Ark Ascended Looks Amazing - Ark Survival Ascended - The Island Part 1

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hey guys and we're live with another stream this time we're going to have a look at ARC survival ascended now Arc is no new game everybody knows it but um ignoring all the stuff all the controversy I'm here to play the game to have a look at it it looks absolutely amazing I spent about two hours last night in the middle of the night I couldn't sleep um to um look at it and it's beautiful it's absolutely beautiful it is in a lot of ways absolutely the same game but in a lot of ways is also absolutely different and uh so much quality of life uh has been added from what I remember even I who haven't played it in years can feel some of the differences uh that makes the game so much more user friendly it's it's beautiful now never mind the UI also changed obviously a lot um the way mods work has changed like actually people are starting to add mods yesterday there was only these dyo mods in it um now we actually can see that is um better tranquilizer work in progress yeah so there's actually other things now as well where is the mod was the with the ey with the glass oh look at this we're getting all this stuff coming in now this is amazing all the all the mods are coming in now that's actually quite awesome yeah so we'll see we'll see how it goes on um I again I'm staying out of the politics I'm here to just have a look at the game but um I'm I'm absolutely enjoying the way it looks right now so let me delete all the single player saves from it so far that I have created all gone so that means um the world that I play tested on there should be no um no stuff from me left on it so there should be no dead bodies around so finally some AR good morning kicks dama how are you um I haven't forgotten about the stream Adam sorry I just got held up I was downstairs and I forgot before I started streaming that I wanted to do something quickly uh you know boring house stuff and um I just wanted to get that uh show on the road uh downstairs that it's doing whatever it's doing while I'm streaming so um the way you can modify a game as well is a lot easier because um oh I'm playing this on GeForce now by the way with the 4080 so it looks beautiful um so let's have a look we we stay with the story in the moment there's only the island um I don't know what the release plans is for all the other things but in the moment it's the island so let's go into the um game rules the game rules that are here again I'm not through everything I'm not changing really much um I'm letting you see that what I'm going to do is you have an overall difficulty so if you play on hard for example you can see all these values change if I go to easy you can see that we're doing three times as much damage by default a resistance is obviously still one they explain nicely what each of these settings are for which is really good then in the game rules creature settings you can see um the max count which is kind of like just a scaling factor of how many dinosaurs you have on the island so if you want more then you you know you just uh lower that value I believe or increase the value whichever way they explain it all there um I'm not really going to change much except I messed around with the taming and we definitely need to increase that so um let me see player damage three yeah that's fine I mean we'll see it's it's usually not about killing all the dinos it's it's about trying to prep for you know the getting the artifact and trying to defeat the bosses which can be very difficult so you want as much support in single player as possible so let's have a look at the world so we have the XP multiplier which is actually quite fast so I might downscale that to um 2.5 um because three failed really too fast for me I had so many things unlocking nonstop it was like oh this is really really fast I was I think was in two hours I was level 50 so I'm going to keep that on Two And we can raise it if we feel like it later on The Taming speed multiplier five wasn't actually fast enough for the big big dinos like I had a prosur and the prosur uh took way too long so um I think we might need to raise that a little more so I would say nearly double 10 that they nearly instantly tame but we can leave it on five at first and see how we get on for the smaller ones five is actually fine um Harvest yield multiplier so this is um the Harvest I usually like to be sitting around 3 to 5 three should be more than enough um it starts it suggests double but we have a look because what I find is some resources like berries uh you just get way too many yeah when you're on three or five yeah but then other things like uh wood or touch the things you use a lot for crafting you never can have enough so we we leave it on double for now and see how we get on um speed leveling yes absolutely so what what I what this means is when you level up you can spend attribute points on speed which I personally uh like because I like to move around fast I'm single player I don't want to waste a lot of time so um difficulty level I don't understand a lot of that stuff so PVE mode on not that I'm sharing my world but anyway and that's pretty much it to the world rules that I'm changing so you can you could see everything else here so um well there was one more thing that I probably should change let me see oh yeah I have turned that on okay oh yes so so now in advanc one thing that I would also change is the nighttime make this five times the speed uh nighttime is actually not as dark but it does just before it gets bright gets extremely dark so um I would say five times the speed of night compared to the day is definitely something I would prefer now Harvest Health is a scaling factor for the health of items that can be harvested trees whatever so it means you can hit it twice as long so what I rather do is I rather have that on the original default of one and then in the game rules have just getting more out of it so um if we look at the Harvest multiplier yeah let's make that actually three if we only have here this set to one because otherwise they play too well with each other and you end up with too many resources so I just like that to be default and just get more resources from each thing that I'm hammering rather than having that taken twice as long so to destroy or or anything so everything else here we might play around with the baby imprint stuff um because um the mature speed is set to 40 um I'm not sure exactly how this works I didn't do a lot of that in the past uh the maturity rate of eggs and all that so if we think that takes a hell of a long time when we get to that point then we're just going to increase the time and that's pretty much it so everything else stays as is for now this is probably set too high and that's probably always flying I don't know but let's go single single player and and let's get started good morning Phillip how are you so I'm going to just choose the standard default I'm not going to look at grumpy girl I'm just going to take my dude here um I might give him a beard uh and that's about it we're going to go with the muscular guy but change his overall height to be a little bit smaller so that I fit in my own house so like that the default voice I'm okay with um but a beard would be nice let me see here facial hair settings oh oh there we go style yeah so get a beard that looks nice I love it uh facial hair length yeah like that that that actually looks nice that's more like what I would have before I before I trim it every now and then so that is really good and yeah all the hair color looks absolutely perfect okay let's save that guy for this world here we go accept and here we go save oh we already did and uh crate now um I like this area here I only well it's actually one of the recommended areas as well I guess yeah so down here it's actually not too bad especially with the increased damage you're fine like with most of the dinosaurs but this has a really nice location up here which is sitting between two um whatever drops drop spawn points which is really nice are you the one I've been waiting for you might be I hope so it's been so many cycles since I was her do I even still remember hope I wasn't sure you'd ever turn up the odds just kept getting longer I guess I've been losing faith while they've been gaining power you have to reach me everything depends on your survival Master this world make allies of its many creatures grow your strength and skill explore this place like I did so long ago put the pieces together and find me Survivor you may be the only one who can I love the music it's great is that Kotana from Halo actually yes it that's yeah your woman was pretty buff oh no we have the stutter I'm going to have to do something about that um that every now and then when I load into the world this happens I don't know why that is yeah that is it's one setting which constantly causes that um let me just have a look here um I think every time I go to Quality the first time I enter that that happens let me just really quickly yeah it's when you walk yeah let me just reload the world um that I don't know why that happens I have the settings the same all the time but every now and then when it loads into the world it does that and I'm not sure exactly why that is actually we can turn this off as well and postprocessing we can probably turn no we're running at 100 frames anyway so it doesn't matter um but it's something to do with this I said I think uh let me play around with that here for a second um it is a bit random yeah you see now it's fine and I think when I turn it back on now it's still fine so it's it's really strange yeah now it's fine you see and you can't see it but I have uh steam overlay FPS on I'm running at 90 frames per seconds here like I'm not playing in 2K or 4K I'm upscaling actually so this looks amazing it's an absolute beautiful starting area right over there we have um right over here we have um a pod coming down every now and then and right over there we also have a blue pod coming down every now and then so these two are brilliant uh so this is an absolute brilliant stating area actually so um we might as well get rocking and rolling hey bigles how is you how how how is you how are you yeah let's let's speak the English language so I think this is okay I like that I don't get as many berries um they also have new berries in here yeah so we have um the ver the vert Berry I don't know if that's new or not but I don't know it um oh it looks like I I had a t-shirt on or something I have a really funky tan going on here um so that's for eating and then we have these new um Kean berries kind I think these yeah they they used for making dye or something yeah specifically so this one is for yellow dye this one is for red dye so they now added these extra colors I believe and this one is actually good so they they made the wild berry is now purely for taming I guess um its juice improves almost every meal so that's more for cooking and then here what's the differ so this is blue dye and what is that oh Cayenne dye okay and then we have another one here for Megan Berry magenta Dy Genie Mac that's all all the dice so I think I'm going to use the the new ones I'm going to leave the old ones here and we're going to put them away okay let's start punching a tree so we can make our first tool yeah they are new berries that's great yeah happy weekend uh kicks thank you so much Jimbo happy weekend to everybody as well I hope you guys are going to have a good Halloween weekend well it's not really a Halloween weekend it's it's Halloween I guess and for us the day is on Tuesday or something um so where all the kids and all the Havoc happens okay excellent so um I don't know some you see the character the arm I look extremely dark but I have extremely pale skin in the character creation and every now and then when I die and respawn my skin color changes completely so if you see that it's not it doesn't mean anything it's just like it just does randomly so anyway um let's see what we need for craft we need some Stone so let's pick up some Stone here start the usual okay and then we can craft this is what we need and now is the angram so we have five points already I like to put things straight away into speed a little bit until yeah let's say let's put a little bit into speed until 110% and then we can unlock uh things like the campfire the stone hunches of course the spear all the clothing let's do some sleeping bags straight away and this and then we need what level are we actually at level six oh yeah the m and pastel let do that straight away as well okay beautiful so I hope I'm not leveling up too fast because I know this game is not really about leveling it's about you know what you do in general how you proceed but um you never know you know the I don't want it to be too fast um now let's start putting in some into um wait until about 200 um we're not going to unlock anything else right now I think in the end you can unlock everything anyway Jimbo how are you thank you so much for continuing your membership chk Apprentice um so chk ninjas how are you thank you so much and very much appreciated uh let's punch some trees yeah and Klick that like button in the balls excellent yeah that would be appreciated it would be nice to see some love for Ark um you don't have to like the game but just for the content um you know that would be appreciated and we leveling up really fast here I'm not I'm not sure I'm I I don't know maybe it's okay to level up that fast I mean it's the default settings I even lowered them a little bit so let's um go into weight again and we might as well start doing the thatch storage and then the thatch door okay so now we should be able to make the axe and the spear let's make two if we can oh we can't so what do we need we need more wood let's get some proper wood it's I think the reason it goes up that fast is the um XP settings um for each of the things when you harvest when you craft they're all times three so we might oh that was the wrong one we might lower that okay so let's um yeah make a chest make a hat make some pants and make the fire and the foundation yeah okay I think we're okay with the amount of resources we get they're fast enough for single player but they're not too overpowering I think so let's there we go we leveled up again just as we were crafting oh [ __ ] that's very good we're going to get some [Applause] height also underwater looks amazing look at this even the water effects look at this that's amazing oh what is that is that what I think it is no it's a fish but even underwater looks fantastic I don't know if this is new or not but you have stone here but then I think you also can have a chance of oil from these things here let me see yeah there you go some oil shell which is amazing and what is that there's something dead here oh what do we have oh let's take it on on the on land it's a juvenile parasaur a look at that it was a little baby but you know what it's okay it will serve us well yeah third person hacking things on the ground just isn't working wow we actually got Prim meat already uh we should probably cook it we're not going to be taming anything for a while okay so let's uh start putting down something so we oh jeez Genie Mac um let's put that on put that on and put that on and now we can also craft the water pouch and the arms and the shoes there we go let's get another spear or two in there we go and we're going to go more into wait for now until [Music] 200 and weix thank you so much for becoming a member welcome to the g4k ninjas very much appreciated um thank you for all the support um wait I thought movement speed was removed from ASA um it is disabled by default and on the servers you probably can't enable it but when when you play a personal game you can enable it as an option in the settings so I'm not doing any file changes here everything I'm doing is through the application through the game and I'm not using any mods or anything so because the mods I wouldn't even use them right now because I'm pretty sure they have to some of them will be full of bugs like for example you had the the you know the Spy class uh mod that gives you all the information on the dinos that was added last night when I was playing around uh uh with the game I could see it and it's already removed again this morning so I'm pretty sure there will be a lot of mods that will be coming in and out in and out until they're fully fixed and working okay so um let's eat these guys here a little bit keep on top of things and let's see what we need for how much can we craft let's make three yeah three should be enough for starters and we can wear now again I haven't played this game in years and I never actually finish the game I played it heavily modded once so I could take on the Titans and I finished taking on one One Titan I think the spider one uh and that was it it wasn't even on the island I don't know it was some random Titan one of the later expansions where you could where they introduce the flying and I still didn't fully understand it like uh there's a lot of things in this game I actually don't know how to get my hands on like for example um how do you find all the locations of the artifacts if you don't Google them yeah I I don't know like I I would love to what the hell oh look at you baby the lle whatever you are you look so cute hey you can I adopt you a you cute now but wait when you grown up you come and eat my ass okay yeah just let me make sure I have all the light stuff the way I want it because light Bloom is a pain in the ass it gets too bright light shafts is actually okay um footstep particles I think that would be okay as well on yeah the one thing you don't want to do and and that is what I've seen other people recommend um if you turn off en able foilage and fluid interactions it might give you more frames but the problem is you will see that all these rocks will start floating nearly in the air there's something really wrong with that option so don't turn that off whatever you do because it will just make your game look really weird and floating rocks everywhere okay so let's see where we going to start putting down Our Roots can we make a sleeping B actually yeah let's make that as well the building seems to be a lot more fluid uh which is really nice so I don't think you need structure plus s straight away in your game um you're welcome P just dro the like kick the like button thank you Scott Mitchell I love AR I have not played for a few is it looks like it's changed a lot since by the way high ki's not watched you for a while no problem Scott don't feel bad about it that's okay just leave a like no I'm joking we do whatever you like but I hope you enjoy it um it slow down when you get high levels oh that's good yeah because I I felt like being like for me trying to get to know the game again getting so many levels quickly I felt really rushed because I kind of was like [ __ ] I can't keep up with what is happening you know um I would say having one right here should be okay let's go right here on the edge oh look at that the prosos in the distance what I really like is when I walk towards a foundation now he just walks up I don't remember that being a thing in Arc in Arc you had to do that stupid jump thing all the time and in as far as I remember uh this is awesome you can just walk up and down it's fantastic okay so now let's put the bed in um I also like how the snapping has changed so if I take the bed now and put it in if I hold hold down e I'm currently in full alignment mode which means I can place it wherever I want if I hold down e it goes into partial alignment mode which um I assume means it will kind of react to objects around it if I go to free placing mode I have free placing mode so um it's yeah the full alignment mode you can see I can't really do it like well I still have a lot of freedom so I don't really know what the difference is you can see it with the campfire more the campfire always seems to be get placed in the middle without the free mode but I'm going to go into free placing mode and I'm going to put it right here and then I'm going to take the campfire you see the way the campfire snaps into the middle but if I hold down Q now instead of e so be careful with the buttons there you go you press Q which enables snapping and then ah okay so q disables and enables snapping and then e is the different type of placings so I'm just going to put that right here there we go and and now we can take I would say half of that and cook it and put it with this and light it and the other half we're going to split all so that we get some nice um rotten meat excellent all the prime meat now went to rotten meat we need that for Narcotics and yeah we have some oil already here which is great from underwater and this goes here let's fill that up that sound is terrifying okay so let's go and get some resources so we can make some walls what do we you want to go you okay you're friendly friendly oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I thought it was something I could tame very easily okay wow that was terrible I hope they're going to body Camp me now first death yes glorious death so they were kind of leaving me alone but um then they were like ah okay let's kill that dude [ __ ] they are Body camping me what am I going to do how can I take everything quickly that is not quickly is there no loot all okay I'm just going to run off here and that's why I like speed on my character because I can just run away if I need to so these guys are stronger than I thought they would be interesting okay let's get some health here actually wait is a 200 what [ __ ] Jesus dude stop what's with all these noises when I play tested this this was much [Laughter] easier um we have our weapons back okay so we're doing okay we're okay I need a sleeping back what do I need I need hide okay dude sorry you're going to have to oh they're so high level that that's the problem okay so I guess these guys are just very high level okay uh let me make a sleeping back quickly and then also see if we can unlock the bed which would be much easier because then and it doesn't get destroyed all the time we make a simple bed fiber wood and thatch okay let's put the sleeping bag down and yeah let's get some resources here let's leave these guys just head over here that's how I like my dinosaurs oh no I'm sorry why why did you kill my mommy mommy say something Jesus I'm so sorry I'm so sorry can we not imprint is that turned off hang on a second is imprinting turned off because it was on at some point um let me just double check yes bolos and Spears and I also realized that when I use Tran tranquilized arrows they are much better to fight with the normal arrows because something will pass out before you kill it and that is way better because then you can go and beat the [ __ ] out of it when it's all passed out um so let me see if I go into my world for a second there was something about D dinos here um world yeah disable imprint Dino bu off anyone can baby imprint enables everyone to take care of a baby creature including cuddling not just the player character impr print okay so I thought that meant imprint was off okay no no that's that's fine then okay so so I'm okay I just wanted to make sure um here's we can change things around if we feel like there yeah do you think the experience is too high but you said it's it slows down later so um you know um we'll see okay let's go back in a parent kill If the parents are alive you cannot imprint on the baby oh then I didn't kill both parents okay we have to accidentally kill the other parent yeah I see now you don't get that stod it's just every now and then when um okay I don't like it reminding me that I so let me just um oh okay anyway let's get some resources let's get some Stone I love the water physics it's so beautiful let's get some proper wood and thatch that tree when it dies it's like such a funky sound yeah we need some Fiber okay did we level up more yeah let's um go into Health until we have 200 yeah there we go 220 and I put the last one to movement speed there we go doors unlocked oh crap what level are you okay you were only level 12 yeah so this is a weird thing I've seen plenty of other people having problems with that hitting it is not enough the only way you can get the resources if is if you see the box if you see the it's really finicity sometimes there you go whenever you try to hit it if you don't see the box that you can interact with it your hit doesn't count it doesn't register so I hope they're going to change that because it's absolutely annoying when you um you know really quickly want to harvest something and you you can't aim properly so this is where one of the guys comes down actually there's one in the distance but there's also one that every now and then appears here and I don't know they're probably on a timer so when I was play testing it I had one coming down here and one coming down over there in the alov okay let's get a couple of more resources oh [ __ ] oh this one was very low level nice it's level 15 jeez I can't even see it okay let me just uncover it I kind of like that that that you don't see everything in the foilage because it's like you you you only you only can see all of a sudden the foilage move and it's like [ __ ] why is it moving what is there you know and all of a sudden something attacks you and the music starts it's somewhere here I don't know where it is we killed it somewhere is it here no no I don't know where it is oh well doesn't matter so let's see we should be able to make 1 2 3 4 5 six seven eight walls um we need one door and oh yeah the bed let's make the simple bed first and then see if we can make eight walls beautiful and then three roofs ah Perfection um we're going to go more into wait a little later but I think we need is still speed so let's go and get our movement speed to about 150 yeah while you craft you can't really run [Music] so for remember character the drops always come down in the same location yeah the location should shouldn't matter but this is on a timer I guess it's um I have these little FAS over there I don't like them them I need to kill them I need to get rid of them but it seem to be higher level oh [ __ ] this was this looked really big there we go how much do we have um okay we're doing okay okay let's uh put the walls up I'm going to make them all windows so I can actually see what's going on H come on there we go so R changes the type which is amazing and then this here will be a door there we go nice and then we have the door piece Oh I thought I made a door piece don't I make a door thought I did no yeah so you can see if I would have put made my character really high this would have been terrible it would have been terribly cramped so um but yeah we we're okay let's put the door [Music] in okay so now let's see if we can unlock the arrows and stuff um I'm going to skip the slingshot actually spark powder I want that I want narcotics um B Stone arrows and bow and I sure you want to learn this alongside with prerequisites what is the prerequisite oh slingshot yeah okay fair enough and I think that's it for now and then we unlock the wood stuff later we're probably going to skip the wood stuff and go straight to Stone and cementing paste and then saddle wise I'm not sure exactly what we're going to use first we let's see what's nearby okay so let's actually um demolish you get some resources back actually yeah we got 12 height and seven um what what did it cost to make 25 height and and so we get 50% back that's nice so I have a bed here that I want to put down and I want to put down the bed right there excellent beautiful and that bed now doesn't get destroyed which is good so let's see what we have here let's get that meat out so we actually have some proper food to eat um this one is nearly expired this one is nearly expired let's split all that nice and split all that and then do a little bit more cooking here for that meat come on where are you there so we can make more coal as well we're going to move that fire up into the corner and then um over here we're going to put some chests did I not make a chest already i t a cute one up I need wood and fatch okay let's go okay now what is this about these guys what level are they they've been very annoying I wish we could increase the font of this cuz I can't really read it I I can't I holy crap Apple It's Already Taken like loads of my life whoa oh it's my toll oh Jesus Jesus what the the hell it's like okay wow I play tested it yesterday for so many hours and had never problems but these ass hats are in my way they're really terrible coincidence that they're right here yeah yeah we need to make bow and arrow quickly and Topo and then stand on our base and kill the [ __ ] out of them something like that and I don't like how they are at my death location quick quickly in and out quickly in and out quickly in and out yeah assets I'm going to get myself a Dino and I'm going to kill them dead yeah they have the Topo they apply is terrible if they didn't kill like they have sharks here nearby oh my God they're terrifying they look so terrifying now they look like oh my house is on fire that's not good but um if you go over there I was swimming out there just to see what the Ocean looks like and within two seconds I had three sharks coming from literally three sides and I was like what the hell the faces were were all over the screen oh there's something coming they were all over the screen uh I was that was so terrifying what what are you what do you want stop it stop following me okay I love the sound very satisfying okay so let's have a quick look can we make um Eola yes but there's three of them so that probably won't be enough um let's make this and let's let's make this and then let's make our Flint yeah I can get more Flint let's make 33 arrows um increase movement speed I guess as best as I can for these little fers and health yeah let's get movement speed to 150 what why [Music] mother of testicles I'm totally mad I'm a totally bad I hope you're enjoying the game kcks looks amazing comparison to evolved are you thinking about doing a let's play of community server I'm definitely not going to do any servers because there's a whole issue with servers and I'm not getting into it um I leave the politics out of this um there's plenty of videos you can look there's there's absolute a lot of terrible things right now going on with servers and I can't respawn here why not a this is terrible okay we're going to have to respawn here and then walk back okay um thank you very much for the5 PS very much appreciated thank you and let's celebrate the first Super on live stream look at that first Super Chat nice thank you um I'm not too far away which is great and I'm literally very fast so you know what this is all part of the game which oh they are the guys that I want I if I tame one of them I should be able to um oh you have a trike here beautiful yeah so this is just around the corner from where I was wao wo wo easy there Charlie what the hell man just some random bird getting like all pissy because I'm just yeah here you have to be careful sharks big time yeah and it looks amazing though underwater look at this like if you oh man I I don't want to go too far there's definitely sharks there so I was going to swim very close here to the edge so I can immediately jump I hate water where it can't see I hate these sharks they're terrifying as F it's ah out out out out out okay there we go we're getting back to where we [Laughter] were oh there's a tortoise as well which is great for um chitten or kiten whatever you want to call it yeah so these guys have haven't been there before when I was play testing this map and I was play testing it like three four times refreshing it new these guys just literally were hey the guy is trying to do something he's streaming or something let's [ __ ] him up they're stream sniping me I'm telling you little ass hats oh you I need you as well um oh can I really quickly can I craft oh okay let me get some resources here oh there we go nice where are you where are you where's the gun okay look for something moving oh [ __ ] where's it gone I need your kiten or kitten or chitten oh there you are you're trying to get a [Music] away nice and might as well get a bit more nice okay back into speed now I have to somehow pick up my stuff from these guys see they're Body camping me that is so not fair maybe I can lure them I'm just going to shoot them in the face where's the bow and arrow what do I need for actually that one there's but they attack me they're all coming as a herd which is so annoying so fiber and wood fact fiber oh oh oh this one is swimming away he's swimming away yeah yeah yeah no no no no no oh H I didn't know there was an option and now I'm fat and overweight ah crap let me just quickly see if I can oh I don't have any points let's just walk towards this direction crap crap crap it's not coming after me so it's okay um let's put this there um [ __ ] and put this here okay I'm All Dirty you're such a filthy little person come on how much am I overweight well I'm not really overweight yeah it's getting cold now as well so I have to get to my [Music] fire actually let's just drop whatever what I have or something what's the heaviest here and stone I think I have loads of stone yeah I pick it up in a second okay good good good so I wonder if I can just kill them through the window if that would be an option and what do we have here nice more food food and let's place this down yeah let's put it right here actually beside the bed let's take everything out of the fire and uh pick up the fire and then we can place it down further up come on come on come on come on on where is it yeah there we go very nice okay so now um we need to make a storage box so we can put everything in some of it [Music] in there we go it's a bit of a waste but I don't want it here um yeah all the berry stuff can go in there um let's get the wood that's inside where's the stuff that I dropped where's the stuff that I dropped it already disappeared no okay fair enough doesn't matter let's get more stuff let's get more wood [Applause] [Applause] it seems they disappeared they kind of left the area that's [Laughter] good at least I think they're gone um fire Focus me weird since the most recent update um All Hearts help always yes thank you yeah we have to do the bowler but every time I attack one of them three of them come and they just absolutely kill me um I don't know why these hearts are popping off but thank you so much whoever is doing that that always helps thank you might be the time for a new laptop this one is 9 years old um I played on GeForce now here so um if it's uh trudon they will leave you alone until it's dark best thing to use on them is a torch they burn easy easily and run from fire well then that is great okay so let's see if we can Stu boxes um let me see um let's go full enable snapping yes oh I love it that is beautiful so in that case then um let me take uh these out here and put the berries in and we can also put in I made two of them oh crap I don't really need two of them oh well it doesn't matter um there we go and then I can put all that stuff in here good until we make the bookshelves and then um excellent so that way I can put this here put the food here and take this out there you go nice okay so let's make more bowas if we can and do they're stuck I hope they're stuck so that way we can put a make a few cuz we're going to have to go out and yes nice get rid of some fools let's also take the rotten meat and oh this one is nearly expired so let's um split all and then if we do this split all I like the way when you stack something it goes on when it goes on the stack it goes to the least amount of time so if you have something that's still very full a whole stuck you just put it on a small one and then it all goes to the small timer and then you split them again and you and it takes like now a minute and 20 seconds and then I have loads of that stuff so we're going to take these berries out and we're going to start making oil yeah first we're going to move this so now we get the ball rolling nice nice nice and no I want it partially aligned free placing fully align mode oh it doesn't actually do anything okay excellent so now we can now we can put this in here here and this in here and we can start making um these guys and then we can put this in here and definitely all the stone for now and we can start killing out these very good G why does it put the food always on top oh that's great because you're going to be trunked first oh look at that beauty so yeah night time hopefully won't be too long we're going to have um to make some torches there's more meat there we go and now we can make nine trunk Arrow how do we make them craft oh I have to unlock it yes beautiful what do we missing oh yeah I need more of the berries so getting one of those guys would give me at least an animal to defend with and it would allow me to pick up a lot more berries uh but we want to get a trike because I think the trike will be very good in harvesting thatch and fiber I think if I'm not mistaken um you dirty little Survivor we'll beat breaking my fingers help while watching unup HD thank you so much bigles might be time for yeah um I love the new dino Laser Storm how are you I completely I see in your chat and I completely didn't see that it was you um I hope you're doing well I love the new dino sounds they added the Ponto footfall is wild yeah you can have the whole screen shaking as well sorry sorry if you said it before but could you say what graphics card you have uh vipes I'm playing this on GeForce now because I have a GTX 1080 and that wouldn't be playing this really well so um the GeForce now uses a 4080 RTX and um you can play literally like I'm playing two like on 1080p I don't play 2K or 4K so I know on 4K it can be a much different experience but I can have everything maxed out um and even with frame generation I sit at uh 50 frames per second uh on a 4080 um with everything maxed out which um is with all the RTX stuff is actually pretty impressive still because even a 48 shouldn't be strong enough to play on everything maxed out with without frame generation like uh on 60 frames so with frame generation I'm sitting here at right now I'm sitting at 160 frames um and as soon as I go out I'm at 86 90 so 90 frames my average would be 80 frames per seconds so anyway now uh let's take no we don't take anything we just need to put put more stuff in okay so let's go and when can we get the saddle for this Beast um let me think let me see where is he gone I want to see I want to see what he's oh are these guys the there he is what are you called again a I can't see a parasaur okay so let's get more Stone and we need more um Flint as well GCE now is amazing yeah absolutely um I looted everything for my corpse I think unless uh I have to also destroy my corpse my corpse was eaten by the um little fer Source okay good now we're going to need more berries and let's eat something so let me see what that um you can Harvest wood and thatch now which uh was a surprise yeah parasaur saddle is level 9 nice um is that the right saddle though yeah I need more hide hello I need a volunteer yeah let's head over here can we Repair actually our stuff without it being completely broken I thought there was like an R option or something for repair oh you can only repair it when it's in your inventory I think yeah we're going to make height armor soon which will keep us warm um but right now I need to get um 150 speed and then I'm going to put some points into fortitude and then we're going to dump everything into health and stamina and weight I guess oh maybe I shouldn't have put them so close to the door um anyway here let's put oh I only got four so this is very good for cooking and stuff because it it apparently Burns a hell of a lot longer than coal and wood or wood in general and the only time you use wood is to generate uh coal and for the trike thouch and berries yes gForce now is far better than stadia parasaur level 9 they can harest wooden fch now which was a surprise furus pain in the asses yes exactly if you hit e on your armo it will equip un yeah exactly yeah okay so let's go and get that hide that we need oh maybe I have it in here no let's head over here and see if we can find a willing participant hello dodos I know you're here somewhere dodos oh [ __ ] that looks dark wow you see the way the night switched I love this yeah the Knight is no longer as dark but there's before the transition it gets really dark and after the transition it gets really uh like before it goes back to Daylight gets really dark okay we need some [Music] height why is there no dinos anywhere there's some over there but I don't really want to swim across here it looks to dangero [Music] oh oh yeah it gets freezing now I have to be careful sorry dude I need hide okay saddle coming in I have to get home now because it gets so cold that um you actually um die oh okay cool cool cool we nearly at 150 speed that actually can kill you the the some of the drops are so low and they still kill you which is terrible ah don't touch me oh [ __ ] look [Applause] at [ __ ] that's okay there's nobody else here that's okay is it he's laughing at me he's [ __ ] laughing at me he's like yeah yeah yeah right in your face dude right in your face hey kicks and chat hope all are having a good time and don't forget to kick that like button in the balls yes Brian thank you so much um we already at 60 likes which is absolutely crazy thank you so much for all the support guys I'm going to have to refresh my page my preview stream crashed actually um thank you so much very much appreciated so I hope I'm going to wake up soon before a dinosaur has it way with me um yeah I forgot about the torch I was kind of panicking okay I only saw these glowing eyes kind of darting for me and I'm like oh [ __ ] okay now at least you know what these guys are bringing hide home now we need to get um I think nine trunk hours should be enough and you're only level three but that's okay okay so oh we get it was a lot of damage that's okay so I think it's these berries here isn't it and they have to be hungry so the food has to go down first and I better get some black berries just in case um we have to keep trunking it I love this icon now this is so awesome so you can see the pink the pink line now this should tame nearly instantly because it's very low level soorry is somebody actually pressing on the hearts or are the hearts just spying out Franco how are you doing um raog gaming I hope you're doing well so yeah I don't know I'm going to have to look how would you find the coordinates for all the artifacts if you want to actually played through the bosses we're going to have to obviously manipulate some damage numbers so we can do it ourselves um because I see people saying like oh this coordination here courts you find this artifact it's like about how do you do you just randomly stumble across them or do you um oh why can't I repair it what do I need or do you um just you know if there is there is some information somewhere where you can get the coordinates you know there has to be some information obviously in the game I mean the whole point is to defeat the um the bosses you know let's go and get some more Flint oh Edward it's you thank you so much look it's it it nearly tamed full with the first um hit so um which on the small ones is actually great oh sorry dude you you went to the wrong neighborhood Hood oh we actually able to hit it without the box that's great there we go all right how are we doing I think top yeah there we go put it back b a bit up put it a bit up so that should click now ah there we go um there you go Steven no idea why it's just sounded like the right name okay so here you go you're going to get the saddle from me and I think I'm going to be heavy for you no you're doing all right look at you now what is this no sorry sorry that's the shout but if I right click what is this there's like a cool down on the Ping is that only for multiplayer so people can see where you are yeah we're getting loads of berries now baby uh most of the berries we don't really care about we can leave them in its uh inventory oh how how are you doing on attack damage there you go Steven level up now stepen we obviously want to get loads of weight in loads of weight and um oh that's not that's not Steven that's me where's Steven here carry w wait carry wait carry wait carry wait until we have a th I think that would be good I hope you didn't eat any of the meat because you're a vegetar veget vegetable vegetarian wow nope very good nice so one thing I also seen in a few videos and I don't know how they do it yeah so you you have your commands your whistle commands yeah but some bring up a wheel where they can choose what they want to do because I don't remember all the commands I think why is follow me or no why is nobody follow me but they group things so if I look at the controls not game part keyboard controls for the whistle whistle let me see there it is so you stay put you follow me so T and Y that's that's usually what I want I guess yeah so T and Y so you stay put right here no there go yeah because we're going to have to get good at these controls and it's better to have that wheel it's is oh it's hold down te ah okay oh poop ready to poop um emotes whistle follow all whistle follow one ah okay so stop all and follow all we're going to have to use mostly when we I think when we get into the big boss area fights but that will be a while so okay what is dismiss I'm going to test that out later because I don't want to accidentally dismiss my dyo so we can show less or more information okay you're already level 10 good job we get um a little bit more movement speed like I said until we have 150 and we should probably um start making loads of things like um the cement paste get loads of resources for that and start making a bigger uh base as well and what do we need here I need the feeding trough that's for sure I need the preserving bin for anything I actually want to preserve and refining Forge the mythy metal tools Saddles I'm not sure yet exactly a wall torch would be nice I guess but metal ingots we don't have them yet I think in the end we can have enough points to get everything anyway um what is that height height armor as well height heart yeah that's awesome actually because we're going to need to make some height armor as well keep ourselves warm okay what do we actually need for height armor 25 height and 10 okay so why don't we start with the chest and the legs oh okay cool we might get too hot at some point but then we deal with that oh that's looking nice I love it it looks really sexy that is awesome and look at all our armor now we have 100 armor before we had 50 really good can we destroy this no and [Music] let's we go and we can here I love the I love the noises it makes berries berries berries yeah we're going to make the feeding trough where we're going to put all that stuff in this one I suppose is not going to go in there yeah this one actually we need to keep on us for you want to tame anymore so I put that on you oh Jesus yeah you have loads of berries now and you're actually fine don't worry about it uh dinosaur leveled up again let's go to put the weight to a [Music] thousand and then maybe stren speed speed and strength actually speed is next so now the next thing to focus on I guess is um yeah let's get towards all the crafting things that we need like the Smithy and the forge so let's do the forge first and we need metal for this so we need wood and metal let's go let's get some wood [Music] so you can actually track all your dinos now which is amazing so if you go into your options menu here um you can go into tracking tab Dino group and you can see here if I click if I click that I can't see where my Dino is but if I click it again it shows up this is amazing oh favorite thank you um and I think here you can also manage your dinos to put them in certain groups or something I don't know or you do that through your uh whistle commands to put them in certain groups and then you can see here you can track certain groups like this is really really awesome the way it does that I got kill I got that's lies I never died once okay so let's see we need more metal as well we should get a little bit of metal from these things here yeah there's go little iron here okay we leveled up again we're nearly at 150 speed um Jay and you right after oh Jay's all follow is it and then um what was it you is J and you let me see Jay you whistle all stay put and Jay all follow me ah okay so if you do J and youu that means everybody is yeah J and U for everybody that's cool thank you yeah we're got to make our base bigger now in a second um we need it to be at least I think uh 5x five I think would be a good start so we're going to need loads of stone for that actually um because we're going to go straight to Stone base we're not even going to go to Wood first uh straight to Stone so we have some metal actually so we can make the feeding trough so we can put that outside with all the all these guys in it no not this I don't even know what that is black pearls what that's used for yet again I played I played very little of the island so I don't know exactly what all the things are on the island this one we leave here because nobody's going to eat that that's for stamina things um so at some point I'm going to be okay I have everything now to craft my guns to craft everything now what are we actually going to do so that's where I'm going to at some point this okay so let's uh put that a bit away away from the base because I don't we're going to oh the rain looks amazing so let's put it like in an angle here and now we can put all the berries in there I guess and suppose some meat but we want to oh yeah so if we do this this will be now the smallest stack but if we separate all that split all and then we're going to take this this and put it here all this should turn into the timer of this hopefully yes and then this as well and then we can do both split all and split all and that should give us loads and loads of um spoiled meat no not what I wanted sorry can you give me yeah I need all of these thank you let's craft actually another one if we can what do we need uh just some stone I have stone in here actually and now I should be able to put this here this in here this and this and we should be able to make 50 more drugs nice okay good and now we can place a second one here so we can actually use this for Trunks and we use the other one for um cementing paste oh we can do that as well very soon nice nice yeah okay let's get more Stone we have um to make more of these we need definitely more Flint Stone so twice the Flint then we need Stone okay let's do that and if we get lucky we get an iron ore every now and then which is great so we can make the Smithy soon more drugs yeah I'm a drug dealer exactly Dino drug dealer we're going to have to get all the show on the road with the drugs because I found like when I was play testing this yeah my I found it much better to use um arrows that um apply toour to the enemy and then kill them when they asleep that was much better like even the big uh I I think there was a um what is the first big dinosaur called with the two horns I had one of them actually over there in the forest at some point and I was able to just knock him out with the dro arrows and then I was able to kill him while he was knocked out then if I need stone or anything I can take it out of here but for right now let's just craft everything okay so for that we need Stone and kite I think I have that here yeah let's actually queue up oh can I not cancel things oh I just take the stone out there you go and now can you make some of these instead oh they take eight stone each wow okay okay so how do we make now um oh yeah let's get some Stone uh what do we need for the stone uh foundations because I think we can just replace the foundations in place so we don't need to worry about um taking them out and putting them in I hope that works uh stone foundation why can I make stone foundations I thought I had that oh there we go stone walls yeah that's fine because it has to unlock the stone foundations there we go because it has to unlock the the wood versions door roof and ramps very good stone quarter we don't need the fancy stuff yet ladders this is stairs so ladders we don't need either yet Stone fence Foundation support is that for the um oh look at that the stone Gateway oh this is how you can uh catch dinosaurs as well I have to figure out how to do that again I know that you can tame the big dinosaurs uh by luring them into a trap you can walk out of I'm going to have to figure out how to build that again um that's such a long time ago oh this is really good if you want to start Walling off an area okay I think right now that should be enough who was that anything attacking us no okay no [Music] sorry what am I doing I just like to confuse Steven um okay one more now we at 150 so that's good now everything to health until about 500 I guess um not sure what I actually need right now but I don't want to just aimlessly put this put the points in I know in the end we can get everything anyway but um nonetheless I just rather go by what I need okay we gotting a do bigger Base building at some point but a toilet really sit on it when you hear the call of nature do your business feel refresh spoiler Rock meat and sight then flush for efficient waste disposal requires connection to water and flush that's crazy oh ghilly suits there are cold res heat resistance so they are against heat while the height is against cold that is awesome and they need organic polymer oh Jesus terrible Jesus J Christ I can't even simple pistol oh yeah gunpowder you probably should um gunpowder unlock that and that's level 15 so what else is level 15 what the guns as well H just a flare gun okay I think that's enough now so let's let's work on our base now and um then we're going to have to work on getting a flyer as [Music] well okay what level are you you're level 10 you're nice and Young oh [ __ ] I killed it ah God damn it that wasn't good okay let's get loads of stone and make um the stone foundations we need about 5x 525 so what do we need to craft them Stone foundations 80 Stone each wow what happened something got eaten oh um I can make the Spy class but it needs crystals I I don't have I don't have access to crystals yet I don't know where they I need a flyer and I think then you get Crystal on top of the mountains or something not not the snowy ones necessarily but um it's good to have a flyer for that wow we're not even close to one Foundation that is terrible I know I'm in combat but um what do we need for the Smithy oh we actually have enough for the Smithy we just you just need Stone okay that's pretty awesome we need more weight now as well they're not attacking me that's [Applause] great no that's a mountain you can't you can't do that to a mountain he's M invested in the game yes sorry good job you killer uh Kona how are you nice to see you again I hope you're doing well um he's sorry if I missed anything um one of the Middle Island towards the South has Crystal at topic so let me see you're talking oh let me go to the other few you're talking talking about here is it something like that um if I go hang on there is a way way Points Plus ah so I can put a waypoint where I am but how can I put a waypoint if I just click on that no so it's about here is it up here is that what you're saying um I usually talk a lot to shot Conner um I I I just uh it's very hard to catch up on everything like and try not to get killed so this game is like terrifying um yeah we we died a lot earlier because we had like some horny theasaurus um or theasaurus that's what they were called they kept attacking me and then they kept molesting my body has uh has on ignore for a moment do not disturb um yeah I can see the experience is slowing down now again that's actually really good I like that um okay so let's uh go here can I favor some stuff for crafting when I need it craft oh Tru Tru craft amount if I track this oh that's only for resources I guess I suppose I could pull it down here the recipe and then keep crafting them yeah so we definitely want to get more into weight so we can hold more Stone okay let's go we need to eat um let's repair that and eat something oh what's happening when I hear things being eaten and I can't see anything that's really terrifying oh gotcha bastard where's your ass now come on you wear a big bird where are you how can I not not see the big bird it wouldn't be that little thing it was much bigger is it oh it is you're not that big when you're all shriveled and dead why can I not do that really game yeah this is really annoying you have to kind of find an angle where you can see that stupid box there like this and then it works it's yeah that's one thing I hope they fix you should start hitting things when you're basically within the general vicinity of the hit box oh we can't even craft another Stone thing yet oh crap a smaller round of rocks uh have a better chance of dropping metal oh yes I'm also also using the wrong uh tool for metal um because I'm using um stones in the moment to make foundations oh why can I not make more foundations what is what am I missing oh wood oh crap [Music] okay yeah that's nice having the actual blueprint as a shortcut on the hot bar it's great because you can see straight away when you have enough resources to craft it uh no mods um sorry Conor no mods um there is mods available but I think it's a bit early and and I don't think they're really ready right now to be honest so if we look at um oh we can't actually see oh unlock all mods restore mods yeah we can't really see the mods here I think yeah you have to go back to the um to the menu to the main menu for the um uh to see what they're available but there there's a lot of dino mods that add new dinosaurs but there isn't really a lot of um the useful mods right now there I think they did actually a good job in adding a lot of stuff quality of life stuff and um you know how things work especially with building um they already added to the game to the base game that you don't need a lot of that that stuff right now I mean s+ is not even needed right now to be honest because they even have the option in the menu here um to allow you to I think one of the options right there in the menu when you play solo or on a server is is right there saying like to allow um builds to cut into each other so that they can overlap which is great so it allows you to create these we really weird things where you have like a round roof even though they're all straight pieces things like that you know so uh which is fantastic I think no man's Sky did all that as well um pickup don't eat I remember what happened last time when I ate it mother oh hang on T come on Steve Steven come on yeah don't don't mind this little flappy bird okay he's just jealous that you have such a great look to you I mean look at you you are gorgeous okay just look at you you're so gorgeous especially your sunny side you look like a horny platypus the dead eyes say it all why am I here I just want life to end it's like I just want my life to end um [Music] okay so now can we replace the existing foundations I think we can um get a little bit more weight into us and then more Health okay so um now I should be able to replace those foundations yes oh that's nice okay and then we have another three here and then another Tre here ah okay and what do we need for walls well the walls actually I'm just going to get rid of them because we we can't we don't have any use for them so we're going to make this a 5x five I guess which should be enough or even a 3X3 should be enough to start with and then we can expand it I guess um I thought it was uh the old Arc no no this is uh the the new survival ascended after playing AR years now I will pass on this and wait for the console Rel of seven days um yo you're absolutely right I mean uh paying twice for this game is ridiculous yeah but um I didn't buy the original Arc I actually got it for free in a promotion um I think it was in a Humble Bundle so I I I didn't get it get it for free but bought a Humble Bundle like and at the time I think it was everything in it all the DLCs and everything so I didn't really need to worry about a lot so this is the uh the new arc it looks amazing um Laser Storm you're crazy thank you so much for the $20 uh it's the island just east of you that has Crystal very top near metal there's an Explorer's note there too cross that River and tracks through the jungle to scale the mountain carnivore dinos spawn there wow okay that's a lot of info let me see if I can get this all down here so to the east of me so I'm here oh I have to look at the other map this one here so this island to the east of me I guess that's what you're saying somewhere here on top of the mountain we should find potentially crystals then okay so the courts here are approximately 80 45 I would say 80 45ish 8045 so if we go here plus and we say um 80 45 oh I don't know what height what that is um say crystal let's see if that works I haven't played around with this a lot uh Crystal icon um make it a resource what's a resource icon yeah Gathering hand I guess uh show text yes so where does it put the icon oh it put the icon right here that's not where I wanted the icon oh okay so but I'm here at 34 oh that's Steven yeah okay wave points there we go yes Crystal so uh approximately here yes um I I've done the journey for countless times G I'm going to get a um um Pteranodon uh quite quickly now because we have the saddle um either already unlocked let me see no game Frozen why ah error that's the first time my game actually crashed [ __ ] okay I mean there's out of safe and stuff so it should we shouldn't have lost too much [Music] um no we're g to get a tanadon so it's okay so um yeah oh you guys are crazy we nearly at 100 likes this is fantastic um we're going to play more seven days today probably tonight and then more um sunen land and more Maria as well return to Maria because we there's so much more to uncover we didn't even scratch the surface of return to Maria so so it would be definitely another stream or two streams we should be putting into that um crash counter plus one yes anony it's actually the first time I played it for over two hours last night I wasn't able to stream last night because then we had somebody over and I don't kind of I don't kind of don't like the idea of streaming when there's slipping over and all that um so I can show you here now quickly the mods so um if you look at the mods that are available um where is where is it story ARS mod settings here and um available mods oh it's not showing them why not get mods here so they have three pages oh this one just popped in that's new big storage box so you start getting them in now but um they you can the these ones will probably disappear also again very quickly and then be re addded as people find bugs um loyal T AR very nice unlock blueprint oh this one might actually be good because it unlocks all the pro blueprints every level I think I've seen other people use that let me see um test module this time hunger potion Infinity potion oh oh this is different this is different um I know there's a kind of a handy mode uh where every time you level up it automatically learns all the engrams for that level so because you can learn them all anyway so um it's not going to make a big difference I'm not going to plan on using anymore unless I get into some serious problems where I would need one but um otherwise I don't green screen builds okay um solo Farm mod solo Farm mod what does that do it adds items that make solo farming very e okay so far it's very easy anyway so yeah I don't have anything installed so anyway so just to show you the mods um let's continue our game let's make sure nothing chained okay I had a crash I had restarted my whole day oh no oh and we're going to do more Skyrim as well yes of course absolutely oh man Maria on GeForce would be nice let's see oh we have everything okay so I didn't lose too much I lost a little bit of progress um yeah my foundation so I should manually save probably a lot more uh um that's definitely recommended so let's put the foundations down again let's replace these first there we go and then and then yeah there we go now safe oh yeah did it remember what what I did yeah it remembered this so that seems to be completely separate in the saves which is actually pretty awesome okay so let's put our health up our weight to 300 and then put our health up there we go and now pajon we already learned it good so all we need now is to find a Pteranodon that doesn't immediately die when we sniff at it oh I knew I smelled something goody goody goody and where's the poop that I picked up oh there okay spoil time we want to put that in The Preserve B but um let's uh continue getting our base bigger and then we're going to put our Smithy down and everything else uh spy class we already learned it oh what level are you I can't see you oh there level 10 are you 19 okay so let's see if we can punch you maybe okay good nice now what do you eat I'm assuming you are you a veggie or Carney I actually don't know I think it's a veggie immediately [Laughter] safe and do you [Music] have ah Edward nobody Jinx in anything I don't believe in that if something happens because somebody said it then it's just coincidence unless they actively actually did something to my machine which I don't think they can um return to Maria has too many wolves oh man yeah they're definitely even if they're easy to fight I think it's just way too many what is it fish yeah we can get fish as well I think there's some fish down here where all the fish G oh the stupid birds have eaten all the fish where is all the fish oh there's one oh what's that noise is like a ding what is that it's day two oh it's midday [Music] okay okay now we have to wait for its food to go down before it eats so I might have to give it um some more of those um berries oh I don't have any berries left oh you know what um we can just take this and we can make more arrows then as well craft there you go and we can probably craft another 20 hours this guy sounds like me sleeping snoring [Music] heavily there you go that should keep you knocked out for a while I don't think we need a lot more than that now I believe you can make the hunger go down quicker if you give them a stimulus but if you give them a stimulus you have to kind of constantly keep narcotics up in stimulus so we just wait um there you go just pop another one and that should bring it back up excellent really nice okay let's give it a save just remember to save frequently okay so let's get more Stone and oh why am I so heavy what do I have on me that's heavy oh the the iron yeah let's get rid of the iron and and put the berries here there we go nice now stone wood we have loads of wood let's reshuffle there we go okay suppose we can put that in here for a minute oh we can't preserving bin would be useful but I have one right now um oh Kor thank you so much for the $5 sorry I missed that uh the best stream on YouTube thank you so much I doubt it but I I like your sentiment um get prime meat from the babies yes fastest and easiest early game Prime yeah the the the the juvenile parasaur whatever gave us like 20 prime meat that was insane um like fish meat think it prefers raw me oh I don't I don't mind either way I can put both in um and let it pick and choose hey you how you um would you like to help me out tame a [Applause] dino so it's not responding to the fish meat yet but that could be just coincidence so let's um oh sorry this has to be split split all that's nearly ready to give us more stuff we need but this one here we can put that in here yeah it's still needs to the hunger needs to still go down a [Music] bit [Music] it's going down very slow let me see if we can do something about that there you go that did the [Music] trick oh it's eating but the taming is not going up um I hope I didn't give it too much I gave it two more of those but um come on go back up go back up [ __ ] yeah it's going back upo we gave it a bit too much but it made it eat I guess um at least it was moving its mouth I think the taming meter on them is broken because I had the same problem yesterday when I was testing this and it just at some point just boom was tamed and that was it so [Music] um oh it's doing that noise because it was force feeding at the the things [Music] okay this is oh man okay give it one more yeah now let it just leave leave it there and I'm just going to get my stone to work on my base and of story Xbox version yeah it's and it's G it's full crossplay as well which is amazing um how long does it take for metal to smell I have no idea um I know you can speed up the smell speed with fire Sparks instead of using wood and that's why I'm doing all the fire spark right now okay you are taking forever [Music] dude yeah and this is not nothing to do with tame speed that is just purely because it will not eat until it's below a certain type of uh food so and I don't know how we can make it hunger quicker here um it it will automatically take the food it prefers like so it doesn't matter if I have fish in here or not so it should just eat automatically once there um I can take the fish out but um it wouldn't eat the fish if it prefers the raw [Music] meat this is so slow you see I don't want to incre unless we can do it if there's a setting to increase the the speed at which hunger increases by wild dinos that would be a good setting then we could do that cuz that's the only thing that's slowing me down with taming right now is to wait for them to get hungry I love the icons on the screen like I don't constantly have to run back and check oh where is it now what is it doing you know I can see it right here and as soon as it tames it gets a yellow bar uh in the inside a yellow circle have you T about making a farm out of the small birds can't remember the name um the small birds oh the Doos a small dodo Farm I wouldn't mind having like 30 40 dos following me and just see if they could actually kill like a dino like a raptor or something or if they just all get one shot but get but raise them like get Doos to mutate um make baby and then purely invest in strength everything into strength and then see if we can make like a massive Doo doto attack um thing yeah but the kibble yeah the but this is what I'm saying this is not taming speed this has to do with their hunger going down so the taming is actually oh there you go he's tamed I think yeah he just ate you see The Taming was fast once he ate it was quick oh we didn't get the popup because we were too far away can I not name my te can I not name it now no how dare you access inventory Tru info options neuter change name there you go thank you now I'm going to give you a saddle once I can craft it um is this one it no that's the power sour saddle what do I need oh I need more Cara and height yeah you just actually can you follow me okay follow me yeah yeah yeah no no come here come here come here and there you go okay you just stay right there Charlie um actually do do you have any levels you have one level so I'm going to give you um weight because you're going to have to carry me I'm going to give you weight if we're going to go up to the mountains I'm going to give you weight so he ate all my meat greedy [Music] fcker um I need this I need this um how much do I need for the s um 75 so there you go 75 so this is 5 minutes of fuel most wild carnivores prefer raw meat to cooked meat of course yeah but I prefer cooked meat nice actually we can leave with raw I'm not wasting this and I suppose we can put it in here does that change the spoil time this spoil time is now 1318 ah 53 that's awesome okay so let's put all that stuff actually in there okay now back to doing stones and we need more hide so hide hide let's go and kill some fools some Doos preferably and safe oh I can see a victim over there um I mean a test subject what level are you at 20 I think that's enough yeah there you go and now I can kill it slowly very good do we have enough height now yes there we go um stamina I guess so we can run [Music] longer might as well get a couple of more Stone while we're here okay I think we need more wood make the next do we need more wood or what oh more Stone oh [ __ ] piranna [Music] [ __ ] now you better run I need to craft another platform so I can lose the weight yeah thank youo okay let's go that was intense B would make smaller dinos not run but uses your height to craft power and Tera are both uh bable yeah okay so let me do a save I don't want to lose any progress here thank you and now oh I probably made way too many foundations [ __ ] I didn't even think about that crap how many do I have left four okay you know what let's a crap okay this is going to be it has to be an uneven number so you know what we're going to do there we go boom done and now we're just going to make walls um okay so this looks good this is intentionally by Design let's put a saddle on you and let let me get rid of all my other stuff my weight um berries get rid of them put all the meat in there as well don't care and oh that's full oh yeah this is empty now yeah so let's go and see if we can get some crystals and explore a little bit um oh yeah what do we need for the Smithy I keep forgetting um six more arrows here we're going to keep some spare there we go we have loads of rotten meat now which is great okay um Smithy Smithy what do we need to make the Smithy fiber hide wood 125 Stone do we have 125 Stone I think we have zero Stone right now okay so we have the wood let me actually pin this I think we can pin this now truck excellent so all I need is the wood do I have enough height H and we need hide in so because I would like to make the um before we leave and make the forge so we can cure up the iron and then have it burn while we're gone if that makes sense but let's put the saddle on you first and here we go nice and you're going to be wait wait wait [Music] um there we go and stamina actually weight and stamina stamina that's important so what's your special o nice oh that used up all your stomach holy [Music] crap so we have to be um I think right click lands isn't it no what is right oh right click grabs so we can actually pick up small animals with this guy that is awesome so get your stamina back up we need some food for you actually okay let me go and get some food for you while your stamina is going back up oh you leveled up again okay um stamina yes um I mean you gave him meat that what were you expecting yeah one makes them attack um I'm not sure how to do it on PC but you can point out a spot and whistle and go oh is it let me see is it oh yeah there that's amazing this guy didn't give a [ __ ] oh wow okay so what is if I do this um oh that's nice oh that's so cool oh thank you thank you so much that's actually really awesome you can cook fish and the industrial cooker making them pan to so I guess your house just gets to be bigger yeah uh truck feature is good yeah the truck feature is amazing especially if say you die and you don't know if your dinosaur is still alive or not yeah and and um I don't know if there was a way of doing it in the old game but you might not be able to to to to find it and then you get back and you find it dead this way at least you can see the icon and you can see if it's alive or dead which is really awesome okay dude we're going to go on a trap okay what do I need to prepare um nothing I just need to not die so we are going excuse me excuse me we're heading over there which is not that far we just have to make sure that we get the stamina braks in when we need to get them in and our dude looks very sexy look at this this is so nice I love the the way my my things on my head are flapping around yeah this is awesome I love the picture so I'm going to save that very nice come on stop it there you go thank you um okay stamina is still good so as long as I don't don't do anything fancy oh is this a Pteranodon yeah so we're [Music] safe okay we're doing okay stamina is still doing okay as long as we don't do fancy flight stuff what is the top right icon uh you see that with the with the diamond shape is that the experience do we level up when it gets full I think that's experience I am my question okay so where can we find crystals let's see if there's a lishon or something you know like a spot somewhere where it looks like we have no trees oh we get too hot uh let me see if I can take some of my clothes off not of these oh what about up here that looks like we could land here we have something [Music] here there's crystals there nice um how do you land how do you land is it space damn it why you not Landing there we go nice okay in this case then get more weight get more [Music] weight um I like the other flyer I can't remember the name but it can stick to walls is that the butt oh what is this explor note equip fists I have always tried to maintain a strict neutrality when it comes to tribal matters but then again I have never had an offer this tempting from someone as respectable as Mr NAA not only has he offered to provide me with test subjects but he has also expressed a mutual interest in investigating the obelisks all he asks from me is that I provide him with reliable counsel I would trust few tribes to be able to make good on such promises but Mr nura's new Legion is perhaps the most powerful tribe on the island indeed if they maintain their current trajectory they may be the only powerful Tri tribe on the island his offer is worth considering at the very least this is awesome Rockwell record 22 so but again yeah I love the voice really well done um but this is not telling me anything about the artifact or where I can find them so rather I know I will probably have to look up the the coordinates at some point but how do you find the artifacts in at some point I hope you we can track them down yeah I know I should find I'm in the shade now but when I level up again I will definitely invest into fortitude oh [ __ ] that actually hurt me okay oh what is that buff I have now on me that buff here what is that show me it won't let's get some crystals oh I'm not getting anything I didn't get any crystals maybe the hammer wow I'm I'm only getting oh no we need we need we need metal tools we need metal tools guys otherwise it's not going to work yeah we're only going to get Stone from it we need we need the upgraded tools I think damn it I should have thought about that oh there we go there's a special Explorer note found um it doesn't tell me it gets extra XP um but uh I assume that's what they do yeah so okay let's go back but anyway this is pretty much where we found them so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go here and I'm going to make my new point right here where I am so I'm going to delete this wave point and I'm going to add one where I am right now and going to make that um Crystal yeah and that's right where I am which is awesome so we can come back to that later I love the way this looks this is so amazing can we go k oh yes I love this even more this is a this game looks amazing you can say what you want they did such a great job with the new textures and everything and oh man the color pallette is just so sexy [Music] oh look at the sharies look at the shark boys over there they're circling baby they're circling they I'm a gigantic oh look look at them and at some point we're going to have to tame stuff in the water I don't want to go in the water dude I I just don't it's scary hey dude what level are you I don't know now I I can't I need metal tools oh we have the trikes oh I love it um I don't really want to mess around with commands uh because I like the way everything looks right now so I I I don't really want to mess with that sorry um I should be killing things yeah you're right with the XP bu but I I want to actually level up my dude so maybe I should be killing things with my dude let's try that let's uh save and then try to kill the the the the shitty bird here there we go nice oh [ __ ] uh hello now we can't do anything about it come on come here can I jump up ah nice ah excellent uh can you shoot a bow oh can I shoot a bow actually while I'm on the no I can't I can't because I can't aim I can't right click or anything so I can't really do that um how do I force it to land actually space space okay in that case no no no hang on hang I want to land on my house ah it doesn't okay okay my friend you're going to stay here [Music] okay oh you leveled up um I'm going to put you into damage because I'm going to be um actually I'm going to put you up until 250 and then I'm going to go full damage oh yeah and wait until a th000 and then full damage and we're going a little bit more fortitude all right let's go let's get the stones um that we need for leveling up uh for making our base bigger and then we're going to do the Smithy as well the reactive water looks great yeah oh certain fly I think when you get a is it the Pteranodon you can actually build a platform on them and then you can stand on the platform while they're hovering or something which is absolutely fantastic I want to make two walls actually let me get the wall diagram here um there and we need wood and thatch which is fine [Music] so maybe get some wood and craft so we get some craft bonuses from this why can I not repair God damn it oh yeah I have no h okay so if we can get the Smithy now wait until I have 125 stones and then we can make iron tools and then this all process will get better I bit I slept a little bit on that I should have made the Smithy straight away before I even upgrade my base to Stone and then the new tools would have helped a hell of a lot more the quetzel yeah that's the one that looks like like a Pteranodon isn't it just bigger so we have the stone now great so where's the dodo Doo Oh I thought it was a big dodo well might as well don't want to let it go to w waste I guess I would just hate for it to be without a mommy you know so need a little bit more hide suppose we could check up what's up there have a little look and we need some touch as well actually uh some dead doo now we I think we have the rest of the hide at home so we should be okay oh wow the babies do give you prime meat that has to be a book that has to be a book no there we go baby craft can I oh okay yeah we got to make a lot of them in a second um so what I want to do first is I want to the walls that I already built I might as well put them up um um oh did not [ __ ] where did I put that wall ah balls oh I placed it on the outside that is I placed it in front of the G how do I exit that come on how do I exit there pick up Stone window yes thank you so if I go here and then are yeah and now can I it's not doing the kind of seethrough thing oh now there you go okay good um yeah how do you oh right click exits okay so this we can destroy and this we can destroy it excellent and then we have the other wall here no not a window Stone secret doorway okay and then we can put the one with the door at the front here or we could put it here and have like a porch thing going on I don't know yeah that would probably make sense no it's the wrong way around why did you do that to me game there okay okay very good and now we can destroy this and now we can move my stuff around a little [Music] bit oh I like that we can put it really in the corner I love it and then my bed can go under the window exactly so these guys here um let's transfer everything out pick them up and we can then um uh how do I rotate they actually have a very weird hitbox okay so let's um put them here and then we put this one oh yeah let's put everything in here first they did an amazing job yeah building pieces look amazing also con and Exiles quality yeah it looks really really nice um it really did them a lot of good to change engine so now stamina and health I guess um let's get health to 250 and then we go back into weight should we need more health I mean you never can have enough health I guess okay good um we don't need any more yeah there excellent and now the bed can go what the [ __ ] oh I picked up both okay I didn't know I could do that um so I love that you can go really close to the wall and put it exactly where you want um will I turn it around will it go will it go this way I mean I don't like that I can't turn things around before I place them you see now oh rotate press e there you go I'm an idiot so now I can place it exactly underneath the window there we go oh Charlie um where's your buddy there was another guy here flying around oh yeah what level are you you're 12 okay Sorry Charlie you didn't need to see that but he was not a good person can can we pick up the there we go um I just want more hide and more me there we go I'm only looking after you can making sure you're cannibal or something there you go I can put it all in here now oh Corner placement oh no it's the wrong way around damn it hang on there we go okay now let's put this in there oh that looks nice um oh oh there it is here do we have any in here yeah and so let's see how long it takes for one of them can I just Place one yeah I want to see how long that lasts oh 14 seconds and how long does it take to two three four so if we put five in that would be oh there you go that's it that's it two pair um P ingots that's awesome so we have that is really fast oh there's definitely bugs yeah um uh we're finishing in in a little while with the stream so I just wanted to get this started so we can look at this that's oh it's actually less than two it's like like 1.8 or something of these so it's a time thing more than anything else okay so let me see so we get 14 seconds of heat from one of those guys so what we're really looking at is um okay let's take this out take this out and take this out yeah excellent okay so now let's put this in and let's put that in and see how many seconds it takes how many seconds it takes um for one of those to burn so we at 44 seconds now this isn't accurate um oh yeah actually it is now 114 yeah now it shouldn't burn because I'm not lighting the fire so it was at 44 so 30 seconds somebody was asking how long it takes for um for one of those it's 30 seconds now we only get 14 seconds um for each of those so you can see here 14 seconds and that means you need 14 28 yeah it's just under 30 seconds so you would say about three pair and then um so we would take 50 here um so 489 50 yeah that will be slightly too little but it will nearly get through all of them yeah so it's kind of terrible because if you think about it takes 30 seconds so you have 25 * uh 30 that's 750 seconds then you divide that by 14 and you get 53.5 so 54 1 2 3 4 so this should be enough spark powder now and I think spark powder also makes it burn faster so this will not be 30 seconds if you use wood as far as I understand if you use wood it will take longer so um anyway now oh [ __ ] now what we need next is we need to make the Smithy which will allow us to craft the tools so we need 50 Stone and four metal ingots we need one more metal oh crap back on that might have messed with the calculations now turning it on and off forgot F okay so we're going to do this now we [Music] um this looks nice oh it looks so sexy and especially when it's raining the wet oh man let's um and then we're going to put some storage here alongside the walls or something like um and then we can make a second floor or something and put all the storage up on the second floor Poss and let's put that in here put that in here there we go let's give you um more weight um movement speed we can't why can't we level up your movement speed I did enable it for the flying speed huh let me just double check that I I definitely think I turned it on uh or you can get prime meat from the yes um so if we go here let me go into my game rules uh no it's Advanced multipliers player where is it wild Dino World XP multip MK a crap where was it I think it was in the game rules rules Crosser allow flyer speed leveling forces the max create fees level to 150 regardless of map we're going to turn that on when we can deal with with with creatures better when we have guns we're going to turn this on because I want to have like what's like I want to be able to uh make babies out of 150 150 creatures and get like I think the maximum we can get from an offspring is 200 that would be amazing um we definitely have it turned on so if I turn it back on um or it could be that it doesn't apply to some flyers because I think that Pteranodon I can level the speed so it could be just an issue with the Flyers it could be just the Flyers messing up yeah it's a percentage thing okay yeah so flying it's uh I think our friend here can be faster yeah movement speed here is fine so the flying speed just isn't visible so yeah um yeah maybe it's the type of flyer I I don't know you know um we get you to a th000 very nice and then we're going to go full on maelee damage and so and yeah we want to get your melee damage that that way you can beat the [ __ ] out of everything we find well probably not I just think it will but it actually won't um okay so Smithy Smithy Smithy what do we need for the Smithy let's do see if we can get the Smithy done and then get our metal tools today that would be really awesome 20 hide 50 Stone 30 wood um go I should have I should have tagged the recipe because I'm I'm an idiot I didn't and now we just need some Stone which I should have in here yeah oh of course we should of course we should now we already picked we already picked up all the stone here let's see if we can fit the table beside it otherwise I have to turn my bed around um yeah I probably have to turn my bed around okay let me no andang yeah pick up simple bed let's put the bed here I know it looks a bit uneven but I don't care I just want to put all that stuff on the wall here for a second um disabl snapping yeah there you go that's what I want awesome that is beautiful nice and we can have the bed here that's fine I don't care we're going to move the bed somewhere else then at some point but this having this so close by side each other is perfect and now we can make um tools I guess here we go what do we need eight metal ingots okay let's see if that's actually yeah there you go oh it's actually still 32 left so my calculations are completely up my ass now did you see how much fuel there was in that can't be right I think what happened happened is it immediately finished crafting when we loged in and logged out is that a book does that not um this 110 likes this is actually the most likes we got in a stream ever um did this is this book still because I I remember the book where if you queued up loads of iron and you put a little bit of burning stuff in and then you locked out and you locked back in everything was done like all the ingots were done and it didn't use up the fire because that should have taken a lot longer to burn at 30 seconds that was 750 seconds that was over over 12 minutes of um iron ingots and since we put them in it has not been 12 minutes so this definitely was um I think it's when you log in and out it's just done so they they actually kept some of the mechanical bugs because I remember that been been something that happened before um anyway I'm not going to complain we got loads of iron ingots so hell yeah um so the first tool we obviously want is um this so we need 10 height and one wood the wood on and we have the wood and we actually have so now I can actually leave all my height in here and wood in here and oh this is brilliant it's a good book yes we have to actually intentionally try to replicate it to see if that was actually the reason so we're going to go with this first and that means means we should be able to go get the crystal stuff um let me go a little bit more into fortitude here and now let me empty oh yeah this can go into the for furnace there we go I'm just not going to turn it on um and this has replaced this so put it in here and oh yeah there we go might as well cure these guys out good okay so everything sorted out remember to save and now my friends you coming with me do we need more weight I think you need more weight because we are going to go now and fly back to our special place and see if oh um yeah crazy Arc magic the only good book is a dead book yeah oh man I just love this so much the way this looks I'm telling you GeForce now is the best thing that happened um oh look at that oh my God it's one of those snipper Snappers wow oh he's angry he is not a happy camper holy [ __ ] well you know what I'm just glad I'm not down there and even the long distance I'm right now I'm running on 80 frames per second solid I'm looking at all the different things here and I'm still staying on 80 82 84 it's insane 78 sorry I'm dropped down to 78 frames here for a second that is just amazing and now mind you this is a 4080 RTX card like U that GeForce now is using no I don't want to do a barrel roll because that will take all of my stamina and then I'm going to have to land right beside that crazy horny dinosaur oh it even got the height right that is beautiful okay dude now save the spino is like radical it's okay don't follow me you stay here okay you just keep an eye on [Laughter] things yes and what do we get from these oh what is that what is that iron oh man dude oh I have to be careful about not being too heavy my my my dyo can only carry so much oh [ __ ] how much weight do I have I cannot go over 200 and I don't know if my body weight counts but yeah let's get more crystals I think we have enough uh iron ore right now let's get more crystals oh man storm thank you so much for the location that is amazing Stu and just before we get jumped or I like the way how tall the grass is I feel like such a tall person and then it's like boom first person few what the hell give me a lawn mower dude okay so I think we're okay and oh you're nearly full look at how full the dino is so we definitely put another Point into wait there you go nice okay I think it's time to go you ready oh you have no meat don't you you have no food on you oh you do yeah okay let's go let's head back now we can make the Spy class can we craft the Spy class in our inventory actually um oh yeah but we need fiber and stuff the metal notes look amazing you can actually now see exactly what it is I know you could kind of see it before but uh it's it I like the way that it looks like stone with the or vein going through it like that looks really nice that's really really sexy tame that spino you're ready yeah I'm going to throw bowler at it and I'm going to throw an arrow in its eyeball well we're playing on easy intentionally because we're playing solo and oh man I'm so tempted to actually give this a shot not right now though ooh I mean he is eating everything over there um what level do we need for the spinal um saddle 71 what are we at now um well we're nearly there I guess all right here's the SP the the the the oh no the barrel roll we don't want to do that yet until we get home and there's a trike though which is good because we're going to be able to tame that soon and then we get loads of thatch and um what do we need for wood um which animal is good for wood the trike so the the parasaur is good for berries and and thch but then we need an animal that's good for fiber and uh I think the trike is good for fiber and thatch isn't it there you go all our stamina gone okay I think we're kind of safe here which is good so safe game and yeah put that in there um nice so let's see actually about the book so I put this in here now yeah and intentionally I'm not going to well screw it I don't care I'm going to turn this on yeah but I'm going to let one bar go there successfully and while we wait let's get some of this and some of this and some of this and that should be enough to craft the eyeball thing come on where is it yeah thank you so you see this here um actually let's take half of it out Yeah well yeah so that we're not completely whizzing it it's 128 and 66 and will probably be another one and now let me save and exit what's a trike then the beaver is for wood yeah who who doesn't get wood from a beaver uh sorry yeah that's um um you can use the bear as a parachute you won't like this but I call it a parachute so now let's let have a look in here ah this time it didn't do it that was strange we we didn't over calculate all that I mean very strange I also don't think the time is necessarily right is it 60 minutes now so if we do this and then put it back yeah all right fair enough go crazy oh you know what happened I calculated it based on the fact that it was doing a single iron but it's actually two iron each time so what it actually is is um 50 50 ided by 2 that's 25 iron ingots time 30 seconds so that's 750 seconds yes ah and then yeah okay so in this case it's actually one to one uh because it takes two iron every time so if you put as many fire Sparks in here as you put in metal you will just be under so yeah yeah yeah oh man so but now we should also be able to make the oh okay tools mailer there we go nice that's beautiful um what armor can we make in here fur armor oh okay held hair I haven't seen a little a a a single drop here yesterday I had non-stop drops here when I was play testing this and one of them had 60 pelts I'm like okay that's crazy like I didn't even need to go and kill anything to give me P that was crazy anyway so this now means that we can uh the Spy class now is good because we can use that to look at um to PE to do peeping Tom on dinosaurs so that's St he's level 19 I think Sten is that you Steven yes so let's see I'm fast AF so let's see if we can see that uh horny spinal from here from the safety of our distance [Laughter] okay porny spino where are though what's in the water something big where's that where's that spino was wreak he was wreaking havoc over there I hope he didn't come oh what is that a mega dealon uh he's only level three he still will kill me instantly dead um oh the spino must have retired oh there he is he's on he's level 31 okay guys here we here goes nothing let's do it I can always run run really fast if something goes wrong okay spino okay I'm pretty sure there was a hit but okay let's agree to disagree come on oh maybe he won't be getting up here if I can get up here oh yes yes he won't get to me that is awesome I'm I'm safe here maybe more direct I'm pretty sure we're hitting it no that was no hit yes is it going to go sleepy sleep he looks tired oh [ __ ] he's coming over oh [ __ ] dude can you come over here I want you to actually come over here oh you fast where's he gone ah you better run he's running really oh that means he's actually nearly down he's going to pass out soon cuz they only run when they're about to pass out stupid sharks why are the sharks here yeah I think he's nearly gone where's he gone oh he's he's wreaking havoc over there oh how quickly could we swim across without the Sharks getting to us okay let's see are we going to die come on hope the sharks are not going to get me oh they don't even know I'm here good good good good good we're nearly there we're nearly there we're nearly there how do we lose a spinal there he is yes woo now we just have to protect this [Applause] no what is hitting it stop it oh please pass out don't attack me don't attack me I think it passed out so we both passed out oh I think they ate the spinal I you could hear the noise when something gets eaten I think they ate the spino and I don't know I mean I hope nothing is attacking me now yeah I think the bo I ate the [ __ ] thing oh man that was exciting though that was really exciting oh I can see something big over there coming towards me and I don't like it I don't like it come on you can do it wake up wake up just prect T you're dead oh stupid birds oh my okay come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come come come on come on come on come on oh he's still there nothing is chewing on it okay um it's hunger is going down so slow but this will be a good test to actually see um [ __ ] there's that big horse thing what level are you [Music] oh [ __ ] it's [Music] Alpha [Music] what are you doing okay good where's the alpha gun I could have done with the meat okay this tree is in my way as well there we go did the alpha pass out here somewhere oh he did what is happening here what is this I don't care they all going to die okay let's um definitely go into health that's amaz it's only level 13 you see they're very low level they are playing on easy because we're playing single player so um my damage to dinosaurs is tripled I think um but the taming is still I think we need to increase the tame because if we decrease the tame time I think that will speed up the way the food goes down potentially and how quickly they eat but yeah he's going to wake up soon we're definitely going to need um more berries oh it's not an alpha the oh the trike was the alpha okay yeah because I thought like for an alpha they went really quickly down down oh nice there's actually prime meat possibly here let me see oh he needs yeah he has very high tolerance for to um [ __ ] yeah I don't think we're going to be able to get enough berries together I might have to shoot him in the ass with another arrow but that will The Taming Effectiveness yeah [ __ ] it yeah there you go that will bring it up a little bit again no I accidentally FedEd meat now it will take even longer to go down for food ah holy crap Apple yeah this will take forever dude he's level 31 that will take forever what level what level are you because if you're a very low level I might be able to just kill you but oh level six could be a quick kill I know seriously you little [ __ ] I actually need to I can't level up mine which is a bit of a pain in the ass uh trikes don't have Alphas they have the Brotherly Love Thing uh rivalry buff which activates when oh okay yeah there's like everything happens at the same time this is crazy I think he's going to wake up and uh we're going to have to take half his health down probably with with our arrows to be honest cuz I don't think I have time to go and come back he will be waking up then how is this guy doing yeah I see he is much easier going on the on the to torpidity so we should be able to actually get him before before the other one so he I think once he's down to what uh is it 2/3 of the of the food or something the hunger can we knock him down let me see oh [ __ ] well he's stuck is he tired oh was the last arrow that should give me loads of prime meat now kill him first oh he only gives normal meat oh there we go two three four five six yeah nice loads of prime meat there we go nice now you are waking up soon that's a problem um crap dude need berries blackberries blackberries blackberries blackberries and there's not enough here that's why I should have brought my other Dino come on how are you doing yeah see you're much more flexible yeah you will be easier than this guy well just in case that's not enough I guess cuz he's a big boy he's like you can't see me okay come on we have to get more blackberries this guy we have to get the whole foresty Forest is just for blackberries see I want to see if I get enough time to run over and get my flyer and then come back here and keep an eye on them yeah so that way I can actually go pick up my um Narco stuff which is going to be better than stupid berries you know oh what happened I leveled up oh I got really excited there for a second man dude don't do this to me okay you know what we're running out of time anyway so let's go really quickly and run this guy will be fine I'm not worried about him waking up anytime soon he's actually really slowly going down so if they wake up they wake up we tried our best so let's really quickly run across and then come back on our flyer and bringing bring all the torpedo stuff and if he wakes up he wakes up that's it we weren't as well prepared obviously now we have to be careful here because the there's sharks here okay okay okay can we get really quickly across um okay if we do a big jump speed jump okay here we go here we go okay quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick come on you can't touch me quick quick quick now I can't go through the water again um oh there we go there we go there we go quick quick quick quick quick uh oh where did I put all the stupid things um oh crap okay do you know what sorry I have to go on you first quick quick quick quick quick and let's get my Topo I have my toor somewhere here where only three don't I have more somewhere here um okay that's fine uh let me just put all the heavyweight stuff away in case I die okay let's go back oh come on come on come on are you meant to Heavy no I'm okay okay stamina stamina stamina oh man spinal waking up [Music] soon oh come on oh fly fly I know I'm hot I know um eat [ __ ] he's going to wake up oh just don't feed him accidentally meat again this is not enough we're going to need to make um I hope that yeah this is this is not enough dude it's going up so slowly but I hope that it's enough that we can fly back and make some more um of those there we go and now we should be able to fly back and make more of the other guys no the other one is not awake yet H he actually is much slower but the Topo hopefully goes up now on the on the spino for a while for a little while so that we can go and get more we have loads of rotten meat so okay come on no come on B 200 yeah there we go um let me get 100 200 quick quick quick quick quick quick oh look the spinal already got the tame triggered please don't do this to me I need uh oh we have the rotten meat in here we have the rotten meat in here so let's yeah put actually 100 in here put 100 in here and hang on 100 drugs crab 20 come on drugs drugs 20 okay please please don't wake up please don't wake up please don't wake up please don't wake up okay when we have about five which means on either side 10 we should fly back and then hopefully we can just bombard the spino with that and that will be enough oh this was nice okay excellent okay let's fly back quick quick quick quick quick I think we're okay because the pink is actually growing I think yeah we actually can go and still Sprint um it's fine okay we're at 50% we have to be slowing down there the other one is actually tamed I think oh he's still asleep okay torpidity going up or down it's still going up nice we're doing okay we're doing okay and food is going down you see food went up to 380 so now we have to wait again until food is down so yeah the food is the only thing that makes this a very long process now this guy should actually be nearly tanked oh why didn't he trigger yet oh okay so but once he eats I guess um I supposed to put one in there just to make sure he stays asleep so once he hits 2,200 or something I think he will be tamed first and I wonder if we can pick him up with the uh tan with the Pteranodon and bring him over why is he not showing up as an icon though I I'm very confused by [Laughter] that yeah why is he not showing up as an icon like that oh he needs fish [Laughter] oh wow thank you wow you're a big boy yes please follow me holy crap man and what's the aim in this game um so um in general Arc is a survival game absolutely but there's a very big um kind of intention behind it like where you once you're strong enough and you craft everything and you're max level and you can unlock everything then the real task of winning the game starts so uh throughout the whole map everywhere throughout the whole map you will have um artifacts hidden which help you to summon bosses um or get to areas with bosses on a very high level and once you defeat those bosses they drop other things like trophies that you need um to go to the to something called the overseer and then when you get the overseer the overseer is what what you hope will set you free I guess from this world and once you beat the overseer which you need the trophies for as far as I understand um then you win the game but there's like obviously a big story and a big twist and all that to it so but yeah it's a whole halabaloo that you need to do and figure out so that was really really good we actually got really lucky there with um the toour and the toour is still going up that's actually really really good so we just have to protect this guy you are beautiful dude you are so beautiful I don't know how I'm going to get you actually what is what what are you even um let me see you are can I see what you are or just your name no it's it doesn't say the type which is very strange oh there bar bar Onyx uh can I make a saddle for [Laughter] you okay ah I can only craft it in my Smithy I see now can I pick take up this dinosaur was this dinosaur is that something I can do or is that only a ground attack hang on well let's see see if he survives okay there's no sharks here so I suppose we will be crossing here okay let's go oh he's fast he's a fast swimmer holy [ __ ] do you see that he's like a weasel like Heats fish yeah we got him fish yeah yeah yeah this is amazing this [Music] dude is he coming oh look at the speed of him me oh man dude you are amazing okay you stay right here man um so I take all this stuff back let take all we need more rotten meat so I'm going to split stuck split all um yeah I'm going to put split stack and we're going to put that here and actually that's hereit stack okay and so he should be getting nearly hungry again I love this look at this this is so awesome how they did this in the game now we can see his Tor level we can see his hunger level and we get plus eight levels as well if he if he successfully gets tamed which makes it 39 um did you level up yet um you are a beast your weight is good a movement speed yes and health and melee damage so on the Smithy I can make a saddle for him um actually I think I just go for saddle there we go um is it the Smithy oh no it's not H what's a stupid name again bar Barry should have called him Barry huh oh there saddle sorry I looked at the wrong side um metal ingots 25 okay oh baby tell me this is going to be so something we do that we we're doing right now what am I doing I'm in the wrong bloody thing what am I missing oh 25 more height and we need 50 more fiber okay here go fiber and luckily we went completely crazy on that big [ __ ] uh horse dinosaur come on this is amazing we got to spam confetti when the SP when the spins yes Steve is op oh baby fish here you go oh man okay you have a left attack what can you do with it okay you don't do you do trees oh you just kill trees but you don't actually do anything what about right click what about C okay is this like a mating thing so he shouts he does like a scream thing okay anyway you stay here okay I'm going to really quickly have to go back um yeah we need weight we okay with weight let's get stamina into him so we can fly more the spino is tamed oh I think he's tamed oh that's amazing what we need a name guys we need a name for the spino oh Barry has a good tail swing what are we going to name you [Laughter] man okay you're going to follow me you're going to follow me come on my friend actually let me just land here for a second oh you are beautiful you're following me now yeah okay um holy [ __ ] um [ __ ] okay now follow me oh my God okay let's see if you can come to okay follow me can I pick him up with my no I can't you following this is amazing Gambit gam Gambit Chum you know what guys I'm going to go to my Discord and I'm going to put out a little um thing to tame him but definitely if you enjoyed this okay um I was going to make this a oneof stream but if you enjoyed this and you want to see more leave likes leave comments you know do all the good stuff and and um we're going to do the naming thing um I'm going to do a post don't worry about Discord um I'm going to do a post on um on the on YouTube is he even going to fit yeah and I'm going to uh post like something there and then you guys can make some name suggestions and then we're going to vote on a name oh this is amazing look at you beauty there you go guys now we can save holy [ __ ] that was amazing he will knock over a tree spino tap is good anyway so um Conor you're only back now look what you missed I don't even know what to level them up as uh like with his levels I'm just going to leave them in here for now but we we defin I mean I'm I'm we're going to lose all these dinos at some point absolutely so but then we're just going to tame more but that was such an opportunity like the um it was just fantastic we have two levels here uh get you up melee damage up to a th000 and then get your health up to match holy [ __ ] look at that every time we level up it gets like 300 points of Health that is insane and that was that t wasn't even our Target intended team I I'm going I'm going to have to sort out my inventory and everything so yeah I'm going to have to leave this here guys this stream went way over what I wanted it to be but we're going to be back hopefully this week um well in the next coming days was more Arc if you guys enjoy that um we're going to leave it here thank you so much if you could leave a like on the way out that would be very much appreciated thank you for all the chats super chats and for any members that joined very much appreciated and this game looks fantastic I know there's a whole politics behind the whole Arc thing and Arc ascended and the old servers but we're not going to get into this like I said you guys can read that up about yourself but I'm playing the solo locally on my machine well locally solo on GeForce now which makes the game look absolutely stunning and still running at 90 frames per second so it's absolutely beautiful but yeah we're going to be working on our base I think and trying to work towards the saddle of this guy because level 71 oh my God I think we're going to have to next stream we're going to have to make some cementing paste and find some silica pearls that's our mission and then we're going to ride this spino and going to kill everything that's in our wake that's going to be amazing dude what do you want oh yeah look at you a level four anyway thank you so much for watching I see you guys later and um with probably probably 7even days to die yes probably and um otherwise I see you guys tomorrow if you're not coming back later I see you guys tomorrow and have a good time and good night and stay safe [Music] bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Games4Kickz
Views: 10,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, survival ascended, ark survival ascended, the island, return to moria, return to moria gameplay, gameplay, playthrough, full playthrough, walkthrough, game, survival, open world, sandbox, underwater, action, building, crafting, base building, stealth, monsters, apocalypse, story rich, sunkenland, subnautica, 7 days to die, review, commentary, guide, let’s play, lets play, games4kickz, return to moria games4kickz, kickz
Id: Joi36ucv9Qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 225min 23sec (13523 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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