"Are You a Human?" | Best of Hotel Transylvania (2012) | Now Playing Compilation

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foreign [Music] [Music] all right [Music] tell me do you dream of being a vampire this is how we're represented unbelievable Jonathan Jonathan whoa bat wait it's talking Dracula is that you huh Dracula [Music] what my hands in a tan shoe what Japan's eating lamb stew hey do you know you're smoking [Music] pardon me sorry excuse me excuse me [Music] before [Music] what the heck I had a bad kid at this eye folks I'm gonna turn on the seat belt sign just a precaution while we [Music] total announcement for my dear friend Dracula my dear boy I have made a terrible mistake I was trying to keep my baby to myself because I knew I would always protect her but I realized now children need to discover things for themselves they'll stumble and fall laugh and cry but such is life the truth is you and Mavis are meant to be using if she must give her trust to someone else I'm thankful that it is you Jonathan I hope you can hear me and forgive me [Music] okay folks we are going to make a quick turnaround to refuel and then we'll be back on our way with your whining burning up out here dad oh I'm fine I'm just just a little sunburned honey I always thought the worst thing ever would be seeing you go but the worst is seeing you unhappy maybe I want you to live your life I don't know how I'm supposed to do that you know Mommy already gave you her birthday present can I now give you mine [Music] what do I need this for oh it comes with an accessory you you why are you back because you're my zing Mavis I'm your zing but you told me you hate monsters yeah well I was afraid your dad was gonna suck all the blood out of my body if I didn't say that I wouldn't have that hey no he's right I would have done that Dad I was wrong devil chops [Music] do you really mean it Dad go make your own Paradise [Music] can we try that kiss over again I think we can foreign [Music] [Music] felt a different thing it's like a hit in the ring like you're pulled by a string can't breathe like a chicken on a chicken wing it was a thing called a thing and I wanted to sing and listen to the Ballads of the Band-Aid sting baby looks in your eyes and it's only spring like when Nala legitimate in The Lion King don't ever care [Music] ready to throw down no no I just came closer to to hear you better oh come on just give it a try all right maybe just a little so listen all you singers for me information you better crack the boxer and get ready to clean cause if love was money you'll be energy changed [Music] the only thing you're gonna sing [Applause] anything [Music] that we shared [Music] pay attention to the undead Kingdom [Music] let me get a bubonic moose nose omelet with cockroach paste and mouse jelly oh and uh with egg whites may I make you an omelette no no no no I'm not hungry what Esmeralda you smell it again come on no monsters been to the Taj man I wish I could go there you know what I'll take 50 omelettes how did you deal with the mobs yeah it does get pretty crazy in the summer but you know you just gotta roll he just rolls that's cool that he rolls yes yeah it's cool look love droppings I brought you a bagel with your favorites cream cheese holy rabies thanks Dad Johnny try some cream cheese it's awesome oh cool but I'm uh cream cheese intolerant so polite packs yes of course you are Jenny can we party planta for a minute no one suspects anything the only thing that looks weird is how much Whispering you're doing we would say you are going in the pool and act excited and then you will say you hurt your back and you have to leave here come Good Times oh dudes oh my back I'm on your back no no he said oh my bad let's do it oh here we go [Music] we've got you Johnny you're going down oh yeah we'll see maybe [Music] okay calm down with the fight chickens everyone stop the rough housing foreign [Music] oh man I guess the cat wanted to go for a swim [Music] Ming all right foreign oh you messed up baby you messed up big time I told you to take it down you ruined my hotel if they find out maybe you're just jealous that people are finally having fun at this place oh that that was not fun everyone running jumping swimming with no order that was the opposite of fun do you even know what fun is I invented fun boy the wrong people get to be immortal look at me you remember nothing of this encounter you have no memory of this place or the monsters who met now go and never return wait never return to the hotel what you were supposed to forget the hotel I just used my powers to erase your memory I looked straight into your eyes huh oh maybe it's the contact lenses what these little plasticky dude ads that help me see better here let me just try and get them out real quick oh that is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen I almost got it stop doing that please stop doing that figures away from the animals either listen to me you are never to return here you are to stay away and never tell humans about this place or I will track you down and suck every ounce of blood from your body until you look like a deflated whoopee cushion no I can't believe I'm leaving man that could have been so great dude ruin everything suck my blood I should have just said I'm staying old man give a Bruce Lee kick boom please don't kill me I'm leaving I'm leaving huh follow me oh no no Mavis I can't I have to leave you sure it'll be fun okay [Music] he's not gonna see me is he foreign [Music] is that near Wi-Fi huh oh you mean Hawaii yeah that place is a knockout I just went to a music festival there a human Music Festival uh I believe so so did they all bite your toes and shove garlic bread in your face no well one dude took a bigger bite out of my energy bar than I expected but I blame that on the heat it's amazing amazing you've been everywhere well you know it's the alternative just staying at home never exploring never seeing what's out there I'm only gonna be uh 121 once right gotta live it yeah oh man the sunrise from here must be amazing oh I'm sorry man you've probably never even seen a sunrise have you no not really why come on I have an idea watch [Music] foreign [Music] thanks thanks for the party oh yeah you like my little touches [Music] it's amazing [Music] terrific sorry big man [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm crazily scared right now maybe that's a good thing [Music] how could you after I shared my pain with you but no Dad it was just a kiss no you're not allowed to kiss Dad I'm allowed to do things I'm not 83 anymore I'm allowed to like people or go see the world again what you thought you said you didn't like it maybe I want to give the village another chance I just need to learn you know just how to roll with it like Johnny does no no you can't go to the Village again maybe you can make them see that we could be friends oh that isn't possible you can't be sure it's all in how you present yourself no that won't make a difference that Village doesn't really exist thank you what do you mean doesn't exist what did you do I I did what I had to do what was it what exactly did you have to do tell me I I built the town his staff put it all together the the zombie is dressed up as the townspeople please I if you if you we went out there and something happened to you I couldn't live with myself but you can live with this lying to me tricking me keeping me here forever when you knew my dream was to go oil English please your voice is really annoying wait I speak Frozen he says Dracula has brought a human into the hotel a human stay close pookie says there is the human he has a French accent foreign he's my right arm's cousin he's lying yeah and why is he picking his nose he says it's a long story hey he says behold's a human [Music] I don't believe him is it true are you a human yes I'm so sorry I don't care I still want to be with you uh well tough because I don't want to be with you because you're a monster and I hate monsters goodbye please don't hurt me foreign
Views: 995,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Now Playing, Movies, Film, Cinema, Movieclips, Movie Scenes, Movie Trailers, Comedy, Horror, Drama, Action, Adventure, Family, Musical
Id: jrd33dn8clg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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