ArcScene 3DFlythrough Video

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you can you can use the de M that you use for your watershed or you can go to web GIS comm and download a different de MS that makes sense to everyone so far okay so remember we're going to be doing this in arc scene and if you if you don't have arc seen on your desktop just hit the start button all programs ArcGIS and you should see arc scene in the arc GIS folder okay so I'm going to go ahead and open that up hey Tom I'm gonna be talking while you guys are meeting so no yeah it's okay with me if it's okay with you just try to ignore me I guess okay so I have art scene open arc scene behaves just like arcmap basically you've got your add data button your map view your table of contents so the first thing I'm going to do is go ahead and upload Ian yep it should be in your ArcGIS folder you can't get to it through arcmap you have to close arcmap okay okay so I'm gonna hit the add data button and I'm gonna use you guys remember from the intro course when unit 7 I think it was where we use GIS to figure out where landslides were you guys remember that lab condo in San Bernardino California I'm gonna use that de M okay just because I it's it's handy for me to use it here so I'm going to click on that de m and and click add and when it's not working here we go okay so here's my de M okay and again this is San Bernardino California unit 7 from the intro course okay now first thing you'll notice the navigate tool in arc scene you can click on that and you can hold the left mouse button down and look around your data but again the data is in two dimensions right there's some things you need to tweak with the data to get it to display in three dimensions okay so to get the de m2 display in three dimensions we're going to right click on the DDM or go to properties go to base Heights and we're gonna do floating on a custom surface and slow me down if you guys are missing anything and so floating on a custom surface and then click OK and if you kind of use your navigate tool you can kind of see we can see some hills there right hills and valleys alright the reason this is working is because whenever you do a 3d world an arc scene you have to have data that has an X a Y and a Z factor okay you know shape files have an X and a Y right they don't have a they don't have a Z factor in them they don't have anything that displays elevation okay a de m does because the de M is a digital elevation model okay every cell that makes up that de M is attributed with a number and that number in this case stands for elevation above sea level all right now you can do some things of this you can exaggerate the effect okay and to do that just double-click the de M go back into base Heights and you can put this conversion factor in there right now it's just at one but you could put a conversion factor of two in there and what that does is it multiplies all the elevations by a factor of two okay so if we put a two in there and click OK you can see it exaggerated s-- the hills and the valleys alright you can do it even more if you want like watch if I put in a factor of five in there you can see it really exaggerated sit okay kind of a cool thing to do is go into web GIS com you can download a de M of like the Grand Tetons the area around Jackson and it's pretty neat the effect you can get okay you kind of got to be careful though like this is kind of this is too much really we don't need to be exaggerating it that much so I'm going to go back into my base Heights and I'm gonna put a scale Feder of conversion factor of two back in there so I'll just use a conversion factor or two for this example any questions so far and anything okay so you can put any kind of data you want into your 3d World ark scene and you can set the base heights to the de m and it'll it will exaggerate or make anything three-dimensional as long as it's on top of our overlaid by that DDM okay if like for example if some wrote if you want to put some roads or streams in your 3d world you can do that but it has to be on top of a DDM if any of the roads go outside of this de m for example they won't get converted alright so for example if I hit my add data button and go into that unit seven from the intro course and if I load in C where's it at like I'll load in some roads and streams and schools okay click Add now you can see it added all of this data to my Ark scene but look it's it's still it's being displayed in two dimensions right you can see it's underneath the DDM so again what do we need to do to these shape files to fix that someone help me out here set what yeah that's right the base heights okay so like well double-click the roads go to base heights remember floating on a custom surface make sure you select the de m okay now remember my de m is at us conversion factor of two so what you want to do if you want to overlay something on top of the de M is you want to put in a conversion factor of just a little bit above two okay so for example I'll put in two point O two point O five okay click okay and there's there's my roads all right pick a different color here and if you zoom in on this and use your navigate tool you can see you can use your pan tool to kind of pan around you can see the roads you're gonna get some you know it does its best to overlay them but do you see how there's a gap in between the de m and the roads like right here so you can kind of play around with that scale that number and maybe I'll try 2.01 and you see how it kind of lowered them I don't know did you guys catch that at all maybe but you can also kind of see that some of the roads are going below the de m right so you're you're losing some data here so kind of play around with this number to get it to look the way you want to maybe I'll raise it up just a tad okay 2.02 I'll do the same thing with the streams again double-click streams go to base Heights floating on a custom surface 2.02 right click on my streams okay so there they are I'll make these lines just a tad thicker color in blue okay finally the schools I'll do the same thing again base heights set them equal to the DDM 2.02 and then the neat thing inside of Arc's scene is you can start to use some of the 3d symbols that are in there okay so if I double click the little dot underneath schools and I think I don't know why they're under the houses but if you type in the word house and click enter in the symbol selector you're gonna see tons of different buildings that you can use okay I'm just gonna pick one that kind of looks like a school here maybe and that kind of the weird thing with these 3d symbols is you have to use a large symbol size on these like I'm gonna I'm gonna bump this symbol size up to 40 okay and so if we zoom in we can see there's the locations of the schools okay and then art scene like I said they've got tons of 3d symbols that that you can use alright any questions so far on anything everything makes sense okay I think the first part of the lab I tell you guys to create a hillshade right and you would just I'll just I'll kind of let you guys work through that on your own but you know you'll you'll go to search type in the hillshade tool and you'll use the hillshade 3d analyst okay and you can use the de m to create a hill shade well I'll just go ahead and go do it so open up the hill shade tool my input raster is going to be the de M need to tell it where to save this and so real quick while this tool is opened there's azimuthal altitude or what you guys help me out here what do you think these two options deal with what is an azimuthal have any idea you're on the right track that's what altitude is altitude is the sun's angle what do you think as in ooh there's any ideas you guys have no clue or do you just not want to talk tonight what's that okay as in use as amuse me neck ssin okay so if we're looking at a compass what what direction in degrees is north in degrees what direction is north on a compass what's that okay zero or 360 right what direction is east 90 what direction is South at East is 90 South is 180 what direction is west what's 180 plus 90 okay 270 alright so this is in degrees so as AM you that says 315 what direction is 315 degrees okay Northwest so what the hillshade tool does is it simulates a fake light source okay and from that fake light source it it gives the hill shade a different shade of gray depending on where that light source is hitting the DM okay so the and in altitude means how high above the horizon this light source is okay zero is looking straight down the horizon if you're standing out on the ground that's the horizon okay that's zero forty five is here ninety is directly above you okay that would be like if this if it was at noon if you wanted to have make a hill shade to see where the hills and valleys are at noon what that would look like you would put in ninety four your altitude okay so we'll go ahead and we'll leave the defaults click OK think my tools yep there goes okay and we have a hill shade but again the hill shade is in two dimensions so what we have to do we need to fix the base heights okay so kind of a neat thing you can do is double-click the hill shade go to the base heights tab again floating on a custom surface what are you going to set this to the de m okay the reason you're always going to set everything to the DDM is because the de m is what contains that Z value the elevation okay the hill shade does not contain elevation data the hill shade is now attributed with numbers that mean different shades of grey between 0 and 2 54 0 being the color black 254 being white okay and then depending on where that fake light source is hitting the hill shade the different shades of gray are attributed somewhere in between there okay and then so by de M was that a scale factor conversion factor of two is that right okay so I'm gonna put my hill shade just a little bit below that so I'm gonna put in one point nine nine okay and then I'm gonna double click my de m so not my hill shade but my de M and go to the display tab and I'm gonna make it oh let's just try 45 percent transparent okay and it just kind of gives it a different look and you can see there's going to be some drawing errors in there you can see it the computer has trouble drawing some of this because there's a lot of information in there a lot of pixels and the video card or the graphics card on these machines has trouble keeping up with all of it so that's why you're gonna get these these errors as you kind of spin around it but you can kind of avoid some of that by like I'll lower the hillshade just a tad on my base height so maybe I'll put in one point I'll do one point nine and that kind of takes care of some of it and again you guys will just have to play around with these numbers you know do 1.8 ok and then you can change the color on your de M you can double-click the color ramp there and maybe I'll just pick a different color here okay play around with the different colors alright so right now green is lower elevation yellow red brown and white or higher elevations okay any questions on anything doing okay okay if you want to get even more creative you guys can kind of make your own make your own data okay and I went over this last week I think didn't I and II but let's say you want to again you could simulate you know locations of buildings or you know drawing you know I've had people recreate 3d fly throughs of campus okay and what they did was they put dots on top of each building on campus and they sit they symbolized each dot with a 3d building that was kind of closely resembled whatever building they were trying to to model on campus but let's say I want to put in some trees up here in the mountains of love San Bernadino okay so here's what I would do to create my own data to put into Ark scene all right I would open up arcmap okay and I'm gonna minimize arcmap and I'm gonna copy the de m okay so I'm going to right-click on this de M and say copy and arc scene and then I'm gonna go back into arcmap and I'm gonna right click and say paste layers okay so and then I'm gonna double click this de M and get rid of the transparency so I'm gonna go into my display tab and make the transparency 0 just so I can see it easier okay and so again if I want to symbolize some trees that are up here in the mountains okay what we need to do is create a shape file of those trees alright remember shape files are points lines and polygons so how would we symbolize a tree what would be best to use a point right okay so I'm gonna open up art catalog I'm gonna go to the folder that I'm working in I'm gonna right click on the folder where I want the shapefile to be saved and I'm gonna say new shapefile I'm gonna call this I've already have got a tree's shapefile in there I'm gonna call it trees too I'm gonna make it a point I need to give it a coordinate system how do I know what coordinate system to give it you can't just leave it blank or unknown how do I know what coordinate system to give this shapefile any ideas ok so I need to cancel out of this and I need to double-click my data frame and what projection am I in I'm in nad27 that's the datum I'm in utn UTM and zone xi zone 11 because we're in California right y ou means 13 12 so over in California were in zone 11 all right so I need to remember that or I can just click this star up here and add it to my favorites it'll make it easier go back to my unit seven in catalog again new shapefile point I'm going to call it trees - yep there's my projection I need to give it nad27 UTM zone 11 click OK the shape file gets created it automatically adds it to my table of contents here I'm going to go into my editor toolbar start editing and I'm just going to click click in some points to symbolize where the trees are here okay editors stop editing I want to save my edits all right I'm going to right click on my shape file and go to copy I'm going to go back into arc scene I'm gonna paste that in there you can see there's my there's my points that I just created now what do you think what do I need to do to get this to display correctly you have to change the base heights right double-click trees to again base Heights set it to my what am I going to set it to yep p.m. set my conversion factor to what do we at your 2.0 - is that right okay you can see there's the dots there double-click the dot in my symbol selector I can type in tree you have just a word tree you can see there's hundreds of different tree symbols you can choose from okay I'm just gonna go ahead and pick something here okay so there's my little make-believe forest that I just created okay again how would you if you wanted to create a Ark scene world of Casper College what would you do you would go download the de M for Casper right and then how would you get the buildings inside of our scene okay yeah like get the aerial photo into arcmap right and then what would you do right put put dots on top of each building right and then you can give each building or each dot a building symbol on whatever kind of building you wanted to use in the symbol selector okay that makes sense to everyone so you can be in this unit you can be as creative as you want to you don't have to use the watershed from your or the DM from your watershed unit you can go go to web GIS comm and download the de M for anything and you can try to create your own 3d world okay all right how we doing any questions okay final thing I want to go over is is flying through making the fly through okay so to start out when you start to make your fly through you need to right-click on your DD m and say zoom to layer okay so you need to start at the fullest extent of your de M and then you'll see the fly tool up here okay looks like a picture of a little bird up there next to the navigate tool and the way the fly tool works is you're going to click on it left clicking on your mouse and you have a mouse with your laptop I don't know if this might be a little hard if you're just using the pad on your laptop you can unplug that Mouse there if you want to use that yeah you got to get down there on the it's under oh so it is possible okay well when I get done here if you want to use the mouse you can or I can just let you use this one or clay the same with you but left clicking on the mouse flies you forward the more you left-click the faster forward you go okay if you want to slow down you right click the more you right-click you'll slow down you'll eventually stop and then if you keep right-clicking you'll start to fly backwards okay and then if your mouse has a rollerball on it if you just want to stop you can tap that rollerball and you'll just stop right where you're at okay so I'm going to click the fly tool I'm gonna left click again when you left-click it doesn't look like you're going anywhere but if you are going forward slowly okay again I'm gonna left click more and you're gonna start to see I'm gonna speed up here okay I'm gonna right click to slow myself down and you just move your mouse around a steer okay slower you go at first the easier it is to control okay and again if you want to stop you can I think you can hit escape on your keyboard or you can tap down on the rollerball okay any questions with that some people have trouble getting used to this some people pick it up right away just take some practice to get used to okay if you want to start over just right click on the de mm to layer and you can kind of start over okay now what I want you guys to turn in for this unit is I want you guys to record whatever world you decide to make with whatever data you decide I want you to make a fly through and I want you to record it and you're gonna send that recording to me attach it to an email okay so to record your fly-through you need to have this animation toolbar inside of arc scene and if you don't have it in there go to customize toolbars and click on animation and then there's a button here that says open animation controls and you click on that and it brings up the to play and pause and stop and record options okay so if I'm ready to record a fly through I'm gonna hit the record button I'm gonna grab my fly tool and I'm gonna start start flying around here so as I'm flying right now it is recording my fly through okay so let me just fly around here for a second you guys nice and dizzy here okay I'll stop recording so it recorded everything I just I just did there all right and then if you want to play that back to see what it looks like you just hit the play button okay and you can see the progress down here in the corner so it's playing back exactly what I just it's playing back the last fly through okay you can click this options button here you can see I recorded 30 seconds worth of a fly through if you want to speed that up you can for example type in 10 seconds and hit play and it'll turn that 30 seconds into 10 seconds okay or you could put in 60 seconds and it would double the length it would go really really slow all right you can play it once forward and it'll stop or you can loop it forward and reverse which means it's gonna go forward for 10 seconds and then when it gets to the end it's gonna go backwards for 10 seconds and then when it gets to the end of that it's gonna go forward again until you tell it to stop okay so there's some things you can you can play around with there every time you make a new fly through and hit record it's it overwrites the last one okay so remember that okay if you record a fly through that that you like what you want to do is you want to go to animation and do a save animation file and it saves it as an arc scene animation file okay and put that in your folder where you're saving everything and it'll and you can if you like that fly through you can later load it in if you want so you could click animation and say load animation file and it will load that fly through back in alright so that's there's two options that I have for you guys to turn this into me one is to create an animation file and then you'll you'll attach that animation file to the email and Moodle and send that to me and because I have the software and the data I'll be able to play that animation file okay but just so you guys know if you want to create a fly through and you want to show this to someone that doesn't have the software okay like maybe they don't have our GIS on their computer right you can once you get a fly through recorded you can export the animation and it exports it as an AVI file so it's just like watching a movie okay so as long as someone has Windows Media Player on their computer they'll be able to play that movie or that fly through without having the software okay I would ideally I would like to have you guys export this as a movie and you attach the movie to an email but I'm willing to bet probably for most of you that the movies going to be way too big in size to attach to the email so I mean you can try it and see and see how big it is and see if the email let you send it but more more than likely you're gonna have to just send me the animation file okay so that makes sense any questions about that but if you you know if you want to show this to your friends or your parents or show it to another teacher or something you know go ahead and export it as a movie and you can put it on a jump drive and take it to another computer that doesn't have the software okay and just remember every time you make a new fly through if you didn't save the animation file it overrides it okay any questions okay I'm gonna put this let me stop recording here you
Channel: Jeff Sun
Views: 26,007
Rating: 4.9175258 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 7sec (2107 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2016
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