite large and very generous in their proportions and they do allow for the artwork to be changed and i've been told that the owner does like to change around the artwork from time to time so there definitely is the space and the flexibility to do that i was quite impressed with the scale of that ground floor because it is incredibly grand there's very high ceilings there's lots of robust materials a very strong contrast with that steel cladding those steel staircases that off-form concrete but they've also managed to bring a level of softness to it as well i loved those low-lying ceilings in all of the different living areas both in the ground floor and in the upper living areas as well it's actually a traditional japanese charred timber technique called sho suggiban my japanese followers can let me know if i said that correctly or not but it really does bring those living areas to life and add a wonderful sense of warmth to the space the use of textures as well is incredibly important because it kind of has this sort of brutalist feel about it i mean it is very robust it's very much a warehouse vibe so the concrete the steel those strong materials can often feel cold but they've managed to kind of pull that back slightly by adding levels of texture and warmth through those beautiful velvet plush curtains the timber cladding that we spoke about and just the wonderful velvets throughout the home the choice of decor and just the level of depth and texture and just color i think color in the artwork is really what captivates me in this home and it's that energy and excitement that just keeps you sort of entertained it's not a cool dark box it's a cool dark box that has literally been brought to life by the owners possessions and the artwork and this was very much the driving force for the architecture you know it was all about the art it was all about making that the hero so the architecture essentially just had to provide the perfect base in which for everything else to sing so a lot of the artwork in this home is actually by australian artists and look i can't mention them all but i can mention a few of them i'm looking out onto these wonderful photographic prints from tom blatchfish that large artwork next to the fireplace is by tim storia and is joined by those natural warm colors of that stringy bark which is from a range of different indigenous artists including eddie anning miracary and marcus pascoe those swamp wallabies at the base of the stairs i think they might be my favorite they are beautiful sculptures by peter cooley that very striking digital artwork by team lab that is really pulling you to the back of that space one of my favorite artworks i was probably the kate bergen the venetian room in the master bedroom that artwork just completely sets the tone for that space it really is this kind of urban jungle in there i love the feeling it's very indulgent and it's complemented beautifully by the interior design lush colors and very generous proportions are throughout this home but especially in that master bedroom with that walk-in robe and ensuite the color of those tiles was so rich and so just relaxing to be honest with you the blue of those tiles just had a wonderful feeling it added a lot of energy and just such a dynamic sense to that space speaking of energy as well i really love the color palette within the kitchen i think that has been treated incredibly well that dark marble meets the white marble it complements beautifully it's very dark it's very moody but again it's just lifted by the natural light that's streaming through the windows and from the color that's popping up from the artwork and the decor that surrounds it one of my favorite aspects of this home is probably that staircase in fact the architects refer to it as the knuckle and i really love how strong it is it kind of just reveals the home in so many different angles and perspectives and it allows the most wonderful amount of light in and it's where you truly get a sense for scale and you realize just how big this home is and i'm quite shocked this that this home is actually only 520 square meters it feels so much bigger than that when i'm here but i really have just maximized every single inch of this block and of course they've gone up and the ability to have those private courtyards as well as that rooftop terrace that really does create such an urban oasis when i walked into this home for the first time i truly was lost for words there's no doubt that this gallery come home is unconventional but it's so uniquely confident it works thanks for watching guys i hope you enjoyed this very unique home tour i would love to know what you thought so leave me a comment below and if you haven't already please like and subscribe to our youtube because we've got plenty more videos coming your way cheers [Music] you
Channel: Hunting for George
Views: 930,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let us in, hunting for george, home tour, community journal, home, lifestyle, homewares, Techne Architecture, Interior Design, techne architects, Prahran House, design, Art Collector’s Home, lucy glade-wright, jonno rodd, art gallery, luxury home, Turn into egg, Tutorial, shorts, house tour
Id: A-WEZZy9_gM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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