Are Demon Slayer’s Strangest Swords Actually Usable?

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hi my name is mary i've been training swords for over 20 years and today i'm going to be reviewing all the strangest swords in demon slayer um so the first sword that i have here is enosuke sword which he had two of them but we just have one that's all we're gonna take a look at today so first impressions all of the indents here basically on the weapon would be super deadly for sure just because you're creating all these different edges and lines on the weapon and that type of like impact is really going to rip and tear through something pretty well it also could be used for like some type of hooking motion similar to like a copish where you can have this kind of like hooking and thrusting motion but this is super cool definitely has a good good look and feel to it um so now i have tangents weapons here again this is kind of similar to the last blade we just looked at with a nose case blade having this big indent here that again could use for a hook when it's in the middle of the blade like this it might be a little bit more challenging with any type of shorter weapon you're gonna be in more of a closer combat situation so you're not gonna have as much reach but having two of them would definitely give you a little bit more variation in terms of how you can attack having the weapons chained together though is again a little bit impractical depending on the length of the chain just because you could i mean you could use that chain as a weapon as well but you know if you're swinging two really heavy blades around by a thin little chain i'm not sure how long that would hold up um but you could use the chain for something to again in like a close combat situation similar to like some type of surrounding techniques so that might be kind of interesting the sarong style it's not something that i've trained but it's typically found in i want to say in filipino martial arts and you guys can check me if i'm wrong on that so this is a shinobu sword before you unsheath it you're just based on everything i just pulled before this you're expecting just a huge blade and then it's this thin little blade like this um this is great though like weight wise also check the uh floral design here totally into that into fashion right fashion over function folks so one of the the weapons that i train with the rapier which is obviously way different than something like this a rapier is single hand this is two hands right so any type of light blade can always allow you for quicker combat so immediately seeing this and just feeling the weight of this you'll be able to use this and have very quick movements any type of metal object whether it's dull or sharp you know if you're hitting someone with that it's still not going to feel very good again this little hook right here can be super nasty even if you're just hooking someone with that and then all you got to do really is pull and then i guess your imagination can kind of do the rest so i have missouri's sword next um and this one is very flexible from the from the show and is used almost in like a whip like fashion having a little bit of flexibility in a sword is not an issue necessarily just because if you are like going in for a cut and let's say if someone parries it and the momentum of the blade is still traveling around that parry there's an opportunity for the blade to still hit your target you actually see a lot of like this flexibility in the blade with thinner types of blades in competitive fencing actually you'll see some of the some of the blade work they do they're moving the blade so fast that the momentum of the blade is continually traveling and moving all over so the next sword we have here is uh tanjaro's broken um sword so i mean it could be used if it's sharp here which obviously if it's broken off it could still be used as a knife as a weapon for sure so it's not to say that if you don't have the whole blade that it's not something that could be deadly still for stunts basically like behind the scenes when we're doing sword combat sometimes when we're filming the scene we have to use these like half sword type weapons and the reason for that is when we do the choreography later on they go and they cgi and the rest of the weapon so you can see the sword like stabbing and cutting through people so when i see this that's automatically where my brain goes as a performer in terms of actual functionality i think you're basically limited to just using it as a knife for close quarter combat and here we have tanjaro sword again i love the pattern i love just the black and red details down here very very cool just overall like just a fun sword to look at you can see this part very very neat with the the flame details right here and the little uh like gold trim very very cool so that was super cool i was really excited to be able to check out all these swords thanks so much for watching today's video again my name is mary if you guys want to follow me on instagram my instagram is mary underscore sola underscore if you guys want to purchase any of these super cool katanas you can purchase them either doll or sharp on and thanks again for watching see you next time
Channel: Mini Katana
Views: 327,763
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Id: RRFA_1Dbq9Q
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Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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