Are you saved or self deceived? | John MacArthur

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the reality is there will be people one day who stand before the Lord many of them who will assume that they are about to enter Heaven only to be told they're on their way to hell this is the worst possible illusion that someone can have to be mistaken about your Eternal Destiny to be mistaken about your salvation I'm often asked the question are Roman Catholics Christians how about another question are evangelicals necessarily Christians but a more important question than any of those is are you a Christian could be that you're among the many who are self-deceived you're not alone I am convinced that in the name of Christianity there are many places that call themselves churches and they're not churches and they have men leading them who call themselves pastors and they're not pastors and they have congregations who call themselves Christians and they are not Christians they're not churches they're not pastors and they're not Christians and yet they proudly post the label Christian
Channel: PastorLandon
Views: 18,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5-Ia_QNJgLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 54sec (114 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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