Are You Ready For You

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look around the room and just gaze through the room with your soft eye and release a sacred and silent blessing for all of the beings they will hear this they overflow section you as well and the live streamers we presents them into the room we presents our ancestors in the room we present the angelic realm with presents all of our spiritual teachers past present and future in the room and we've become very present in the room as we released this prayer for all the beings here that they may be free and they do one other thing look at someone to your right or to your left and just look them up and down a little bit and and just say oh my god you are magnificent there's so much beauty in you there's so much love in you there's so much power and joy in you instant potential is all in you and you're just getting started let's come together and change the world for the better let's do this together in the here and now and so it is amen [Applause] and so you are indeed touching and agreeing in a field that is rich and as real for its fill to overflowing with a divine love a divine peace to divide well-being and so this field is vibrating higher and then the field of lack and limitation fear doubt and worry and separation that runs through the gamut of the human experience you're in another field and now you have heard come out from among them and you have done that today to vibrate in a much higher awareness of who and what you really are and to touch an agree in that frequency so that your personal law who and what you really are your personal law is becomes a dynamic law of love and beauty and intelligence and well-being and that the universal law of mind in action finds the year and based on your personal law based on the frequency in the vibration that you're releasing more good flows into your life to circulate to share with the shine and if you become bold enough to let your light so shine before men and women that when they see you they see the presence of God Almighty all beauty all joy that sent you you're in that field of love and beauty and intelligence and to begin the feem of this month the theme is from us the conspiracy for mediocrity to the divine conspiracy first we have to acknowledge there is a conspiracy for mediocrity we're here in a high-tech sometimes low-tech society in which you are giving given messages on a regular basis as to how unworthy you are as to how you need something outside of yourself to be happy to complete yourself you're giving a messages on a regular basis how how there's something within you that's wrong sometimes it comes from even religion itself that tells you that this kind of an original sin that you're trying to overcome when in truth you know that the presence of God recreated itself in its own image after its own likeness and cannot make a mistake with you so there's only an original blessing there's original infinite potential original opportunity for you to express yourself yet there is a conspiracy for mediocrity that seeks to dumb you down that seeks to keep you small that keeps the seek you keep seeks to keep you in fear and doubt and worry so that you didn't have some you didn't have to buy the pharmaceuticals and the hair being producer to have it a little bit of peace not you're not here not now listen this conspiracy for mediocrity you are sometimes you're participating in it sometimes that you're participating in it by not thinking or thinking in other words what some people think is thinking is really a shuck a shuffling of information the same information they had the day before yesterday it's it's information shuffling that's not thinking that's not thinking some people have the same opinions and perceptions and points of view and they have it ready to serve when any circumstance shows up they have that opinion ready that had that point of view ready they have that perception ready that's not banking that's information shuffling banking is open yourself up to insight and revelation open yourself up through spiritual technology to have an insight about that which is real that which is forever that which is eternal until it begins to take over your life so that you have a new thought that we're a part of a new thought tradition we should have one every now and then sort it's called inspiration it's called inspiration and so you're participating in the conspiracy for mediocrity when you are not thinking when you are staying the same and trying to change the world or other people that's not thinking and then you participate in this conspiracy for mediocrity by having poor inquiry rather than appreciative inquiry you have a poor inquiry you have questions that deplete you you walk around on a regular basis and you ask what's wrong with me what's wrong with life what's wrong with them what what's the matter what's wrong and interestingly enough the universal law will answer any question that you have and so if you have a of a poor inquiry it will begin to go through the database of human consciousness and begin to tell you what's wrong with you yet even heritage something from your ancestors if you've got bad real agenda your begin to give you all of these excuses that you have had in your life from the things that you have done or not done and give you an answer that will become an excuse to stay exactly as you are we are not here to have poor inquiry we're going to have a question in which we're asking on a continual basis you know what good is what love is here what potential is here what good is here seeking to express by means of me the universal law will answer that question just as well see we participate and then this conspiracy for mediocrity when we let go of our gratitude and replace it with complaining when in fact you're complaining becomes more than your gratitude the vibratory frequency that you release and it shrinks your perception and so that all that you see or roadblocks hindrances not enough scarcity and black when there is gratitude when there is Thanksgiving when you begin to strengthen your spiritual muscles and stay in the frequency of gratitude and Thanksgiving doorways open up for you and that universal law begins to act according to that frequency of gratitude and Thanksgiving and as you've heard me say from time to time the universe will say to you in substance boy or girl you continue to be grateful and I'm gonna give you something to be grateful for it will rise up but you're participating in mediocrity tour thanking port inquiry lack of gratitude but there's a divine conspiracy there is a presence that's never in absence the presence of God Almighty all beauty and all joy and all intelligence the presence that is behind the scenes that is conspiring for your liberation conspiring for your freedom it's conspiring for your awaken the nest for what purpose so that it can come into its own as your life as the presence of God can know itself as you can know itself as you now understand this you look to each other up and down you shared with each other about the beautiful uniqueness that each and every beingness is now this is not a throwaway sentence this is a truth the Spirit of the Living God has never done a do-over never repeated itself because it's infinite never made a mistake that means each and every one of you are a one-of-a-kind unique expression of a singular manifestation of a cosmic good that's forever and ever unfolding okay so you have a mandate to reflect and reveal the presence of God as only you can okay so so this presence wants to know itself as you the presence of God now is intelligence itself it already knows everything but it wants to know itself as you so therefore in order for you to break free from the conspiracy of mediocrity you don't need to just merely be enthralled by the presence of God you've got to be involved with the presence of God you have to move for being enthralled to being involved so you can be enthralled by the billions of stars in the galaxy you can be enthralled by the grains of sand that are uncomfortable and immeasurable you can be enthralled by the grass growing out of the cement and continue to express divine life you can be enthralled by the beauty of the presence that is everywhere in its fullness but you must become involved with this presence through your intentionality through your gratitude through your during your affirmation through your meditation fill your life business through your sacred service through your holy fellowship fill your sacred classes you have to become so involved as you move from merely being enthralled so that this presence becomes active in you and knows itself as your life in other words that's the topic - it indicates are you ready for you are you ready for you because a cezzah of you that has been be fabricated by society for rentals fantasy societal fantasies a constellation of shifting personalities that have arisen out of time based on circumstances situations coping mechanisms and defense mechanisms but there is a Here I am present that emanate from the mind of God are you ready for you now the course of miracles tells us that that readiness is the prerequisite for accomplishment so it has to be a vibrational readiness for who and what we really are we've got to be ready in order to be ready you have to finally come to terms and embrace the word greatness some of you are shying away from it already I want to be great I just you know I just want to just got to pay my rent make it through the day you know I I'm not really into greatness just just let me just you know just sleek on through life and just kind of not make a lot of mistakes so I can get to a future in heaven you know I don't want to be great and that's because you don't know what greatness is you are deaf you have greatness within you greatness is finding and fulfilling your purpose that's what greatness is inspiring and fulfilling your real purpose as only you can do and be it and so you want to be good as I'm speaking right up you want to begin to feel into the vibration of being great not mediocre not just making do you want to film to the vibration of being great and allowing it power of the Spirit to move through you say with me if you will I'm willing to be great come what may I'm going to be great come what may that many people are unconsciously afraid of greatness because they're afraid of the stones that will be thrown at them they're afraid of the criticism they're you know many women have a have an unconscious of holding back of the greatness because in the lineage of women when women became great and powerful they were burned at the stake many men are afraid of greatness because I don't want to stand out they just want to kind of hang in the background you see but there is a divine evolutionary impulse within you the presence of God Sydnee become conscious of its own life as your life therefore at some point you have to swap off mediocrity and you have to embrace greatness in the same sentence as your name you have to absolutely embrace it as a frequency say I'm great I'm willing to be great I'm willing to be great I am willing to be great and then in order for you to be ready to be you you have to embrace the word genius you got to embrace that word you know people are always again being enthralled by others genius but they're not involved with their own genius there's a genius in you there is something that you have to do that nobody else can do better than you or the way that you can do it according to your soul artistry there is a genius within you that means that you're going to pay attention you're going to have dominion over attention so you're able to hold your attention for a period of time so that that which you really want in life that which you really want to express you're holding your attention is there and then following the dictates of your soul to do exactly what is necessary to flesh out throughout picture to manifest the genius that is within you so that your life is not lived in vain and as you look back over the course of your existence when it is time for you to cross the great vibrational divide you will not look back and said you'll end a mediocre life as you follow all the rules are hidden you didn't go for it you didn't express yourself you walked in little Ness know the biggest sin that one of the biggest fears that you can ever participate in is to participate in the squelching of the genius that is within you and practicing littleness as a way of life you you I'm talking about you are you ready for you if you're ready for you you're embracing greatness finding and fulfilling your purpose we all have the same purpose as to reflect an infinite but we all have different missions in the way we're to do it as only we can do it you see to embrace your genius and when you're finding it fulfilling your purpose you've got to ask what do I really want now you remember what Mark Twain said mark mark Lane says I can teach anybody how to get what they want the problem is most people don't know what it is most people don't know what they want that they're taking their cues from the society they're taking their cues from commercials they're taking commute took the cues from something outside of themselves so they really don't know what their soul wants there's all desire you have to ask what do I really want and you have to ask that question on such a regular basis that it takes you and refines you and begins to allow you to hear your soul giving you that call for greatness reminding you the reason you took this human incarnation the reason you said yes to making the big leap and remember you did choose to be here even though you say from time to time that you were accidentally brought here that it wasn't your fault that your your parents fault you should you never want to be here that's a line you tell yourself as an excuse to not being great you are here your soul will begin to tell you you'll listen and then you'll be able to say I don't exactly I know exactly where I want to make a difference on the planet I know exactly the gift I want to share I know exactly the gift I need to cultivate the talent I need the home so that I can express myself I know exactly where I need to become genius said no individual can do it exactly the way I can and express myself no no no would you really really really want not to image your wanting depth of soul desire and then you have to if you're ready for you you have to embrace the vibration of grace is this feel into that grace grace given this and giving Ness of the spirit the total givenness and the total givingness of the presence of God you can't make grace happy but you can become available to grace in other words as Tyler was singing about giving up his whole blood and going into a total surrender there's a moment where we come totally available surrendered open receptive in other words our availability quotient goes up with grace of the Spirit to take over our life this we begin to contemplate grace I'm contemplating it I was thinking about when I asked for help a few weeks ago when I was on the ocean and couldn't get in for that that Riptide and everything got quiet and and then those that that swell of waves came within the next one that was great it was a it was a willingness my body was totally exhausted with the grace as I asked my help the receptivity to grace came you want to be available to grace let go of your hardheadedness let go of your will fold next an exchange it for will leonesse and when you exchange the will fullness which creates walls and for willingness which create way and opening you become a candidate with the grace of spirit so check this out greatness genius grace those are vibrational frequencies that lead to an ecstasy and a bliss and a joy that doesn't come from the conditions doesn't come from time in space its intrinsic to your nature and comes from the very depth of your being but some of you can't handle bliss you can't handle so much joy you can handle too much happiness became handling so much for you you you like to just mean it out in a certain way I'm going to be happy on my birthday christmas/hanukkah I'm going to be you have special days set aside nothing wrong with those special days but at some point as you begin to embrace your genius and begin to erase your greatness and you begin to be available your AQ is raised the IQ intelligent quotient IQ availability quotient as your availability of quotient is raised to beep surrender and soulful prayer the vibration you're able to you're able to maintain a level of joy gratitude and Thanksgiving for longer and longer periods of time and you know you don't have to apologize for it you don't have to apologize for being happy you have to apologize for being in joy regardless of condition I was sharing in the earlier service there was a woman who frequented agape for a period of time a number of years ago and whenever she would about to get serious with an on the dating thing she would always bring as a gentleman to agape just to see if there was a vibrational match and I'll always remember her telling me she brought the young man to agape was a beautiful service and everything was wonderful but he told her I I can't come back here because when I leave I'm feeling too good when I leave my church I feel bad we are supposed to feel bad when I leave Church I'm supposed to be in a sinner and and and everything and all the things that are wrong with me I can't come back to you guys so of course the dating stop but listen - sorry listen as you're becoming ready for you you're becoming ready to be able to hold and maintain an awareness of the presence that's never an absence you're able to hold it maintain awareness of joy regardless of conditions we're not saying conditions are always going to be to the optimum but we are saying this in the Zeenat technology you've heard me teach this if you've been in class with me that a Zen master will give an individual a a Cohen or a riddle that can't be solved intellectually there has to be a moment of transcendence in which you expand your awareness and then in that expanded awareness you become aware the answer that was so obvious but you couldn't see it from a larger perspective the challenges in our life are the riddles that we are creating from our soul that we can't solve or figure out with our mind we have to expand our awareness in order to transcend them and ultimately dissolve them so you're not trying to live a challenge realize you're seeking to move through your challenges of the level of elegance knowing that they're bringing you a gift that will allow you to transcend this that limited perception is causing the challenge in the first place now when you wake up every single day and to the best of your ability some days you'll be better than others to the best of your ability you bring forth the consciousness of gratitude to the best of your ability you embrace us as that there is greatness within you to the best of your ability you embrace that there's an unfolding genius within you to the best of your ability moment by moment you become aware that there's something called grace the givingness of the Spirit that you can't manipulate but you can be available to it's not gross quiet in fear all the time you don't notice it sometimes because the mind is so busy and you so much in the future or in the past and if you're in the future in the past you're too tense I just had to say it it was low-hanging fruit I had to pick it and if you're too tense past the future you're coming into the present moment and you're ready in yourself remember readiness is the prerequisite for accomplishment your vibrationally become ready for the real you and when as the real you emerges it upsets the life that the previous you had to get still together it messes up those plans sometimes and the way it was held together and when that real you begins to emerge is all that you need and you're ready for you excuses dissolve and you can take one intention one reason to be successful with a capital S one reason to be healthy one reason to be happy and place your attention there and all of the power will start to flow right there you can plaster your wall with excuses or you can take more reason the entire presence will start to focus right here and that one reason will become a doorway and open and you will become you the greatest thing in life is when you become your real self greatest the greatest greatest and believe you me there's nothing intrinsically wrong with you there's nothing that you're missing all that you could want and hope for desire is within you you have to set it free you've got to so right now take a breath please embrace the feeling tone of greatness and finding fulfilling your purpose is soul desire just ask to yourself right now what is what is my mission just put it out there so they'll come to you in a train steel into the word genius ask yourself take a breath here release what is my genius where does my genius lie you're beginning to just sneak up on embrace that this is a genius within you take a breath wrap your attention around the vibratory you can release it as well around the feeling tone of glaze this is just the total the grease note space between and feel into your receptivity to grace now ask what do I really want what does my soul really want just be receptive to that and as you go to the course of your day is you even go into your dream time be available through the leaning and the tendency towards greatness genius availability to race and what you're so what hmm the baby was screaming out saying I know I hope you do this turn within in this moment come with me please dr. Homer Johnson say come on come upstairs with me right now coming to the other room coming to the higher frequency coming to the secret place of the Most High come into an ever expanding awareness of our oneness with the spirit of the Living God come with me now turn with it which means turn away from the world of effects and circumstances and situations people places advanced are going to just begin with Thanksgiving something to be grateful for right now something to be thankful for right now now let this be the beginning of our prayer work we begin in Thanksgiving Jesus simply said I give thanks because I don't know that thou hearest me always he began with Thanksgiving I give thanks because I know that thou hearest me always they reach through the ethers and ask permission from last whether you want to come back do it or not yeah it's okay come forward look into your life and save it I'm grateful in Greece I know that the universal law here's what I'm thinking all the time some hanging out in gratitude right now another law here's me always until the present here's me always the cells of my body temple here what I'm thinking right now the organs reactions the function my life here's me always so now is hearing a vibration of Thanksgiving and gratitude which allows the perceptual windows to open up and now I can see more clearly I can see the presence is everywhere Oh everywhere everywhere God is everywhere omnipresent everywhere and because the presence is everywhere it must be where I am it cannot be everywhere but not here if it is here and everywhere I'm in one with the presence of God that's not last last be making the present only way you blessed being the present is to limit its operation and expression through us [Music] we're not here to bless being the presence we're here let it spend through us and shine through us and give us and lift us insane and dancing to us and be itself as a so we have a sense of unity fires of our intelligence it's intelligent fires of our love it's love fires up our p50 fires of our joy it's joy in this sense of unity one with the presence the word that is spoken as a word of God and announced with the declaration and affirmation a vibratory law is only knows its own fulfillment I speaking with the authority of one knowing that all that there is is a manifestation of the only thing that is which is the presence of God I speak the word for each of us that represents the one of us that we may be free today are you willing to be free I speak the word for our freedom our liberation I speak to it for our health and healing in Holden and well-being wellness strength vitality vigor I speak the word for a dynamic abundance harmonizing prosperity I speak the word for the opulence and elegance of the universe take over our life I speak the word that the Lyon County spooks personal eggs in the way that we can understand I speak the word that divine wisdom and guidance moves to us I think the world that we may rise laugh hear the calling of our soul the feel the desire of our soul in anger the realm of ever-expanding good which is another name for heaven order as it is hop in the mind of the incident are you with me are you with me come on come on will you be made whole will you be home will you be in joy will you reveal to be oh my god I think I'm getting the sacred yes here I think the yes is ha the surrender is real the availability is now take your breath please Ricky give them a gimr give a little taste vibrational taste what [Music] what ha I am like a child and you are [Music] you [Music] baby there you are [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what [Music] let my sauce [Music] [Applause] [Music] tell me [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] the heart of God [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] we shall ah [Music] yeah Oh yeah [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] to the heart of God [Music] surrender total surrender total surrender in the heart of God just for a second just for a brief second take the hands of the beings around you to your right and steal the power of this purple vortex the music is rooting through Ricky and Ricky and their house band and what you really want on the soul [Music] realize that this community in a real community raises your immunity against the lower frequencies of doubt where we fear our immunity now we embrace each other we raise those we called it for prayer we embrace those who have a fitted letters and emails that's called our prayer ministry we're holding them in prayer right now they include them in the Lord's son Skylar she just got the message that hospital right now right where he is is the power the presence and the love of God we surrender our entire being to knowing the health and whole disharmony for the Skylar rocky villian the militias mom Evelyn and Jake Jardine father Bob Harvey and Jessica wince complete healing and Karl Warren perfect surgery Martin Paul's perfect recovery from his surgery repeat Gerald ward sister are really out [Music] we're from brother river neva original 40 Gail Anne Murray's on Leah Maria Brenda Abdul Hakim aleem her father Cheryl that's our it usher people go where these are the shelter sister Catherine Catherine fiance [Music] just a couple more days these names are for individuals and family members of friends who have crossed over to the other side and no more now about life eternal than we do Miriam greens family inspire family for cousin Carol and Brenda Hall woods for Lois Patricia and Bertha Laura for mother Barbara Betty and Shan for father Warren Lucy Maddy Harrison for her husband father Dickey Brenda she in the Newman family for Francis to sweet talk we give thanks in this moment we feel good about the words spoken something wonderful is occurring something magnificent is taking place something marvelous is happening say it say something wonderful is happening something marvelous is happening something beautiful is taking place now we are vibrationally ready now we're vibrationally ready and we we give thanks and we let it be now and undo forevermore knowing that as the word spoken does not come back void but does return fulfill their off until full divine spirit ah it's already returned it's here it's us it's now and so it is army our men are men are men [Applause] you
Channel: AgapeLiveTV
Views: 146,223
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Keywords: Michael Bernard Beckwith, Agape International Spiritual Center, Agape
Id: 6Xsr_mz-oRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 47sec (2567 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2017
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