Ariana Madix Starts Her Mornings by Warming Up Her Voice and Her Feet | Waking Up With | ELLE

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[Music] [Applause] good morning L welcome to my bedroom first thing I do typically when I wake up is scream and cry that I have to be awake because I really like to sleep and I hate mornings but the second thing I do is my mom and I every day will send emojis to each other so I'll check and see did she send me emojis and then I'll send her one back today I'm going to send kissy all right time to get out of bed sadly and get ready for the [Music] day good morning New York oo it's sunny something I really like about New York is I really like to spy on people I think there's like some really rich people down there that own some sort of Penthouse situation and I can see everything glad the rain is [Music] gone okay so I'm just going to start my day with a little bit of skin care try to wake up my face put some cold water on my face face to wake myself up a little bit get my little cotton round here I'm using the Lan cream skin sarap peptide toner and moisturizer I like it oops I don't know what sarap peptide means but now I'm using this kerx muin power essence I think my skin type is just getting older and so I have these like lines around my eyes and then I have this stuff kerx same brand allinone cream and I like it cuz it's really like oh I feel like it might Oh see it's really it's intense oh my God oh my God do you have like a dermatologist or like a facialist who recommended products no I don't no I wish I had a dermatologist maybe my skin would look better I've never been to a dermatologist oh except for one time when I I had melanoma which was not fun that's the only time I've ever been to a dermatologist yeah my my mornings are pretty simple pretty lowkey I don't do a lot of stuff again I don't really like mornings so I try to keep it as lowkey as possible really doing the bare minimum okay so then I also have this steamer I use this for my vocal cords just to get things it's good for you to have Steam and sometimes I might just like crank the shower up super high but I don't want to waste bunch of water so so these Steamers are great um just to kind of start knocking things loose and getting things warmed up before I have to start talking and singing all day so yeah I usually would just just hang out with eight shows a week honestly the biggest thing is being able to laugh and so there's a lot of care that goes into keeping your voice and your body healthy our musical director Rob Bowman said that his friends that do Opera think that Broadway people are insane for the fact that they talk and sing eight shows a week so yeah the name of the game is stamina and resilience let's say it's a morning where you're waking up and filming for Vander pump does that change your mornings at all well if I'm filming for Vander pump rules usually those are scenes that we film for maybe like 2 3 hours at a time and those are never scheduled any earlier than say 11:00 a.m. so the only thing that changes is that I would put makeup on and then try to think of an outfit and then freak out cuz I can't think of anything cute and then text Katie or Sheena or laa and say what are you guys wearing and try to f figure out something that's that's typically it's a little bit more stressful and that's pretty much what I do for my skin in the morning oh hey this is what I do now I make myself some tea I do Throat Coat the slippery elm is really good for your throat it's a really good way to just kind of get things warmed up again cuz it's tough in the winter there's so much heat on in buildings and the theater itself can be very dry and once that starts happening you can really you can injure yourself so it's just every day just tea and trying to keep things lubricated right steep cheers so every day in order to warm up my body now that I've started to do things to warm up my voice I roll out my feet I learned while doing dancing with the stars that I have very high arches so rolling them out every day is just a way to help keep them healthy cuz I am dancing in heels and it's crazy cuz when I roll out my feet there's like they crack now which I've never experienced it's a wild feeling to have but now I'm kind of addicted to it it's the best feeling I highly recommend rolling your feet out every day your socks are so cute thanks they're the something about her hippie feet C another thing I use every day is the this hypervolt gun from hyper ice um it's crazy I have one in LA and I forgot to bring it and then this was in the dressing room it belongs to Charlotte Deo who plays Roxy just so incredible amazing performer and she left this in the dressing room so thanks Charlotte I use this on my calves I have pretty tight calves especially when you're dancing in heels your calves can kind of get a little bit uh worked up there so just kind of getting in here with this and getting this warmed up and then I can start stretching and stuff and then I have really tight quads as well and then that can end up giving me back problems so I get my quads going and then I'll foam roll later and stretch and all that other stuff well thank you for waking up with me L I'm going to go ahead to my vocal lesson so I hope you have a great day [Music]
Channel: ELLE
Views: 49,742
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Keywords: elle, elle magazine, elle video, elle magazine videos, Ariana Madix, Waking Up With, Ariana Madix ELLE, Ariana Madix Waking Up With
Id: GsV9ndrS0Vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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