Are There Any Questions? — VOUS Summer Vibes — DawnCheré Wilkerson

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God's gonna speak to us you can turn with me to First Samuel chapter 23. when Rich spoke for several weeks this summer about the life of David in first and second Samuel when we went away for some time I just decided to dig deep into these two books since that's really where God had led him for our community and God really encouraged me as I began to study it once again and I believe that God's gonna speak to your individual circumstance and also to this body of Believers today for Samuel chapter 23 verse 1 says this now they told David behold the Philistines are fighting against Kela and are robbing the threshing floors therefore David inquired somebody say inquired he inquired of the Lord shall I go and attack these Philistines and the Lord said to David go and attack the Philistines and save Kila this is a beautiful story it's only a couple paragraphs but man so much transpires David not yet the king of Israel um he sees that there's a need and you notice that God doesn't say to David hey I need you to go rather David says do you want me to go Lord I see people that are being attacked do you want me to go Lord he inquired he asked God and God says yes go save them so David goes and fights a battle that really Saul should be fighting he should be protecting the people but he's not and so David takes his men and he saves the city of Kila from the Philistines attack then as soon as he saves this city he hears word that Saul got wind that David is there and Saul actually says that he calls all the men of War because he is going to go down and besiege Kila because David is there Saul so set on taking David captive David hears that Saul is about to attack the city just because he is there and the scripture tells us if you'll read on that again David inquires of the lord lord is Saul really coming up to this city and will the people of Kela will they give me up to Saul and God answers and says Saul will come up and then David he doesn't stop there he's he inquires of the Lord again he says God okay Saul's coming but Lord will the people of Kila will they give me up to Saul God says they will give you up and so David steals into the night with his men and disappears and Saul is unable to apprehend them what we see in this short paragraph is really so much transpiring in the heart of a leader that he puts his hand up to be used for a fight that is really not his but he's willing to step in to represent God and then someone is apprehending him who wants to do him harm when all he has done is honor the king and he goes to God again and then God says he's coming for you and then he says well the men of Kela do you realize what you're reading as you hear me say the story that the men that he just saved are going to betray him that the men that he just risked his life for stepped into the fight force said I'll Stand in the Gap and save your wife your children your families now God says yes they will give you up talk about the pain of a leader but we don't read about David wallowing in self-pity or being angry at God rather he inquires of the Lord gets the answer he needs and moves forward on his way I want to encourage you today that just like David you and I we are called to inquire of the Lord for every single battle come on if you believe it today why don't you put your hands together in City adidi God's called us to inquire the Lord for every battle and as I was reading through first and second Samuel you know when I was a young girl I read that scripture and on the inside of my Bible it says David inquired of the Lord for every battle and that that promise just came a light in me again this month and I would encourage you in your walk with God I have a thought for you today a title if you will it's this are there any questions will you bow your heads and pray with me God thank you for today thank you for the opportunity to open up your word I thank you God that is our Proclaim your word you do the work and so God for every single situation every question every marriage every individual every teenager Lord every person in the later years of their life Lord speak specifically by the power of your spirit Lord change us shape us draw Us close to your heart that's what we want it's in Jesus name we pray everybody said come on everybody said amen well we see David asking questions but how many of you know life itself is full of questions every season of life we all have questions that we are asking every one of us we could go row by row location by location we are all asking something today what are the questions in your life today big picture litter little picture really really urgent something you see slowly coming down the road towards you if questions were emails or packages who are your questions delivered to what's the destination who is the one that holds your questions in my house the questions are delivered to me [Laughter] the five-year-old son and three-year-old son a two-year-old daughter and let me tell you if I were to life it would just be questions because they have a question about everything mom why is that lizard outside the window mom why does the toilet flush mom why are you bigger than me will I be bigger than you and will you get smaller one day my kids ask me all sorts of questions silly questions that are actually very real to them they ask me serious questions this week we got back to Miami and Wyatt said Mom and Dad I want to talk to you about angels and demons she's like okay can we can we talk after this meal I'll talk to you right after this meal reach out and talk with him he got done said did that make sense he said yeah he said I'd like to talk about it tomorrow also the truth is is that as many questions as my kids have it has challenged me it has convicted me and encouraged me because somewhere along the line all of us stop asking questions when did we stop being honest about the questions in our lives see I'm a parent but I'm still in need of parenting I still need my father God for me to be able to bring the honest questions of my life to him not just when I'm on my knees physically in my prayer closet but when I'm driving to work or when I get that call or I get that weird text or I have that conversation that leaves me unsettled whatever happens in my life I need to immediately be able to deliver my questions to God to inquire to ask the Lord what I don't know and here we see King David he's found in the field as a young boy and he fights as a warrior and he goes into the palace and he is King and he he is a man who has many different seasons but from the beginning we see him consistently inquiring of the Lord there was always a question on his lips to the one that he loved and trusted the one that he sought out he's inquiring of God in the field inquiring of God in the battle inquiring of God as king you'll keep on reading this statement as you read first and second Samuel you'll read that David again and again inquired of the Lord not the normal characteristic that we see of every single person in this book and perhaps today the questions in your life make you feel unstable but maybe today through the power of God's spirit he wants to reframe your questions could it be the asking the right person your questions will actually make you feel secure what happens when we inquire of the lord well first of all inquiring creates identity we read in first Samuel chapter 13 verse 14. words spoken to Saul the king as he has rebelled against God and it said to him but now your kingdom shall not endure the Lord has sought for himself a man after his own heart and the Lord has appointed him ruler over his people because you have not kept what the Lord commanded you David is known by this declaration to his predecessor the Lord has appointed a man after his own heart I've heard that my whole life I've had people pray over me and I've prayed over my children God give them a heart that is after you let them be a woman that is after your heart let them be a man that is after your heart and you may hear that statement and think that it's just something that comes naturally like man they were just they got the right genetics they were just born that way they got a heart that looks like God they got the good thing God just made them the right way friends this is not about David's Natural State it's not about oh God just made him with a heart that was inclined no it's not genetics it's not natural it is his Pursuit and his desire it is his Pursuit and his desire he was a man after God's heart and because he sought God's heart his heart became shaped like gods some of you you're looking around and saying oh it just seems so natural to them oh it seems like they just got the right fix in life things come easy to them friends that has nothing to do with that this statement of David that David was a man after God's heart is so much about what he is pursuing who he is asking are there any questions because David was full of questions how do you have a heart after God you go after his heart what you seek will shape you what are you seeking today what questions are you asking because seeking actually leads to being Jeremiah is spoken to a young teenager who's chosen as a prophet and God says to this teenager about all the parents around him about the generation that surrounds him once devoted to God now fully living their own lives and whims he says they went after worthlessness and they became worthless meaning what you seek will shape you what you are after will actually dictate what you become the Amos 5 says seek me and you will live when we seek God with our questions when we inquire of him all of a sudden what we seek out begins to shape us we simply cannot be without seeking to know some of us we read scriptures and we're like well I just gotta be this person you don't just choose to be that would be like a cosmetic change to your walk with God no friends when you seek you become when you inquire of the Lord to know what you do not know God doesn't expect you to know everything in fact you'd miss out on all the fun of a personal relationship with Jesus it's when you seek him when you ask him what you don't know that you actually become not the other way around are you seeking him today who gets all your questions if I try to change myself to reflect simply what I see I'll miss the whole point of following Jesus Jesus you get my questions and you answer and you lead and you change me in the process but how do I inquire you may say that sounds cool how did David actually inquire because it seems like God spoke to him I want to know like how do I ask God well relationship with Jesus and inquiring it's not a monologue it's dialogue sometimes we can think that prayer is just one-sided by the way have you ever gone to dinner with someone who doesn't let you get a word in and you're sitting at the table going this is not a conversation you can go out with that person a few times and after a few times you're like I don't think we're gonna go to dinner again I think they just need a good meal and some time by themselves because they really love to hear themselves talk conversation with god is not a monologue it's dialogue and God Delights in having conversations with you David asked because he knew that God would answer he didn't just pose his questions so that it would please God that he was trusting him David had found God worthy to be trusted he sought him he inquired and then he waited to hear him speak how can I be after if I'm not asking God always has time to talk have you made time have you actually made time I find that we're all listening to someone we're all letting our questions be delivered to someone everybody has a microphone these days everybody the cynic the comic every season of life that jaded the bitter the know-it-alls every single person around us has a mic but God doesn't speak in a microphone he whispers because it's personal he whispers and you get to have a one-on-one conversation with him but I'll tell you whatever your heart is after you'll find it if you have a heart of bitterness you will find a voice that's jaded if you are a woman who has a heart after greed you will find a voice of materialism if you're a man that is after credit you will find voices that feed your power and your ego and what you achieve everyone has a microphone these days but not everyone is worth listening to what you're listening to is what you're learning it's what you're becoming and it's impacting the shape of your heart and your destiny the inquiring doesn't just leave there it also leads to intimacy questions lead to intimacy isn't that crazy it's just the way that God's made us um Rich talked a moment ago that we celebrated our anniversary this week and as we recounted 17 years of marriage and 21 years of being together what I can tell you is that every season of our life to create a strong marriage we have to continue to get to know each other rich is not the same person I don't even want to say when he was 17 rich is not the same person he was last summer is being changed season by season by the power of God do I know where he is today well how do I know well I don't know by making assumptions that's how you can get in some good fights in marriage and I've learned the hard way I saw you do that so I assume that you're feeling this way you know the healthiest way to keep your marriage United is to Simply ask it's to inquire and now because I asked I understand and the understanding shifts my perspective and what I thought I saw and I'll see with fresh eyes of understanding and it fills me with intimacy because our hearts are connected because we are getting to know each other continually and we will be until the end of our lives getting to know each other through inquiring it's really cool because like God created my kids to be inquisitive God created us to inquire some of us are cursing the questions friends questions are a part of God's creative process he loves questions he's not overwhelmed by them he fit them into your destiny and The Human Experience don't curse them inquire of the Lord because the beautiful thing is when you stop asking questions you stop pursuing friends it's not just the date nights it's not just the physical proximity of me and my husband no even with my children when they ask questions that creates conversation for our hearts to be knit together God created us to be filled with questions to create intimacy and to create a true knowing and with God can I tell you today you may have been walking with them for decades there is always more is anybody thankful today come on put your hands together there's always more [Applause] and for David it's the inquiring see there's a historical record of David first and second Samuel tells us what he did where he went who talked to him what battles took place as he fled from Saul as he took the palace we see the historical account first and second Samuel about how beautiful that we also get to see the personal account that the Psalms as you open up your Bible and begin to read you can parallel the historical account in first and second Samuel of David inquiring of the Lord to his journal entries and what it actually sounded like as he inquired in every season to actually know the heart of God this is what he says in Psalms chapter 27 it's one of my favorite chapters says the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid when evil doers assail me to eat up my flesh my adversaries and foes it is they who stumble and fall though an army and Camp against me my heart shall not fear the war arise against me yet I will be confident one thing I have asked here he is that I will seek after that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his Temple for he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble he will conceal me under the cover of his tent he will lift me high upon a rock and now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me I will offer in his tent sacrifices with shelves of Joy I will sing and make Melody to the Lord hear O Lord when I cry aloud be gracious to me answer me you've said seek my face my heart says your face Lord do I seek hide not your face for me turn out your servant away in Anger oh you who have been my help cast me not off forsake me not oh god of my salvation for my father and my mother have forsaken me but the Lord will take me in takes me your way oh Lord lead me on a level path because of my enemies give me not up to the will of my adversaries for false Witnesses have Arisen against me and they breathe out violence I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living wait for the Lord that's a word for somebody today Let Your Heart Take courage be strong wait for the Lord come on can we give God praise [Applause] this is personal this is real this is intimate this is honest this is heart wide open and when his heart's wide open in the personal recesses of his day he says one thing I ask this I seek to dwell in the house of the Lord forever to inquire of his Temple he simply wants all the days of his life and for all eternity to have an audience with his father God to know that when he asks that God you care and you answer and you Delight in this conversation you know it's funny because I read psalms 27 it kind of sounds like two different people like he's really confident and then he's like pleading with God but how many of you know you get different waves in one day that feel that way but however the wave hits you can it roll up and trust a god can it roll up in God my questions will not be delivered to someone who doesn't know you to someone who doesn't trust you to my left or my right you didn't put someone between me and you as a mediator except for my savior Jesus so I know I can walk into the throne room bold proud honest open and I can ask you whatever's on my heart thanks are there any questions are there any questions friends what's your one thing you ask I remember being in school the teacher taught me school's about to start some of your kids are going to learn this when you have a question what do you do you raise your hand and Man In Worship when I'm worshiping God I'm raising my hands and my heart is saying God I've got questions but I'm bringing them to you because you are the only one that doesn't have one question and God I entrust my life I am trust my questions I am trust what I don't see or understand I won't make assumptions I will inquire I will inquire D and I will keep on inquiring David wasn't vindictive David was honoring the King was seeking to kill him and David refused to attack him back because David's whole life was not about getting to the Palace and David's whole life was not about being recognized by men he had already been seen by God in the field he had already known that God's eyes were on him before anybody recognized what God had placed within him [Applause] and so David could honor those that reviled him he could protect those that sought to harm him why because David was not entitled his life was not this is mine his life was I am yours [Applause] doesn't belong to me God but I belong to you God every part of me so I'll keep asking you what do you want to do what do you want to say how do you want me to move how do you want me to respond how should I thank God I belong to you so I'll continue to inquire of the Lord when it's I am yours Lord you don't nurse bitterness when it's I am yours Lord you don't have to have somebody talk you into serving when it's I am yours Lord you don't need to be prodded every week to live generously and to tithe and to let your life be marked by living with open arms when it's I am yours Lord you surrender your unforgiveness and you choose to be a peace maker you seek peace because you are after God's heart when it is I am yours Lord even when God doesn't move in the time frame that you expected or desired you don't walk away and throw your questions to somebody else who promises a quick fix instead you say Here I Am Lord in your house it's not my house I want to be in your house because I am yours somebody give God praise come on give them praise in this house give them Praises City I am yours Lord [Applause] we sing that song take me with you that our team wrote I love it but friends that's an inquiring song yes God is for me but do you think that God is on your team oh no friend you're on his it's his house it's his church it's his plan it's his story it's not this is mine and that's why David had a heart that was after God's because every step around the corner there was no entitlement I am yours Lord where and when do I inquire 21 days kicks off in a week friends let's not do the same old same old let's say I am yours like never before let's inquire of the Lord let's bring him everything that we have let's encourage our family members to do so let's talk about it let's seek God let's pray together and see God do something and answer us like we've never heard before as we make space as we surrender we don't just inquire and receive intimacy but also we inquire for instruction it's really important because here made today New Seasons require a new strategy and we read of David in second Samuel chapter five verse 17 of another experience um a battle that David faced verse 17 says when the Philistines heard that David had been anointed king over Israel all of Philistines went up to search for David but David heard of it and went down to the stronghold now the Philistines had come up and spread out into the valley of raphaim and David inquired of the Lord there you go shall I go up against the Philistines will you give them into my hand the Lord said today if it go up for I will certainly give you the Philistines into your hand and David came to Belle perazim and David defeated them there and he said the Lord has broken through my enemies before me like a breaking flood therefore the name of that place is called belperazine the Philistines left their Idols there and David and his men carried them away verse 22 and the Philistines came up yet again and David and spread out in the valley of refine and when David inquired of the Lord he said You shall not go up go around to their rear come against them opposite the balsam trees and when you hear the sound of the marching in the tops of the trees then Rouse yourself for them the Lord has gone out before you to strike down the army of the Philistines and David did as the Lord commanded him and struck down the Philistines from geda together I have a question for you today are you asking or are you on autopilot I remember drives home that I've had multiple ones from work where I get home and I'm like how did I get here it's a scary feeling when you realize that mindlessly you went down the path because you had been down that path so many times uh I'm actually the worst when I call you know some place for service or something and it's autopilot it's it's an automated voice my brain you guys sometimes it's so embarrassing sometimes I'll have to call four or five times because I zone out while they're saying all the numbers to push does that happen to anybody else and you're like I cannot believe I'm calling this place for the third time I am going to focus but then all of a sudden you're thinking about dinner and you miss it again we get so comfortable with the path that we know well even though you're on the same road you may need a different route or you may experience new opportunities that you need to be mindful of or there may even be obstacles that weren't there the last time you walked down this road you see the location may be the same but seasons change can stay in the same city and yet experience completely different experiences based upon this the season that you are in David was in the same place against the same adversary yet he was in a different season and he inquired of the Lord for every battle and because he decided not to go into autopilot and make assumptions and say oh yeah we got them last time we'll get them again and we'll run the same play no no no no God said don't go up again go around New Seasons require new strategies and your strategy for every season of life does not come from Tick Tock does not come from a leadership book does not come from what the person on your left or your right or the greatest influencer is doing right now it comes from God it comes from God New Seasons require new strategies let me tell you if you'll pay attention not just to the seasons but to the one who created the seasons you'll walk forward in strength protected because make no mistake if God has different strategies the enemy has different strategies and let me tell you something the enemy's not letting up so why should you the enemy's not letting up going after your kids going after your marriage going after your peace going after your joy so why should you let up pursuing what is rightfully yours presence of God with you every step are you aware or are you in autopilot are you doing what you know to do or are you doing what he destined you to do we want to be a people that inquire of the Lord that we pray first that's our first response that God we want to pray why because new strategies are required for New Seasons your marriage may need a new strategy your parenting may need a new strategy your job may need a new strategy your self-talk may need a new strategy your thought process it may need a new strategy your friendships may need a new strategy and where will it come from don't just discern the season seek the one who makes the seasons Jesus teaches us in Matthew how to watch and pray he's praying in Gethsemane before he's arrested and he prays in Matthew chapter 26 that says going a little further he fell on his face and prayed in desperation he's saying my father if it be possible see even though he came to Earth on a mission he's being honest with God and inquiring of his father if it be possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not as I will but as you will so God I'm asking you this but regardless I'm going to trust you and he came to the disciples and found them sleeping and he said to Peter so could you not watch with me for one hour watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak Jesus is unafraid to inquire of the father's will and then he's willing to follow it through even if the answer is not what he wants autopilot will not get you through this new season friends autopilot will not bring the victory in your life your marriage your job your thought life we've got to inquire of the Lord but there does come a place in our lives where we say to the voices around us no further inquiries you seen that sign I think no no more questions see David we read throughout the scriptures that he inquired of the Lord but the only other time we read of him inquiring it didn't lead to God's heart it led him away from God's heart multiple times save an inquired of the Lord he inquired of the Lord and the greatest painful mistake he made in his life came when he inquired but to the wrong person second Samuel 11 3 David Sinton inquired about a woman and one said is this not Bathsheba the daughter of Elam the wife of Uriah the hittite if you're unfamiliar with the story Bathsheba was someone else's wife David sees her desires her and starts asking around he inquires to those around him and he gets an answer he takes one of his greatest warriors wives while that Warrior Uriah is on the battlefield gets her pregnant and to try to cover up what he took that was not his he kills the husband commits murder and adultery I wonder how the story would have gone if David just would have inquired of the Lord about Bathsheba how much pain his child died because of the sin committed murder broke up a family I wonder if David would have just simply done what he had always done what would have happened could it be that there are some questions in our life that we already know the answer to we just don't want God's answer so we keep asking around I'll ask until someone understands I'll ask until someone sympathizes I'll ask until someone agrees I'll ask until someone co-signs questions are powerful and let me tell you the enemy knows this game well because if you roll it all the way back to Genesis the first Temptation was a question it was an inquiry to Adam and Eve did God really say it's so funny that we can be so thrown off course by those around us who have inquiries that we start to question what God has already answered those around you say did God really say did God really say and we're letting the questions of people around us who are broken and busted up and don't have the life we want question our trust in God did God really say friends there comes a point in your life where you gotta look to the left and right and you got to say no further inquiries I don't need any more questions because I'm not questioning it God called me spoke to me he said it I believe it I'm talking to him and until further notice I'm not stopping what he what human can somebody give God praise you further inquiries it's settled in my heart don't try to dig up what God has already established the questions the enemy asks the questions others ask and as we close the questions that I ask myself because if I'm really honest throughout my life thoughts of comparison jump in my head well she does it that way you should be able to do it that way well they they have that rhythm in their marriage I should probably be our Rhythm and marriage and the way that we flow and the way that we do things and well well that's the way that they tell I should probably the Holy Spirit if you will inquire of him will speak to your heart very clearly the next time your thoughts start to compare and you know what he'll say to you you're not them and you never will be you're different I've charted a course for you that's different so stop trying to compare your marriage your walk your job your timetable your friendships your calling your purpose you will never be like them silence the voice of comparison sinning if I were to measure my marriage in the way that we roll and when we move when God tells us to move to other marriages I would never ever be able to walk into what God's called us to do if I were to compare myself to every young mother and what they say is normal and what they say is expected friends I would never have the faith to walk the path that God has called me to rather my questions go to him and if he says go I go if he said if you if he says be still I'm still if he gives the green light if he gets the red light whatever he says it's what I want to do [Applause] I'm not them and neither are you so silence the voices pointless to compare you're wasting your time last night I was talking to a hero in my life she's been a friend for years Marilyn brummett she and her husband Ron they lead the Miami Rescue Mission it's the largest Outreach in South Florida they've just served millions of meals provided housing restoration Rehabilitation and the rescue mission if you didn't know is where we started our church Ron in Maryland when we didn't have a place to go we started our church in the Miami Rescue Mission and last night she and I were catching up over the phone and we just started to talk about the people that fill us with faith for our one God Journey and we started to talk about the missionaries that as you read their biographies or as you read or watch the different documentaries on their life all of a sudden you realize no every single one of us have a once in history story and we've got to just keep inquiring of God and the things that they went through are things that we can't even imagine as I talked to her I said man as we're talking about this and we prayed some together I said this is really stirring up that as I was a child my bedtime stories weren't fairy tales my parents told me stories of missionaries they told me stories of people that went around the world and they they laid everything in their life down to say God I'm yours and I started to think of all the different names that that my parents raised me on and there there was one name in particular that as a little girl just really stood out to me and her name is Lillian Trasher and Lillian was actually born at the end of the 1800s here in South Florida Jacksonville actually at the end of the 1800s she was like teenager goes to one quarter of Bible school and she feels the call to the mission field God just arrests her heart and she's actually engaged to a man and he he was a pastor but he didn't share her call to the mission field and my parents I remember laying on my bed as a six seven-year-old my parents telling me and 10 days before the wedding because she knew God had asked this of her she had asked God what do you want he said you're called to missions around the world because they didn't align in their callings ten days before her wedding she called off the wedding she went across the world with less than a hundred dollars in her pocket she saw a need in Egypt and she started with one child who was malnourished that they wanted to throw in the Nile to die because there was no hope and she took this baby as her own over years she started at 23 years old just doing what she could no no funds no support and God met every single need as she just continued to inquire of him when she passed 50 years of serving in Egypt over 1200 children were in the orphanage at that time and thousands upon thousands of children had come in and out throughout the years she gave her life away for the gospel because she asked one person what the will of God was for her life let me tell you all these missionaries it wasn't about their plan it wasn't about their name it wasn't about their Glory even today thousands upon thousands of missionaries around the world and you don't know their name but God does and God is speaking and leading and you don't know this but you're in Miami as a missionary God has a mission for you South Miami God has a mission for you City God has a mission for you Design District God has a mission for you Everglades [Applause] will you inquire of the Lord because God can do anything there's anything that was implanted in my heart as a little girl hearing those stories those that God can do anything will you just ask him what his will is I don't want to Simply ask God to match my plans I want to be willing to do whatever he's called me to do is he calling me to walk through suffering is he calling me to walk through a difficult season he will never leave me he will never forsake me all of the people that have made an imprint in history for the name of Jesus it's never been about what they knew we're obsessed with information we feel like we need a no no no no no it was never about what they knew it's always been about who they know who do you know who gets all of your questions because I think God today is going I know stuff where are your questions I want you to get to know me I hold everything you seek and as you seek to know me not just to get what you desire but to really know my heart your heart will become like mine and I will use you I will use your family I will use the most mundane moments of your day and of your life if you'll just inquire of the Lord we're going to pray in a moment but I just feel led to encourage you what does inquiring of the Lord look like well you may have been married for 20 years but it looks like when you're talking in the car and you're overwhelmed with the bills with your husband just grabbing his hand across the car just saying God we don't know what to do scripture tells us you don't have to beg you're a Son of God you're a daughter of God God we ask you when when your child is far away from God that every single time they come to mind you can roll up an inquiry to God God show me how to talk with them show me how to wait for the right moment show them Lord God I trust you what are you doing she opened up my eyes to discernment just in the everyday moments you can be talking to God all throughout the day and your questions invite a conversation I will inquire David inquired he had a heart after God Lord let my heart beat after you [Music] we want to say thank you so much for watching and engaging with today's content maybe today you want to make the decision to follow Jesus why don't you pray this prayer with me dear Jesus today I choose to entrust my life to you forgive me of my sins make me a new creation I love you in Jesus name amen we're celebrating with you the decision that you've made and we want to walk this journey out alongside you yeah and if you just prayed that prayer why don't you go ahead and follow the prompts that are on the screen right now we're so glad that you took some time to watch today's message do us a favor if it encouraged you if it impacted you go ahead and share this and if you haven't already go ahead and subscribe to the food Church YouTube channel so you can continue to get more content like this we love you guys and we're declaring The Best Is Yet To Come [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: VOUS Church
Views: 11,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vcH70pgtY1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 45sec (2985 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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