Are Remakes Better Than The Originals? Teens & Millennials Decide Which Is Best!

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- Do teens or millennials know which of their favorite movies are remakes? And after seeing the originals remakes, which ones do they prefer most? - Oh. - Let's find out with a game of, "Do They Know It?" Teens versus millennials. - Proudly. - Movie remakes. (sentimental music) - Aww. - Very dramatic. - Your picture's like this size 'cause there's a painting somebody had done. - Oh, distract. - Bro. What's up with them bangs? - It's already different than like the remake. - It's the hair. - It's The hair is hair-ing. - Wow, that haircut is just- - Oh my God, they have the same mom? - I thought- - Wait, is that the same actress? Oh, that's why the hair is so, it's the same actress. - I don't like it. I don't like it. There had to be two actual lookalike children. They couldn't just do one and then shoot the same kid from a different angle. - Yeah, they didn't have the editing at the time. - Yeah. - Actually that's not true. - No! - [Beba] It's the same actress. The same way that in the 1998 version with Lindsay Lohan. - Oh! - [Beba] She plays the same character. - I never, I never saw it. - [Beba] Well I'm gonna show you a clip. - Let's go. - Lindsay Lohan is just iconic, but then we're biased. - Peanut butter Oreos. - If your mom is my mom. - Aw, Lilo. - And my dad is your dad. - Aw. - We're both- - We're a little biased though, you know what I mean? - That's true. - She was adorable. - Like sisters. - Dude, Lindsay Lohan is on her way back. - Twins. - Wow. - Oh my God They're like twins. - This is great. - Imagine if you found like a long lost twin. (clapping) - This is a classic, bro. - So in both versions of The Parent Trap in 1961 and 1998, teenage twins plot to reunite their divorce parents by switching places. - Yeah. - [Beba] And in both films there's one person who plays both roles. - The same thing. Oh, I didn't know they looked so different. - [Beba] If you had to choose between the original and the remake, what are we choosing guys? - I mean, I love LiLos. - They're both great, but Lindsay brought that. - Oh my Lord. - Freaking performance. - [Beba] Lindsay really brought that, oh, you're going remake. - I mean, come on. - Yeah. - Remake. - [Beba] We're going with remake? - Yeah. - I've seen the original, I love the remake. - Yes. - Like thank you for the idea. We just took it and made it better. - Yep. - I mean, shout out to Lindsay. Hope you're well. - Shout out to Lindsay. - [Peter] Five. (clapping) - I've watched this like a million times, bro. - [Peter] Fangs are sharp. - You like all look at it and just moving on its own. - [Peter] The party better- - Love this one. - She was a baby. - I don't like the sound of it either. - Whoa, that's- (banging on piano keys) Yo! - Ooh. (clapping) - So yeah, this is when they learn very quickly it's- - Yeah, that the world is a little different than they expected it to be. - It's not Peter, you better move your butt. - Oh. - Also like the CGI for that time period. - No it's Incredible. - So good. - So well done. - Incredible. - So good. - So, so good. Okay and then this is the one from 2017, which was the first remake. - Remake, yeah. - Oh, Jack Black. - Like, literally- - Oh my God. - It's a comedy for me. - [Beba] Yeah. - Is this the first that you've seen? - I watched this when I was a kid. Oh my God. - I looked at mine within 20 seconds of getting it. - I love this. - I'm happy to report that I was able to bring one thing from you outside. - Wow. (laughing) - Are you, what are you doing? - You never look. - You don't look over here. - No, you never look. - It's a thing. - Wow, wow, wow. (laughing) Oh, this is- - Oh yeah, 'cause wasn't? It was the girl and, yeah, yeah, yeah. - This is hila- So, I mean, you put Kevin Hart, Jack Black and the Rock in the same movie. - Yeah. - Like I feel like Jumanji, the newest one is like a comedy. - Okay. - [Beba] Yeah. - And then the other one is like a thriller. Like kind of like Goosebumps. It gives me- - Ooh, I love Goosebumps. - Oh, then you would like it. - Yeah. - The story centers on a supernatural board game that releases jungle base hazards upon its players with every turn they take. The 2017 version transforms the game into a video game. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Oh, so it wasn't a video- oh. - No, it was a board game. - [Beba] It was a board game. So, very nineties. - Yeah. - [Beba] What are we choosing, are we going remake or are we going original? - I think we're gonna do original. - [Beba] We're going original. - I'm impressed, wow! - Well, the original one was more clever in a weird way. - I kind of liked- - [Beba] Oh, you're going O.G. - I mean, and it's just kind of like to play devil's advocate a little bit, but I did. I liked the kids, I thought that they were- - The kids were good. - They were good, and- - [Beba] Kirsten Dunst as a baby. What are we going with guys? - Original. - I'm gonna go with Original, too. - [Beba] What, wow. - Yeah. Because I liked the remake, but like I feel like you're hyping up the original so much and I feel like most of the time originals are better. Parent Trap, we're not gonna talk about that. - Come on. - Keeping it real. He's keeping it real, he's keeping it real. - [Beba] You're going with original, wow. You're a good sell, Izzy. Oh my God. Good for you. - Oh, I'm so proud of you. (laughing) - [Navigator] One small point. - Well, this is what inspired Star Wars. - It's giving Fifth Element. - Yo, that's pretty good for the eighties. - [Navigator] House Atreides. - Oh, ooh. - He's like, "What am I looking at?" - Oh my God. - The guy read the book. - Really? - And then made Star Wars. So the Star Wars movies came out, then the Dune movies came out, but Dunes a book series. - [Beba] Yes. - Interesting. - I'm so confused right now, dude. - [Navigator] I did not say this - Wrong Atreides, bro. - This is pretty damn good. - It looks like an octopus. - Yes, like it's gonna retreat back. - Oh. - That is sick. - Oh, that was good. - So that's 1984. Let's watch a clip from 2021. - All right. - With Vivian's favorite, Timothy Chalamet. - Timothy Chalamet has such a good acting range. Like really, really... - You fight when the necessity arises, no matter the mood. - I've seen this scene so many times. - Now fight. - Ooh. Ooh. - You know who that is, the other guy? - No. - Thanos. - Oh really? - Mm hm. - See, but I like special effects. - [Beba] It's fun. - I really do. - Oh, okay. - You know. - Okay. - You have to watch it for the plot. Like the subplot being Timothy Chalamet and the main plot being the sand. - Okay. (laughing) - Gotcha. - You know, you know what's up. - Ooh. - I see you found the moon. - Will you join me in death? - 'Cause like, I really appreciate the original, but then I'm like, bias. - [Beba] But you're just like, - But then tech got so good, bro. - [Beba] Yeah. - It got really good. - Dune is described as the bestselling science fiction novel in history and it was adapted into a movie and then also a mini series on TV in the year 2000. And then a two-parter film in 2021. And then the new one just released. - Oh, I was gonna watch it again tonight actually. - You have never seen Dune? - I've never. - Have you have any, do you have any interest? - I, okay, when I saw Zendaya's outfit at the Premier, it really interests me, I'm gonna be so honest. - I think I'm going original with this one. - I just, if the original is the inspiration for Star Wars, like there really has to be something like very, I like the original Star Wars, so I felt, and I felt that immediately from it. - Yeah. - Remake. - [Beba] We're going remake. - I I, if I watch these movies, I may say original just 'cause like I feel like I would appreciate it more, but I've never, I've never watched it, so I just, - Yeah, I don't know, I, I think the special effects really add a whole different layer to it. - Yeah. - And also, not to be rude, I feel like the acting's a lot better. - Why do we need spice? It does, you know what, why? Okay, okay, apparently in the original they touch on the fact that there's a reason, the technology that tries to like- - You know, like we appreciate the original. Remake. (laughing) - Well my heart goes out to him because he tries. - Oh. - He does. - Oh, no. - She was so iconic. - But I hate him for failing. - Ooh. - I hate me too. I hate me 'cause I failed, too. I have. - She probably wasn't even acting here. - True. - Yeah, she is probably really digging from like a very real place. for that emotion. (Beba laughing) - No, it's just, uh, just got stuff in both of my eyes over here. - [Beba] Yeah, it's deep. It's deep stuff. - That's good. - Yeah, and then this is the clip from obviously the 2018 version with- - I have not seen. - Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper. - That would work, like as a chorus. - This wasn't her first like major acting role was it? - Think if I can remember it. ♪ I'm off the deep end ♪ ♪ Watch as I dive in ♪ - I love seeing her without like all the makeup - [Beba] Yeah. - And the more natural. ♪ If I ever meet the ground ♪ - [Beba] Wow. - Look at his eyes. - The way he looks at her. - I know. Her voice, I have chills all over my body. - Oh, she's so good. - (beeped). - She's so talented. I stan Gaga. - [Beba] There have been four adaptations of this movie. - Yeah. - Okay, and there have been creative liberties taken with each adaptation, but for the most part it is a young woman dreaming of stardom while beginning a relationship with a man who's struggling in his profession and decides to champion her only for the woman to become more successful leading to conflict and drama and then tragedy. Ooh. Bitter man, bitter man. - The first clip that you played, it's like- - [Beba] It's Judy Garland. - She, Judy Gar, I don't even like, I've never seen her work, but it was just like the failure within herself and what she's saying. It was real. - We disagree! - I'm gonna say remake because of Gaga. - [Beba] Remake 'cause of Gaga. - But I also love Judy Garland. - So you can hold on to the original. - I'm in the middle. - Ryker, you too, huh? - So I gotta go with the original. - No, bro, I was, I was gonna go with the remake. - I was too. I liked the movie, I thought it was good, but then, then Judy was like, gimme that. - There something so vibrant about it, but I also like just generally for the storyline, would love for a man to champion a woman. For her to be super successful and for him to continue to champion her. - I wish I could switch places with her for just one day. - Is that old girl from that won the Oscar? - [Beba] It's Jodie Foster. - That was Jodie Foster. - Not the color. Oh my God. (laughing) - [Beba] That's the seventies for you. - Wow, that is pretty good editing though. - [Ryker] Whoa. - She looks the same. - [Beba] Yeah, it's crazy. - Something really freaky. Wait a minute. - It's so good. It's so iconic, and the editing and the acting. It's so well done. - Jodie Foster sounds exactly the same. - [Beba] Totally. - This is like what everybody wants to try just for one day. Can I just like be in somebody else's body and see somebody else's perspective just for one day? - [Beba] Yeah. - Okay. - Okay. I'm liking this vibe. - [Beba] You're liking it, you're liking it so far? - I like it so far. - [Beba] Okay. 1976 for you. - And it's funny 'cause probably people were in that movie theater and this time they was like, what? Like they're switching places. Whoa, crazy. That's crazy. - [Beba] Okay, let's watch the 2003 clip. - Love this when they run at each other. - Get away your clone freak! - Lindsay Lohan carried this time. Carried. - Oh my god, you are my mother. - And you are not who you think you are. - Oh my God, I'm so hyped for the sequel. - [Beba] Yeah. - It must be so fun to be a kid and play a mom. - [Beba] Yeah. - Yeah. - Like - Gonna get a good scream? - We're gonna get a good scream. - C'mon, we're gonna get a... - I know, we seem to be- - Jamie Lee Curtis has not aged. - [Beba] She looks great. - Yeah. She literally stayed the same age for like 40 years. - Like, she looks the same. Like now, too. - Yeah. - Okay, that's enough. (laughing) - Nice. Okay. - I want my body back. - She's so good. - I can't. - My wedding's tomorrow. Oh my God, my wedding's tomorrow. - [Beba] She's so good. - Ew, I'm old! - So in both stories or both versions of the film, it centers around a mother and daughter who switched bodies. Jodie Foster actually and then her mom, Barbara Harris, were nominated for best actress at the Golden Globes for their performances in Freaky Friday. - Okay. - It was that light switch, dude. - Wow. - That was what sold it. - So what are we going with? - That was a great scene. - [Beba] Remake? - Yeah. - Remake. - Yeah. Because I haven't seen the original but I did see that. - [Beba] You're going remake? - Yeah. - [Beba] Okay. - I like, it's just, it's so, I mean there's some really great one liners in that. - [Beba] We're going remake. He's going original. - You're going original. - Yeah, because the just, I just miss the old style back. - Chad Michael Murray was so handsome. - [Beba] Oh, don't even get me started. - And like the song that they do and she's like playing like this. It was so good, it was just so good. So many good things about it. - [Narrator] As the Grinch took the tree as he started to shove- - These were both core parts of a child- - Cartoon version! I've seen this. - Aww. Look at you. - [Narrator] No more than two. - She's so cute. - She was no more than two hoo. - Oh! - Why are you taking our Christmas tree? - Oh no, it's so sad. - I know which one I'm going with. - You going with this one? - No sir! No sir, I'm not. - This and the remake I would watch. The remake scared me when I was little. - [Beba] It should. The Grinch is creepy. - Yeah. - But let me remind you. - Yeah, Jim Carrey. - Of who Jim Carrey is. - No, I know - Baby Cindy Lou Hoo is such a cute little baby. - [Beba] She's so cute. - She's also cute in the 2000 version with Jim Carrey. Let's watch a clip. - Jim Carrey had to get military training because he had to be in that outfit with contacts in. So he had to learn how to bear all that. - And Max. - It's so good. - They did such a good job with the set, too. - [Beba] No, incredible. - Yeah. This movie is perfect. - Oh, go to where he pulls it and yeah. I improv a bit. - They really show you like his fuzzies. - The makeup is phenomenal. I know he hated it, but yeah, still really good. (laughing) - And the laderhausens. - He's, I mean he's just amazing. - Ah ha. - That's so good. - I love it, I love The Grinch, like- - That came out 2001? - In 2000. - 2000. - In the year 2000, Jim Carrey was nominated for best actor at the Golden Globes. - Really? - [Beba] Yes. - Because he's like, he embodied it. - [Beba] He didn't win, but he was nominated. - Yeah, he's nominated. I mean he doesn't, he's the like one of these actors. You don't need awards. - He's not an award guy. - You know, he's not an award guy. - [ Beba] What are we going with? Are we going with original or remake? - Duh. - Yeah, he's just scary. - It was. - I did not wanna watch that. - No, Lucas was scared. - No. - [Beba] Remake, remake. - Yeah, the remake. - [Beba] It's too good to be true. I watched the animated one growing up and then I watched the remake and it scared me. And then one Christmas someone threw it on. It was like a couple years later and I loved it. - I haven't even seen the movie to be honest. But nothing against Jim Carrey. I just haven't seen the movie. - Bro, you gotta, I mean. - [Beba] Next Christmas you gotta. - Yeah. - [Beba] Take a dive. - But I already, I already know, I mean, yeah. - Jim Carrey mean crazy man. - Is butter a carb? - Yes. - Gina. - "Yes." - You're wearing sweatpants. It's Monday. - "It's Monday." - So? - So that's against the rules and you can't sit with us. - Whatever. Those rules aren't real. - "They were rule that day I wore vest." - They were were real that day I wore the vest. - Oh my God. - You can't sit with us. - "You can't sit with us!" - Sweatpants are all that will fits me right now. - Oh my God. Oh my God. - Mm hm. - [Beba] You kind of look like Gretchen. - Thank you. - Fine, you can walk home bitches. - Oh. - Watch where you're going fat ass. - Oh. - That was a great wig, too. I heard that's Rachel McAdams wearing the wig. Great Lace Front. - Yeah, oh my god, I didn't even know it was a wig. - Yeah, right. - Really good. Okay, this is a clip from 2023 and then we'll talk about it. - That's Leslie Mann. Is it, no Leslie- - No, it's Busy Phillips. - Oh my God, I was gonna say that looked like Renee rap. They look like, literally mother and daughter. - Mother and daughter, yeah. - That deep stuff or boy troubles or the blackheads. You know I have- - [Beba] Shes' funny. - She's good. - I am not a regular mom. I'm at Cool Mom with six O's, hashtag (indistinct), hashtag get it. - That was a good clip by them, but- - I mean, come on. - [Beba] But you're going OG, you're both going- - Classic! Classic. - Classic Mean Girls. - I'm the biggest Renee Rap fan. - Oh, I love her. - I love her. I've been listening to the whole, the whole time I was in school, but I did not like the movie at all. - [Beba] Wow, okay, no. - At all. - Wait, why? - [Beba] I hear that from a lot of people. - I just, I just did not, I, it didn't, it wasn't like Mean Girls. They like changed everything. - [Beba] Are we going remake, are we going original? - Oh kidding. - [Beba] We're going original. - So kidding. - The Summer I Turned Pretty is generally like my favorite show ever and I was so excited to see Christopher in Mean Girls and he did a good job. I just didn't, it, the movie- - [Beba] The movie was just not good. - It was probably of the script. - We're going original? You're going original, too. - Yeah. - [Beba] Honestly, the same. - The original is so iconic. People quote it till this day. People that weren't even born. - Born. - You remade it because it's Mean Girls. - Yeah. - This is Mean Girls. - Augustus, sweetheart, save some room for later. - Oh, Augustus, please, don't that. - Gene Wilder. - [Beba] Mm hm. - "Don't do that, don't do that." - He's a G though. What's, uh, Gene Wilder. He's like, Gene Wilder's a G. - Look how colorful it is though, right? - It's like he doesn't give a crap chocolate. - Don't just stand there- - "Do something." - Help, please. - Okay, so that was Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. This is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory from the year 2005. - Mr. Wonka. - One of my favorite childhood movies. - This is, I loved this. - Well you should care. - I can't handle it. - Gonna win the special prize at the end. - Well you do seem confident and confidence is key. - "Confidence is key." - He's such a good actor, dude. - I agree. So it's very nice to meet you, sir. - [Beba] The like, (sniffs). - Yeah, it's so good. - Literally same kid. - I love your- - "I love your chocolate." - I can see that. So do I. - "So do I." I never expected to have so much in common. - Wow. - His teeth are freaking me out. - No, Johnny Depp, in this movie is terrifying. - It's- - But it's a Tim Burton movie. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - That is my favorite, one of my favorite childhood movies. - Right? - I've watched that like at least a hundred times. - When did I come out, 2005? - 2005. - [Beba] 2005. - Johnny Depp in this movie. - Yeah, no, I'm going. - Johnny Depp in this movie. - [Beba] You're going OG and then you're going remake. Johnny Depp is so great in that movie. - The OG, it's a hard O three. - I thought Tim Burton had a good interpretation of it. And usually when Tim Burton re-does things, I love his interpretations of them, but like, it was so fun and you made it weird. - You go remake. - I'm going remake. - You're going original, 'cause of the colors? - No, I grew up with your original. - Nice. - Made Wonka like a real person and kind of dark and twisted. - [Beba] And Wonka is the origin story of Willy Wonka. - The Imagination song is so good. ♪ Come with me ♪ ♪ And you'll be ♪ ♪ In a world of your imagination ♪ (Alex grunting) - This is a perfect scene. - I love her. - This is the opening scene- - Look at Camera Diaz, man! She looks gorgeous. - Hot. Oh my gosh, she was my crush growing up. Lucy Lou was so... - Yes, the- - That Slow mo. Gotta do the Slow mo. Ah. Oh yeah, hey girl. - Oh yeah. - Oh my God, she looks so hot. I'm not into women, but like I would switch for her. - He's the third Charlie's Angel? I didn't know that. I thought it was someone else. - [Beba] Oh, you just wait. - This Charlie, who are you? - I think you mean crazy bitch. - Oh. - Whoa. It's not LL Cool J. - Oh Shoot! - It's actually Drew Barrymore. She looks really hot in this, too. They're all in their prime. - [Beba] Have you ever seen this? - I don't remember that. - [Beba] It's so good. - That would not fly nowadays. So that's- - That was so well done. - The 2000 version. Let's watch the 2019 clip. - Oh, it's Twilight Girl. - They're all really pretty. - Those are the Charlie's Angels? - Why's he like that? - Oh God. What did you do to Pradeep? - Pradeep Prasad. - Nope. - Pradeep's fine. - The first one was so much better. - Kristen Stewart is a very beautiful woman. - Beautiful. - Hi. - Ooh. - Bye. - Not bad. - Hi. - [Beba] Naomi Scott, right? She's really pretty, too. - So pretty. - She's like, "I should." - I compressed his carotid deoxygenated his brainstem. - What? Well that sounds painful. - No, it just made him sleep for a second. - He'll smell burnt toast and everything goes dark. - Oh, nice. - [Beba] What do we think? - That looks fun, do they sing? - You never seen either, right? Okay, from those clips, what would you choose? Original or remake? - Original. - That's an easy case for me. Shut, open and close. - [Beba] Yeah. - Facts. - Yeah. - Sometimes the original should just be the only existing version. - Original. Not with my Boo, Lucy Liu. - [Beba] My boo, Lucy Liu. Why do you think you, you chose more over the other? - I think we went with originals, man. - I think I'm like down the middle. - Original. - [Beba] What do you think you did? Remake. - [Beba] That's correct. - Yeah. - Yeah. - You like originals more and you like remakes more. - That's okay, that makes sense. - Okay, yeah. - You guys picked mostly originals, by the way. - Oh, we did? - Yeah. - For the part you guys were picking- - We're just so cool. - Remakes. - You both chose originals - Oh. - Over remakes most of the time. - Wow. - Six and four? - Okay. - Any of these that you're gonna go home and rewatch or watch for the first time? - Charlie's Angels, the original Jumanji. - Star is born. - I'm probably gonna go rewatch Mean Girls, now. - I need to see Charlie's Angels, first one - I'll watch A Star is Born when I'm emotionally ready. - [Beba] And when will that be? - A long time. - Did any of the looks from this episode make you do a double take? Well then take a look at our new YouTube channel June Beam, link below. - Which one of these remakes or originals did you like the best? - Tell us in the comments below. - Uh huh. - Bye - Bye.
Channel: REACT
Views: 351,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, react channel, The Parent Trap, Jumanji, Dune, A Star is Born, Freaky Friday, The Grinch, Mean Girls, Charlie & The Chocolate Factory, Charlie’s Angels, Teens vs Millennials, Movie Remakes, Original vs Remake, movie remakes, movie, movies, movie trivia, film trivia, movie challenge, guess the movie remake, remake vs original, movie remake vs original, guess the movie
Id: 5Z2Ci1W84Ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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