Are We Americans Going to Like Canadian Eats & Treats?

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i've never tried those neither have i you will try them and so we'll laugh you're kind of bossy i'm excited canadians would never do that to us they would never say you're gonna try our nanaimo bar we're chris and melissa back in 2020 we left our empty nest to embark on a slow travel adventure living in 12 cities in 12 months one of our favorite things to explore as we travel is the food our instagram feed is full of delicious bites right now we're in canada so it's time to check out some canadian eats and treats today we're going to try a bunch of canadian delicacies we're going to dig deeper go further into the canadian food culture yeah cause last time we tried candy bars but we're gonna go a little farther this time we're still gonna have candy bars well yeah of course there were yeah there were candy bars we didn't test so yeah they're new candy bars yeah we're gonna expand to chips we are going to try a canadian delicacy that i can't believe they didn't try last time don't tell them what it is and we're going to finish it off with a couple of quintessential canadian desserts [Music] let's not mess around let's get going before we get the show on the road i absolutely love sap suckers and so i'm having this as kind of my palette cleanser refreshiness in between all the lovely things that we try cheers sap sucker it has like a little bit of sap and water and carbonation and it's delightful hey is this a canadian only type thing i've only seen it here so i yeah i think so so why don't we just chalk it up here's one of the things we're testing well it has been tested and it is very much approved and i've tested it last year too just not on film i love this stuff you could have just winged it you could have just said oh my gosh this is amazing i've never had it before i i am not lying to our viewers chris no i wouldn't tell him okay honey what's the first thing we should try well i think we've got to go for the chips we have ketchup chips and all dressed chips these are not things i knew about i think maybe i've seen ketchup chips in the states ketchup's huge in the states in fact i think every kid in the states eats ketchup like it's candy because it probably is like candy but ketchup chips i've i think they're very popular in canada you know the real thing with kids in ketchup don't you no what okay one ketchup has umami flavors it's very comforting two ketchup's one of the few things that children feel they have a sense of control over when it comes to their food most parents let their kids you know dip their french fries in ketchup and they can control the amount so does the ketchup thing have anything to do with that the ketchup chip thing does it have anything to do with that heck if i know i thought you knew all about this is it giving canadians a feeling that they control they have more control of their lives if they have ketchup chips i highly doubt it because they can't control the amount of ketchup on the ketchup chips unless they decide to dip the ketchup chips into ketchup and then it's a whole new thing they have control of the amount of chips they can eat though right well they didn't get to choose how many chips are in the bag let's just let's eat them just smell that oh that that smells like ketchup let's do this together ketchup chips we could cheers our chips cheers [Music] i think it tastes like a french fry dipped in tons of ketchup like you know when a kid rolls that french fry around in ketchup yeah that tastes like a ketchup potato chip not a fan but i don't like ketchup that much anyway i don't put my fries in ketchup or anything like that so i like to dip grilled cheese and ketchup they don't do french fries and ketchup but grilled cheese and ketchup so you should make grilled cheese and then put those chips in the grilled cheese sandwich it would be crunchy oh that'd be good somebody want to make that sandwich and post it next chip all dressed what does that even mean okay dear to me all dress seems like it's hates everything it's like kitchen sink flavored chips this is everything that's in the kitchen sink that's just not so good i know it's a term picture it looks like it's tomato and green onion and garlic and i don't know what that stuff is paprika paprika let's try it okay what do you think the smell this smells good i have a feeling i'm gonna like all dressed is it like the everything bagel flavor maybe is it something like that no but i can't figure it out all dressed i don't know we're just gonna have to try it it's a canadian thing i guess you crazy canadians crazy canucks okay you just dropped a crumb on the floor oh that's right cheers whoa that was an explosion of flavor my tongue feels all dressed right now what do you think of it i like it better than ketchup yeah they're good yeah [Music] it kind of reminds me of like barbecue chips yeah like very similar flavors interesting i might buy all dressed chips for a picnic or something people are coming over have a party i'm in canada i'm buying all dressed potato chips all right okay next thing candy bars chris got really excited about candy bar i thought we were gonna try two candy bars i thought we were just gonna try the mr big and the wonder bar we're at the store today and chris picked up to eat more and he says people have been telling him he has to try the smarties yeah that they're different in canada than they are in the states and that they need to be tried yeah smarties in the states are powdery sugary little things that look like little pills and smarties here i think have chocolate in them so which one first start uh let's go with the wander bar okay i do think it's funny how all the candy bars have gold wrapping yeah these are all the same colors maybe it's a canadian law well did you see candy bars with other colors while you were picking them out i wasn't paying attention oh that looks caramelly if it's got caramel it's going to be good i do like karma i should be here oh it's got a little bit of crunchy what's the crunch i'm not sure maybe they should call it wonder yeah wonder about the crunch yeah wonder crunch bark that's good that kind of reminds me of like a snickers but different because it doesn't have nuts and it has yeah um some unique crunch thing it's got gooeyer caramel than a snake or something chocolate's better yeah is it crunch maybe kind of like a butterfingery type no actually i think it is nuts because they chewed a little bit more i don't know of a candy bar in the states that compares in terms of similar like oh that's a blah blah blah yeah because for a minute i was like oh it's kind of like a turtle and i love turtles but it's different than that it's good though i would buy that one again wonderbar good job which one's next time next um i think we better go with mr big i just love the name mr big when we saw that i thought of that lame band from the i think the 80s or 90s there was a band i believe called mr big. well even though i've never watched a full episode of sex in the city i know that carrie bradshaw like yeah she just called your big or something like that i think she just called him big though it was mr big major tycoon made your dream boat and majorly out of my league okay there's the mr big candy bar it smells good it looks like it's got caramel in it as well ready oh and like maybe some crispies okay here we go [Music] yeah it's got krispies okay then this one i have a bias because i don't usually like rice krispies with chocolate on it oh yeah so i don't like it what i just it's just not my thing i think like the rice crispy stuff seems really good the chocolate seems to have a good quality it's not a combo i like i thought i thought at the end it was like whoa well you love it it went big at the end you get crispy chocolate bars by choice that's true i do it's light too mr big they got one thumb up one thumb down i guess so you would never eat it you would never okay i would be like swapping it out of the halloween trick-or-treat bag you would be trading it yeah okay next one eat more what a name it's like they're not even trying to be supplemental they're just like a little bit on the nose folks don't you think oh interesting oh wow he's not expecting it like that what is that it almost smells like fudge almost it's gooey ready all right eat more huh [Music] again i'm gonna have to say that's not my cup of tea but when i think about it i don't like candy bars that much anymore they call them chocolate bars here oh don't they was it i can't remember uh eat more i'm sorry guys it wouldn't be one that i would pick out if it was the only candy in a house and i needed a fix i then i would yeah i would eat it i don't know if i'd ever eat more you know maybe it's not aimed at us maybe it's aimed at the young kids maybe i'm just going back and trying to love wonder bargain and i love how he's like basically claimed the wonder bar because you just put it in the bowl with his chips let's remind the footage i don't like candy bars but when i think about it i don't like candy bars that much anymore well yeah yeah but that was like the only one that i've liked so far okay smarties here you go chris oh wow oh they're bright colors like the smarties in the states yeah kind of okay so you don't need to try one when you try them sure you're going pink huh yeah i like an m m no those are okay i would like do a bag of popcorn put some smarties in it and eat popcorn and smarties while watching the movie and kind of like a six lit but bigger you can see that it's not quite an m m but it's skinnier yeah and crunchier i wonder if they make them with peanuts inside them because then i think then i would like it so you like the smarties and i think they're all right so i'll eat the wonderbar you eat the smarties will be happy you and me now that we're on a sugar high there's no stopping us what will we try next this is our second time in canada and one thing we have yet to try is authentic poutine yes a canadian delicacy it doesn't sound like something i would like that much because i'm not a fan of potatoes and gravy there's gotta be a reason so many people love it you think it's a cheese oh that might help so we're off to try it we'll find out what the answer is what is so amazing about poutine all right it's time to go into the label patta i read about it online supposed to be great labelle patat has been serving up authentic quebecois food in vancouver since 2009 that's a lot of proteins small veggies and small smooth meat right here yeah what kind of protein did you get i went for the vegetarian poutine what kind did you get i thought i should go with the traditional poutine but i wanted to have some protein besides the potatoes i'm excited to try the vegetarian i kind of want to ease myself into poutine i'm not a big fan of gravy myself but you know things could change so the gravy is probably like me this time i'm gonna guess it's like a mushroom base but i'm not sure you're gonna try some of mine i might we'll see you're gonna try some of mine who gets a vegetarian this girl does actually i don't know what kind of protein people get i'm new to this yeah what's everybody's favorite poutine comment below [Music] okay so we're waiting for our poutine it's been about five minutes and i'm actually okay with that because it means that they're like making it fresh from scratch [Music] all right melissa initial impressions smells really good i'm excited i want to get eating i'm hungry how are you i smell the french fries most of all it smells cozy to me i got french fried mushroom oh it's got some green pepper on there oh and a curd yes all right total poutine time [Music] i think you're gonna love it it's so good it's like cheesy crispy and um i like need another bite here though just really make sure it's like a flavor party in your mouth really okay some curds it's good it's like i'm cold and it's gonna really warm me up i suppose it gets kind of cold in canada yeah i can see why they like it i expected the curves to be melted but they're actually some of them are kind of cold but not like in a bad way it's a nice contrast they're really good i thought i'd like do a bite to be brave but it's delicious [Music] i mean it can't be an all the time thing it's not very healthy compared to all the american dishes we've had in our lives our other foods what is closest to this cheese fries i don't know if we don't eat that on a regular yeah i don't think it's like anything that you don't ever get it is very um distinct very unique way to go canada [Music] do you think you're going to be able to finish it all i'm stoked it was delicious how about you yeah i'm various stuff and the thing is we got smalls so i can't imagine getting a medium or a large that would have been like [Music] it's a very comforting food oh yeah and it's a really cool day today so it was just so nice after having that poutine i'm really in the mood for some sweets oh yes and thank goodness i picked up a couple of fantastic well i hope they're fantastic we've never had them before a couple of canadian treats i have heard about nanaimo bars and how they are like this quintessential canadian treats so i really really want to try one before we leave we also might need to add butter tarts to the list but we'll see nanaimo is a priority if you like food and you're visiting vancouver check out granville island the public market has a lot of goodies [Music] is this it this is the place that i was thinking about that i read about and i remember trying something else here laurel's fine foods is a family-owned bakery and deli inside the food market that's been around for more than 30 years butter chart and now i'm a bar isn't that pretty i've never tried those neither have i you will try them and so we'll laugh you're kind of bossy i'm excited canadians would never do that to us they would never say you're gonna try [Applause] [Music] a pretty nice touch don't you think i think so you have been carrying that with us everywhere we've gone it's my little lucky enough shot now is the time more canadian treats or more canadian food thingies more canadian delicacies yes things that we just don't find in america right but we're going to see if there's any similarities to things that we eat normally in the states is that what we're going to do oh no that's what i'm going to i was just going to like enjoy the deliciousness i know i am like i'm like a scientist i'm just not somebody who enjoys food i need to really go to the next level have you ever heard the phrase that comparison steals joy i'm not well read you are our comparison is the thief of joy so i'm not it's not all about comparing maybe if there's something to reference i will but i want to enjoy the nanaimo bar and the butter tart each for what they are deniable bar is first oh you sure okay what if i take a bite and i don't want to share anymore you're gonna share [Music] it's like a chocolatey creamy sugar bun it's kind of like wow has a lot of flavor actually it is perfect to pair with coffee as far as i'm concerned my mouth was watery why didn't you eat that really just i could just hear your mouth doing its thing to like and i was like oh that looks so good so you want to buy it um yeah well where's my coffee you didn't make yourself a cup we we are in the 2020s right will you share your coffee with me melissa doesn't share food or coffee here then hold this and let me eat a nanaimo bar please okay just a little bite that's all you need for a flavor check i'm gonna get this corner right [Music] here that's good and it is very sweet at the end it's just like my mouth just fills up with joy and my mouth is watering right now that's pretty good you've had your bite it's time to set it down chris i gotta try another bite just to make sure that there wasn't any i figured it out after one bite i'm a slow learner mm-hmm all right hon do you want to keep eating the nanaimo bar or do you want to move on to the next little special treat my taste buds want to keep going with an animal bar but we are leisure testing and so i need to try the butter tart first plus maybe then i'll want to go butter tower out i don't know butter tart route yes the butter tart root there we go wait wait wait is it warm no it's not cold though either it to me it looks just like a pecan pie and it was explained to us by a friend of ours that the butter tart is very similar to a pecan pie without any pecans he did mention that there are walnuts and raisins in it i don't know if that's in all butter tarts or some butter tarts commence testing you're bossy hmm that's pretty good the crust is really good and yeah the middle flavor seems nice i think i got a little bit of raisin so i was definitely right about that but yeah it's pretty tasty i might need to do one more bite she seems so perplexed what is it's an interesting flavor does it taste like butter [Music] no you know what it is it almost tastes like a rice crispy barm without the rice krispie bar texture and with raisins that's going to surprise you instead i don't know you'll have to see what you think does it taste tart it doesn't taste tart but i don't know if i've ever had a tart as a pastry before i guess i don't know the taste of a tart i was just trying to figure out where butter tart came from oh i think the tart part is just like the size i think this is a pastry in general is considered a tart just because it's just a little cute little thing i don't know if it's because it's a cute little thing but i do think you should try it you're a tart you're weird now goes my test of the butter whoa look at the look now the moisture in there melissa's description of it being a rice crispy bar without crispiness or it was the bizarrest description ever but yet very unique so let me see if she's onto something oh my gosh hold on something can be bizarre and unique at the same time i am perplexed sorry you interrupting me mid attempt to bite i think i taste the butter and where you got the whole rice krispie bar thing because if you put a lot of butter in a rice krispie bar you taste that butter so i could taste it i see where the butter tart comes from but then the raisin and the gooeyness of whatever else it's not bad not bad at all [Music] i would like to point out that when chris has been sampling he's always taken two bites and they're like twice the size of my bites i like nibble you turned it away when i was in the i was about ready to give my second analysis i didn't know there was a secondary analysis how special i was just kidding that's good do you see what i live with well i'm going for another better than nanaimo hey let's do a joint raisins i don't know why raisins have such a bad wrap like rule mmm i i taste the coconut now oh yeah yeah i tasted i think there's a little bit of coconutty there's a hint of coconut in there thumb up a bump yum on all of the canadian treats we've tried well the chips the candy bars the poutine the nanaimo bar the butter tart canada you're a hard country to leave let us stay yeah we're nice well hey we used to live in vancouver did you know that we made all kinds of videos too yes you can check them out here in here [Music] you
Channel: Chris+Melissa
Views: 46,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dMpek5GKGOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 01 2022
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