Arex Delta Tested by Spent Brass

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hey guys welcome back to the spent brass channel Pistol Pete here at the hideout we got a pretty cool video for you today we're gonna be doing some shooting with the AR X Delta polymer striker-fired pistol let's see how she goes alright so it's already got dirt the Fred site will happen there I'm gonna say that the mag release will in wearing gloves a little hard to hit I'll try it without clubs later on but yeah that magazine release is pretty hard to hit with gloves on it's very stiff I can actually hit it easier with my my trigger finger then I can with my thumb so that would take some practice you really have to or maybe it maybe it could break in a little bit but it's definitely very very stiff so let me try that again see if I can slam this down all right so will will chamber around if you slam her in that's good is first Mac but pretty good first first off I'm going to say I don't notice any felt recoil over like a another polymer striker fire gun it feels about the same to me I just am running the back strap that came with it from the factory I'm gonna try to transition between the two targets fast okay last round okay let's see if it'll fire without a mag in it money first shots with two Lambo steel case hammerin dude that's just me on the missus the guns doing good this mag release sucks ass though check it out like I really have to like it's not going out I'm going to try it with no gloves all right so I'm gonna try running this thing with no gloves see how that goes I have heard some other people talking about the grip digging into their hands and things like that so I want to try it with no gloves and I also want to see how I can run this mag release with no gloves to see if that's any better the mag release is so much easier to use with no gloves but it's worth noting that if you're gonna run a glove you might have issues with lobe angular release I have size large to extra large hands depending on the fit of the glove all right back to this is the brass case trying the brass case with no gloves [Applause] ways you'd use with no gloves gun hits pretty good I'm just still getting used to it I wouldn't say my hand hurts I would definitely say that my hand locks in extremely well to this pistol and the reason why is you have this thumb shelf this is actually a small shelf here that your thumb can go on and grip into and then with your front my thumb actually just lines up on this shelf with this grip which is about it's like it's like it feels a little bit like skateboard tape so I'm locking into the gun extremely good so I like that a lot it's very narrow it feels more narrow than my ppq a little bit but all right let's keep putting rounds through it [Music] that's an easy shot with this pistol [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] killed it gotta fill the feet on that might have been a limp rest hold up I'm not playing pocket pool I'm loading out another another little sweetheart in there all right I'm gonna work my way out from close to far all right hit them all pretty nice [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] she recording trust me I have to do a lot of editing got a tight feel to it [Music] what's up jabroni
Channel: Spent Brass
Views: 2,072
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Keywords: arex, delta, arex delta, review, test, pistol
Id: oGAHgnhLJ-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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