Are There Jobs a Christian Can't Do?

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job said Christians can't do hey welcome back to questions over coffee I'm your host Kevin Smith it's good to see you again want a cup of coffee today's question comes from my 9 year old daughter Ali Smith Ali wants to know are there jobs that a Christian is told not to do Ali that's a great question I'm not sure what prompted it maybe you're wanting to go out and get yourself a job great go ahead we need some more cash coming in and go for it kid now uh seriously though Ali that is a great question and something that should be considered because after all we as Christians belong to Jesus we need to do what is pleasing to him and that includes whatever profession we are doing to make money for our family so let's take a look the short answer alley is yes there are jobs that a Christian is not supposed to do but here's the thing there is no list that I can see in the New Testament that says do not do this job this job this job this job with this job but let's look at the principles here here our goal as Christians is to bring glory to God there are some attitudes be and behaviors and practices that do not do that so let's take a look at some of those and obviously our job is to avoid doing those things whether it be just on our daily basis in our personal lives or for a living things like that so the first passage I wanna point you to is 1st Corinthians chapter 6 we're gonna look at verses 9 through 11 here is what Paul says let's read together or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God do not be deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor homosexuals nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God such were some of you but you were washed but you were sanctified but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the spirit of our God so Paul says all of these types of behaviors not acceptable not gonna happen not good they will keep you out of heaven and that's not why you became a Christian you became a Christian to bring glory to God and to gain access to the Father to heaven to spend eternity with him you don't want to do the things that are going to keep you from that that's just really short-sighted this live and lists like it are found in multiple places in the New Testament let me point you to one more there's actually a song that I learned about part of this first anyway this is Revelation chapter 21 verse 8 here's what John says let's read together John writes but for the Cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all Liars their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death so you get all of these so-called big sins like murdering and sorcery things like that and you say well of course God's not gonna let those people into heaven I mean they're they're they're bad but then he throws in lying and you're like whoa wait a minute hold on now but here's the thing as a Christian we have been freed from those things we have been given a new life in Christ God is light Jesus says I am the way the truth and the life we don't want to be something that points the other way or points to lying we want to point to the truth and if our profession points people the other way or points our ownselves the other way then we're in the wrong profession here's the thing most jobs could go either way they could help someone bring glory to God because they're doing it with honesty and integrity there they are seeking to please God in their attitudes and and things of that nature or they could also go the other way where they are all about the money they are all about themselves all about gaining status gain power and leaving God completely out of the way until they show up on at some church building on Sunday and that that that's not good it's never good that's not what God wants God wants his people to do jobs with well as if they're doing it for the Lord he wants them to put their hearts into it and work for their employer just as hard even if he's not looking at you as if he was right over your shoulder looking watching you do your job there are some jobs that lead people to sin those jobs should be avoided you know there are some jobs that lead the person that's doing the job to sin that forces them to lie that forces them to cheat others it forces them to be immoral in many ways those jobs should be avoided but let's not forget there are jobs that people look at and say wow you're amazing and the people may not be pleasing to God because of the attitude because of the reason that they do what they do Jesus condemned the Pharisees for a number of reasons and many Jews would have said Wow I want to be just like these religious leaders they're so holy and Jesus says no no you're not you steal you rob you cheat you do things that God does not approve of your attitudes are in the wrong place your hearts in the wrong place you need to shape up and you need to do what's right God puts you in this position to lead people closer to him instead you're leading people further away that's not good so Ali I hope this helps you to to figure out what you want to do with your life I mean you've got a a good number of years left at home and you know mom and dad will certainly be happy to help you to decide which path to take and we want to do that but our job is to point you to what God says and I hope this helps to answer your question because it is an important question and something that all of us should consider why are we doing the jobs that we're doing so I have a question for you tell me about your job what do you do how do you bring glory to God in the job that you have to supply for your family I'm eager to hear about these things hear about how you bring honor and glory to our Creator don't forget to Like and subscribe so that you don't miss anything that's coming up on questions over coffee if you have a comment or a question leave it in the comment section below we'll be happy to get to those just as fast as we can thank you for our time together today keep pressing forward
Channel: Church of Christ Rock Springs
Views: 1,637
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Bible Answers, Bible Questions and Answers, Answers with Kevin Smith, Bible Answers with Kevin Smith, Why do Christians, Can Christians, What does the Bible say about, What do Christians, Rock Springs, Rock Springs Wyoming, church of christ, non-denominational, Are there jobs Christians can't do?, can a christian do any job, what jobs can Christians do, Questions Over Coffee, Revelation 21, Work as for the Lord, viewer's question, Jesus, 1 corinthians 6 9-11, bring God glory
Id: xoANLAOr_M8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 23 2018
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