Ark: Survival Ascended - Charchar Sighting, Daeodon Tame & Swamp Cave! ASA E36 Ark Ascended Gameplay

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this is my first time ever seeing a wild car this is crazy ooh wow that's cool colors too what's up guys it's king daddy dmac and welcome welcome back to another episode of Ark survival ascended yes how's everybody doing today hope you're doing well cuz me I'm doing pretty amazing that's right because today I don't know I just got a good feeling about today today we are going to be transporting a whole lot of creatures over to our redwoods Outpost yep we got a doic was it last time I think it was last time we got a doic we got a meum two of them in fact and we got a little baby which I did fully imprint and make a saddle for so pretty cool and I think is going to be transported over however however it is our highest level one other than the one that we just leveled up of course but yes highest raw level and I think we need to make another baby cuz we want to have an army of these things for one of the upcoming fights so let's go ahead kick things off with making a little baby Behavior oh it's already I'm meeting perfect you going awesome um all of our over raptors have finished we do need to bring over a couple to the new base so those ones I can't ride by the way thanks for letting me know guys I don't know why I was thinking they could only only eat eggs but apparently they will eat at least in ASE they will eat um raw meat which I thought was the case but I've seen I have seen guys eat eggs like when I look in their inventory I see e an egg and I'm like what the crap so I didn't know if something had changed but anyway let's go ahead bring over two of them so we've got right here a female so let's go ahead and grab a male these are going to go on over to the Redwoods base and in fact I probably should deliver some over to other okay perfect over to our initial herbivore Island base as well cuz these ones are so so much better and by the way guys a lot of people are saying you got to bump the melee um on the over Raptors to make them get a larger egg like picking up range not the case it's just their raw level so you can bump anything you want and I assume it's the same with the Beatles but anyway all right we got all those guys up who else are we going to bring over I was thinking about bringing over the udies just so that we could get the yudi eggs which are going to be important for the um extraordinary kibble but I don't know I might let them chill out here for a little bit longer before we bring them um I assume these guys are all done mating almost finished all right and this one our new one is going to come on over cuz we I would assume we're going to get the right stats and finish beautiful let's turn you back off Behavior if not we'll bring it back over but we're going to bring you over to the Redwoods so beautiful and I do need an ank um absolutely need an ank and I also want to deliver another potential frog I think we have our very best let's see our best ones are all colored 431 431 yeah 431s our best are these we got a male we got a male what's our best female oh um 429 okay why don't we uh bump out wait yep yep yep let's bump out another Frog as well another little tadpole since we're going to be waiting here for a little bit anyway just so we can get those complete cuz I would like to go into the swamp cave today if possible I've got all the shenanigans required for it why do I feel like I had another one that was even higher that was a female I don't know all right let's get you on over boom beautiful and behavior Naval mating behavior en a mating all right we'll let them go and I think all should be good and how you doing Mama oh look at that belly nope you're not the mama are you hold on you are oh it's probably our look at we got our baby excellent excellent excellent 463 what is this one 463 all right perfect that's what I wanted to see oh is it a male or female though claim we got ourselves a male perfect so it's probably a clone of that one up there awesome aome um let's get you some foods b boom and come here little guy bada boom all right I'll come back once it's ready to imprint but I'm going to take a quick little Peak I want to see if maybe we can snag up an ank as well cuz that would be definitely definitely needed over at the Redwood space so I'll see you back in 4 minutes but guys just want to remind if you're enjoying this series to show that amazing support by slamming that thumbs up button and if you're new to the channel or you haven't yet seriously what are you waiting for it is the perfect time to subscribe look at you little baby you're not coming with us jeesy beats also we do have an ASA member server for anyone that is a YouTube member twitch subscriber both are welcome remember Prime Amazon Subs do work as well if you have Amazon Prime in your family get a free one every single month if you're not using it you are in fact losing it but uh for more info just head on over to the Discord which is linked in the video description all right come on little guy you got to stay over here and I'll see you back at his caregiving all right caregiving time we need prime meat jerky all right here you go awesome so that one's all done and then let's see what this frog wants should be ready by now we want to go for a walk all right Perfect come on little froggy let's go we should get 100% from this one in one go oh man I tell you the oh there we got it we got it all right let's bring him back a little bit further into the water and perfect so this one was another female we didn't get the perfect stats on it amongst all of our guys but you know close enough um I'm going to save back this saddle so we have two male 4 31 so let's take one of those I'm just made up I had a blueprint for a pretty good saddle so let's swap that up and then this will be the saddle for a new baby once it's ready Perfect all right let's get this guy loaded up so this is a better frog than the frog that we already have perfect and we're getting pretty filled up plus I got to bring this guy back too but you know what I might leave that one over here yeah let's try this let's try this please work I noticed when uh things are babies or if they're knocked out they slide around when on the quat so I'm hoping all right but once they're fully grown and tamed they seem to work fine all right fair enough so that's everything I want I think so I could have went for the yies but I'm going to leave them until we get another pair of them because I want to have them at every single place sweet all right let's make the Journey Back to the Redwoods I'll deal with the ank uh after cuz that may not even happen and I'm worried if I leave like render distance I'm a little worried that they might glitch through or something goofy happen and it's a little bit of a pain to get them all lined up but for the most part this is pretty cool I'm so happy we have the quest I love it all right um I will meet you over at the Redwoods we are definitely not getting into any battles while all these guys are up top all right special delivery incoming ooh I wonder if I can open the doors with them all here I did build a ramp to go up so we can walk everybody up technically might be a little dangerous all right let's go over by the ramp side so if they do fall up I'm close to the ramp all right can I open it oh oh it's close but I think oh okay dodic fell off all right fair enough qus can pick him up all right let's get unloaded come here Mr meum I wanted to take him out today but I feel like we should wait for him to heal up a little bit more before we do so all right we still have Froggy's RG over here he is actually sick as a dog right now it's so funny Fender got really sick and then I got really sick and now Froggy's really sick so I hope he gets better soon but we got our eggs handled and oh the froggy frog awesome all right perfect perfect perfect um I do suppose I'm going to uh now that we've used the quats I don't like having all the shananigans it's really quick to rebuild so I'm going to take this off and I just leave it in his inventories for if we need it pick up pick up all right now let's see if we can get all those extra pieces I probably could have just did this I love this new mechanic it is so good we're just picks up all the rest instead of demolishing them all right fair enough look at that almost almost 4,000 G weight I guess that's still long way but not bad this quest Quest is such a beast there was a female 110 that was actually on the way over I saw so might be something we want to look into into the future but anyway um oh Mr doic don't worry I didn't forget about you we can pick him up with the RG and in fact you know what let's try them out real quick we haven't used them once since we got them so let's clear out look at all this Stone here you are going to love it here buddy what the crap's making me is that just me all right we need to work on this guy's carry weight first it's not as high as the other uh dodicis but it should be good enough awesome oh so much Stone so quickly what a beautiful thing and once we get the weight up high enough it'll be [Music] better for the RG to just be able to carry and we can just hold him and he'll keep on swinging all right beautiful I like to get it up to about a TH or thereabouts and then switch off to melee all right beautiful all right let's get you right there all right awesome awesome awesome and I should have loads of shenanigans on me I want to borrow some of those ramps from you I like to have everything possible that we could need um let me borrow four two should be good enough to get whatever Shenanigans up if we needed it yeah actually I probably have more ramps in there anyway but I want it in case we need it for a trap all right I also got all my scuba here so I am going going to unload the scuba we'll come back and pick it up if need be but this is for going into the swamp cave which I think we're going to do or at least attempt today or at least poke her head in we'll see how it goes all right fair enough and bada boom bada boom awesome all right I'm going to hunt around for an ank for a little bit I'd like to just get this over with and then we can take it from there and who knows I might run into something crazy and plans change that seems to be how it usually is all right just touching base letting you know it's been almost an hour since the last clip I found myself I'm over in the winter biome I'm seeing if I can find any ankos cuz they're usually pretty common around here but I thought while I'm here I can grab up some pearls I can also you know just do some different Shores too all at the same time cuz I don't come on over here for you know all that often I want to say some things though for one I'm able to be again it's not nighttime it's not unusually cold I guess we're only at uh whiskey Peak but normally in the past I could never be here without winter gear so our Flack is really coming along and we're only at 50 fortitude so that's pretty cool um I also been grabbing drops while I'm over here and I got some goodies um our new best FL gloves so that's pretty cool I the boots is what's really holding me back and I do have a really good pair of leggings but it's a blueprint so just saving up for that it's a lot of metal um what else did I get oh um where is it our new best RG saddle yeah 277 that is incredible so so we're going to have to find who's going to be the lucky guy we got to get to RG breeding very soon um cuz this one that I've been going on almost every day is definitely nowhere close to as good as what we could have but it's our very first imprinted one and I don't know I've been expecting it not to last so long but it's been holding up it's been holding up and definitely our most leveled RG anyway I'm just going to continue through here we're a little short on polymer over at the uh redwoods base so I want to do a polymer run against penguins and whatnot so let me get all this stuff done just wanted to come in and show you all right I have reached the edge of the winter biome and I making my way back now no luck at all with ankes I can't believe it there's so many good ones that I've seen that were you know good enough to to tame in the past and I was like eh another day I'll wait for a perfect one and that perfect one just has not shown up um deons are kind of an interesting creature and they're pretty abundant over here so if we can't find an anky I might grab one of those I usually never bother with them but being that we're not playing modded and there's not health potions I can definitely see uh use in wanting one so and you could use it in a boss fight too for healing so it might be kind of interesting I'm going to make a last go back I went and uh you know took out every ank that I did see along the way hoping that maybe you know some good new ones will spawn in let's see what we got down here 260 saber ooh look at the bangle when it's going after him Mega ethereum level 20 200 I would like another Mammoth too but I'm not going to bother cuz we're on the rgy let's go grab this Loot drop and we'll see we'll see but holy crap check this out lot of polymer lot of pearls a lot of stuff so no matter what the trip is already a success but you know being with our okay starting to get a little I'm interested in seeing what our fortitude's going to end up so 21° I'm still only snowflake not ice cubed which is kind of cool all right let's grab this guy real quick eh not that great we got to make that um grinder soon all right let's grab some more polymer while we're here oh I'm ice cubed all right what's the temperature it's 17 holy crap all right let's get on some fur let's see here I'll put on just like our better pieces oh did not mean to do that oh 474 I got another piece ooh that one's even better oh cut it out that's funny all right more polymer give me give me all right cool any more Penguins all right look at that just one piece and I'm good all right let's see what we got so I think this was the spot over here we got dire wolves up to wazu we got deons let's start checking their levels oh oh I can't believe it is this the one holy CRA that is awesome that is incredibly awesome all right well I think we're going to take this guy I don't know if I can carry him all the way back to the base he's not hitting me right now so that's good I'll still look out for anlos I do not see any of them there's usually like on each of these areas there was like a couple of ankos just chilling oh I see one let's just see what are you 10 this is what I'm talking about this is what I've been dealing with we had all the luck in levels the last few days but today I mean of course we just got a perfect dayon but not nanky so if I see any I will stop but otherwise let's get this Deon tamed up I think that'll be epic all right let's get them dropped into our nice little taming pen and [Music] and boom beautiful all right uh darts do I have them on me darts darts darts let's put all that junk in there all right awesome should be able to switch back to my Flack and let's go [Music] Piggy oh look at the heal and it's out beautiful I wonder if their food Falls faster because of uh the healing and whatnot but anyway let me get them starved out and I also got to drop off all the shenanigans all right it should be ready to go b boom is that g to be enough awesome all right and I actually had a pretty good Deon saddle look at that oh battle Pig oh I love it so this guy is going to be mostly used for healing but actually a decent amount you can shoot off of them too so cool enough and I redid this so we can now just walk our tames right out let's see oh perfect the uh Mega theum is now a baby or a juvenile and let's see how the Froggy Frog's doing also juvenile sweet oh I forgot to tell him to stop following stop following put you on passive let's get you over here all right fair enough we'll uh worry about other Shenanigans with them later but awesome uh also got all my new armor and everything all colored up so that's a beautiful thing all right and let me see got our new saddle everything like that perfect all right I think we are pretty golden I do want to still go out in one of those caves let me see there's something else I wanted to do I was here but I can't remember I wanted to see so I threw all of our polymer in here I really need to deliver it let me just see um what's the thing called grinder what is that cost what am I short all right metal metal and Crystal I probably actually have that much Crystal but but definitely short on the metal so this is why I mean I got an ank here but I wanted one over by the Redwoods since that's really where I'm spending more of my time um anyway I'll hit up a couple more areas on the way back to the Redwoods oh let me grab some polymer to bring with me I'll see if maybe just maybe we can find an anky and I'm also going to hit up real quick to Dead Island I haven't looked there today I want to see if there's any rexes of Interest all right why don't we bring I'll bring this oh let's go buddy cuz we have virtually no polymer over at the Redwoods so that should last me a little while and boom beautiful all right let's get closed up and and wish me luck guys oh guys this is I haven't looked at the level yet I this is my first time ever seeing a wild carch this is crazy o That's potentially doable I I would definitely like better but you know it's definitely doable holy crap it's kind of late in the day to be messing with this but it's good to know they can spawn up here holy crap that is so epic I need to set up the whole I I didn't get to it yet we have to set up a whole process of how we're going to do it but that's actually not a horrible spot oh was so pretty let me look at it one more time wow that's cool colors too epic all right just wanted to show you I'm still looking for ankos I found a couple more but none good enough so wish me luck guys all right looks like we're going with ankl oh Wells oh Wells anyway we got our new frog I've got we need so basically three pieces of scuba gear um and then the rest Gilly um I I've never tried on the goggles so I don't know brought flippers just because we're going to be um on the Frog so I'm going to go put everything to melee for now cuz that is pretty decent uh weight and we'll see I'm sure we'll get a ton of levels as we're out there um also got an even better frog saddle that was left over here so here's the deal we're going to fly on over and I will set down a little spot for our bird I'll put some beds there and we'll go in with just the Frog it may be too much for us I'll be honest with you it may be too much because we're playing at 300 level Max that means the cave stuff goes I think even up to like 600 or something stupid high so the caves can tend to be a little rough and we're on a frog that doesn't have any extra you know health boost it into them it's going to be uh it's going to be interesting but we'll try our best so I'll meet you on over at the swamp cave all right we are here and I have to say this is not ideal um I don't know why I'm pretty sure we like allow cave building I'm going to have to double check the eye and eyes but I have to park pretty far away so you know it's just one of those things I'm going to I'm a little torn I wanted to have a scuba to take in with me and then W two pairs in case something broke but I think we should leave one back on the bird just in case something uh you know something happens and I need to go in and recover our guy um I also have some sleeping bags with me may not be able to set them we'll find out um let me see what else might I need we can't tame anything through well I guess a be no Beetle's passive tame right all right so that's fine um I think we're good I think that's everythingoo I didn't bring spare Ghillie though that's the only thing oh I needed some more meat for my guy although he'll probably be able to get plenty inside I'm scared guys I am super scared we'll find find out how it works out all right let's go Mr froggy frog it's a brand new frog oh better be able to fit in there too our carry weight though is already pretty rough here it goes so um three pieces of scuba what do I want to do I don't know if we're going to really be dismounting so I guess we don't have to wear the goggles I might be able to just do it like this all right so far so good nothing too crazy or nothing in general where is everybody we should be able to grab the artifact Maybe oh oh oh oh we should be able to grab the artifact as well oh look at all all get him get him get him get him holy crap look at all that ceny base all right dude 440 Yik keep going keep going keep going 590 they definitely can go up to 600 oh holy and they're all mate boosted too all right come on froggy frog you're doing awesome holy crap oh dude this is awesome wow all right let make sure everybody's cleared out all right um definitely going to need oh definitely going to need more carry weight let me just see does not boost all that well I should do Health but I'm not going to not today cuz it's not going to help us out dude 4,000 cementing base that quickly get the crap out of town that is so good all right and we get uh this up the woo so to keep the weight down let's do that holy cow um nobody could hit through the mount right we're good dude I got to level up awesome all right and toror on the frog is fine all right so far so good it's already better than I thought it would be oh oh oh oh crap I heard something might have broke oh my lordy am I okay nothing crap my hands broke oh no I should have brought some Gillie with me oh that's not good I did not even foresee about the Arthur plura I don't think there's anything that will give us polymer all right um we can't spend too much time in here that is a good call though next time bring stuff to repair the Ghillie dude 470 snail good gracious I'm just getting them more or less for the potential levels all right raw Prime drop drop um I could wear four piece I could put this on although I should save it in case one of the scoas go how else could I arrange it okay so I could go like this no crap there is no hands for it yeah there's no scuba hands so that's a problem all right let's just try and go in here I can hopefully manage my health oh look at them all dude oh big titan ball that's not even the biggest I'm hearing something it sounds like an artifact maybe good God all right all right oh froggy frog you can do this holy spiders look at them all oh my Lord what am I hitting all right snail we don't have to worry about that holy crap all right well cementing Pace wise this is a huge score all right we're still pretty early on in the cave oh I think the artifact isn't it right up here oh leeches oh crap all right I think it's time to go oh God time to go all right so we learned for next time what I need to prepare oh I might not make it holy crap dude that did way more than I thought it would holy all right um oh man where where did I die right there simple bed holy crap that that's like that's a lot of damage quick I didn't remember it being that quick oh no all right um I don't know if wearing four pieces a scuba would work we just got to I mean let's try it we just got to run in all right I'll put the feed on last oh I hope the bugs didn't respawn all right all right dude we were so close crap I'll put on oh I don't need to put on anything come on oh my player uh-oh where's my where's my player oh yeah all right let's get the crap out of here holy now I didn't notice any dung beetles I don't know if they can be in this cave but good to uh good to notice um I still do want a dung beetle though so since we already have the poo on us why don't we go check out that other cave where the dung beetle like to hang out and hopefully the Frog will fit in there but let's see dude 8,000 cementing paste in one go amazing all right back over at this place remember this thing froggy belt I have no idea what was going on here but it uh it works and there is a bed in here so that's that's all I care all right really dislike this area there's uh I don't know what's up see right here you like go into the cave it's really glitchy all right let's hope that we can actually make it in here with a frog and it looks like we can now in this cave there's going to be onic but hopefully we can find a dung beetle it's so weird the cave echoing all right I'm not seeing anything so far which kind of sucks oh God all right oh God oh God oh God oh I got rabies I should have brought the rabies stuff all right let's start bringing these guys back oh is this the way I came oh crap I'm disoriented oh God uh oh all right what did I get mega rabies crap crap crap crap all right I don't know if I'm going to survive this oh I'm lost I I forgot which way I came okay this is the right way oo all right let's go back up here I didn't see any beetles usually you want to get the Beetles like right in the front part all right we only have 20 more seconds we might survive it and Sho all right we got a long way to heal though unfortunately the Frog's doing fine though so that's good how we doing te paste wise nothing seriously so you don't get I thought spiders and stuff were and scorpions were supposed to count as bugs I always forget about that and I always complain but oh I did not see him there that scared me I feel like that should count you know come on beetles it doesn't look good today and this starts to get into a much scarier area area oh oh no Arthur plura that's not good I want to get out of their range oh crap all right level 90 no problem I'm trying to see if I can hit him from up here we're so close oh oh yes awesome dude you hear that Carno uh no whoa thank God he was stuck oh I got him unstuck oh are you mad [Music] oh please don't give me rabies please don't give me rabies oh crap all right there's a couple of dung beetles let's start to drag them up come on that's it all right all right beautiful all right let's leave the cave all right large poo yes we did it guys pick up all right all right got us a dung beetle for the Redwoods base I would like to get one more but this is all like the max that we're going to be able to carry so we'll have to come back another day but I have to say I think pretty successful insane amount of cementing paste today we got a Deon dung beetle no artifact though but we'll we'll be going in soon I feel like it would for the artifacts we probably don't want to do it solo we probably want to go in with a team but in that cave anyway I feel pretty honestly this frog is awesome definitely the caving Mount I want to be using but anyway I think we did epic so on that note guys thank you all so very much for watching it has been a pleasure as you always do please remember to show that amazing support for the series by Smashing that Thumbs Up Button if you're new to the channel or you haven't yet please do not forget to subscribe for the daily Arc awesomeness and as always guys I'll see you tomorrow thanks again and peace out
Channel: KingDaddyDMAC
Views: 5,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark: Survival Ascended, Ark, ASA, Ark Ascended, Ark Survival Ascended, Ark ASA, Ark Survival Evolved ASA, Ark Survival Ascended Gameplay, ark carcharodontosaurus, ark carchar, ark daeodon, ark daeodon taming, ASA carcha, Ark Ascended carcha, ark swamp cave, ARK Episode 1, Ark: Survival Evolved, KingDaddyDmac, Dmac, Ark New Game, Ark Survival Ascended E01, Ark Survival Ascended E1, ark survival Ascended episode 1, ark survival Ascended ep 1, Dinosaur, Ark New Update, Dinosaurs
Id: phedzsLq9hw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 17sec (2657 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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