Are Two Computer Monitors Worth It? (Dual Screen Vs Ultrawide Setup)

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but you do buy two monitors this is a great question and one that's not quite as easy to answer as you might think it gives you a barrel loader space to work with it makes multitasking better than ever and it also allows you to mix and match your monitors to give you the exact specifications that you need for all of your applications and video games to look their best but there are some significant drawbacks and I think that when you're spending this much money on a computer setup you probably want to know what they are so should you get multiple monitors or is there a better option out there but first a message from our pre-roll sponsor Nvidia and asus rog and their epic RTX and gtx graphics cards high frame rate gaming not only brings lower latency smoother animations and better visibility so they can bring a genuine advantage over your competition as quicker reaction times only increases the chances of making that game-winning strike you can pick up an Nvidia frames win games graphics card starting with a mighty gtx 1660 super and you can learn a little bit more about this and start your high frame rate journey with the links down below setting up two monitors is incredibly simple but it does require a fair chunk of space available on your desk here I'm using two thin bezel HP gaming displays these were sent out for a different sponsored video but you can use any two monitors that you like regardless of the brand size or resolution as you'll be needing to power cords and then two for display do you make sure that you do actually have the spare ports available both on your wall and your computer before making this investment if you use the stands that come in the box in most monitors cases these should be enough but if your monitors allow it you can grab a separate wall clamp or a multi monitor stand and this will make your setup look a whole lot cleaner give it a more premium look and in some cases it can make it a lot easier to make adjustments as well once you're all set up and you've made it into the desktop you're likely going to need to tweak a few different settings in the display manager such as choosing a primary monitor that you want all of your windows to open on first a range of monitors so I've ever actually displayed in the correct order and then ensure each screen running at its maximum refresh rate and resolution you can also alter the scaling of each screen so that windows are the right sizes for your personal preferences and everything just gets displayed properly once you're here you'll now notice that you just have so much more screen real estate for all of these wonderful things for you to do you can maybe grab a window and you can make it much bigger you can move it across to the other screen and you can be working on one while playing on the other the world is pretty much your oyster at this stage basic navigation should be flawless if both screens are the same size and resolution but you might find that your mouse can sometimes get a bit stuck as some of the borders when mixing and matching but you can easily adjust this it's just a case of drilling it into muscle memory a very useful hotkey to remember is windows shift and then arrow left or arrow right as this will move the entire window from one screen for the other there's an absolute godsend at times some applications will even have multi screen modes with programs like DaVinci Resolve and Adobe Lightroom filling your second screen with some really useful information and tools that make your workflow far far easier gaming also gets a whole lot better with multiple displays as now it can be playing on one I was having a video on the other or maybe monitoring your PC and game chat in the background while racking up those knocked down to nape X my rocks 2 displays for around about 4 or 5 years especially whilst at university and the thing that I really loved about it was that I could have two different displays that would do different things so I'd have one that was great for productivity with a higher resolution and a slower refresh rate but better image quality but then I'd have a super fast gaming display on the other so it didn't matter whether I was playing a game or doing work I'd always have an appropriate display for what I was trying to achieve do you remember however that you're going to need to set the primary display in Windows so that the game opens on the correct screen and but you're going to have to set the game to borderless window mode as this is what's going to allow it to flick between monitors without minimizing the game something that is a little bit of a shame mode is the fact that when you're using multiple displays gaming across 2 of them at the same time isn't really something you can do sure you can always drag your window right across the displays or maybe set some resolution and run it fullscreen across both but unless you're using three displays the middle point is always going to be right where the bezels are which is essentially unusable for pretty much every game that I've tested not only this but when you're using multiple displays you sort of notice that you do have to stretch a little bit with your torso it's almost like an exercise at the moment but build this up over a day a week a month and you can start to notice a little bit of strain appearing so you can remedy this by having a wide desk with plenty of space and proper posture but it's never going to be quite as comfortable in my experience as using a single display right in the middle so these are the drawbacks then but what can we do about it well it was actually the manufactures that came up with an alternative solution to multiple monitors that is becoming increasingly popular and it is very simple just get a bigger display tracking down a 32 inch or larger screen and really isn't that difficult these days and thanks to 4k resolution even a 40 inch plus monitor can still look sharp enough the use in any application or game not tested quite a few and while I do find them a bit too tall for my personal liking they clearly have a huge following for a whole host of different tasks that you can do on them I instead prefer an ultra white display which is usually very similar in size to a 27-inch monitor but they've made it wider it's just a lot longer the benefits of this are very obvious you're only going to need a single set of cables they're going to take up less space on your desk and of course you don't need to calibrate two monitors to get them matching they come in two different flavors you've got ultra white and I'm not making this up you now have super ultra white what's next hyper ultra wide crazy ultra wide big upright standard ultra wide displays are around about one and a half monitors width where as a super ultra wide will actually replicate two four sixteen by nine screens and the Samsung one I tested recently for instance was absolutely gigantic functioning nine inches across it was silly yet it actually worked a treat from productivity thanks to that perfect 50/50 window split and was pretty much unlike anything else had ever really used before but more normal ultra wines are much more of a jack-of-all-trades affair and it's what I personally lean towards thanks to their flexibility because they're great for single screen applications thanks to their little extra pixel real estate that you get but without going far too big and you can also still window applications straight down the middle for having two things on the screen at the same time but then most importantly you can still use it for full screen applications especially gaming and I think that this is really what should make out in your mind when you're looking at getting a new monitor or monitors if you're starting from scratch then the flexibility is all yours you could get two of the same monitors you can mix and match with one let's get four gaming that same one that's great for productivity or whatever take your fancy or you could get an ultra wide and then just make the most of having one screen that does everything if you already have a monitor I understand that is perhaps a little bit more difficult because if you get a new monitor you're gonna have to replace it or you could just get another monitor of the same and have it side-by-side so this is obviously going to factor into your decision a lot but for the sake of argument I'm going to pretend that you don't have one or at least you don't have one you want to keep so then what's more important to you a bigger screen that's super comfortable to use or being able to multitask to the max it's quite a deep question as there are plenty of reasons to go for either if you're any sort of a developer or a game streamer for instance then two monitors are certainly a no-brainer but the way that you use your PC can guarantee will change depending on your approach having two monitors will see you flick about between applications like some sort of ninja Wizards whereas having a larger screen will aid your focus and will offer a far more immersive world of gaming glory there's no right or wrong answer but for me is the ultra wide life that floats my boats thanks to my video editing and gaming needs and like I seem to say a lot in this channel it is all about buying what's right for your personal needs as there's no point buying multiple monitors and then going into nosignal mode if you're not gonna make use of two screens if you're just gonna mainly play a lot of games and you don't want to be doing stuff in the background then just get a larger display but likewise if you know you gonna use two screens at the same time then get two screens just make sure you have the space on your desk let me know down in the comment section below what you go for and your setup what makes more sense for you what would you recommend to give other people some advice it's a great place to share ideas and if you are in the market for a new monitor I leave some links down below to some of my favorites and of course while you're down there don't forget to like the video smash that subscribe button and of course don't forget to check out our sponsors a suit and nvidia and the frames wind games graphics cards if you're playing multiplayer then frames win games and getting the fastest graphics card is oh so important a su silver 1660 super from 209 pounds bringing high refresh rate 1080p gaming to the masses find the graphics card that's right for you download the links below and start winning your journey today thank you so much for watching I really appreciate it I'll sit in the next one [Music]
Channel: PC Centric
Views: 786,171
Rating: 4.9164076 out of 5
Keywords: pccentric, gaming, pc gaming, gaming computer, pc centric, gaming pc, two monitor setup, dual monitor setup, multi monitor setup, 2 monitor setup, dual monitor, 2 monitor, two monitor, two monitors vs ultrawide, gaming monitor, productivity monitor, best monitor, monitor for gaming, two screen, two display, computer monitor, are 2 monitors worth it, 2 monitor set up, dual monitor gaming, windows 10, dual monitor tips, gaming setup, best gaming setup, personal computer
Id: 5Czs3R48FMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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