Arnside Tidal Bore Morecambe Bay Feb 2019. An Understated Showing Of Nature’s Raw Power.Pls read des

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hello good morning and welcome to this is more a visit film rather than a walking film but today and back at on site and there is going to be a very good reason for this which I'll just explain in a moment right so we're just walking down now towards the key side right okay the reason why I'm here again is about two years ago I shot a video from on site and it was of the on site or now I had a lot of reaction to it but what I really realized was I'd never really explained what the borer was so basically from the right of shot going across to the left the River Kent flows into Morecombe Bay now what happens is every now and again about once a month there's a particularly big tide and that time basically rushes in over the top of the river water that's going out so they say it is a tidal wave not a tsunami which is basically if if land or moves something like that underwater as a tsunami a tidal wave basically is what we're going to see here today so fingers crossed it should be coming in about 30 minutes or so it's not an exact science but it is the highest side of this year and there's plenty of people here to see it so as I say when I'm talking about boy I'm not talking about jam pig I just say it's this amazing natural phenomenon and as I say still makes the hairs on the back of my neck go up so we're let's wait and see I'm open trying to get some of the power of this thing by the way just around this area as I say where it goes to the viaduct but there where the conditions are just stunning so we'll wait and see as I say how it pans out but it is a biggest of the areas 10.1 meters if you are going to come here keep an eye on the tie times and if it's over nine point five meters on site then you know you will get a pretty good bore also it comes about roughly two hours before the official high tide so it's a high tide today is meant to be at 20 past two and as I say we are here expecting the ball around about 20 past 12:00 right so there's a few people here so to say there is this small pier that you can actually from and as I say it does give a great view and you were really so close to seeing the power of what this poor is so let's carry on right so you just look carefully here as I say here is the River Kent flowing out to sea and basically this is what the ball actually fights against so why it rides up over it I remember last time I came it literally I was just watching the ball go through the viaduct it was absolutely good I've been traveling about five hours there was a train strike nan see his lady came up to me said oh I've missed it too and so I said well how far you come to went no joke 200 yards not happy right now here it comes this is doing this took everyone by surprise it's come up early now it is really starting to take effect look at the size of this I did a man getting a few spoons Wow to see the power [Applause] this is why you ready sense it now she's on not outfit no it's just pushing on now so the site is still to our so high tide but this just keeps pushing and pushing forward right over on the other side over there you can actually see he's come right across I mean that was literally what a matter of a couple of minutes it's just flooded the bay absolutely flooded the bay so that was absolutely incredible now this is three minutes after the main borås past and this is where it really starts get little luckily I say I'm on the pier so I'm safe but just look at the power of this it is really going something Wow just look how quickly that's really not now is saying it's just whirling and turning right now I don't mind saying this is about six or seven minutes since the main ball passed now look at this this is seriously going something the power and if you just listen carefully and you can hear Russian and that is the power of this against the Vidal this is just pure power it is really powering in now that's it absolutely sweat it around incredible Topsy you can see how easily middleman used to say is so I know he's coming back continues very nice Lucky's in love I know my phone isn't brilliant forgetting to zoom but I'm just focusing in now on the viaduct here we are now the height of the surge so just zoomed in again just look how all that changed from our literally about 16 70 minutes ago it's just something right so thank you very much for coming with me to our side and to see the on side or I hope you've enjoyed this and say it's just one of those natural phenomenon that just takes your breath away so as I say thank you very much for coming to meet and I hope to see you again soon
Channel: Paul Jones
Views: 204,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arnside, Bore, Morecambe Bay, High Tide, Spring Tide, 22 February, Highest, Tidal Bore, Spring high tide, Asmr, tidal wave, quicksand, quicksands, morecambe bay tide, The broomway tide, The broomway tide coming in, High tide arnside, High tide morecambe bay, Highest tide morecambe bay, Highest tide arnside, Arnside tidal bore, Tidal currents, Incoming tide, Very dangerous morecambe bay tide, #tidalbore, #tidalwave, #hightide, #extremetides
Id: k4OOV2UJY9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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