Arnold Schwarzenegger LIVE Full at 21st Century Education, Sydney

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the Governator Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger thank you thank you isn't it cool how the American ambassador comes here and he introduces the main man I love this ambassador plush thank you very much for the great introduction it's exactly the way I wrote it thank you I really appreciate that it's wonderful to be back here again in Australia I love coming back here I love your country now my first exposure to Australia was when I arrived in America in 1968 and that's where I met a great guy by the name of Paul Graham now Paul Graham was a very powerful guy he was a power lifter who could squat with 600 pounds and did bench press with 500 pounds very easy and now he also was known to be an alligator wrestler so I said to myself maybe all Australians have powerlifting alligator wrestlers only to find out later on now Australia's just like every other country they have different types of people there and so on but Paul and I have become extremely good friends over the years and we were training partners in America and over here in Australia he promoted health and fitness and bodybuilding for literally for decades and so his beautiful wife Carol and he are here the data is sitting somewhere over there why don't you get up and just give them a big hand they're right over here thank you both for being here today thank you thank you it is nice to see them and I also want to mention that they organized in 1980 the mr. Olympia competition here at the Sydney Opera House which is a competition that I entered and I won it was the seventh miss Toller their competition and I tell you I was so proud because we were on that same stage we are greats performed like Pavarotti and Frank Sinatra and it was the same theater where Queen Elizabeth watched an opera there in Pope John Paul held Mass there so it was really a spectacular place to hold a mr. Olympia competition and we bodybuilders felt so proud to be in that same kind of a stage and in this great extraordinary architecture and building so it was one of those great events that would never forget but of course every time I've come to Australia I love more and more this country I remember the first time and it came here in the 70s to promote fitness I fell in love with the beaches with the miles and miles of beautiful beaches and then later on when I came to promote in the movies I love the fans they always received me with open arms and of course when I became governor I loved the idea that Australia was fighting for a clean energy future and for a renewable energy and for cleaning the environment in order so there was something that we had in common between California and and Australia so I loved all of those things in the day it's so wonderful to be back here and to be back for the 21st century financial education summit so I want to say thank you very much to Jamie McIntyre for inviting me here and the Jaime Magna is an extraordinary human being and their love that he says that he has a PhD a PhD in results because I am a professor of action so we're going to get along really well with him but I want to congratulate him for doing such a great job and they're helping hundreds of thousands of people discovered their potential and it is great to work with him did here and this conference now I did an informal poll before I came here just to find out what I should really talk about because different countries that ago they want me to talk about different things so the results were quite interesting I tell you like for instance the numbers were all over the place 40 percent of the people said they wanted me to talk about power ethics and about policy but there was 50% of the people they wanted me to talk about show business and about bodybuilding and the rest of the 10% just wanted to have their money back from a movie Hercules goes bananas so I mean come on relax anyway seriously there I go people ask me all the time what is the secret to success and I always tell them what the short version is you got to have a 22 inch biceps and you got to be able to kill predators with your bare hands and you know you have to be able to travel back in time to save the human race and of course you got to have this charming Austrian accent as he said that's a given but the day since this is a seminar and a kind of a conference about success I think it can give you the long version here and the long version is that I actually always had five rules and everything that I did always use those five rules and those five rules helped me to become successful in various different areas and I think I believe that those rules can be applied to almost anyone and everyone you don't need to be a bodybuilding champion you either need to want to be a governor of California or there be an action here or anything like that if you want to excel in whatever you do those rules are for you it's that simple now I have to tell you right off the top that I always was very intense as a kid Arabia was very intense and it was very hungry I always wanted to be the best I always wanted to be number one I always wanted to get to the top I never believed in just getting by now I have nothing against people that just want to get by because I think there are many roads to happiness but I think that we all here like to be successful and we are driven so that's why those rules apply to you so my first rule is find your vision and follow it you see I think it's the most important thing that we have a very clear vision of where we go a goal well where do we go because you can have the best ship in the world you can have the best cruise liner but if the captain does not know where to go that ship would drift around the world and out there that sea and we'll never end up anywhere and this is exactly the way it is in real life if you don't have a gor if you don't have a vision you just drift around and you're not going to be happy this is why it is so important to have that vision now I created that vision in Austria because I grew up after the Second World War Austria right along with Germany lost the Second World War thank God and the problem was that everyone was so depressed because they lost the war that there was alcoholism everywhere there was of course depression there was a terrible economic situation there was famine there was starvation and all of those things and also it was kind of a little place and narrow I felt kind of I wanted to get out of there I wanted escape and I couldn't see myself really do work there in the stadia to work in the factory of the work and a farm although even to follow my father's footsteps and to become a police officer I couldn't see that either some I think that's what my parents wanted me to do they wanted me to become a police officer and to marry a girl by the name of Heidi and to have a bunch of children and to run around like the fun trap family in The Sound of Music but that's not what I saw this was the vision of my parents but not mine and luckily one day in school I watched a documentary about America and I found myself I knew exactly that is where I wanted to end up I wanted to be in America everything that I saw in that that commander just loved everything was so big I remember the tall skyscrapers the monstrous bridges the giant freeways filled with beautiful cars the huge jet liners movie stars Muscle Beach and all of those things I could not wait to get there the question was just how do I get there how do I get the America I mean it was not a common thing to do way back in the 50s no one had the money to travel or anything but one day I was fortunate enough to see a magazine and that magazine showed me the path to America and it was a bodybuilding magazine and on the cover was this very muscular guy that was standing there like Hercules with the Hercules outfit his name was rich Park this rich Park was undercover and I remember the cover said mr. universe becomes Hercules star I read the article as fast as I could learning about how he grew up in Leeds in England poor and how he trained five hours a day every single day and trained and trained and trained and lifted weights and then he finally became mr. Great Britain and then he became mr. universe at any one a second mr. Universe title in the third mr. universe title and then all of a sudden he landed in Rome in Cinecitta doing Hercules movies and yeah he made millions of towers and there's this money he took in bought himself a chimney Chane in South Africa he became a successful gymnasium owner and as I read I became more and more certain about my own future as I read this story I was so excited so interest that I knew exactly that I wanted to become another reg Park I know he laid out the blueprint for my life basically I could see myself I could visualize myself clearly to be a champion on that same stage where he wanted mr. universe and then to move to America then get into movies and then become rich and famous I had that vision very clearly laid out I was so happy that I knew exactly where I was going from that moment on everything that I did no matter how hard I had to work or how much I had to struggle it didn't matter it was a wonderful joy right because I knew what the purpose was and I found my passion the simple truth is if you don't have a vision if you don't have a goal if you don't see your future laid out in front of you you're just floating around without a purpose and I think that the numbers speak for themselves this is why so many people around the world are unhappy with their jobs I mean in America seventy-four percent of the people hate their job and would like to change jobs to think about that that means that only a quarter of the Americans love their life's work I mean that is a very depressing statistic I always smiled when I worked no matter how hard I worked I always had a great time no matter what I did it didn't matter what was in bodybuilding or it was in the movies of it was as governor I remember in a pumping iron days people asked me in the gym all the time why are you smiling all the time why are you so happy you have to lift 50 tons of weights you have to Train 5 hours a day I mean I look at the other body balance faces and lifters faces and they look kind of depressing they look sour they're miserable that they have to lift weights you you don't look miserable you look happy and I'd tell them always they say I smile because I know exactly that every rep that I do there every set that I do every weight that I live to get one step closer - turning that vision of mine into reality and becoming that mr. universe I could not wait to lift another 500 pounds in the squats I could not wait to do another thousand sit-ups I couldn't wait to do bench press more bench press and more curls until I couldn't move my arms anymore because I knew that every rep got me closer to standing on that stage as a champion as a matter of fact when I lifted weights I didn't really feel like I was lifting weights I felt like I was lifting a trophy over my head each time I lifted and to have all those bodybuilders around me and thousands of people screaming and I tell you that this vision didn't just help me in bodybuilding it helped me in everything like I said I remember in a movie business there was many times stunts that they had to do we I got hurt that was in pain in agony and had to do it over and over again I remember one incident specifically on Conan the Barbarian there there I was crawling on all four unwaxed over rocks and gravel holding my sword right in front of me and as I was crawling the camera followed me and it was around 30 feet that the crawl and us rocks and his gravel and eventually after 10 takes my elbows my knees started bleeding and hurting and the director came to me sheepishly and said to me sis do you mind if we do another take I need a close-up of you and I said to him no I don't mind at all I said go into as many takes this you want this is no no I don't want to do that because I know you're in pain you're bleeding I said no no no I don't feel any pain I say the only thing I see is is the finished scene I see the finished scene of me crawling on all four with my sword in the front crawling up and sneaking up behind salsa tune the main villain of the Conan movie that killed my parents and rising up behind him and cutting his head off that's what I see remember crush your enemies see them driven before you and hear the lamentation of their women so this is why because I visualized that seeing this is why I did not feel that pain I did not care if I was pleading on my knees because I know that pain is temporary but the film is permanent and I explained that to the director so this is why I try to tell you always discover your vision and the rest will follow now my second my second rule is never ever think small if you're going to accomplish anything you have to think big you have to go and shoot for the stars the biggest challenge most people have is because they think small and the reason why people think small and why did you choose small little goals is because they are afraid to fail they know that if you shoot for a big goal then the chances of failing are very high and they're afraid of failing is one of the most common things why people are frozen it by the kid not make a move in life because they're scared of failing I say to myself hey I'm not worried about failing because that's part of life you're not gonna be go and win everything and how far can you fall look at this this is the ground that's as far as I can fall and you know something that the only time you really consider the failure is if you fall and you don't get up but if you get up you're never considered the failure so I never considered myself a failure I always consider myself a winner even though FL every so often but I always got up and I always move forward this is the important thing I never had any patience of course for Smita thinking small because in German we were saying ven Xiong tension and that means that if it was something thing go all out and do it well and this just not just the case in bodybuilding I didn't just want to be a bodybuilding champion I wanted to be the greatest bodybuilder four times I wanted that's the most muscle the most most of all times the most definition I wanted to win the most trophies the most World Championship titles I just wanted to be the best and the same is also a movies I didn't you think about being in movies no I wanted to be a movie star I wanted to have above the title building I wanted to become the highest paid entertainer I basically wanted to be another John Wayne what's wrong with that and then famous in politics I didn't just want to go and be in politics and enter a race for City Council I mean let's be honest they said sound right Schwarzenegger City Council no come on not even Schwarzenegger mayor no it had to be Schwarzenegger running for governor but not just any governor but governor of the greatest state in the United States of California that was the important thing I give you an example of bigger thinking big when I became governor I wanted to rebuild California's ancient infrastructure you see America has been living off infrastructure that was built in the 50s and 60s and it drives me absolutely insane that America hasn't started rebuilding that infrastructure I mean we haven't invested in new roads or in new transit and schools so an energy or anything like that for decades the number of cars that we have now in America of four times as many as we had in the 60s so therefore we should be having four times as many freeways four times as many tunnels four times as many bridges and orders but we don't so this is why I wanted to get our act together and do the upgrading least in California so when I talk about infrastructure I didn't really want to just fix roads and fix and close some holes and the roads I wanted to build massive freeways on top of freeways I wanted to build the first high speed rail in the United States I wanted to build more bridges and more tunnels more on ramps and off ramps I wanted to see literally cranes everywhere well there was no excuse for Californians to get stuck in traffic and there was no excuse really to send your kids in overcrowded classrooms in schools and it was also no excuse that Los Angeles has a hundred-year-old sewage system that's shitty I thank Houston first of course some of the legislators looked at me like I was absolutely insane when I told him this vision they were willing to spend maybe five billion dollars which of course is petty cash and compared to what my vision was but some politicians of course had a hard time to see the big picture because they didn't really ever travel outside California so they haven't really seen big infrastructure they haven't really seen big infrastructure all over the United States or maybe in Asia in China and Korea or in Brazil or in European countries or here in Australia maybe so they haven't seen that and then of course there are other politicians that simply don't have a vision of the future past the next election which is a common problem politicians have all over the world so it is it was my job as governor to motivate them and to take them and to see the traffic change in Los Angeles and to see the overcrowded classrooms and to see all the problems that we have for they kept pushing and pushing and a pump them up enough that eventually they saw the big picture and eventually Democrats and Republicans came together and we invested sixty billion dollars to rebuild California's infrastructure the biggest investment of our state in 50 years so that's what we did because we had a big vision and everyone bought in on this big vision so remember never think small think big my third rule is ignore the naysayers I think it is natural that when you have the big vision and big dreams and you have big cores that people are gonna say around you I don't think it can be done I think it's impossible or no I tell you hear this all the time but I want to tell you don't ever let them stop you from dreaming and from shooting for the big core because eliminate just simply those words no impossible and it can't be done I mean in each one of my careers when someone said it's impossible I heard it's possible when someone said it can't be done I heard it can be done and when someone said no then I heard loud and clear yes so this is what I believed in I am a big believer what Nelson Mandela said he said it always seems to be impossible until someone does it and that's exactly what it is and I wanted to beat that one that does it I wanted to break the new records and I wanted to do something that no one else has ever done so I think that's what you need to do don't ever be worried about that someone hasn't done it just think about how many times my career would have stopped my career would have ended if I would have listened to the naysayers I mean it started right away when I was 15 years old and I became a bodybuilder right and if that happened I said I want to be a world champion in bodybuilding I want to be mr. universe they immediately said are you crazy you in Austria in Austria you can become a ski champion or a bicycle champion or something like that but bodybuilding is an American sport forget about it it's nuts ten men I wanted to move to America they said again it's impossible you will never be able to do that you're from the money you open yourself and then when I wanted to go into show business after I won 13 World Championship titles in bodybuilding I said I want to be like reg Park I want to be a Hercules I want to get into movies well I tell you when I met those agents and managers and studio executives their reaction was oh that is so funny haha you want to be what a leading man oh come on I mean look first of all let's start with your body look at your body I mean you're over developed you're gigantic you're like a monster are you kidding me do you know what the new thing the new trend is it's little guys like Dustin Hoffman Al Pacino Woody Allen those are the new sex symbols don't you get it and then you accent oh it gives me the chills just listening to your German come on now I mean oh god I mean it's like it's scary when you talk it's unbelievable I mean have you ever Arnold I mean this year's have you ever seen an international movie star with the German accent it doesn't happen forget about that and then you name what is it wasn't it stole or something like that yeah I can see that name already up there in the Billboard yes and people are gonna storm the field and the movie houses because what's in it sleaze starring in a movie oh yeah I can see that already so that's what they said they said to me it says look forget about that you a nice guy I mean your body building champion why don't you open up a gymnasium or health food stores something like that we can help you with that then let me get you on the side some little parts like maybe playing a bouncer I mean with your body perfect or maybe a wrestler oh oh I have a good idea with you accent the Nazi officer now that's really great for you I call my buddies over at Hogan's Heroes I mean they would probably use someone like you so that's what it said imagine that everywhere I turn they said no it won't happen it's not gonna happen and forget about it luckily I did not listen I did not listen because I knew if I worked hard enough and I worked as hard as I did in bodybuilding five six hours a day that I will make it that I could prove them wrong and I started working very hard I started taking acting classes English classes speech classes dialogue classes even accent removal classes I ran around all day saying lines like a fine wine grows and a bind because you see the Austrians and Germans have a difficult time with that B and with the W and with the F we get it all mixed up so it was a fine wine grows and a vine or the sink is made out of his zinc I all those kind of lines is it a window when you know something all of a sudden I got a little break in the early 70s I remember all of a sudden I got a TV show a little part then another little part and then all of a sudden I got a phone call from Lucille Ball to being her special happy anniversary and goodbye which was with odd Connie I had the six minute scene as an Italian masseur now most people don't know the difference between an Italian accent in the German accent so I got away with my German accent but I played this Italian Monsieur and I was so delighted and then right after that Agatha's guest starring role in streets of San Francisco with Michael Douglas in Cowell Malden and then pumping out and stay hungry and then of course a man that the big role as Conan the Barbarian so finally I got the big big break and you know what was so interesting about it was that soon as we were finished with the Conan movie we were out there and a promotion to him and the director said that the press conference the directors John Milius he said if we wouldn't have had Schwarzenegger with those muscles we would have had to build one now think about that before it was this huge obstacle to have this body and all of a sudden the director says if he wouldn't affect what's leg of it his body we would have had to build one now what a turnaround and then when I did terminator James Cameron said which was really great he said the Albie backline became one of the most famous movie lines in history because of Arnold's crazy accent because he sounded like a machine when he talks so as you see everything that the naysayer said was a liability became an asset and the same was also in my political career when I ran for governor they immediately said I shouldn't do it it is a big mistake it won't happen I will lose and all of those kind of things in the rest of course is history the bottom line is if I would have listened to the naysayers my career would have ended when I was 15 years old I will be still yodeling in Austria in the Alps and I would not be talking here the day to you and the reason why I'm here today and talking to you is is because I did not listen to you can't though it's impossible or no so I just recommend you very strongly ignore than they say us the fourth rule is work your ass off nobody ever stumbled upon success by accident except maybe the guy who found gold in California but don't ever think that you can be that guy I mean India you never want to fail because you didn't work hard enough I always believed no stone unturned work your butt off that's what I always believed no matter what you do work work work I remember Muhammad Ali one of my great heroes had a great line in the 70s when his when he was asked how many sit-ups do you do he said I don't know because I start counting only when it starts burning when it starts burning that's when it starts counting you see that's what makes you a champion it doesn't matter in what area you in no pain no gain the bottom line is one of my rules which is work your butt off if you don't apply that rule all the other rules won't mean anything I mean it drives me absolutely nuts when people say I don't have time to work out have me I heard that many times I don't have time to work out or I have worked so hard all day I'm tired I cannot work out anymore oh I cannot read another book oh I cannot improve myself oh I don't have time oh I work so hard that I cannot really improve my business or I cannot grow as a person or any of those things what the hell are we talking about here I mean today is 24 hours you sleep 6 hours so you have 18 hours left I mean I know that some of you out there that say well wait a minute I sleep actually eight hours but let's just sleep faster okay you know I mean let's not get bogged down with this stuff yeah listen man I came to the United States I remember that I trained five hours a day every day and I was managing a construction business that was a bricklayer and I went to college also and I took acting classes from 8 o'clock at night to 12 o'clock midnight all of that in one day every day I did that I did not worry about it I knew that at 24 hours and they didn't want to waste one single hour because I believe of what Ted Turner said who is one of the great entrepreneurs who start at CNN and so on he said early to bed early to rise look like hell and advertise so that's what I believe just remember you can't climb that ladder of success with your hands in your pockets you must work your ass off it's that simple and my fifth and last rule is don't just take give something back leave your mark in the world I believe that we all have an obligation to do something for our community something for our state something for our country we must serve a cause that is greater than ourselves because we all know that in the end we will be judged not by how much we made but the how much we give ever since America greeted me with open arms I've had this sense of responsibility and I felt obligated to give something back to America because I know that everything that I have accomplished is because of America if it's my bodybuilding career if it is my show business career my political career the money that have made from a great family that I have all of this is because of America but I have to recognize the fact that America did not become the land of opportunity in this great country by itself no in history people work tirelessly in America people fault and people died to make it the land of freedom and opportunity in the land of liberty so now it is our responsibility if you want to keep it the number one country in the world to work for that and to give something back to that country and it doesn't matter if you're in America or if you're in Australia or if you're in China or Finland Japan or in Italy it is the same thing you all have to give something back to your country then by the way you're from now I love the words of my father-in-law Sargent Shriver who started the Peace Corps the Job Corps legal aid to the poor during the Kennedy and during the Johnson administration he was the number one public servant and he always inspired me to become a public servant he was one of my heroes he said at Yale University other commencement speech he said to the students tear down dead mural tear down that mirror that makes you always look at yourself and you will be able to look beyond that mirror and you will see the millions and millions of people that need your help and I saw those millions millions of people and this is why I tried to take every opportunity that I could to give something back I started training Special Olympians people that went electorally handicapped to help them with weightlifting in powerlifting I became the International powerlifting coach and the torch bearer for Special Olympics then later on I joined the Simon Wiesenthal Center to fight prejudice so we don't have the things happening again as we had during the Second World War during the Nazi Reich and I joined also the President's Council on Fitness I became the chairman on the President Bush from 1990 to 1993 to be the chairman and to promote health and fitness in all 50 states that traveled all 50 states I started after-school programs for the most vulnerable children for inner-city children to make them be able to say no to drugs no to gangs and no the violence and to say yes to education and yes to life and every single time I reached out and I give something back I felt fantastic nothing made me happier I would rather play chess with an eight-year-old kid in an after-school program or play golf a round of golf with a special Olympian then go down another red carpet of a movie premiere and have nothing against movies but to give something back to me is more important than just to think about myself eventually the joy of giving back was so great that I decided to become a public servant full-time and to turn my back actually walk away from my career as an actor after finished promoting Terminator 3 I jumped into the race into the governor's race in California and I ran for governor and even though my friends advised me not to do that they said are you crazy Arnold don't you understand that you would lose now there's 2030 million dollars a movie that you're getting paid and they will only pay you a hundred and seventy eight thousand dollars as governor a year or I didn't care because I knew that all the money that I've made and to be in that position in the first place to make this money is because of Amerika it was time to give something back so I became governor and I didn't even take the hundred and seventy eight thousand dollars I give it back to the taxpayers because it was petty cash it's the last thing I needed and I can tell you that those seven years were the most exciting and the most rewarding and the most gratifying years of my life to work all day long the South problems and to serve the people was absolutely heaven it was the best job I've ever had but they also knew that eventually it's going to come to an end and after two terms it did come to an end but when he came to an end the one thing that didn't come to an end and was not finished was my desire to be a public servant industry of the people and this is why I continued to work for Special Olympics that's why I continued to work on fighting my fitness crusade and traveling around the world to promote health and fitness and this is why I continued to support after-school programs and we even started the Schwarzenegger Institute at the University of Southern California to continue to inspire students and leaders around the world to find solutions to complicated issues and to give back and to make the world a better place so because thank you but I tell you that I was very fortunate that I had great heroes I great heroes that I could look up to and I mentioned two of them Muhammad Ali and Sargent Shriver my father-in-law but there's other great heroes like gorbachev reagan mandela great leaders like Mother Teresa Chancellor Kohl and Churchill and the list goes on and on I mean those people had such an impact in the world single-handedly they've changed the world I mean if you think about just Gorbachev I mean this man every time I meet him I'm in awe I mean he grew up on the communism and he rose from the bottom of the ranks straight up to the top he came president of the Soviet Union one of the most powerful people in the world and he was the lead of the Communist Party and when he was in the top position he realized that the system was broken now what do you do when you had the top leader of the Communist Party and he realized that the system that communism doesn't work well you know what he did he dismantled communism think about the courage that it takes I mean the guts that it takes to do that think about the Gorbachev completely transformed his country with glass toast to give his people for the first time freedom and thence through perestroika reforming Russia's economy he didn't wait for the next president he didn't complain he simply said if not me who and if not now when so I feel very strongly all of us need to have an embrace that kind of a spirit we all can create change whether it is now neighborhood or in our local schools or in our country he can't be big but it can also be as little as just going to a school kid that is problems reading and teaching that kids are the read or how to do math we don't have to just work on me we should also work on we not just me but also we remember that to lead a truly full life you must give back you must leave the world better place than you found it because the bottom line is it is up to us I mean those rules that have given you important rules but giving back is one of the most important rules I guarantee you that if you follow all of those rules you will have many victories to celebrate and you will leave you know you work and you will have extraordinary kind of a record and you will leave a legacy behind that you can be proud of so I want you to remember those rules have a vision think big ignore the naysayers work your ass off and give back and change the world because if not us who if not now when thank you very much thank you give it up for this Idol swatch obviously you've had so many different careers out of all those careers what would you say has been the most rewarding career for you I think definitely being a public servant has been the most rewarding but I would say that it is actually a very difficult question to answer because I think that it depends on what stage of my life I was in when I was 15 years old to me I didn't think about being a public servant and it was 15 years old or a thought about rules how can I become the most muscular man and the biggest guy the most powerful guy with the most symmetry and the most muscles and win as many championships as possible there was the most important thing to me I only thought about that I didn't yeah how I'm gonna get there that's what I wanted to do I was willing to train all day long in order to get there but then later on when I won all those Championships in bodybuilding I said it as if it's time to move on and to take on another challenge something that is very risky to do where you could fail I always tried to pick things that they were very risky and they were hard to climb but they always shot for big course and I decided that I want to be you know in the movies and I wanted to be a leading man and I saw myself as like another Clint Eastwood or you know Charles Bronson or John Wayne or something like that and you know that was the most important thing for me at that point and keep still in great shape and all that but then later on as I said there came a time when to say to myself wait a minute I have gotten all this opportunities and this wonderful life and America's made it possible that I could have gone to any other country in the world and I wouldn't have even had a fraction of that success that I have to give something back we have to keep America for future generations the number one country so I started thinking one more about giving something back eventually I fell in love with the idea of being a public servant that you know I jumped into the governor's race and at that point that became the most important thing you know so it's it's a you know like right now to me to fight not only a fitness crusade which by the way we have won because for four decades we've been out there talking about weight training and important of weight training and at that time people said you're gonna get a heart attack you're gonna get muscle-bound you're gonna get become stupid if you work hard you're gonna become a NASA sis you're gonna turn gay and all those kind of things that they were worried about but today look at this the day there's a gymnasium in every single hotel all over the world in every military base every police station every fire station every University every sports team has a weight rooms and they're relying on weight resistance training even in the hospitals they have to rehab rooms in the center's whether the weight resistance training so our crusade was successful and we're going to continue this crusade but the same thing is now thank you the same thing is now with the environmental crusade I think it is extremely important and I'm very proud of what Australia is doing with the environment I think that California and in Australia has share many ideas and they're doing similar things which is really great but there's a lot of countries that are not doing it in this way I start at the r20 which is an organisation and environmental organization if things regional governments together form all over the world because I believe that those movements only can be successful if you fight them on a grassroots level from the bottom up rather than from the top down like they're trying to do by creating a kyoto number two 3d and order things there's a very challenging things to do but they should continue working on that but in the meantime we should do a ground movement because I think all great movements have been successful on a grassroots level if it is the entire apartheid movement the independence movement in India if it is the civil rights movement in America or the you know all of those movements have been successful because they're from the bottom up and that's what we have to do also be done by environmental movement bring Democrats and Republicans and the Green Party and all the different parties together and together we will be able to push back and reduce our greenhouse gases once and for so we don't have that many people in health it health risk because there's millions of people every year dying because of the pollution and I think that we can do much better than Bill Gates once said that often we learned more from our failures and successes in the sense that often when we're successful we party and celebrate when we file we perhaps ponder and reflect in your life would you say you've learned from both or successful failure from more oh I think that it is important that you learn from both I think that is good like for instance I learned from success when I had my first success in bodybuilding I realized the rules that I shared with you today those five rules I applied those rules and that's what made me successful so I applied those rules again in entertainment and in my acting profession and again I was successful and then I applied it again when I ran for office and got into the political arena and again it was successful so I learned that those are the different rules that I can apply and I will be successful if apply those but the same is also with failure the key thing is is that when you failed that you've recognized why did you fail where did you fall short and you learn from that and the important thing is like I said that you get up again that you never stay down you always get up in the minute I'm you fail you get up and you know that's why I love that word I'll be back because you got to get up I'll be back I'll be back and they come back and you come back over and over again you went from Hollywood to politics and now politics back to Hollywood some people would say acting and being a politician is the same thing well I mean first of all I think in both professions it's important that you kind of think about the people because if you do movies it doesn't make any sense to just make movies that please you but no one in the audience is gonna go and see it I mean you need the fans to go and see the movies to love your movie so therefore you have to do the movies for your fans rather than for yourself like for instance with terminator we knew right away that when you looked at that story that it was an international story that had an international appeal and that audiences it didn't matter be in Africa or if you're in Australia or in Austria in Germany it makes the difference where they would like this story because it dealt with action it dealt with a futuristic kind of a theme you know it was good destroys evil it was about machines versus human beings all of those things that people enjoy seeing the same was with Conan the same was with twins with the baby did a comedy I always thought about what does the audience like to see what do they'd like to see not just in America but all over the world now it doesn't mean that you're always successful because there's many times that you also make a mistake and you think that this movie is gonna be great and it goes right under the toilet that happens too but the important thing is that you always keep the audience in mind the same is as a power addition you have to think about what is what is it that the people want you to do rather than just what you want to do now of course you have to lead but if for instance the people need infrastructure and you know that the kids go to overcrowded classrooms and like we talked about in California or you need to rebuild the infrastructure transportation infrastructure then it would be a mistake not to do that then that's why I insisted I knew in the polls it was very clear in California that the people who are upset about getting stuck in traffic every day for hours and hours that they wanted to for us to build additional freeways additional lanes additional on ramps and off ramps and tunnels and bridges and all those things and that's exactly what we did and they were happy about that so I think it is important in both cases that we do the people's work rather than for ourselves and of course the acting profession what you learn in acting is is that you connect with the audience that you speak from your gut and not just out of the mouth not to have just diarrhea out of the mouth but you have actually have teeth every word come with meaning and that's very important in acting so you connect and you make the scene believable where the same is in politics as you know that in power there's a lot of times people just talk and it's just words but people don't buy in they don't believe it because someone just reads it off the script the teleprompter something like that and it doesn't come from the heart I think it's very important that you connect with the people and you make it believable that you believe in it and that you are passionate about it and then you can draw the people in and make them understand your vision and sell your vision that's what leadership is all about the US Constitution if it was ever to be changed that a foreign-born could run for president is that something you'd consider well I recommend it very strongly when they talk now about immigration reform as they were the first thing that you should change an immigration reform is dead law I mean I you know I I'm actually just joking with them it that the bottom line is I think it's an outdated law that we have in in in America but I have been able to do everything that it did because of America so I'm not about to complain about the one thing that I can't do you know that's just the way it is and there's a reason why in America they have that law and I think eventually it will be changed it will be brought up to date if it would be happening in my life then I I don't know but I think it needs to be changed and not for me but I mean just in general I think it would be a good idea to have a foreign-born also be able to run for president so it's just something that needs to be changed good give me a hand okay so let's take some questions from the audience let's start right over here far away with your question when you're lifting you don't actually see the weight you actually see a trophy so I was wondering do you have any other techniques that you can share with us that you use to stay conscious of that like for example I know some people meditate and stuff like that I was wondering if you do anything like that well I did in the 70s some meditation but I think that when it comes to actually being a becoming a bodybuilding champion the most important thing is that you are inside your muscles when you train that you really feel the bicep when you do your curls then you really feel every rep that you do when you do your bench press or your flies or your poor lowers and so on or that you really feel inside down to the bone your calves when you do your calf raises there's so many people that just are in the gym and they just go and they go up and down and they think and to think about something then they go and they check their iPhone while they're exercising I mean I'm telling you it's not gonna happen it's not gonna happen because the muscle needs absolutely full concentration it's that simple that's the way you get the pump to be inside and to go and concentrate and to visualize at all times when you train your Delta it's that huge gigantic deltoids and if you to visualize that the deltas are growing and then the chances of them growing is much greater than if you start looking at an iPhone while you're doing your exercise so it's not gonna happen so this is why I always believe very strongly they better go to the gym I want to go and focus 100% on my training in the gym focus but when I walk out of the gym I didn't want to talk about it anymore it's over because there's some people did like to talk about it and talk about it and talk about the same thing over and over it burns me out if I would do that I like to going to the gym and then I look at the equipment and then I say okay the day is arms and legs so I'm gonna go and concentrate and then I see those machines and I start walking around and they go from one set to the next step to the next step then the next set and just it's like a machine to go from one thing the next and to really keep training hard and to not just do your 10 reps but to do as many reps until you fail because it's the only way that you know how far you can push yourself is if you're willing to fail and every set and that is how I grew this is how I became the champion and there is no shortcut to that whatsoever no matter what training principles you use if you lose higher reps or low reps or any of those things you got to go and concentrate 100% and what you're doing just why we're on bodybuilding Annie today's bodybuilders how do you how do you see that compared to when you were dominating the sports poor I think that it leg in every sport people are getting better all the time in bodybuilding I've seen since 90s bodybuilders have gotten more defined they've gotten bigger their bodies has developed more I think because we have better machines now we have better food supplements better techniques in all those kind of things that have developed the better gyms in in general and so on I think that especially in the amateur division in bodybuilding extraordinary work has happened all over the world there there is now a hundred and eighty countries that are members of the International Federation it's the biggest Sports Federation in the world we're very proud of that beer literally a few a step or two away from getting into the Olympic Games so there's great great work I think in a professional bodybuilding side I think that that has gone overboard I believe that those guys have gotten too big they are not able to perform and do the posing that they're that they ought to do with this kind of development they ran out of steam on a stage they cannot flex long enough I think they're taking certain things that is taking them in a direction where the stomach is hanging out and they're you know certain growth hormones and stuff like that so I think that this has backfired because we could see that the public's interest has reduced when man got over developed in the cartoonish way but it's not any more beautiful where the all of a sudden looks at kind of like power lifters with huge legs and they're walking around like that and they can put the arms down say it gets away from their whole ideal of what bodybuilding is all about so I think that the reason is because in professional bodybuilding they've paid so much attention to give him points for size but not points for performance in proposing if they will give more points for posing and for symmetry rather than for sighs you will see that change very quickly he wanted to see guys running around in their suits like they know there's something kind of weird going on there but you will have guys that look like you know like in the old days Steve Reeves when he spent people saw Steve Reeves on the beach they said oh my god they kind of score just look at that Herculean body they went all of that and many other party builders like that but the day the way they waddle around you know it's like it's like to me I think we went overboard in professional bodybuilding and now we have to rein it in and it's totally solvable I mean there's no problem with that I think just in the next few years we have to rein it in and just change the judging system a little bit yeah let's go over here question over the side your greatest accomplishment and what is something you wanted to achieve that you have not yet I want to be smarter I want to learn everyday I want to win the environmental crusade and I cannot wait until I get the news instead of hearing that we have increased our greenhouse gas emissions by six percent over the last year I want to hear that we have now stabilized and then eventually hear that we are reducing our greenhouse gases like you're doing here in Australia or like we're doing in California where we make a clear commitment to reducing our greenhouse gases by 25 percent at a certain time in California for instance by the year 2020 and then 85 percent at the year 2050 now I my goal is to motivate the rest of the world to do exactly the same thing and I will not stop until this is accomplished so that's one of the things that they want to accomplish name of the chief in the near future thank you for being here thank you question I decide far away and pumping on used to trainer law you're the only one used to train with Danny you sure he's on there's any particular reason used to training beefy no there was it was it's one of the things that I just felt always good when I could grab with the toes the floor when I did squats or the the block when I did my calf raises it was just a habit and I everyone always said you're gonna drop something on your feet and it's gonna you're gonna destroy your feet in order saying why I'm still standing so I mean nothing was nothing was destroyed I just always liked working out barefoot and today adults today when I even when I work out at home and I've carpeting in my gym at home but I work out with slippers so it was just it was just a habit then and I always just loved it so there's no specific reason at all okay have a question I decide thanks so much for you talk mr. Schwarzenegger if there was one habit or routine or one thing that you remanded recommend that people do daily that's going to increase their success what would that be I think Reid I think the most important thing is and and I can tell you that only because when I was governor I worked from morning to night having one meeting after the other every hour was another meeting one time it was about prison overcrowding then it was about law enforcement local law enforcement then it was about education then it was about the university system then it was about the welfare programs and about the health care system and on and on and on and to me the capital of California became the greatest classroom that I could ever imagine I learned because every time you have a meeting you sit down and get the briefings and you being brought up to date kind of like this issue is about and so on and so you learn and you learn in the learn I tell you I felt so rich every day to learn that much and to absorb it like a sponge I felt like if every human being would have the opportunity to learn because so many people kind of stopped they go to university they get their college degree then they get a job and from then on the growth stops they always say that we are the most intelligent when we get out of high school or when we get out of college and then it stops so why not take on if an even if it is 15 minutes that they imagine that you'd spend 15 minutes a day to study history and because the day on the internet it's so easy to find all the things that the Roman history the German history the European history the British history the African history in orders comes and eventually after 365 days of this 15 minutes studying imagine the kind of knowledge that you gather in the next year they say I want to study the history of music and you get into classical music in this study about Bach and about bade how about Mozart and all of those different guys just a little bit not that you have to become a genius in it but just study a little bit of it you imagine that how rich and knowledge you become and how much you understand about everything and said to me it is always a shame and I see that people do not improve or as I said in one of my rules work your ass off I said that people so many times say oh I am exhausted I work so much I don't have the time anymore to read another book I don't have the time to join a seminar like this or a conference like that where you learn something I mean this is the best investment you can make to sit here and to sit and to listen to those kind of motivational speeches and so on I have read so many of those books I have listened to so many of this motivational kind of seminars and listened to the tapes I think they're fantastic because they pump you up they build you up and you get out there and you say okay I'm ready to fight and I'm ready again to climb and to to be the number one and so on so I think I would say make an effort to grow as a person all the time stay hungry next question hello first up on behalf of the audience I'd like to thank you so much for coming down here really appreciate it secondly I'd like to know when you were first starting out how did you of all the most important things you did to get the arnold schwarzenegger brand as an individual notice and stand out from the crowd I think that there's not something that you work on I mean I never even thought about the brand when it was 20 years old it was training every day I remember when it was in the military I had my dumbbells and my barbells and the side of the tank I was a tank driver I took the tools out of the side of the the toolbox and they put Mutombo the plates the weights India and the bars and then the collapsible bench I put in there and then they went a manoeuvre and at six o'clock at 7 o'clock at night when we were finished their food at all my equipment that would work out two three hours a day so I mean when everyone was tired and fell asleep I will be working out so to me I always concentrated on just working hard and that's how I became the youngest mr. universe ever with the age of 20 so when you then do that you win Miss Universe between you and then you win the second mr. universe that'll be 21 and then the third with 22 and missed the world and mr. Olympia and it goes on and on and but I'm was 28 I won 13 world bodybuilding championships so automatically you develop a brand and people start paying attention to you so then from then on anything and everything that I did people paid close attention to that because they wanted to know the see follow through with that kind of discipline and that kind of a vision and all the things he does and so everything started adding and adding and adding and you know so I developed that brand and I was very fortunate that because of the work that I've done that no matter what country I go in you know I have a great popularity people have appreciated the movies people have appreciated my promotion for bodybuilding and for fitness and health and also my environmental work that I did and also being a public and the movies that they have done and they repeat the lines you know if you go to Arabic countries they say I'll be back in their way and you know in Austria they said their way and over here in Australia their way so German people appreciate this work so that's how he slowly built the brain but they never really thought about oh I'm gonna go now and build my brand or I'm gonna leave a certain legacy so I was always too busy just to do the work then they worry about their or all that but I mean you know it's it's a the key thing for me always was that if if people look at me I think there's one word that should come to my mind that their mind mrs. joy I always said great joy what I'm doing like speaking here the day to you did to me this is not a job to me I am having a great time to stand in front of you and the talk field I love it I love it actually just on that someone said to me earlier can you ask Annie what does he do to relax is it true that you have an army tank and that's your idea relaxation yes it's like the tank that I used in the Austrian army I eventually brought it to America and it's an m47 a patent that tank that America gave to various different countries all over Europe no no this is a that's not the m47 a German tank and maybe from the kids from the twine is not from the fifties my bankers from the fifties but there was a good Drive but they know I have a great time in with the tank was restored and there has new tracks if there's a new engine it you know runs 35 miles an hour and I take it out on the weekends and yeah we have a range it's called the melody ranch where they used to do western movies in a valley near Hollywood and I always take the kids in the city kids that I have stay in after-school programs every day five days a week as a reward I take them sometimes skiing the mammoth they take 50 of them at the time and teach them and get them to ski lessons in order or I take them over to drive tanks all day long with the rider and I'll be the tanks and so as a reward and we all have a great time doing that but I just want to say that on the end when people say what do you do for relaxation you work hard and do all those things I really because I love the work that I do I relax when I work I don't have to go and say oh my god and now I'm so wiped out now I got to relax I love the work the Reuben I am on a movie set you know and I get asked to come to the set and to act out a scene I am having the greatest time or you get in the car and you do a chase scene I mean how much more fun can you have or they're going to get the big constant say okay kill Motown a few people you can stand there you kill a few people I mean you know it's you you can you can be a child and you can play out your fantasies and all those things yeah look at that look at this equipment I mean so it's it's a lot of fun so I have a good time when I do and I had a great time when I was governor and had all those great meetings and you know going on a campaign trip and sometimes if to do fundraising it gets a little bit more tedious of course but I mean it's it's it's so fun I cannot complain so I don't need to relax or anything like this I relax right now I'm relaxing standing here and and schmoozing with you here I I relaxed completely and I'm not tense so anything like that I don't need to go afterwards and leafy and say oh now I have to collapse and I can you know lie down or something like that very good let's take one more question over here good evening mr. Schwarzenegger I've waited my whole life to say that I'm representing the Arnold fans calm a group that you know a bit about and the first of all I'd like to say how much of an inspiration you've been in my life and helping me achieve my goals and I'm sure a lot of people in here as well thank you thank you you son-of-a-bitch get to the choppa if it bleeds then we can kill it very nice now I understand that there are a couple of scripts being written and they're trying to race to have been finished one of them is the new Conan movie and the other is Terminator 5 and the question I'd like to ask is out of those two characters the Terminator and Conan what are the two what is the one that you hold dear most to your heart I don't think there's one character even with all the other movies like for instance I'm getting this script in two weeks from now about you know the sequel to twins which would be called triplets and so to me that character was a really fantastic character so if you can't say what the Terminator character is more I like more than this character or the Conan character I like less than the Terminator character something like that there's all in oh great character isn't like I said I was very fortunate to be able to play those kind of characters that have an international appeal to me that's the most important thing in the I'm very happy that the studio's want me to be in Terminator 5 from the star as the Terminator which we start shooting in January and that they want me to do King Conan and you know do that play that role and also to do another twins movie so you know I feel very proud of that and I feel very happy about that and and I'm looking forward to English films and he just on the movie twins obviously that was one of the first ones when you went from being an action hero to getting into comedy is it true that used I didn't take any money upfront to to go on that movie well I you know I always felt that they had a very intense side about myself and you know kind of like a machine or like playing out the action hero but it also had a funny side to me and I always you know wanted to act out the funny side and but people felt like okay I know they're so successful with the action genre why would we give him another movie why not just give him action movie after action movie after action movie but I wanted to do a comedy so I went to the studio executive the Tom Pollock and Universal and I said look there is a great idea that Ivan Reitman the guy did Ghostbusters has developed for me it's a comedy it's called twins and I would do the movie you don't have to pay me I take the risk just give me ownership of the part ownership of the movie and so Ivan Reitman and Danny DeVito and I took 40% of the movie and didn't take any salary none of us and so we took the risk well it happened to be that the movie made a huge amount of money and and you know the movie only costs 16 million dollars to make because we did we took no salary so because that would have been a another huge amount of money there so they save that and then we own 40% of the movie and of course the money keeps coming and keeps coming today there was of one of those great great decisions but you know the movie was stunt they were they were shocked when I said I dig no money but then in the end when we asked for the 40% you know and says we would not sign the deal unless we get the 40% I remember Tom Pollock into the studio executive he then it was a funny thing when he came around the desk and he pulled out his pockets and he just bent over like that he says go ahead do it to me and and and sure enough that's exactly what we did so I dare say four triplets is a different deal it's a good deal yeah let's have two more questions okay one over here hi I just like to say your what are the most inspiring people to me and I'm very grateful in this moment right now my question is who was your favorite leading lady my favorite leading lady you know I think yeah Jamie Lee Curtis probably was my favorite leading lady you actually right it was Jamie Lee Curtis and also Loni Anderson's when we did the chain Mansfield story for television she was another one of this great big women I mean I was very fortunate even with Sharon Stone you know I mean she's really tough to work with but I had a great time with her when we were shooting in Mexico we had one incident where we there was a blow-up on a set because we had this scene where she's supposed to attack me and then I crap around the throat and apparently that she had an incident in her real life kind of like where she was strangled or something like that and so freaked her out and she's threw a fit and orders and we basically just explained to her why didn't you tell us that ahead of time when we rehearsed you know we then would work around that bit on the theory that the scene can be rewritten yeah I don't have to grab you on the neck I can grab you somewhere else with great pleasure and and so so so basically we worked it out and I said and everything went fine then and we it worked around those problems in a general way but you know those those things happen but I mean I worked with real tough actresses but I think that the most fun and because I also knew her from Sun Valley from skiing was Jamie Lee Curtis and she did an extraordinary job with that with that part and I think there was one of the reasons why always was looking forward doing a sequel to two True Lies but as you know with James Cameron it's his movie and he's a much more complicated guy and now he's involved you notice Avatar movies and so on so so which I wish him good luck with that and you know he has been extremely successful and has the most successful movies in a history of motion pictures so is a terrific director final question final question for Annie Ayana big fan longtime fan of your movies and also read your book and big fan of your journey as well I guess you've sort of touched on it through throughout the talk tonight and even before about tackling climate change and doing all sorts of great things I guess going back to your first rule about the big picture the vision I guess where what is your vision now that after you've achieved so many great things bodybuilding movies politics what's your vision for the future and how does that sort of fit in with your five rules or the first rule well I think I touched on the my vision of the environmental crusade and so on but I think that one of the important things for me was to create the Schwarzenegger Institute at the University of Southern California in order to inspire students and to teach students to be great leaders in the future I think that you have to really pay close attention to our students too sure that they are the ones that really are going to be the leaders of the future they'd be educated the right way and did we teach them the important things and when they become leaders in the public sector how not to get tied up with being a conservative or being a liberal you can have your philosophy but then the end that is so important and so much more important they be do the people's work not the party's work because we have public servants and not party servants that is the biggest problem in politics that people feel obligated to serve their party if it's a right wing or the left wing or the middle of whatever I think we have to serve the people they are ultimately the ones that deserve the service they are paying the taxes and so this is what I want to teach future leaders leaders to make decisions based on what is best for the country what is best for the neighborhood for the state what's best for the people rather than what is best for their party ladies and gentlemen please give a huge hand for miss Arnold Schwarzenegger give it up a huge hand ladies and gentlemen that concludes our event for the financial education summit we look forward to seeing you next year and we'll let you know who's coming later enjoy safe trip home being a pleasure spread the news enjoy you you
Channel: Richard Bennett
Views: 437,359
Rating: 4.8178 out of 5
Keywords: Arnold Schwarzenegger (Celebrity), Australia, Life, Sydney, Inspirational
Id: NgRuULUql0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 49sec (4729 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 11 2014
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