Are Tools from TEMU Worth Considering?

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I don't know about you but these days I get bombarded with adverts from Teemu so I finally decided to buy some of their tools to see if they're worth the money [Music] as well as advertising at me every time I turn on the computer timu had been in touch to ask me to publicize their shopping channel which is never going to happen but it doesn't stop me from buying some of their tat so I can show you what it's like so in this video I'm going to show you my top Teemu tools so you can decide whether they're worth the money so let's start with something very cheap like a laser level if you've been watching the channel for a time you know that I like to use a nice laser level so how about a laser level 4 less than four pounds three pound 98 Pence buys you from temu your own laser level doesn't come with any batteries because the batteries probably cost more than the actual item so the first thing I need to do putting some batteries okay so I've got some batteries in it I'm a little bit confused because first of all on these instructions instructions I said well comments on the box first of all it says it takes three batteries but it clearly doesn't it only takes two It also says that the laser is horizontal but when I turn it on it's actually a vertical beam so there's no horizontal element about it at all unless you put it on its side It also says the leveling type is automatic what you find on proper laser levels is that when you get it within a few degrees of level there's a pendulum inside that takes over and as long as you're there or thereabouts the pendulum is the thing that will balance the laser level and that's some sometimes why you see it just moving slightly before it settles itself out now I can tell you although this says automatic I can absolutely guarantee that there is no pendulum in here at all it's essentially fixed to this plastic casing so I can feel that nothing is moving about so it's not an automatic laser level it's just a plastic box with two little bubble levels at the top at 90 degrees to each other and then a laser that's coming out that is well I was going to say vertical but you don't know it's vertical because it's not even on a pendulum so it's just up and down but that doesn't mean to say it's actually vertical I thought I'd just show you another laser level that I bought recently this is off of Amazon and it's not it wasn't very much it's only sort of 25 pound or something and it's one of their cheapest but just to demonstrate the self-balancing what we call an automatic level when you turn it on and you move it can you see the way that moves and settles down on its own that's because there's a pendulum in there that adjusts the laser and as long as this is within maybe five degrees of vertical then the rest is done by the pendulum in there and that's normally why when you turn it off it doesn't just turn it off it actually locks the pendulum so when it's in your car you don't sort of ruin the thing and you can feel that when you turn it on it frees the pendulum and then turns it on and it actually you can hear it rocking about and that is what we call an automatic level which this definitely isn't right let's move on to the next couple which I quite like and the first one out the next two is just a propelling pencil but it's in that shape that is all the rage these days especially with carpenters working on YouTube and I don't have one because I've seen them in the shops and they're like 12 pounds which I think is a bit too much for any type of propelling pencil so I bought one here off of Teemu and it's exactly the same shape as those green ones that you would see in the shops and it propels quite well in fact the lead is quite long I think these are about 120 or five inches long so it seems to work quite nicely the propelling mechanism definitely holds the lead quite nicely and what I do like is that this little cap at the back actually unscrews to expose and I don't know if you can see that it's actually a mini sharpener really little diddly one that's just about not the right size to sharpen the end of this so you can actually sharpen it and I must admit it actually sharpens it really nicely to a nice point so I can see myself using this although it doesn't have a sheath like the more expensive one but I think I will use that I used to use like propelling pencils quite a lot as a junior engineer so quite impressed with that and I think that'd be used again going along the same sort of lines I also bought some pens and these aren't any normal pens but I've not seen this type before you might be interested in these These are well they're called long nib markers and the thing about them is quite simply they have a long nib on them which isn't something I've ever seen before so if you are trying to Mark through something that's fairly thick like ply you can actually get all the way through to mark which I think is a Brilliant Invention and might have been around forever but I've never seen them this pack here comes in four colors blue red green and black and price wise these were three pounds I don't know if these will ever take over the Marksman because what this is really good at is marking really deeper holes like through a piece of four by two or something this won't be able to mark anything nearly that depth but probably will come in useful so I would put these in the category of put them somewhere safe because you definitely use them at some point in the future I'd put this pencil in the category of put it in your pocket now because I think I'll probably be using it here by the end of the day right I've got another one for you which you'll like not a lot but you'll like and it's a pair of calipers and before I go anywhere I'll tell you how much these were and these were just over three pounds not bad for a set of calipers I hear you say and as Woodworkers and DIYs it's always really handy to get a pretty exact measurement on nuts and bolts or holes or whatever so you don't have to do too much in the workshop before you really need a pair of calipers and these are digital you'll have seen something similar before let me just these are the ones that you'll see me use nearly all the time on the channel a set of digital calipers which are accurate enough for really anything you're going to need to do in the workshop and these look exactly the same it's got a digital readout and it's got two buttons one is on and off and one which is a reset at the zero point but things are not quite as they seem from first glance you'll see that although these two sets of calipers actually look very similar and I think the digital section of them is I think absolutely identical although the ones I normally use are to two decimal places and these ones are to one decimal place although they look very similar the big difference is that my existing ones are made out of aluminum whereas the t-moo version is purely plastic yep you heard me right this is completely plastic every part of this is plastic and you don't have to pick it up for very long before you realize it feels a lot more like a child's toy than a specialist measuring piece of equipment that I think the funniest thing is on all of these you have this sort of rollable that engages and disengages a fine adjustment on here there's just like I'll show you here on here there's just like this molded section that you can actually see the injection molding joint in the middle that does absolutely nothing so basically you open and close it just by doing this there's no knob on the back for tightening the thing or locking it off at all you just move it backwards and forwards the thing that I find most surprising is after saying all of that and the fact that it's sort of like a toy this actually quite accurate more accurate than I thought so if I can compare it with my existing calipers here let's just set this up so let's just as I open my existing ones here I've got 21.19 here I've got 21.2 39.17 39.1 you just do a really wide one here 92.18 and I've got 92.2 so these are amazingly close to each other and because this is only one decimal place they're probably reading the same thing which is quite amazing actually and the other thing I've noticed on this is if I open and close it a number of times it still just resets it's back to zero so for just measuring screws and thicknesses of bits of ply or whatever this is absolutely fine so what do I recommend on this one a bit of a plastic toy I wouldn't buy it if you're seriously into anything to do with woodwork but if you do get it for three pounds then keep it on the side might come in handy um oh yeah the other thing is it doesn't actually come with a battery so you do need to buy a battery which is probably the same cost as the thing to start with so you've just doubled the cost just by buying a battery right this next one I think you'll like because this is really cheap and cheerful and something that I've used quite a lot in a different format that's worked really well and what it is is it's a magnetic drill bit holder that you fit over the shaft of your electric screwdriver your cordless Combi drill to make it magnetic and make it hold screws in the end and all you do and you really need a slightly longer bit here is just slip it over the end and it sort of like wobbles into place and then it just hangs around on the shaft and that means that when you get a screw the screw is now magnetized because there's a magnet in here but if you then slip this to the screw now it holds onto it which is exactly the same as this drill bit holder that I've been using for some time from DeWalt and a lot of people ask me about this and I can't remember where I got it from now it's uh some online tool shop and which is essentially the same it's a there's a magnet in there which means when you put a screw on and just push that forward now suddenly this is well secure and it means you can just screw it with one hand rather than having the second hand holding the screw and this does exactly the same it's essentially the same thing but you can sort of retrofit it to your bits and the good thing about this is if I look at the cost this is less than 90 Pence so these ones that you get in different colors you can maybe buy sort of three or four of them and put them on the shafts of your your screw bits and looking at it it seems to work quite well I'm not actually used it in oh let's put it into a bit of Timber shot see how it works shall I yeah that's okay that works exactly the same as this DeWalt one to be honest with you say is you do really need a long enough shaft as they say to be able to work use this properly if it's if you've got something really short sticking out the end of your Combi drill it's not really going to fit so something like this which is like a couple of inches long and probably the right size I don't know it just sort of fits on mine actually does the job quite nicely so I'm quite impressed with that especially being less than a pound I think like the next time I buy anything from Teemo I'm just going to add a couple of those onto my list just because I think they're going to come in useful in the future so that one a success out of all the things I've bought from Teemu this next one is definitely my favorite have you ever wanted to own a chainsaw but didn't want to pay the price that you see in the shops well for less than 10 pounds yes nine pound uh 27 you can now own your own mini chainsaw you'll like this this is like I can't believe this and I'll tell you what it is it's an attachment that you fit to your drill in my case a cordless drill to turn it into a chainsaw and I've already put this together because I was so eager to see what it looked like so you have a little handle and there's a drill spins the shaft it turns a chainsaw blade now before I go any further I would suggest that anyone attempting to do this should know what they're doing because this is really dangerous the instructions that were on this little bit of paper are less than useless I can put it together but only because I've got my own chainsaw so I sort of understand the principles of it but uh if you don't really know how to put a chainsaw together these instructions aren't really going to help you but I'll show you along the way anyway first of all we have a chain that comes in this nice little wrapper there we go pretty standard sort of chainsaw blade and there's no mention in the instructions on which way the chain goes obviously there is a right and there's a wrong way you can tell by the way the teeth should be cut in towards you but anyway it's really exactly the same as the standard chainsaw it's just a lot smaller around the cogs and then just like the real ones it's fitted on like that they even give you this little screwdriver to adjust this screw here and all the instructions say about the chain is make sure there is proper Slack so I don't know what they really mean by proper Slack the total length of this chainsaw I would suggest is about six inches about 150 so you're not going to be chopping down any major trees I don't think with this let me just adjust the tension on the blade just going with what I've been taught by Steel so that's got a little bit of Slack no oil in there at all if I just tighten this up this should hold everything in place now would you believe the one thing they do also give you is this piece of plastic here which sort of looks like a fake guard and I assume actually that should have gone in there before I tighten that up shouldn't it now the proper guards obviously on proper chainsaws have actually got a break on them so if the thing flies back in your face then the guard hits your hand and breaks the chain or puts a break on the Chain before it's got a chance of hurting you this guard is once again a bit like a toy so those are the I mean what is that doing complete waste of time anyway so if I spin this yeah the chain okay I might be a bit tight actually so let's put it on the drill and I think I'll take my life in my own hands I advise people not to do this at home actually this is for entertainment purposes only unless you really want a six inch chainsaw for less than 10 pounds let's get the drill shot [Music] all right so there you go that is the chainsaw about a six inch blade a silly guard that does absolutely nothing this handle you can actually put on the top or the bottom I've got it on the side because it just it feels like the right thing to do and I've got my cordless drill ready to this makes me a little bit nervous this does but uh I think I'm going to just stand slightly away and hold it tight let's see if this actually works whoosh well that was what you call a fairly rough cut to say the least it's absolutely ripped through that Timber but not really in a nice way so the conclusion is it is a chainsource definitely a chainsaw it is soaring and it has got a chain would I recommend it nope I absolutely wouldn't it doesn't give a clean cut in any shape or form just go and buy a proper tool to to cut timber of this size I suppose you could use it up on a branch maybe in the garden so other than pruning sunny in the garden there's no woodwork use for this at all but if you want a chainsaw for less than 10 pound then go for it just when you cut your finger off don't blame me and lastly let's just finish on another spectacular fail because I bought this thinking that it's a right angle attachment for a drill so you can actually drill in small places you can put the drill in and and drill or screw or whatever and quite wrongly I assumed that if I spun this end then this end would turn round and I could put some something like a screw bit in it like this and then be able to sort of uh screw in tight corners but you don't have to play with it for very long before you realize that all it is is a wrench and this has no shaft in it at all this is just a piece of metal and it's got an attachment at one end for some sort of bit and at the other so I think this has been designed on purpose to look like a right angle attachment for a drill to get people to buy it which is I think is a little bit naughty but then this cost 87 Pence so what do you expect for 87 Pence which just about sums up most of this stuff that I've got from timu some of it's okay it's all really really cheap and I suppose the thing that we all have to bear in mind is if something is cheap then you're only going to get what you pay for I still like the chainsaw attachment the best although I wouldn't recommend anyone buys this because it's quite dangerous I hope you've enjoyed this selection of tat from Teemo and I will see you next time thank you
Channel: Proper DIY
Views: 964,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: temu review, woodworking tools, is temu worth it, temu woodworking tools are they worth it win or bin tool review, woodworking tools under $30, temu tools haul
Id: fcbEfmgPzUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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