"Armageddon and the 7 Last Plagues" || Good News Impact - Ep 21 || March 19th, 2021 || 7pm

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[Music] [Music] our god and father in heaven we give you praise and thanks for your goodness towards us thank you for today and its blessings lord we have come into your presence tonight to worship you again thank you for this wonderful privilege where we can sing and open your word and we can listen to your still small voice oh lord tonight we pray that you will grace us with your holy spirit that you will take charge of the proceedings of our service tonight and bless every listener in their home every viewer in their home at church wherever you have made it possible so that we can listen to your word speak to us in clear tones we pray thee that cannot be misunderstood until god pronounced the blessings we all stand in need of be with your manservant as he declares your word tonight may our hearts be blessed until god draw us closer to you we pray in jesus wonderful name amen it is so sweet to trust in jesus just to take immediate word just to rest upon his promise just to know thou said thy lord amen amen isn't it wonderful to know that we can depend and trust in jesus for sure indeed it's good also to know that all his promises are yes and amen thanks for sharing and singing that lovely song kitty and you have a lovely voice that was such a great reminder that we actually do serve a great and wonderful savior and we know that you've come to fellowship with us today you've come to hear about more good news and we want to take this moment to welcome you thank you for joining us today we welcome you from the east from the west from the north from the salt and the in between we want to welcome you from wherever you are and our hope and our sincere prayer is that you will leave here blessed we do want to express thanks to pastor alfred joseph from saint lucia mission for offering that wonderful prayer on our behalf if you're joining us for the first time i am one of your hosts pastor timothy lato and i am kadian roh it really has been a blessing to hear these messages over these past few weeks i am sure you have been blessed and you're eager and ready to hear the message armageddon in the seven last plagues stay tuned to hear what that is all about get your bibles out as we delve into the word of god we want to remind you if you have not subscribed to our channel please do so and if you have not registered as yet please use the links provided in the chat to register yes thank you so much katie ann and we want to remind you to share share share share the link with your friends and family you have to share this good news as we continue with our program i invite you at this moment to reflect on the goodness of god and what he has done for you this week hasn't he been good to you take this moment to share your stories and your testimony in the chat right now go ahead yes we love hearing from you so pastor i think it is time to share with those who have joined us what is coming up in the program we will hear the ministry of advent praise from suina mission and our future will focus on health keeping good health practices is necessary these days and pastor hendrick david from the dino conference will share those tips with us thanks katie ann for giving us a glimpse of what we can expect throughout our program but before we hear that special health feature that's so important we would invite the tobago mission to share their talents with us as we have our singspiration be blessed [Music] when the trumpet of the larger sound and time shall be no more and the morning breaks eternal bright and fair is called up yonder i'll be there on that mighty cloudless morning when the dead and christ shall rise and the glory of his resurrection is is son let us talk of all his wondrous is is amen amen amen beautiful song amen and jesus it says take my life and let it be consecrated lord to thee 3 30. take my life and let it be considered take my hands and let them move [Music] take my voice and let me sing always only for my king always only for [Music] [Music] [Applause] would [Music] it shall be no longer it shall be [Music] i feed friends amen amen amen and you know jesus is mine is he yours [Music] sure blessed assurance jesus is mine [Music] blessed assurance of glory divine air of salvation [Music] this is my story this this is my story this [Music] perfectly descending bring this is my song praising my savior all the day this is my story this is my song praising my savior for the love perfect submission is [Music] this is my story this is my story [Music] this is my story this is my story this is my song [Music] please good night everyone and i'm happy to have a little talk with you on healthy mind 3rd john 2 says beloved i wish above all things that you prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers it is god's desire that we have a healthy body but not not only a healthy body a healthy mind and we live our lives relating with each author in a healthy manner let's talk about a healthy body in order for you to have a healthy body you need to adopt the new start principle n-e-w-s-t-e-r-t and so what you do with the end nutrition eat healthy go to the market get your vegetables your grains your beans and enjoy balanced diet exercise go to the park mornings and evenings and exercise it's good for you of course drink lots of water it does good to the body and the digestive system sunlight is a good thing for you go out and enjoy the sun and in everything you do be temporary whatever is good for you use moderately and whatever is not good abstain air take fresh ears in the mornings and of course at night enjoy long hours of sleep and of course trust in god it has been proven by psychologists that many christians who develop faith are able to fight off depression and stress because the mind thinks positively let's talk about our social environment now in order for you to have a healthy social environment you need to talk with loved ones talk with your mommy talk with your daddy talk with your siblings every day make friends it's good for you and of course go on picnics enjoy campouts you're gonna do good and in order for you to have a healthy mind look in the mirror some days and talk positively to yourself i can do it yes i can i will make it yes i can engage in games that will cause you to think deeply puzzles and of course giraffe and all those kind of good games they would help you to think deeply and will help your mind to work better and of course never engage in negative talk always talk positive god bless you thank you welcome back if you've just joined us i am marvin samaru and we are glad that you are here why because we have good news for you we are seven day advantage from all across the caribbean union 27 territories 638 churches and we want to tell you about jesus he has good news for you come join us for this series as evangelist claudius morgan shares messages of hope peace and love you can access join and view our services by visiting the website goodnews impact impact.com our registration and prayer links are also listed there we want to connect with you our hope is that you will continue to be blessed by this good news impact series that you will remain locked in and prepared to hear messages from god especially through pastor claudius marvin so stay with us we want to tell you about jesus stay with us let's experience the love of jesus [Music] listen while you still can hear listen while you still can hear the master's score [Music] still bend bow down while your knees still bend the master [Music] scale [Music] i don't wanna rather walk away walk away from here i don't wanna run and walk away walk away from me [Music] find me to your side i mean to your side [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] still sing [Music] is walk away from here walk away from here [Music] find me to your side [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] me [Music] hi everyone it's such a beautiful thing where we can come and gather and give god praise and song give him praise in the reading of his scriptures and now we want to give god praise in giving of our offerings we want to give god praise and appreciation for all that he has blessed us with so at this point in time i'm going to engage you and give you the opportunity to give of your offerings to god before we even do that i'm going to ask god to bless these offerings that they will call to further his word let us pray dear heavenly father we thank you so much to be here gathered by the means of technology you said in your word that we're two or three gather your enemies and we believe that we claim that even though we thank you for the privilege of work where we can be paid we thank you so much for continuing to bless us oh god even though as we give our our friends as we give of our gifts we pray that you will bless it and thy will further your word so that hearts can be transformed and drawn closer to you this is my humble prayer in jesus precious name amen with a free will offering i will sacrifice to you i will give thanks to your name o lord for it is good psalms 54 6 you may give to support the work of the gospel at goodnewsempot.com [Music] donate [Music] hmm [Music] left out of the kingdom of god [Music] oh lord you know just how [Music] oh yes [Music] your son jesus has given us so all your people would be there out there in that quiet place oh yes sitting at jesus feet all because of his praise out of the kingdom of god out of the kingdom of god m [Music] hey good night good night everybody good night good night good night hope you had a good rest night last night we are back here on this beautiful friday night you know the sabbath begins at sunset yes so it's the sabbath of the lord thai god so i want to so i want to welcome you and this holy day and pray that god will bless you as we worship together we want to welcome all the saints across the caribbean union all ten fields want to welcome you in a special way hey tomorrow is going to be baptism come on somebody say man amen so get ready get your children ready get your spouse ready oh what a great day is going to be tomorrow come on somebody say amen amen sing with us you're going to sing our very special song tonight every night we try to sing different songs and just make you happy and make you bless so sing with us please in jesus name i pray [Music] [Music] [Applause] you alone you are [Music] [Music] [Music] i want you more than gold our silver [Music] my my shield to your [Music] [Music] [Music] come on somebody say amen wherever you are at church at home wherever you are please bow your heads with us as we pray oh god we thank you for life thank you for another night here we have actually come to the end of the second week of this good news karu impact lord tonight again is a night of decision tomorrow is baptism speak to every heart seal every decision but lord stand with human servant tonight i preach a very important and difficult message i pray that you'll hold my hands my head my feet and be with my team here as their support as they read as they play as they sing just let your will be done in jesus name we pray and everybody's saved amen amen amen amen hello someone in fact what topic is on the screen what's our topic there pastor padma armageddon and the seven last plagues come on what's our topic today again please armageddon armageddon seven last place and the seven last plagues now ladies and gentlemen on our visit to the holy land we were taken to megiddo now megiddo is mentioned a thousand times in the hebrew bible let me say that again i say megiddo is mentioned a dozen times in the hebrew bible yeah i want you to know that it is especially well known as the setting in the new testament for the what for the penultimate battle between the forces of what reader good and the forces of evil and the forces of eagle yes sir and so megiddo or armageddon as it is also known will be the site of the final battle of which battle final battle the final battle my friends listen on this beautiful friday night and this beautiful sabbath night for christians the word megiddo is synonymous with the end of the world as mentioned in the book of revelation yes sir and i want you to know that the story of what reader armageddon come on see the story of armageddon the book of revelation the story of armageddon is found in the book of revelation can i say tonight that revelation is a progressive book what kind of book progressive book a progressive book where the actions are fast and furious it's like a movie yes sir ladies and gentlemen it is an effective book that feeds our imagination with heightened images of what reader judgment and what else oh i love this one there is heaven and the last one here it is what worship hallelujah worship my friends you're listening tonight the book is a book of symbols and images can i say that again yes sir i said a book is a book of what symbols and images yes sir the world of the book is an elementary world of the following death and blood lamb dragon and what beast come on reader light and what darkness harvest white and scarlet you name it yes sir follow me help me jesus give me the strength no the problem surrounding the book is the unfair is the what unfair and inaccurate interpretation by many preachers yes sir can i say it again oh yes i see the problem surrounding the book is the unfair come on say that without fear unfair and inaccurate interpretation of many preachers yes my friends here tonight i know and believe as a preacher that the bible can defend itself amen is anybody listening this bible needs no defense you know don't forget this is not man's book you know even though it was written by man under the inspiration of god it is god's book yes preacher come on somebody says god's god's book the book is god's inspiration and does not kiss all right now let me hear some to say it is not a closed book all right not as some preachers say not in fact the book turns out to have a simple and manageable structure yes sir the book consists of the following what's the first one reader a prologue and the second one a series of six seven fold units and the third one and an epilogue an epilogue and so the point is this no matter where you are we can locate ourselves somewhere in the landscape of the seven fold events yes sir yes listen to me here give me the strength tonight listening preacher tonight we will deal with one of these seven fold events okay and let me say ladies and gentlemen each of the seven four units is what reader composed of two basic ingredients what idea number one is what fallen human history that is associated with evil and judgment and the second one is the consummation of history with the glorification of believers in heaven in heaven ladies and gentlemen hear me here in the book there are seven churches all right preacher seven seven seals yes seven letters seven what riddle golden lampstand yes then they are seven watts trumpet seven great signs we they got to say this one seven what even last last event you better believe that seven heads seven cronks and what's the last one reader seven plagues among other sevens among other seven yes a lot of seven springs john the seventh hallelujah i guess maybe that's why we are seven day adventists now my friends here tonight the number seven the number one seven is often used symbolically in the bible to signify completeness yes that's why after six days god rested on the seventh it shows completeness i'm finished i don't have to create again come on somebody said oh yes sir this usage is partly derived from the genesis account of god having created all things in how many days this is i'm rested on them seven now since the book of revelation is the closing book of the bible proclaiming god's end of this present age it is not surprising my friends i said it's not surprising not surprising that the books imagery is presented in stages of seven yes understood tonight what are we gonna do tonight tonight we will what look at the seven last plagues oh my god hallelujah oh my god let's look preacher can i tell you i don't like to preach about the place and so i wrote this message not to scare you but to help you to understand certain things come on somebody's saying now ladies and gentlemen the purpose in looking at these plagues is to make you aware of their what inevitability yes man the plagues indicate who is in charge don't hear yes it is and so ladies and gentlemen the release of the plagues reveals god's what serious seriousness about salvation yes the praying show the end of mercy oh yeah come on somebody say amen let me see here now the god we serve as a merciful god yes he was merciful yesterday he is merciful today and he will be merciful tomorrow he is merciful to women and to men and to children he's not just a god of love but he's a god of mercy amen bless the lord [Music] this is what the bible says after plague number five revelation chapter 16 and verse 11. what it says here reader and blaspheme the god of heaven because of their pains and their sores and the repented knot of their deeds come on you ready you read that nice readable come on punch it again come on give it an uppercut revelation 16 11. what it says here and blaspheme the god of heaven because of their pains and their swords yes please i repented not of their deeds i want you to understand that the vision of john and the plagues given in the book are what are devoted holy to the team of god's judgment yes brought what jewish history and it's consummation yes hear me tonight yes listening preacher the judgment in the next life will be based upon the what reader the deeds done in this life yes come on reader therefore read or punch the thing therefore our what eternal destiny yes please is determined here on earth yes man not after we die after we die you can't change your status after you die holy water cannot change your state that's a past that cannot change your status a priest cannot stand your status are you listening to me if you die in christ you die in christ yes if you die without christ you die without christ is anybody listening to a listening preacher uh the word is coming through there's no repentance in the grave man none come on you all stop that nonsense can you stop preaching that man the beauty of your funeral service does not decide whether you are going heaven or hell i'll tell you preacher it's not how you look in the coffin it is not how you dress it is not the size of the coffin it is not our expenses how expensive the coffin is all right you are saved by grace yes 10 jesus christ yes sir bless the lord does not matter who preached the funeral service it does not matter who put you in the grave in the grave i'll tell you what matters is the watch without choice that big what was that word the choice is the worst choice before you die that's what matters yes my friends while the plagues of the seven trumpets had a redemptive purpose the purpose and nature of the seven last plagues denote god's judgment yes hear me god's gonna judge you boy oh yes the judgment is set it's what said the books have been opened yes how shall we stand in a dead [Music] how [Applause] shall we before [Music] [Applause] oh yes preacher and so i said that while the plagues of the seven trumpets had a redemptive purpose the purpose and nature of the seven last plagues denote god's judgment yes they are the mighty acts of god and rebellious human beings yes now ladies and gentlemen follow me here now the vision begins with the exodus scene which has no symbolism okay john introduces the exodus motif by saying this about god's victorious people so john is talking about god's victorious people what he says reader revelation 15 23 what it says here and i saw as it were a sea of glass i tell you angled with fire and them that had gotten the victory over the beast yes please and over his image and over his mark yes sir and over the number of his name stand on the sea of glass having the harps of god and the bible says pastor padme revelation 15 3 and the under and the what sing the what the song hold on hold on boy it is always singing i said there's always singing man singing brings joy to the heart singing lifts you up come on yes yes hallelujah and they sing the song of who moses go ahead please the servant of god yes sir and the song of the lamb what the song says saying great and marvelous are thy works lord god almighty yes please just and true are thy ways thou king of saints no king of sins come on somebody say amen hallelujah come on i can't see you man but say amen no man i can't see you give the lord amen praise the lord thank you jesus but notice notice the imagery here yes the suffering of the israelites under the oppression of the egyptians the suffering becomes in revelation the foreshadowing of the oppression in fact the foreshadowing of the oppression of god's end-time people under babylon oh [Music] wow and so my friends like the egyptian plagues these seven plagues are intended to disclose the what the hardness come on say the thing man the what hardness the hardness of the heart of people who have rejected the gospel oh don't reject it tonight when the appeal is made man give your life to christ get ready for baptism tomorrow man whether it's in a pool whether it's at the sea where it's in the river get back get ready for baptism tomorrow don't let anybody come to you you go to them it is your salvation come on man it is your salvation it is god's heaven that's where you want to go but you got to work it out come on somebody say amen god loves you god does not want you to go to hell that's why he went to the cross do i have a witness here oh yes we're like the egyptian plagues these seven last plagues are intended to disclose i said just now what the hardness of the heart of people who have rejected the gospel yes the gospel of god's true sabbath who passed about sabbath sabbath oh yes it's the big thing this is the big thing because they're preachers going about saying sunday's the sabbath oh they're folks who are saying that sunday's the seventh day sunday is not the seventh sunday is the first yes it is i said the gospel about the true sabbath the gospel about baptism come on somebody said pastor why baptism yes because there are some people sprinkling you telling you that that is baptism that is not baptism baptism is immersion you must go under come on come on come on the burial and the resurrection of jesus christ thank you jesus the gospel of good health preacher what do you mean it's because there's some people who say you can eat pork and you can eat crab but the bible says that your body is the temper of the living god in the bible there are things that are clean and there are things that are unclean yes sir the gospel of the ten commandments oh yes it's not nine it's not eight no it is ten yes is anybody here i hear your preacher oh yeah man one church i ain't called in no name got rid of one commandment which says that you must not bow down to idols is anybody here and so they made the fourth commandment the third commandment which says remember the sabbath to keep it holy you check it on the internet and so they still get ten how they got ten they split number ten and two yes sir you check it for yourself do your research you shall know the truth and the truth shall what set you free preacher [Music] also the gospel of the coming of jesus in great power glory i said the gospel of jesus what yeah power mama i like him and said i said the gospel of the coming of jesus in what power power and a great glory and great glory glory glory hallelujah [Music] hey friends don't treat me [Music] oh thank you jesus thank you lord praise god now ladies and gentlemen the seven last plagues dealing with the time after everyone's eternal destiny has been determined it's a frightening message i try to prepare to make you comfortable but i want to tell you that the seven last place begins with jesus jesus yeah the bible says revelation 15 8 you know what he says here and the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of god yes ma'am and from his power and no man was able to enter into the temple yes till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled no more time to repent no more time to come to god won't you come now tomorrow we have that baptism and come on man yes you don't have to have everything right when i came i didn't have everything right but i came is anybody here i'm still here it's not how you start it's how you finish come on somebody say amen just give it all to jesus man let jesus take you let jesus lead you let jesus help you come on somebody say amen go give it all give it all give them all to jesus share their dreams jesus and he [Music] what is revelation 15 18 tell us preach can i put it in a nutshell okay probation is close [Music] and the intercession on behalf of no of the sinner no longer exists i think this is so powerful i need to say it again as a probation is what close and the intercession on behalf of sinners no longer exist and so watch it watch it party read the thing the man sinners must what test read that man come from periods the fullness of the final wrath of god yes please which is the consequence of their persistent resistance and opposition of the gospel why you oppose it my pastor my good friend pastor worshiping on sunday why are you opposing huh why fight it man it is one god one gospel i'm talking to the priests and the reverence why are you opposing man it is god's gospel at least if you want to do what you want you're telling the people the truth telling that the seven days or so yes you have choice if you want to keep your sunday keep your sunday but tell people the truth that's the seventh day it's the sabbath of the lord thy god oh yes come on somebody said yes man get rid of that old story that he changed it after he died no paul died in in 80 60 something and paul kept the sour man [Music] stop tricking the people and is anybody here yes sir the truth at least if you're preaching you've got to be honest yes man you shall set them free if you think i was hard on you i'm sorry man but i gotta preach the truth yes sir because there's so many people across this world they're attached to pastor attached to priests attached to reverence you've got to be attached to christ yes sir that's right if any man beware in christ if any man beware in christ i'm a new creation i'm a brand new man all the things i'm a brand [Applause] i'm a new creation [Applause] [Music] well let's look at the first plague the baba calls it as well the first bowl yes sir it is sauce this ball is a load some is a lot some mole with what a bad odor which falls upon those who have the mark of the beast boys balls all over your body yes it happened to job i said happened to joe i'll tell you the second ball is a is that what reader the blood is bloody see the oceans become like the blood of a dead man and every living creature in the sea died i'm trying to go through these things as fast as i can because i don't like to preach about them i don't want this to happen to you i don't want it to happen to me notice the third ball the third world is what that is what pastor palmer bloody rivers bloody rivers god will judge the mass of murderers who flood the earth with men's blood by causing the rivers to become blood and don't tell me it can't happen because it happened in pharaoh's time and if it happened then it can happen ah yes now [Music] oh yeah the fourth ball is what reader what is the football solar furnace yeah man furnace hot tell you the heat meant is great meant passing what you thought well let's go to revelation revelation 16 you can read revelation 16 if you want to get an overview or an understanding of everything revelation 16 8 when it says reader and the fourth angel poured out his vile upon the sun yes please and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire rita read this again power given unto the sun read it again with the revelation 68 what it says and the fourth angel poured out his vile upon the sun and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire and so please note this plague does not cause them to change their ways and so they are blaming god for the consequences of their actions it's your fault and you're blaming god the bible says revelation 69 those who are what what what reader those who are being burned by the rays of the sun cursed god for allowing this to happen and would not repent of their sins and glorify god doesn't declare what bible and they're people who are cursing god for this pandemic oh god has nothing to do with the quran the coronavirus pandemic are you listening to me here no sir god never send it no he didn't i said god never send it god told you that in the end there'll be signs in the sun and in the stars come on somebody says villain says yes and so god wants you to look at the signs and get yourself ready prepare to meet your [Music] i tell you and so revelation 16 and verse 9 is parallel with what paul says of the ungodly of his time pastor can you read it romans chapter 1 and verse 21 what it says here when they knew god they glorified him not as god i tell you neither were thankful yes man but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened people ain't going change boy coronavirus goes and they back in the bars i'll tell you huh coronavirus is going and crop over trinidad mass is anybody you actually said what is going to change people man what is going to turn people to god is anybody listening to me i want you to note that the first four plagues picture god's judgment on elements of nature yes and so let's go over pastor pat moore the first is the what earth the second is the sea the turn is the river and the fort is the sun sun so you have earth sea river sun however listen to me please while the first plague affects humanity in general the fifth plague strikes the very seat of satan's authority oh yes sir revelation 69 verse 10 you got to read the pasta what it says here and the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast and his kingdom was full of darkness hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on what of the beast seat the seat the authority of the beast yes where the beast functions where the beast has his headquarters yes sir come on somebody said i said there's a beast out there he has a headquarters somewhere but god is going to fix that come on somebody say this and so the fifth angel put out his vial upon the seat of the peace squad reader and his kingdom was full of darkness yes sir and they gnawed their tongues for pain and so watch me people my people watch me don't get scared the terror of this plague brings chaos on the kingdom of the beast which becomes completely dark black i want you to note without giving any details the pouring of the six bowl describes a climatic battle between good and evil oh lord jesus a battle that started in the garden of eden and continues to this day very day i'll battle that satan will lose yeah i'll battle that satan must lose yeah a battle that jesus has already yeah and what is the last one a battle that jesus will win [Music] and the child which is jesus shall bruise his head i told you out here that the heel was broke was bruised jesus died on calvary across one thousand some one thousand nine hundred plus feet to calvary and he laid his life down wow i say he laid his life down oh thank you jesus die for me and because of that i can make it i can ask for forgiveness yeah i can be cleansed oh yes powered up oh yes there is [Music] [Music] oh there is praise the lord amen and hear me man in a time of decline in faith yes we need the revelation message oh yes revelation 11 15 and the 17th song did sounded oh what a verb the seventh in january sounded and there were great voices in heaven great voices in heaven saying what the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our lord yes man and of christ yes ma'am and he shall reign forever and ever ever and ever the prime minister of trinidad reigns for term i tell you so is the prime minister of barbados so is my prime minister doctor the honorable ralph gonzalez yeah he got another five years after five years he has to go back to the poll but god doesn't go to any poll nobody can vote him out is anybody here god was in charge yesterday god is in charge today and god will be in charge tomorrow forever come on somebody say amen but not just something huh tell me a lot please the sixth plague differs from the five previously it is different because it introduces the consummation of earth's history i'm going deep down creature and it is a battle between good and evil called the battle of armageddon yes look at the verse watch this revelation 16 12. [Music] angel quickly followed yes man and poured out his vial on the great river euphrates and immediately the waters dried up yesterday as anciently cyrus and the kings of the east diverted the river to defeat babylon so this prepared the way for christ to come to defeat spiritual babylon come on somebody see him and that came from the contemporary dispersion and so watch it now the battle of armageddon has to do with the forces of hell mobilizing against god's people to destroy them and so here we see evidence of another epic event in the book of revelation yes a long narrative that has its beginning in the old testament oh yes right there you you you wants that yes we understand preacher way back ladies and gentlemen the scene elaborates on the famous conquest of babylon by cyrus the persian and his forces how is this applied to the sixth plague in the book of revelation the drying up of the river euphrates provides the way for cyrus and his army to overtake and destroy ancient babylon yes and so the application is this help me jesus i said the application is this readers reader what's the application the book of revelation takes cyrus's capture of babylon yes man as a guarantee of what christ and his army will do in overthrowing end time babylon in addition i see an addition providing ultimate deliverance for the people of god hallelujah during that time you can truly sing i am delivered praise the lord you can sing that i am delivered [Music] [Applause] is i am delivered glory to his name foreign [Applause] john now turns our attention to the forces that our rhythm sells against christ and his end-time people all right revelation 16 13 and i saw read it read it three unqueen spirits yes like frogs like what three like unscreened spirits like frogs i hate to see my lord come out of the what mouth of the dragon the lord and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet and so watch the battle watch the battle father son and holy ghost dragon beast and false prophets the real trinity and the false trinity come on somebody say man and watch it in the in the real trinity it doesn't need tree to destroy them and god doesn't have to touch them god just have to look at them and shake his head or point the finger and we saw the mighty god now let's look at the word frog i guess nobody maybe never looked at it but i i i i did some reason let's look at the word the voice that's okay a frog is an unclean animal and i did my research and found out in prophecy it stands for uncleanness uncleanness is the what reader character of end time bubbler yes moreover the unclean spirits appearing as frogs remind us of the frog plagues in egypt yeah you see the connection yeah i said you see the connection the frogs were the last deception with which the musician could influence and persuade pharaoh to to oppose listen to me what did i say rita therefore therefore how do we apply the three frog-like demons of the sixth plague [Music] it is satan's last attempt to come to feed the word of god yes and they appear to be the evil counterpart of the tree angels of revelation 14. the three frogs are satan's powerful agents of what instead of taking the pasta powerful agents of one country can defeat come defeating the message of the sabbath the trinity and judgment on queen why do you think there's so much fight over the sabbath is satan's plan man yeah satan's plan trying to is any open your eyes people the tree angels flying in the midst of heaven gives messages to prepare the world for the second coming of jesus christ yes in addition the three angels of revelation 14 represent what reader the people the people who accept the what light of god the light of god's message and reader they do what go forth as his agents yes please to sung the warning throughout the length and breath of the earth so i'm an angel boy but if you keep preaching you're an angel yes sir is anybody here yes sir uh dr tobias if you keep preaching you're an angel yes doctor wilma james if you keep preaching you're an angel come on somebody say amen if you keep preaching you're an angel anyone who preaches the message is an angel yes spreading the message preacher yes sir that's the lord i told you that the battle of armageddon has to do with the forces of hell forces of whom hell mobilizing against god's people to destroy them oh yeah you you know the outcome already but in the last moment yeah when it looks as though god's people will be what and i relate it ah michael will stand up who will stand up michael michael will stand up see because revelation is epic the book of daniel gives some insight daniel chapter 12 and verse one really got to punch it what it says here and at that time michael shall stand up the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people yes sir and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time and at that time thy people shall be delivered everyone that shall be found written in the book hallelujah and so watch it man god will mash up satan i say god will mash up satan god will destroy the powers of the enemy satan defeated foreign that jesus is the lord that jesus says [Music] [Music] in the midst of this graphic portrayal of the final battle john suddenly inserts the direct words of jesus that's why it's a revelation of jesus christ revelation 16 15 behold thy records i come we don't think nobody is the thief blessed is he that one buddy that watch him and what keep up his garments unless he walks naked and they see his shame can i see it can you allow me to see it say it preacher the coming of jesus is in connection with the final battle oh yes and please note that the last of the seven plagues poured out his ball in the air and the divine voice announced it is done but if we were in dominica together it is revelation 16 17 read it pastor palmer what it says here and the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven saying it's done it's done it is done it's done no more salvation take yours tonight go in the waters tomorrow you let the church come back yes stop blaming anybody yeah i could have left too yeah i got pressure too yeah they talked me like a dog too yeah they're still talking like i'm still talking me like a dog but i'm here i know that because i pastor and because anybody i'm here because of jesus now follow me here the scholars say that this is eschatology imagery and the imagery takes us back to the cross oh jesus are painting some pictures here when christ got the victory over the enemy of calvary he shouted it is read this reading revelation 21 and verse 6 and he said unto me it is what done read it i am alpha and omega yes sir the beginning and the end i will give unto him that is a thirst of the fountain of the water of life freely and so the greek work is accomplished hallelujah the arrangement of human affairs is complete the redeemed are gathered i could see myself there ah ronda rollins [Music] you stayed as president forever is anybody here yes look at them look at the pastors i see the saints i see ben come on somebody say amen hallelujah the great work is accomplished the arrangement of human affairs is complete the redeemed are gathered in hallelujah the wicked are what cut off truth is triumphant hallelujah and all is now complete oh my lord jesus all is determined and shall be fulfilled in due time it will happen when i don't know not even the angels no but i know he's coming again amen i know he's what the great drama is finished yes and what was intended is now completed yes is anybody listening to me when he comes he comes to take us home you know when christ comes again he's not coming to destroy no wicked people nah man you are god wit yes coming for the saints yes and those of you are alive they got to wait taking the dead foot yes sir the dead shall rise second i said the dead shall rise second come on reader come on box me no i said the dead shall rise second first first the living eleventh second yes sir and the wicked whether wicked living or wicked dead you got to wait a thousand years i see you last they gotta wait a thousand there's not more than lost you gotta wait until we get to heaven and walk on streets of gold come on somebody say man yeah man you got to you got to wait when we get to heaven man we got to see angels i'm going to see isaac i'm going to see moses come on somebody say man i'm going to see the apostle paul i'm going to see jacob i'm going to see abraham but first of all and most of all i want to see jesus the lily of the valley the bright and morning star the alpha and the omega the first and the last yes the beginning on thee jesus jesus hallelujah i want to see jesus oh yes lord if the ship of your life is tossing on the sea [Music] is if there's no one else out there nobody seems to care brother let you down the boss is not around all right you can call on him today yes i can hear him say yes i am that's something that you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] give you jesus i give you jesus i [Music] i want to extend the call to you today on this friday night hey my friends in the first two weeks of our good news impact 2021 evangelistic series can i tell you that 800 plus individuals from around the caribbean union have said yes to jesus oh hallelujah thank you jesus and we praise god for the new believers who have been convicted by the holy spirit and who don't want to be left out i know i know i know from deep from my heart that many of you are in the valley of decision god is talking to you the holy spirit has been speaking to your heart and you want to surrender to him but i know i know trust me i know making changes to your personal lives can be really tough and you may have several questions about the bible truths that have been taught and you are just getting to know more about the seventh-day adventist church we want you to know i said we want you to know that you're not alone we have so many loving caring persons waiting to hear from you give us a call so many caring and loving persons willing to answer your questions to read that email to help support you as you say yes to jesus please use the links in the video description or post it in the chats call the number shown send us an email click on the decision link and let us know how we can support your decision for christ some of you may be viewing in your churches i invite you to raise your hand complete the card from the usher order by the workers and come to the altar and seal your decision for christ and for eternity can i tell you you'll never lose god is waiting on you wise people to make the wisest decision in your life i want to sing this song for you as you contemplate that decision you've been running running for a long long time [Music] you've been around and running with no peace of mind you regret today you turn away and be became a fugitive from god why don't you turn and run [Music] can't you see god the father wants to welcome you home you are never meant to walk the paths you've tried [Music] a fugitive from god may god bless you congratulations on your decision in jesus name wasn't that a wonderful message kadian yes it was pastor nato such powerful messages coming through were you blessed by the sermon let us know by typing yes i was blessed in the chat and remember if you're in need of special prayer please use the link provided to submit your prayer requests and don't forget to register by using the link provided in the chat and if you want to continue hearing these wonderful messages of truth messages of hope messages of encouragement and inspiration remember to subscribe to our channel so that you are not left out god bless you until next time when we need to hear yet another powerful message entitled when religion does not make sense hmm interesting well goodbye everyone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Caribbean Union Conference
Views: 20,254
Rating: 4.8483963 out of 5
Keywords: CARU, Pastor Claudius Morgan, Good News 2021, Caribbean Union Conference, Dr. Kern Tobias
Id: x4HYuSMhRN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 26sec (5126 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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