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all right we should be live welcome back everybody let me know when you guys can hear me YouTube's a little strange I'm trying to catch up to those things I just got to make sure that I click all the buttons and that I can see who I am chatting with royal and code will both be late it seems like welcome everybody welcome welcome welcome so basically the world has changed we had to do an update last night the respawns were actually broken on servers it was not a fun time so we did have to deal with that along with I Sky boxed myself and lost all my gear so I had to recraft some new gear and then hit some red air drops and I got a compound bow a pistol I got a spino saddle pretty good so that happened [Applause] he lived up there look at him look at him look at him go he's going to take my saddle away yeah oh bad so we do have a name for this bird it comes from Mr Albert I hope that's Albert let's make that a little bit bigger there we go so we'll take the first name which is pukin so thank you Mr Albert we chose your comment thank you so much for the name remember guys I usually name at least one Dino that we tame a day why is my mouse now on my screen you guys see this right my mouse is now like on my screen alt tab alt tab back in yeah my mouse is now on my screen I don't like that one second guys I'm just going to relaunch the game that's a weird bug I do not enjoy that your mouse should not have to on the screen underwater drops on officials oh I'm sure they're broken here too I think they're broken everywhere and I don't know if it's as intended and if you raise like dinosaur level you should be getting even better drops kind of how it works don't you do that oh you know what it is I'm typing it in wrong oh man but welcome welcome welcome everybody I'm going on [Music] mute so that tree is there oh there we go game's catching up cool cool all right code's running around I got to get some more meat to cook cuz we are hungry hello did you start yeah I'm started did you read secret place read it real quick and then answer there I'm in trouble was that you wait what the thing that I said oh hold on I'm streaming so I did hit some red air drops we got some booties no okay maybe he was doing a thumbnail or something okay not a big deal I crashed you crashed I hopped out my inventory and switch from first to third person immediately crash yeah yeah so I skybed myself and lost everything but I was able to craft most of it back um it's quite unfortunate but I was able to get some red air drops so kind of made up for it AKA compound bow fabricated pistol straight up crafted ridiculous but I lost other stuff that I'm like I don't remember yeah I tried to tame a saber last night and that's when I found out about all the problems yeah they they fixed it in an update for servers um but there's still it was still pinging so possibility that we still get some it says it says some incidents oh there's a lot of incidents the entire log was full yeah I know why are you able to see on or was it on yours too no me in chat figured it out we use deductive reasoning yeah but how did you find out what the log would say oh we use deductive reasoning Roger we're Geniuses okay it was something I've never seen a log do that and I don't understand there like typically if a if a function fails or a service fails you have it set it'll crash the server 100% it'll crash the it's better to crash the server so they so someone knows something's wrong yeah but like I just said like the guys on mine didn't let me know they were cave hunting during that time jerks cave hunting yeah they went in all the caves there's no enemies yeah I told you not the cave hunting but I told you to do but there was nothing it would be that or don't have the server up until they fix it at what noon yeah that's the thing if so what would happen is if it retried and fail retried and fail it just that just never end imagine that log for Infinity but what what do you have to do to screw that one up um that's I'm I'm trying to figure out like you've had it working for S years and never had that bug it's got to be an unreal thing yeah I I think my my idea was someone didn't check a box however if the server says it's attempting and it didn't work then something else happen it just disables like it straight up just disable is the is the goto probably like looking through the stack and seeing what it should do and then it failed because it takes too long to spawn maybe maybe there's a timer yeah I don't know I was just trying to figure out like I like to think of like the brain behind what how did we get to this point it takes a lot it takes a lot to get to that point point and uh the problem is you you don't know if it was this is all just a problem or they had tail safe set up someone scre maybe they don't even know well that's that's the more fearful part is what we be dealing with this because I I was sitting there and I was like this doesn't make any sense and then the world very safe yeah everyone's start checking Google and we're like no one's complaining about this I'm like no if this continues when the Aussies wake up cuz that night you're going to hear about it all over the Forum and then the fix came out today weird weird we've tried it Ricardo people didn't watch it's fine me and code though I think have the bests back and forth me and my brother are too much I mean there's a podcast with me and him on it you guys can listen to all that stuff let's talk about all the things yeah so I was thinking let's get the do deis over to new base start building up some Stone I'll start crafting up the I learned the building pieces so we can just pile them in for Jared but I do want to build also we should get a mammoth because I think we should build a stable because I can't stand AR cages like this you guys just threw all your pteranodons I had to keep them safe yeah no no no no no I'm talking about at old base was bad cuz Jared gets on he whistles all all the time and it drives me bonkers that he just doesn't unmap that key listen listen listen I used to have to survive with this person that I know whistling all aggressive yeah yeah I fixed that but I did fix that I did fix that when did you fix that uh when I don't hit that key anymore I don't record anymore so I don't hit numpad minus so you didn't fix it yeah it's fixed I don't hit it you don't touch I I purposely make certain Keys very hard to reach like numpad zero this guy still didn't it fixed it it was years you know you had to run away from all the dinos and start recording and run back yes but to be to be fair making any changes to your settings right now in this game is not worth it I logged on today to 1080p yeah I don't know I was like I understand you want me to 1080p I understand it would be better for my entire experience to be 1080p for FPS wise I ain't going 1080p it looks let's see oh so I got a spino saddle and there's a spino in the river over here now I'm going to see what happens if my computer goes crazy I'm going start stream Roger it go crazy uh I turned down some settings and then I changed them back so we'll see what happens Roger Roger Roger Jared's coming he's just going to be late give minute to it he said I will be like an hour late and I went that's fine he's like can you just get the building stuff kind of in a chest for me ready and I said I can try I didn't say I'll do I'll try yeah Chad if you guys can hit the like button it helps Integra uh interation well interaction which makes the channel more found uh I mean I couldn't ask for more we've had some fantastic streams but you know I love to grow biggest part of YouTube and my journey with YouTube has been growing um we went stagnant for a very long time I understand and we do hold and playing Ark bread and butter but I do enjoy growing with Ark again to time we enjoy other games like party animals lately has been a blast hitting that like button definitely helps out every stream not just me um subscribing notification Bell just popping into the streams here and there watching the video after those all help comments comments are huge um even back in the day dislikes lik were a deal they helped out as well so it seems like now that I've restarted the server seems to be in a good place so yeah just being real with you guys and then I'll never I'll never beg for YouTube membership so you guys can do that fantastic you do get access to the server Discord special Discord rooms things like that I I won't say my my community is fantastic but my community fantastic if you want Shi play yeah what's up oh sorry I wasn't muted cuz you were muted that's fine I I don't mind I was given the whole steel of what likes do and subscribing and member slubbing you know it it's never it's never begged for but it is appreciated Stone did we get I just flew over like a couple of rocks and see what we got and oh my God okay yeah we don't need to worry about much Stone this guy is really really really ridiculous at it still you just carry him and he hits so yeah do you want to go after a mammoth I just need to get arrows and stuff back up you want to go after a mammoth right away start getting a tame uh sure cuz I think yes I'm getting a crap ton of stone with a dois but a mammoth would be good I lost all my train arrows all 100 them last night on that let me Sky boxing myself oh I made 160 um TRS well I have a compound though so yeah we might be in a good place also when Jared comes on you can come to Herby Island and see what I did when I was bored okay I also uh crazy in the um the uh food thing that keeps things from swelling I got mutton out of a red air drop eight pieces so I'm I mean if we find later on when we go after what I want to go after it might come in handy along with that spino is tempting but I'm going to wait for uh Jared for that cuz that's a that's a keep it knocked out everybody run to get Prime kind of experience if you don't remember as long as we keep it knock down we should be okay yeah but that's one of the ones one of the ones you have to watch it you know what I mean like someone has to sit with it the entire time TR yeah and just Pump It someone of Aries yeah I'm over at New Bas seem like a good place to come to I will say I didn't grab mejob berries before I left off the trike which would have been better he s um bird's name is mugan or no we went hugan oh I got food out airdrop always nice yes sir speaking of which did I eat all my cooked meat no I just didn't grab it out of the the fire that I left yeah I think taking down a mammoth will be huge for building the stone I get stone no no no for Building Stone you still need wood oh yeah yeah my I remember M it's getting St but no no no the do di is has I literally flew here and I just stopped at a couple of rocks has over 1,000 Stone already that's nothing to worry about that's oh and you can't oh yeah sorry no no you can still carry him so it's it's it's literally a joke for getting Stone yeah you can't build on mountains cuz the air drops no you just can't build on Mountain interesting it says block uh cuz there's no there's no no clipping right now the setting once we have the set that setting on I'm sure we will you know the clipping no I it was flat gr really yeah what was the thing that said you cannot build here I'm wondering if the way they made the mountains it doesn't count as terrain maybe I don't know how unreal generates terrain it's the same unreal but if if if they built it out of um like items rather than the terrain mesh itself it's items yeah you can't build on rocks anymore like on the top of a rock you can't put down a that's what I'm saying maybe that's how they they built the mountains you think they might have hands dropped everything though no you just drag a giant rock and insult it yeah yeah no no no I'm saying like even just the rocks on the ground how are those done uh they probably just set that rules a paint brush things can't break on top of them and fly and stuff makes sense yeah I flew around the whole map but not the whole map it was it was crazy I was trying to get a saber to get fiber or high at me I used some you used hide oh shoot I left the hide we also have those tame now too what pachas but catasaurus or whatever there's another dinosaur that was added it was in um they were broken in um what was the other thing called oh survival the fittest everyone tamed them can't think of their names they're like armored T-Rexes armored T rexes yeah I don't know what that is yeah they were added way after we [Music] played I can't think of their names they were bored they were broken unless this is all a dream in my head but yeah and torches are broken the when they take they take down your um your shaddle nice cardosa surus maybe I don't know what he means someone's saying katcha kacha you know what a karacha is I don't I stopped paying attention to Ark a long time ago also the giant dragonfly I know about that that's a thing oh no oh yeah I think keth was telling me about like some weird brood mother kind of insect yep on the swamps evil a lot of our health on that as we t a mammoth maybe I can a SA cuz when we tame this nebor in let me learn Mammoth saddle just see what we need 260 hide 10 metal that's not too bad we don't have the hide we have the metal my arent an egg kacho Don tus kacho Don o tus yeah that's that's the thing I was talking about ridiculous I know there was a thing it was ridiculous and I want it oh I I know about it it's it's over in the gigal lands 50/50 I believe it spawn that area cave there too um what did I come back to base for oh ank and I Jo berries oh yeah I'm I'm planning on building a little iron base on Herby is good need it it's just something we can teleport you know lines and stuff and didn't teleport back you don't even have to take the metal as long as it's melting over M no I agree hugan and mugan two Ravens of uh Odin find bar rocks and look like w Rock trcks I'm excited there's a lot of TS we have to get before we even take on a boss let alone if that's even going to work never like the boss if if it was more possible it would be more fun yeah it seems like you have to do all type of shenanigans to defeat them I mean even the BOS the bosses and like the the maps that are made by mods are better yeah they're killable yeah what did we what did we spam T-Rexes 20 T-Rexes or something yeah on the walls and stuff but like that's awesome that's cool that's that's fine for Boss kill I'm okay if you have to tame 20 T rexes to Kill The Brood M I would not care but you know what I mean like even that didn't we try like three gigas or something it didn't work yeah then you lose them all yeah and it wasn't even close yeah and then let alone the dragon who flying enemies in Arc back in the day oh my God back in the day I don't know what like with the new hit boxes and things like that let's be real I'm excited for scorched Earth so I'm guessing we're waiting for the new place to build like um Fabricators and stuff yeah yeah yeah we need to get a quel cra fing no no no it's it's going in and out of like inventories it's the stupid if you turn your 3D down I stopped crashing yeah yes my 3D template or whatever the heck that is UI I stopped crashing I have not crashed since I like almost set it to zero but don't set it to zero almost I mean I set to 0.1 just in case I don't know what it does you know what I mean if it just makes the UI look more 3D maybe there's also like um well it it involves inventory and when I'm close to walls was when I was crashing or close to doorways because doors have like a UI yeah oh yeah it is Happy Halloween happy Halloween code I don't know is that a is that a thing in Canada that's popular as well what Halloween Halloween yeah people do Halloween stuff here something no one really says happy yeah that's a holiday I was told by my team today it's not a holiday my team members wait is it actual holiday in America it's hard to explain it is for children I'd say and adults when they dress up you know what I mean for no what I mean by holiday is you get the day off no God no no we have one in literally like a week 2 weeks what Veterans Day veteran November 10th this year for me at least cuz November 11th is technically every year but it's a Saturday so it's a carryover holiday wait what's happened let me turn down this 3D UI is it in UI it's video isn't it yep um .1 that's what you did yep like it's the lowest and then a tick yeah you wish it was a federal holiday I could not imagine it being ever a Federal holiday well Halloween yeah first of all it's a pagan holiday second of all yeah there's many holidays before and there's you start getting a lot of these mental health days though we're we're so close to a 4-day work week we're so close people keep pulling the you know I mean the trigger on it in other places there's some places trying a 4- day school week which to me makes more sense than anything you have to do a 4-day work week first before you do a school week because there's going to be a day where well there's there's places doing school weeks now my wife my wife's a 4-day work week yeah that's what I'm saying the 4-day work week has to be implemented in more places because children need somewhere to go cuz Child Care is stupid expensive yeah it's so expensive and we don't live in a latch key Society no you sent him to Japan and you're good yeah I we kind of do depends on how close your school is to your I didn't I didn't hear about lki kids until I was now an adult I didn't know that's yeah because I didn't I I wasn't called lashy kid but I I was I was one as a child I was trusted to stay home well sometimes as as much as people complain you have to well the most it would be is like my father was home by 4:30 I'd be out at 3: 2:30 you know what I mean like it was never long enough to be like but I I know people who like their parents had to be home throughout yeah is my name Still Human yeah I got to change it I can't do it on stream I have to do it after stream so just stay after the thing remind me I can't cuz I got to go into admin commands and stuff and I don't want I'm not telling you to do it now oh yeah I got to do it on your own I could have I could have just remade my character a long time ago but he said no no no well thank you I'm a serverless oh look potential spam's calling me you coming yeah you coming I don't know where you are I'm at the new base I thought we were going to get yeah yeah that's going I see you still on your little Herby Island no I'm not there's a bed there maybe that's what that means yeah there's a bed there that's that means I can't see you today usually I can see your TS what are you flying oh it's a new T you guys wer you weren't on when I got this yeah what's it called this it's RGB the other one's called RG now it's a spear Bird yeah it was crazy I searched and searched and searched and as the more I search is the more alone I there it is change these pants found some crazy snow pants I can give you the the gloves some snow glov and that hide um pop that I made is insane in the winter yep I saw we just don't have like available hide like no I I that's I was trying to get a a saber to go get hide but you didn't get one I thought you ended up getting one gu so there were Sab there but they're level four and seven so I killed them I'm like I'll kill them and it'll respond more surpris I mean we can take a we can take a peek for some Sabers while we're over there yeah I got this fabricated pistol it should do some work it looks pretty good yeah it's not doesn't look like a desert eagle anymore it looks more like a is that an alpha shark USP yeah or like a Glock or something I think there's an alpha shark one right there in our water yeah it's huge one right not that one no there's one deeper oh maybe yeah that one doing barely any damage to it what's in here America to go and check you got you got an arrow I have a compound bow I can just literally just bow it probably do more damage than this I have 100 AR wait stop wasting ammo that is an alpha Shar yeah see I knew it we can level up a ton what the heck oh oh my God my TR oh my God I love the water effects some sometimes it's too dramatic but I really like them that's totally stuck oh he I was going to see if I can like creep up to in the water it stab it yeah um can I make more Arrow getting what I need for Arrow you want just keep getting FL I'll sit here I mean the ankle is right there oh no he's running away wait the B no ankle is where's the ankle oh I think it's close enough that that question is questionable what dude the stupid Alpha is moving around so much he's trying to kill me which is nice I think they want the ARG oh they do like birds have you ever seen the video of um the killer whales using fish that they got from the trainer to entice seagull to come close to the shore and then they eat yeah they rather eat the seagull than the fish well cuz they only have one fish so they use the one fish to fish for more um um Birds crazy smart they so smart where'd it go buddy I can't wait to get all the hide wait I wonder if I can break that rock and force it to beat itself well we want the XP oh that's true it's bloody really oh yeah I'm nailing it buddy I'm already down to 47 arrows I'll hit deep I they did a good job on the water physics it could be better but the fact that I love the sharks can be terrifying yeah sharks [Music] and 36 arrow code I have 20 I should probably go make more it's F that I need we don't want to heal yeah what's happening 28 arrows still have 52 shots in my pistol though I think there's more back the fabricator so I'm not too worried about that part bro where'd it go you can still ping it thank you ping the wrong shark fber there we go don't lose him I think he's running he went deep oh my go it's like Jaws have you watched Jaws oh yeah people who have never watch Jaws some people are terrified of the ocean because of Jaws we sure it's bloody I think it's just red no it was Bloody 100% I'm at Seven Arrows yeah I'm coming I'm your bird I'm wondering if happening uh there we go 22 and I'm I can make 100 good you got a laser sight yep I have 22 arrows left after you gave me those 20 put 34 in your [Music] [Applause] bird 50 in the bird grab it time hope I didn't out I got 64 Jesus bro how much does the shark do you think it has a lot probably like 10,000 health or something rain arrows there it is yes I'm going in I don't want anything to gather it before I do one sec 120 damage crossbow what the short R ate it I didn't get a ton of like hi or meat or up get out of the water give me one level I am Aqua Man what level not bad here you want this crossbow what don't throw it put it in the bird jeez this guy should be better than the oh no yeah but then the question is you got some TRS you said we'll get this bam uh 50 there was did you take from the base no there's like 160 at the base but I don't have I only have like 30 arrows Oh I thought you said you had 150 arrows no I had I gave you the arrows no I thought you said 150 Nar arrows I thought you were saying no never said Nar arrows you're making stu when I was talking trank arrows you said that you have 150 arrows I thought that's what I thought there was a connection there no I said there was 160 narcotics at base H we can always fly home Mammoth will take a while that's why I'm like we'll just go get a mammoth and just knock it out and oh well I guess I can just use my narcotics that I have I have like 20 narcotics and make some arrows once we start getting actual metal G darts going be easy cuz I didn't do you have darts no no no I have a gun we need metal we'll get there have a club yeah maybe we'll just move the ankle your Herby Island when Jared gets on or tame another one just oh there might be yeah there might be one there yeah it's a good idea I could have swore there was metal near here like really close other well there's metal near our base there's metal a lot of places but where we can just leave an ano teleport hit some rocks set it to you know there's 100 narcotics on the doic chat's letting me know right now okay I'm going back it's also full stone I'm out of food like you I have five my arin's out of food too oh actually I just got some fish meat here take the fish meat will you eat fish yes good good good this is good to the right there's metal being they to nothing the metal like right here which be excellent now that would make me tame another ankle cuz I'm we just have two sources of metal at all times that just hard to see because it's not gold anymore oh there's a super Explorer note still here code huh super Explorer note three times the XP one oh I might save that for like if we get a qu when I don't know I'm saying when we get yeah I put down a way point so I'll remember I kind of I know we're all three oh actually there's nine of them on the map I know is that is that the like the ones that like talked about the dlc's coming up a Ragnarok or whatever it talked about like the final boss and then if you got them all you got like a special skin is it like a tech thing yeah it's like a tech platform on the side of a mountain I know where one is one on the side of volcano too there's also a jar here on me Explorer jar that I will hit with the arent Time Lord thank you so much for the Super Chat thank you so much everybody give a heart to Time Lord thank you for giving direct thank you so much helps a ton I don't have a spy glass anymore so these bows are scary holy this metal right next to where I just put that Mark take a look looks deadly there's two teros hugging each other it oh I know all the EXP notes are in the same spot but I don't like looking up maps I really don't kind of like a a special treat when you find it I know some people logged on the server day one and just mapped out all the Explorer notes yeah if you just if you want levels just build a base well that's what's going to happen today is I'm going to like I'll be building the stone base up cuz I learned all those things for Jared or by the time Jared gets on I don't even know he don't he might craft all I don't care I can care less which direction we go who craps what all I'm saying is you don't have to look up a a guide yeah there's no rush for leveling unless you're a Content creat some content creators are a little rushy I don't see any metal where you guys for [Music] I hear a lot of death oh where are you I'm playing around in the woods is there quz here that's a Rex don't BL that get be a Bronco there's a lot of Rex in the woods oh let's see if everything is spawned now oh everything is spawned I'll tell you that much or is that the one place I will say spawns seem to be stronger there's way more dinosaurs they exploring no yeah so yeah if everything was breaking then that means the ones that they overlapped were not coming back so we were slowly losing them I think they've been broken the whole time yeah that's what I'm saying but because there were so many layed on top of each other yeah what also I was like I wonder if it was a feature you know your server has a one% chance to go extinct and it triggers your din just don't spawn back where chat that would be an interesting server metal ore should be on the right side of the main South spawn on the mountain where the Crystal and exp Noe are server where youa oh whoa you right okay yeah it's fixed there's no diores no ankos there's a T-Rex fighting everything there's a red air drop in the winter right now and I sort of do I risk I'm going to risk all my Sabers T-Rex is eating them I'm risking wait are there um the spinning dinos what do you mean by that dillos no um the AR you know outside not usually are there PL yeah look like it murder beach is becoming murder beach again yeah probably there's my dire wolf that I want so bad that's like my my goal at the end of today oh did you turn on or I guess I don't know if you can um pick up wild dinos no I can turn it on it just requires me you know server restart and stuff I can do it after this one today I'll just put I'm wondering like do do we do it is that like not part of vanilla you know it's in PvP and not PVE supposed okay well yeah turn it off that's so D like but I might be mistaken cuz a lot of people are just saying PVP well people oh to stop PVP briefing no listen it's on so it's for PVP maybe yeah maybe PVE to prevent dire yeah yeah demo reset it they put out a patch last night and then I wild din restarted again for super spawns basically I forced the respawn it failed in one region so I restarted the server and it was able to function again but I think it also might have doubled up cuz some of the spawns now are a little ridiculous over on the right there's direwolves everywhere go to the right oh I see I was like that that argentavis is flying kind of crazy my argentavis is already level 62 it has 1,144 St I stay up be careful here you this the this ice sheet is hollow yep I saw underneath e you tyrannis live under there I got to be careful I'm not freezing though which is nice I just want to find like I think we have to fly to the other you know the cliff side where all the mammoths are but there's no real death it's like a walkway we've built up here in one of the PVP Seasons I believe yeah that was a spark season that's the other thing people are like what's your favorite part of Arc again and I'm like actually just playing with the same people I played with 10 years ago like having the group back kind of yes so sad Boomer wasn't there Boomer wasn't there the whole time if that makes sense yeah he wasn't there in the beginning he wasn't there for vanilla Arc why can you hear he he existed I don't know why you can hear Christian Christian ain't here Christian not here I have a mammoth on the side of a mountain over here one direwolf to beat no never mind he's fighting direwolves oh he's fighting a saber-tooth oh what level oh you have a sp glass yeah I lost my gear oh god oh no there's no AR there's no direwolf oh nope there's a direwolf pack you know what I'm talking about problem here is they they just jump off the edge randomly yeah I we we can sit up on the mountain over here and pick them off my issue is the death that's around these mammoths like you see the saber-tooth around a mammoth right here yeah I see him kind of by himself there are Sabers over on the right yeah I see him looking at me O Level 17 looks like a tiger yeah let me just start this up we'll see if I can get the mama there's argentavis beside you did you hit it oh yeah what are you hitting it with prank arrows oh didn't know you had you gave me he gave me the intimidated perk uh-oh get up get up get up fly fly fly is learning yo what the heck bro I told you I warned you guys you guys don't listen to me you guys probably thought I was joking you want to start hitting him I'll handle the RG all right let's see if I can jump no you're good you're good he's just hungry he's not hungry bet you what is wrong with you my issue is is if I be killing that is going to pull other Aries uh Behavior f f yeah oh I hit the RG oh is out yep killing [Applause] Sergeant I don't even know what level that Mammoth is not a spy glass I feel naked he looks like he's holes in his wings yeah it gets shaded pretty cool and then he off that all right we knocked out a level three thank God no offense but we don't have we don't have anything to feed it we didn't come with I got did you I went got uh there's an exploring right to our left right our same time right to our left got it making a little fire hut not running a Hut put all right 1200 Stam 600 weight 1,200 Stam I can now cross the map yeah he's only get 2% per Berry so we're we be here for a bit I'm not freezing though are you freezing no but I have like super pants on now I'm freezing oh I'm freezing now too hold on oh no I don't I had nothing on hold on let me put on my my my pants am I freezing no I'm not cold here take these right you have one pair of pants that you can literally run around in oh I'm not freezing I have no shirt on I'm just cold I'm just cold now that's ridiculous I put on my glove oh my chest piece I'm still not oh oh I'm fine now why are there pelic do do you what's it called are you good yeah it's going to take us a half an hour to pay it I have my metal gloves that I was wearing no I gave you the fur glove yeah I put those on oh I don't know how the new armor works it's not hypothermic you just want higher numbers I think so that's what I'm doing you know what I'm saying about that right like armor says cold 15 or whatever what does that mean what is Flack pants naturally I have a pair that are 15 air combat is so awful yeah it's pretty bad resist is naturally 15 Deon could be problema could be a problem I got a pair of flag pants that are just a little bit better they're 0.1 better for cold yeah I'm still freezing you're freezing still yeah my issue is with freezing is not the cold part it's the food I got food on my bird wait do you have do you have let me see what arm here take those oh wait the gloves you can't wear here yeah still freezing but I'll be all right you're still freezing even with a hat yeah my bird was super hungry my Lord I'll leave food in there for us a split oh what about I'm cold near the fire so put that on like the Flack is making you cold maybe take off the Flack and see what happens think yeah cuz doesn't it doesn't it make you cold it's plus 15 it's plus 15 but minus heat resist yeah oh it's minus heat resist okay yeah you want High cold resist the helmet is better boots are better but you want to wear St no uh we're not we're not going to be able to save it T-Rex yeah we're not going to be able to do anything don't don't don't kill don't kill 17 yep give darts oh oh now you want to fall asleep after you kill it oh why did I jump down like that get the prime the Prime on my bird all right we'll take the mijos and stuff out got it har them for Prime yeah priming I realized too late I was like why what does that sound why is why is the elephant just deciding I'm on make like why is it making that noise it's all right may this one of those tames that I you know it's half an hour tame so it's like maybe it's worth just doing off cam while I'm sitting there all right I got some food or we just get a beaver carry it Sayes oh you were trying to get wood yeah beaver would be easier but we can't fly Beaver needs a ton of TRS uh yeah oh it would be easier in the zone it's in uh the Deon is going to fck up the cooking up the cooking little attack saber what attack saber I don't know I guess he doesn't want to mess with you oh now he wants to mess with you got nine for forer armor that ain't enough was that I got nine Pelt off the mammoth that ain't enough I got a ton of he back at the the base no I know it's just it's we're here for the saber now not too bad oh why don't we just like lead over another Mammoth there's one over there yeah I have 16 TRS left I have 60 you have 60 yeah I made some oh okay find the lowest level Mammoth we can find that's a three get ready you start pulling man I'll I'll deal with the AR problem oh he intimidated me J with all these debuffs now for PVP oh we going be a [Applause] redonkulous [Music] I myself L up arev where'd you pull that Mammoth he's over here put the more in your saber over here 17's not bad yeah it's pretty good that's a pelt get so all right here I'm going to put it in your bird but what he's coming I know I put 30 think in your bird wait's my bird I just accidentally shot my own bird trying to get the arrow you going to be good he's going to be good been taking a few points in that fortitude I put two I'm not putting anymore I got eight now that we don't have movement speed I have like I don't have that dump stat anymore you know what I mean probably should have got him closer what we going to do hope the sa over there doesn't see it is this saber where oh he that save it off no I'm going to r on that Beast I've man the amount I have to pee these days with the amount of water I have to drink it's like unscalable it doesn't go well oh oh we could build Spike walls real quick no think hide I've gotten plenty of hide off these stupid birds that I've been killing yeah but we need it true and it's a mammoth like it's not the end of the world if it dies if it's close I'd be passed but it's not even close yet as close as Shadow is to hitting the like button to equal the amount of viewers oh my God come on come on [Applause] Tavis is not bad at getting prime or TI wait you is there do you get Prime off yeah oh Davis and I know I thought they got rid of it I thought you said that no oh yeah I failed it full of prime I've been just priming it oh my God the the eagle just fell I say eagle I guess they're more Eagle than they ever were before 17 time per kill they're worth killing there's a Deon stuck on the side of the cliff trying to get up to oh that's the one I let off oh he's he's not a fully let off he's at the exploring area did you yeah oh no let me let me eat that one let we got zero Prime I got turn off the last one come on reindeer die jeez at all the prime you already used all thee no I took it off the saber and put it on my bird then my bird ate all the prime you trying to feed your bird no I just wanted to I didn't want the sa to eat all the time oh just in case I was going to saying if you need meat I got like 40 52 on me right now fors a yeah walking this bad boy back is going to be a good time oh the mammoth you're right it's going to die oh I just noticed my health is low I say low it's still in the it's it's almost 200 but now you shouldn't be freezing you should carry your uh sa up I'm just cold near the campfire so I can like rebuild Health right next to it these fish meat to heal up I don't have enough food to force to heal here ah uh it's going to be night time soon yeah I got to pee anyways but I'll be back in a second yeah we could make a raft and just raft no I'll save [Applause] that oh my game bugged again there this weird bug where I can't yeah I got the saber too um the devs came out with a fix last night for the server a temporary fix I believe and so it's working but now I have a bug where my mouse no longer controls my my camera you're running out of a running out of firewood so put some in there why don't you have wood oh my gosh here there's more can I burn these Spears that I have all these stone tools that my guys picked up hold on I have to relog you're good wait I wonder if photo mode will fix it you have a mouse on your screen yeah yep I Rel logged earlier for that yeah photo mode doesn't fix it I'll be back oh we freezing all right change a plan went that would wish you could burn charcoal like turning into coal that nice co yeah or just maybe it makes the fire last longer but probably like a bunch of work okay there we go oh is it going to be night yep it is already c yeah you're not going to survive oh I I meant no I don't know now I'm just cold need more wood that that refresh caused problems here we go we are now not cold at all refresh what your stream no restarting the game like broke my stream oh for me I don't know if it if it [Music] is so weird you're testing the the saddle bug last night you pulled your saddle off by accident you got people turning you in someone is saying that you pulled your saddle off trying to test the saddle thing last night the torch yeah yeah that sounds that sounds rough that was easy I even slammed a sleeping bag right right before I hit the ground so I could have just teleported right back to my stuff that's some high level Arc right there they didn't tell you that part did they no they did not hit me with the water water bucket Minecraft method that you use oh yeah yeah people drop water with a water bucket as fast as possible I know you've never played Minecraft we've talked about this I haven't played new Minecraft other than Pixelmon when they had Pixelmon servers but to be fair that's not Minecraft that was build a base that can produce Pokéballs uh I'm thinking I'm thinking might have to restart my stream on Twitch that's not bad yeah not that's one thing that's one thing I like about YouTube is uh if I like restart my my OBS it doesn't end the Stream oh man Staying Alive by fire and torches FPS issues though we on fire I'll tell you that much [Music] easy all right there we go hopefully not too broken I was able to get a sleeping bag down just in case how a am to I love that you can see this through walls 33% it's nice feature very nice we could bat him out of here I think it might be time to upgrade my processor what are you running uh 3,900 XP yeah I was thinking just I don't know any anything about amds so I can't say what gen is that like is that in the last two years yeah three I think you're on the CP I CPUs I have a I have rules for CPUs and gpus on 14 I think this is oh still acting up what what are you drop are you dropping no my encoder is acting weird I just dropping your sh your clouds real fast just to see if it fixes just to see if it's the game updated Minecraft asn't there's enchanting I didn't have enchanting when I played Minecraft we'll see what happens it'll be okay I told Nar not to rush cuz we're like doing we're taming a mammoth uh oh yeah there's the volume cloud that out volumetric is it is it the fire yeah oh yeah I Lose I'm losing frames like crazy okay let me look away no it's still acting up this is sad very [Music] sad very very sad just Arc eating up all my resources they had a ram issue which I didn't have they were talking about like Ram issues and I'm like sitting there I'm like I'm not having Ram issues I'm having you're not using using 60% of my CPU and 40% of my GPU please use more of the gpus please games please well mine is using like 96 I'm not busting my Graphics up but when I bust my Graphics up it's not utilizing the right resources where there should be using 99 you're on a what 3070 or 4070 3070 what's that what do you want a 3090 yeah yeah so your GPU should be doing most of the work CPU must be bottom maybe yeah I think it's a CPU that's what I was saying I have to upgrade yeah I don't know anything about AMD so didn't tell you sadly have to upgrade cuz uh I am a uh Intel fan boy 5950 X is just a drop in I don't have to get a new motherboard so probably is that a huge upgrade yeah I don't I as I said I know nothing about AMD I know my I9 12900 K should not have a problem how we doing with the mammoth good wish the mammoth was like a he fantastic how much danger might nuke my health but grab water what's that oh I said this might nuke my health I'm grabbing water I could have gave you clothes to go get it and I have water it seems fine now oh I'm perfectly fine next to the fires like I I lose the entire cold buff in here so I'm full healing basically I'm already at 300 HP all right if you're potential spam why do you leave me voicemails uh oh I'll be right back oh it's the same number as yesterday give you $100 in a debt consolidation loan Jesus spammers why you be SL those narcotics Andes what's it level cap right now we're only at 30 we want to raise it but right now we're only at 30 is Max not the end of the world such a cozy spot yeah we lived up here at one point or no we lived over there don't want my free cruise I've never been off for a free Cruise oh they don't the cars extended warranty one got shut down by the FBI but you don't get them as often anymore not half bad yeah but now I'm running the thing fire noise though I Am Lord okay I'm back sorry would be better to set it cuz we didn't have access to set it the days so we've just been here what happen no they're saying it wouldn't it be better to set the dino level to 150 instead of easy level 30 I I I don't know I thought I thought it was going to be hard like I think hard mode is the higher levels but see the problem with high level dinos is the game becomes so easy well the other the other part about it is is the caves scale way more higher th you can't really do the cave content uh yeah by yourself you can like how we just ran in there and you couldn't you couldn't do we died yeah like we almost died but it was I think that was actually a lot of fun the only issue the issue you have now is your person can become stronger than your dinosaurs then we can just crank it up one level yeah after that you go to level 60 dinos like yeah but you don't need to play it the thing about owning a server is I can change it whenever the hell I want yeah pretty much at least that's my that's my idea you talking about this server or your server that you made this one right here I'm going to bust the server I made up probably to Max 150 but I busted up the rates too you know what I mean it's 23 4 2 XP three Harvest four tank so the only thing you get from me busting the levels up is watching us tame a mammoth instead of for half an hour it's 2 hours you know what I mean like even for you guys it you see how much riveting this is right now it's fun as hell I love playing Ark and watching the tames go but it doesn't make for good six hour sessions yeah I don't know people he's being attacked what I don't hear anything anything I'm watching his health oh what is that [Applause] Carno he's right on top of the two yeah he's like inside of him oh my God all right we're not taming a mano today what I'm getting out of that yeah I think it's like a beer [Applause] cage oh that's aggravating though we were close it would have been another 15 minutes all right let's get your saber home wait my legs are broken oh my rg's hurt I I got I got plenty of weight and plenty of Stam let's fly home I got your saber wait I need my fire I have 1,000 Stam we'll be okay food you're leaving food would it be consuming more by upping the taming x no it doesn't actually work that way it doesn't lose food faster it would have more food which you would starve it but starving takes just as long that's always the argument is it better to starve or is it better to tame as you go and I don't think any of it speeds it up cuz it's based on its food dropping the time yeah so the starving just allows you to leave it and get all the the food you need and drop it in to instant tainment if you so if you had food in it right there like I did it died and then I lost the food that was inside of it or narcotics starving it is um less risky yeah but it has the same amount of time and that time is calculated that time is calculated that's why doopedia can do what it does or the dodo podex or whatever the he is Doo deex sure I don't know I don't remember what it's called but that's why you can literally look it up how long will it take it's exact like when people say it's going to take 38 minutes and 12 seconds that there's a reason they can do that yeah that's why like higher levels are better because then you don't deal with issues cuz there there's there's a there's a bigger range of dinosaur levels it goes from what you I don't think you can get a one a level one in uh higher ranks but I think you can still get like eights so you can have eight to 60 you're done way stronger against those level eights now a bell curve kind of thing pulls up the lower making taming pens around areas be regular it's all it's always a debate if you might to make taming pens or not but you got to remember you got to make taming pens we haven't we haven't tamed enough to need taming pens everywhere yeah yeah we could have just spiked it but it's like whatever we need to hide yeah Hyde has been our biggest issue but now that code has a saber I worry less about Hyde that's a cool looking saber the saber-tooth will literally stimulate the hide of level 22 saber here is 25 yeah but this is 22 before T that's okay I wouldn't worry too much about it I now what do you go up inth and damage on a saber if it's not speed is a health and damage yeah Health damage stamina yeah you stamina where you like it the stamina's out you know stamina is more to get away if things get crazy you can just jump like be hop away what's that they asking me do I know about the cool trick with Q yeah second second hot blck I just will never use it cuz I'm so used to what I have yeah it's like when people tell you about shortcuts on like like keyboard shortcuts and all the stuff it's like yeah I could learn them I'll be slower but if I learn them I'll be faster see I learned with hot Keys which made me way better at doing things no I'm saying it is better but in the interrupt it's going to slow you down I would say in my new position as a network admin um windows are saves me so much time yeah windows are typ instead of instead of doing like going and clicking run yeah why is my chest P oh the chest piece looks like it's silver at night but it's actually teal blue yeah I'll just cut down some freeze do you have a sickle yeah okay cool this fiber is going to be I got a a journeyman I think yeah I should prob found it in a I should go air drop hunting at some point again the Reds I got today were fantastic but they're in the winter so you got to like be near them well if we get some more um first St we should be good well no you got to be near them cuz like the time it takes to fly over to like the other side of the winter considerable like you got to see it before lands hold I'm a highlighter right now let me take this off I'm cold I want to get gear so good that I only have to wear pants and shoes maybe some gloves oh here's your gloves here's your gloves back that's my goal here your fores no don't keep it no no use it no keep you sure yeah what are you going to wear explain what are you going to wear can I go in the winter well anywhere when it gets cold hour F okay need a saber saddle I need hide much and 20 metal we have metal the food though oh my God can we please as soon as we get Power Industrial Grill industrial Grill indust you don't need power for industrial Grill you just need gasoline which we need underwater creatures to get oil reliably true air drops have been air drops have paid out quite a bit we have enough G oh there's a there's a spy glass in here I wonder if it's someone SP no no no this I dropped it off here SHO sh me a second die oh I bug uhoh I think I thing you got to do is whenever you crash you're going to have to do your Vol volumetrics every single time it's so dark in here the world St did one of the chest break okay I need a torch it was funny someone told me you could um I don't remember who I apologize but you can paint the Torches I didn't remember that like different colors the torch or like the fire remember was a different color yeah interesting be the way they put used to be like angler gel would make it blue but that was the standing for that's the thing that's what I thought too now it's just anything oh this not even close to enough met no well curious when Jared's actually going to get Ono oh he's soon he just went green thought he's busy I think he was editing this whole time he edits like 6 hours on some of those things yep I don't blame him once you start multiplying the feeds it starts getting crazy [Music] torch isn't actually that great strategy Bel just flash flashlight yeah it's it's a directional flashlight flash but it's not like a wide is what I'm trying to say oh you say like a narrow yeah very narrow yeah yeah okay I see what you're saying but at least you can see something what was I going to do oh yeah pickaxe I need metal there River Rocks around here probably not getting wooden making foundations wow not even one metal from that how much do you need wow I need 20 so I need 40 metal oh wait does the dious have any maybe I should just use the um the an on the River Rocks oh there's no River Rocks around here I mean I can go carry him up with my flyer get some Qui I'll do it is he on well he'd have to be on wander right nope not anymore you just put him near a rock he's not swinging uh he might I but you can't be inside the rock either if the rock breaks he should do it maybe the ank only triggers around stone or metal metal ingots metal I mean yeah metal possible where would they be metal though uh volcano you yeah wood my God how long does a Bieber take I almost want to get a farm up just so we can like build kibble when we want to and if it's dodo kble and start looking for female Loos everywhere T an OP [Music] Raptor might take a [Laughter] while [Applause] so the closest place is the volcano from here uh debatable which direction I don't know is the closest yeah that's debatable there's metal under blue Obby yeah that's let actually that might be safer uh wait they changed the grill no no there's there's no way they change that but needs power yeah it has to you have to be able to just put gasoline I thought it always needed Power and Gas no the grill you just needed gas I know that 100% unless they did actually change it like I know they change it now where it can use El electricity but like why would you change a barbecue from using you know what I mean mhm that's so weird okay I go to Blue Army I don't know where to go that's the issue I'm just going to come back I just hop on his back and hit rocks he doesn't like these rocks for some reason don't di yeah I was I was having no issues earlier he just won't swing right yeah I was having zero issue like maybe it's the the thing's here or maybe he's overweight he's close to weit oh guys taming dodos yeah females you're supposed to wait that was his issue we have a chest yeah it's inside the Dicus is I mean the ank is not close to wait no one has to be on the do de oh wait something I'm too happy for it he called me fat oh yeah I think I brought a feeding troll oh than God just eating all of it probably birds are hungry all the time yeah the wood problem be [Applause] wait can't we ankle get buried I don't think I need 52 lbs of water intakes I I'll take one oh actually threw cooked meat in there and they ate it yep yeah the perfect place for f too I will say stone is no longer leveling me the way I thought crafting a bunch of stone foundations was going to go going get any metal hey take take take the stone and oh my torch broke scared the stone in that yeah got [Music] it yeah he's not getting any Stone from these Stone I mean see Stone metal yeah I noticed that with him too unless he's hitting metal rocks thought there was oh there is stor there one metal he's basically treating it as if he's a pickax yep so weird there's 199 metal in here code 71 metal in the storage ingots really yeah I'm blind I saw like one it's in the storage like sitting there just it it's ready to go which the storage behind or in front in front one okay I'm so yeah literally I'm stand I just looking at it like why isn't this in the four like it's there's another one behind there yeah someone's not forging it like literally 71 metal raw metal there no there's 71 ingots oh I see I'm so blind you're good bro sa you a lot of time doing any spookies tonight probably not I worked since 5:30 Jared's still not here so I doubt I doubt he's coming or if he does it will be quick right just need hide you got hide uh I need like 200 I have 171 oh put it on my bird cuz if I can make the saddle I'm just going to go run like a cycle now get hide yep yep I agree that will be my goal think you have 230 exact oh I don't know why I took it off oh I need 60 more 60 yeah oh 48 I have hold on oh I have enough okay I was about to start just murder real quick is the RG hits for more than any of our D there we go there we go should make this a door rather than continuously going back and forth how big do you think of for foundations we want I don't know what the plans are I'm thinking just a standard 16 4x4 I think that's pretty big oh lot of walls okay we uh oh yeah that'll finish be fast oh yeah you can still be oh the Sabers is he getting hide he change his name I'm curious how much hide he actually be like if they didn't screw with that at all he's now tiger no it bugged again it has to do with going in and out of the inventory too fast crashing him yeah no I didn't crash my control of the camera with my mouse didn't reinitialize kind of thing oh yeah did you break a or you just put a door here I put a door cuz that's the only way to get to the second chest all right two more two more foundations plus 16 and I think that's a good number for foundations oh no I have more than 16 all right we're building walls three a that all right I I can just walk the bird over that's probably best I'm here fixes it maybe we screwed up two Mammoth so we're now just on the second one and I said it was my fault because as soon as I loaded in we're like it's getting eaten and then it died o I got 20 hide from ayro what do you normally get uh find out right now what you Sabertooth Yeah well yeah I just got one saber tooth no we more oh wait saber no while we were getting the mammoth we decided to get a saber-tooth and Mammoth died what is this other Arc YouTuber server that pops up when I search I don't know that's been there for a while there's only ever one person on it and it's PVP he's pvping himself he a pvis maybe it was one like that like people reach out in those networks like hey join my server if you're going to be playing yeah we definitely need a wood getter maybe a beaver tomorrow to repair this something ridiculous I thought you were getting man it didn't go well you want to try again we can but I don't know how much half an hour just have fail at 50% 21 hide from a parasaur repair and some stuff and then I'm going to fly over there see what the saber gets are you almost are you at re 72 yet no okay I did an Explorer note run this morning there a quick one that's like right near our base like a a little spree that you can do m68 I crashed yay oh don't go in your inventory like fast you know take your time that's what it is yeah I'm justed I just you know yeah use like the fastest possible movements EG road on the back of a giga looks like Robo tamed a giga today nice I mean it's not that bad we got 18 foundations done you know you got to do the gates what we need Gates yeah Foundation first house first so nothing to protect your dinosaurs in we have a cage for birds over here I was going to move LLY over if we got the saddle G the heck that that's that's I can do that just happened what mean went the journey just throw him on the boat again wait I didn't get I killed a turtle and I didn't get boring I disable the wrong thing do we have food cooking here or is it all better we have nothing here okay hold on looks like I came in right when you guys were prepared harvesting y JK lol we killed an alpha Egon level yeah he's in the water you shoot the arrows at it level are you I said 67 no 68 definely did not say but I am level 61 just laugh m69 there's a super a drop over there a super explor note yeah crafting these walls is not giving the same amount of XP as like when we were crafting wood what sad purple air drop right next to our old base yeah you get more with sa I hit all those Explorer notes with my RG I'm at 1,000 weight 1,000 Dam didn't even go up in health probably what I'll do next if it ever levels up again better than was just the Explorer notes that I hit I got some of the like the techie ones that are like seven levels or whatever I got 600 weight 1,200 is there one close to here Megalo saddle gas grenade some metal and focal chili metal red air drops are Supreme compound bow fabricated pistol you been grabbing them over there whenever I see them oh I do know where there's an uh an air drop there should be R right across the water there used to be some ruins there are the spawns working now yeah yeah most of them I guess what we see I'm just trying to kill stuff for food there's like nothing over by this old BAS there was never anything really B old murder beach is murder beach again great he stole my Enduros to I just got out of the air seven of them got to love the seagull yep why do they not drop bags anymore cuz he eats makes him worse than pegos oh is it working right now is what working um no yes it was his weight it was his weight as long as this weight is fine we're okay my issue now is food if we can get food cooked this new Bas oh my gosh the forest is so dense there used to be ruins right here looks like they got rid of it oh wait there's a clearing behind oh it's still here the biggest thing is [Music] wood is there an air I mean the oh yeah there is an Explorer one of those jar ones so there should be one up on this hill I think hey Jared what do you think about wild Dino pickup we should okay what op or something what was your opinion my opinion I I don't know we W sure vanill we want to go I mean I guess it depends like we already have a Odus right what other dinosaurs are we picking up direwolves I guess it's more fun when you have those that risk you know what I mean yeah you don't get vanilla yeah let's keep it where we're at I like that we can pick them up after but not before I guess it's cool you'll see once you have a quetzel that's where you determine things being able to pick up a mammoth is fantastic right we could just change it once we get it cuz like a quel should be able to pick up wild now we cannot make cryopods they came out with Genesis didn't they extinction extinction yeah it was way later the longest Arc video yet was edited to mece longer than the unedited first episode end me wait happened like what what happened then yesterday's recording there is a lot happened all different times 2 and 1 half hours I cut it down to like about an hour last time we had two and a half hours we did like 45 minutes or something all right I'm going to fly over is there anything we need at Old base no no I just leave the Smithy and stuff we craft that here oh my God the lighting in this game as yeah I like turning off um volumetric fog and I turned off I turned off Sun shafts I might die from that I just like flying into the sun it just makes everything gray maybe one or the other I don't know there's one of them that just like adds fog to and I'm just not a fan of that bloom is that bloom I love look look at this this is so beautiful over here I like Bloom if I'm like Staring at the Sun but like just everywhere you fly it gets old maybe I just want the lens it's light Bloom and light I'll try they don't mind the god R but there's something about everything just being fogged overed out like yeah kind of like ruins it I guess yeah that's better turning I'm still getting like fuzzy clouds and stuff I don't know why I think it's cuz I removed fog I think there's supposed to be fog where those clouds are getting fuzzy Jared Could you um could you give me quartz the new base what's your coordinates for new base she was right outside of it I just saw I'm at new base I don't know if I'm starting at you no yeah yeah I'm just going right to new base okay yeah nothing eventful Happening Here not yet o 50 Tran arrows 42 jerky and 95 and that air drop we keep the jerky though I hear big flaps I think there's a quetzel stuck in the trees over here yep how stuck I got out he I think it got out but I think shooting it would make it get out never know you cooking any food me yeah murdering on that thing I didn't know if you had any food going I just got back I went to get the Explorer note try to level it yeah someone was like did you turn off Shadows for the Cave episode cuz it was so bright in there I was like no the cave just bright I don't know it was all lit lit up by mushrooms and stuff yeah I think they just they just made it brighter I think the big thing they'll be darker ones though oh my gosh what about the one that get the crawl through in the snow yeah we're going to need uh what's it called for that oh we have a water little little Nu of water right there Lake I see that [Applause] yeah have a camp fire here campire want slaming back mushrooms in a second you know what I should have done I should have brought kmit with I didn't want to get him killed you know that's a cool looking pair what my bird doing excuse me bird my bird is just flying off into the heavens levitating away sometimes you just got it I guess so he's out let's see I got building stuff in there Jared make sure you clap tweeting instagramming that a video you're tweeting on Instagram MH I just I just rehar my Instagram cre yeah I started using schedule tweets cuz I'm sick of clicking too many buttons when I'm like trying to start up you can get that on the what's cream deck no no never spent the money on one of those probably get them on like Black Friday for 30 bu or something that work unless you get like a mini like 30 bucks I thought they were like $400 or maybe I'm pretty sure okay where's the foundations there's a chest in that there's like a doorway that's C crafted I was trying to cheat and see if I can squeeze in three rows of woodstead [Applause] of you guys going to be building what the yep in a sec I might try and get another saber [Applause] another yeah cuz if I can just bring a bunch of them the this true I'm thinking I got a lot of PR walls do we need a borgon I'm building a boron of [Music] them one door five ceilings [Applause] for the prim of course it's thatch I don't want him to [Music] be there's 47 walls already in there made back his hide that's good got a spinal saddle okay I I don't know why my brain said sto where's baby blue I got to put the building supplies on him cuz there's no way I'm running all these back and forth right there that's what I've been doing just carrying the we didn't name Rocky yet we didn't name Rocky yet Mr Mr Rocky the doic hello that was a group decision I was only doing a group decision not to name him no what to name I left name is Rocky okay the name rocky rocky is here he's here to say say and my game is bugged here we go okay don't leave the menu by backing up the radial menu what happened it just Mak your camera stick to where the radio menu was until you open it back up again I'm going to start building I'm going to like kind of build it closer water probably right feeding trough big I'm think I'm tinking maybe on each corner I just was not we'll do a 3X3 right here you have more Foundation you remember our Genesis Building Ryan yes that's essentially what I'm aiming for again but like a little bit bit more scaled there a lot more more you have enough for more than a 4x4 do we know how big a gate is is it three no no no it's much bigger than not a behemoth like a normal dinosaur it used to be two is it two is it pretty sure it's three yeah you're probably right it probably was three but I some reason no maybe it is two we can we make one just to test just just talking about a gate right just a normal gate not a behemoth but I'll just say it's two and then we can move it if it's never mind I lied is it two it's got to be two I wait for soil coming from the mud into the stone structure what the heck you seen this coach no I'm not even there come see this when you get the chance you're so far where are you is that all the foundations listen to this guy is it how many all the foundations how many was it I don't know 20 yeah the dinos are respawning I'm still working going to need a lot more than this yeah I'll start putting up the back walls though I had enough for a 4x4 yeah well I'm not building a 4x4 no you're not no we're building a lot bigger than a 4x4 yeah keep getting we're going to be here for a while it's wood and thatch that's the problem and then I'm going to do level 22 Sabers regular wall we'll do big Windows like that and strike a procop saddle a stego saddle there we go one wall down that's a big wall oh the sa went after next wall we'll have lots of room for we'll have a storage room we'll have a cuz we're going to have to put like the big Tech generator and everything in here too so tech oh replicator yeah the replicator and those are pretty tall and have to fit into a pretty large room I wouldn't worry about that until we get to that point I'm worrying about it right off the bat so that way we're just ready to go when it comes you know build bigger though oh I'm build have you seen what I'm building yeah I see exactly what you're building start getting wood do pedestrian access probably right here thinking about EB and flow of pedestrian access that's how crazy we're going play City Sky all I see is numbers of wood in numbers of bch well you should have got a mammoth but that didn't go very well did it no it went terrible wow I'm sorry to bring it up PTSD and stuff I don't even know if we were going to get it home that was the issue that was a bigger issue we had to get we were going to pass when we got there what you can't read Bola you can't have the stupid doer swung and hit a trike there we go there we go not sure do we like the windows above the doors or do we want the windows next to the doors I don't really know we could change it in the future it tease what it ISE you tease what it is yeah mhm you heard me right good job I think that's what he said in some words and F and we are out of building supplies back to work get more wood what is wood right now know what wood is I'm making it what is Stone is what I'm working on currently I see some ceilings I can get some secondary floors rocking H should do with this wood what a stone yeah we totally need a beaver trying to think well we haven't seen any monkeys though like the Apes the gorillas they're fiber I haven't seen a single one nope but that's that's all we have for building supplies so wait what about your the dog just need wood he he might be dead I didn't see him in the cage earlier what uh Chandler maybe he wandered out of it cuz he left him on wander they usually glitched through the wall Kermit no Chandler no oh Chandler still in there where's Kermit back at home he's no he's inside the pen he could be dead though I don't know what I don't you just left him I didn't just leave him yes you did you guys you just threw all your pteranodons and the sa out in the middle I Coral them and protected them that was your job it was really yeah yeah it was a day job I half want to just t a beaver and Save hours do I tame a beaver you could tame a Beav how long is a beaver probably as long as a doic it's just it's just the um don't TI wolves no I mean a mammoth would be the way to go fever would be the way to go the best I think the twinkle fingers is actually the best one that wood yeah terino teros destroy wood and that yeah but we know how long that going take just I don't remember about that hour and a solid thousand narcotics I'm going to go look for a Bieber I can get a lot of wood uh sometimes they're buy Stone headed yep I just got a on some trees what hit some trees the amount of trees you're going to hit if you tame the beaver you'll save yourself hours Dill's blinding me do the muscle dogs give you prime uh muscle dog my muscle dog has increased Prime no I mean like if I eat them rasers that type of stuff emth Argent Davis where you are right now would be Argent Davis is that H I'm back oh for baby din I haven't seen many today ate a couple you ate a couple Yeah couple of children baby dins is what I said yeah someone with a the doo decks or whatever open how long does it take to tame a beaver not looking at 2 hours an hour 30 minutes 35 minutes 20 minutes be quicker than a but they wake up very fast and there's always more than one up I don't worry about you can't you can't pick them up I don't worry about that part I worry about how long is it going to take me to tame them they need to give us chainsaws back that ain't come until score buddy I [Music] know baby Doo yeah oh my food just got replaced by The Jerky instantly on its own we need loads of jerky for for kble R jerky Prime jerky yeah back at the old days there should be a lot of jerky what it was quite a bit I was making it that's a Nifty looking Sabertooth thanks thanks there's more coming that's what said about right there not enough stone for a Stone Gate does the picking up and carrying goic to a stone still work yep yep oh there's muscle L where's the stones in this area where the stones I've been mining them so you have to fly across level one beaver will take 24 minutes that's not too bad why isn't he swinging is he full if he's overweight do we there's certain rocks that he doesn't break so don't oh he has all Stone in him already what are we doing weight I have man wait weight and melee damage he has such a reduction that it's like oh I wish um megasaurus that's what they're called mosasaurus could jump out the water like bite you off the you fly too low that'll be pretty fun oh they crashed shoot that's bad yes good not good not good not good not good the gate is two you see I see is this the blind man that's good listen to do you just ask why is he blind no I said that's that's good he says I see said they're that's good unless he's lying the Blind Man's lying yeah how about he SE I see do okay careful where you throw bags they just phas through structures am I dead is question well you guys see yeah we have six tury at Bas am I going to crash immediately again oh I made it to land did they AR carry he dragged me out the water like he yeah I just can't wait for industrial Grill fabricator industrial Grill generator Electrical uh fridge AC unit I think the grill is like the Turning Point that's when food doesn't matter as much anymore as much as it already is a problem all the time mostly um what's it called when you can just throw all the Prime in there and cook it cook it and jerky it yep which requires oil right I don't remember the last time I made jerky usually it's like in all the mods that everything it's just everywhere oh my God the injuries on the saber look insane I wish I could get like permanent scarred saes cool like remember the Apex dinos yep the apex predators I don't know why that's not in Arc like immediately instead of these Alphas that are un unkillable kind of thing 10,000 HP meal un untamable you just have an apex predator basically what they did for the fish there's still no full corner triangle foundations what do you mean by that I have to like like from One Foundation to another it's still the triangles are still like a third of a foundation instead of half a foundation oh is a little weird why you have to make uh it's a odd number but I'm not trying I just want to put corner so I can save wall that's it that's all I want to do no it's a it's an odd number so you need to do five in order to do a dude just stole my paint so stupid where's the B free dive for my oil oh God oh my God the black Gates where we would feed you Lazarus chowder Lazarus chow and I just went down there was no scoy gear I just would go terrified of the ocean by the way absolutely terrified of open water well it wasn't open you just go straight down come yeah then we would stand on the before that was before electric eels plesiosaurs mesosaurs giant squids giant whale I don't know stand on the shore until you came back or like is he going to come back I don't know yeah you and sters would just make fun of me the entire time it it was a spectacle because no one else was do no one else was doing it at the time either yeah cuz it was so the lazer Stew was so expensive that only one person can afford to go down and you time limited yeah so out Beaver you got one out now I got to babysit him he's a level one we have the perfect the perfect one it see here for 22 minutes just TR torper oh they're mate boosted tigon and ligeron you you going to take those guys into the cave tomorrow lava cave Noth aren't we killing stuff in a cave or something no they're good at the other caves that we might do like South to cave I love how he volunteered mine 24 minutes I'm not going to bring Kermit see Kermit has plot armor any anybody find any vegetables yeah I found seeds too if you got vegetables can you bring them to me when you have a but they always spoil they're probably spoiled I put him in the fridge that's back at base uh you know I going make another saddle yeah it's probably good wait whose bird is this this is mine why do I have fur oh probably from the thing hello just move over a little bit I'm overweight dude oh my God crafting a Bor Gillian foundations I watched you look at your hand look up into the sky look around I like what is he doing wait couldn't move this will be the most important tame for our building don't don't look over here okay you won't like what you say oh we have to go look at my art piece I made an wor narcotics don't worry about this thing just waking up and murdering my face murder my face that tame goes too huh what are you saying the beaver and the spino have like very fast torers yeah very fast oh do you need more Tran I have 160 on me no my my issue is if we can find if someone can just hit air drop and find vegetables it speeds up from 22 minutes considerably I'm building a house I'm what's up mushrooms all right let's see thank you for watching uh what going to do you are not going to look at the house is it ugly I don't know I don't know what he's doing just getting there I couldn't tell you it's getting there it's getting uglier by the minute you said you got rid of light shafts I got rid of balloon when AR first launched I believe it was 150 it just made everything all foggy and weird I love uhoh uh it did reduce the The Fog kind of yeah does it give you more frames or just was it just a look I don't know I'm at like 60 pretty consistently so not too worried about it 60 is Happy enough for me is it Sakamoto is that how you like probably shouldn't be messing with it it kind of stuttered when I tried to save it last time oh God bad time to need to peig it's a problem yes when this guy you're 3,000 away where'd you go I'm at ston oh so it was there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah welcome Sakamoto I hope you're enjoying make sure you guys hit that like button as I said it helps interactions on the stream thus equaling more viewers thus higher level just are Inland by default or is that something you on the server I have to set on the server we just haven't knocked it up yet and we explained it earlier that it's really it's all looks interesting because scalability and the bell curve like taming higher level DDS yes is fun but then you guys are watching 4our tames thus being awful of sitting here doing this but then again some people enjoy watching The Taming part of AR so is its own um your dinosaurs do more damage but everything else does more damage so what are you you're scaling scale if that makes sense you're fighting level 30s you're level 30 it's it's the same in the end and then caves are ridiculous if you up too high so can't really do the caves normally you have to kind of game them but tames certain tames are better than so it's all on its own like yes tames are harder to get at higher levels but not really cuz you're usually standing on a rock so it's just more takes more grinding to get there so I don't know everybody has their opinions on it that's mine just watching the toour go just getting thank you ra I can't actually see the likes right now because it's I have to like maximize my window a little bit bigger but I appreciate it I can see that it's at least 100 and something so has like dots but I appreciate you guys for hting that like button it does help out a ton make sure you guys hit the Subscribe Button as well I stream almost every day on our right now uh usually stream almost every day anyways hit the Bell get notified of future stream so you don't have to keep an eye on on Twitter or Discord but join the Discord good Community I do have a sub server for people who do become YouTube members those who give a little bit extra it's just a perk you know all right I'm back at base and no all the veggies are gone which is weird well Saka I'm glad that you spend your time watching maybe they spoil faster now I know about illnesses so don't you worry I've spent a lot of time at the doctor's cently on a medication that makes me pee my brains out and drink two lers of water day to foggy for me to see air drops unfortunately we've explained it before it's a rare disease so the air drops base aren't here enjoy mushrooms 28% how you doing on wood Jared just getting it yourself uh I've just been building pretty much this whole time now I'm grabbing the dious again I'm out of stone stone wasn't my problem it was wooden bch it's the I built one gate and now was like 500 Stone oh yeah that'll do it yeah yeah that'll do it I think once the beaver comes in you can kind of go kind of with Liberty building whatever the heck you want it's right the beaver saddle is going to be insane with the can someone start crafting it cementing P I can learn it asteroid saddle is it's the 100 metal 140 centic taste we have plenty of 290 hide uh we have 100 metal we might actually have a saddle back at Bas at our old Bas maybe I just learned it it's too late pathway for the fall I can't see any air drops can you oh there's one yeah we can make this SLE there are species X on the island by the way nice again Ryan told me there wasn't and there was they weren't in the original they weren't in the original they weren't at launch yeah I thought they came with scorched Earth I guess that must be species with scor Earth but they might have thrown it on species y was aberration yeah weed the flashs to tame the Reapers and kill the Reapers and go to the surface yeah I think it didn't come with um s you it makes sense maybe it came with swamp in general you could be right that sounds that sounds much more accurate there was so much stuff that came out very quickly at one point and then it was very slow added the swamp no one wanted they added too much of it like if you didn't add SW around the entire redwoods like I understand it's not in the north but the entire south side of the island is swamp to get to Redwoods it's too much it's too much they should have not screwed leave green Obby your swamp it doesn't need to be where we are I don't even think they should have green obious green Obby was like a peaceful it was the starter area it was literally the starter area now where we are is and it's Danger on both sides yeah it's like there there's no progression from starter to something else it's just die and we're out of that Wen spikes around it this is a safe area there usually very safe but it's it's pretty yeah I don't level0 I don't need no spikes around it yay approaching T-Rex saddle I got one white air drop there was no I'm going for this air drop hopefully it don't die looks kind of dangerous I wonder how much the T-Rex sdle cost 200 metal probably 74 those the bigger Saddles is when the metal starts getting insane I think that's adequate room for a whole bunch of chests and then one side can be stores chest and then we just need an entrance especially at level one it's torper is so low that I have to keep an eye on it we're almost halfway there though the Metal's going to be the hold down for the CID R 100 metal or do we have that we have we have enough metal there should be like 120 unmelted back at Old base there was some smelting there and then we had 70 something I think left over after Cod battle but no I put more to smelt yeah no I moved you moved the ones over there was some in the thing too that I moved over from the remember when I found all the metal yeah all right I'm going to this other air drop so far no food or no I remember alpha alpha Raptors was that they were saying remember when there was a Rexx in this used to live in this area well it it walked down usually comes from like the mid there's like a fork in the river that they like to come from there's two alpha Raptors there just standing on opposite sides of the river staring at each other Rex's Alpha Raptors uh spino spino likes the water which I saw spino for the first time today in a river we had never seen him before seen tons of sp there was a spino right next to our where he saw it where I saw it was the first time next to uh red Obby like in the river right there where the titanosaur was which it's possible don't really compete with the T-Rexes though in water they do in water is there any bosses in water I think the spinal has a punch now I don't know what it does have to figure out the breeding stats before the boss fights cuz we're going to have to bre was chasing the parasaur that just ran by Bloody yeah that's the same thing happened there was a um a thumb puncher that's running and it's all beat up so I'm like what was fighting it yeah that's that's the worry oh dillos yep still no food oh wait I am keeping this beer safe yeah I I have no veggies unfortunately you're good really have to get on a a farm we should plant a farm before we get off to that that's a lot yeah what do you mean say a lot of work not really I might be on tomorrow so I can start it tomorrow you guys want to watch Christian should be on all day too shouldn't be that expensive not expensive is time consuming no cuz the the way the water works now it's stupid easy yeah but you still have to build all the stuff get all the poop get a FIA P full of stuff like there's a lot you're forgetting the fiomia would be the longest part of that I think the other stuff is it's 100 Stone so you need 400 Stone which the dois gets after like six rocks the reservoirs would just cost you you only need one I already have I have everywhere we have a metal Reservoir back at Old base like four of them yeah that's what I mean so you really it's not that bad I have the intake already he be finding a fiomia is kind of easy all right I see a blue air drop maybe this will give me something and maybe I'll die who knows are you able to make the saddle for what the beaver oh I didn't make it I thought you were Jared should actually make it if he's close to his Rec saddle he hit 70 what is the S 74 oh yeah make fever 74 no the Rex I no Rex I wouldn't even build a greenhouse yet I just just to plant it so it's ready to go you know what you could do build a whole bunch of beds by where all the air drops drop and then put a little chest and teleport take all the stuff put it in the chest and then you can't build beds close to air drop spawns anymore obviously not right beside it I mean like it's closer than flying one on Carno Island might not be bad just for a red air drop all right there's a blue airdrop in the water this is a bad idea man's just risking his life today but wait why is there a carnal swimming towards it wait how did you do that what do you mean did you do that from the map yeah double tap M and then middle Mouse click it's also you to set way points so you can click way points on so you can see them all these animals are swimming all right something horribly wrong almost just smacked okay where is it it's underground early for what the air drop is like stuck inside a rock under there Jaa did you call the night before to make sure if you had to go or or at least that's what we do here oh it didn't come down yet I'm stupid never mind called the night before for us it looked like it was stuck on the ground it's not my problem with Jerry duty is parking it's always just parking 74% all right it was stimulants and some shoes nice oh nice there shoes but I have them the same actually a little better some chitten Jordans you know MH wait can you see air drops on the [Applause] map cuz you almost hit like the point perfect oh you were just going based off of where I was mhm and then where you were looking kind of where I would imagine something would be okay that was actually pretty good you almost hit it perfectly the first time the second time was too far this guy I remember when they tried to introduce that to divis the division where you could play on like your tablet and help people playing in game remember when a division was so good yeah and they screwed with it some people would say they made it better I definitely played division one way more than two the atmosphere of one was perfect the winter in New York was perfect yeah it was perfect if they just added actual survival components to it fantastic well it's like wastelands what is that division uh Ghost Recon wildlands I mean oh Wildland wildlands was a game changing and they gave me robots and crap and I'm like Wildland was so good it's like J much I would go right back to it I loved wildlands the amount of fun we had on wildlands was astronomical okay I got a silencer some Shadow steak some oh I got like 60 um organic polymer not bad we have penguins though with clubs yeah but I got it mhm well that's 60 polymer that's that's the biggest part of this all is we're close enough to the penguin that polymer crafts shouldn't be the end of the world well you're almost done taming so probably head over here yeah I got to figure out the saddle we have hi air drop coming down have yeah I used some of it but we should have some how much though uh we are looking at 290 uh 100 metal is the hardest part I think yeah the fact there's trick-or-treaters running around outside and my house is pitch black but I also live on a state highway so they better not come the predator and Terminator missions no no we never touched them right hopefully this blue airdrop will have something it's going to give you vegetables now maybe we at 91% yeah 96% no 91% 96 efficiency I mean it wasn't too bad a in the guy didn't end my world h i mean I think we would have tamed one of these before MTH if we went straight to a beaver yeah we should have but then we wouldn't have got the saber well that was the plan was double doing a double tame M plus we'd be able to see if everything was respawning and it was I will say it's a little annoying when the birds are slow they don't have to be lightning speed but slow flapping everywhere is a little Annoying have they really released any information on Arc I or is it really still like Hush Hush everything just the trailer b to be like a third person Souls like combat I don't going to be like a it's going to be a continuation of the story this is the new arc you're playing right now yeah that's all they're going to keep deing this into the future yeah technically this is AR yeah and ar2 is more is like another game in the ark franchise which is why I don't know why they called it Ark 2 instead of Arc Universe Ben diesel evolved or something Arc family pretty much family got jerky teach your son how to run quick on a T-Rex this T-Rex can make it qu Mile in less than 30 seconds what this T-Rex can make it a quar mile in under 30 seconds remember when we up the speed of the T-Rex and it was Psycho it was actually terrifying oh yeah I remember the fast I no no uh what was it pug nasio when I tamed the trilobite with full speed Moto GP the entire Island in less than a minute the Raptor races we had a Carno Island those are kind of fun dangerous oh well done and I found nothing actually what did I collect got some shoes some jerky some mutton I was going to say if I can't pick up a beaver I'm I'm just going to go to bed silencer stimulants organic polymer all right I'm just going to bring him straight to Jared you can craft it there hey code when you pass by old base can you just pick up as many berries as you can off the trike just for the feeding trap oh you're not going by old base the thing there can get um Beaver berries yeah the beaver's really good at getting berries but the ankko can get it too he's not as good I just ride the Moss drops over he's going to get red air drop no has a red ring I bet you these are going to be the um the food the only thing I can say about R2 is if if it's going to be like a Souls combat and everything just don't give meing Tech Armor please no they said this all primitive thank the Lord you to see in the trailer too I have no care for like fabricated weapons and everything I'm just not I think the fabricated sniper was really the problem the Bol the it should have stopped the bolty even the simple pistol is a little bit much oh they don't need it simple pistol I'm okay with the fabricated stuff too W there's supposed to get past like no I'm saying the way the fabric sniper is all about like upgrading evolving but like as soon as they get to Power Ranger armor that allows you to charge punch things that's that's very different than a fabricated sniper rifle yeah but I'm saying what do you use you just only use fabricated snipers you don't use anything else yeah assault rifle is terrible all they do is make the assault rifle not terrible yeah that's what I'm saying it it basically fills the oh shoot it fills the role that an assault rifle should have and then takes the snipers role like it just Wei to make it so it's not automatic just give us a really high damage sniper rifle was that it was a really high sniper rifle without a magag don't need a semi-automatic s rifle cuz use it like like the assault rifle right everyone just po should have done like a lever action or something true that's it make more sense you can shoot five or six instead of 20 that do the highest damage in the game or at least give us like if you're going to make that like a DMR make it weaker and then give you like a like why is there no 50 count that's that's what everybody wants it's a big sniper shoots one bolt got gun yeah oh there you go even that that's pretty much what a long neck is it doesn't do the damage though that's why I was saying lever would be better have it do the same damage as a long nech but you can like spam five shots there you go uses a stronger ammo or something mhm but darts are still the end you know what I mean like the issue is some of these trees they went so far and then it's like all right need to take a note out of the mod games where there's like a lot of different arrows and give me different arrows for different types of dinos heck no just instead of kibble I'll take that over kibble maybe like an better narcotic you know how there's better narcotic arrows late in mods mhm yeah but some of those are just broken one has better narcotic arrows like the Tran one what they called there's ones that you use the jelly is it jelly oh Tran darts the shock darts yeah shock darts there you go do they do more tper you're supposed to I thought they just knock people off their mouss was the only difference I thought they did more I thought they just I thought they were a PVP weapon that's the other thing is like the why I make things that only work in PvP PVP has the most players in this game oh no I understand that but you don't you can make them I don't know about that on official servers it's mostly well I don't know if that's most players most guess you say daily L active player yeah there you go cuz you have to be con you never get anywhere exactly or you get stuff get deleted is offine is offline raid protection on on FES yet the foundations have been placed for the house oh uh saying that uh shock Dart is twice the is like two but isn't it also like five times the resources it's very expensive I'd rather just get a better long neck and make Tarts yeah that I agree with do you you do I love it don't have to ride the why do I need a beaver saddle oh cuz the weight reduction and I think it's a Smithy too might just naturally get it yeah but I can carry him the same way as the doic C ank oo I got some pants but cold resist 40 some hide pants 44 cold is this pry [Applause] go yeah I think turning down that 3D thing really helped the um what's it called the crashing issue all right Jared I'm bringing wood yep there it is what I like to see the you building the Smith the the saddle wanted to build saddle for exp he should the metal stops smelting oh R out of wood build in the house I don't know what I'm supposed to do we're to level you up we want you to build the SM I'll do it once I have all yeah the metals need to SM there has to be enough metal I'm at the old base I'll check if there's any metal here oh there 25 that I can see unless you have it all on your bird what metal yeah there has to be more than 25 metal there did you check the bin there's 25 in the bin let's check back bin back bin five CTIC case isn't here either this 56 how much was it 100 140 I got to fly back to are you at Old base you said c yeah yeah yeah yeah just grab the cementing paste cementing P yeah uh there's metal here have a spy glass if you want it yeah I'll take it cuz I can I can carry around the beaver but it is not as easy 15 metal we have raw metal here we have like 290 raw metal smelting it's just anything that's done is faster consuming yeah it's the semantic base actually at this point and hide you overweight Mr Bieber I don't want to build anymore Grandpa it's too Dam bad are we going to do anything else today uh I'm down to go for dires I love dire I got my Beaver you want to go get some diral in a minute do one more wall crap really should hunt for high Lev D wols we're going to go for them there's so many of them so many comments the for full I was just explaining that to my chat that it's all bell curve scaling so why does it matter all relative like the bosses are as easy as the dinosaurs are I just don't cuz people would like like yeah let's just raise the dinosaur levels and then make taming five times so it's like what's the that or if we don't if we leave at vanilla you're going to be watching four hour taming videos yeah that but the other thing about it is is what the only difference is a dinosaur doesn't instant kill you exactly which I'm okay with I want a chance to react it makes dinos way too strong and I prefer to be strong on foot as well to an extent I mean they still hit like trucks you bit by a Rex you get four bites you're done oh black black did you bring wood back yet inside the beaver I even going to move it to the B going to throw the beer incurious location you you were in a weird spot that game I'm getting I'm picking up that myself for you N More walls just going to pretty much like Cube it in and work on the roof eventually but just like have the walls up so we can place down our smiies and storage bins and start moving into it essentially we can also store dinosaurs in it [Music] [Applause] sh [Music] I guess I'll wait for morning though to get DARS cuz otherwise we're going to freeze our balls off we have to leave at the crack ofon we're still waiting on C to get back anyway so waiting on me why for the saddle the saddle oh to get levels CRA the saddle so I can ride the the thing instead of doing this carrying method that 5050 the hardest part of the dire is getting the dir wolf out and the winter part of it spy glass some good ones at least over 10 cu no saddle makes them no armor thus take damage you should hit the high level explor not before crafing anymore but but that's 1600 me away come on Beaver please these [Music] beer these what's happening no I'm trying to carry the beaver but he's not picking up the wood like I wanted to like he's not he's not like the doic orus where it's just it just kind of works the ankle where it just works it's uh 50/50 you can grab you can hold them and they'll hit trees yeah is that I've been doing I don't know why I don't remember these stuff was think because I just used to ride you couldn't pick up argentavis so why would you do that why would you pick up a beaver with a quel I think you can pick up beavers with ar nothing to change they can only pick up small I don't remember anything was all a blur more St I want to get like I said at least the house balen it's almost there walls are so much quicker to craft than foundations holy my RG is running out of food though too much just Fe in the no the deard drop disappeared there's a trough yeah yeah me put meat in there I don't know if any meat in might have might have finished it off they finished it there's like 20 um pteranodons I'm back theyve return where going for it all right put your spy glass hide sh waiting on the metal I have some how much do you have we still need cementing paste hide hi in the other F story I don't think I brought the cementing PA we have it we have some just found it it was just a funny story though Roger we need three more I just wandered around and I didn't do it I was looking for the metal but we should have some ending base yeah we have it it's almost all in there I'm just going to there should be enough metal uh did you put it in you must separated it between the two bins by accident no in this front bin isn't there like 200 there was 98 in it's there was 200 in this front bit there was loose metal earlier that I'm smelting oh when I looked in here I saw 200 metal I don't know if I can trust you anymore cuz there's there's someone shuffling things around I wonder that's don't see it putting it in yeah I know that's what I said putting stuff in this bird oh I found it wait yeah somebody alleviated that's the the amount I just took out that I was said was there oh okay yeah we don't have metal 200 what all right I I I need more sleep I've been getting a lot of sleep that's probably it you're off by a bit uh we what do we need though more hide I'm just all in Char birds so we can just click the butt button that we need 180 thatch God I thought it would be night time by now I forgot like time is basically the same like an hour is 10 minutes forgot I used to speed up night time just cuz I'm so bad yeah us be like now I don't mind it as much cuz it is brighter in some places but it's only if you go in the forest so am I going to carry you in on your Sabertooth code for the direwolf what no they're not going in there all right jar it's ready for you to click Craft wait wait well we did have enough yeah I waited for the last bits to smell it's in your blue baby baby blue cast oh it's in my my hitting it yeah cod's close by isn't he yeah cing and then the beaver is totally Ted boom there we go done comment section name the Beaver leave it aam it leave it Dam it just keep your CASRO no leave it oh the beaver what do he say what's wrong with him his name's Beaver no oh you name him Le leave it leave it to Beaver Leave it to Beaver oh I see what he's saying yeah you watch that show no but I know of it he knows it exists exactly didn't tell you anything about it knows the name yep he gets berries name don't we so fast that he's filling himself yeah it it's one of the best tams in the game it does so much damage gets berries gets trees has a weight reduction of wood yep and it was the I think it was the first one to have a Smithy he wasn't good he need so much weight though still I probably just hit up plant with you just a there we go know what we have powder use that don't look at the base I'm not doing anything illegal what base I'm not doing anything illegal okay got him definitely not never um the dire barar settles see that looked over there no one did um take those take the spy glass would brought me there's shoes in there good shoes shoes ch shoes they give they're actually worse for COD cold veres really yep black is better it's scary I know wait I gave you hide shoes you sure you don't have hide shoes I need three more walls and we at least wall not wearing them I'm putting them on now uh the shape of the base is oddly chish mean you have enough wood to last a while the crop pod that's true slow frame detector 150 Ms was that I'm getting 150 ping to This Server randomly oh 14 picked up the dodo in my mouth uh uh Dire Wolf yumol long what's the last one I doy what time is it yeah like a glove huh like the moon just turned off that at some point midnight or whatever before midnight he's full of wood J get closer than that just getting high got to get him within distance of the container it's our job who's there hold on Army shall rise all right that should be enough walls probably more than enough walls I think I only need four more there we go and then I need triangle ceilings and regular Rock carrot I don't I haven't found Rock carrot seeds yet I I put all the seeds at the old base I'm only missing Rock a once you can tell a do has been we got to cry baby bow you guys hungry I was hungry uh-oh what does it mean all right walls actually actually don't clip doors anymore Gates would you look at that would you just look at it sorry we going need some wall Tes or something for inside this house it's going to be rather dark oh I got a W Tor I got loads of windows but during the night it's rather dark in [Music] there all right that's probably all I'm going to do for now building wise you're good super bright in here it is until look at look under the roof tiles though it's starting to get real deep real deep real dark see we got pedestrian access here so you don't have to open big gate we got access here from the sides in case you come from the sides and then we can park basic dinos in here for now just keep them safe through the big Gates you know maybe I can put a what was that some gates on the top oh he fired a flare yeah if you just press it on your arent it just launches off like Escape attack from Titan thought it was an explosion something B Rockets just coming in oh I forgot to tell you there's people pvping in the background there just dro the ton of hide in there my argentavis had like 400 hide on it didn't he need hide for something wa where's my argentavis look at the red Obby with the green Borealis see that that's some cool stuff right there if you ask me my guy a good pal guy pretty sick be sick yo magnets and stuff okay got some meat hey an Explorer note right here there's two oh I already grabbed it where are you guys got the blue air drop coming down just getting some food on my RG and making sure I'm ready to go in the morning for some deer wolves I got to pee real quick too ARS that sounds terrifying deer de deer like briers ice cream but deers know what I'm saying that's the one thing with um dire wolves you can just get packed cuz you don't have to put saddles on them but they take damage yeah but there's so many of them by the time they're about to take damage everything's dead well I got the kiten pants to your set 56.5 do you already have pants me yeah yeah pants this saber just Ms creat I got a cage out of that air drop so we can put this outside for when Boomer plays with us M he doesn't actually ever play he just get the cage we just he's like I'm going to kind come play Arc for the first time and we just knock him out and drag him in a cage that's it that's it yeah you has to at least spend the amount of hours we' spent on Arc in a cage mhm I'm at like 24 hours I'm saying all of ar oh I think I'm about I think I'm about to go over 2,000 K is 3,000 we we we go based on caveman rules I do I think you have almost three power buddy your survival evolves oh yeah I know people have higher numbers but I yeah ceman ceman I think pretty high ceman that's the most I've seen out of [Music] anyone don't mind me yeah have anybody everybody can just pick up their pces that would be great you know that's not happen yeah it is midnight that's weird I thought it was fing nope it gets bright at like 10:30 pm. it's when the moon comes out I'll be right back though I'm going to feed the dogs you're good I'm currently crawling around looking one of those is human gross what oh I just heard someone else take a dump where' you take a dump just tame a fiomia I don't know we're working with what we got code we're working with what we got and I'm currently moving around the cage by jumping on their Saddles and pressing to the side oh my all right let's see can I take a strike this might be where I live wait there's a baby with this TR I'll save it for later that's some prime right there Sav for the morning there we go I got three out of the four plants up I got to PE everyone's gone I'm in charge run it code run it tell him to hit the like button listen you don't have to listen to him okay if you want to hit the like button you can I don't know what hitting the like button means that YouTube talk but you should probably do it it makes them happy but how you all doing liking Ark enjoying it have you been playing Ark are you still on Arc survival evolved perfectly fine is your computer capable of running the new arc are you having trouble am I asking too many questions too quickly for you to answer that's okay I'm just here to fill the silence that will made the jankiest garden I've ever seen I'm back oh he's back quick scatter I don't run away what scared EO do you want to help with you want to help with what chat came up with no okay F I'll leave you out of the prank a prank yep you don't a prank YouTube channel on Arc yes remember when we had the um I forgot what mod it was but you can tame people and then we change their names yep we hid underneath the the foundation tell them where people came to talk to them it's even better now cuz you can tell them where to go oh yeah true need a stone ceiling [Music] hear [Music] it [Music] it's so sad that Cosmetics are not in the game you fixed it chat what I was going to try and uh bury a compost SP under Jared's house did you hear flies you hear flies y didn't work they fixed it so I could put a ceiling over it check came up with it wasn't me you need like three poops per fertilizer I hear poop they're all pooping I can hear it I don't know why they put the torch there it makes no sense on your I mean the your belt Buck I don't understand it nobody knows doesn't make any sense to me whips didn't come on till foror Earth oh yeah whip come Scorch Earth is pretty good probably start flying over soon we's on back oh yeah he's back he's not back yet is he not streaming no he doesn't stream anymore oh he just edits that's why he's always editing oh okay my brain malfunction then for some reason I thought he was let me see if you can hear my cat Boop's watching us right now wait what Bo is hammering everything she's always watching it where you can't see her where are you where why does it look like I'm wearing a camouflage doag is the butt FL the wild color scheme going on yeah AC actually looks kind of great but you have mittens here we go did you paint the Mitten yes oh my God you want some crazy color no come on it's important it's for what you're doing it's stream color what what is that stream coloring I'm not putting what is this teal it's [Applause] stream on I'll take it back give me give me give me the stre color color back yeah ah code what have you done what what have you done what no got him oh my God whatever you done youve created a monster youve created a monster you remove this you you're going to do this but yet you're not going to change my name you move this now listen if you don't remove it sh good look Jared God oh my God that entertaining I'm back all right you ready we should start flying now it's not morning yeah we should start flying now though let me see something come over here demo check huh uhhuh Cam's joining back how much toour was that uh 20 you make the better Club I found one that was pretty good 86 train car I'm just going to do that put my long neck in ammo for it all right I'll be right back now what we're not going yet I have a shield two code on my bird for you I've carried it for this whole time my head hurts yeah that's a problem grow up and or have a migraine any minute mine is I haven't eaten today no Captain A3 will be worse and then it'll get better it's worth it I think I'm still going to drink caffeine but I think I'm going to move to like tea and like black espresso just like very simple stuff I stopped drinking Celsius is and monsters and all that stuff so yeah months months ago ohow and Dewey come here none of that good that's a decent Siz base right we can do what we need to do in here yeah exactly I was going to do like a second floor you know how we had that one season where it was like open second floor like railings and just put a bunch of storage and maybe like the smelting stuff up there until we get the big smelters and those those octagon corners should fit one of the large metal smelters if I'm not mistaken yeah so we get their industrial Forge [Music] whatever what are cod's doing he's just sleeping in there listening to his audio he be right back I don't know what that is Dea there's a lime green ton down over here nice the color of code's armor where are we going for direwolves just right over to right to the ice [Music] [Applause] sheet we guessing he's going to be killing argentavis is for Prime and finding level two baby dios over here I'm eating right now I'm back I'm back I'm back I'm back all right start flying oh wait for the camera oh camera's mine camera's on here yet oh I'll go get this air Dr J's at it the green one 114 Club y blueprint from throwing it have a better R Majin MO is one of my favorite characters too Cod Majin Boo Majin Boo why no reason is the best yeah I like Piccolo cuz his name is Piccolo and I like pickles and he looks like a pickle too you take this right oh my gosh why does this entertain you so much next time you do it hey come back next time you do it come back you next time you do it I'm want to chop you up and feed you to the bird you understand it's all right N Out and everybody crashed have a blue line on my for Jared you a little highbrow about everything take it off why aren't you in your normal demo colors uh things happened you yeah things have gone horribly wrong today one sec what the why is there a level 20 baby Doo just chilling between us now just watching it moment yeah I put on I put on oh my God just walk you got a prime he's got Prime oh my God so shots camera is on the way just annihilated it it's gone it's about to be morning so just wait for camera and then we'll go you want to show the B real quick all right I'm going for hour so let keep going what the we've been here okay we got a lot done a while we got a lot done M I'd say let's your render time like 5 minutes yeah render nothing 5 minutes render is not a problem anymore in Adobe Premiere with Cuda coding and the new just new hardware there's no way you're rendering a 2hour video in 5 minutes hour and 5 minute video in five 5 to 6 7 minutes my my hour my 2 hours used to be about 30 minutes this one was 1080p though when they go super long I don't go super crazy on 1440p because if I did the processing time on YouTube is like hours once you go past it that's the issue with streams is I have to stay up and wait sun is coming up I'm here I'm getting Shadow bugs what is going on the artifacting yeah what what's it's a dlss um having to keep up with all the changes performance or balance what should I do it doesn't matter it's not going to do anything no it's it's just it's trying to comp performance fixed it besides the clouds I turned off the game turned off my dlss if you change your res set off by default yeah yeah the last update changed your resolution by default and then when you change it back it changes it yeah see you have turn it back on oh my I was wondering why my my frames were so garbage that's probably why you were having so many issues earlier yeah that's why I was like what's going on I I never thought that they would do this in a million years wow stop it my jamboo my jamboo here not a chance bit of a dog fight going on up there trying to grab each other oh he got me look who wins that's right code wins you know what I you know what I why would you do that just oh no this guy loses the dog fight and then kills but I won the war I I could have just dropped you and killed you but I didn't he literally Splat guy you hit the ground like a rock we should paint the foundation put a foundation down and paint it in the shape of his I just noticed our Argent Saddles your arent saddle code how much combat have you been in no I'm telling you it's the torch the torch ruins the durability of the saddle it won't break it apparently but it it'll ruin it that's so stupid it's a bug like that's not intended no it is 100% a bug but they still shouldn't have durability on the Saddles so I think pretty much everybody agrees with that show off your house Jared waiting for camera the camera was camer camera crashed oh I saw a camera oh look at this God ton Fire come light up the house for me real quick come on code this is our shape you like our shape over here will be like we'll probably industrial Forge right here when we get it you know mhm and then over here is going to be all our just smiies and benches and various things I'm going to put a staircase up right here to like a secondary floor that's just kind of like halfway up that has storage containers and maybe I'll do another one on this side with forges or something okay yeah and then it and then I can probably put a bird gate on the top if we want to park our birds in here just because you know that's what we put all our heavy stuff on and we're going to want to unload them in the chest from the from the bird gate so okay I think it's pretty functional right now and then we'll just make it prettier and make it bigger and make it wider and more awesome as time goes on all right wow green C CR CR are you the Green Lantern yes you got it wow I know see what did Ryan say Ryan probably thought the worst thing I didn't notice the torch until no yes I did not yeah that's how you turn into the Hulk it's like your power up sequence that must really hurt your tummy I don't know why they chose I don't I think it's supposed to be on your head if you're a normaliz person cuz like come over here probably not it's on my belt it's on your belt as well yeah this is how you get iron um rock hard ABS apparently melt them look look look at this now and doesn't it make your screen like darker because you're like lighting the area around you it does I got so many comments they're like put on the torch and be able to see there no do they sound like that what they all sound like ow Jesus this torch [Applause] hurts get of okay we're just waiting for camera to teleport over and then we're good to go I showed off the base waiting on camera is camera here camera was waiting on quartz was your fault old time save those cords pin them very strange yeah I don't know why it's that P on M and now it's it's double color it does green but it's teal teal no but the wall you have fur gloves what the heck you're holding on that would have us No I gave him those look what yeah you didn't come prepared no you didn't come prep where mine I sat here building the base for like a how many hour like hour a half good we go get direwolves that's my what I have to clap still here these might help you this is all I can give you oh what the heck a mosquito Sor let's go where's F you what am I taking or else you're going to die you have fur stuff oh that's not fur but it's pretty good there warmer pantaloons than what I have you'll sort of survive I put them on code warmed up his pants for me and gave them to to me you gave him your good pants he gave me his pants right off of his legs what a nice friend code can run around naked with his pants on only pants I'm currently farting in them how there Birds faster than mine is your bird empty a bird has Prime and stuff in it are flying way faster than me oh you seem you're flying exactly you might be flying faster than me well now I'm catching up wait you copied my bird no I didn't yours has orange tips and mine we should breed these ones they'd come out real cool what's yours a male or a female uh female mine's a male yeah would you look at that mine was a level 20 when it tamed what was yours 18 maybe oh that's pretty good RGB Fire Wolf time so how many of these do we need as many as we can get yes one each at least te we can only get three to bring it home right just get one good one each for now and then we can multiply that easily yes breeding direwolves are way easier okay good cuz we're going to need quite a few for that cave why are you bring them in the we're bringing them in the cave not the lava one lava one's no not the lava one the lava one's parkour we're bringing them into the evil one the third one oh you know what we have to get archa optrics God bless you in zo tip what is yeah if they're in the game I don't know if they're in the game yet but Micro Raptors are't it so they should be because the archa opcs we can just parachute down if we screw up the lava oh those are the ones that sit on your shoulder and you 8 11 5 one got nope those are not um 8 11 51 what we looking for a 20 plus uh 15 plus 15 plus okay and just so I don't have to tell the comments every time I post a video this is on easy that's why they're lowlevel dinosaurs but we got also realize is that the bosses are also going to be on easy all levels are relative this just sets it up so we don't get one shot by wild dinosaur EAS is also relative yeah EAS is all relative across the whole game that's why the dinosaur levels are low the boss levels will be low we're going to be low it's all just relative I didn't notice that this was a giant snow cave now yeah it's the those Caverns under what the hell you guys get shimmery under there don't under yep you guys get shimmery snow too shim don't go under their um what are they called scream screaming rexes are down there SC okay I'll be careful five five hello Mr Carno we should probably kill this for Prime no no the direwolves all around are scary I'm following you I'm hypothermic yep o look at that blue Argent Davis right there seeing any nothing decent so far I remember I I think it was in season one I built a base at the tip of this peninsula wasn't it most of us did yeah winter winter also got expanded you got to remember too yeah it got very much expanded looks a bit more organized now or was it this peninsula no it's the next one yeah yeah yeah it was this one right here adequate space four 13 I got a 13 I got a 23 the one an 11 and a seven so dead ahead of me there's a 13 or a 23 I mean right up here by the RG y just and also be careful that those badges don't jump up been flashbang who are these torches up here for who oh our fires are still going code your fires are still going for the mammoth where are they going to be able to climb this yes a passive whistle um we can't wild pick up so we need to kill the ones that aren't high level which one's the high level one I don't think they can get up this famous last words right yes so the alpha one should be the highest level correct yes yes kill all the other on how many arrows do you have R you just you have a comound b yeah found it red air drop Jared that wasn't me you literally bum I fell off too I fell off next to you you slid bro oh we're we're fine okay was my bird but if we're fine so you trying to knock it out first I was trying to kill the other ones first I was going to knock them all out because you're you're helping them find a way up I'm killing that that's the good one I killed the normal one don't don't die I'm dead is that that which one's this one 23 me it's poning me shooting oh my gosh I'm trying to pick this guy up and he starts shooting can you pick me up instead maybe please bring me up bring me up bring me up bring me up okay good okay which one is the high level yo my Tavis that one it did no we're good we're good I thought that was origin Tavis getting eaten no no you're good you're good your bed was already here so it's perfect s was meant to be yep okay that's the 23 right there he's rather hurt right now so I don't know how this is going to go you're going to have to Arrow him keep arrowing him if he's rebuilding his tarper there's two 23s in here there's another one right here I hit it we're good I'm not going to headshot it though I don't want to do too much damage to it my there we go I'm heading this is the the really good bow so where is I like this is so dope there is please help grab my hand Ryan grab my hand oh why did you go back down there I fell again it's too crazy in there don't bring the direwolves off the cliff I need to teame them I'm not jumping them off the cliff I'm getting thrown oh my God I'll need pickup yeah I'm getting pushed off the cliff literally standing there I don't know where the 23 pack leader went now you have hide do you see it yeah I have hide just build a bed quick a level 11 I'm going to hit the level 11 screw it wait where's the hide level 11's out whoa my mouse just freaked out yeah on that Cliff be very careful the ground is not 100 I have to start making more faithful reactions when I talk so that way random commenters don't hate me wait what you don't react someone was just like the way you spoke didn't match your reaction are you faking everything and I was like well I would match my reaction if I was faking everything so how does that work yeah match and wood so I have to pog face more often what thaty that's what they want the thing is people don't got give them what they want people don't understand how they actually look they never St in the mirror where they actually are exactly uh I have to go get some wood on the other side uh server might have just crashed yeah it did oh great that was an update uhoh the update of the day yeah we might all be dead when we wake up yep yep they released a minor update I just had the direwolf knocked out too mother yep we might be dead we might be dead that me I know next time they need to Dragon Ball Z they need to this one's for an exploit of some sort I wonder what was exploited people are exploiting stuff day one they found out that you could log into admin without a code and they were just spawning stuff on official servers yeah that's what I I I told you that right when we first started like you don't need it anymore for some weird reason that's crazy that's terrible they must have had a roll back yeah server will be up quick oh it depends on how long it rolls back otherwise I'm start recording again but I I told you I I was like it's so weird I don't understand why you don't don't need it anymore but it never clicked to me that that's how it was on on um officials as well and think of how fast you can spawn stuff in that's exactly it you well there was a brood mother spawned day one tamed I saw I saw uh video of it they're like how is there a red health bar running around our server right now servers should be coming back up in a b the funniest part is who Tech uh they have admins for all this stuff no I'm saying who checks like if admin works you get what I mean like who hops on a public server and be like hm can I log into ad I mean people probably logged in and checked every exploit that's ever existed oh my go like for sure so that probably existed on like a small tribe's day one or something bet people log on unofficials all over the place and chest that I just if they can get into unofficials yeah like no password protected unofficials they never said the admin password so they could just load in where did I just spawn it rolled back quite a bit the server's up this guy didn't even say anything I said it's coming up right now you guys were still talking I fell from my bird right now means I fell from my bird a distance we are over the ice sheet almost great I'm going to find you guys this guy why don't you just use present tense past tense when you guys died he doesn't know English what why did I die I know I died one of y'all died stupid that stupid Badger probably bit me I'm one HP bringing your bird down where's my bird bringing it down I think it was Gooby who died cuz she was spectating oers well we get a second I'm heal for a couple minutes no it's me I died uh let me see I might be able to build a bed quick at your body you need wood yeah but I can get it um you're literally next to like you're in like grasslands uh house was kind of dangerous there be careful I knew it was what your health two maybe 300 I don't know you're going to have to un whistle your bird by the way I hav't Whistle to bring it down to you bch but the funny thing about it is the first thing I do when I launch a server is I make sure the admin password's there yeah I I I don't know how you overlook that there you go oh thank you bringing your bird down I'm bringing it down where's my booty Sky Box itself so where's my body I no idea bro it doesn't even say where I die it just deleted everything I I own your body's right there on the left you can see your where face down right here crushed what it doesn't even show me yeah I was able to see that thank God I maybe because I got maybe I'm so close yep that it it removed them AR no evidence Jared's restarting I'll wait for him here did he die no he flew back just restarted what are we doing we're going to get dalls back to the direwolves right here I am healing right here well at at least you're not dying 30 times wait pick up the bed that never happened yeah in a dream that I had you died 30 times we going right back to where we were H the foundation too yeah I have 210 Health that's what I'm saying I might just die of Health here I have 234 163 this guy painted my bird I don't know what you're talking about saved your life you're welcome I see two a two two a lot of deons also G not yet how do you T them is just knock out yeah just knock them out 11 is the pack leader that's not that great but a bunch of ones we could just tame a crap ton of them but the problem is getting them back well those are right on the ice be right in the edge we can literally pull them into the grass there's a level two and a level five by U Tyrannosaurus that sounds fun those deaths never happen What deaths yeah right I didn't cough the server off no so these ones are all low level now probably I mean probably weren you just here reading off levels ones in the sheet are low level they were low seven no it's the same ones same ones before there's a 23 in there we just get a second attempt oh your back already over there not there yet we get a second attempt at it with a bet maybe this time you won't fall off the rock what rock but Falling never happened that's true wait don't don't Agro oh they're aggro jump they are aggroed oh my God um they're trying I know I'm trying to stay near the warmth because my HP is ridiculously low I gave you a sweater why aren't you wearing it or I am wearing it and it didn't do nothing and now one of the can you put some wood in one of these one of those orches went out actually can we pick these up and move them to the edge pick up the wood after like bring them to the edge where we're Jesus I don't know what you're doing just wide swinging the RG like it's an 18 wheeler or something and bring him down you want your RG to follow you cuz that seems like it's going to die it's following Ryan why off like I asked you to do me you asked me no don't do it now that's not where it needs to go I caught it don't you worry oh God you almost knocked me off doing that that's why I'm trying to put the bird way up on the hill pack leader I'm hitting pack leader attack leader hit and dispersing Le is directly below me the one that the orangey yellow glow doesn't have it right oh my God I did it again the exact same spot it's literally fell off again yep get him code pack leader just decided to run away well that means he it's probably time to tame oh wait yeah he's on that bird over there we got to get him someone someone go try to hit him with one more Arrow I can barely see through your hands your hand is right in the way oh he went off get oh he went off there's a uteran down there yeah we don't so I don't know what it's a level 23 what do you mean we don't go there come you dropped me yeah I know run Ryan in all the dire these ones I didn't do I didn't do that I didn't do that I didn't do that I think it's like bugging I'm going to die my bir die just fight fly fight fly fly I I kill it they were holding I started punching him you should have a sleeping bag here now punching the previous sleeping bag not to bed are we giving up on these ones find an easier one I think we get the ones right on the edge and just get a pack of them breed them breed them but they're going to breed low level we need to kill these though is still there like the the I bro no it's the he's right there he's just chilling it's the stupid level 11 like wait he's on the ledge you think we can lead all of them off and then just use that ledge to tame them why don't we just tame the one that's down there first where is it that one right there chilling they're following you high LEL why High I want them to follow me no no you want to tame one at a time knock him out one at a time okay well this one's a lower level so I'm going to lead them all yeah I didn't drop you de I don't know why you kept dropping it was come th will fall off the world zero times I okay now we want to hit this one right I'm probably going to die of hypothermia but you know they they literally they did their little scream as I was sitting next to them so I lived wait wow I am really bad at hit boxes in this game do you have ice cube like you're Ice Cube I hit it with three TRS you think that's enough D you ice cube no I am ice cubed yes here I'm going to put something in your bird should I be foring does it even work I had two foring have eight and he fell off further I put my precious chest piece in there thank you I am now Green Goblin I'm still freezing what spot sucks for trying to T A I'm not losing HP though still hypmic freezing okay so I can maybe hit it down here now this wouldn't be the worst spot to T no he's on like the ledge still I'm a little afraid to get off of my bird right now I could pick you up and see if like you can see yeah let's try that high level scooping I've been scooped I have been scooped I am losing HP but much slower okay you scared me all right wait for you to sit still so I don't shoot your leg I shot your leg oh wait it's still in through we're good oh don't run to the water you stupid stinky animal that's shallow enough right I can't get you're going to have to fly forward slightly thank you here we go I'm going to let the toe for sink in and there we go I think it is sinking in he's running I can't see him cuz you're claw maybe he'll get on a no he's coming back he's coming back this water's shallow enough where he won't get here we go Dodge pass out dude look at that more than enough there we go I'm going to I I'm going to a foundation down here or something so I'm not chilling in the water uh oxygen is not reducing you can bring me back up we're good successful level 23 Dire Wolf right there see just like old AR you can't fly off right away hold me for a sec now you're good I knocked out two of them I think it's probably cuz there's a weird bug where you can like clip people into walls so like if you get close to a wall it just a chance to try you got two of them up there Ryan yep I didn't check your levels I don't really care that much right now I want a high level holy F wait where is I'm getting Prime I need to warm up we got a bed up here though maybe I'm better off just dying to be honest with can you just put me down CZ did we just use this beted or no no put me down code um break me down teleport and teleport back put me down code I can't it's going to break your armor put me down code oh my gosh you're all better than Bru yeah dude I'm one HP oh my gosh you a Fight Club smack me in the face with your axe your axe is Destiny Papa do [Applause] it okay I'm not going to respawn right away I'm going to watch dogs in real quick what's happening are you in heaven off what's happening it's a three and a seven okay something confusing me is is it the I going to say are you hearing a dir wolf just slamming his head against the wall cuz that's uh the ones like hello [Applause] up what's up can you hear me okay you talking in game by accident what with talking in game you didn't open up a stream by accident you [Applause] no that's too much for this guy try to take on four mammoths okay spawning back in four mams not the fight we got any prime or you trying to kill something now for I'm taming the I was taming a low level one with piece of prime I haven't got a good amount yet where's my bag there it [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] put yeah this will be so much better than just waiting for my HP to come back nice all right I'm going to go find some prime somewhere AR tap think so yeah that's what I killed that's the wave you don't get a ton but you get enough what about a wooly rhino that so weird I was good to get I don't trust that cuz they have a debuff like the mammoth that is that's a like a rocket pop looking argentavis I'm about to kill sag cool to have a argentavis named rocket pop wouldn't it you had like red and blue wings I got a whole zero Prime off of that argentavis that's a low low level use a pickaxe no use my supposed to use a pickaxe how quickly did irewolf wake up uh they take very basically no actually I think this longer but check for babies to murder I'm looking right now I see a penguin oh there's a direwolf weirdly right here code it might be a good one I can't see it oh the penguin babies yeah level 11 stuck right here yeah get it mine are low low level oh I did find a penguin baby oh there's so many uh megalodons in the water holy crap Spa fix they I see a regular penguin but no oh there's a couple of babies yeah I found a baby what up babies I'm here to murder you again guys probably wrote about me in your history three bucks didn't give me any prize give me two you're Gathering it with your RG that gave me five yeah but RG can get pix I got two that should be good enough for now one Dire Wolf is T fly back you'll have some Prim on them is that another baby penguin right there or is that a full ground no there are babies here though hello babies call me Anakin again oh yeah I have a club that's just for organic yeah not not for Prime yeah I mean if you want to make Giles I want to do a hide and seek is yours a male or a female this matters I don't know oh just look at it I don't know just look I don't get sued oh my gosh mine is a female okay I have a male yeah it is a female yep female level 23 should we go for that level 11 up up just up top wouldn't be bad seem pretty stuck but I think once it gets toour it might unstuck itself where are the sharks that were no he's completely okay I got scared for a second I thought I was going to run out that you guys said do a short no not stuck there's just a lot of them underneath that sh there's a ton of during the day I'm not super cold anymore I'm just regularly cold thank the Lord you need primer you good well I just knocked out this one if you want to put Prime in it it's pretty hard to see and it's going to be kind of hard to get out of there you say let it start but it also just phased into the Ice Cube so I don't even know if we're going to be able to access it there always a way BBE Penguins make everything so much easier for getting Prime that's part of the winter maybe just cuz the water's clearer you can see more megalodons I don't know just seems like there's a lot I think so mine's at 93% I should just carry this guy home right is every already have one to carry right now uh the 23 is done I'll take that one 23 is about to be done one's mine what the the turn around on that one I'll take that one the level 11's on the cliff that's for you no what we already established that I that I I heard I heard code say you got that one no I knocked this out I fed it it's mine oh you did by yourself huh I did most of the shots on it by myself yes there's level four yes I did but we're just going to breed him anyway so that's why I don't care that's crazy that you higher the level we breed from the better yeah you just breed him and then you use the baby as a breeder this one's going to be a 34 mine's a 10 31 onself I know right isn't that crazy flying well now that we learn to F I'll go nuts you Lear levitate you're my favorite I did Le what's a tell that matters the health of the direwolf yes 528 pretty darn good if you ask me 462 what's the melee damage 125 not the best yeah 127 on this one 2% till it same um look for oh never mind it's done beautiful pack leader that's damn right comment section name my direwolf yeah I need a name for a direwolf Anda beever name it now give me a good one one put it one I want you to go down there and up vote the ones that sound good so that way we actually pick one this time that's a YY don't do it yeah I'm not going anywhere near that just flew right past them are we dropping this off and then we're just grabbing more or are we breeding them right away what do you want to do I'm going to go ride mine and lble him so he's actually okay yeah I'm going to drop mine on the Explorer note right here and then carry him home cuz I never grabbed this Explorer now is there anything evil here a peroia ah where's a peroia not where I right told I warned you guys about the badges oh yeah he's there I really don't like pria's least favorite dinosaur in the game that would be fun there we go I hit the Explorer note on my Dire Wolf I'm going to pick them up now and I'm going to bring them home and then murder everything hit the super hit the super uh note where's the supern note on that ping uh that's a mile away I'm good you're literally going to fly past it the the road you're going no no no you're not you're flying Edge I'm flying home oh my God that Coast is a nightmare ooh T-Rex what level yeah that's four can I bring a direwolf into that and kill all that stack you think the t-rexx that's almost dead once the T-Rex Roars and knocks you off your Mount you're dead yeah but it's fighting like argentavis is and it's you have no armor on the firewolf you hate me you will take as much damage as being a naked human you hate me you don't think I could do it all right I do not here we go no here we go here we go direwolf boy pending name TM you are he goes back to his body on his own you are being tested here we go oh the T-Rex already died look at that mission success we did it just like that is it an alpha Raptor run I think it's Al that's an alpha Raptor I didn't notice that it was an alpha Raptor I saved your life maybe we should kill that ow good job dir wolf you killed the alha Raptors are the scariest things to fight those are scarier than the Megalodon that we hit start all right mission accomplished direwolf didn't die you owe me $100 now no I'll give you a dewy tummy rub you see how the story always going to tummy rub me no I'm going to give I'll pass gets tummy rubbed I'll pass you're not going to give him his tummy rub you're not going to give Dewey his tummy rub I'm flattered you're not going to give Dewey his tummy rub I'm upset with you save Liv I save lives too we had the skin tag that we got removed yeah it was gross we dubbed him Mal him cuz he was in the middle of his chest wait did he get get another one removed or is it the same one no no just one the same one what his name is that was disgusting yeah it was I was like I can't pet you no go away not on Gross like belly rubs no the was disgusting it was on his chest so like could just like stand there and it would just sag it looked like a nipple that just destroyed itself yeah essentially it really was it was just this soggy it's just all the inbreeding it happen that's basically what they are I'm about to be home with my Dire Wolf then I run around munching everything um how close am I to 72 because I need to be 72 for the I don't know what T-Rex saddle I want to bring the T-Rex over here you should have went to the Super note let alone how much is that saddle going to cost us a Bor Al yeah they're getting metal you're a metal I think that's going to be the hold down on that guy well I that's what say I set up a base at um Island I saw that oh you did you saw my artbe you oh beautiful there we go I had to let my throw out doesn't feel the same I have to just put some stuff what's that took off I should got rid of my hat my fro was just aching to get out what are you killing right now I haven't seen anything Doos wow they ain't doing much running up the hill Explorer note again I'll run over there uh it's on the side of a mountain so you got to fly there's a small Explorer note I can take you there I'll take you there you should fly there and get it yourself and then start killing oh yeah you can shoot off the back of these that's what it was nice yeah and I have double XP right now I want to utilize this as much as I can mhm what up tonon why you should go go pick up the super the super note cuz it does stack you're a stack okay give up the stack I don't have my my Turtle I forgot they can see like how much health something has yeah yeah there's a stego down there and a Theo you are not going to make it in time for your double the double up on that no I'm not that's fine though whose direwolf is this in the bushes demo I found some stuff to eat finally did you get the the jar should I do melee damage HP to th000 First what do we think it's a looking for to see if it was still here over here what do we think an HP to 1,000 first yeah and when can we get direwolf Saddles they don't have Saddles ever no never arm you see this jar here where you going I saw FIA here we go getting some XP getting some oh hello compies nice try dude the symbol above the head of the enemy you're fighting does make it easier to see in the graph out it's rather nice oh I'm going to over jump something and kill myself watch this thing like the jump oh you see the jar here caral have you guys jumped with it yet it like levitates insane there a caral I don't I don't say do it I say run where you want me to come back and back up oh my go you almost died no I didn't have health trying to be dramatic do this do this this there's a fiomia right here should I kill it or tame it good boy done kill it or tame it get what FIA don't kill the fom of this napping no it's not napping oh mine's napping you're taming that one for our farm oh leveling Stu there's Babies here I found loads of things to kill over here it's rather nice some dilos couple of other things trying to get these to an adequate level before the cave I want to see Jared take his into the lava cave we're doing two caves tomorrow oh okay like I want to see you jump that we going do the lava cave which is just parkour and then we'll do the evil cave that's murdering yeah uh let's see we even survive I'm the alpha now you are I have pack leader buff right now that's why I was able to kill that thing so easily did you get that jar nope I just did hello it's a jar did he get the door is he here I don't know he said hello like he was here I have a jar no the the explor noome basically the big one no no what is wrong with you beside us I'm not where are you where is he I'm coming now you guys mentioned explor not so I started head over oh my gosh my explor notes about to run out it's perfect I fight the trike no give me a sec wait for me let's pack up on it where's the here he didn't wait did he here I see it see it you are you where it isop got it you discovered 10% of the Explorer notes an arc great can't wait to find the rest of those that'll happen Okay trike can you roar we trying can you right click everybody Roar yeah the pack leader you can roar we can't only you can go go go you can't run and then say he doesn't need to worry he's hitting for 125 yeah I'm doing is not just Cod sword gets six levels yeah you had to drop all right th HP I am smashing melee damage now ooh Theo let's try that no no what you're going to die scy cats bro oh the this guy not remembering right now not a Dire Wolf how scared you are these things are good at little sniff wait that's sniffs for explore notes yeah really yes yeah it does I have a marker on my map where an explor note is now yeah if you're close to it they find I did not know that cool as hell I did it like follow me let's go murder more stuff there there should be another exploring up this hill but I don't know if you want to use it for it Stacks I'll hit it I'll put it on my Dire Wolf I don't care I'm not getting it for it should be here I don't know if it's still up here my dir loaf's already level 50 yeah but I got I got did you like a garbage one no one want to T me a good one we with that there was a knocked out level 11 back there yep you didn't even get it you just left them no I took the one that was here level left them to die that's wild there is no other direwolf go down here Bronto Diplodocus running ter death lands hi terror bird my first terror bird yeah see this's another explor here you guys coming with me get the Explorer note I don't want I'm going to save it for now okay there only so many more levels this guy can get anyway okay you guys ready I'm going to Roar we're going to go after the stego and Diplodocus Diplodocus is dying we got to get down there wait he's dying to a Rex never mind what level is thaty jar level 28 male Rex all red are we ah you that's Al's another one past there's a green one behind it at level four that's not an alpha no it's not it's not an alpha and it has a baby with it look adorable will also be level 28 mhm fighting that Diplo yeah we can't there's a Bronto on the right there level five and a baby Bronto L the babies over here not a death baby Raptor Munch okay I think level 50 is adequate enough for the cave right yeah I don't know I'd say so doesn't taming go based off of its initial um uh breeding does yeah yeah off of its initial taming level but this even though we would breed him it' still be good to bring him in cuz he's level 50 I'm like on that weight cusp that like this is going to take a bit [Music] I'll be there for you they're adorable I love these guys best now what bed IRL bed we're now at almost four and a half hour I need I need to level up and bring my Rex over here you're good probably what I'll end up doing at some point in the near future I could safely take it by boat but I kind of want to like Munch stuff along the way and level it up Christian's also going to be on notes tro tro going to bring him on explore notes not bad not a bad [Laughter] day right stamina without movement speed these guys are interesting they're pretty cool we can put them inside the uh the house we don't get the cage all crazy oh I jumped mine in they Shadow weird what pooping and schooping they could have did better on this model yeah it seems like the saber and the Wolves didn't really get the crazy I guess fur is really hard they were CRA they were crazy in when they first came out and now they feel like they're the worst ones on the map right now what are the wolves like the the appearance of them oh yeah like if you try they don't look like they changed much if you try and take a picture of them they're very shadowed weird uh the photo mode is worse than just taking pictures outside of photo mode I found out really it like glazes over faces and yeah it's it's horrible if enable spectator gives you much better screenshots I know this looks fine yeah it looks fine to me in photo mode it's just the the thing's Shadow weird for me at least the direwolf's face is just washed out by Shadows yep yep yep you guys logging you going to stay on I might come back I want to like rough cut that and see how much I have before I do more another one another one but I'll probably have to come back and get a cry baby I to come back and my over or something I'd put doors on the house just cuz Raptors can run through them now Raptor that comes in here is kind of it's in trouble all right guys good night I got to make dinner still I haven't eaten all right guys we're ending here thank you guys for coming out today's stream remember you hit that like button notification Bell and adios everybody
Channel: DemoStorm
Views: 5,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark Survival Ascended, Ark Survival Evolved, Ark Survival Ascended Playlist, Ark Survival Ascended Gameplay, Ark Survival, Ark, Ark Survival Ascended Game, Ark Survival Ascended Release, Ark Gameplay, Ark Ascended Gameplay, Ark Ascended, Ark DemoStorm, DemoStorm, Ark Demo, Ark Survival Ascended taming, Ark Survival Ascended Unreal, Ark Survival Ascended Graphics, Ark Survival Ascended Lets play, Lets play ark Survival Ascended, Lets play Ark Ascended
Id: MnDGwxHFSmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 266min 30sec (15990 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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