Are expensive BBQ Rubs a rip off? Homemade BBQ rubs that cost less & taste better REVEALED

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hey I'm James from soaking that barbecue and today we're covering why I think pre-made rubs are the biggest scam and barbecue so we won't be needing these anymore it's actually really expensive one sec can you believe that little illustration was worth over 300 there's something seriously wrong when the seasoning that we're putting on our food costs more than the grill that we're cooking on it and that's one of the challenges with YouTube is some of my favorite channels and some of the most popular videos on this platform are owned by people that are the crate or sell these rubs and you'd be given the impression if you watch them the only way you can be successful at home is if you follow the link at the end of the video and buy the rub this just isn't true we don't walk into a restaurant and pick on an example here look at the menu and say I'll have the hardcore carnivore black steak please you rely on the chef and their staff to be able to blend the ingredients together to complement each other and make an amazing tasting meal the other challenge is these rubs work for packaging where it can come in a nice shipping package but this just isn't how our tongue perceives flavors best we can decipher flavors better in layers rather than everything all Blended together even though it's all going in the same place it just doesn't taste the same don't believe me watch this so to prove what I mean I have a simple demonstration planned in front of me is a Big Mac some fries and some coke in front of me here is a Big Mac fries and coke the only difference is we've gone from all the ingredients Blended up and mixed together which is Big Mac number one versus the layers and this is tastes like a Big Mac now let's see how this tastes foreign that was the grossest thing I think I've ever done and the third and final reason is also related to packaging which is clumping and so even though there's additives and preservatives and a whole bunch of other things added to stop the clumping effect after a little bit of time in storage they start to Clump together and this is completely skipping over freshness so if you order on Amazon I don't know when this was originally packaged how long it sat in Amazon's Warehouse or a barbecue retailer to eventually it makes it to my house to when I can eventually get it on the food and this goes completely against how spices work in terms of delivering the best impact so typically if you make something grind up some fresh pepper you want to consume that within 30 days and some of these rubs I've had in my cupboard for far longer than 30 days so freshness is a big part of it so let me break down the three topics that we're going to cover today first I'm going to go over some common mistakes it comes to when seasoning your food second I'm going to share some best practices that help address all those mistakes and to set you up for Success I'm going to share three starter rubs that you can make at home using ingredients from your local grocery store that will absolutely blow your socks off so without further Ado let's get started let's start with mistakes and it's okay we all make them but there's three reasons that we season our food in the first place the first is to enhance the flavor it's amazing if you've ever tried dry brine something as simple as just adding salt 24 hours in advance how much something like that simple step can unlock the natural flavor of whatever we're cooking whether it be fish chicken beef pork you name it the second reason is to enhance color and presentation let's say if we were going for ribs for example we want that beautiful mahogany color or if you're doing brisket and you want that stand out Bark that just looks absolutely fantastic we eat with our eyes and so how things look is a big part of it and the third and the final reason is aroma and so even though there's really only five kind of basic tastes that our tongue can perceive our nose can detect thousands and so how we build these flavors that we can taste as well as the Aromas that we can smell really go a long ways to enhancing the overall experience so what are some of the most common mistakes that people make when it comes to seasoning their food okay so there are many mistakes that we can cover but today I'm going to cover my top four because I think they are the biggest ones that will make a massive difference in the cooking that you're able to do at home and appreciate so the first one is salt and this is salt type as well as the quantity of salt and ask me how I know about this one but my first experience was doing the overnight dry brine with salt but didn't appreciate the difference in salt so I used a refined table salt instead of what I've now learned has the least amount of sodium by volume which is something like diamond crystal kosher salt and that is the 100 the salt that I use for my dry brines overnight so mistakes number two and three go hand in hand together so I'll address them all at once and so this is buying pre-ground spices and so Costco loves selling things in bulk and it's a tremendous value but if you're a restaurant going through this regularly this is no problem but if you look in your shelf and you find things that you bought six months 12 months 48 months 72 months uh you know years ago this is not going to provide the same flavor so buying pre-ground spices not only causes them to lose their Aroma their impact it's also prone to mistake number three which is way past shelf stable or even just shelf ideal in terms of being able to deliver that flavor compound and then finally our fourth mistake is the nose nose and so when you're buying fresh spices or stored preserved spices waking them up with some gentle heat will amp up the flavor and the impact that that ingredient will have in your rub or your dish I won't call it tenfold it makes a huge difference so the way that you do this is just by toasting your spices in a pan for a couple minutes we don't want to burn them but just wake up those ingredients and this works on everything from peppercorns to you know hot peppers to even fresh aromatics like rosemary thyme Sage or anything like that that's going to go in for example a compound butter toasting your spices normally in unlocks the aroma your nose really gets into the action and starts to enjoy things they absolutely taste better so now we've covered off a couple of our mistakes let's go into my best practices when making rubs at home okay best practice is time so to help make sense of the best practices first we need to understand the five basic flavors that we can all experience as humans and so it's not just understanding the five a basic taste but it's how we bring them together in Balance now I don't have time to go through all of the things I've learned in this let me know in the comments if you'd like to see more in a future video but in the meantime if you're a Netflix subscriber check out Salt Fat acid heat uh by sameen norsat or get her book which I picked up and it's an absolute excellent read because it talks about how we balance these different ingredients together and can help set you up for cooking at home with no rub recipe or even no recipe it's just a starting to find how these different things complement and balance each other out so with those tastes in mind there are four best practices that I want to share that will make a big difference to how you're cooking or preparing seasonings rubs or your overall food at home so that first we covered in the beginning which is layers so building layers I like when I'm doing something like a steak to do an overnight salt dry brine so that's getting the salt into the meat and helping enhance the flavor of the beef then I like to use a binder so that truffle oil and then starting to add garlic onion you know additional pepper you name it so adding these different layers of flavor tastes far better than it does when we mix everything together now for simplicity's sake and rubs to get you started I will share a couple rubs that you can mix together but if you have time try building the layers because you will absolutely notice a difference in everything that you make the second point is have a theme and I'll give you some ratios to get started but I like to start with a base so we're you know call it about 70 percent locked in on some core ingredients and then pick a theme so if you're going Greek or Italian Mexican whatever it might be pick a theme and try and pick flavors that complement that particular region and stick to it Point number three is taste as you go so the only way to find out if things are balanced is to you know use your tongue and so don't be afraid to taste spices or taste your ingredients in terms of how things come together we do lots of things where we are blending different flavors that might be something like if you're cooking ribs which are fatty and you're spraying them with apple cider vinegar that acid from the vinegar is helping cut some of the fat from the ribs or if we're doing a sear sauce on our steak and we have some mayo red wine vinegar salt pepper garlic you name it and we add it to that steak it's again helping you know cut the fat there's all sorts of examples that we can go in too in terms of how things come together but it's important to taste them not just independently but how your meal plan is coming together from an overall experience and last but not least number four is make everything as fresh as possible and so while the Temptation might be when we get to the next chapter and I share my three starting rubs for you to make at home is to make a giant jar of this try and resist the temptation because from a process perspective it saves you time just doing it once but the freshness is something that you lose out on over time and so everything that I'm going to share is made for about one meal's worth of serving so if we're doing brisk it it'd be enough to season an entire brisket you might be able to stretch a little bit or ribs it's going to be enough for you know maybe four or five racks of ribs but we're not going to be making a month's worth or a Year's worth at a time so try if you've never tried this give freshness a chance because I think it will blow you away in terms of the impact that it makes so now that we've covered some mistakes and best practices let's move into three starting rub recipes that you can make at home okay I've got three amazing rubs that I'm going to share in today's video there are so many that we could do but I think this is a fantastic start so the first rub that I'll put down in the description below is a copycat Lowry's seasoning salt and I mentioned a copycat since I know Lowry's is not available in all regions I've used this for the last year as part of my Rhymes and recipe and you guys have said I can't find it how do I make it so we're going to take a little bit of time in terms of how to make lowrys as well as how to add it in into the right ratios for rub recipe number one which is my favorite salt pepper garlic overnight dry brine rub so if I was doing steaks or a brisket or anything like that this would be my go-to rub recipe and it's also the foundation for almost every other recipe that I do so we're going to start first with a dry brine recipe the second recipe is a Memphis red rub which is amazing on things like pulled pork and especially ribs where we're going to get that Maha Agony color and the third is my brisket bark Builder recipe and so this is things got a little bit of allspice a little bit of coffee and it just really helps build that bark and it turns out stunning it's a wow factor for not only the presentation but also the flavor compounds if you're tired of just kind of the traditional salt pepper garlic Texas style brisket which is my personal favorite but you want to mix that up and go for something a little bit different this bark Builder recipe is sure to knock your socks off and in front of me here I have a couple ingredients that are in all the recipes down below as well as my pepper Cannon I bought my pepper cannon at the beginning of the year with the hope that it would save me from going out and buying store-bought rubs and it's absolutely been true I think I got this in February or so of 2022 and everything that you see here I'm grinding up and adding into the recipe so it's called pepper Cannon but it's generally an all-purpose spice Cannon and so one of the reasons that I love this thing is the adjustability so I can go anywhere from 8 to 60 plus mesh so for pepper and every spice here we can get really a fine or a coarse grind plus it's as I've learned from just coffee and being a fan of coffee one of the ingredients that we grind up is that the Burn Mill and the quality of the Burn Mill really matters when I first got into coffee I was grinding and chopping my coffee in the blender versus getting a burm milk which crust crushes and releases the oils and this thing hands down I think probably the best purchase I've made in 2022 and as a thanks since I've been including many videos pepper Cannon offers you guys a save 10 code so I'll be sure if you haven't seen it already to put the link in the code for the pepper Cannon down in the description but I think hands down this is done exactly what I hoped it would do at the beginning of the year and allow me to make some amazing rubs that save me money as well as unlock a world more of flavor so those are three great recipes that'll all be down in the description with the exact amounts and quantity and again the advice here even though you can mix them together is to go for the layered approach and mix and match until you find one that you absolutely love and works for you I hope you enjoyed today's video if you did be sure to let YouTube know by Smashing that thumbs up button and let me know by hitting subscribe and as I'm near approaching a hundred thousand subscribers I partnered up with kamado Joe to be giving away a kamado Joe Classic Series 2 along with a bunch of accessories all you need to do to enter is hit subscribe so good luck if you're already subscribed you're in once we cross 100K I'll be sure to do that giveaway that's it for today though I'm James from soaking dad BBQ signing off and remember don't be afraid to fire it up thank you [Music]
Channel: Smoking Dad BBQ
Views: 115,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smoking dad bbq, bbq rub, barbecue rub, bbq rub recipe, make your own rub, how to make barbecue rub, all purpose bbq rub, how to make bbq rub, barbecue rub recipe, bbq rubs, bbq rub comparison, homemade barbecue rub, bbq rub for brisket, bbq rub for pork, pepper cannon, pepper cannon review, pepper cannon grinder, mannkitchen pepper cannon, mannkitchen pepper cannon review, pepper grinder, malcom reed rubs, hardcore carnivore black, lanes bbq rubs, meat church rubs
Id: x-rmv5qClJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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