Are the Tories really the party of the working class? | General Election 2017

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other sized part of the working class no no absolutely not they purport to be actually like the vast expense proud and patriotic working class people in towns and cities across Britain have not deserted the Labour Party's Jeremy Corbyn has deserted them we're in the van welcome pick one view is all around another I think this is gonna be a really important thing one fails it is we're in a constituency in West Yorkshire that has been held by labour for decades now Wakefield is on the stories Kipling imagine 80-odd years and converts it was laughter elected here Tory MP Nigel Adams think that it is breakfast that has weakened the link to labour in towns like this where two-thirds of people voted out all right illegally the idea is all second is my idea of how flat being a trucker character-building thus all that sorta fauna know how many vote for half later you like to read them oh he's very much so what you like about it she's been very strong under exit she would take us out because that's what the people faster to do do you like her as well I think she is a typical politicians like risk accountable having said that I think and the more honest and lebra is there anything labour can do to reconnect with you know maximally what lever used to be wasn't working to us it isn't just wrecks it these voters say labour let them down on immigration which may explain why this story Minister it's pounding these three there was a lady I spoke to in Middlesbrough who said you know her father was a miner he'd be turning in his grave she said if he knew she was going to vote conservative she'd always voted labour and she was switching and it was the Corbin factor mainly but it was also about issues like immigration and the fact that Labour Party don't really seem to be the part of the working class anymore that's the claim next stop your that hasn't turned blue for 30 years there's a work event over here which I could take you to please representing your local tory candidate would you vote or another one for me yes yes so why always yourself I'm in business you really live like I'm a bit and you always voted labour yeah and why are you a bit and recorded yes you think we could set you over to vote for threesome a this time the Prime Minister is seen by the Tories has been strongest aspect and they'd mobilized her in labour heartlands across the country with this message I will be reaching out to those who have been abandoned by Jeremy Corbyn and let down by government for too long not everyone's convinced but one conservative thinker says it is a genuine change we shouldn't fail to recognize that the ship has changed course mrs. Thatcher did speak to the working class but largely to the southern working class are able to benefit from the type of changes that she advocated the northern working class and the Scottish were completely abandoned as - trapped in the industrial past and not it was offered to them what I think is hopeful about Theresa May is the creation of some new offer for the north back in Yorkshire the Tories are tapping into anger about labour that predates Corbin thereafter like the tawny blade what did he team I have races for anything all of the food gets nibble commitment now I'm a working man like up to sec thank borough a job site but this man is not quite ready to turn blue the other motor tourists know why not because I'm a working mum sorry conservative I think for the most people me I don't think this will make the story for the party in the working-class mase unwelcome party at her manifesto launched back in guess where another labor healthy in Yorkshire the morning to claim another party oh yes a fitting for the working classes some people say that that relationships broken relationship lasting and the strain but he's back now he's back an experience for those gaming epics - yes - somebody's got a representation of a Dalek with Theresa May face poking out you're going to exterminate everybody coming done from the the Sun do you accept that you are moving to the vertical Center ground and are you proud of your new moniker a red torii red tori by the next day the Sun had to resume as blue labor to the dismay of this left-wing academic who first came up with the term this is the Sun yeah paper the other day what you would expect not what I would expect not really a good day I kind of looked at it and I went back to bed for a couple of hours what is please Oh blue labor is the sighted labor second it you know very strong for family for work for community you know how smoking is be nice to your mum she'd be like that she certainly isn't blue labor event no she's tried to move in on the on the scene and and what is she going to try and move in on the scene well the land which is really important so he talks about rejecting the cults of selfish individualism the cults of selfish individualism has been Conservative Party policy for 40 years so to not just reject it but to call it a weird cult she talks about rejecting state socialism and libertarian individualism so she's definitely talks about the common good so there's definitely a massive land grab but that land grab is not really a day to do labor her land for peace or her direct appeal to the working class and in recent polls the Tories have overtaken labour with these working-class voters that the gap is tightening and I must be lying burning claw I just want to know what the haters unfinished events for the Elvis Presley in one country might alter Purcell offenders of the own teaching for the last ability my brothers walked into here tell me one other toys part in the weapon pack it's the biggest fish perpetuated by love defense marketeers that I've ever seen and one of our big test is emotion to show it to me Paul show the same lead among work compact motors for the Tories with a long little classroom well we've got a lot to do it but I don't think you should think we're low in the polls because Teresa may all of a sudden stuff that for working-class people I think she understands how important those ideas of working class culture and notions that will in labor some stands for I don't think she understands working people she doubted the other one working people to find it all Cowboys there's rhetoric in her speech but I don't think she really means it and you know I'm a working-class kids for kids you know I want working-class people to succeed in life if Teresa makers is no they're good on but I know that she will and when a third of those people of that times top honors I think intelligent that you've got people an alibi Teresa man your dermis is in the turbulence they say prompted press which is Owens next consensus they final stop for us I feel the question about the leg why I don't like Jamie : there's nowhere I have to leave a fella in that yeah that's actually de Tomaso Oh anyone oh my god yeah we're following we've got four weeks to return this month of Westminster are we gonna wait what if I cry sometimes I'm what is the practical getting realize I have one or two photos taken Christine when I was no change I do this thing I knew it yeah come over here let me almost a continuous definite between the manifest enough to vote later than the Tories are trying hard to entice these disillusioned labour voters with an energy price caps more technical training and of course tough talk on brexit and immigration but they've run into trouble on social care and we just stays to go a Labour fight back is underway are the stories now the party of the working class my family gave her a mining background there are many of us here given a mining background I came into politics because of what the Tory is dated doing the miners strike further to suggest the toys of our new working classes is laughable at the Tory party is almost you cannot count based around around Earth and I think that's unhealthy for the democracy I've dealt with the reason I just don't see what the fuss is about let us all go forward together she wants to pit yourself as a red Tory which is calm back in the conservative she's still going to reduce people's living standards by taking away their tax credits this could be no mass building of council houses you're going to lose you've got an occupational pension a small occupational pension you're going to lose two or three hundred quid for your winter fuel and we can go right across the piece which you have avatar no it's just lies digits talking bollocks out the issues ok she's probably better than that Jeremy Corbyn I think reasonably good are the Tories the party of the working class um they purport to be it's yet to be proven isn't it
Channel: The Guardian
Views: 84,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: general election, election, vote, working class, workers, blue labour, red tories, red tory, labour party, jeremy corbyn, liars, corbyn, may, theresa may, conservatives, tories, inequality, austerity, welfare, cuts, spending cuts, corbyn debate, trident, nuclear missiles, manifesto, maybot, brexit, brexit debate, immigration, migrants, migration, working class hero, socialist, champagne socialist, brexit negoatiations, article 50, tim farron, lib dem, owen smith, tom watson, yorkshire, nhs
Id: t6OjbpJghxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2017
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