roblox star creator cheats in arsenal..

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big news today guys big news uh my friend told me about this and then i saw it on racer's channel and i was gonna make a video but i got lazy and then kaneko made a video on it so guys look i'm now stealing his video idea okay guys go ahead and feel free to cancel me yeah but um i have no idea who this guy is but he is very popular among the spanish community i mean for those type of views i think that's really big and that's certain uh community however this video has brought a lot of controversy as you can see from the like to dislike ratio being really bad his type of content is what spanish youtubers do they put this little face in the corner and then they dragged it they uh drag it around and then they act like they're talking or something like that um that's very popular in that sort of uh viewership but i don't think anyone else does that besides vr tubers but haven't really seen much on roblox yet and now it is time to go by frame by frame yet again on this guy now this one doesn't really make much sense so the problem with this one is that he says like there's someone around that corner when i mean for like just a split frame you can see someone like for like 10 frames sure but his normal gameplay is so that i don't think he would be able to catch on to that but um we're going to see him actually just track the player through through the wall right there just do frame by frame tracking perfectly through the wall as well as being exposed as well when the target is clear yeah this is not at all normal notices how like jumps off the head when he gets the kill same thing over here i'm not sure why but his camera does like weird flicking thing um that's a one frame movement again also impossible to do we would we we would at least see a frame like the uh cursor go right here but it doesn't just skips that entire process and goes we can actually see two curses you can see two cursors what is that bro what how's there two cursors i have never seen that before dude so we can see his normal name just like aiming the ground and then magically all of a sudden goes up and less than uh that one actually okay you know what that's not a sus but then the tracking becomes blank and then yeah okay this one over here as well uh he does move his camera or right at his cursor but then just jumps the frame to his head which again this is not possible at all to do along with the tracking as well yeah he even tracked them through the wall yup even tracking through the wall as well over here the red um connect also pointed us out again no one can do that humanely no no one is pro enough to perform that sort of movement this one over here is cool too so he begins tracking him right here again split frame thing and tracks him even through being blocked with this kill effect in the hell potion and tried to shoot him but there's spread already on there look at this you can't even see that guy and he's eve walking right on the head you can't even see it you can barely predict like oh yeah there's like a couple of pixels there but it looks like part of the of the kill effect it's not until three frames later to when like okay maybe that's part of the cloud or that's a person but then after that it's just like he was locking on to him the entire time and look at this perfect tracking it's not until he actually aimed down the side to go in and get that kill again over here um split split frame not possible got a deagle kill over here um this one he actually misses but against i guess he just turns it on or something like that and we're gonna see the frame jump and does perfect tracking on the head even when the camera shakes look it goes immediately back to it only for a frame only for a split frame it'll go off but then his aimbot will lock right back on as soon as possible again humanely impossible to achieve this one was his second video break about 23 kills while i'm i am not really sure you should be bragging about 23 kills but you do you do even with hacks you are not that great at the game uh this one um not possible to achieve this one as well this one is this one is the worst of all the clips i have seen dude uh in order to turn that fast and track perfectly at the center of the mask requires insane skill and again that's not possible with a uh human doing and as you can see he just kind of goes off it's like i i still i still need to reload and there we go again another tracking boom this one is not as sus as the rest of them uh there is still definitely a bit of tracking though as you can see it just uh locks on and split frames or something like that he goes to the tree then actually goes down so in order to do a hand move like that and then not over track like because he did this path where his mouth his mouth went up and then straight down in order in order to do that that fast without going down to uh not miss a head that is again inhumanely impossible to perform a move like that and of course he gets both kills so in my conclusion guys i can confirm um with these opinions in his base video that this guy cheats yeah it's um it's kind of obvious bro i forgot to show this one as well this one is so bad this is this one is it is also one of the top three yes this guy used cheats he he tries a lot got to the ones on top but i guess his cursor is too close to a guy behind that wall so it just locks onto him instead and as soon as that guy pops out look the split pixel of the head being exposed and gets a head shot man but the spread factor is too high and it just hits somebody on the side uh the uh the little bigfoot guy that's how bad this guy the uh thing of this guy's that he's actually a star creator for for roblox he's just he's a star creator he's using exploits he is using roblox sheets is so this is no like you know little thing it's like an actual star crater using cheats i actually took the time my days to go browse through the 400 members or something like that inside the star crater and yeah he is inside the official one this is this is real guys if uh if this guy doesn't get removed or something like there's it is physically and inhumanely possible to achieve that sort of tracking looking looking at the guy through the wall might be possible but with his sort of tracking on all the heads that is humanely impossible to do no matter how good you are not even castlers can do that dude oh yeah i think that's it for this video um yeah not yeah um i don't think any counselors can even pull off something like that even without trekking through the wall we're just tracking on to a guy's head exactly like how aimbot would look like i i don't think even he can do that and he's i think he is the best player in the game in an entire game for sure yeah guys if you think about chain don't do it uh quite obvious it's not hard a spot especially when you give us good proof to work with um you could probably get away with it if you were to do like splice it as it turns off you only do it every once 10 kills 20 kills probably but utter that they try doing the whole entire thing no it's not going to work that's not going to work buddy we know we know
Views: 779,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LeajQ8VIOog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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