A Youtuber Goes on a Blind Date With a Subscriber (CRINGEY!)

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嘿 Sheldon! Hey Sheldon! 我們察覺到你最近有點孤單 We've realised you've been really lonely recently, 所以我們給你找了個約會對象,她是我們的觀眾 so we've found you a date with a subscriber. 找了個什麼? A what? 我們給 Sheldon 找了個相親的對象 We are going to get Sheldon a girl for his blind date. 我們會在 instagram 上面發佈一則限時動態 We're gonna go on our instagram, and post a story for it. 是的 Yep. 在多倫多的單身女孩... Single girl in Toronto area... 喔,要發佈了 Oh, it's going live. 大家都很想跟 Sheldon 約會啊! Everyone wants to date Sheldon! 我們已經找到他的真命天女了 We found the one. 你好嗎?我 Sheldon Hey what's up? Sheldon. 嗨,你好嗎?我是 Sheldon Hi what's up? I'm Sheldon. 嘿 Hey. 不不不,Sheldon 啊... No no no, Sheldon man... 不行,那樣太裝帥了 Nah, that's way too cool dude. 嗨!很高興認識你,我是 Sheldon Hi! Nice to meet you, I'm Sheldon. 揮揮手 Give her a wave. 嗨,很高興認識你 Hi, nice to meet you. 這才像樣嘛 There we go. 好,出發吧 Alright, let's go. 加油加油 Good luck to you. 我們現在身處多倫多市中心 So we are in downtown Toronto now. 要去跟她見面了 We're gonna go meet her. 大概五分鐘之後 In about 5 minutes. 我很緊張 I'm nervous. 她就在那邊 So she is over there. 據說就在楓葉底下 Under the maple leaf apparently. Edward,你感覺自己像一個自豪的家長嗎? Edward, do you feel like a proud parent right now? 有 Yeah. Sheldon. 你行的! You got it my boy! 他們一直跟我喊話 They're just talking to me. 喂 Edward 他們快碰面了 Yo Edward, they're about to meet. 不能被發現 Can't be seen. 嗨,很高興認識你 Hi, nice to meet you. 我是 Sheldon I'm Sheldon. 我是 Jennifer I'm Jennifer. 好 Okay. 你好嗎? What's up? 當然尷尬啦,他們才剛碰面 Obviously it's awkward, they just knew. 你看他們站得多遠 Look at how far they are apart. 對,不如... Yeah, let's... 去打發時間吧 Let's hang out. 好啊 Okay. 很好很好 Okay okay, cool cool. 你喜歡珍珠奶茶嗎? Do you like bubble tea? 好,我們去買珍奶吧 Oh yeah, let's get bubble tea. 你在唸書嗎?還是... Are you in school or... 我在唸書 Yes, I am. 我現在在韋仕敦大學唸書 I'm at Western right now. 真的假的? Oh really? 喔,那你是超級天才囉 Oh okay. Oh so you're like a super genius. 他們走路的方式也太莫名其妙了 Yo, the way they walk is so in sync. 有女生在場他就是這樣 He's in the presence of a woman right now. 所以你有進醫學 Oh, so you got med sci. 對 Yeah. 哇你是個天才 Oh you're a genius. 你就是個真正的天才 I think you're the real genius here. 你看他們走得多慢 Look how slow they're walking. 他們很明顯想把約會的時間有多長拖多長 They're obviously trying to make this date last as long as possible. 我們就是完美的媒人! We're the perfect cupids! 我們找到了這麼適合他的女生 We got a girl that's so compatible for him. 太適合了 So compatible. 她給了 Sheldon 增高的動力 She's motivated Sheldon to grow taller too. 你看起來像是... You seem like a very... ...很外向的女生,很喜歡去派對的那種 ...outgoing kinda girl, who'd be really into partying... 我知道,大家都這麼說 I know, that's what everyone says too. 你很喜歡去派對嗎? Are you a big party girl? 我不是很常去 I haven't partied that much. 不知道,跟其他韋仕敦學生比 I don't know, like compared to a normal Western kid, 我覺得我不算...常去派對的人 I wouldn't say that I'm...I party. 喔你在替我開門啊,好啊 Alright you opened the door for me, okay. 你最喜歡什麼口味的珍奶? What's your favourite bubble tea flavour? 我什麼也可以 I'm good for anything. 好尷尬啊 This is so awkward. 我們分著喝一杯,這樣比較浪漫 We'll share one, so it'll be more romantic. 好 Okay. 真的嗎? Oh really? 他們看起來好開心 Oh they're having so much fun. 這就是純純的愛 This is young love. 這簡直就是純純的愛 This is actually young love. 珍珠奶茶 Pearl milk tea. 謝謝 Thank you. 好,我們來... Alright, let's go... ...去這邊坐吧 ...to this area over here. 你對今天要出來約會有什麼看法? What were your thoughts coming into hanging out today? 我姐姐看到你們的限時動態 My sister saw your story, 然後她說「你去試一試!」 and she was like "go for it!" 好吧那我傳私訊給他們 Okay I'll DM. 事情就是這樣發生的 This is what happened. 然後你們回我了 And then you guys messaged back, 我就想說「喔」 and I was like "oh." 「好吧」 "Okay." 「真的要去嗎?我不知道」 "Should I really? I don't know." 進去 Walk in. 你小時候參加過什麼興趣班? What are all the classes you did growing up? 游泳 Swimming, 業餘的 amateur. 對,我也有學游泳 Yeah, that's what I did too. 他肯定在尋找共通點 He's obviously trying to build a connection 就是那種「你也是?」 where it's like "oh you too?" 「我也是!」 "Me as well!" 靠近一點 Come closer. 他那一招太厲害了 Pulled the most boss move ever. 她不確定究竟自己想站著還是坐著 She was indecisive about standing or sitting. Sheldon 看著她 Sheldon looks her in the eye. 「你坐過來一點」 "Come sit a little bit closer." 然後她就把椅子拉過去 And the she pulls her chair in. 然後他說「謝謝」 And then he says "Thank you." 厲害 Boss. 哎呀 Whoops. 我的天 Oh my god. 我發誓我平常是很酷的 I swear I'm normally more of a cool guy too 當我不在鏡頭前時 when the camera is not on, okay? 你先試 You try first. 我們交換 Yeah, let's trade. 你是喜歡旅行的女生嗎? Are you a travelling kind of girl? 可能吧 Maybe. 我們倆在約會 We're on a date. 我逼不得已也不會跟你約會 You're my last resort, dude. 兄弟...拜託了 Dude...come on. 我是說,Sheldon 很容易就找到約會對象了 I mean, Sheldon gets dates easily, 但我們需要... but we need... 我們需要一個交友軟體 We need a dating app. 像是 EastMeetEast Like EastMeetEast. 如果你們還沒聽說過 If you guys didn't know, EastMeetEast 是人氣最高的亞裔交友平台 EastMeetEast is the top Asian dating app. 安卓系統的版本也上線啦 And right now it's available on Android as well. 所以像我一樣用安卓的朋友們,你們的機會來了 So people like me who use Android, it's your chance. EastMeetEast 成功撮合了超過十萬對情侶 EastMeetEast has brought together over 100,000 partners, 如果你們正在尋在命中注定的他/她 so if you guys are looking for that one special person.. 作為約會對象... to go on dates like... 像他倆... like that, 快去 EastMeetEast 註冊,就可以開始使用 so sign up for EastMeetEast today, and go get started. 如果你們已經下載了這個軟體 For those of you who already have the app, 記得要定時瀏覽,因為每天都有 check in frequently, because there are a few hundred 上百名新用戶加入 new members joining every single day. 多加留意,說不定有一天你就找到你的命中注定了 So check in, and maybe one day you'll find yours. 我其實還發了... I actually put out a... 發了一則動態問大家 Put out a post, saying like, 「我有什麼問題可以問 Jennifer?」 "What kind of questions should I ask Jennifer?" 跟她有什麼問題可以問我 and what kind of question should she ask me. 你的理想對象是什麼類型? What is your ideal type? 天啊,好 Oh my god, okay. 你 You. 噢 Ooh. Sheldon? 等等,你找錯人了,他在那邊 Wait, no, wrong person. He's over there. 不會是很熱衷於派對的人 Not like a hardcore super party person, 聰明 smart, 我說笑話她得笑,這個很重要 laughs at my jokes. That's very important. 喔,哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 Oh. HahAhAHahAHa. 對對對... Yes, yes, yes... 我們在日出茶太碰到粉絲 然後我們請他們幫忙整一下 Sheldon 我們要假裝 Jennifer 是個大名人 We're gonna turn Jennifer into a celebrity. Sheldon 肯定會想 Sheldon's gonna be like this, 「哇好多人來跟我打招呼啊」 "Man, so many people say hi to me." Right? 但其實大家注意到的並不是他 But it's not for him. 你要有個停頓 Give it a little bit of pause, 然後說「天啊」 be like "Oh my god." 讓 Sheldon 覺得你們注意到的是他 Make Sheldon feel like it's for him. 天啊,你們是在 instagram 上的名人嗎? Oh my god. Are you guys instagram famous? Jennifer?是你嗎? Jennifer? Is that you? 可以跟你拍個照嗎? Can we take a photo with you? 可以請你幫我們拍嗎? Can you take a photo for us? 沒問題 Yeah, sure. 我搞不清楚狀況 I'm confused. 我也是 I'm confused too. 一開始我還以為「又碰到粉絲了」你知道嗎? At first, I was like, "More fans." You know what I mean? 然後他們叫你「Jennifer?」我就... And then they were like, "Jennifer?" I was like... 我們走吧 Let's go out. 離開這裡吧 Let's get out of here. 我們跟丟 Sheldon 了 We actually lost Sheldon. 太專注於要整他了 We were too busy doing that prank, 所以我們跟丟了 so we lost Sheldon. 然後現在 Edward 要跑去找他 And then now Edward has to run to get him. 找到他了 Found him. 他們走到了很遠的地方 They're far far away. 他們越走越遠了 They're getting away. Edward 他又碰了她手臂一下! Edward, he did another arm touch! 他使了這一招 He did one of these. 他碰到她了!然後她反應是這樣 He touched her! And she was like this. 你覺得他們下一個目的地是哪裏? What do you think their next destination is gonna be? 我不知道 No idea man. 好了,我們大概是要坐地鐵了 Alright guys, I guess we're going to the subway. 這並不在計畫當中 We didn't plan for this. 好,那我們現在在坐地鐵 Alright, so now we're on the subway. 打個招呼 Say hi. 嗨 Hi. 我們要過去湖畔那邊 And we're gonna go down to the harbourfront. 你知道湖畔在哪嗎? You know where the harbourfront is? 知道 Yes. 那好,謝天謝地 Okay good. Thank god, okay. 等下再見 Alright, we'll see you guys. 你看到他的手了嗎? Do you see his hand? 他把手放到她手臂上了,像這樣 He put his hand on her arm like this. 多久了? For how long? 不是,是在地鐵行駛的時候扶著她 No, to support her when the train moves. 你告訴我你的夢想清單上有什麼 Okay you tell me what's on your bucket list. 好啊 Okay, alright. 我想去... I wanna go... ...旅遊 ...travel. 然後我想生兩個小孩 And then I want to have 2 kids. 喔 Oh. 我想生兩個小孩 I want to have 2 kids. 一男一女 1 boy 1 girl. 我感覺他們要去群島了 I think they're going to the islands man. 今天是非常美好的一天 It's a very beautiful day too. 我覺得我想跟你去 I think I want to go with you now. Mike 老兄 Dude, Mike. 拜託啦兄弟 Come on, man. Mike. 好,Jennifer 說很多人都跟她說 Alright, so Jennifer says that a lot of people say 對她的第一印象是以為她是個婊子 first impression she's kind of a bitch. 或者是說她看起來像是個婊子 Or she looks like a bitch. 在鏡頭上這樣說你可以嗎? Are you cool with that for the camera? 你的第一印象是什麼? What are your first impressions? 什麼? What? 不,我在問他們 No, I'm asking them. 你們的第一印象是什麼...觀眾們的 What are you impressions...the viewers. 我覺得她不是一個婊子 I think she's not a bitch. 呃謝謝 Well, thanks. 不客氣 You're welcome. 對 But yeah. 你好嗎? How are you? 很好,你呢? Good, how are you? 我很好 I'm good. 用你最大的聲量去問我一個問題,好嗎? Ask me a question in your loudest voice possible, okay? 你能吃辣嗎? Do you take spice well? 我能吃辣嗎?Jennifer,這真是一條好問題! Do I take spice well? Jennifer, what a great question! 我吃... I take it... 我不太能吃辣 I take it not that well. 我其實還蠻能吃辣的,我喜歡辣 I take it pretty well actually, I like spicy. 我可以接受辣,但我吃不了辣 I'm like okay with it, but like I can't take spice. 我會淚流滿臉 I'll be in tears. 你挑食嗎? Are you a picky eater? 不 No. 不算 Not really, no. 不錯 Nice. 不錯 Nice. 話說回來,我剛說的... Going back to earlier, when I was talking about, 你知道... you know like... ...我的理想對象 ...my ideal girl, 挑食絕對不屬於... picky eater is definitely not something that... 我喜歡的特質 I'm into. 悄悄跟你說,我其實有個美食部落格 I lowkey have a food blog, you know? 真的假的? Oh really? 真的 Yeah. 宣傳一下 Plug it. 大家去追蹤她的美食部落格,名字是? Everybody follow her food blog. What is it? @whatchuueatin? 喔原來這是為什麼他們認出你 Oh that's what they knew you for! 你比我還出名 You're more famous than me. 呃...並不是 Uh...no. 不是 No. 你是 Yeah, you are. 不是 No. 你比我更出名 You're more famous than me. 肯定是,一千,兩萬,對 Yeah. 1k, 20k, yeah. 從來沒有人送免費食物給我 I never get free food ever. 你有沒有去過同志遊行? Have you ever been to pride parade? 沒去過 Nope. Never. 很好玩的 It's really fun. 那我可能會去去看 Maybe I'll go one time. 跟我一起嗎? With me? 你想的話可以啊 Sure if you want. 如果有人邀請我免費吃東西,我也會邀請你的 If I have free food, then I'll make sure I'll invite you. 什麼? What? 沒事 Nothing. 那我們... Alright. So we just... 她發現了 She pointed out that Mike 和 Edward 一直跟著我們 Mike and Edward followed the whole time. 你看到了什麼? What did you just see? 他們在草叢後面 They're behind the bush. 他們就在那邊 They're right over there. 這個,他們在這裡 This one. They're here. 但我不知道他們在幹嘛 I don't know what they're doing though. 為什麼他們看起來像... Why does it look like they're... ...準備要... ...like about to... ...接吻? ...kiss? 不如我們... Alright, let's... 不如我們來... Let's do a... 很快地... quick... 你現在感覺如何? How do you feel now? 你玩得開心嗎? Are you enjoying yourself? 當然 Sure. 好,你要問我我玩得開不開心 Alright, you should ask me if I'm enjoying myself. 你玩得開心嗎? Are you enjoying yourself? 不 No. 好,那你走吧 Okay. You can leave then. 你看到他了嗎? Alright, you see him? 不如我們去追他 Let's chase after him. 好 Alright. 他們跑路了,去去去,跑跑 They're running. Go go go, run run. Edward,他們來了! Edward, they're coming! 等等 Wait. 怎麼這麼巧會在這裡遇到你啊 Edward What a random coincidence to see you here, Edward. Edward 被逮到了 Edward has been caught. 人質被挾持住了 Hostage has been held. 我是最後的生還者 I'm the only one remaining, guys. 我們會成功的 We'll make it happen though. 我完全不知道我為什麼會在這裏 I have no idea why I'm even here. 我記不起任何事情了 I can't remember anything. 總之我就往那邊走了,好嗎? Anyway, I'm just gonna walk out that way, okay? 好,拜拜 Alright, bye. 拜拜,我真的是一頭霧水 Yeah, bye. I have no idea what's going on right now. 怎麼這麼巧呢? Wasn't that a random coincidence? 真的是太巧了 That was a random coincidence. 對啊 Yeah, definitely. 你唯一的任務就是不能暴露行蹤 Your only job is not to compromise location. 為什麼? Why? 那麼... Alright so... Jennifer 我們現在在聊什麼? Alright, Jennifer what are we talking about right now? 微積分跟高中 Calculus and high school I guess. 你可以大聲一點嗎? Can you go louder? 微積分跟高中 Calculus and high school. 對,我們在分享對數學的共同愛好 Yeah, we're talking about our mutual love for math. 非常好 And it's good. Jennifer,你高中的時候愛數學嗎? Jennifer, did you love math in high school? 當然 Of course. 我高中的時候也愛數學 And I too love math in high school. 你怎麼看他們的對話 How do you feel about their conversation 關於商業跟學業的對話 about business and school? 我快無聊死了 I feel so bored. 很無聊,對吧? Feel bored, right? 他以為自己是個就業顧問 He thinks he's a guidance counsellor. 我以為他水準沒那麼低呢 I'd expect better from him, man. 你什麼類型的音樂都聽嗎? So do you listen to all kinds of music? 大概吧 Basically. 你會饒舌嗎? Do you rap? 我自己不會饒舌啊 I don't rap myself. 蛤? Huh? 我自己不會饒舌 I don't rap myself. 但你喜歡饒舌音樂嗎? But you like rap? 我不常聽這類型 I don't really listen to it. 這樣 Okay. 「你什麼類型的音樂都聽嗎?」 "Do you listen to all types of music?" 「你聽饒舌音樂嗎?」 "Do you listen to rap?" 順帶一提,我有點曬黑了 By the way, I got really suntanned. 是嗎? Really? 你看不看到? Can you see it? 看不到 No. 真的嗎? Really? 哪裏? Where? 我看起來很像蝦霸拉里 I kinda look like Larry the Lobster. 你看到我這裡有點曬紅了嗎? Do you see how it's a little red here? 其實看不太出來 Okay, well it's not really noticeable. 喔好吧 Oh okay. 我們走吧 Let's go. 好,走吧 Okay, let's go. 他們很浪費 They're wasting it. 我們接下來要去鏡子屋 Alright, so we're going to House of Mirrors now. Jennifer 你對於去鏡子屋有什麼感覺嗎? How do you feel about going into the House of Mirrors, Jennifer? 我沒看過 I haven't seen it before. 人生第一次去看,你有很興奮嗎? Are you excited to see it for the first time of your life? 當然 Of course. 非常 Very. 你呢? Are you? 我是說,我真的蠻興奮的 I mean, I'm actually pretty excited. 我不知道會看到什麼 I actually don't really know what the expect. 我是說...在鏡子屋裏看到什麼 I mean...expect the House of Mirrors. 你看過《我們》這部電影了嗎? Wait, did you watch the movie "Us"? 還沒 No. 我有點... I'm actually... 你有覺得迷失方向嗎?還是只是因為... Are you a little disoriented or is it just me 我拿著相機的關係 cause I'm holding the camera? 什麼鬼? What the heck? 等等,這裡有嗎? Wait, is it here? 這是鏡子嗎? Is this a mirror? 這不是鏡子 Yo it's not a mirror. 我跟不了他們,四方百面都有他們的身影啊 Okay, I can't follow them, they're everywhere. 我不知道...我頭暈了 Yo I don't know...I'm so confused. 我不知道我要去哪裡 I don't know where I'm going, dude. 這是他們嗎? Is that them? 我們捉迷藏,好不好? Alright, let's play hide and seek, okay? 你有二十秒躲起來 You hide for 20 seconds. 拜託不要走掉 Please don't leave. 你有二十秒躲起來,然後我來找你好不好? You hide for 20 seconds, and I'll come find you, okay? 好,十個小時後見吧 Okay, I'll see you in 10 hours. 好 Alright. 好了,我要去找她了 Alright, I'm gonna go find her now. 會很好玩的 And it'll be fun. 她挺好玩的,她就... She's pretty fun! She's like... 很... very... ...有趣 ...interesting. 我跟我的約會對象走失了 I lost my date. 你只有一個任務 You have one job, dude. Sheldon 你只有一個任務 Sheldon, you have one job. 我真的跟她走失了 I actually lost my date. 你怎麼跟約會對象走失的啊? How do you lose your date, man? 喔好了,我找到她了 Oh okay, okay, I found her. 你們... So how is... ...的約會順利嗎? ...your date going? 不錯嗎?還是... Okay? Or like... 我們看來,好像有點... What we saw, it was a little like... 你們是在進行大學裏的諮詢環節嗎? Are you doing like your university advice? Or... 對,那... Yeah. So how was... 你們覺得... How do you think it's... 你們適合大家嗎? You guys compatible? 我們適合嗎? Are we compatible? 我們可以讓 youtube 決定 We can let youtube decide that. 你看他們多尷尬 Look how awkward they are, dude. 他們也太尷尬了 They're so awkward right now. 好,那我們剛離開了鏡子屋 Alright, so we just got out of the House of Mirrors. 你覺得好玩嗎 Jennifer? Did you enjoy it, Jennifer? 當然 Of course. 他們現在要去哪? Where are they going now? 我不知道他們要去哪 I don't know where they're gonna go. 但我覺得 Sheldon 為人是很浪漫的 But I think that Sheldon's romantic enough 而且很隨性 and spontaneous enough. 哇,厲害了 Whoa, boss. 我們現在要去吃東西 We are now on the way to get food. 我們要吃什麼? And what are we getting? 小籠包 Xiao long bao. 可以用廣東話說嗎? Can we say it in Cantonese? 可以啊,用廣東話啊! Yeah, say it in Cantonese! 喔好 Oh okay. 小籠包 Siu lung bau. 對,我們要去吃... Yeah okay, so now we're getting... 我們現在去吃小籠包 Now we're getting siu lung bau. 我們正在去華人街的路上 So we're on our way to Chinatown. 我發現我跟 Jennifer... I found out that Jennifer and I... 在同一個...我們有什麼共通點? share the same...what do we share the same? 我不知道你想說什麼,但... I don't know what you're referring to, but... 我們是在同一個醫院出生的 We were born in the same hospital. 好吧 Okay. 對,這就是我們很多的共通點其中之一 Yeah, so that's one of the many things we share in common. 就讓它停在這一點吧 We'll keep it at that. 今天最後一個目的地,Edward The final destination of the day, Edward. 很可愛,不錯 Looking cute, looking nice. 喔喔喔,這次鏡頭拍到了 Ohhhhh I caught on camera this time. 他們在吵架嗎? Are they having a fight? 不,他們像在拍那些情侶展示照 No, they're having a cutesy Kodak moment. 「你先親我」「不,我先親你」 "You kiss me first." "No, I kiss you first!" 「不,你先親我!」 "No, you kiss me first!" 我們到了吃小籠包的餐廳 We're at the xiao long bao place now. 進去吧 Alright, let's go. 我要來教 Jennifer 說普通話 I'm gonna teach Jennifer Mandarin. 她想學普通話 She wants to learn Mandarin. 你上前說 So go up and say, 「我想要...」 "I want a..." 「我想要...」 "I want a..." 就是「我想要」 Wo xiang yao, right? 「一個」 "One." S1. S1. 好,你記住了嗎? Okay, alright, you got it? 說就對了 Alright say it. 去去去 Alright go go go. 我想要一個 S1 和 S2 I want a S1 and S2. 謝謝 Thank you. 去你媽的 Sheldon! F*** you Sheldon! 他用英語回你了 He answered you in English. 這就是初次墮進愛河的感覺 This is falling in love for the first time. 你們...我的天 Bro, you guys are...oh my god. 這簡直就是現實版的羅密歐與茱麗葉 This is basically Romeo and Juliet. Mike 現在是什麼狀況? Mike, what's happening now? 最後一擊了 The final stretch, guys. 讓我們來看看這次約會會怎麼結束 We're gonna see how the date is gonna end. 喔這太美了 Aw this is beautiful. 這麼美的畫面正好替這一天畫上句點 It's a beautiful sight to wrap up the day, you know? 希望這次約會能夠得到一個好結局 Hopefully, we'll get a very good ending for the show. 好了,就是這樣了 Alright guys, so that's it. 有點晚了,我會送她回去 It's getting late now, I'm gonna walk her back. 你今天開心嗎? Did you have fun today? 很開心 Definitely. 是嗎? Yeah? 你覺得我們適合對方嗎? Do you think that we are compatible? Youtube 會替我們決定 Youtube will decide that for us, right? 這只是她在婉轉地說「我不知道」 Alright, that's her polite way of saying "I don't know." 你會想要第二次約會嗎? Do you want a second date? 如果你願意,我們就來啊 If you are down, then we'll go. Jennifer! 現在我要送她回去了 Alright, so now I'm gonna walk her back, 我們需要一點隱私 and we need some privacy. 然後... And then... 等一下再跟大家報告 I'll update you guys later, okay? 再見 Alright, peace. 這是最後的倒數了 Alright, this is the final countdown. 最後的手臂碰觸 The final arm touch. 就是這樣了 Edward This is it, Edward. 我要坐前排看 Let's get front row seat. 握手! A handshake! 他們握手了! He gave her a handshake! 他們是兄弟式握手了嗎? They dapped each other? 好尷尬啊 It's so awkward. 我看著都覺得尷尬了 This is so awkward for me to watch. Sheldon 在跟她解釋 Sheldon's explaining to her. 愛情理論 Love theory, right? 他們在吵架嗎? Are they having a fight? 你看他! Look at him! 他這個約會對象也是夠糟糕了 He's such a bad date, right? 他就像是在說 He's like this. 「我應該跟你擁抱、碰拳、還是接吻?」 "Should I hug you, dap you, kiss you?" 我搞不清楚他們的關係究竟是什麼 I'm confused about their relationship right now. 他們這是民事結合嗎? Is this a civil union? 她像在說「不不」 She's like "no, no." 他想跟她擁抱,然後她像是在說 He's trying to go for a hug, and she's like, 「好的,夠了,不要再擁抱了,好嗎?」 "Okay, enough enough, no more hugs, okay?" 這是世界上最尷尬的道別了 This is the world's most awkward goodbye. 他們兄弟式握手了,你看到了嗎? They just dapped each other, did you see them dap? 他怎麼這麼憂鬱? Why is he so sad? 我不懂,他為什麼這麼悶悶不樂? I don't understand, what is he so sad for? 他剛是開口問可不可以吻她嗎? Did he just ask for a kiss? 他開口...他開口問可不可以吻她? He asked...he asked for a kiss? 你知道她說什麼嗎? And you know what she said? 什麼? What? 她說「你有口臭」 She said "your breath stinks." 你看他 Dude, look at him. 她親他臉頰了 She just kissed him on the cheek! 現在是怎麼回事? Wait, what's going on now? 你是在幫她洗臉嗎? Are you washing her cheek for her, bro? 你使出那一招了嗎? Did you just pull off that move? 謝謝你們收看今天的影片! Thank you guys for watching today's video! 感謝 EastMeetEast 贊助今天的影片 Big thanks to EastMeetEast for making today's video possible. 如果你在尋在命中注定的那個人 If you guys are looking for that special somebody, 或者是你想在 EastMeetEast 上找 Sheldon or if you're looking for Sheldon on EastMeetEast, 對,他有在用 Yeah, he uses it. 記得要下載軟體 Make sure you guys check out the app. 最新的版本加入了更完善的功能,例如直播 It's new and improved, featuring livestream features, 還有推出了安卓系統的版本 as well as available on Android now. 這個軟體的演算法是專門為了 The app has this special algorithm that allows you 讓你能找到最適合的對象而設計的 to connect with the right person and find the right match. 所以記得點擊在 So guys, make sure you guys click on that link 簡介裏的連結 down below in the description box. 不要錯過找到真命天菜的機會 Don't miss out, and go find that special somebody. 去找 Sheldon! Find Sheldon! 一如以往,記得按讚 And like always, remember to smash that like button, 留言告訴我們你對今天的影片有什麼看法 and comment down below what you guys thought of this video, 以及你想看到什麼樣的內容 and what you guys want to see in future videos. 還有要記得訂閱我們 And if you haven't yet, remember to hit the subscribe button, 按下通知鈴鐺 and notification bell. 否則你會錯過我們的最新影片 Otherwise, you'll miss our future videos. Sheldon 以後再也不會約會了 Sheldon will never go on another date. 先這樣,再見! And until next time, goodbye! 兄弟啊 Dude man. 你們為什麼把我弄得這麼尷尬? why did you make me seem like an awkward guy?
Channel: CantoMando
Views: 828,397
Rating: 4.9382534 out of 5
Keywords: Blind date, youtuber goes on date with subscriber, youtuber goes on date, cantomando, dating, social experiment, blind date prank, date with subscriber, going on a date with a subscriber, date with a subscriber, blind date, blind dating, the blind date, blind dates, first blind date, first date, blind date kiss
Id: wJZOptNK_Rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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