Ark Survival Evolved, Lost Island E.2

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[Music] uh yeah hopefully I can get five bits of metal from that um how do I access f is the button oh no is that the RG oh no oh he's gonna take my parasaur no goodbye parasaur actually maybe not all right goodbye me ah this is not good damn it run actually do you know what I think my parasaur is gonna kill it [Laughter] oh man what level was that thing level 60 bro you're a beast hey guys welcome back I'm Mr Melby we're playing another episode of Ark survival evolved on uh the Lost Island map so that's gonna be fun uh as you saw somehow my parasaur managed to beat that RG last night and and save the base which is absolutely absolutely insane very unexpected but I'm very happy we have the outcome because I still have my parasaur and I'm not dead so win-win and the urge is gone which means I'm a little bit safer for now so first things first I'm gonna get some metal because then I can get a metal ax and with my metal ax I can get a ton more wood from the trees rather than my stone one so that's my first Focus gonna get some metal tools hopefully get a pike for a little bit more protection too and um yeah upgrade my base a little bit get some get a bit of wood maybe even get a little bit of a stone base happening and then I'll feel a lot safer around this area but also what I want is I want to find my Moss shops he ran away last night when I was under attack and I don't know where he ran to a few metal rocks around here there's something over there oh no hyenas have killed my Moss chops ah uh well I suppose I don't have to go and find him anymore but that's not good hyenas are not really what you want around your base okay all right so uh that's not good hyenas are not good it definitely do not want them around your base not not in the slightest do not think my parasol is going to be able to take on a pack of hyenas that's really bad news man maybe this just wasn't a good place to start anyway we're here now and we're going to stick it out at least as long as I can what we might need to do actually that's good little idea I remember seeing there was an Iguanodon over the uh over the river there let's see I've unlocked the saddle fiber hide and wood well I can't see the hyenas anywhere fly oh there it is they're there all right do you know what I'm actually going to go going to get my Pike and I'm going to just try not to die wish me luck cool all right I feel like I'm getting along here oh no I know the hyenas found me already saw oh no all right it's on laughs oh am I gonna do it am I gonna do it yes oh my wow is looking a bit worse for wear but you man you are a gun this one was the alpha it was level 140. there we go little parasaur pretty much healed up yep healed up fool good on him so far he's taken on him hahaha he's taking on and beaten and RG and he's taken on and beaten a pack of hyenas like it was close like man he did not have much left at the end of the hyenas but he did it he's just he's an absolute gun all right now that we're finished with the hyena Fiasco and my parasaurus come out on top yet again um I'm gonna go back to the plan I had just beforehand which was finding an iguana Dawn I mean don't get me wrong parasaurs super strong is an absolute beast but I I kind of just want a bit more speed and even a little bit more attack if I even need it this guy's so good there's the Iguanodon over there and something that's probably okay there is no longer an Iguanodon there as you can see by the pack of allosauruses well yeah that was a nice idea it's gone now the idea is gone but it was nice when I had it [ __ ] Ed up yeah [Laughter] oh you're a good boy all right I just killed a ton of turtles so I can get keratin to make a Pteranodon saddle because we are going to tame one there's one but it's near the dinosaurs which is not great looks like it might be on the way there's another turn it on Drake and I can get up there do you know what I do not at all trust that dinosaur because if I down that Pteranodon then it's going to be right next to the next to the circus and it's just going to eat it on me she's gonna eat it before I can finish the taming method so man what are you 135 you are the one just wait it out what have we got up here anything mad this nice little Plateau over there I wonder if that would be a good place to build a base too no being a yep I'm still being a mountain goat oh that was a big hit that was a big hit yeah we are so I tried to be killed by an RG I've tried to get killed by hyenas and I tried to be killed by Heights yo keep eating Bud keep eating 40 percent and here we go Pteranodon you can have a saddle and let's check out some stats Health isn't amazing but it's a Pteranodon so honestly what do you expect let's go [Music] let's see if I can get this out [Applause] yes look at that let's go see if we can find some Crystal atop this mountain come on just one piece of crystal seriously not a single bit you know what I reckon I reckon let's go and have a look all right this volcano is going to be uh fairly unsafe I'm picking up oh man all right let's go let's see all right look at this view that's where my base is right down there on the beach I'm so far away you can't even see it but uh we're on the volcano and we've got some Crystal so win win I'm gonna be super careful here it's very dark uh let's see 14. you know what I'm happy with that for now I am more than happy with that for now man look at that that is so cool that is so so so cool
Channel: Mr Malby
Views: 230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark, Ark survivial, Ark survival evolved, Ark letsplay, Ark playthrough, Gaming, MrMalby, Lost Island, Australian gamer, Dino, Dinosaur, Dinosaurs, Letsplay, Playthrough, Domination Rex, rex, volcano, Argy, Argentavis, Parasaur, Moschops, Zoo, Iguanodon, Allosaurus, Pteranodon, crystal, hyaenodon
Id: 7T2Pb0K2j1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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