Are Xiao's constellations useful on Polearms Only?

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H well I uh I I I recently on pole arms only here got if you didn't see my previous video we got C1 and C2 Shia uh neither of these are particularly useful so today I wanted to try to give Shia some more love because he's been honestly he's been very neglected he was the first he was the first five star we got on polars only and uh definitely the most neglected to be honest He's Just Not That useful for anything other than just VV Duty most of the time sadly but enough being a bummer Bo dudes we're going to do Shenanigans today because we got to give shout some love so I figure if we got his C1 there's only one thing to do it's skill damage and I've been farming golden troop and well not farming golden troop I've been farming four piece MH for for Hut but i' I've incidentally got you know a couple decent golden true pieces along the way and uh yeah point is we're going to we're going to be doing golden truth and you might say wow that's a really dub idea because you know that golden troop is says you know the you don't get the bonus when he's off when he's on field except you do get the bonus when he's on field you just have to make sure you use his skill within two seconds of him coming coming on field so 1 two three right that that takes less than two seconds his skill can can be used in quick succession uh there's the problem of the fact that it has a it's a 10-second cool down and that means with three skills it takes 30 seconds to come back which is not great but you know what it'll be fine we're going to see how cursed this is It's cursed it's absolutely going to be bad I don't don't build your sh this way I'm doing it cuz I don't know this is this is genuinely the best idea I have to make use of his c one and his C2 may as well not exist now of course because we're on PMS only we have FS on but but we are not allowed to use Faron so you know we can't use farzon we can't use Bennett we can't use all of the typical characters you would probably imagine using if you're going to do something as silly as like a skill damage sh I I genuinely think on my main account if I did you know the a far on and then finina and a Healer because you need a Healer with finina and Wham blam a skill damage shower would be a lot less of a meme because he could probably hit in the neighborhood of of 50k on all of his skills it would it still be dumb yes and cursed yes but it would be much more functional on normal account so it anyways I'm rambling what the heck do I do on Polar arm only though so I think Jung Le is a no-brainer because he do the jungly things he increases my damage he's got tenacity he'll buff him a little bit and then I think the other interesting thing we could do cuz we want to do something with Shia while we are doing you know other things and I think the answer is we're going to try to like Vape on shling by applying extra Hydra with like charge attacks while doing Candice things um so we're going to kind of do hydroshot which actually means if we want to see meaningful normal attack damage and skill damage we should switch to an attack percent goblet right there we go that seems like a pretty decent goblet blam and what are we at 92 199 that's slightly unsatisfying but you know what there you go attack percent goblet has a lot more crit and should get good skill damage and then so this is so stupid this is so dumb and then after that you we can do charge attacks with hydrocharge attacks with Candace infusion oh this is so dumb but it might be fast enough Hydro application right just doing this constantly that we can Vape on some of shling hits or or worst case scenario if shling is applying an a pyro will Vape on Shia's hits and I am aware you know if a lot of the damage is coming from you know Candace infusion sh normal attacks charge attacks whatever it would probably make more sense to do I don't know four shim AAS or something on Chia instead it it's fine I'm going F it on the meme curse build here today we're just doing fun Shenanigans is all it really comes down to let's see what we get here uh sh is going to destroy him I okay I mean I didn't see that much numbers from Sha because his zupin by the way there is a there's a stronger variation of the team there's a different pole arm character that would be squeeze me my dude did you not see the hilly trills I have four three feet away from you that that genuinely annoys me a lot why why man the the targeting system in this game sometimes okay it's fine so any was what I was saying what what I was trying to say is Shia uh is not the best Hydro unit in the game a hydro polar arm in the game and neither is Candace as far as the the rate of hydro application goes so if you want to see who the best Hydro polearm character in the game is that was a terrible sequence there of trying to even do anything productive but hey he can complete dailies on this build what a world honestly the most useful thing about C1 shell again this is not that useful because of the 30second cooldown issue using it for for Overworld movement is genuinely good we don't have many options on PO arms only for for movement abilities and Overworld so it's kind of nice I don't know what I'm going to title this video but I feel like at this point it might just be titled coping with trying to figuring out how to use C C2 Shia um everything's dying from Candace because Candace is a more useful character than Shia out of 10 how cope is this entire building or or this entire video I don't even know it's fine it's an excuse to use Candace the best character in the game My most dedicated viewers know I'm not even lying I I do think Candace is is probably one of the most important characters on Polar m not in genjin in general to be clear I'm not I'm not that insane if I was going to delete one one pole arm character from existence it wouldn't be Shia it would be it would be you know M cuz the world goes on nobody cares if M gets deleted but the the second character on The Chopping Block is not you is not you it's not you it's not you it's not you it's not you it's not you it's not you you're close though it's not you it's not you it's you I'm sorry sh I'm so sorry like he has use but of any other polar arm G on this account he has the least use so anyways I I feel like all the the people that love Sher are going to be very unhappy with some of my statements this video kill him oh he's immune to animon anyway so it didn't even matter and he died before I switched to him because that's how shanling and Candace do we're just I mean this is just a strong link video at this point I feel this this video is a bit more unplanned and unhinged than than I normally try to make my videos but hey hopefully it's entertaining for you oh I just I just remembered I I forgot to do this I I I I did do some farming for Shia I'm not going to neglect him that much I am going to level up his skill this is a skill-based Shia video I almost I almost did the farming and forgot that would have been really embarrassing if I it would have been very embarrassing if I just totally forgot have to do that after farming for it all right goodbye dream solvent it's not like I need those for a new character coming up soon or anything nope blam level 9 999 Shia he's probably never getting a crown but let's be real the difference between level 9 and level 10 is not that significant 43% multiplier pretty nice I have good artifacts for Shia in traditional context it's just he's still better on this account in DV I found this is so oh well look at that at 30k I am kind of sick of the current Abyss cycle and I don't I let's be real this team is not going to be the greatest for abyss and I'm restricted to pole arms only so my goal for this video instead is just to fight the local Legends because they tend to be more entertaining to fight and uh yeah so we'll see we're going to try to kill them all all the landbased local leg not not the ocean ones and uh it's going to be thanks to Shia on the skill damage set he didn't even have one of his skills back from when I used it to fly over here oh my God whatever it's fine look at that damage we got him we got 10% down let's go I also didn't get my other character's energies back but it's fine feel like jungly makes this a little bit too easy but some these local Legends deal enough damage to to definitely get through jungly Shield so it'll be fine okay Glam can I there we go all right yeah we're definitely vaping with shling I've learned that which which is good that's probably better only thing sad about that is it means we don't get to make use out of uh you not burn the forest down uh we don't get to make use out of the EM stats on Shia but we we'll survive where am I I'm in the tree all right it's just how sh do today hey look the normal attack damage ain't bad I take back that I'm not going to fight all the local Legends cuz this going to take me 10 years uh but also because we're doing a hydro sh and I don't feel like fighting the uh the hydro immune enemies seems slightly redundant I mean to be clear sh sh L could probably hand I I sh L could probably handle it without a problem I just I don't want to do that cuz it's not to the spirit of Shia is this retribution oh dear I I sincerely hope this is not another this I do not want this to be a repe of my far on video where I legit to spend like 30 minutes defeating Rocky I've committed to the idea that I want to defeat all the landbased non water based which is a lot of specif specifications but what point is I going to be the local Legends and I'm going to try not dying next time I just need to remember that Liam turns the floor into lava sometimes and yeah let's do this thing I'm going to kill you this time and I'm going to cut out all the footage cuz everything is going to go so smoothly that there's no reason to include it it's going to be boring I honestly think Candice might be doing more damage than sh by the way oh boy dear it's fine it's the way it was meant to be Candace is a better character than Shia after all this video is Def definitive proof the freaking electric ow can you can you come over here sir I would like to not step on your lava ground dude come come over here I don't I don't I'm not like I'm not going to willingly step in this you know a benefit of doing an attack upet is that our physical damage is slightly better too look at that ate that oh my God jly is almost dead no we're not no you're dying you are dying you are dying you're dying here we go it's all thanks to Shia he did 100% of the work there I mean he was applying the hydro for shanling just saying and you might be saying well sir you're not making use of the fact that you're specking into skill damage and Sh except I am because I was pressing the skill button a lot C1 Shia gives extra particles that helps with Ching's energy needs not much but it's better than if you was c0 so you know what it wasn't a waste all right anyways One One logo Legend down we've got rocky over here to go we've also got the new local legends that I think are over here somewhere in the chenu veil okay we got the dude over here that wants us to do plunges weird there's one over there there is a local Legend that's over here in the water in a cave somewhere but apparently it's locked by in World quest so we're not doing that one then hello Rocky time to get destroyed by skill damage golden troop sh look at blam blam look at that that was like almost 100K probably 100K definitely 100 okay where'd he go uh we I do have to be careful of uh Shield here because he he do punch hard and I think he's going to get through the shield fast if I do not pay attention all right hello sir can you stop all right look at that damage what a world all right and we're stuck in a box but it's fine surprisingly despite the fact that Ro Rocky is normally my arch nemesis uh this is going this going fine was going fine where where is he and we're going to deal with this why did you Z that way whatever it's fine no no okay well out of stamina can't do charge attacks blam all right it's definitely no I see he got through jungly Shield it's definitely easier because of jungi but still a little bit scary and do shall all right look at the big damage impos no I do hope my te has it's it's fine it's fine I apparently lost The Shield at some point all right let's do this Rocky this time I will not get pbl to death flam look at this skill damage and look at the hydro damage and it's not very good but you know what it's there all right sir eat chongling I mean no eat chia cuz is chia doing all the work look at the damage what a world ah okay that was scary I didn't see him disappear in the tree can you okay come come here I I want to be able to see you yeah try me try me I got a shield Get Wrecked where are you oh oh no no no no no you do not kill jungle eat my Candace's Shield don't eat it it's unhealthy for you but I do wish you to cease existence because you're annoying um my sh is not back but you know we're going to do sh things anyways because this is proof sh's going to get oh my God oh my God no no no no I just what I no no no we're going to get the kill without sh with a shield blam there you go see definitive proof the Shia on his on skill damage build is better than anything else these birds are so happy I adore you boring sh thinks they're boring though my apologies all right where's the next victim there you are there's the next victim for skill damage sh to just completely Dominate and definitely not oh boy I'm getting Frozen and definitely not be screwed by Can it can it not be raining by the way the rain is extraordinarily annoying actually oh okay the rain is really annoying oh no this is so annoying no I did a plugge how how dare I who does that I lost all of my hydro well I guess you know what I mean okay in this case I don't even have to stop freeing me I hate everything going on right here uh I don't even have to use Candace in this case to oh my gosh I don't even have to use Candace cuz it's raining and which I hate because the Apparently this enemy does cryo damage but whatever it's fine stop stop oh oh dear oh dear counter measures aren't my I think this enemy oh the oh no no no no no no no no no no can I stop getting per froze oh good lord um that was interesting uh my brain was computed no no no why is there such a delay on that okay okay oh my God we're fine we're fine okay I promise this is definitely the only one I'm cheating on okay there we go uh this enemy wants you to heal stop oh my no no no no no no good Lord this enemy okay this is by far the most annoying one thus [Music] far I am remembering why I don't normally fight this one look at that Chia I'm going to plunge because it lets me avoid some attacks and hey we're still we're still getting not entire okay I mean it's not good Chow plunge damage right but it's not entirely cope for the standards of of sh on BS only ah no no I okay I'm going to cheat again I really don't want to it was a long walk here okay and this enemy is extraordinarily noing I refuse I'm going to use no no hey stop oh my God shling died okay we're fine it's probably not fine shling is the number one most important part of um my continued existence here also jungly Shield is already gone so you know uh but it's fine we got we got uh no no no okay shout just or sh uh jungle just walked off screen into the void no oh okay you know about the I okay um the music is like what killed me nothing hit me there no okay no no not or time the music wasn't I was hoping to time things well with the music um we're going to No we're going to be no I think it's to finish sentence look how low the health is oh but I have a solution and that solution is chiver because she's a Healer I think it always starts raining near this enemy by the way which they probably did specifically just to make it super annoying to fight this thing we'll be fine because blam look at that look at that damage I mean the damage wasn't that significant but more importantly it's healing and it's also a little bit of a buff so we'll see see more show damage look at that 36k what a world stop can you be slightly less of a butt I am going to not die going do this look at the the boom booms we're going to do more booms more booms more booms and we're doing sh things look at that look at the damage what a world also the rain stop I must have been wrong okay I was it the rain was just conveniently being very annoying okay this enemy I think is less of a problem when I'm not being frozen constantly surprisingly we're because we're doing physical sh things I guess we're going to do plunges instead or sorry since we're not doing Candice we don't need to do normal attacks to apply pyro apply Hydro for shling The Vape or anything so yeah any you get the point right so it actually makes sense to plunge here I know God forbid all right let's freeze your butt because you are really annoying shoot you in the face CU you deserve it uh this fight is substantially easier when you uh when you don't have did you just heal BL die oh my God can you I I just wanted to please please we gotos yeah Flawless yeah that fight was slightly less annoying when I wasn't being frozen constantly hey look there's a big boy for shouta beat up with his massive skill damage it's definitely not just Shang Lang see I'm pretty sure Shia skills did like 90% of the damage there all right this stupid thing you know what since this thing wants me to do plunges anyways well for the sake of comparison cuz you know why would I ever actually use this build uh we're going to go put about in four piece Marshall say Hunters this is a this is a build that is top 3% on on aasha for Shia like it's a is a good Shia build so with staff ofoma on four piece Marshall says we've got 61 crit rate 245 crit damage good chunk of ER and um oh we're going to we're going to swap to Rosaria and this is what I would say is is the best the best sh team I could have on this account Rosaria by the way has higher energy needs in this in this variation um but it's fine let's get him down and look at that 30k that's not that much I expected higher actually 40K there we go that's more what I expected um like for comparison sha on the the skill damage build was getting near 30k on his burst so we're only getting 25% higher with a much better build um this is just one of those things where in Shia is very reliant on good supportive teammates and that's kind of like why he doesn't work well on B arms only so we just don't have those things right so is what it is let's see if we can kill him with this rotation here that that I didn't do sh skills but it's fine as long as we don't die because we don't have a shield oh you got your Shield back that's nice always like that 42,000 wow yep there be there be plun sh um nowhere near the heights that you know a build like this this is a really really good build on sh on a normal account right if you had Cloud retainer farizon benett finina some combination those characters right the sh build would be very very good it's just not useful on this account sadly but that's fine back to the one true Shia build to rule them all time to end off the video with skill damage sha proving himself against these final local Legends here all right blam get shung wi going and get the hydro going and they jumped because of course they did all right get is going again goo is almost back put the goo down blam blam blam look at the damage and the group went up conveniently for me and not actually hitting me I appreciate you friends I'm slightly scared but thankfully they didn't get through the shield I've never really bought these before on on any of my accounts so not super familiar what their attacks are doing but it seems like jungi is taking them then a blam sh's going to murder wait do we have to kill them the same time I I feel like I do they normally do this gimmick when there's two things okay so I have to attack the one with pyro on it right okay it's fine I swear if I oh boy I almost just got burned to death it's fine we're fine we're fineo easy uh-oh oh yeah you do have to kill them the right time ah freak crap okay well I'm definitely not killing this one in the time frame that it takes finally they're group together a little let's try to get these boys I believe in you sh all right oh no stop climbing bro it's not the time to climb the pillar all right was going to take no no no not not again not again you what no it's fine I I'm not a coward I have skills you see I block that damage with Candace skill and I I can no I can do this without without jungling or sorry without jungl all right block that do this do that oh all right well I'm going to revive sha because I I need to at least have shall alive no you need to die you need to die you need to die you need to die you need to die you need to die no he didn't die crap it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fight I I'm not going no there there is no world in which I have to restart this whole fight okay it's not not the reality exist within all right do your damage and uh okay let's squat no no no I don't like that squat squat here and there we go look at that there we go Dodge that Dodge that Dodge that uh like I said Dodge that it's very possible sir all right you're dead can I hello hello can I have energy all right am blam and blam look at that uh shouted uh shouted all the work this is 100% definitive proof that skill damage show was clearly better and the best build on PO is only I'm I'm never going to change it how could I possibly change it
Channel: Soluna
Views: 5,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: llQCvAWiZg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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