Are These Prague Instagram Spots Worth The Hype?

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[Music] foreign [Music] visiting Prague you scroll through Instagram and save some of these picture-perfect spots hoping to visit them and take the same photos here well it might not be that easy in this video we're gonna show you the most popular Instagram spots in town and see how difficult or easy it is to take photos there and our first location is right here on the Old Town Square One of the most popular rooftop Terraces in town it's called uprinsa let's go [Music] are you ready to pay a lot of money for a coffee we have checked the prices of this restaurant in advance and have concluded that we can only afford a coffee and a dessert if you come here for drinks they will not sit you at the tables instead you will be brought to an Instagram Enthusiast section with bar stools so right now we are waiting for our moment uh to shine there's sort of a line here there are not a lot of people but you know if you're here and you're paying 200 crowns for a cake and 100 crowns for a coffee you want to take your time with taking the best shots which is what these girls over there are doing so we're not going to disturb them we're just gonna wait for our turn as expected everything was twice more expensive than it is normally drinks if you will come here for a drink and you get a martini it is 220 grams Cosmopolitan 220 as well so pretty much all the drinks are 220 grams which in like cheap places is around 100 coffee and cake were tasty so no complaints now it is time to get what we came here for beautiful photos from the rooftop after waiting for about 15 minutes I have stood up and cleaned my place in Hawaii the photos turned out to be nice but I wish there were no boards with hashtags here they look a bit live laugh love now let's find out how much those pictures cost us so we just visited Prince and you're probably wondering how much was our bill it ended up to be 524 crowns but it should have been cheaper this is one of the places where they include the tip of 15 Without Really asking you well they did tell us when we were paying that it will be there and said we hope it's okay and we kind of said yes because what would we start an argument with them there probably not so I imagine a lot of people don't argue and they just pay those 15 this is what you get if you want to take a lot of photos the prices are a bit higher and there is the compulsory tip anyway guys let's go to our next stop while it is impossible to take photos for free at uprinsa this other photo spot is still considering how to monetize on its popularity foreign spot is the idiom sculpture located in Municipal Library it has been standing here for around 20 years and for 23 years and 9 months out of that time nobody cared about it up until it blew up on Tick Tock so now when you come here you see a crowd of people lining up to take videos of the bottomless book well or Infinity book well that's how they started to call it on Tick Tock but it is not the name just so you know and once upon a time a Hidden Gem idiom now has a longer line than there is in the Prague we also heard that the library is now considering implementing some new measures of controlling the crowds here because I imagine it is quite annoying when you are studying here to hear all of that oh my God can you take a picture of me yeah just like this just like show how the infinity book well is there oh yeah just like that so this is the reality of this popular Instagram spot and you know what I'm not going to be lining up here to take a photo screw that I will go and get some lunch this Widow square has two more Instagram locations one of them is in the city hall not a day goes by without somebody on the internet asking about pattern of their elevators otherwise known as the Eastern European elevators of that first of all they're not Eastern European I would say just European and second of all death is a stretch I would say damage or trouble anyway if you don't know what paternoster elevator is it is an old type of an elevator that goes in a loop we have made a video about three of those elevators before you can check it out here and while we were making it the most popular elevator among tourists which is located here in the city hall was still working well not anymore now it is out of order because tourists were going there and they did something and managed to damage the elevator plus they were also disturbing the workers of the city hall and creating too much noise so they decided to close this one I have actually taken paternoster elevators many times before not for fun though just because I was running errands and those office bill buildings where they are and they're quite sturdy so I cannot imagine what those tourists did to the elevator here to break it the third photo spot is hiding behind the doors of clementino the famous clementinum Library so guys we just did a tour in clementino and as our impression is still fresh we thought we will share it with you we had to do the tour first thing in the morning today normally the ticket to clementino is 300 crowns but if you do the tour in the first hour of their opening you will get 50 discount which we thought was great because the ticket normally costs 300 crowns and it's uh not a lot of money but it's certainly on the pricier side there are cheaper museums where you can go to in Prague and spend there four hours instead of 45 minutes so we signed up for the tour at 9 45 it was 150 crowns per person which is a bargain and this is how it went the tour includes the guided tour of clementino you cannot go there on their own our guide was lovely she first told us about the history of clementino and then we went upstairs and spoiler alert you will have to climb a lot of stairs well not a lot but that's pretty much all you will be doing there you will be going upstairs and then she brought us to the library now the twist is that you can't actually go inside of the library they do open the door and allow you to step in for around a half a meter they turn on the light for 10 minutes and for 10 minutes you can take photos film videos but you can't walk around there this is of course because the library is very historical it has a lot of Priceless volumes they just cannot risk it with the humidity levels and sunlight and all of that stuff in 10 minutes of hanging out near the doors of the library we did not manage to film an Instagram worthy video as there were always people standing in a way we don't mind but for some of you it might be an issue also it is very dark inside of the library and we were not able to see any details so for 10 minutes we were there taking photos and then we went upstairs to the astronomical Tower where you can see a lovely view of Prague City Center you can actually go around the whole Tower so you will see both the prop Castle side and the Old Town side so yeah this was 4 45 minutes long tour we were kind of talking about it comparing it to the strahof library because so of course this one is also pretty and people usually are choosing where they will go to strahov or to clementino stravo library is definitely cheaper but if you do this with a discount in the first hour of their opening it will be roughly the same price but in strahov nobody will be limiting you time wise so you can stand there in the doorstep and take photos and videos as well I know that in strahov it is possible to go with a guided tour and walk around in the library it's difficult to arrange but it is possible here it's not possible at all so I guess if I were you a tourist I would be picking a stravo library but this was also very nice and our guide was lovely now let's take a walk across the river to our next spot this Instagram location is a perfect example that we humans are still powerless against nature basically this is where a lot of photographers would bring their clients and a lot of tourists would come just on their own to take the photos they don't anymore as you can see it's quite empty here and the reason for that is that something is missing from here the swans swans are huge part of prox fauna tourists love them especially they love feeding them with bread for photos and swans are known for hating just about everyone on the planet Earth so they would just hiss on them so tourists would come here and feed the swans with bread and then covet happened and they stopped coming here and swans left and never came back they're just now sort of scattered along the riverbank but they don't hang out here in such huge numbers anymore so when you come here to take photos it kind of looks very sad you can just see pigeons some ducks here and there and nutrias which look like rats which is not a good look for the Instagram photo right so let's go somewhere else the view from here is still very pretty but swans would make it even better our next popular Instagram spot is just around the corner and it is a bit misleading people know it as the narrowest street in Prague but it's actually not a street more of a passage that leads from the street to the restaurant it is very narrow two people can't pass each other at once so you have to push the button and wait for the traffic light to go on we were very lucky now because we already filmed what we wanted to film and now there is a little crowd of people waiting to take their turns with taking photos there but just so you know sometimes there is an actual line especially if there is a school group passing by so it can happen that you will have to wait to take photos there [Music] okay guys we are now at our second to last location and it's a very famous one it's the rotating head of France Kafka by David a Czech sculptor in this location really doesn't have any downsides except one if you want to see the head actually rotating you have to be here every hour sharp because it rotates only first minutes of the hour right now it is 220 so we have bad luck because we would have to wait for 40 minutes and we are not gonna do that but if you want to see the head actually rotating you have to plan your schedule and be here I would say a couple of minutes before the hour sharp because who wants to wait 40 minutes on your vacation so we will put this time lapse here that we shot a while ago so you can see how it looks like when the head is rotating and we will go to our last spot [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign so guys we are at our last location and of course it is the dancing house how could we not have included this place in our list of Prague Instagram spots this place really became popular a couple years ago and I think I have witnessed how let me share I used to live on that street over there so this tram stop over here would be my regular tram stop so while I would be waiting for the tram I would be observing kind of what's going on here and once I saw a couple who was taking a photo and the girl was posing and then she figured out that if she erases her leg and her boyfriend takes a photo under a certain angle it will make it look like she's bending the dancing house so they took that photo and next day I saw it on Instagram recommended with hundreds of thousands of likes after that they really kicked off the trend it's kind of like Prague version of the Tower of Pisa you know the one here except here people are not like holding the the dancing house they're trying to bend it I actually don't like this location it is not because of the dancing house but because it is quite trashy right now these people are not here but there is a group of Beggars that clean the windows of the cars at the traffic light or juggle and back for money and they usually hang out here because it's a busy Crossroad so there's a lot of profit for them here I guess uh and the second reason why I don't like this place is because in this house over here they have a lot of short-term rentals and often stack parties come here and once it happened not to me but to Watson when he brought his group here on a free walking tour he was explaining the dancing house standing next to this house when a pair of shorts landed next to his group they all looked up and saw a naked guy just display himself in an open window how nice so I think that's fair information for you to know don't expect this to be like a romantic quiet cool place right now as you can see there are quite a lot of people but trust me it is nothing usually there are many many more [Music] well that was more difficult than I thought it would be we actually couldn't take the exact shot I envisioned I don't know I just don't care enough I guess to spend more time trying this is how mine looks like I don't know why is it so popular it is really not that attractive when you do that but maybe I'm just not the right person for the Instagram shot like that anyway guys we will finish our video here as you can see in most of these Instagram spots you have a crowd of people who will be doing the same exact thing that you are some of the Instagram spots are not free you have to pay to go there overall after the whole day of visiting Instagram locations in Prague I realize that if you only concentrate on seeing these places it creates a weird impression of the city Prague seemed like a pretty facade with people lining up to take pictures everywhere but with nothing much behind it definitely not how I am used to seeing it now you have a better idea of how Instagram Sports in Prague look like so we'll leave it up to you to decide if you want to visit them or not thank you for watching and we'll see you in our next one
Channel: Real Prague Guides
Views: 38,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: instagram vs reality, instagram vs. reality, prague instagram spots, prague travel, what to do in prague
Id: aeIBOTbk9pE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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