Arizona Shed Hunt

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[Music] [Music] [Music] here we go first uh first big trip of 2021 for us as the partnership so um got in late last night um met kind of not really in the middle but we met and uh set up camp and went to bed and woke up early this morning the birds chirping and nice clear skies no wind so we're gonna get after the sheds today see what we can pick up hopefully it's good timing we can get into some browns that's our plan we're gonna hit pockets that we've hit before that we know bulls hang out in to try to pick up browns and then you know we'll see what that does for a couple days and we've got four days in here so we'll explore new country if we have to but we will uh five sheds a day is our is our goal five sheds a day each is our goal so we should be pulling 40 out of here it sounds extravagant but but the amount of high the amount of miles we're gonna hike and the places we're gonna go it's just gonna be glorious yep so we'll keep everyone updated all right so i don't know i think it's 2 30 in the i got a good feeling afternoon this area we've both met our goals but we're not real proud of it but we're finding sheds chalky drag horns i mean it's fun we're having a good time and nothing gets your heart beating more than a brown and seen ivory when you're coming around a tree here it is oh yes they exist brownies they exist i don't know it could have been i can't tell but it's semi-fresh there's some blood on it there's still some blood on it so well we're gonna we're gonna hit this area a little bit more and see if we can find a couple more but we're having a good time we're both over our goal and a five a day yeah here's my pack there's nothing nothing to write home about but until that one brian's pretty bad really exciting i've got two in the truck oh what real quick this was kind of a [ __ ] of a lifetime i don't think look at that like incredible you don't find them like that and it was pretty much like that or i never would have found it look smash match set match set first brown first round of the trip all right so it's day two a front came in last night and it's pretty chilly this morning uh we got a little bit of a little bit of light rain but uh we moved areas a little bit so we're gonna we found every old shed you could possibly find so that's pretty exciting i think you ended up with nine i ended up with i think eight um but nonetheless just brian found the one brown yeah one brown everything else was pretty trash no you found two browns two browns one broken off after the third so three browns my burger that was pretty exciting so we're going to hit this area for a little bit for the morning see what we can find and then we'll come back and maybe change areas so keep you posted all right kind of sad that this is my first video but uh yesterday found nine sheds not a lot more worth stopping and videoing so uh to say this one is worth it is a stretch but who knows just a small little six point pretty chalky right here got a little color right there where it's wet still but not a not a great shed but it's a good start to the day we're about 15 20 minutes in so hopefully we can pick up a few more okay all the hiking kind of just paid off we're probably two hours into our morning hike i found two sheds so far um nothing to write home about obviously but uh i was walking up um this ridge line and looked i had to actually turn and look over my left shoulder through this gap and found this guy laying here and it's a pretty good thing i did oh my unbroke eight point seriously it's incredible three four five six seven eight look at that sword look at the mass on that sword what a stud oh he's heavy i can't can't get my hands around to any part of it what a stud but the good news is the other side's just over here and we're gonna go pick him up let's go do it okay so when i was waiting for brian to come uh come look at this shed i decided to walk through here just to see if the other side was close and i came through here and i could just barely catch tines through a bush about 20 yards away as soon as i got to here i knew i had to do the match [Music] that is awesome all over look at this one just a straight clean six he's got a lot of character and he's still got velvet like i don't know if i've ever seen that that's incredible been shed for a while like he's pretty wide out white yeah times up like that so we're mid or kind of mid later part of march right now look at that bull it's seriously incredible what a stud holy cow that eight point sides okay so good all right so we put our packs down we just kind of want to circle this area there's a lot of tracks good sign um and just came up on the first round of the day check it check it this front oh yeah busted yeah yeah i think he would have been a decent bowl that front's good though that thing yeah let's see the burr sandy sandy well it's pretty awesome feels good to be on the board right i walked up on this just kind of your average six-point antler but the first is gone and some broken points but pumped to find that it's my third brown of the day and fifth antler of the day so doing pretty good i'm gonna pick it up and you know make some loops in here see if i can't pick up the other side all right cj found another brown so he's strapping that on we just had lunch we're gonna head back to the truck what are we a couple miles away yeah probably two or three i'm two or three miles away and then gear up for the afternoon i think it's close to one ish but we still got plenty of light left all right cj and i together have found some pretty incredible sheds today we found a lot of sheds over the years i'm not gonna say this is like one of the biggest but this is up there it is it's a big horn and i'm pretty excited and the way i'll probably i think this is probably the one of the coolest atls too i found a couple in the bush but nothing like this so without further ado [Music] if this just doesn't make you excited you shouldn't be watching this video okay dude the mass on this thing is incredible oh my gosh what a cool bowl we're gonna spend a little while to try to match him up oh he's just ginormous yes all right we've had an incredible day but we were really excited be outside with some fire but it's windy it's windy and we're just having some mountain house we got beef stroganoff lasagna meat sauce we got the heater cranking and the wind is blowing the tent pretty good and it's chilly so we're just about to eat dinner and regain plan for tomorrow all right so we're just driving out to our spot it's day three uh we're going into a whole new area that we don't even know we have no idea what's out here a little bit higher higher elevation and uh we're driving by and guess what there's the truck drive by reverse a little bit and i said hey looks like cj throws the vinyls up and guess what dear chef pretty excited i don't find a lot of these and we honestly didn't expect a whole lot but what a what a cool shed look at that eye guard dude that's a cool horn wavy pretty excited all right pretty pumped um been hiking about half an hour into our hike quite a bit of sign i was just walking this north facing slope right off the ridge and just i thought it was a brown but it looks like a brown but it's a it's a hard white so i'm pretty excited so i'm just walking this type of country and i stopped to glass and there it is that's awesome still got some decent color to it just a small maybe small teeny six i think there's a little bump on the back yeah so but it's a good sign because we're a little nervous this area is completely different than we've tried so it's exciting brian's coming up the road i placed an old chalky piece of antler right by the road let's see if i can shed prank him here he comes [Music] where are you hey from so excited said prank [Music] it's cool all right so we are on what day three day three and it's been we had an incredible day yesterday and today's been just a little rough we tried some new country this morning um didn't do it very well siege hasn't picked up a whole lot or taken back to camp but our luck just changed right here around town that is a cool bull seven point broke not super fresh but cj's gonna find a side-by-side set like i told him okay into day three i mean it's six almost 6 30 we got like a half hour light left we're on our way back to the truck i literally haven't found anything but chalk pieces of burrs today so this is a sight for sore eyes i came up on this across this little sage flat stole it right from brian's line but i don't really feel bad about it no i've got a brown i'm happy for you it is nothing great just a little just a little six busted up little devil devil time that's pretty cool look at that but let's get a look at that devil right there that's cool yeah i'm happy with that i can't still got a little blood stain but it's been here a while because this is facing the sun and you can see it totally and you can see in the background sun is going down it just feels so good huh i feel pretty good good i need a few happy for you but i'm happy we find one and we're like where's the other side where is it little bowl like this could carry it five miles though yep all right morning of day four and we woke up too still flurries little snow flurries so we're a little more bundled up today but we're headed out and uh hoping to get into an area where we found a few browns uh last night kind of right at last light and try to grit it see if we can pick up a few more and we'll see how the see what the morning does for us and kind of see what the rest of the day holds but should be fun good times well we might be calling a little early there was supposed to be a 20 chance of snow and there's probably in some spots maybe half an inch maybe so i don't know we went out to our spot where we found two browns we were trying to match them up but i think i'm wet i'm cold kind of didn't i mean didn't really plan very well for this so i think we're gonna get a game plan and circle back to the truck and pack up and head home it's been an amazing trip um but when you expect you know twenty percent you don't expect to have probably by the time we leave it'll be probably close to an inch so a great trip and we love doing it it's fun to get out fun to obviously find sheds and build memories that's kind of what it's really all about so until next time folks
Channel: Brian Clement
Views: 3,268
Rating: 4.7894735 out of 5
Id: hPm-D7AvqvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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