Arsenal with the female voice actor | ROBLOX

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hey can you say something funny make some anime girl sounds dude make some do it anime girl sounds what do you want me to say say darling yeah darling yeah like darling like something like that this is my friend we collab last time and now we're just gonna do a normal gameplay thing her voice pack is considered as a legendary or something like that or epic i'm not sure so you're going to waste a lot of money for through these crates i just feel like 3 000 just to get that voice pack 30 000 cash what do you want to say to our viewers uh uh uh um hi uh i'm i'm bethy uh uh nice to meet you and uh uh i got your voice back on right now oh i forgot you did do like doom voice lines right i did yeah you were the one yeah i was the one who told you to do that but the thing is that i didn't put that in my last video but yeah uh you said like the only thing they fear is you right the only thing they fear is you that was a boyfriend you say there is you and rip and tear our two lines rip and tear when does it say rip and tear uh it's a it's a deploy line i did use your voice pack like no no no i think i think i think you're lagged out a bit and you can't just teleport away from some of my shots yeah i lagged a little bit but that's okay i forgot you like uh typical cringe too right and you like your favorite character is the asian right right you are lagged out there i did i was literally right behind you what yeah i killed john roblox that's such a flex i'm gonna go tell all my friends on discord all right i'm trying to find him [Music] i didn't even hear my line because you talked over it and it's not like the exact same because like you're sort of the same person so i couldn't really understand too well i'm sorry that was stressful more wise i think you're near me and that no no no no no no so how did how does it feel to know that a lot of people play your audio in game how does that make you feel which one the zero two one the zero two one start off ironically so i still don't really have like a praising feeling about it because it's all done yeah that sounds stupid it's just kind of odd that a lot of people got annoyed about it and it's like uh they're not exactly good people utter they kind of just whine about a lot of stupid stuff at least a good amount of them so it's kind of i just don't really care yeah i remember the days where people would like complain about it it was like really funny wow i'm in third place no way wait you're in third place please hush pee pee oh god how much ppd buffer to be better like the new change support is really annoying to play with like how let's try off like i really hate that when you're off like two pixels so annoying cool that guy died i just peeked around the corner i was like i'm going to find you in this body oh my gosh i got 17 points this round i know how this is going to end look at everyone crowding you i'm going to do agency with rogan royale let's see [Music] oh it said no mercy for today i think okay i don't know i have a bad feeling about this oh god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god well i got on like a seven killer streak so that's not that bad i guess before i died crap crap crap can you just give me some time to like wait before i see you you just got pawn dude dude you just got nae nae he's got nanny dude honestly um oh john i have a question what what is your favorite line from the voice pack was my favorite line from your voice back yeah probably the only thing he fears you but the thing is that rove tends to have a lot of broken voice lines all right uh god almost got you uh role of tens to have like a lot of broken voice lines so some of them don't play and i'm not really sure that actually plays any other things get pawned dude you just got pawn dude you just got pawn do you purposely aim for me yes i could have won a game like 30 30 seconds ago but i was just waiting to find you i was just waiting to find you dude that was funny um buffy what you're doing dude oh this one's yours two there was two agents and i was aiming for the wrong one but then i remember oh yeah you have a floating heart or some crap so yeah then i just targeted you they need to take it yeah the heart thing gives you away i remember i had a friend i would play with her here her name was ally and uh she would she would wear the default skin just to avoid from me targeting her because like there's like a lot of people with the same skin yeah but i could tell just by their gameplay style sometimes so it's kind of easy to tell the difference of dash that was pretty cool i guess already i probably i probably could have got faster time how do i camp on here instead of just uh trying to target you isn't the world record like 12 seconds the world record is like six seconds the world record is like six but that was done on the base plate map it was totally based on that so i mean it wasn't really that skilled it was just more so just spawn killing and stuff like that which a lot of speed runs they're not really relied on skill they're more so relied on spawn killing spawn trapping so that's kind of a disappointing thing about it are you on a red team i'm like i'm gonna be on blue i probably shouldn't have told you that oh god i hear i don't kill anyone for the next like two minutes it's not centered on me i guess oh god no i'm not i'm not doing that you said you were not doing that and then you proceeded to do just that i wanted to see if i could test you if you were you know and then you just died yeah congratulations dude [Music] oh god is that happy before very cool all right back i'm gonna get the golden gun in a bit and then of course i'm gonna get the kill on you keep getting golden gun next here in a bit uh where are you at let's give me your location that was okay i didn't mean to do that that was just a reflex of me just killing someone in the head i just i didn't mean to do that wow that's going to win the game i mean to be honest you're doing better than some of the female friends i play with like some are just terrible they would have got like three or two points dude like i mean i've seen 10 year olds play better in them and and their age is like 20 and in like 18 dude it's like really really bad oh god was with the laser rifle you know what's about to be bro laser rifle is actually really good oh yeah ah
Views: 1,088,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8VfNf9b99JA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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