What's up CantoMando squad! 今天我們要來玩《猜猜我的星座》
Today we're going to play "Guess Our Horoscope Signs". 我們邀請到我們的朋友 Linda(LeendaDProductions)
We brought in our friend Linda from LeendaDProductions, 她自稱是個星座專家
and she is a self-proclaimed horoscope master. 你認為你很快就能看透其他人嗎?
Do you think that you can read people well easily? 對
Yes. 遊戲玩法是
So the way the game works is 她最多可以問我們五道問題
She'll be asking each of us up to 5 questions 然後猜出我們的星座
to guess our horoscope signs. 如果她答對
And if she does get it right, 她就是名副其實的星座專家
she's truly a horoscope master. 天啊!不是吧!
Oh my god! No freaking way! 如果她失敗了代表她對我們還不夠了解
If she fails, it means that she doesn't know us well enough, 我們就會跟她絕交
and we'll stop being friends with her. 直到永遠
Forever. 事不宜遲,開始吧!
So without further ado, let's go! 你覺得你有多了解我們?
How much do you think you know about us? 我覺得我大概也清楚你們的為人是怎麼樣
I feel like I have a general idea of how you guys are like. 我會給你一張紙
So I'm gonna give you a paper here, 上面寫了三個星座
and on it is gonna be 3 horoscopes. 好
Okay. 我不會告訴你誰是哪個
I'm not gonna tell you who is who, 你可以看一看
you'll just have to look at it. 好的
Alright. 我將會看到他們三個的星座
So I'm seeing the horoscopes of the guys, 我不知道誰是哪個,但他們寫了三個給我
I don't know who is who, but they gave me 3, 所以範圍縮窄了
so they narrow it down. 這是...天啊!不是吧!
Oh is that...Oh my god! No freaking way! 水瓶,天蠍,天秤
Aquarius, Scorpio, Libra. 我心裡想你們的星座的就是這幾個
I actually was thinking about...that for you guys. 在你問我們問題之前
Before you get the chance to ask us any questions, 嗯
Yeah. 你覺得誰是哪個?
who do you think is who? 天蠍是 Mike,水瓶是 Edward
Scorpio is Mike, Aquarius is Edward, Sheldon 是天秤
and Sheldon is Libra. 你有多確定?
How sure are you? 我 80% 肯定
I'm like 80% confident. 最後一道問題
And also last question, 你想跟誰先談?
who would you like to bring up first? Edward. 好
Okay. 我先上
Alright, I'll first start. Edward 第一個上!
Edward's the first! 好,我會問你一些問題去找出...
Alright, I'm gonna ask you some questions to figure out... 好
Okay. ...你的星座
...what your sign is. 我覺得你是水瓶座
So I think you're an Aquarius. 我感覺我認識的人,就是朋友
I feel like I've met some people, like friends, 也很喜歡穿像你這樣的T恤
who like to wear T-shirts like yours. 他們會穿情侶T恤
Like they wear couple T-shirts. 什麼?
What? 兄弟,你在說什麼瞎話啊?
Bro, what are you talking about, man? 我問一下...
Let me ask... 你談過的戀愛裡
All the relationships you've had, 都在一起很長時間嗎?
have they been really long-term? 對
Yes. 三年,還有...一年半,還在進行中
3 years, and then...a year and a half and ongoing. 這是個非常水瓶座的答案
That's a very Aquarius answer. 你有兄弟嗎?
Do you have brothers? 你有兄弟姊妹嗎?
Do you have siblings? 我有一個姊姊
I have a sister. 好的
Okay. 你有想過要當一個壞男孩
Do you feel you wanna be a bad boy, 卻知道自己不能當壞男孩嗎?
but you know you can't be a bad boy? 這是什麼鬼問題?
What the heck is this question? 我需要知道
I have to know. 這是...很關鍵的問題
These are...quesions I need to get it. 我沒有當壞男孩的念頭
I have no intentions of being a bad boy. 我覺得我打從心裡就是一個好人
No, I think I'm good at heart. 好
Okay. 某些方面
For some things. 像是...
Like... 愛護動物...
Like caring for animals... 你的朋友圈裡
Your circle group of friends, 女生朋友會比男生朋友多嗎?
do you have a lot of female friends than male friends? 不會
No. 喔,所以你的男生朋友比女生朋友多
Oh, so you have more male friends than female friends. 這一題扭轉了局面
Okay that changes everything. 扭轉局面!
That changes everything! 好
Okay. 但你擁有一群關係緊密的朋友
But you have a core group of friends. 就是你不喜歡交新朋友
Like you don't like to make new friends. 也不是不喜歡,只是我寧願花時間
I don't not like to, it's just like I'd rather just spend time 在穩固我本身的核心朋友圈上
building up my core group of friends, 我朋友圈挺小的
which is actually quite small. 好了,你已經功成身退了 Edward
Well, you've done enough, Edward. 天啊!老實說我還是覺得你是水瓶座
Oh man! Honestly I still feel like you're an Aquarius. 因為你跟我認識的水瓶座的人很相似
Cause you're very similar to someone else I know that's Aquarius. 而且...他也很常穿T恤
And...he just wears that T-shirt too. 你是...等等...你是憑著T恤去判斷嗎?
Is that...wait...you're basing this off a T-shirt? 是
Yes. 如果你不是水瓶我會哭的
Man, if you're not Aquarius I'm gonna cry. 很有意思的邏輯
That's a very interesting logic. 跟 Edward 談過以後
So after interviewing Edward, 你還是覺得他是水瓶座嗎?
do you still think that he's an Aquarius? 是的,他就是水行俠
Yes, he is Aquaman. 可以請你挪一挪嗎?
Can you please move that way a little bit? - 抱歉 - 謝謝
- Oh sorry. - Thank you. 好
Alright. 這一句...有點邪惡的屬性
Well that was...an evil thing that he could say. 我第一次遇到 Mike 時
So first when I met Mike, 他們跟我在討論這支影片
They told me about this video idea, 我就覺得「他一定是天蠍座」
I was like, "oh he's definitely a Scorpio." 因為他有著酷酷的氣質
Like, cause of the cool vibe... 整個很有美感,有層次
Aesthetic, just kinda you know, layered, 有點神秘...
kinda mystery... 好吧,我很滿意
Alright, I'm cool. 我很滿意你覺得我是天蠍,你知道嗎?
I'm good with being Scorpio, you know what I mean? Mike 看起來很嚴肅
Mike looks very serious. 嗯
Okay. 尤其是照片裡
Well, especially in his photos. 我想問你幾個問題
Okay, I want to ask you some questions. 嗯
Mhm. 在感情世界中,你...
In a relationship, being insecure... 通常比你的伴侶更缺乏安全感
most of the time than your partner. 不,我不覺得我缺乏安全感
No, I don't find myself being more insecure. 你說不,測謊結果表示...
You said no, the lie detector test determined... 你在說謊
That was a lie. 我...這是——
I...okay this is– 你曾經有這樣的感覺嗎?
Have you ever been? 我問一下...有,我曾經有
Let me ask...yes. I have been before. 我們先不要說現任,那個太近期
Maybe let's not say the current, since it's too recent, 以前的感情呢?
How about your exes? 有,曾經有缺乏安全感過
Yes, I have been. 有的,然後有個轉淚點
I have been. Then there was a turning point. 那是一個非常天蠍座的答案
That's a Scorpio answer right there. 你還蠻...就是你的穿著風格
You're pretty...like your style of clothing, 你覺得...
do you think is pretty... 你同意人靠衣裝的說法嗎?
you have to always dress to impress? 我同意
Yeah, I think so. 你會很常跟團隊進行辯論嗎?
Do you find yourself getting into debates a lot with the crew? 當然
Of course. 那不用說的
That is a hands down. 天蠍
Scorpio. 當你生氣的時候
When you get angry, 你會覺得自己是對的
do you always feel like you're right, 還是你會覺得「喔,我錯了」?
or do you...or are you like "Oh no, I'm wrong"? 我永遠是對的
I'm always right. 好
Okay. 好的
Alright. 我對此是很固執的
And I'm stubborn about that. 喔你是固執的!很明顯的答案
Okay. Oh you're stubborn! Okay that's an answer. 好
Okay. 你有多少兄弟姊妹?
How many siblings do you have? 多少東西姐妹?
How many things? 兄弟姊妹
Siblings. 兄弟姊妹?我是獨生子
Siblings? I'm the only child. 獨生子,啊,那也是很典型的天蠍座
Only child. Ahh, it's a very Scorpio thing too. 你知道,你的父母在一月的時候尋開心
You know, your parents got jiggy with it in January. 跟 Mike 談過以後,你有什麼看法?
After interviewing Mike, how do you feel? 一切都塵埃落定了
Yeah, it really solidified everything. 天蠍就是...
Scorpios are like... 邪惡?
Evil? 喔
Okay. 不是邪惡,Mike 很善良
It's not evil, no like Mike's a nice guy. 但他有那麼一點點的...就是...
But like there's something about him that's a little like... 我明白了
I see. 嗨
Hi. 你覺得你遇見的每個人
Do you feel like everyone you meet, 也需要對他們很友善嗎?
you had to be really nice to? 對
Yeah. 你會很常吃掉朋友的食物嗎?
Do you find yourself eating a lot of your friends' food? 會
Yes. 會的
Yes. 他就是天秤座
That's a Libra, guys. 他肯定就是天秤座
That is a Libra for you. 因為我有個朋友跟你一模一樣
I have a friend that's exactly like you, that's why. 她也是天秤座,所以我覺得「嗯」
She's also a Libra, so I'm like, "hmm." 她很...
She's very... 對我覺得...你覺得自己活潑嗎?
Yeah I think like...do you find yourself pretty bubbly? 大部分時間也很快樂嗎?
Pretty happy most of the time? 就是你通常會看到樂觀正面的一面嗎?
Like do you always see the positive in things? 你會不會經常試著讓身邊的人快樂
Like do you find yourself always trying to make people happy, 但有時候自己卻不快樂?
but sometimes you're not happy? 就是你寧願...
Like you'll rather... 你會不會做出某些事
Do you find yourself doing something 為了能讓其他人快樂
that would make someone else happy, 卻不會令你內心感到快樂?
but it wouldn't make you internally happy? 這是一個好問題
It's a good question. 你是個好好先生
Like you're a people pleaser. 就是你不會...
Like you wouldn't... 即使有什麼事情困擾著你
like if even though something bothers you, 你也會覺得「算了,我就...」
you're like "fine, I'll just...kind of..." 對,我很常覺得
Yeah, I feel like I always feel like you know I'm like, 「你知道,我沒事的,我可以照顧好自己」
"Oh you know, I'll be okay, I can handle myself." 但我會確保其他人都沒事
But I'll make sure everyone else is feeling good. 你絕對不是天蠍座
That's definitely not a Scorpio. 我會就是確保...
Like I like, you know, making sure... 其他人的狀態是好的
Like everyone else is in a good state. 但我常覺得我可以處理好自己的情況
But I always feel like I can handle myself. 好吧,老實說我就決定你是天秤座吧
Okay, honestly I'm just gonna go with I think you're a Libra. 跟三人中的最後一人談過以後
So after talking to the last person of the three, 你還是對自己的答案有信心嗎?
do you feel like you're still pretty confident in your answer? 是的
Yeah. 你最確定誰的?
Which one were you most confident about again? Edward 的
Edward's. 不不不,應該是 Mike 的
No actually no. Mike's. 那麼你至少答對一個了
Okay so you got at least 1 person right. Sheldon. 你猜他是天秤座,對不對?
You guessed him as a Libra, right? 我是天秤座
I am a Libra. 喔好
Oh okay. 餘下的兩人
For the other two, 你有可能也答對了
you might have also gotten it right. 但我們現在會給你機會換答案
But we're giving you the option to switch 如果你想的話
if you really wanted to right now. 這是個「我可能答對也有可能答錯」的情況嗎?
Oh so it's a "maybe I got it right or wrong"? 對
Yeah. 我有信心
I'm pretty confident. 你不換了嗎?
You don't want to switch? 不換
No. 好的
Alright. Sheldon,正如你所說,是天秤座沒錯
So Sheldon, like you said, he's a Libra. 我是水瓶座
I am an Aquarius, Edward 是天蠍座
and Edward is a Scorpio. 哈哈我們已經給你機會了 Linda
Haha, we gave you an option, Linda. 你是天蠍嗎?
So you're a Scorpio? 我是天蠍
I'm a Scorpio. 什麼?
Oh what? Mike 是水瓶座
And Mike is an Aquarius. 我是水瓶座
I'm an Aquarius. 什麼?
What? 你以為天蠍座就不可以穿T恤嗎?
You think Scorpios can't wear T-shirts? 你以為水瓶座一定只穿T恤嗎?
You think Aquariuses have to wear T-shirts? 我不想穿T恤
I don't wanna wear T-shirts. 我比較常穿T恤
I'm more of a T-shirt guy. 好,讓我——
Okay, let me try to– 你知道當你在形容天蠍的特質時
you realise when you described the Scorpio, 我就在想「這就是在形容 Edward」
I was like, "That's Edward." 我心裡就在想「這就是在形容 Edward」
In my head, I was like, "That's Edward." 這有點...
It's like a kinda of... 不,你是了解各個星座的
No, the thing is you actually knew them. 只是你不夠深入了解我們
It's just you didn't know us well enough. 對,星座我都懂
Yeah, like I know my horoscopes, 我只是不夠認識你們
I guess I just don't know you guys long enough to know. 我們應該要建立更深厚的友誼
We should be better friends. 不,我還是覺得...
No, I still feel like... 你還是水瓶座,而你還是天蠍座
you guys are still Aquarius, and you're still a scorpio. 好吧,抱歉
Okay, alright, sorry. 我其實不是很清楚自己的生日
I don't really know my own birthday actually. 真的嗎?
Oh really? 謝謝大家收看今天的影片!
Thank you guys for watching today's video! 感謝 Skillshare 贊助今天的影片
Also big thanks to Skillshare for making this video possible. 我知道你們很多人都有興趣學習更多
I know a lot of you guys are interested in learning 不同的技能,例如學中文
different skills, such as learning Chinese. 但你沒錢沒時間
But you don't have the time, or the money 去報名參加昂貴的課程
to go these expensive classes. 這時候 Skillshare 就能大派用場
That's where Skillshare comes in. Skillshare 提供了超過三萬個線上課程
Skillshare has over 30,000 classes available 你想得到的科目他們也有
on every single topic you can imagine, 包括商業、設計、程式設計
including business, design, programming, 甚至占星學也有
and even astrology. 全由專業人士教授
Taught by professionals and all available 輕輕鬆鬆按一個鍵就能上課
with just a click of a button. 我們也有運用 Skillshare
We've personally used Skillshare 去自學了在 CantoMando 要用的技能
to teach ourselves skills with CantoMando, 例如影片剪輯和照片編輯
such as video and photo editing. 我們跟 Skillshare 合作
We've worked with Skillshare to get 讓首 500 名註冊的你們兩個月的試用期
the first 500 of you guys 2 months to try out. 絕對免費
Absolutely free. 你們有興趣的話
So if you're interested, 點擊簡介裡的連結
click on the link in the description box below, 好好運用試用期去學習
and start your free trial today to learn the skills 你一直想獲得的技能
that you have always wanted to learn. 還要感謝 Patreon 上的各位朋友
And also big thanks to our pengyous on Patreon 支持我們
for supporting us. 如果大家有興趣
If you guys are interested, 連結可以在下面的簡介裡找到
the link is down in the description box below. 一如以往,記得按讚
Like always, remember to smash that like button, 留言告訴我們你們對這支影片有什麼看法
and comment down below what you thought of this video, 還有你日後想看到什麼影片內容
and what you want to see in other videos. 如果你還沒訂閱我們,趕快按訂閱
And if you haven't yet, hit the subscribe button, 還有按下通知鈴鐺
and notification bell, 否則你就會錯過我們下一支影片
otherwise you'll miss our next video, 我們會把 Edward 扔進水裡
where we'll dunk Edward in water, 因為天蠍座跟水有關
because Scorpio is associated with water. 你真的想不出一個更好的後果了嗎?
Can you really not think of a better consequence than that? 記得去看看 Linda 的頻道
And also check out Linda's channel, 因為我們也會出現在她的新影片裡
because we're gonna be in somewhere in her next video. 而且她拍了很多很有趣的影片
And she has a lot of fun videos. 謝謝你們邀請我,我玩得很開心!
Thanks for having me guys, it's pretty fun! 不客氣!
No problem! 謝謝你光臨
Thanks for coming. 先這樣,再見
And until next time, goodbye. 再見朋友s!
Goodbye my friends! 好了,呃...
Alright, um... 啊我被騙了!
Ahh I've been lied to! 我很喜歡星座,我很常看相關的文章
I do like horoscopes, I always read about them. 真的嗎?
Wait, really? 對啊!我就是...
Yeah! I'm just like...