Argon one V2 Vs ice tower cooler Test. Part 1

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foreign 3D printed SSD case is coming along but it's not there yet I've just ordered the screws and a self Tapper so that should be coming up in a future video but I wanted to concentrate on the Argon one case and this is the V2 version which works with the m.2 so I've had this for a while did a video on it really loved it lovely and fast very very compatible with operating systems so I really like that I also did a video recently on the low profile ice tower cooler which is this one and I found it great I thought the calling was excellent It's very quiet and I'm really really pleased with it and the plan is to put it in my ice tower cooler case because I think it will look better than this one and also the fact that it's got the fan on I can maybe overclock a bit more it hardly ever comes on anyway because the cooling is so good but the reason for all this is because I had a comment about the video so if we click on it so here's the comment I do not understand this content the Argon case trounces every caller I've seen content on I wish you a project farm this kind of information so I replied I've read that the fan is 30 millimeter and relies on GPI zero so not as compatible with as many operating systems I would be surprised if it was as effective that cooling as this open design with a 40 mil fan I also like the option to be able to switch to 3.3 volt uh I did a little bit of research on it and because it's on gpio zero some of the operating systems didn't support it natively you had to do a bit of work and because I switch operating systems all the time I thought the comment was relevant for me if you don't switch operating systems all the time you can you can get around it and it's fine but you know I go from Android to Window to Linux on a regular basis so I thought it was relevant to me there's a few more comments on there and pterodactylus jumps to my defense but it wasn't you know I I'm not salty about it it was it was absolutely fine so little red dog sent me fifty dollars through YouTube and asked me to give it a test and actually I am really interested in this case so uh I'm happy to do so and I thought it would be good to put it up against the ice tower cooler because that's where it all started from and see which one comes out as more effective for cooling now I in my head I'm thinking this must be better purely because it is such an open design and has a bigger fan the Argon one is is a different case for different uses so you know this is a nice solid case and there's various different things that are really great about it whereas this for me someone who changes operating systems all the time if it's on top of here I've got space for my SSD drives so it kind of more suits me but I just thought it'd be interesting to try these two together so let's have a look inside nicely packaged and we've got some instructions here so this comes apart so we have the board that goes into the pie this is cool uh so two full-size hdmis which I really like it feels nice and solid uh so it's aluminum and this is obviously where it hits the CPU uh there's the little fan in there connectivity is obviously on the gpio pins but there's also a lid on top to give you access to gpio pins I really like the fact that they put the colors and the numbers on here as well that's really cool and this that's magnetic it is to be fair it is really nicely designed really really nicely made I'm going to put an 8 gig pie in there because I'm going to put them head to head there's an eight gig Pi on here I'm going to have two monitors and and run it together but initially I'm just going to plug this in and and get it set up first of all so this has been in this case for a long time so I need to remove all this to be able to put it into the Argon case and I was using uh thermal paste so I need to remove all of that and a bit of isopropyl to give it a proper clean to see rubber pads for the base makes a huge difference and here's the two thermal pads obviously this needs to go together make sure that's nice and straight yeah that fits nicely and then we're just marrying up the gpio pins which obviously is going to center it perfectly give that little push yeah that's nice and firm you can see everything fits in lovely on the back and inside you can see there's a jumper setting which you can change between using the power button to switch it on and off and on the other setting it will power on automatically when it gets power so if you've got one uh say you get a power outage it will automatically restart itself the first mode it will stay off until you press the power button and there's also a little remote infrared sensor in there so you can control this if you're using it like a TV box you can use it via infrared very smart now initially I'm just going to put the normal base on it not the m.2 drive because little red dog wanted me to test it with and without and I figured it's a fairer test if I use an SSD on both of these devices for the cooling test and then I'll play around with the m.2 and see if it's hotter I think it might be this way around actually yeah it is that way around oh we still have access so in this orientation we still have access to the SD card I didn't think you did have access to the SD card I like that so the design is very nice you can see all the connectivity is on the back we've got the power button here ethernet all the USBs are easy to get to power from the USBC the three and a half mil Jack is there two full-size hdmis and an SD card slot okay so let's switch it on so you can see my power light has come on on my little USBC cable so it's not using any power at all at the moment if I press the power button I can hear a fan spin up yeah and we're up and running just switched on my monitor I'm running this from an SSD drive it's the same uh KDE build that I normally use okay that all seems to be working absolutely fine you've got a little red power light on the front there to show that it's on to the installation of the fan control and the power button you just type this into terminal so once that's installed we can type in argon1 forward slash config this will remove existing configuration so I'm going to say yes select fan always on adjusted temperature customize Behavior cancel so let's say adjust the temperatures so number two please provide fan speeds for the following temperatures so 55 degrees I'm going to say zero 60 degree and we're going to say 0 65 I'm going to say zero okay so I was going to get it to cut in at 80 degrees because that's what the ice tower cooler fan does but actually I'm going to have to change that though because if you select zero for all of these the fan just doesn't come on so I need to customize it to come on at 65 I guess provide speed so I'm going to say zero zero and I'm going to go with 50 percent and enter so we'll see what happens when it gets to 65 degrees let's run stressberry currently the temperature is 46 the fan hasn't cut in yet not sure if I have to restart or if it will do it on its own so let's see what happens okay so I only got to 54 degrees and that was running it at 2100 so I probably need to do the video editing test to see if I can get it to go higher because the fan won't have come on yet so let's launch handbrake and see if we can get this to heat up so it's open I've got a file in my videos folder and we'll do it as general fast 1080 and let's hit start so now we should see the temperature ramp up so it's not getting there but also the CPU usage is at 90 percent and uh it doesn't get up to a hundred you can see it changed to 94.93 and I would have thought normally it would be add 100 at this point okay so it's done but it only got to 54. okay so running the same test on the ice tower cooler and it's already at 70 degrees CPU usage is 90 but actually the Argon does seem to be keeping it cooler in this test so the fan would have come on on the Argon but this is set to come on at 80 which is the default in raspberry pios but um yeah I need to see if they perform at the same speed because this to me looks like it's going quicker which is a bit weird because the CPU usage is reporting very similar okay and that's all done so I've got to 72 degrees the fan didn't come on because it didn't fit it needed to and if we go back over to the Argon one test 54 degrees was the hottest it got but I want to see if they perform at exactly the same speed because it's almost like this one is working harder so let's try starting both tests at exactly the same time so if I click on this and click on this at once one two three go right so they both started very similar so look at the progress you can see here we're on 19 we're on 12 why is it running slower that's really weird let's try and get them both in the same screenshot so you can see the bar going across the bottom on the right hand side with the ice tower cooler it's at 36 percent on the left hand side it's at 19 now they are both Pi four eight gigs they're on a very similar setup if we look at the wattage we've got six seven Watts this one's running at 5.1 5.4 now they're slightly different ssds but apart from that everything is is pretty much the same um both using official Raspberry Pi adapters but this is definitely a lot quicker so there's no there's no doubt that it would get hotter so 66 degrees maximum of 72 where the 72 is from before and if we go over to uh the Argon case it's a it's an icy cool 48 degrees and its maximum instead of 54. so why is it when I'm running exactly the same test uh exactly the same video file that this one is going much much quicker and it's nearly done that so that one's finished and if we go back to the Argon case I'm not blaming the Argon case I don't I actually don't know why this is working and this probably means that I'm going to have to swap the two pies around uh because yeah that's that's a really weird result considering this is the same OS all the same setup same overclock the only difference is the cooling system so I'm gonna have to wait now until that finishes so when I do the edit I can record both different times but that's really weird okay so that's just finished and oh they both the screen savers are cutting on both of them at the same time as well that's really weird okay so let's log in at the same time that was pretty much the same let's do Control Alt T and control alt t and that's going to run Neo fetch on both just in case I've got this wrong so we've got Pi 4 model B running at 2.1 gig and it's an 8 gig of RAM and we've also got Pi 4 2.1 and running at 8 gig of RAM this is really really strange what else can I try maybe the strawberry test on both okay so stressberry is finished and these are the results on the Argon one have a look at the uh frequency like 600 2101 600 2101 and it keeps sort of switching between them but lots of 600s in there same results on the ice tower cooler why is it staying and this is the same stressberry test this is the same build it only drops to 600 once whereas on this one it's doing it all the time on the bottom test you can see it does 2101 four times and the rest of 600s and you can see the temperature nice and cool 50 degrees 49 degrees on the ice tower it's the same it's definitely warmer but you can see it's cooling down it started off higher and it's cooling down and we've got 2101 four times and 600 the rest of the time I think I'm gonna have to end that video there and do a part two of this because I really don't know why it's doing this and I'm already well over 10 minutes on the video so uh I think I'd like to see what people think in the comments because people are going to love the conspiracy theories on this I really don't know um remember I'm using different drives so this is using a crucial drive this is a kingdian a basic one from Amazon 120 gig 240 gig obviously the Argon I've installed the software but I'm using a Raspberry Pi official adapter and I've just got a couple of joining this USB C to C cable this one has got a USBC to a cable with a coupler but it is still running from an official Raspberry Pi they're the two on the right not the white one and the black one next to it but uh yeah I'm I'm pretty confused about this but it's it's uh it's definitely interesting and uh I think I'm gonna have to just swap everything around so basically Swap this pie with this pie with the same setup and see what happens with the results thanks very much for watching I hope this helps please like And subscribe
Channel: leepspvideo
Views: 10,606
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Id: R1OInKjzkfA
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Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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