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bam welcome to creepy world for everybody uh we have just a gigantic ocean of creeper but luckily they don't seem to be making any more so i kind of think this this feels like a map though we can just build one tower and we should win but i kind of want to see like how how efficiently we can play this how quickly we can make this happen so although there's good eating up here i kind of want to start down there because i want to take up too much of that space i've got a plan you're going to have to bear with me right how close to that can we get great okay we want to be taking over this island real fast i am going to need defenses also we are going to have to hide uh anti-creep okay this big massive of anti-creep should buy us enough time to get our initial defenses up both the anti-creep and the creep will clash into each other and should in theory make us pretty pretty stable and i kind of think just literally like a few guns will be all that we'll need but even that's probably too many let's just get this going okay so this is all working um and we will come over here we'll build a mine let's just see our anti-creep okay they're both absorbing each other it does look like there's a fraction more creep here no i don't know actually because we've got the extra like dip okay we'll just go up a little bit a little bit faster for the time being and see how this kind of pans out uh-oh uh-oh oh no we're actually going to lose something that isn't good for our kind of speed run guns are building the moment the guns get built we'll be okay oh my boy okay that that should tip the tide i'll actually kill my stuff okay gun needs to get over here and actually defend and in the meantime let's get our waters not mortars miners the other end something like this oh nice okay that's looking just great i might need to leave some space for weapons oh wait we haven't lined that up very well ah heck it's fine it's fine i don't know why you're so worried uh it's space for us to put down towels right that's how i'm going to interpret it right this is going to bankrupt us and take us a long time to actually build but i think we need guns over here somewhere and we can actually get towers in and i'm hoping these boys will actually build for us are we looking good okay sure okay i don't want to run out of ammo okay building's still happening oh god oh we are out of ammo we're gonna have to fall back to a narrower point oh god okay generation is going uh we shouldn't have built so much in one go i just need some weapons kind of like plinking into the abyss around here just start thinning it out and then i want to land a kill squad down there in the dream world oh yeah bertha what's a sweeper okay give me an mrift up here what the heck are you sweeper what does a sweeper do oh nice we kind of like we kind of won there what is this i have no idea it must be in the game somewhere uh berthas oh are they not capped oh that's amazing although we do need a factory oh okay right change the plan bertha's birth is all the way and whatever the senor sweep is gonna do they're all doing fine okay guns are coming up oh yeah so i thought like you know this would just be a great opportunity while playing creepy world just to have a chat about random things i recently watched the tv show squid game um it's a korean show based on a comic book um i believe citation needed um and it was really good i would highly recommend it's pretty dark i won't lie uh and the first episode kind of slow but if you can get past that honestly really really good it's about like a sort of like a game show where uh sort of destitute people you know rich or poor people that need money desperately they take part and they play sort of korean children's games and if you lose you you kind of die basically um not the most original concept but really super watchable i highly had a lot of fun also it's like nine episodes long so actually pretty easy to get into i think i did sit and watch seven episodes in one sitting because i was really enjoying it and so yeah maybe maybe if you want to check that out check it out um if anyone's got any like kind of hot new uh suggestions for tv shows or something man hit me up leave them in the comments uh below because i kind of go through phases uh on either watching a lot of tv or playing um playing games painting toys or listening to podcasts or something but i only really do one at a time uh i just get really into one specific type of media for a bit i mean i've been watching a lot of star trek recently uh what a nerd uh i've been watching star trek the next generation i'm not sure if you have ever heard of it it's it's got the space boys in and they're on all of their space missions uh yeah and you know i never thought i'd say this i'm actually really getting into it uh for years i resisted watching star trek uh like i tried to watch tng a few times in the past and everyone says like don't watch season one it is not the the place to begin but i don't want to jump in a little bit later because i don't want to miss out on that oh that rich character development and i think it was like the first and second episode i'd seen a few times when i tried to like get into the show again and oh geez like they are they are hard work they are not not the best episodes of that tv show at all at all uh let's just auto berthas blammo oh yeah what are you what do you need hasn't built with anything oh how's that getting up oh is the bertha making waves oh i guess it's flowing over oh that's really bad i need um some defenses up there uh right we need to kind of like push out onto these other islands i need some more of that green art oh we can do this all with our dear friends the where are you oh my god we can build airships as well oh this is great wow man i should really look at things uh more because i do not okay how many islands are there one two three perfect they are all going to want arg this way we can deploy m rifts and if we get an m rift on each of these islands uh christmas will be ours okay right that'll take a little while to build this whole area is nice and clean you boys are having a sad time not the one i do like the artillery wow have they done all of this what the heck do we just get all all berthas i need like a clean area this maybe could be like bertha kemp or we could deploy all of this better okay that's it's a lot of construction but i think it'll be worth it all right how am i m rifts so most importantly actually is the green r i think over here i just like arg arg is always good he doesn't like a bit of arg arg every time i think of arc i always think of the end of just joss whedon stuff is it just sweden that guy do you remember him do you remember that guy am i making this up now can we get all of this in not quite oh we're gonna need to leave space for your boys i'm not actually too worried about making it gigger efficient anymore now i just want stuff on the map so i can build uh wacky things okay right this next island is ready to be built that's gonna take a little time i think everyone is connected up we'll be able to tell in a second if they're not okay with this might be a little bit too dense can we connect this all up oh maybe are they connected let's just destroy someone and okay our production should all all get pretty good generation is fantastic uh the birthers are all being completed i'm still not sure about what senior sweep is up to oh i'm an idiot wow okay some people i'm so sorry i can i can sense the dick ripping that's been happening uh these old tracks get rid of them oh i'm a fool this whole time what the heck i needed refineries that's why i'm not collecting the green i'm not gonna lie it's been uh some time since i last played some creeper world i don't need you guys destroy my god i can't believe we've got battlefields that is the creeperworld101 there we go right that should have worked now okay now it'll be coming in god because we had we had all of this stuff available right what are you sweeper what do you do wow that's 60 birthers that is pretty cool uh so what else is going down uh i've recently been also reading the book june um because it's a friend of mine he's already instituted and for a long time has been trying to convince me to read it uh this isn't simon this is another another friend and yeah i've been meaning to with the movie coming out i was like okay right i'm going to read read the june before uh i see the film and now the film's coming out in what like a month something like that um feel like it's as good as time as any to actually uh get her done right you what are you doing sweeper armed oh it's one of these oh sadly we built it in just the worst possible place oh man love it okay where is it gonna have the most comedy effect right there where's like a nice deep zone i feel like this area okay kill squad you need to get in there and get me a spot ready for a sweeper to be built this is this is really just dangerous for them but they did it excellent work someone move out okay someone is shooting along oh god plane please not like this uh how tall is everything i need some height 20 areas uh because yeah these guys need a pylon to connect them up so let's just loosely get this all sort of working together oh look how quickly those guys terraform oh that stuff is just tight 20. okay so uh we'll worry about you in a second uh at the moment i just care about my boy here maybe you're slowly killing a little bit of stuff they're on 500 520 000 now place bets now how much is the sweeper going to kill will it kill fifty thousand creeper a hundred thousand creeper or a hundred and fifty thousand creeper place bets now oh my god look at the destruction oh like look at that beam just slicing oh so good uh the answer man 150 000 creeper just and it's still kind of going as it flows in here well oh man i love these i wish you could build these on more regular maps so cool okay select squad uh let's just tell all of these guys just to fire auto not in the same spot guys that's massive overkill on this tiny little area oh god look at them go wow okay right berthas berthas really know how to to get this get this done and even the crimson doesn't super like getting perfect oh that is that is a thing of beauty and we don't have to do anything we just let them fire oh my god well that is just insanity uh in the meantime right crimson i feel like the airships can kind of handle crimson alley over there well i need better infrastructure here i don't know if it's even worth getting a m rift to kind of support just to get even faster in there my god like they're just the absolute carnage that has been so airships airships are kind of doing their business another bertha volley comes out wow well i guess we'll head to our objective uh that seems like a smart smart play um and wow we still have a lot of reclamation to do luckily the birth is uh kind of kind of kind of doing them okay to speed up the cleaning god man it's just this this whole area probably like planes is the answer i think we are gonna have to kill all of the creep in total uh luckily generation is just fine right like this this is where our kind of densest areas are okay go and handle the creep my planes oh it's such good air force coming out okay so these will be good because they'll just be able to clear up just completely random areas of creep bombing nicely you guys berthas they're ready uh just auto fire not all at the same place please okay that is way too many shots that all just hit the land but hopefully now they nicely where the creep is hiding they uh can't quite get in there that might be a job for airships to root out the last of it we probably should have been using anti-creep to uh get this get this handled i don't know oh there ship you're doing great oh oh we're charging it's charging we hit 100 and nothing happened and i got i got worried i got worried that we've broken it [Music] but i think it's okay [Music] oh it's beautiful pow oh man gooey mess what a map uh yeah it wasn't particularly hard but it was a just a ton of fun um really enjoyed that uh i hope you guys did too as well um until next time everybody see you
Channel: Angory Tom
Views: 65,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Angory, Tom, angor, yogscast, walkthrough, playthrough, funny
Id: lgRqkIcQck8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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