Why the Tories are back in Scotland: a fishy business | Anywhere but Westminster

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[Music] the northeast of Scotland economy is centred on Aberdeen's oil industry along with fishing and shipbuilding in its coastal towns bound up in all that is a newly Restless shifting politics and this time around the distinct prospect of another chapter in Scotland's Tory revival in the hands of a bunch of lunatics including what the SMP me the whole ethos behind regs are is that we are going to get an awful lot lot of fish boats already get fish what door they get fresh noodle quite good idea next month in the generalife hot-button tourists ah one election after another it's just been too many I think this election issues are very much about on a certain future industries that aren't quite sure where they're headed we're traveling around the coast sort of take the temperature of towns and villages across this corner of scholar [Music] excuse me which jail if we work for the Guardian the newspaper what's your sense of how Aberdeen is doing at the moment actually that's not good no on your nook seeds oils oil and guys to take an early lead knock solace incident on the oil was very lot money coming in people losing jobs less playing center the effectively person I was really doing it definitely is worrying you don't know what's around the corner I'm actually petroleum engineers wrong and what may every done then couple of years ago you sell them any algorithm in it and what you said the door is popular as ever but take a difficult time one of the day job is always there what can - and yes enough and I open about that picket Sarah over the most consumed it you're not a millionaire right but you're all voting Tory yeah the why because at Russell I don't trust you anyway corner god we got me read tomorrow salt deficient good luck what are you need a translator [Music] any relation I'll just pick every time rubbish hey sometimes favor we told you for a minute curry went on hurry up as the place doing alright then a dump is it alright for Hendersons all finished you don't have like maybe pretty boys here what 20 boats it's not as opposed to maybe 10 or 15 years ago how many votes will we allow us to see force up to 5 year yes sugar you can walking across the harbour in Bush Eli that's it and what's your sense about the places doing it's okay yeah I've got a nice little table on the corner and everyone have a good time in there why are you from originally from Norway from nowhere want to come in now have a look so expected detail going into pub it's 9:30 in the morning yeah nice to live it don't hide come on quit your smile on you vote in the European referendum last year seems ugly eat don't ya I which way we 0ut register yes I've been little Tony with efficient what shorts our clothes and go we've not got Cosette and anymore I was once a in the fishing industry myself it's like my family the place is just slowly dying something positivism yeah the drinks here at you yes [Laughter] brexit is a big focus of optimism and what remains of the fishing industry well the break is it textbook on fisheries could actually what hope initially changes we can have a big game changer with it were very variable on Yelp they don't mention our words the fishing news countdown to new dawn historic day for bread that's on captures out most fishermen fishing people feel about it or and you don't live in a recent deal it's cause there's sixty percent of the fish it's good or worse equipped with foreign business so if we can get a sure that it would be a big change when you give it over lid allows the fishing business area doing would you say well just lately because I'm not long been recovering from what the NEC soffit is decommissioned or what three-quarters of the fishing thing that also saw fit to cook till the time of the board for most efficient whisper it quietly but not everyone thinks that the EU has been a disaster for the industry well that brexit will lead to a new fishing utopia in the fishing industry we've always fought Europe but if you actually witness what's happened over the last decade and a half we've seen incredibly good management and every single stock recover and that was under European management he's been cooking this absolutely everybody I didn't lie to you they don't and they do baten this they don't so if we believe that all our European fishing vessels are going to be thrown out of British waters and are going to face bankruptcy and the British government is going to allow that to happen I think you're in cloud cuckoo-land last question are you going to vote for next month I keep already answered equation you're still yes it's gone good chef dude even for last time I voted SNP and you don't know I don't know that why don't you know it because we're not being supportive you know about SMP what's your other option to jump in the horrible I'm curious to know how you feel about the election next month little hyper mention of in you will walk away yeah yeah absolutely are you going to vote yes yeah who are you going to vote for well the killing yes it's definitely not the SNP tell me why not that's my just do not trust them and the education appears just education health GP surgeries and there's nothing I mean 10 years of Benin and there's been no improvement all we get rattled honor by is referendum referendum independence independence and I so she talks about yeah lots of people there a voted SNP all these do such a good roof in the Ramblas they ma hope they won't this thing are we thinking a vote for hopefully everybody else hopefully there is a sense here of cracks really starting to form in the SMP dominance of Scotland and Scottish politics things here is shifting and people talk about the idea that the SNP some are obsessed with independence as a consequence its neglecting and ignoring places like this and if you if that's your argument there are sort of real signs of that this for example is part of a local social enterprise focused on a regeneration that's chronically liquidation [Music] only a couple of months ago the SNP was allowed we making in the case for a second independence referendum now with the uncertainties of brexit the oil crash and people's sense of a world that regularly falls into chaos Nicola Sturgeon is sounding noticeably hesitated if all of those tensions between leave and a remain two sides of the independence argument political differences between the generations reflected in one really big political contest that's happening here the constituency of Murray or the SNP leader in the House of Commons Angus Robertson is facing a really stiff challenge and the sky's conservative but particularly among young people here yes MPs visit of a fairer self-governing country still has a very understandable appeal was it like living here then not much has happened in really the small city like yeah half the people in Scotland the woman or whatever it is you've obviously got two very different Scotland's you've got the the central belt which is one part of Scotland and then once you get past Paris even with other whole expands to Scotland which i think is there have been affected by heavy industry and it's always been conservative with a small fee Conservative Party it's actually a hibernation from past fifty years and this has been the spark you might get Tory MP here Conservative MP that's the battle how do we grow honest I don't even know what Tories are anything like that she goes on about who she wants a strong and stable country but at the same time she walks into talk shows with diamond-studded shoes and stuff like that and it's just stupid to go on about who she's trying to do stuff for the minority when she's just looking out for like the rich they've cooked with a country Scotland all UK ticket for food and giving it a million broad up we hope to find jobs up here like I've sat pretty interviews in the past two weeks and so many other candidates and it's just really difficult to get anything else new kid generation and all sorts of ways that it's funny because I'm not with you know in this part Scotland is a sort of conservative revival more people are why you like the wasn't all violation which was surprising but I think a lot of people are fed up with the MP no as well Nicola has changed the lid Wow that was just my opinion I think really she wants to leave our mark in history that's my opinion making Scotland independent yes I think she wants to leave her mark and in the course of sort of pushing independence something's been lost yeah I was like guy was quite gone with it all when I came here two years ago mm-hmm very exciting and inspiring hmm did you vote for independence I did how do you feel now it's a very deflated to be clear it changed isn't it is it says it says it's oil industry as well as one it's one my husband who's offshore about keep speed up on for a few months I think I could see my husband very receive if you get the sense of things here have changed you know in the midst of a increasingly unpredictable chaotic world a lot of people seem to have change their minds about independence the SMP is out of its honeymoon period and the one sort of political force that seems to be benefiting from all that kind of tumult is the Tories the Tories
Channel: The Guardian
Views: 54,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scotland, general election, election 2017, uk election, inyref2, aberdeen, theresa may, oil, gas, fisheries, fish, fishy, tory, tories, labour, jobs, economy, scottish independence, jeremy corbyn, corbyn, peterhead, scottish, general election 2017, nhs, brexit, eu, european union, alcoholic, alcohol, vote leave, labour party, conservatives, independence day, anywhere but westminster, the guardian, eec, 2017, ukip, nigel farage, snp, nicola sturgeon, angus robertson, perth, holyrood, edinburgh, murray
Id: iiFM4AAYw8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2017
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