Are these the most over-packaged products? (Marketplace)

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Costco is SUPER bad about plastic. They also don’t really carry any vegetarian alternatives. They have food with no meat obviously but there’s no meat substitutes other than boca burgers. Get with the times Costco.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/SaltyBabe 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

Good Job CBC.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 29 2019 🗫︎ replies
♪ ♪ Common:<i> Plastic.</i> We just can't seem to escape it. That's a complete waste. Complete waste. Shame on that company. This is the kind of thing that ends up in the ocean and birds end up choking on. Totally not necessary. Common:<i> Just 11 per cent of it</i> <i> ever gets recycled in Canada.</i> Not recyclable. Not recyclable. Not recyclable. End of story. Common:<i> Environmental journalist Adria Vasil</i> <i> is helping us rate some of the worst examples.</i> This one drives me crazy. It's as though we could not eat if plastic didn't exist and that is not the truth. ♪ ♪ I really think the large corporations should at least try to consider the environment before packaging things like this. Common:<i> We asked you to send us your examples</i> <i> of pointless plastic.</i> <i> We take some of the worst and in a poll,</i> <i> ask 1500 Canadians to rate them.</i> These are all individually packaged in a product that most municipalities and cities do not take. Common:<i> 90 per cent of you say you're</i> <i> concerned or very concerned</i> <i> about plastic pollution, so we're counting down,</i> <i> calling out some of your worst offenders.</i> And we're in Ottawa to ask what a government that talks about reducing plastic is actually willing to do about it. We, as part of this story, wanted to take a look at some of the examples that were out there. Do you mind if I just show you some of the things that we found? -Sure. Common:<i> We'll challenge Federal Environment Minister</i> <i> Catherine McKenna about these bad examples you sent in.</i> ♪ ♪ I'm Elizabeth Jackson from Cochrane, Alberta, and I am nominating Kinder Bueno. Common:<i> Coming in at number 5 on our poll,</i> <i> this super-wrapped Kinder chocolate.</i> ♪ ♪ I brought it home and it's layered three times in plastic, so not going to buy this again. Perfect example of a company that loves its over-packaging, that is killing the plastic thing and not in a good way. Common: So why would a company do this? Clearly they are off their game if they think that consumers need this much packaging. Common:<i> 48 per cent of Canadians agree</i> <i> with Elizabeth that Kinder Bueno</i> <i> is one of the worst examples.</i> So, our viewers sent this in. It's a chocolate bar, but it is wrapped in plastic. Yeah. With more plastic. With more plastic, and then inside-- No, tell me it's not. Tell me no! Yeah, more plastic. Okay. Well, you know, I think we need to do a lot better. We need producers to take on more responsibly and there are companies that are really acting. Common:<i> But is Ferrero, maker of Kinder Bueno, acting?</i> <i> They tell us they wrap each bar</i> <i> individually to divide them</i> <i> into suitable portion sizes.</i> <i> Elizabeth isn't sold.</i> My message to the company is, you need to rethink your packaging for your product, and I will not be buying this again. This is so unnecessary. ♪ ♪ Common:<i> Up next, and tied at number 5,</i> <i> you sent us a lot of photos finding no relief</i> <i> with legal weed.</i> <i> So we log on, order some of the same brands.</i> All right, Adria, this is, I think, our legal weed. Now legal. We can open this without being arrested. -That's a good thing. -Yup. Okay, let's check it out. Ready, set, open. Here we go. Geez. Why so much clamshell packaging? That, for so little. -It seems like a-- -That's a lot of plastic. Just for a few buds, we are seeing this much plastic. My God. Common: That's a lot of plastic. That's kind of shameful, actually. Uh-oh, no, this-- I do not like. These pouches are 100 per cent not recyclable. I'm pretty disappointed overall. Common:<i> The Ontario cannabis store tells us packages have</i> <i> to be tamperproof and child resistant,</i> <i> but does that explain why there's so much packaging,</i> <i> for so little product?</i> They could have designed this from the ground up to be green, to be compatible with the province's recycling systems, and instead they just completely fell asleep at the switch. I mean, obviously they were smoking maybe a little bit too much of this stuff. I'm just saying, I'm just saying. My name is Daniela Recchia from Orangeville, and this is my nomination for the most over-packaged product. Common:<i> Up next at number 4,</i> <i> these double-wrapped</i> <i> paper towels.</i> This drives me crazy about Bounty. Why is there so much plastic inside the plastic bag? Common: Paper towel, wrapped in plastic, wrapped in more plastic, then wrapped in even more plastic to ship it. My brain is just melting down right now. Yeah, that's completely unnecessary. Common:<i> 49 per cent of you felt the same,</i> <i> helping Bounty pick up a thumbs down.</i> <i> Procter & Gamble, maker of Bounty,</i> <i> say they want to reduce plastic but not on this product,</i> <i> as small businesses may want to resell the rolls individually.</i> <i> What does Daniela think of that?</i> I think this is absolutely crazy that they are using this much plastic. And something needs to change. ♪ ♪ 8 million tons of plastic go into the oceans every year! Common:<i> While others are slow to act,</i> <i> these kids are pushing for change.</i> When we watched the CBC Marketplace episode about plastic and what it is doing to the environment, we decided to take action. [Applause] Common:<i> We're at R.L. Graham Public School</i> <i> in Keswick, Ontario.</i> <i> The students have got a message for wasteful companies.</i> What can companies do differently? All: Stop using plastic! Common:<i> Time to see what they think</i> <i> of item number 3 on our list.</i> <i> A Marketplace viewer sent us these photos of plastic-wrapped</i> <i> plastic straws and forks from Subway.</i> All: Hi, David! How are you? All: Good. I am going to take these out. All: No! Do you think it's bad? Why do you think it's bad? Nature can't digest it. It's single-use plastic wrapped in single-use plastic. Does that seem weird to you? -Yeah. -Yeah. Common:<i> 56 per cent of Canadians</i> <i> think these Subway straws and forks are one of the worst.</i> I would tell them to stop using plastic because it's not good for the environment. Common:<i> Subway tells us plastic overwrap protects their</i> <i> products, and by the end of this year</i> <i> will transition to paper straws,</i> <i> but no mention of changing those plastic-wrapped forks.</i> <i> So we asked the minister what she thinks.</i> There is a plastic fork wrapped in plastic and a plastic straw wrapped in plastic. This comes from Subway, but you do see this at other fast food restaurants all over the place, right? But you know what? There are-- I think that because of consumers changing, you know, what they want, they want to see less plastics. But I think that we need to create the right incentives and right now it can be quite easy to just make everything disposable, treat our oceans, our land, like garbage cans. Why not just come out and say, we're done with these? We are looking at that and this is part of our strategy. Common:<i> Speaking of strategy, we've got another mission</i> <i> for these students.</i> So we are looking for the worst packaging in this school. We need your help to go and test this one out. So we need you to go to the blue bins in all the rooms in this entire school. -Are you ready? -Yes! On your marks, get set, go! <i> We'll check back later.</i> <i> Meantime, it's on to number 2 on our list.</i> ♪ ♪ Many of you sent us pictures of plastic-wrapped produce and one that came from Walmart, nominated by Barb Tessier of Cornwall, Ontario, is a single plastic-wrapped pepper. What bothers me is what's on the label. This product packaged to increase freshness and help reduce food waste. The few days and the short time of freshness we get, worth the time that this is going to spend in our landfills? Common:<i> 62 per cent of you think this is one of the worst.</i> To have multiple peppers grouped together, that's one thing I don't like, but to have one single piece of produce wrapped in plastic? Completely unnecessary. Common:<i> Walmart agrees plastic is a big problem,</i> <i> but disagrees there's a problem here.</i> <i> They say the plastic keeps the peppers</i> <i> fresher and reduces food waste.</i> ♪ ♪ <i> But in our poll,</i> <i> 75 per cent of you tell us you'd accept less shelf-life</i> <i> for less packaging.</i> This is exactly...awesome. Thank you for shopping. Common:<i> And less packaging is exactly why people are shopping</i> <i> at this store in Toronto.</i> Most of the customers who are coming here are coming because they really believe that they can make a difference. Common:<i> Unboxed has produce, a butcher,</i> <i> household products, bulk goods,</i> <i> even a hot table without plastic packaging.</i> <i> Although our polling shows most Canadians care about reducing</i> <i> plastic, only 39 per cent of you say</i> <i> you have plastic-free options in your neighbourhood.</i> It's a really big concern. There are a lot of locations in the country that don't have environmentally conscious stores, zero waste, low waste, whatever you want to call them. For those people I would say, look to your farmers' markets. Go to your stores. Ask the questions. ♪ ♪ Common:<i> Before we get to number 1 on our countdown,</i> <i> these kids picked through the trash to find their school's</i> <i> worst offender.</i> What is the worst one for you here? I feel like it's the lunch kits because they are a number 7 plastic, and number 7 plastics only sometimes get recycled. So, most of them just end up going into landfills anyway. Common:<i> Lunch Mates are produced by Maple Leaf Foods,</i> <i> and these kids have got a message for them.</i> I don't like this. I won't buy these anymore because this is plastic. I don't like plastic. I would say, stop making these. They are not good for the environment. I think that they should stop making this plastic stuff. Common:<i> Maple Leaf says they care about the environment,</i> <i> so they are going to remove</i> <i> the recyclable cardboard on Lunch Mates.</i> <i> But here's the thing.</i> <i> They are keeping the difficult-to-recycle plastic.</i> You can just tell your mom and dad to, like, stop buying these. And they can just make it themselves and put it into a reusable container and take it to school. ♪ ♪ Common:<i> Time to wrap up our list.</i> <i> Here's number 1.</i> I'm Jennifer Lambert in Ottawa, Ontario and I am nominating this example of over-packaging because apples are one thing you usually can purchase without any plastic at all, and in this case, there seems to be almost as much plastic as there is apple. We couldn't find that exact product in Canadian stores right now, but we found something really similar, Adria. Our colleagues in Vancouver sent us this. Are you ready? I think you're going to find it pretty egregious. I am not looking forward to it. Here we go. It's the clamshell apples. Oh, no. Oh, my goodness. That's just awful. Why is this in any way necessary whatsoever? Common:<i> A huge 78 per cent</i> <i> of you thought packaging like this</i> <i> was the worst, meaning it's our winner.</i> [buzzer] <i> Or should that be a loser?</i> Give us an alternative please, if you want us to purchase the product. Common:<i> We reached out to Grapple and asked them about</i> <i> their packaging but they do not want to comment.</i> <i> So with many companies slow to reduce on their own,</i> <i> most of you think the government should step in.</i> We ran a poll and 82 per cent of Canadian respondents said to us they'd like to see the government take more action to reduce the use of single-use products. Does that surprise you? That does not surprise me. I think there has been a real change in views about this. So, what can those people expect? Well, I think wait till June. That's when we're coming out with our strategy with the provinces and territories. So single-use pepper? Single-use pepper, ah, just throw it in the water. And look at this, like how, what do you even do with this? This is legal pot. All right. So it's wrapped in plastic but it's a tiny little bit, a tiny bud in a bigger container. People wrote in to us and they find this to be a bigger issue. I look at what the EU has just done. They've banned, you know, ten types of single-use plastic. You've talked about trying to reduce out plastic. Why not action? We're taking a whole range of actions. So we-- bans are good in certain cases for sure. But it's not just about banning. Because I think there is a lot of focus on banning. There are cases where you need to use plastic. And so, I think we need to focus more on the circular economy. And are you serious about seeing an end to all of this? I am absolutely. I will tell you, this is something that is a top priority for us. Absolutely. Common:<i> The government says they'll announce</i> <i> their strategy in June.</i> <i> And we'll keep watching.</i>
Channel: CBC News
Views: 579,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plastic, packaging, over packaged, groceries, plastic waste, environment, climate change, cbc marketplace, marketplace, cbc news
Id: zAsyVF5hb2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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