ARK REX TAMING & REX TRAPS Ark Survival Ascended

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hi guys Steve here on this video I'm going to show you how to tame a Rex and if this video helps you out please consider liking and subscribing thank you right first of all find yourself a good level Rex that's a 145 so we're going to go for that I always like traps you can build as fast as possible because it's much harder taming in a wild when it's moving away from you and you're constantly getting attacks a 145 Rex should be able to beat everything it fights so I'm not worried about it dying I'm going to go off to a nice quiet spot hopefully we're going to need two Stone Dino Gates and one large trap all right face the direction the Rex is going to run in from and put the gate down then stand right next to the post this will give you exact placing and put a trap in the middle of the opening parallel to where you're looking and that will give you a perfect distance away from the doorway for your trap oh great an alpha now for the hardest bit of kill everything around the Trap trap and on the way to the Rex otherwise the Rex will get distracted and eat everything on the way to your trap when you're trying to kite it to it and if it's fighting anything try and help it out so it hurries it up Bronto is almost dead leave the Rexx to eat the carcus cuz once it does verx will get all its Health back right now fly close to verx like I say if you don't kill everything it'll go after everything all right let's C it down to my trap it will usually Roar at you when you've got its aggro but if another creature comes close to it it'll go after that again right now for the mechanics the game tells the Rex that it cannot pass through the gate cuz its hit box is too wide on its hips so with a new paing mechanic re Rex will see the gate as a solid wall but it's got to go around just like that so the Rex won't stick its head through through the Gateway and trap Itself by its hips anymore and if you keep try to cite it in it just keeps walking around oh no they have outwitted me with their new dino pathing however will I get around it to get around it all you got to do is fly up to the dino Gates stop in front of it and let the Rex bite you once and the animation of it biting will move it forward onto the large trap then land behind it switch to the dino Gateway and move it in as close to the other gate as you can and place it down and you have it trapped let's try it again cuz my position with the bird was a bit too forward then and I want to show you perfect try to stop the bird when it's within the Gateway or just a little way past it so when the Rex bites it it pushes it through steps forward and Treads on the Trap then get behind it and land get your gate out place it down as close as you can and there you go another one trapped it's as easy as that let's get back to taming the other one so we have the Rexy trapped it's not going anywhere look around to make sure there's nothing going to kill you get off your bird switch to your crossbow or long neck with narcos and start shooting it I started off with 177 arrows let's see how many I use this may take some time so I keep skipping forward 3 minutes later I'll go in to check its tper with magnifying glass over halfway angry has a little nibble let's car on shooting it's 2 minutes later the crossbow broke have to use my spare and it's down then go to your bird get your Spike walls to protect it I'll start off near its head put a flat one there hold down Q so all the spike walls snap to each other then build a spike wall all around your Rex cuz if you don't something will come and damage it and in the home there an arc ascended a coding game to do that is ridiculous I just finish this up and completely enclose it right now it's fairly safe all I got to do now is wait for it to get hungry now keep an eye out because I've had allosauruses walk over Spike walls and I've add creatures teleporting into Spike walls to get to your Dyno just when you're a few meters away looking away from it so stay with it if you can and keep an eye out for a large herbivores cuz guaranteed they'll start walking over to you to go oh there a little T let's have a look at it then they walk into your spikes get damaged start hitting the spikes so I wouldn't leave it at all unless you have to get meat for it right it's a bit later take one of the spikes up do not leave a hole for any amount of time or they walk around and get in T's going down a bit you can give him a bit of Narcotics if it needs it I'm going to starve tame it a bit to make sure I've got enough good food so it eats it all at once instead of going on to raw meat then it'll have better taming efficiency more levels and it'll tame faster I just wait for it to get hungry more go out spite walls close the opening up again as they will walk in right we've got a Bronto coming really close to it that's as far as I'd risk it so go up to it and kill it if you can or if not just try and cite it away I won't let him get any closer as we're almost certain to walk into your walls damage themselves then start attacking them and damage your time plus if you kill bronos you get some nice prime meat you can use a pick to harvest it or if you need more hide use the axe that's what I got from the pick but on my bird I picked it a few times and got a lot more so it's probably best to do that that should be enough cuz I'm on times for taming right land take the spikes out right I want to make sure I give the Rex all the best food straight away the best is kibble then mutton then raw prime meat I've only got two exceptional kibble I'm hoping the rest of a prime meat will tame it then I'm going to have normal raw meat in it just as a backup cuz if you don't have any food in it once you start taming it will start on taming itself so what I'm doing now is taking everything out which isn't the food I want to give it you don't have to do this if you really quick it transferring over but I'm showing it for the new players so all I have to do is transfer all of it over to the Rex in one go so there's no delay time go to Rex open its inventory transfer all it'll start eating the kibble first then the prime meat and it's taming bar shooting up it should have enough block off the entrance again cuz now I've gave it food the AR ascended code's gone into overdrive and we'll try and find a way to ruin my team for me it's filled itself up on a food I've G it so it's just got to get hungry again to finish a rest keep an eye out for any nasties that want to ruin your time just waiting for it to get hungry there go it's had another bite to right just to make sure I've got enough Prime I'm going to go off and try and find a baby to kill now there's a Bronto but that takes ages to kill plus all the other bronos and the arrow will come after you and they'll whip your team so you don't want to take it back to your team there Nowa I could kill that my bird's good [Music] enough I want to give you the easiest option of just finding any baby there's a piggy has it got a Litt yes it has swoop down and pick that up carry it back to your tame I shouldn't need it as it's got enough Prime in it I just wanted to show you how to do it kill it then Harvest its prime meat let's get you landed move a spikes it's almost done so I don't need it wanted to show you how to do that anyway block it up again cuz as it's almost finished and you're getting your hopes up let's spawn a wer dinos in to try and screw it up for you right look [Music] around it's quiet too quiet and we've got a little critter down there they can't teleport into the spike wall while you're looking at them but if you move away a little bit they will do almost [Music] tamed land there to have a look at it here we go like I say it almost always spawns in something to ruin your team because I went in and landed on it they would have came after me jumped at me hit the T and ruined its taming efficiency so kill those if you can there we go we've tamed it almost uneventful right check around cuz as soon as I take that Spike wall down it's probably going to get attacked take it down demolish those cuz it's been damaged get saddow fre it take the gates down put the saddle on take the saddle with you cuz you probably be fighting as soon as it's tamed and free take the spikes down I he Raptors yep the alpha Raptors trying to kill my bird it was waiting to Ambush me when I finish the T come get out from underneath me re Rex knock back will push it away and a Rex is coming as well and some Raptors are coming anything else want to join in stuff like this happening is standard in ARA sandard so You' got to play as cautious as possible that some quick levels fast that's not just bad luck with all of them attacking at once that happens all the time right that's how you tame a Rex with two gates but if you find that a bit OD I'll show you an easier version with three we have another Rex over there I don't care what level it is I just want to show you a trap right put one Dino gate down then what you want to do next is press Q to stop it snapping then stand next to one pillar look out and leave a space about size of a doorway so you can get through by standing stand next to a gate post you create a v then put the large trap down go get a Rex get it to follow you again the Gap needs to be big enough so your bird can get through it bites you through and gets itself caught on a trap then go behind put the third gate in and the Rex is completely locked in then all you got to do is get off start shooting it and tame yourself another Rex if this video was helpful please like it'd be nice if you subscribe if you haven't already and click the Bell notifications and all to get notified when I upload next it would help a lot if you shared the link for this video I stream at a weekend so it' be nice if you come and watched and don't forget to check out your other videos at the end thank you very much for watching goodbye and I hope you have a good day
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Keywords: ark Rex, ark rex trap, ark rex taming, ark rex saddle, Ark Survival Ascended, Ark Survival Ascended Rex, Ark Survival Ascended tame a Rex, ark survival ascended tame a tyrannosaurus rex, Ark Survival Ascended tame a t Rex, tame a Rex ark, how to tame a Rex Ark Survival Ascended, Rex Ark Survival Ascended, Rex taming, tame a Rex, Ark Survival Ascended ps5, Ark Survival Ascended pc, Ark Survival Ascended xbox, Ark Survival Ascended news, Ark Survival Ascended steam
Id: qwTb7Puo3fQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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