Arrested Development Season 4: The Entire Unedited Living Room/“Kitchen” Scene(Full)

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and soon the hearing drew near well I missed the hearing and then pass oh it just snuck up on me and then they called and they want to be there at eight bells you know I thought that was their 5 p.m. by the time I got back the courtroom was reverted back to the crab restaurant eight bells our first to a watch length its maritime law yes Michael returned and they're all now one bail is struck after 30 minutes it seems Michael had been interested in maritime law since playing a lawyer in an original school play titled the trial of Captain Hook prior to this his only dream had been to possess the power of flight but that one turned out to be not as much fun as he thought watching that's why I see a watch with no incidents is described as eight bells and all's well Wow maybe you should be the maritime lawyer this is what I've been saying because I did go to law school with an emphasis on maritime law oh you're one year of law school is gonna beat Barry's three it's ridiculous we'll hire the best and who's gonna pay for the best mom we have money from selling some shares plus we got that stimulus package what are you talking about that money is spent I just bought four thousand acres of California desert time out pant what's it yeah I'm gonna be moving there for a little while well the big bear is not gonna be around much anymore I don't care about that he's in denial I want to know I want to know that sending this package we haven't had sex since Christmas Michael I'm sorry you had sex seven weeks ago they were remodeling my room and I pulled my cot in there just like camp we yelled at you to leave but then you whispered don't pull out you couldn't use any of that money to finish Sudden Valley you don't consider that food so the family got a little stimming don't make a federal case out of it and that is exactly what they're going to make out of it and when you say family mean our family you've already got their hooks in it buster no offense none taken I keep losing my job aren't your job helped himself to the money hey I got mouths to feed mouths melt her oh hey mouth I didn't see you sitting there we rode up in the elevator together I'm blanking yeah me and blank are getting old Christian magic act back together I mean you don't expect people to actually believe that I'm Jesus if I'm lucky fountain rags you're resurrecting that mumbo jumbo look everybody's got a gimmick Tony wonders making a fortune with that gay magician Act job's longtime nemesis had come out of the closet and used it to great advantage besides I have to do something for the wedding who's getting married her who's marrying her me did I not open with that you sure didn't yeah I'm getting married I didn't want to make a big deal about it it happened well my weddings gonna be religiously inhibited an expensive which is why I mean more that stimmy money thanks Mike it was with the sense of enlightenment there's Lindsay returned from her spiritual journey to get her hands on stimulus money too right stop with the prayer hands it just looks like you're out of ideas seriously shoot me if you ever catch me doing that spiritual man this insults dick don't you think it makes you seem a little um what is that thing full thank you maybe that's actually a compliment in India what deal did you strike with her what part of her soul did you buy all I've asked is that she testified that I was a wonderful mother who did her best so all of it no Michael I'm not a I don't get any of the money until after I do the disgusting thing but I'm not here just for the stimming I'm here because a shaman told me that love is where I left it which after much soul-searching and by process of elimination is Tobias you know it's funny for I to find that I am on a journey although as we discovered when our MasterCard bill came back it was the same when she took but mine has confirmed that I should redouble my efforts to achieve the unachievable dream of being an actor the journey that has left me eager to connect with my true love particularly if she finds her way clear to covering a mm roofied city of hopelessness hospital debt the trick is going to be getting anyone to believe that her husband is straight enough to have a true love that's a woman what are you implying boy I don't think there was any implying going on at all didn't hear any imply what's it imply I'm sorry mother it's just I've got a bit of a stick up my bunghole about what I've now found is a running joke about me but let's be honest for 2,000 rupees we both go down to Matthew McConaughey yes Michel at the time of this family meeting 2,000 rupees was $36 I wouldn't of course you wouldn't Michel you never accept help from anyone that's why we didn't cut you in we didn't want it to mean you it's like tipping an african-american you wouldn't tip an african-american would you of course I would on a train what did you know about all this no I've been tipping them even a waiter okay Bill's up and running we got the door on and we were able to match the phone on the paint and thank you so much for your hard work so long Michael we can't give you that money we got to keep you clean you're the key witness in your mother's trial I thought I was the key witness the star witness because it was your life I was going after to save he fell off the boat he'll tell you in my own words I'm a sex was kidnapped homosexual is kidnapped the boat and took it on a joyride mother didn't want to with her right so she let him then she realized that her son fell off the boat and into the water and she went back Oh an officially mama ankle mm-hmm that really happened should I keep make it an eel okay better congratulations mother you managed to combine people's fear of homosexuals in the Eels into one alibi and he'll be wearing his army uniform so I can pretend I'm proud of him again I can't find my army uniform oh but I thought the jury might like it if I show up as john-john Kennedy oh yeah that went over great last time and it was offensive half your testicle was hanging out of that thing good I'm glad they saw it it was like a mother Bob all right all right put on your new uniform with long pants and keep your ball joke to yourself Andrew Dice Clay so you could see why I meet the testimony of someone who's not a hot mess let me get this straight I still have to do all the work as a president of the company but I can't use any of the money for the company and you won't let me help with your case but you'd still like for me to testify your trials that right I just want you to sing out with a loving mother and now perjury hey it wasn't easy to get Lucille 2 to keep you on as president I'll be sure to thank her don't thank her she doesn't have enough shares to stop us hmm the last five years and that's how Michael found away my finish Sudden Valley simple trading his shares of himself out and for the first time he didn't feel he needed to tell his family maybe done but the party didn't last long you know what I am done with this family I hope you've saved some money cuz you're gonna need every dime now what's this what's this return it or rip it up Michael one give it a rip hip it up right down the center that's it couple more did you get it birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you happy but don't worry Michael did make sure his son got a car
Channel: Morpheus414
Views: 377,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Netflix, Fan cut, Arrested Development, Attitude, Supercut
Id: F0M1EtXpqUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Sun May 20 2018
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