Every "That was a freebie" in Arrested Development

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as michael was forcibly taking his son out to the cabin lucille was ready to forcibly throw hers out [Music] well that was a freebie and maybe received a call about the latest lava cauldron accident it's only been an hour i'm gonna lose this job maybe i should let more take me out to dinner maybe okay i'm definitely going to lose this job i can explain free to set me up she set us all up this beautiful funny brilliant woman was a spy everybody was right it's too good to be true and i am turning her in and let me tell you something else i would not want to be the next woman who tries to fool me well that was a freebie george senior needed to escape but his handmade replica would never fool the cameras so he searched through job's magic stuff to find something that might well that was a freebie and as the prison gala was underway the guys arrived for their break-in with the help of one of george senior's instruments of escape do you think this is going to work it's a jet pack michael what could possibly go wrong all right now just make sure you tell me before you hit any button good now we know what the strap is for the car that's a new plan yeah i wish i knew the layout of this place way ahead of you michael do a map of it on my stomach it's upside down so it might be a little awkward it was awkward i drew us i think we're like right there hey guys you're gonna party you want to bring it inside that was a freebie and maybe was trying to get the family to sign away the tv rights to their life stories tv is not as good as it used to be hunklebuster but you could help me out by signing my petition to make it better oh i kind of like skating with celebrities lucille was trying to get signatures too sign here that you won't sell oh i don't need to sell lucille because now i know that we're not related i'm gonna marry michael take these forms to everyone in the family and promise them a hundred grand if they sign and that's how maybe found a way to get signatures on her release form that was a [Applause] bunch freebie the suitcase i got kicked out of my dorm that was a freebie you in the market to buy a house it's a great time to buy and that are these people your family is that why you wanted me to go and caught with nowhere to hide she decided to tell the truth yes they are i shall pack my things well that was a freebie
Channel: ryan's videos
Views: 264,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9ltqCJn7qkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 55sec (175 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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