Are We Supposed To Hate Austin FC?

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Anthony Precourt oh yeah that name brings up a lot of emotions doesn't it crew fans now I'm not sure of the exact power rankings for the most hated person in MLS history but my guess is this guy is probably number one because it wasn't just Columbus fans that didn't want to see this team moved to Austin no it was mostly everyone around the league that was pissed off about this now the whole save the crew movement honestly that doesn't just deserve a video it probably deserves its own 34:30 on ESPN and save the crew yes it will definitely be a video for the future but for now let's just focus on Austin and let's look at Anthony Precourt so he bought the crew back in 2012 for 68 million dollars and the first ever match he attended at crew stadium the scoreboard caught on fire looking back yeah that probably should have been a sign of things to come now actually what a lot of people forget is that Precourt did a lot of good things for the crew for instance he got a stadium sponsorship deal named at Mapfre Stadium he redesigned the team logo profession I've kind of always hated this new logo I don't know I just don't really like the whole circle badge I don't like the diagonals and the checkers and honestly I have no idea who these three dudes are in the old logo and I understand that the old logo is like universally laughed at but Donna was unique I've never seen it before and I kind of liked it but yeah I recognize I'm in the minority most people love this new logo Precourt hired dregg Burkhalter as manager in the first ever sporting director of the team in 2013 and that proved to be a great move because the crew then became a really good team they started making the playoffs regularly and made it all the way to MLS Cup in 2015 Anthony Precourt at this time looked like he was one of the best owners in MLS and as a fan of the rival Chicago Fire I was actually jealous of this and then the news came out that Precourt was considering moving the team to Austin and obviously the considering part was a little bogus because during the 2018 season it seemed like Precourt was doing everything in his power to move the team creating his own MLS to Austin website visiting Austin trying to get a stadium deal done during the season meanwhile neglecting his own Stadium in Columbus they offered a half-assed apology on Twitter no one bought it and then he became public enemy number one in Columbus it was a big shock because here's this guy that seems like he's so committed to the city he said he would never move the crew in fact in the contract that he signed to become the owner one of the stipulations was that he would never move them except there was a little clause in the contract that we all overlooked and that was that he did in fact have the power to move the crew if it was to Austin that was the only city eligible oh and uh in 2015 the crew teamed up with and became affiliated with the Austin Aztex hmm no idea of that actually means anything but it seems like I might so I decided to keep it in so did he buy the crew with the sole intention of moving them to Austin someday because if that's the case then that is really kind of scummy but also kind of a good business move you know if that means avoiding having to pay the hefty expansion fee okay but wait no and that was the case then why would he go through all the trouble to get a stadium brand to redesign the logo to put that new logo on everything okay but then on the other hand why would he have this loophole put it in the beginning doesn't that seem a little bit fishy honestly I don't know I tend to believe that this was kind of his plan all along but honestly it is all speculation at this point so yeah people are pissed at this dude but Austinites know they're pumped because they're finally getting a soccer team honestly I'd be pumped too now let me just say this I think Austin will be an awesome market for MLS I know FC Dallas in Houston they don't currently have the best support but Austin isn't Dallas or Houston and yeah I know about the Austin Aztex leaving twice but an MLS team with a brand new stadium that's a little better than a USL team with a high school football stadium also Austin if you didn't know it's a growing city young population with no other professional sports teams besides the Austin bold that's not quite Division one and there's a rugby team that I just found out about while researching this video like honestly this is a prime market but ok let's reel this back in even after everything I said even though I think Austin is going to be a successful market in MLS no I was definitely not in favor of moving the crew I think attendance issues can be fixed I mean look at what happened to Sporting Kansas City yeah that could be the crew now during this whole saga Twitter wars between Columbus fans and Austin fans have been rampant and they cut real heated and I get why because losing a team that you've been supporting for years that's a sensitive topic but we all know what happens next new owners coming by the crew Austin then announced as an expansion side everyone's happy except for San Antonio and their fans we got screwed over because they were just completely passed over in the expansion process so Columbus and Austin are happy now right they're singing together hugging each other except they're not nope the Twitter wars between Columbus and Austin are still going strong crew fans saying you still tried to steal our team and Austin fans saying get over it alright so here's what I know if Columbus would have moved to Austin then Austin FC would have instantly became the most hated team league-wide in MLS it's like MK Dons but more American now that Columbus is saved I think most neutrals even the ones that were opposed to the move are now somewhat indifferent on Austin which by the way if I'm wrong then please let me know in the comments section I really do want to know what people think but what about Columbus I mean the Nordics eventually gonna forgive anthony Precor right like they can't possibly hold a grudge forever right you know what I'm sure come 2021 Columbus is gonna welcome Austin into MLS with open arms no that's not gonna happen and honestly I hope it never happens look I'm not rooting for violence I'm not rooting for trash to be thrown on the field or fights to happen in the parking lot but what I am rooting for is I do want to see some hatred between these two teams I mean this story line between Columbus and Austin it is perfect for a genuine rivalry not some completely manufactured garbage by MLS and MLS it needs villains an Austin FC can be just that like if I was an Austin FC fan I would embrace that I would buy a Darth Vader mask spray paint it green I mean I know that sounds super corny but like seriously embrace the hatred that Columbus and other fans have of you and embrace the villainy drama is not a bad thing and Austin FC wants to grow the legend oh so many supporters are getting triggered by that because Precourt didn't initially try and grow anything he just tried to steal a team away from the city there is zero percent chance that Austin FC doesn't realize how many people are getting mad about that and there is zero percent chance that they don't want to take advantage of that I don't know call me a masochist but I love the irony and I love how angry people are getting at the end of the day Columbus still has their team so Austin I say they should just double down on this yeah keep growing the legend I love it so are we supposed to hate Austin FC well I mean you're not a Columbus supporter I guess there's not really a reason to but come on that's not any fun where's the drama in that no Austin FC I can't wait to have you in MLS but I hope you're ready for the absolute storm coming your way from all the other supporters it is gonna be fun to watch
Channel: DannyTRadio
Views: 46,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Austin FC, Anthony Precourt, Columbus Crew, #SaveTheCrew, MLS, relocation
Id: yQLj75R_MCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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