FCF Bible Institute: October 2019 (The Great Deception)

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okay we are going to we're gonna cover some things tonight that may at the end of it all make you wonder about my sanity but that's okay because there are things that I know you really need to know or occurring and there's one word I want to start out with kind of leaving in your minds tonight and it's the word convergence because I can tell you experimenting with my sound back there it's it's a little Internet okay convergence we're seeing something for the first time in human history and to ignore it is is just not wise it's not just one thing it's an enormous number of things that are converging the first session we did about why are we even talking about the end time will have revolved around the nation of Israel the fact that for eighteen hundred sixty-eight years just like the Bible said they ceased to be a nation they were scattered all over just as the Bible said in the last days in times latter days various terms they would be reestablished as a nation we possessed their land and so forth and then it talks about all the enemy nations that we ran them when we see all those nations in existence today birth of Islam and about 625 BC brought the birth of all Israel's enemy nations that we now have today anyway the clock the prophetic clock started ticking with the rebirth of Israel and and the Bible for some of you don't know about one third of the Bible unlike any other religious book on the planet is predictive prophecy it is it is God telling things that are going to happen on the planet things with nations things with people he tells them in advance hundreds and sometimes in this case thousands of years or nearly two thousand years in advance and again and again these things have all come to pass so it's not just the nation of Israel but the nation of Israel is the the concrete marker we have from Scripture to say yes we have every reason to believe that we might be the generation that will live to see the return of Christ but you want to see tonight there's a lot of other things that are occurring that bring this one I'm calling this convergence there's too many things to ignore so let's get started tonight by what will will pray and by that time the last straggle or being this is okay good and we'll jump right in the Father may your good spirit guide us into truth tonight and more than guide us into truth may your spirit give us inward strength that we might fulfill the role that you have for us in the future we ask it in Christ's name Amen all right I divided this up tonight just talk up tonight because it's about the great what I'm calling the great deception I'm dividing it in three phases so let's look at the great deception phase one and we'll have the passage from Genesis this is after God had created Adam and Eve in his own image we don't know how long that he fellowship with them where they trusted him entirely and obeyed him completely but suddenly the serpent the Nakash is that Hebrew were the shining one we don't know what form he really took said to the woman you surely will not die meaning you know if she partook of that one tree that God said not to partake of he said that they would die if they partook of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for God knows in the day you eat from it your eyes will be open and you will be like who God knowing good and evil so the bait that Lucifer used was to say you know God's holding back from you he knows if you eat this you'll be equal to him but he wants to keep you down he wants to keep you dumb he wants to keep you under his control he has ego needs he needs to feel powerful I mean all these things are hinted at and they broke trust with their creator at that point humanity as a species broke trust with their creator that was the first part of what we're calling the great deception let's go on Genesis 3:8 this is the result once the initial deception set in look at how Adam and Eve now react to the presence of God did they have been so comfortable with they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day and the man and his wife hid themselves notice their reaction they hid themselves from the presence of the Lord among the trees of the garden and we've been hiding ever since and the way it manifests itself today is that there's a tendency in human beings to avoid God thinking that we are the only ones that understand what's really going to make our life happy and so we don't want God you know barging in and making us feel guilty and controlling our behavior and so forth we feel like we're gonna be much happier doing things our way so this goes on this hiding from God is a great deception phase 1 let's go to the next slide here's the great deception phase 2 this was enormous Genesis 6:1 then the people began to multiply on the earth and daughters were born to them the sons of God Old Testament sons of God is never used of human beings it is only always used of angels in the Old Testament it's not until the New Testament that those that return to God and Trust by becoming Christ followers or called sons and daughters of God Old Testament it is strictly angels this is talking about angels is my point the sons of God or the angels saw that - saw the beautiful women and took any they wanted as their wives in those days and for some time after giant Neph alights or the Nephilim now they were they were hybrids the result of angels mating with human women was that they produced this hybrid species that are called in Scripture the Old Testament the Nephilim or Nephi lights in this case and the scripture describes them is not being normal sized human beings they were they were giants they lived on the earth for whenever the sons of God whenever the sons of God had intercourse with women they gave birth to children who became the heroes and famous warriors of ancient times how many have ever heard that term like Greek mythology I believe the Greek mythology and all the mythologies of lot of other cultures whether it's the Egyptians or Greeks or Sumerians or Babylonians or persons that the mythology's have a basis of truth to them and the truth basis were these hybrids that were on the planet in evidently great great numbers and who spread out all over the planet prior to the flood and they were extraordinary beings and did extraordinary things they were in some cases what we would call demigods they were titans half human half divine or half angelic let's go on here's some evidence in my opinion some suggestive evidence and this stuff I'm just giving you a little taste of this we have these megalithic structures that are all over the planet I don't know if you can see this man here but he is on this enormous stone I gave you references in there where you can go online and you can look at the stuff that it's it's everywhere on the planet I don't care where you go go to China go to Russia go to Peru anywhere the Americas these megalithic structures are found and we can't exactly explain them in many many cases in fact we'd be challenged with all the technology we have today in some cases to reconstruct them and in fact some we don't even understand how they're possible I want to suggest that one answer could be notice I'm saying one answer could be is that this culture the this this time when these hybrids were on the planet not only were they extraordinarily powerful the angels were revealing to them secrets about geometry and astronomy and other things and they were giving them technology maybe that was somewhat maybe like some of the technology we have now and that's I'm speculating now later on in this we're gonna get right into scripture and I don't speculate them but but we're speculating on these things now okay so here's just some of these things let's go on did Giants exist we're giants responsible for the world's ancient megalithic structures there there's not a few that believed that's a good theory I am one of them III don't think it's very easy to explain these structures in any other way having said that perhaps I'm wrong but I think it's it's a pretty easy connection megalithic structures are found all over the world I've already said that South America puma punku yeah you ought to go online look at some of these things that just phenomenal anyway they're all over the world let's go next slide 1901 the world's history a survey of man's record conferred and helmet and James George price wrote for the erection of these in the present position without the technical resources at the disposal of modern builders human strength appears inadequate in popular opinion only Giants could have made such structures again it's just one person's opinion or a group of people's opinion it's gone oop art how many of ever heard that term before it's an oddball thing look it up online it's out of place artifacts it's it's unusual for example if they go down in rock strata and they say well that looks to be you know in the seven thousand year period of mankind but they find something like a cell phone that would be out of place art okay well there are things like this all over the planet not quite that's you know extraordinary but they are there and I think again that it might be this connection to the time when the Nephilim had fanned out all over the planet and the world was a very different place than what we can even understand now so again I'm just giving you these things as I'd like you to educate yourself go online they're fascinating they're fun just to be aware of these things loop art is an artifact of historical archaeological and paleontological interests found in unusual context which challenges conventional historical chronology by its presence in that context and white like I've said it's just shouldn't be there some of these things let's call the great deception phase three now I'm going to spend most of the time tonight on phase three why because we're living in phase 3 and phase 3 in my opinion is just about to close and I believe that you and I are likely to live to see phase 3 close and so I've had this burden ever since I was 25 years old and I would be remiss in not at least sharing with you what I believe and have believed since I was 25 year old 25 years old to be true based on scriptural research and just a lot of other things okay here's this portion description Romans 1 it says because that which is known about God is evident within them within human beings in their inner consciousness for God made it evident to them for ever since the creation of the world his invisible attributes his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen invisible attributes clearly seen meaning that since human beings are made by God and made in His image all we have to do is look at a human being and it's easy to know if I have mind reason emotions will imagination and so forth well than God and my crater has to at least have that but only on a much higher level if I see human beings that are really good really nice really kind well the Creator has got to be the kindest the nicest the kindness of all we have this capacity this reasoning capacity that God has given to us to know that he's there and that he is the higher and highest form of everything we see on this planet meaning ourselves having been clearly seen being understood through his workmanship all his creation the wonderful things that he has made so that they who failed to believe and trust in him are without what without excuse we know better yeah God's God says in his word now you don't have to agree with this God says there's no such thing as as an honest atheist meaning that we know better if we use our we did a whole series on this some of you might remember but we said we're just going to use our reasoning and our powers of observation and see what conclusions we come to how do you remember that series we did it's not that long ago I said we're going to start with our reason and our powers of observation then we're going to go back to the Bible and see if these mess up and they do so he's made us of there they who fail to believe and trust in him are without excuse and without defense it goes on for even though they knew God as the Creator and by the way let me show you how easy this is reason here's the choices that every scientist has every human being has either everything in the universe came from nothing now get this faker stick it through everything came from nothing what is nothing can somebody define nothing for me the answer is nothing nothing everything can't come from nothing nothing is nothing but that's their choice everything came from nothing for no reason or some entity that was alive eternal immortal brilliant powerful brought forth everything we see now is easier when you see a car or a TV do you think yourself me I bet you that thing just you know wind blew through a junkyard now it came that car you know better somebody with great intelligence and planning or a bunch of somebodies so I mean do you ever see dead matter producing living living light or producing life how many have ever seen dead matter even though when they when they try to do it in a lab somewhere they can't quite pull it off so living being it takes a living being to produce a living being so someone you just use your reasoning powers of observation atheism does not have a valid leg to stand on it is a choice it is a choice and and when you read some of their theories it gets funny to me about I don't know string theory that sounds like a good choice no no membrane theory you know they just keep adding Theory after Theory to avoid what is the most obvious you know everything we see on the planet that's complicated has somebody with intelligence it created it and everything living thing has a living thing that created it that won't work though if you don't want a universe where there's a God who created you to whom you will be accountable and that's the root of atheism okay I drifted his wonderful crazy on the contrary they became worthless in their thinking godless with pointless reasonings hence these theories and speculations to these theories membrane string theory whatever you want to do and multi-dimensional theory all these things and their foolish heart was dark and claiming to be what wise oh they're so smart they became what fools okay so they exchanged the glory and the majesty and the excellence of the immortal God for an image were of worthless idols in the shape of what mortal man we now pretty much worship ourselves we are the center of the universe as we construct our worldview and that's saying Christians but most people in the shape of mortal man and birds and four-footed animals in reptiles so here we have the beginning third phase of the great deception and the third phase takes in that everything evolved everything happened accidentally everything that we see gradually came about so here's our main person Charles Darwin Origin of Species published you know November 24th 1859 and you know without getting into great detail we all pretty how many of you when you're in school they had those drawings in the book somewhere you know and you see the one cell and it crawls on the land and then it grows into something else I mean I remember you know just as clear as could be and I thought no wonder I behaved so badly so it started there this was a time bomb okay all of a sudden now Aristotle frankly had a same kind of theory you know for 400 BC begi he kind of felt that matter or at least Adams you know existed forever the universe existed forever honest not even bought into that for a while but they know better now the Big Bang and only got so we won't get too much in that but he starts this ball rolling and that life could accidentally this is the key life could accidentally happen and of course that's that's pretty much bought by most of the scientific world today and they come up with all kind of theories like transform you how many of you have heard transfer Mia transforming is the notion that you know I got like a big asteroid or you know a comet or something like that deposited some chemicals on earth and from the chemicals came this soup and out of the soup came you and me and all that kind of thing so anyway that's dumbing that theory down a bit but when all is said and done that's what it is so it starts this bomb 1859 this is big why is it big because the age is starting to close and so in my opinion the powers of darkness brought forward their big guns because they knew their time was running out to deceive humanity you see up until 1859 it was right around that time that the planet finally had a billion people how many how many people are on the planet now set about seven billion we're in an exponential phase right now and so the big lies started when we were only about a billion because the dark forces knew their time was running short this is my theory now let's fast forward let's look at this - potentially earth-like alien planets were found nearby strana you can read articles like this almost every other week about these what they call them exoplanets there are planets that they are finding all over the universe as we're able to see further and further that they theorize have climates and the conditions that the earth has they have the conditions necessary for a life like unto the earth I'm just curious how many have read one of these articles before or ever heard of this before you can see your hands you see how cominis knowledge is now that let's list let's play a little game or something when I was a little boy I would go to movies on Saturdays and tell you just has taken old I am it cost 25 cents and almost every Saturday it'd be some kind of a space movie they were really goofy how many can remember some of the older first baseman's 1950 space movies man there was some kind of goofy and it was laughable and if anybody talked about aliens or UFOs or space you know beings it was it was just laughable it's laughable now oh no scientific people know that if that if life can accidentally occur in one place in universe and you have 200 billion galaxies and 200 billion stars in each galaxy statistical probability necessitates it had to have happened elsewhere in the universe which means it necessitates that there are other beings like us somewhere if it all happened by accident here it all had to happen by accident elsewhere in this vast vast universe and now you have people like Stephen Hawking's and when he was still alive and others talking openly about yeah there must be life elsewhere in the universe but we probably don't want to meet them this one of the things that Hawking said he said because if they're advanced they might not want to be around those too much so what am I trying to say I'm trying to say from 1950s where it was just laughable life elsewhere in the universe space life extraterrestrial life present day oh no it's not laughable at all it would be a mathematical necessity exoplanets we are now finding potentially habitable planets just like the earth let's go on the planet orbits unknown is the tea gardens this is one of these two really twelve point five light-years away well let you read it on your own but point is is that they're finding these planets that they believe have the conditions necessary for life and we've all heard these stories so let's go into the next slide anybody happened nobody that guys you really need to know his name is Lu Elizondo and I think we have a little write-up about who he is do we do it do we have that on slide Kim areas Lu Alessandro is the former director of the advanced aerospace threat identification program I know that's a mouthful the man worked for the government the secretive Pentagon unit that studies UFOs as a senior counterintelligence officer for the Department of Defense he operated throughout Afghanistan the Middle East and Latin America this is a heavy hitter this guy okay he's a trained special agent who has led countless tactical and strategic missions both during war time and times of peace he also conducted sensitive source operations against some of America's toughest adversaries Lou is the team's lead field investigator continuing in the civilian world the work he did inside the Pentagon's a ATI P program if I could go back to the other slide so we can see what that is one more time it is the advanced this is who he worked for for our government the advanced aerospace threat identification program he worked for this for years it was a very secretive program he finally left it because he says what he found he must inform people about now I don't necessarily buy that could be true but I think the government wants him to inform us because the government is just about ready to let us inland something that they know they must let us in or I mean let me go on let's go past Lou how about this guy his name is Steve justice well who Steve justice well here's who he is he said there's all part of this team one of the most respected aviation experts in the u.s. says the former director of advanced systems development at Lockheed Martin's mysterious skunk works division he led research and development on of classified programs to the US military it's gone most of his career accomplishments are still unacknowledged he leads the team's effort to understand the advanced technology that is powering the unidentified aircraft again heavy-hitter these are serious people that have come together and formed a team one more his name is Chris Mellon a descendant of the founder of the Mellon Bank Chris Mellon serves as a deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence during the Bill Clinton and George Bush administration's for over a dozen years Chris worked on national security issues on Capitol Hill including many years on the Senate Intelligence Committee where he ultimately served as the minority staff director chris is the team's government liaison using his access and relationships with high-level officials to prompt the government to take action on listen to this on what he believes is a what serious threat to national security now I can tell by your reaction you guys have not watch this program the program and we have it in your booklets where you can find it now online it's called unidentified you need to watch it there's about six episodes they made and what you have are military people jet fighter pilots that are showing for the first time openly their encounters with objects they cannot explain now we have some people have maybe even be aware some of this stuff over there have been a dentist I know you couldn't tell us if you know but they deliberately are letting us know about these things and I think it's just what I just said deliberately even though Louise I know these people are saying that they're just you know they're conscious about them they got to come tell tree I think the government wants them to let us know it watch the programs see what these military pilots are encountering they're saying in essence these UFOs are real it's real technology to the point that they're a threat that we can't do anything about and that's why supposedly this team got together to bring this to the government's attention I don't exactly buy that but nevertheless it is an interesting thing alright how many have ever heard of this book I've read this book when I was about 25 maybe 27 years old called charity God's by Erich von däniken I think he wrote it in 1968 Erich von Daniken had a theory going back remember we started with these megalithic structures and stories of giants and so forth on earth hybrid races and things you have these stories of hybrid races in the in the ancient Sumerian writing she have it in the Egyptian writings you have it all over the world you have it almost every culture on the planet talks about their origin that there were beings that came down from above and taught them knowledge that they didn't have and it started their royal bloodlines and things like that it all goes to this hybridization and so forth anyway in this book he takes this thing in a different direction he says well here's where these megalithic structures came from our planet was visited in the past by space travelers if it happened here had to happen elsewhere remember statistical probabilities if life accidentally occurred here it has to occur elsewhere in the galaxy so these other developed cultures or planets they sent their people here they tinkered around with things on earth they develop some of these megalithic structures they taught some science to us and so forth and we know that when you start digging into the Mayans and a lot of the other cultures we can't even explain their knowledge of astronomy for one thing as well as geometry and other things so there he starts this this tale and this is fascinating reading if you've never read von Daniken it's not too late because really small books but so he takes this thing to a different level now oh so there is extraterrestrials that have visited their planet periodically if you go back into the Sumerian tales they will tell you that they planted life on this planet and the result is what we kind of see today anyway these are thought bombs it started with Darwin everything came from nothing for no reason if it happened accidentally here it had to happen elsewhere if it had to help if it had to happen elsewhere maybe the people dwelling on these other planets have visited us what about the megalithic structures had explained him upon donning and says well it was it was space people from other advanced cultures the game here let's go on now we come to present day this is where it starts getting very very serious how many of you in here today have a some version of the smartphone can I see your hands may ask that question differently is there anyone in here that does not have some version of a smartphone a few a few very few so you have a dumb phone [Laughter] but you see what's happened anybody no one's smartphone started 2007 and now it's pervasive it's everywhere almost there every six-year-old he's got us got its you know an iPhone I don't know exactly how they afford that but seems to be what's happening so my point is this we are living in a technological explosive time if you and I were to watch or be able to draw out a graph of human development human all of human history they they estimate a hundred and eight billion people who've ever lived and died you know on planet Earth if you were to take that 108 billion we are in this strange like five to 2% of all the people that have ever lived and died because probably of all that hundred and eight billion 90 to 95 percent of them didn't even have electricity so just electricity is this abnormality compared to most of human history but but that's nothing so if we had this graph going human development it would be just kind of kind of lateral like this just kind of even and it might go up a little bit you know a couple thousand years and it goes a little bit but then you come to the Industrial Revolution and it starts to move up a little bit but then you come to the nineteen I'm just going to call it the 1940s 1950s and particularly from the bank of it this thing goes up and off the charts and now you can't even keep up with it like I say 2007 the iPhone now everybody has one I remember when all TV's were just black and white anybody else I can remember the first color TV so we've lived through so much change but but but the thing I want to get in your mind this is not normal this has never happened in human history it's normal to me it's normal to you we grew up on it but it's not normal if we could take all the hundred and eight billion people you know about a hundred billion of them or be like we don't you're you guys are magical you know they'd see you flip a switch a light may think you're magic we're gonna worship you you know they wouldn't understand the things that we call normal remember we started to talk tonight the conversion the everything has happened together it's all coming together very quickly the birth of Israel again all this technology that's never existed before at least as far as we know all right artificial intelligence the late theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking famously postulated that if AI itself begins designing a better AI than human programmers the result could be machines whose intelligence exceeds ours by more than Aris exceeds that of what snails how many saw the movie Terminator and the theme of Terminator is machines get smarter than people and decide people are a pain in the neck so let's get rid of him it goes on Elon Musk who is somebody you need to watch and know a lot about Elon Musk believes and has for years warned he's very serious about this a lot mostly doesn't put him per se he's a 21st he was forbes rating the 21st most powerful man in the world he's a multi-billionaire he's a genius off the charts he is desperately afraid of artificial intelligence you say how afraid is he of artificial intelligence how many have ever heard of organization called SpaceX can I see your hands SpaceX is competing like with NASA to send you know rocketry you know into space and so forth well what his purpose in SpaceX was he believes that we are in such danger from artificial intelligence he wants to be able to colonize Mars I kid you not read it up on your own because he thinks we're going to be in such dire straits that we're gonna need to flee but he has gone a step further than that Elon Musk believes and has for years warned that AGI is humanity's biggest existential threat he goes on efforts to bring it about he has said are like summoning the what the demon it's not a Christian guy well why would he use that kind of term he's even expressed concern that his pal Google co-founder and that CEO Larry Page could accidentally Shepherd something what evil into existence despite his best intentions I think this is a fascinating confession to hear coming to Vermont because we wonder how do people think and where their ideas come from and do they ever have a notion I wonder if Darwin I wonder if some of these other guys that you know like the ones that Lenin in these different people that thought up some of these philosophies that ended up with the deaths of millions I wonder if they had a sense when they were sitting there thinking about communism maybe this is evil maybe this could go really bad I want to do it anyhow anyway let's go on this brings us to the next stage transhumanism in the future of humanity artificial intelligence let me just pause back on that a minute let me just tell you something you might as well know it artificial intelligence exists it's going to get much more much more involved with everything that we do with our lives we cannot escape but the military is gonna buy into it hook line and sinker already has they're gonna run with it so is every other military in the world because if you don't run with it you're going to be the less dominant country in the world and so let me let me try to break it down where it were makes sense how many of ever heard of drones you know how we had these drone ones over the Middle East and somebody sitting down in Florida playing it looks like video games and they gonna poop they push a button and a missile flies somewhere in Afghanistan and blows up some people from the drone but but it's a human being right now playing a little game a little joystick type of thing pushes the button and kills somebody all the way in Afghanistan how many of you understood that's the way that works that's the way these drones work well here's what's coming the drone is loaded with artificial intelligence and it picks its own target so now you have a machine thinking and deciding who lives and who dies once you open that Pandora's box game over game over every military is going to be forced to have it and the world will not be safer because of it so the next stage after artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence it's you can't avoid it it's how many you have Alexa that you my daughter's name is LexA isn't that wasn't it prophetic I thought when I named my daughter Alexa like nobody nobody had ever heard of the name of LexA the only reason I knew about it was had a crush on this little girl in my neighborhood when I was about nine years old her name was Alexa Patera still remember this day that name stuck in my head named my first daughter Alexa but back then it was rare she's old now she's 44 years old where's she in here now Alexa is in everybody's house and we're comfortable with it we're comfortable with talking to technology we're comfortable with technology talking back to us we're comfortable with technology listening to us and we're gonna get more and more and more and more and more comfortable with it and it's going to get more and more and more helpful until they can control anything and everything we want to do transhumanism you got to read up on this these people once again are very very serious Ray Kurzweil is one of the the biggest futurists that's on board of this transhumanism thing and here's the transhumanism is and it goes back to my man Elon Musk Halon musk is so afraid of artificial intelligence that he not only created SpaceX so we could get the heck off the planet if we have to but he's now created something called neural ink how many have ever heard of neural ink yeah and I'm gonna show I think I have some pictures of it I'm not sure Neuer lake well before I go there let me talk to you a little bit about knurling what your legs what what Elon Musk's theory is this the only way we can be safe from AI artificial intelligence as we as humans have to stay a little bit ahead of it so near link is this tiny little thing and I'm going to show it to you in a bit that you can have inserted in your brain and you have access to the whole internet from pure thought all knowledge in the world from pure thought it goes further than that though it goes way further you'll see in a quote that I'm gonna share with you in a little bit so it's thought is is that if we can stay ahead of artificial intelligence maybe we can survive it from destroying us and neural link will enable us to be superhuman intelligent how many of you in here moms have kids that aren't still in school can I see your hands okay I'm gonna ask you and ask you a serious question so neural link becomes available affordable it's a it's $19.99 you can order it right off TV and it makes your child brilliant more brilliant than anyone of any generations ever living on the planet instantly brilliant because that's what it will do but now your child has a chip in its brain are you going to have your child take the chip so that your child will be as smart as the other kids in the class who are going to be taking the chip are you going to see your child fall behind the other kids are you going to see your kids not be able to get a good job and compete in the workplace because they're dumber and the other kids who now this sounds like science fiction folks you're gonna live to see it very shortly this is not science fiction how would you do on that test you're gonna give your child the chip in the brain so your child can be as smart as Sally sitting next to him or Charlie who's got the chip what would you do parent it's a tough decision tough decision transhumanism it's the fusion of Technology with biology it is human beings no longer being pure human beings it as human beings becoming somewhat like a cyborg so that we can become super people what is Satan say in the beginning co-edit Eve take that that piece of fruit there and you become like what God some of God's attributes one of them is he's omniscient all-knowing omnipresent with communication systems you're almost omnipresent omniscient omnipresent a lot of things that can be had it's going coming years washing a number of body body augmentation capabilities that will enable humans to be smarter stronger and more capable than we are today that's gonna be hard to resist if it's 1999 the body augmentation capabilities will give rise to humans that are more resilient optimized and continually what is that last word you see if I got the chip in my brain somebody has access to my brain all the time everywhere I'm at I'm continually monitored but it's for my good that I'm monitored the heart's not beating right I monitored the help comes to me I don't even have to call the help help come some it they're gonna sell this as the most wonderful wonderful thing that humanity has ever had a chance at it's going both wearable and implantable brain machine interfaces BM eyes are in our present tense in development from organizations that include here's my man Elon Musk neural Inc Facebook and DARPA this is your defense people god only knows how far they have already gone with this stuff we'll never know until it's it's out there tennis probably knows but the rest was done these devices these mere minds will change all of this to enabling communication at the speed of what communication at the speed of what thought as quick as you can think it you could transfer to another person unfiltered full and unfiltered state now listen to this next statement well yeah this is the one by Mark Zuckerberg and this was just about a week or two ago he made this statement Zuckerberg has described the following scenario today when we share our vacation experiences we upload photos and videos with BMI I can share or with BM eyes I can share my full sensory and emotional vacation experience with my friends and family what is he talking about its meaning that whatever you felt when you were visiting Italy and whatever you smelt when you were visiting Italy whatever you experience when you were visiting Italy you can transfer that thought to somebody that they can smell it experience it the same way that you experience it and I know I know this sounds so crazy to you like science fiction but do you think Zuckerberg is a smart fella you think he's got a penny or two these people are serious folks we're we're on the edge of something a revolution the likes of which humanity has never dreamt possible what's going now we want to take you to Scripture I'm gonna spend the rest this evening taking you into Scripture and showing you now I've shown you now what is happening around us that has never happened before in human history I'm going to show you now how all this is coming to a convergence that the scripture has spoken about way way way hundreds of years and in the case of Daniel you know 2500 years ago so let's let's start now you notice I have page numbers and I think what we haven't forgot to do though is to get all the Bibles in in here if you can lay your hands on one of our Bibles and darn again what do you think should we scoop up all the Bibles we have elsewhere you think can you get em away if you don't have a Bible is that what you're saying for them to go search for one right quick because what I'm actually going to do is I'm gonna I'm going to show you some scripture on the screen but then I'm going to turn you into some passages on the Bible because I want you to see these things for yourself so if you don't have one of those Bibles because the cool thing about having honest Bibles when I say turn the page 1279 you're gonna look like you're a Bible expert you're gonna know right where to go but if I say you know turn of Daniel 11 you're gonna be like oh shoot flipping all around so try if you don't have one of those Bibles grab one or get by someone that smells good and will let you look on theirs all right we're gonna start with Matthew 24 and I'm gonna start reading so you you should be on page 11 21 so is everybody 1 11 21 because because we're we're going to keep let me just tell you what's going to happen here tonight because because I have to watch my time and all I'm going to keep taking you between Matthew and Daniel and revelation we're just going to keep kind of bouncing back and forth we're going to keep comparing scripture we're going to keep showing you how consistent now let me give you a little historical context Daniel was written about 500 years before Jesus came okay obviously when you get into Matthew that was you know during Jesus time on the planet when you get to the book of Revelation that was written in about 1896 okay so so get your timeframes but okay let's go to Matthew 24 and I'm just gonna start reading the first couple of verses to get your context now as Jesus was going out of the temple courts and walking away his disciples came to show him the temple buildings and he said to them do you see these things I tell you the truth not one stone will be left on another all will be torn down approximately 35 years from Jesus making a statement 35 or 40 years the temple was destroyed just as he said but then it gets interesting verse 3 as he was sitting on the Mount of Olives his disciples came to him privately and said tell us when will these things happen and what will be the sign of your coming and the what the end of the age your coming and the end of the age okay so the rest of Matthew 24 in Matthew 24 is the most important New Testament chapter on predicting what the what the events will be that will precede the second coming that now you can't just you can't just take Matthew 24 alone you've got to take in what it says elsewhere in Scripture Matthew 24 if you knew nothing more than Matthew 24 you'd be well ahead of the game so we'll start there but now I want to take you to a key verse in Matthew 24 look at verse 15 and I have it up here so you can look it up here if you 1 Matthew 24 Jesus says something peculiar because now he if you read Matthew 24 he starts telling his disciples ok here's what's going to happen there's gonna be this happening and that happening and this happening and that happening but then he comes to this one thing he says when you see the abomination of desolation this just sounds weird spoken of by who oh shoot well then I gotta know what Daniel said or I'm never going to know what Jesus said seeing that works see how the scripture is self interpreting he said so Jesus Jesus you can understand Jesus talking to people that were saturated in the Old Testament many of the people of Jesus day literally had memorized if not all of the Old Testament a lot and they didn't they didn't have a lot of Bibles they had to had to go to their synagogues and just absorb it in but of course they were they were doing this from the time they were like five years old enough anyway so the people Jesus talking to they're going sure we know we know about Daniel we know about the pollination of desolation here anyway standing in when you see the abomination desolation spoken about by Daniel the prophet standing standing it's whatever it is it's going to stand in the Holy Place let the reader understand do you understand what he's talking about the Holy Place anybody that's the temple of God remember they were at the temple and Jesus said hey guys don't get all in a merge with this temple because it's all going to be torn down but now Jesus is talking about the end of the age and there's a temple back constructed and he says when you see the abomination spoken about Daniel the prophet standing in the Holy Place and then he goes on whoops I didn't include the rest of the verse let's go since we have it he says listen what you need to do you need to run run Forrest and run is what he says verse 16 he says then those in Judea must flee to the mountains and then one on the roof must not come down to take anything out of his house and one on the field must not turn back to get his cloak woe to those who are pregnant and those who are nursing their babies in those days pray that your flight may not be in winter on sabbath 4 then there will be great what suffering and that word there so that you know how many I've ever heard a word tribulation the Great Tribulation can I see your hands that word came from the King James Bible it is a Greek word philippson it is the exact word we have translated suffering here this is this is what you need understand when this abomination of desolation and we're gonna look at Daniel a minute when it stands in the holy place the temple that is the start of what the Bible calls the Great Tribulation Period now how long is the Great Tribulation Period last can I see anybody want to venture a guess most people would say seven years but it's not it's three and a half years and you're gonna see that specifically in a minute all right so the know what this abomination is we got to get it let's see what Daniel has to say about it so let's go down Daniel now on page 994 go ahead now remember we're going to bounce back I'm sorry said again it's oh it's actually a thousand one whoops thank you okay where we want to go is Daniel chapter 9 that was definitely a mistake and in Daniel it is it is 1015 sorry about that and look at the very bottom of that page how do I know it's at the bottom of page because your Bibles like mybama and you'll see verse 27 now I can't tell you what this whole prophecy about but when you study Daniel chapter 9 God gives a prophecy one of these predicted prophecies again about the coming of the Messiah and it's a 490 year period it's it's 70 weeks of seven years or 490 years from the time that the order was given to rebuild Jerusalem it tells the time when the Messiah would show up and that's when Jesus arrived ever wonder why when Jesus was on earth that there was all the rumors going around hey we're looking for the Messiah anybody seen him lately and yes you've appeared yet well that's why Daniels prophecy told them when Jesus the Messiah would be on earth all right so look at verse 27 we don't have time to go through all prophecy but but verse 27 says this he will confirm a cognate with many for one week remember this is weeks of years so that's seven years but in the middle of the week the middle of seven is three and a half he will bring sacrifices these are temple sacrifices and offerings to a halt and on the wing of what abominations will come one who destroys until the decreed end is poured out on the one whose choice oh here here's Daniel taking this leap about a time where temple sacrifice is going to be going on but then all of a sudden they're gonna be called to a halt by some abomination that occurs on the temple again look at Daniel once again this time we'll go to chapter 11 and follow my god look at verse 31 and actually that that's on the screen it says his whoever this mysterious his is his forces will rise up and profane the fortified sanctuary that's the temple stopping the daily sacrifice we have it again stopping the sacrifice and in its place will set up the what the abomination that causes desolation so here we have it a second time in Daniel how about another time Daniel chapter 12 verse 11 from the time that the daily sacrifice is removed and the what domination that causes desolation is set in place there are how many days now biblical years were and I don't want to get in a big calendar thing because it's really it hurts your brain at least it hurts mine but but they they did 360 day years and then they added enough days to catch up and so it's just it's hurt hurts your brain to think about but anyway so this division would be three and a half years plus 30 days and and if I have time I'll talk a little bit about that so we see that Daniel keeps talking about an event that's going to take place at the temple it's going to involve some kind of an abomination something horrific set up on the temple something that happens on the temple but then it also talks about some the abomination standing at the temple so we know that Jesus says in Matthew 24:15 that's the trigger events of the Great Tribulation now when I ask you a question does Jesus want his people to know when the Great Tribulation is going to start yeah how many have ever heard of something called the rapture all of us right the rapture I'm going to show you at dinner tonight what the rent where that term comes from the scripture I'm going to show you exactly what it is and I'm gonna go further I'm going to show you exactly when the rapture is going to occur and it's the only verse in all the Bible that tells exactly when it's going to occur there is no other how many of you have heard a teaching that God's good people will be whisk away seven years before the tribulation how many have heard that teaching before it's in all those books man knows those Oh what was that Jerry Jenkins books and everything like that unfortunately the Bible doesn't support it at all at all but we'll just see what the Bible says for herself a little later all right let's go from Daniel there to the book of Revelation chapter 11 verse 2 go to page 13 89 because I'm gonna kind of bring you back into the book of Revelation at times but now let's go to the passage here's the first one so John's getting this vision he's the last living apostle he's on the island of Patmos he's been exiled there for his devotion of Jesus and guy gives him this vision which is where we get the book of Revelation and he's told by an angelic being he says do not measure the outer court of the what the temple so here we have the temple again leave it out because it has been given to the Gentiles and they will trample on the holy city it's holy city for how long that's three and a half years 1290 days forty-two months three and a half years bibble year or 360 days and I will grant my two witnesses authority to prophesy for how long 1260 days that's three and a half years forty-two months 1206 days forty-two months the same thing so here we have this this very precise I'm period G says when you see the abomination desolation better know what it means because the timetable start in three and a half years let's look again revelation 12:6 and she fled into the wilderness you get the symbolic picture of the nation of Israel she fled into the wilderness where a place had been prepared for her by God so she could be taken care of for how long 1260 days you see how it repeats have scripture repeats it's a three and a half year period daniel says 1290 days he added 30 days on to it but it's the same exact period of time look again revelation 13 the beast was given a mouth speaking proud words and blasphemies and he was permitted to exercise ruling authority for how long 42 months you see how it keeps repeating three and a half years Jesus saying when that abomination of desolation event occurs there's three and a half years of history left so let's look now at a couple other verses that we have in Revelation I'm sorry back back back in Daniel let me let me get my bearings here we go yeah in Daniel 11 or scuse me Daniel 12 from the time of the daily sacrifices move we've seen this before and the abomination that causes desolation is set in place there are 1290 days we kept seeing 1260 in Revelation Daniel adds 30 days blessed is the one who waits and attains to what 13th right now he's added another you know 35 days to this whole thing but nevertheless we have this three and a half year period let's go on Daniel 11:31 his forces will rise up and profane the fortified sanctuary stopping the daily sacrifice this is that abomination thing and in its place we'll set up the abomination that causes desolation it goes on and this is going to be kind of long and you really need to focus in on this when they stumble we skipped a verse here somehow Kim I tell you what you're in Daniel what what page what do we have in Daniel is that you really need to be able to see this I'm sorry somebody yelled at me okay 10 10 18 look in Daniel chapter 11 and let me zero you in on no actually that's right that's 30 no no no 31 yeah that's what's throwing me that shouldn't be there that's a to order there should be 31 okay let's let's all focus in on the Bibles and let's just let's just that'll make me crazy look at verse 31 it says his forces will rise up and profane the forty-five the fortified sanctuary stopping the daily sacrifice we've read that in this place they will set up the abomination that causes desolation then with smooth words he will defile those who have rejected the Covenant but and this is the point I want you to see but the people who are what loyal to their God will act how valiantly will God's people be on earth when this abomination of desolation is set up according to that verse yes how they're going to act valiantly if they're not there I'll polish that whole 7 year before anything happens nonsense out of your head and I can just show your verse after verse let's go on what are these people these loyal valiant people gonna do verse 33 these who are wise among the people will what teach the masses Christian during the tribulation God is saying some of us are here we'll be here to teach the masses which tells me that multitudes will be reconciled to God during the worst time that the planet has ever seen look what it goes want to say they will teach the masses however they will fall by the sword meaning some of us will be killed and by the flame and they will be in prison some of us will be in prison and plundered for some time when they stumble they will be granted some help but many will unite with them deceitfully jesus warned about Impostors that will work their way into the christian camp even some of the wise will what stumble resulting in their refinement purification and cleansing until the time of the end for it is still the appointed time so think of what it say so here it's saying that there's going to be this mass of people that are going to continue to teach the masses that are left on earth but some are going to stumble some are going some are going to be like Peter when he denied the Lord three times but it says that they'll even be restored and refined and purified and so forth it's really important that we have an understanding of that particular role that God has for us to take so the question I'm answering here is how will this period impact the people of God let's look what Jesus says in matthew 24:9 I'm sorry let's go back to that Daniel I'm getting all that order here Daniel just says the same thing essentially in chapter 12 verse 10 he says many will be purified made clean and refined but the wicked will go on being wicked none of the wicked will what they wonder what's happening on the planet they won't have a clue though the wise will what how many of ever heard his teaching it says nobody can know when Jesus coming you know Jesus said he's gonna come like a thief nobody's knows they are there how many of heard of teaching do you also know that the same passage that says that says but the godly will know that they will not overtake us like a thief it's in 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 we're supposed to know we're given signs all through scripture to know we are not in the darkness when it says that the the people will be overtaken by the the events the thief in the night of song with the people who don't know God the people don't know Scripture not those that do matthew 24:9 Jesus talking about the Saint Peter says then they will hand you over to be persecuted and will kill you some of us you will be what hated by all the nations because of my name then many will be led into sin and they will betray one another and hate one another very important what does it say verse or theme but the person who endures to the end will be saved so we need to know this stuff and this stuff has not been taught an awful lot just the opposite of em talk man you don't even have to worry about this you're gonna be whisk away seven years before all the shooting starts so you don't even have to worry about it not true it's very critical that we understand that if we are the generation that God allows to be here to witness these things then he has a role for us we are we are to be bold Proclaimers of the truth at a time when the world will be desperately confused so what will this abomination of desolation well actually we have another reference I guess I'm about to skip in Revelation 12 let's go there in Revelation 12:17 if you read the rest of Revelation 12 the dragon is is a symbol of Satan himself it specifically says that in the twelfth chapter so the dragon became enraged at the woman the woman is the nation of Israel if you read the whole twelfth chapter the dragon became enraged at the woman and went away to make war on the rest of her children well who are the rest of the children of Israel those who keep God's commandments and hold what the testimony about who you see we're birthed out of Israel we that are followers of Jesus it's it's the connection Jesus is the full revelation of God the revelation of God started with the nation of Israel but now we who have trusted in him we are part of Israel in that sense and so this is saying specifically that at this time when this abomination of desolation event happens Satan knows his time is short you'll read this again in a melon and he sets out to destroy as many Jews as he can and as many Christians as he can that's what Scripture teaches alright let's go to a question what will the abomination of desolation actually be what what form is this thing going to take I'm sorry I I forgot that verse to it somehow it's not matching open my booklet but here's one more it says the Beast was permitted to go to war against who that word Saint is not talking about it's some special person that's had a miracle it is used of any ordinary one that is trusted in Christ it's a Greek word Hagia that apart under God if you're a follower of Jesus you're a saint in the sight of God it says he goes out to make war against the Saints and what does he do to them he conquers them he was giving ruling authority over every tribe people language and nation if anyone hasn't hear he had better hear and listen and I believe we have more if anyone is meant for captivity this is saying to God's people look when this thing goes bad just trust God because some of us are gonna be meant to go into captivity we read in Daniel but some will go into prison some will be killed and so forth if anyone has meant for captivity in the captivity he will go if anyone was meant to be killed by the sword the my the sword he must be killed this requires what the steadfast endurance and faith from the Saints the Christians the followers of Jesus then I saw another beast coming up from the earth and he had two that never should have been there but anyway we should have stopped it that here again we have it repeated in Revelation 14:12 this requires the steadfast endurance of the Saints those who obey God's commandments and hold to their faith in Jesus so it's saying that when things get bumpy and rough we have to just trust that God has given us the information in advance don't worry about it if if our destiny is to live we'll live if our destiny is to be in prison well we'll be in prison if it doesn't is to die during this time we'll die and so that's where we have to trust God all right let's get to specifics what about this abomination of desolation in a book of second Thessalonians chapter 2 and I should have put the page number there because I want to read you the rest of that let's do that let me give you the page number for second Thessalonians chapter 2 13:35 go ahead and go ahead and turn there I'm sorry what's that I do have it in your okay good you're good let's go there first because I want to I wanted you to get the context of it before we start into it look at chapter 2 verse 1 Paul starts out by saying now regarding the what the arrival the appearing the parasya is the Greek word the coming whatever term you want to use now regarding the arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ and what happens when he arrives and our what being gathered to be with him so what is Paul talking about he is talking about the second coming and he's talking about when Jesus returns we're gathered to be with him so that is his subject now as he goes on look at verse 3 he says let no one deceive you in any way for that day will not what does it say no Mike there we go how many I've ever heard of teaching that we don't know when she's gonna come man he could just come like a thief in the night and we could just be whisked away rapture it away and you just better be on your toes man cuz you don't know when it's going to happen how many of ever heard that teaching for and it's utterly false teaching not not supporting Scripture at all didn't you just read that that day will not arrive doesn't that say that something has to happen how many with me am i putting a thought in your head is out it's out it means right let's look at again you don't sound very convinced to me let no one deceive you in any way for that day what is the day now regarding the arrival of her Lord Jesus Christ and they're being gathered to be with him let no one deceive you in any way for that day will not arrive Jesus will not return is what it's saying until something's got to happen and in this version it says until the rebellion comes and the man of lawlessness is revealed the son of destruction and that word rebellion there it's a Greek word apostasy or apostasy a-- and it means a massive falling away from the faith meaning that those that would have identified themselves as Christ followers will depart from identifying themselves as Christ's followers there's going to be a massive falling away from the faith but no one in any way to see if you are entrap you for that day will not come that day we've read in verse one that day is the return of Jesus it will not come unless the apostasy better translation in this version comes first that is the great rebellion the what the abandonment of the faith by professed Christians and the man of lawlessness revealed so the man of lawlessness the son of destruction he has to be revealed first before Jesus returns has he been revealed as the man of lawlessness the Antichrist whatever you want to call him has he been revealed no can Jesus return no don't be afraid to say it no the scripture is trying to make us have a firm foundation it's saying don't don't lay my shaky don't anybody deceive you it's not going to happen until this guy's revealed first now let's look on and let's learn more about him the son of destruction the Antichrist the one who is destined to be destroyed who opposes and exalts himself so proudly and so insolently above every so-called God or object of worship so that he actually enters and takes his seat where in the temple of God but he doesn't just take a seat in the temple of God he proclaims that he himself is what is there a temple in Israel now no can this happen then no is Jesus going to return tonight know something you're still not sure I'm want you to be have confidence in Scripture now many of you do know there are two major serious groups in Israel that have already they had their architectural plans for a rebuilt temple they've put together many of the furnishings that need to go in there they're already practicing sacrifices they want to rebuild the temple if it's very very serious in fact one of the members of one of these temple movements is on Netanyahu's or in Netanyahu's cabinet so the people are all in place to rebuild the temple but but it hasn't happened yet and right now it's up there where the Dome of the rock is and that's a little bit problem it's the third most holy place through Islam so that would cause a little bit of a skirmish to say the least if they went up there and tried to build a temple but it will happen and if you came in the first session you know there's gonna be a series of wars over there in the Middle East and after those Wars the way will be cleared for Israel to rebuild this temple but this entity this entity is going to come in to you you got a picture of it this thing is going to look like a human being you notice I'm calling thing because I'm not sure if it's human or all human remember Genesis 6 the second phase of the great deception hybridization where angels and humans were brought together I am not at all sure that this entity is not a hybrid is not something that's partially angelic it talks in a book of Revelation about this this entity being brought up from the bottomless pit during this time and this might not be a total human it's what I'm trying to say but at any rate this entity that looks like a human is going to come into this temple this rebuilt temple and claim to be our Creator now that just sounds ridiculous right I mean how you gonna pull that one off how you gonna convince anybody to that well let's let's let's read on I think we have a little more and this goes back to Daniel this is just reinforcement what this entity will do then the King will do as he pleases he will exalt and magnify himself above every day ad that's every god or goddess and he will utter presumptious things against the God of gods it's going he will succeed until the time of Wrath is completed for what has been decreed must occurred he will not respect the god of his father's not even the God loved by women he will not respect any God he will elevate himself what does it say so here's Daniel some 500 years for Jesus predicting this entity that we read about in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 this Anthony that's going to look human claim to be God claim to be our Creator so let's let's ask a second question or I guess a third question or fourth at this point what events from heaven let's see if I'm getting ahead of myself again here I'm not okay what event from heaven triggers this great deception on earth and I'm going to show you how all those earlier things that I share with you how they might all come together in Revelation chapter 12 verse 9 it says the huge dragon the ancient serpent and who is this dragon who is this serpent the one called who the devil and Satan see how scripture interprets itself the one who deceives the whole world was thrown down where to the earth and what else and his angels with him now I couldn't count the times I've heard people teach oh this this already happened no it hasn't if you read the book of Revelation it's in chronological order this is that last three-and-a-half year period when Jesus says the abomination causes desolation this this event happens picture this Satan and his angels we don't know how many that are in league with him they suddenly are being judged by God their time is short they are they are stripped of their mobility they are able to move around the universe in ways we can't quite conceive of now maybe maybe interdimensional travel even but they are forced into the physical dimension they are forced down to earth now do you think that might be a little shocking but what what if they came down to earth with a story like this well we created life on your planet we've been watching you all through your history and you've hit this time of crisis and we're here now to help you through it you know the universe is full of lots of extraterrestrial extra dimensional entities where your creators where your protectors in fact i-i-i-i the one who's sitting in the temple that claims to be God maybe that one says you know I was here a couple thousand years ago I called you call me Jesus in the other that's who I am but I'm actually just a more highly evolved being than you are and I'm now back here yes I am your Creator technically but I'm back here along with your other creators we're all back because we want to help you because the bad news is there's other extraterrestrial extra dimensional entities that have bad designs for you guys in your planet at this time of vulnerability and we want to come and protect you and help you from this other invasion that's going to happen on your planet do you think do you think that might fly with some let's look at a few more verses it says therefore this isn't mine Satan and his angels were brought down earth this has not happened yet folks it has not happened it happens in that last three-and-a-half year period there for you heavens rejoice and all who was out in them but woe to the earth and the sea because the devil has come down to you he is filled with terrible anger why why is he so stinkin angry for he knows that he only has a what he has three and a half years to be exact and it's scorched earth policy at that point let's look on Matthew 24 23 Jesus is talking about that exact period when Satan and his angels were forced into the physical dimension of Earth he says then if anyone says to you look here is the Christ the Messiah or there he is do not what do not believe him why why Jesus for false what does it say plural think creators where your creators anybody know much about the the tales of the Sumerians and the Anunnaki the Anunnaki were the ones that came down from above and supposedly created humanity on this planet these tales are scattered all over the all over the planet anyway it says look therefore do not believe them for false messiahs false creators and false prophets will appear and perform what great signs and wonders that is the exact term used for all Jesus miracles Jesus is saying every miracle that you saw me do one these entities Satan eases angels will produce those same miracles that's pretty compelling slang signs and wonders why are they doing these miracles to deceive if possible even the elect the elect means those that identify themselves as Christians what could unite the religions of the world what if these entities that I'm describing Satan is angels they come down and they say look all of your religions are the result of interaction with us and you all know a fragment about us but now you know the truth your Bible you had a little bit about us and you know you Hindus had a little bit you know you Muslims a little bit but the truth is we're your creators and we're your protectors and we're down here to save you because your planet is in is in a deep urgent period and so and me you know I'm sitting in this new rebuilt temple you called me Jesus and so yeah if you want to call me a creator I am but I'm just more highly evolved in you so here we are I can tell you that that apostasy we read about the last great deception it says that there'll be a great falling away first people will be tossing their Bibles in the trash they'll be tossing the Koran in the trash they'll be abandoning Hinduism and Buddhism in droves because oh now we get it we always knew there was something there and it was you guys all along good to meet you finally you know so Jesus warns about the spirit it's gone how does the great deception culminate revelation 13:6 so the Beast opened his mouth to blaspheme against God to blaspheme both his name and and what else so picture this this beast this entity that I'm saying it might be a hybrid I don't know this human it's blasphemy against God what does it means he's saying slanderous things about God but not just about God about God's dwelling his heavenly dimensions saying it's bad the entities there are bad they're not to be trusted they're dangerous they're not good people it's not a good place blaspheming God and his dwelling place that is those who dwell where in heaven so he's setting a narrative this entity on earth that man you guys are in a heap of trouble these entities from this other realm they're there they're on their way and you need to be protected it goes on Revelation 16:14 talks about there are spirits of demons performing signs here's the miracles again signs who go out to the kings of the earth to bring them together for what battle that will take place on the great day of God the all-powerful it goes on then I saw the beast and the kings there so get his picture so these these spirits of demons in these false prophets gather the armies of the world together I don't know why the word was missing it should have been they gathered them to the place called Armageddon so they're all gathered together for battle but they're not going to fight each other Armageddon is always presented to people on TV like it's the Battle of all the nations against each other it's not in the Bible it's the the national it's the armies that are left on planet Earth gathering together to fight an invading army from the sky then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and all their what army so here's all the armies of the earth left they're assembled to do what to do battle with who the one who rode the horse with his army if you read revelation 19 where it comes from it says Jesus is coming from heaven on a horse then I saw heaven open and here came a white horse the one riding it was called faithful and true and with justice he judges and goes to war it's Jesus that's the invading force it goes on the armies that are aware that's us and the righteous angels dressed in white clean fine linen were following him on white horses the Battle of Armageddon is the forces on earth of humanity seeking to destroy the forces of Jesus his angels and those who have trusted him who are raised from the dead and now returning with him it's it's a battle against them and of course the battle ends rather quickly Jesus just kind of speaks and that ends it so this is how the great deception ultimately culminates now let me let me let me show you something about the well this is just a little bit about the armies and what exactly is the so-called rapture and again the word rapture doesn't really appear in Scripture the Greek word is really the heart pods oh it means the catching out or the calling away of those that are alive so here's the only verses in the Bible okay the talk about this event it says in first Corinthians 15 listen I will tell you a mystery we will not all sleep sleep was the term used for death for a Christian when a crime when a Christian dies his body goes to sleep the spirit goes to be with the Lord but we will all be what is the word changed it goes on for in a moment in the blinking blinking of an eye when at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound keep that might keep in mind this trumpet the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised imperishable and we will be what changed or our pods owed will be caught up together to be with the Lord so picture this Jesus returns in the air the dead Christians bodies are united to their spirits they're given a new resurrection body we who are alive we are instantly changed given these resurrection bodies and we meet him in the air as well that's the rapture look at it again in first Thessalonians and says for the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with a shout of command with the voice of the Archangel and with what we've read about that trumpet before in first Corinthians 15 with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first it says the exact same thing that we read before it goes on then we who are what alive who are left will suddenly caught up together that's that harpazo caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so we will always be with the Lord that's the rapture we who are alive will be caught up giving our resurrection bodies and will ever be with the Lord and we will be that army assembling in the air and returning to earth with Jesus now here's the question when is this going to happen is there one single verse in the Bible that tells exactly when this rapture event is going to happen well there is there's one and only one here it is Jesus immediately after the what tribulation which we know starts with the abomination of desolation starting the last three and a half years human history as we know it immediately after after after after the tribulation of those days the Sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light and the stars will fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens will be shaken what else is going to happen you're kidding that's it okay in that case that's unfortunate let's go to Matthew 24 because you've missed the most important part go back to Matthew 24 it'll be page 11 21 11 22 11 22 and I'm just going to start in verse 30 because we've read verse 29 in a different version everybody with me then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven and all the tribes of the earth will mourn they will see the Son of man arriving on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and he will send his what angels with what loud trumpet blasts remember we've heard that trumpet three three times now we heard in first Corinthians 15 first thessalonians 4 with a loud trumpet blast and they they who is the day in this passage who said angels Debbi yeah come on come on hang with me come on Bible term itself let's go back first verse 30 31 and he will send his say it all aloud together who's he sending his angels okay with a loud trumpet blast and they who were the day the angels they we'll gather his elect the Elector just those that are his followers from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other so in the other passage desist the Trump sounds and we who are alive are caught up in the air to meet the Lord and air in this passage we're told it is the Angels that bring us up into the air how many remember the story of Elijah first Kings chapter or second Kings chapter 2 anybody know by the story or Elijah what does the SAMS a chariot of fire appears in the sky whatever that is and Elijah is lifted up it says in a whirlwind and taken out of this world this dimension he appears 800 years later very alive on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus that is a picture of what's going to happen on a global scale when Jesus returns it is the angels that will will take us up but notice when does it happen verse 29 after the what the tribulation of those days there you have the rapture you have the same thing you should add in 1st Corinthians 15 the same thing in 1st Thessalonians 4 so do not let anyone deceive you you read in in Daniel chapter 11 that God's people are gonna be here doing valiantly we're gonna be communicating and teaching the masses and even if we suffer some persecution we've got to be prepared to endure until the end because God's not gonna abandon us he's not gonna leave us you know to our own devices he'll be with us listen Christians have had all kinds of challenges throughout human history and if we are that generation and I think we are he's going to give us the supernatural resources that we will need to face whatever it is we must face but what we can't do is we can't bury our head in the sand and lie to ourselves about the kind of circumstances that we may indeed encounter so here's this great deception I want to run it by one more time real quick I believe the form that the great deception that's going to take it started with the notion that if life happened accidentally here it had to happen accidentally elsewhere in the universe therefore the universe must have other Extra Terrestrial or extra dimensional beings the notion is that these beings have interacted with us on this planet before and I believe very soon there will be a disclosure where our military our country will say yes in fact we have been interacting with other entities for some time but now it's appropriate for us to let you know that they have been very slowly leading up to this this lu alice ando and all those guys that i showed you i believe this is just the the tiny baby steps leading up to the full disclosure but then where it's leading to is these entities at some point are gonna come down in mass Satan and his angels revelation 12:9 force down to the earth when they come down they're not going to say hi i'm satan and this is my buddies the evil angels they're gonna come down and they're gonna say we are your creators and man you guys are in trouble and we're here to deliver you because as bad as you think things are now there's a whole nother bunch of invaders that are on their way and you got to prepare to fight them and we're gonna help you prepare to fight them and a whole new economic system is going to be developed revelation 13 talks about it you can't buy you can't sell unless you have a certain mark wouldn't it be handy if everybody had a little chip implant in their head at that point where you could keep track and monitor everybody in the world simultaneously and project whatever thoughts into people's minds you wanted to project that's why christians are warned don't take the mark which could be an implant not saying it will be I'm just saying it could be think about the temptation mom's remember what I said before your kid gonna be the only dumb kid in class if this becomes available I'm telling you do not do not let someone plant a chip in your head or in your child's head do not do that am I saying that that's necessarily the mark of the beast no for example we know that people with paralysis now are getting some devices like this in their brains that allows them to through mental commands cause things to function III don't think that's a dangerous terrible thing but that's not what's heading down the track that's not what's coming in in the near future so here we have it unfortunately I'm sorry I got my slides and things a little bit goofed up it didn't go as smooth as I was hoping it would go but at least you have the essential information you can reset it slowly on your own and I went three minutes over do do you want to have a little time for questions the okay I see at least one head shaking yes okay I if you have to go or something I kind of understand don't have nightmares god no I'm serious about this because it really can freak people out but I just want people to be prepared because if you're not prepared that's when the real nightmare could start when you're if you're totally off-guard by society becoming unglued as we know it and you don't know what's happening then you're in dire straits but Jesus wants his people to be aware and prepared so again if you have any questions just come come forward to the mics and I'll answer your questions if you need to go you can go yeah I can always count on you can't they I know you always got a question makes a difference just neural link thing will it make my eleven-year-old listen will it make him listen I don't think so [Laughter] things like this here like a gathering like this I think is a true blessing we had a message - about two weeks ago awaken and it's just something that could definitely awaken us in times of need and this is definitely a time of need um but you already answered the question but I want to touch on something that um a few weeks ago a god at I kind of watching on YouTube his name is Doug Batchelor something like seven day advantage guy and it takes a very different view of young times think seventh-day adventists do some of it's okay but most of it goes in a very different direction so I would not advocate you know or some day adventists eschatology or view of endtime things just like two weeks ago maybe two questions I'm sorry yeah if it's not pertaining to tonight can you and I cuz we talk man you know can I answer it for you some other time in case people have questions pertaining to tonight what was this does it pertain directly yeah go ahead go ahead go ahead okay he had I guess the Pope and the dude from the king was actually meeting up and he said it was something that has never been like has never happened like he was on their grounds and things of that nature it is seventh-day adventists is you know in their view at the end times they've always viewed the Pope is being key in the bringing forth of the Antichrist and all this got that and I just think they're so far off no it's okay go ahead sir I'm sorry I'm not sure if you already alluded to this right from the outset of the meeting but I'm wondering what explanation by blinken explanation we have for the events that took place during World War two there are so very many interpretations explanations for those events is there is that part of a prophecy that was supposed to take place or is just an apparent event that we should ignore in history yeah I think the best we can say is that it fits into the context where Jesus in Matthew 24 says you know there's gonna be wars and rumors of war in nation against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom so it's loose but to say that it's anything specific for example Jehovah Witnesses try to say that it has a specific prophetic fulfillment but there's no way to pin that down there's nothing in scripture that supports where we can say definitely that World War two was any major fulfillment of Scripture what we see happening Middle East today if you were here for my first session that I did that's much more specific where it names nations and you know we're seeing this thing unfold right before our eyes there's going to be a series of wars in the Middle East and ultimately Israel will be very involved in it world war two could fit into that context that Jesus had Wars rumors of wars Kingdom against Kingdom nation against nation that kind of thing but nothing more than that and now it is interesting that it was world war two that gave birth alternately to the nation of Israel even though that was the goal of Hitler to annihilate every Jew on the planet so there's some interesting facets there question anybody else go ahead oh I'm sorry this is your house I'm pre-trib rapture so obviously was a great presentation but not one that I'm ready to embrace that's your prerogative and that was gonna be my question how long maybe are you as an individual as a church this is because I don't see it as a essential no I don't I see the return of Christ to establish some of his kingdom in the essential category by the time you know the rapture I don't see that way so we can agree to disagree absolutely okay absolutely even though you're wrong we can agree no now to be sure to be very serious to be very sincere about it my only goal is I want people to be warned okay if it turns out that you pre-tribbers are right I for one will be celebrating absolutely okay but I know but I know better in Scripture yeah and at least when it starts to unfold the way that it will and the way we read you'll be one of the valiant ones who will be teaching the masses because you'll know what's happening okay you won't be you won't be saying geez how come I'm still here you must then see the church in the old customer now so the church is a mystery your what you're doing is you're taking a dispensational approach to scripture that's synthetic and you can't you can't slice and dice it that that concise and then create systems and compartmentalization well it's no it's it's a system that unifies both old and new Testament and but but it's not a system that I've like learned a certain system of you know theological perspective it's one that I've developed on my own through 40 some years your point is you're not gonna cause for me if you like sit down and discuss it personally that's fine but here's the thing I will not try to persuade you it's my point of view even though I'm convinced that's true but I'm won't try to persuade you I'll respect your point of view I don't like to waste a lot of time bickering over these companies because as you said these are not essentials but but it may be in another five or six years very essential to at least having tucked away in your mind somewhere the things that I've shared and my answer was it doesn't because I don't think Matthew 24 applies primarily to church question but that's against dispensationalism that's been very discredited through you I think what unless you and I will talk about this personally it has been even by dispensationalist they've abandoned it and froze okay what unless you and I talk in private because we're just wasting everybody's time tonight the only number of Eevee enjoy what no that's not true what's not true but but your point would be what tonight your point is what you yourself said this is not an essential you know what I believe you know what I've taught you know what I've out of a heart of concern for the people that God's entrusted to me so when you get a flock that your heart is accountable for then you teach them what you want correct fair but you and I if you if you want to talk to me at some point you can but right now we're just at witches bickering this is silly why I definitely do and we're running out of time [Music] no no I don't think it's gonna be long at all yeah well again I respect your view have it and and I'm gonna teach the view that I believe after 40 years is going to be the most important for people to have and you can teach the view to to your flock to who you know whoever wants to listen to it hello oh I'm sorry I read in Revelation I heard a video on YouTube but I got the pastor that was explaining he said that the two witness goodbye us because he said there was a two olive trees and then we could be like the Gentiles part of the witnesses and also the Jews some again that's a tough portion of Scripture who the two witnesses are some said no it's gonna be too literal people could be Moses and Elijah sounds a lot like them if you read the rest of chapter 11 could it be Israel and the church that that's another position that's taken I don't want to get real dogmatic on that I don't feel confident enough of what that's teaching I tend to lean toward the position that it's gonna be Moses in Lodge and here's what I base it on it was Moses and Elijah that appeared with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration in Matthew 17 and they're talking to Jesus about his soon coming exodus from the earth meaning his crucifixion so they they still Elijah never died and so it would make sense for him to be back no Moses did die but it's kind of mysterious it says that the devil disputed over his body with Michael the Archangel but God sort of took care of his body so I suspect the two witnesses might be those two fellows brought back to earth but I would never be dogmatic about that that's just that's just one of those portions of Scripture I wish was more clear for us so the YouTube that you heard about it could be you know the the church in Israel it could be I kind of doubt it because it talks about two individuals that are killed and they lay in the city for three and a half days it it could it certainly could yep yep I leaned toward it being real people but it could it could turn out to be that [Music] it's not so much a question is a statement Luke 21:8 Jesus says many will come in my name and say that I am him you're not to follow it that the time is at hand you're not to follow after him it tells you specifically not to follow after them to say it's at hanussen hand you heard every word it's like you said can it happen today no okay Jesus duty once but he's worth God become flesh he's not gonna go against the Word of God okay thank you over the years you know the identity of the Antichrist and that's yeah a lot of thoughts on you know from everything from me maybe from the Middle East may have a mark on them and all those things like that right just want to get your thoughts on ideas in that respect of the chatter of all the things that equate to the identity of possibly it could be it's really tricky because there's definitely scriptures that pointed toward he sounds like a political entity a real human political entity other scriptures that make it sound like he could be something else a hybrid I definitely believe that Islam is gonna play a role in the major Wars I mean that much we know and it could be somebody that arises from Islam that that sort of fills the political role but is not in my opinion the one that appears in the temple finally and says I'm your Creator I think and and if you if I would read the rest of that passage in second Thessalonians it says that that individual the citizen temple does all the signs and wonders you know that the Jesus did again so that's what makes his argument of being the creator so convincing I think it's going to be one of these things that we're almost going to have to wait until it unfolds it it's just never been clear enough for me to say for sure I mean I know certain writers it's definitely gonna be you know a European or it's going which i think is completely at this point ridiculous no and and this is where I emphasized the second Thessalonians to whoever comes into that temple and proclaims themselves as the creator that's the guy and so whether that'll be some kind of a global you know TV event or something I don't know there's all the speculation but to me that's how we'll we'll know and Jesus keeps pointing to that event to you know the abomination of desolation Daniel keeps pointing to it so I think that's going to be when when the Christians who are watching and aware they we know we know who this guy is this is not our Creator this is he might even say he's Jesus that's been here before you never know so that that's how I think we will know it'll be a real time kind of a revelation just my opinion how you doing I was wondering like since we have it and he knows we have it you know and he you know you always hear the joke you know I read the end we always win so why does he even I was wondering why does even bother like what is like Satan even bother coming if he already knows he's in there like like you said the whole war with Jesus it sounds little anti-climatic you know Jesus can just like free the word they all disappear why why just that we even bother um to in sir said I I don't I don't think it was always a known thing okay when the first angelic rebellion occurred okay back in eternity past no angel knowing the universe had ever seen judgement or destruction and so the notion that a counter will to God's will is bad and something that brings destruction was an unknown okay so I don't think originally I here's this is opinion okay but based on Scripture that are you know what we can take from it I think that that Satan and the angels really mistook God's car as for weakness and that originally it was a legitimate argument you know about okay why does your will have to be done if you're so good you're so kind you're so loving so sacrificial well I can't you give us freedom to allow our will to be done - how come you have to be in control of everything and I think at that point God said okay go ahead and and so in their minds if they could have swayed we know that one-third of the angels were built if they could have swayed the other two-thirds perhaps God said go ahead you you judge there's that mysterious counsel in the book of Revelation that it's always around the throne and it appears that God has kind of said to them okay you you guys you be you you judge - now he's never given his authority away or anything like that but he he asks for objective involvement of all of his you know beings of these made in his own image so that's part of the answer I don't think originally they knew they couldn't win or that their principle of operation would not win it's a self-destructive principle okay now it's different evil makes you insane evil destroys rational behavior the longer one plunges into evil you lose rational function and and we see this all the time with these people that barricade themselves in a house and they're gonna kill every cop they can they're going to you
Channel: FCF Church
Views: 11,022
Rating: 4.6460176 out of 5
Keywords: fcf, church, bible institute, the great deception, revelation, tribulation, megalithic structures, nephilim, chariots of the gods, artificial intelligence, agi, transhumanism, future of humanity, abomination that causes desolation, prophecy, end times
Id: 6fal2PDuBHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 19sec (6499 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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