Arcs in an Hour (Prelaunch Tournament Round 1)

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[Music] welcome um this is my first commentary for the arcs launch tournament um this will be all postgame um we played a few days ago I got a little sick um but I'm feeling a little bit better now um right now we have the first turn of the game with uh kulo the red player playing the one administ ation card um here he has four action Pips and he's deciding to put two of his agents with influence action on Silver Tong he's now taxing his weapon City Down Below in cluster 3 and with his last action he's going to influence Secret order uh we have two Vox cards in the court um there's six total in the deck so it's kind of um odd to have two the very beginning um they're both are quite strong one um called to action get you another action card and then the other one um is going to let you declare an ambition when you secure it so let's see what um Frack the white player does here um it looks like he's going to influence three times he's going to do it on call to action so if you look at our hand as yellow player um we have no Administration cards so I'm going to spend a material first and I should be playing a card before I do this um so I play my card then I would spin my material I build a starport and then with my face stun card I'm copying so I can tax my material back uh blue spruce the blue player he's going to play at two and he's going to seize with an extra card so now he's going to start the next round and he has four action Pips as well so he can tax once or influence four times um as opposed to three and he's going to put two on Secret order and we will see if he's going to do one on Silver tongues to compete with that and contest it or is he going to go with populous demands to get that extra ambition declared so looks like he is going to go with the Vox card populace demands and he can put another one somewhere else or looks like he's just going to tax instead so so he has his three influences and one tax and then it's back to him again and he's doing another Administration card so now we are really hurting on our actions um he's de what to do here CU he has two relics he can secure two cards right now so he does Secret order secures that first and so he gets his agents backs and gets one red agent as a captive and now he can secure the other uh Vox card and then that'll let him declare an ambition and he's going to do so he's going to declare impath and he realizes that he also meant to declare with his card that he played which should have been first and here we see the third out of six Vox cards in the deck Mass Uprising Mass Uprising lets you put four ships on the map in any one cluster uh so very strong card but it's only one time effect all right so we figured out what he's doing so he's declaring with his card and he's declaring with the Box card so now we have eight points on the map for just one ambition which is impath there are no cyanic cities on the map there are two spots to place them but no one starts with a psionic city all right let's see what the red player does here he can pivot to secure his card or he can tax again get another weapon he can use his weapons to start attacking looks like he's going to influence uh he's going to secure with his Relic so he's got silver tongue so now there're as a tie um right here between the blue player and the red player and then Relic fence is the new court card um that is U an interesting card it lets you swap your one of your resources during your prelude for a relic shipping interest is a very strong card as well it lets you turn your build actions into gaining fuel actions which is normally only by tax and as you can see there's no fuel cities and really I have as a yellow player only have the one material City so that is a card we may want to get all right so white is going ahead and getting his Vox card to get the extra action by pivoting um we're just going to copy again and we're just going to tax some material for ourselves in the beginning of Arc it's not essential that you go for points um you can go for points for sure it doesn't hurt um but instead you want to let the game come to you sometimes and see what other people are doing first and so as you can see here we have a mobilization card um an ambition is not declared and so we can get that to ambition possibly if we seize um but because ambition was not declared um I still cannot take all my actions on my cards so if white does not cease he did not I can seize to take all my actions or I can just be content to use my material build another ship going to build two ships this time actually so I'm building up my board presence and I'm okay just influencing or moving some ships since I use my material to build I don't need my construction card so I'm moving my ships out of the gate since white moved out into that gate and now I'm in the fuel Planet it's looking like I'm going for fuel and material for Tycoon all right and blue um copies as well so ini this is going to stay um with red and he's moving to the cic planet in the top all right now we have an aggression card so we have the two aggression card um we'll see if Ambitions declared um for Tycoon most likely not because red doesn't really have any way to gain points from Tycoon so it's no benefit to declare that ambition so he's going to secure Mass Uprising with this and so he's going to get four ships and he's capturing the blue agent up top um he I believe he's doing this in CL five yep so he's going to get a ship in the weapons planet and the relics planet and the gate and with that pionic planet um he has two more actions he can take I believe he's just going to go up to that gate yep and he's going to attack the blue player which dice should he use well he cannot use Ray dice since there's no building so he can instead use either red or blue dice he's going to use two red and one blue um in this situation it probably makes sense just go with three red if he wants to do maximum damage um but here he does does two hits to himself and two hits to the blue player um he can decide to do the hits as he wishes he's just going to destroy one ship of his and one ship of his opponents the reason he should use three Red is because the average outcome of three red is four hits um versus two red is just about two hits uh we have the another Vox cart so this is our fourth Vox card it's called to Freedom um it's a unique one that lets you return a city to a player's board um not really relevant right now but as we expand and build more cities it's going to come up um and potentially uh change the game so we see a copy action from White and then we're going to surpass um and we're going to build a the ship first with our last material and what we're going to do with our two actions we can move move we can move and fight we can try to raid the white starport um instead what I do is I use a catapult movement to move my ships into a gate and then I'm going to attack um the red player here I just want to equal it out between red and blue here so I don't need damage I just want to make sure rule the gate okay now blue player plays his card he's playing a four so he's going to have two actions himself so he can move he's moving down to the cionic planet so now he's and he's moving to the fuel Planet so again he's potentially contesting me in the fuel planets and dun he also has a strong possibility of building a lot of cities um because he is at one 1 two three four five cities um for us we're playing our mobilization card and we're influencing three times blue is building one city on that Sonic planet um it's not damaged because even though he doesn't rule it neither does red and Red's doing the same thing um cities don't count towards rule so red and blue are each going to have one city and one ship um that's going to be prime um real estate for us so we can go in attacks those two psionic cities and we see um white uh sees and he's going to copy so he can influence um but instead he's just moving his ships down to where red is and now we can see why he's doing this is because he's de clearan Tycoon um and he's going to spin his weapons and now he's going to have four battle actions potentially and so he's going to soften up red down in that weapons planet right there so he's going to battle and he rolls two hits which is expected so he's going to damage two ships first now he has three more attacks so he decides to do it one more time and he gets two more hits again again expected so he's going to damage The Last Ship so now intercepts are going to do no hits so now he has two more attacks he's going to raid here and he's going to get three four five keys so very very lucky um now he only needed Four Keys um so he's going to destroy the city as well so he gets Relic fence which red was going for and those agents go to his trophies box and now he's taking silver tongues as well and he's taking two weapons now weapons is outraged um so he can't spin them um but still that's pretty brutal for the red player on his first game but this is not insurmountable by by no means this is something that can come back from and see we see lur Marines which is going to be something that wh's going be interested in because it will allow him to spend any resource including weapons As Weapons um uh we're going to Pivot and take that shipping interest fuel card um this is going to help us get more fuel either through building or just through this guarding the card to get a bunch of fuel all at once um blue is going to Pivot and he's going to tax sorry blue is out of cards so red is the one who is taxing the pionic city here so what's the goal here we see that there's a tie um between everybody with sionic except for me so everyone's going up on the second place points and so they're all at five points all right so it's chapter two now um we have no aggression cards so what's the plan well the plan is still to build up um perhaps go for Tycoon if we can keep taxing our material planet um we have shipping interest which is going to help us as well um but really we just need to wait and see what other people are going to do and so we see the seven played we don't see an ambition declared so he's going to change out his Rel with Relic fence and he's now debating whether or not to use silver tongues he can use silver tongues he's going to take Secret order um but because you have to declare first you can't declare with the seven at this moment um he's now debating whether to use his last Relic and he is going to secure um not with the Relic but with his just action pip now we see far seers far seers is a very very strong card when you declare an ambition you can give um you're given the choice to take a card from any player and give them one back so basically you get to swap one of your worst cards with one of their random cards um you see I'm just pivoting to attacks um far Sears also you can discard it and your other cards that you don't want in your hand and you get Replacements from the bottom of the action card deck so overall far seers is probably the strongest card we've seen so far in the court Blue's um playing a pivot to influence um he's pivoting to do Galactic bars so that's a very strong card it is lightly protected with just one key but when you pivot or copy you can declare an ambition and so because of the seven we don't see any aggression cards played which means that there's at least six other aggression cards out there and we have none of them now blue player is deciding what he would like to do he could try to Pivot secure inste he's going to build and so he's going to use his Relic to secure instead so now he has Galactic bars he could declare an ambition right now but he's using not to because he's not interested in Tycoon now we see the First Union card admin Union um you may discard that during your Prelude to basically take another action card that's been played this turn um it has to match the suit so for admin Union it would have to be on an admin card um what that does in essence is it gives you an extra action card more than anyone else we see red playing the three he has three builds or repairs he can do um he's going to build one ship and the weapons one ship and The Relic and then he can choose to build a damage City or damage starport over on this weapons Planet over there but he decides he just decides to repair a ship instead now it's White's turn and white is set of very well for um Relic as an ambition um he also could just pivot to something else um so he's going to surpass with the five um and so he's going to build two starports so now he has a bunch of ships they all can catapult he can build more ships there it's very scary now the question is do we want do we want the initiative if we don't we can just play the four and take three actions but if we do want the initiative we need to play the seven so we decide we want the initiative so we take the seven we have one action so we can build um a ship and we decide to build it um down there so we have three ships down below um it's still our turn so now the question is what do we want to do next we can declare an ambition but our options are either keeper or warlord and we decide we're going to do neither we're just going to keep it as is it's okay for us if there's only only one or two Ambitions to clear this round we're behind we don't need to worry about catching up because the point total is so low so instead we use our material we're going to spend our Guild card to get three Fuel and so now as you can see we're going to move to that psyonic planet so end up going back here and instead of moving my three ships I first move two ships from my starport and cult movement to there and then I move my three ships from the gate end so I have five ships sitting on two opposing cities so that's going to let me tax cionic twice and I get an agent for each so it feels pretty good red is down below with some ships and starports so red can definitely do something about this um but for now I feel very strong and going for tyrant and strong for going for empath now blue because he's spread out so much there's not much blue can do because Blue's ships are spread out he does not have that many ships on the board instead blue is just going to either influence or tax here and he decides just to tax so he's going to get a pionic Now red um Can tax as well he can influence and again here it maybe Mak sense just to move more ships in just to contest my rule but instead he just taxes and says okay I'm going to play the six unless white um takes the initiative um he's going to start and here they're noting that red has another action and he's deciding whether or not he wants to repair or influence so he decides that he's just going to influence and he's not sure if he should do um the union card or far seers um what would you do in this situation would you go for farers would you put an agent on it no he said he just does a repair so you see we see now white is seizing um so now red cannot move in his ships to stop me from taxing again and said red really wants sworn Guardians because he's going for empath he has Relic fence SW Guardians will protect re Relic fence and his resources and so now he's going to declare impath or keeper as well so overall very strong turn from white um he's definitely has a great engine for getting relics um he just has to have a consistent way of declaring relics and and when he does it makes it tough for everyone else to do it so now he's battling uh red Down Below in the weapons Planet but it's just as one hit now we have another Union card so now we have spacing Union um this is for mobilization so now we have two Union cards and forers there so what I'm going to do is I'm going to use my psionic to secure because I want this spacing Union card now we have another Union card this is the third one we've seen this is for um weapons which is related to the aggression card all right so now I'm raiding white so I move in I raid and I get two keys so I get rid of the um the relic card that's protecting his stuff sworn Guardians and I take a relic so now I'm taking white down from four relics to two relics now I have one Relic myself and notice with the Relic gain I have aonic and a relic that is a very strong combo in arcs what that means is that if an Administration card or mobilization card is the leite card I can use my psionic to influence once and then my Relic to secure that same card and so as long as this court is empty which it is I have my CH choice of any of those cards including farers which as I noted is probably the strongest card we've seen in the game so now red is moving in he has four ships there he has the choice of using um a AIC to basically battle me twice and that's what he's deciding whether to do that or not um and this is the right move like I'm oppressing both players but particular red and he can stop that and then he's can be the one to tax the blue City and get the get the agents instead of me and so here he's using his pionic and the right play here is just use four Skirmish dice um the risk of a red intercept is just one and six um perhaps it's not worth it um but we'll see what he decides how much dice to do so he's doing yeah he's doing three in one and so the expected hits is probably three hits um but he rolls five so very very lucky um but that's the end of the game so he could just destroy two ships or damage one but we talk about it and he decides it's actually better to do another attack and just keep all my ships damaged so he's just going to damage five ships on my end and he damages one and he's going to roll again and he should just roll for um assault dice here and again with four assault dice you expect five hits so he should if he rolls four red dice clean me out and that's what he does so he's going to roll four and he cleans me out and so yes intercept is rolled but I don't have any fresh ships so everything's wiped out on my end and then he has two self hits so he can damage two but instead he just gives me one ship so now he has two ships they're fresh to rule blue is still oppressed um my ship is just damaged not doing much and then now we see warlord declared so so red is doing well after losing their initial City they have a pionic city now they have a bunch of ships on the board uh they basically have that corner of the map to themselves mostly because of their starports and ship presence um so here they're deciding whether to influence or just tap ta so they're going to tax themselves in their sonic city they're going to tax blue and take yep so they're taking one from Blue taking one for themselves now the question is what do you do he just repairs I think that's a mistake I think he needs influence there and now we see swapping out for Relic fence so now he has four relics so keeper is pretty much in White's control um we could raid him to get one Relic off for just one key but it'll be tough so this is where we have to decide this is the moment so right now we're using our admin unit to get the admin card and now we got to decide are we going to use our psionic and Relic to get far Seekers I think the answer is absolutely even though yes we can't get second anymore for keeper this is going to be far more worth it so we take far Seekers and we're going to get another action after everyone else is done because we're using one admin card anyway all right so then with our actual action we're just taxing a material and then we see the final Union card so there's four Union cards in the deck and all four were back to back to back pretty crazy all right so we see blue here he's using a psionic and he's deciding whether to influence or tax so he's taxing his Relic and he can tax his psionic or tax a fuel and so he's taxing his psionic which I think is the right call psionic is very strong and now he can do the same thing he can spin AIC and Relic to get um a card of his own and now we see the seven play the last um ambition declared its empath which makes sense for red because he has three pionic resources he can tax it again to get a fourth um and he gets an agent so now he three agents we have two uh we have one psionic but white also has one psionic and their go card um for us we're just taxing and we can influence or repair so we repair once and now the question is which car do we want we just want um the weapons Union card because aggression cards are really strong to get um an additional one of so now it's us and we have one more card and we're going to play it and now we can influence three times or move ships we're just going to influence once twice and what where do we move we just move our ship back out to gate five okay and so that is chapter two um from a scoring perspective again we didn't get anything we didn't get warlord we didn't get keeper and we did not get empath and that's okay because again the points are not too high yet and there's no one who's running away if blue had won Ambitions and gotten extra points from building all his cities out that would be one thing but as we're going to see the points are not too high okay so what do you do when the points are not too high but you're still behind um this is where you have to assess what do you have and compare that to what your opponents have who is weak blue is weak we can raid blue and Blue's weapon planet and gate two uh we could raid red in The Relic planet in cluster 5 um white is more um Consolidated but that weapons planet in gate three um is a possibility um we also could just try to outmaneuver and look at our hand we have three ones and a seven it's not what you want to see I then look at far seers and think this is what we got to do I would love to play the seven and clear and ambition but when am I going to play my ones I have to play the red one I'm going to secure my three cards so now I have three Union cards which is crazy plus I have far seers which I can activate right now which is what I decide doing because I don't want those ones those ones are great if someone else declares but we want to declare ourselves so I get rid of my two ones and I'm going to draw three cards so I get two to replace the ones and then I get one to replace far seers all right so twos are better it's going to let me declare Tycoon they also have a lot of action Pips so I feel much better about our hand we don't have any mobilization cards but that's okay um we don't necess need to move too much and if we needed to we could use our red four to move um what's in the court now we have low empath which is my argument for strongest card in the game uh what you use any Resource as a psionic we have um the whale card um Gatekeepers which is a fuel card um but it's going to let you battle better in Gates and also you can discard it to get one ship in each gate um and then we have loyal Engineers which lets you spend any resources material so you see see blue moving over some ships against white um he's going to use a pionic to do that and now he's going to have three actions to fight um and he's also going to move ships over and then counter put with them as well so that's his move so he moved over then moved again so now he's going to have two fights so he's going to soften up white first um and so you got three hits which is about expected um only one self hit and now he can raid and so now he's gonna have five raid dice um five raid dice two to three keys possibly Four Keys um and here he only gets one key so pretty brutal he's going to destroy the starport um only the one key so he's going to get one Relic out of this um but not what you hope for this is going to dissuade um white from going for for keeper even though I think that's probably a mistake I think white should still go for a keeper even with um blue contesting on that all right so we see the seven played so now the initiative seized blue is now completely open on his fuel Planet so now red is can tax fuel get more agents raid to get um those valuable resources and so he's going to roll and he gets no keys instead he's going to hit himself twice and he can destroy a city which is not going to get him anything or destroy starport um the city would be annoying for blue but the city's not going to return until warlord is declared and scored so he takes just the starport which I think it's the right decision Blue's weakness is his lack of ships and removing starports is going to make that harder for blue to fix so now it's White's turn White's going to surpass with the three with two actions he's just going to move um and now he's in position to raid a blue to get those relic card relic card or Relic resources back um Red's going to leave with the five Administration card three actions to choose from um again I think you just tax um influence or you can repair um so he's going to tax the fuel get another blue agent he's going to he should tax a seion can get another agent as well but we'll see and he also should just be influencing the court is super open if blue gets a psionic he can do the same thing that I did to get my far seers what is our plan we can play the seven and it's probably what we'll choose to do um with our cards we don't have a good option where we're waiting for is ideally we can get another aggression card with our arms Union if it's our own four great but if ideally we can get the one or we can get the two and here we're talking about where red should focus his efforts whether he should move with the fuel or not so he used a psionic to tax he used his fuel to move and now he he's using another psionic to tax blue there and so now he has three more actions so he's repairing once he can tax his own psionic City or he can influence two times instead he's just getting influence two times he's going to get the The Gatekeepers card all right so White's up white plays the six he's going to have two actions um we really hope he doesn't seize if he seizes that's going to ruin our day um because then our seven is only give us one action but instead he doesn't he's just taxes and influences again I think low Keepers is probably the best card out of these um and that's where he goes for so that's going to give him two psionic guil cards if he gets it so we're going to play the seven so we sees we're going to attack our materal planet we are gearing up to declare Tycoon we have three material plus we have two cards that count towards Tycoon so we're in a strong position um so now Blue's up Blue's deciding whether to follow he said he just copies and Blue's just in a tight situation yes blue has points but all of the stuff that blue has can be taken away just by raiding or attacking and blue can't do much about it he has five ships over on matural planet with no buildings so we play the two construction card and we're going to build build two ships um that ship should go up North so we fix that um and I don't do anything else I could build a damaged City or starport but I don't think that's the wise thing to do at this point I just want to be Consolidated I don't want to be everywhere I want to be in a few places where I can easily defend and protect because at this point I need to win Ambitions so now we see the uh blue player play the seven construction so that's um the second seven in a row and so now Blue's deciding whether just to fix a ship or to build something new and I think he just has to fix a ship which is what he does the other option was to build a starport there on the material Planet U so he can move faster what does red do here um here White's complaining about the sevens because he wanted to play an ambition declared ambition but now he can't um because two7 hav been played um a red um he decides to surpass and so he has two construction actions so here I think you just got to do two ships um which is what he does so he has that half that corner of the bore to himself he has blue City underw Walk there's nothing much blue can do about it easily um White's going to copy and so he's going to build another ship all right so now blue can declare an ambition we'll see what blue decides to do um he leads with the four and declares with the four uh which is great for us because we have the three so it's going to let us play that and take three build actions possibly uh but then he plays the weapons and so he's now going to take three um attacks and you can also repair in between the attacks which is nice um so the question is where is Blue going to attack well he's going to first move ships so he's going to move one over to protect his City but then he thinks better of it um yeah I think this is one reason why he shouldn't have repaired he should have built a starport because then he could have moved with his Fuel and then attacked um attacked in a better position so he moves his ships over so now his other and stport are UND defended he's attacking us just to get some trophies which is very fair uh he's going to roll one red which is risky um but it's only two that's okay and he rolls well so he gets four hits so he destroys everything he has no self hits so it was definitely a right call on Blue to attack me there I think there just there there's a possibility he could have maybe had a better turn if he had a starport on that planet instead now he's attacking red and and he destroys it but he does two hits to himself it's not what you want to see he does the right I think that's the right call just to damage and has one he uses repair already I believe so but that this is why weapons is seen sometimes as the most powerful resource in the game because you can play a three pip four pip card and take a bunch of actions um here we see red decid this sees um so he's going to have one influencer movement and this movement um because the gates are under Red's control he can move anywhere with the starports basically um and so he's going to do is his cionic so he's going to um build and now he can move two ships from there to somewhere else very easily um and so that's what he does so he's going to catapult out of there and he's going to go to Blue where blue left and so that's very sad for blue but this is the downside to building out your cities is that you just become Target um for every player to get stuff all right so now it's White's turn white could use his route to secure loyal impass um which I think yep that's what he does um very strong card now his weapons can be a psionic um a lot of spies is a fun card let you um get the initiative instead of spinning a card you can just spin Lattis spice and so he's just going to influence and he's going to influence Lis spies which makes sense he's incentified to go for psionic and Relic because when he declares those Ambitions he doesn't have to play the zero token which makes it harder for us to take actions let's see so I follow and I build some ships out and that's it I don't use my third uh action so now we see Tyrant declared and red debated on this for some time because he's winning it by a good margin he has five to my two and so he could wait for the next ambition to flip and then he can get nine points for it but he says he decides to do it now um if he did not do it um we would have probably tried to clear declare Tycoon another time um and so we've gotten 10 points instead of six so he's going to move once to get control the gate away from me and he's going to move out into gate three so again he wants that gatekeeper card because it's going to help him what and then he blocks white from using his Relic so white just responds by putting another card influence there and here we make an error because it was tied um no no we we got it fine um so I instead I just use a material to build a ship and I'm going to influence I influence on the gatekeeper because I know I'm getting another card and if I play my four I can get it back so I'm really gonna have two more cards than everyone else I could keep doing this with other cards as well but I want to keep um construction union and spacing Union because they help me with Tycoon all right so now Blue's deciding if he wants to influence as well um call a freedom at this point because no one has the city bonus isn't probably helpful and so everyone's ignoring that Vox card um even though it's a very strong card if blue went for it and tried to get city bonuses we probably would look into using it to stop him so instead he goes for loyal um engineers and so he's going to move his ships as his last action all right so stays with blue then they ask how do I have so many cards and I explain farer has been resp responsible for that so blue is going to now construct so he can repair he can do a ship um he's going to secure with his Relic which definitely the right call he does not have many agents right now but they're about to be returned so so he uses Relic um he's going to build a ship and he's going to repair a ship I believe yeah okay so now red is going to do an aggression card sorry white is because red is out of cards because they seized and so now he's going to raid um blue up there it's going to take loyal Engineers because he got three keys um and then why also realizes at this point uh he for got to use this ionics to secure um lce spies and so he's going to say that he's going to need that and this is hard for us because we're trying to think through the order of operations because we can do two movements with our four one movement with our four um or we could build and we got to decide if we want to try to move a bunch of ships from our material starport on the bottom to attack those same same two cionic cities again um impath is not declared but what I would love to do is I would love to be able to win Tyrant somehow but that's not really possible so this is where we notice that white forgot to do that secure so instead we get loyal Pilots as replacement card which is a fuel card three keys pretty good lets you spend any resource for a fuel basically so I just do the four to Pivot and I take the six back and then we basically have two turns to ourselves so what is the order you would do this would you play your six first or would you play the two first there are no Ambitions to declare I think the answer is we have to play the two first and influence no never mind yep yeah I play the two first because you have to influence you have to get the gatekeeper card away from Red if red got get gets it it's too oppressive and then I influence um Court enforcers which the reason I do this is not necessarily because I like the card it just is a card that if and a bind I could get more ships by discarding it so then I secure it I get two more agents which don't matter because T tyrants about to be declared and scored and then I move in as my last action so now I'm in the same system as before I can tax again I can battle again I can raid um so I get six points for Tycoon we're going to get two points from Tyrant and so we're going to be at eight points and as we'll see in the next chapter all the Ambitions are flipped which means that if you win all three Ambitions you can get 19 points that's exactly what we need to win so that's what we go for we're going to try to win by winning all three Ambitions so first we got to declare Tycoon and now we can tax so we're fortunate to get the two admin cards so we declare a tycoon we're going to tax twice we're going to spin material to basically build out our Fleet as well um and so now up north we have six ships those ships haven't moved all game we've just slowly been building up that Fleet so now we have two psionic we're okay with going for impath we see the one played so we see a fuel attacks we see and then we can see a one influence so blue because they have their cities out they can tax really well the only issue is other people can go in and tax them back back because they don't have a lot of starports and ships on the map um we see red try to attack twice but they can't because they don't rule that anymore so they're going to attack some blues um Relic cities now they can use the combo um to get a good Court card um they look at skirmishers skirmishers is a great card um if you really really like Skirmish dice they reroll skir dice Skirmish dice basically um or you can just discard it to get three um ships in any area you control which is probably more useful at this point in the late game all right so White's playing the seven and seizing this makes us very happy um because that means that we can seize on our turn after they play and we get declared the third ambition so we want to go for tyrant because we can tax again and and get another agent all right so they leave with the seven so they can declare any ambition and because they do impath um it's going to be blocked uh it it from blocking it with the zero um I don't know why um white went for empath instead of keeper um I really think keeper is the way to go here I think he was afraid that red um or blue could tax it more um but pionic is the same issue um and there's a lot more pionic cards on the board too so we play the four and we seas and so we're going to take it and then we're going to tax and so we use our material to build one more ship so we have three ships down south and we tax so now we have three psionic and white has one two three psionic cards so now it's Blue's turn Blues into copy so they can build or the repair now they're going to secure a card with their uh action first now they have loil Pilots so now they have two um and we have three so we are close and Tycoon um and we're tied to empath and then we have loyal Keepers which is um similar to Loyal Pilots um it's just going to let you spend any resource for a relic all right so then they're going to spend the Relic to secure skirmishers um and then they can oh yeah so Guild struggle this is probably the best Vox card in the game this is the fifth Vox card we've seen um it lets you steal a card any Guild card let you steal it when you secure it um this is pretty brutal for white because they have the most and interesting and Powerful Go Cards perhaps at this point um particularly loyal impass because it's three keys it's going to be hard to Ste back um so I play the three and I um I immediately just influence that Vox card three times I know exactly what we need to do we got to get that if we want to win all right so now I have Tyrant I have three agents from that and we have the seven to secure it which is nice for blue but now there's no more Ambitions to declare so for our plan we have to secure the Vox card to get a pionic card from White and then we have to make sure that we don't get raided or lose our resources which going to be easier said than done so now White's going to move and he's going to move in and he's going to move two ships over to raid the blue City on a future turn um he's asking if he can pick up ships on the way answer is no you can only drop them off um this is one reason why you don't necess want to leave ships and Gates is because it makes it very hard to consolidate at the end of the game when you need them all in one place um so he's doing some consolidating movements now um he still is controlling most of the gates which makes it hard for us to move and Counterattack all right so now he's going to use um material to build another ship um because he has um well and pass so he's doing that so he's doing okay all right so now we have the red seven and which is um unfortunate because we have a red four which we can't play um face up so we only get one aggression action if we do it um and so this is where we see whites closing in blues closing in on us he's using a fuel and guess what's going to happen they're going to do two attacks to raid us um here I talk blue in to using a raid dice or a assault dice because what's the worst that can happen and this is the worst that can happen he rolls and intercept and so he's taking three self hits if he just rolled all blue dice this wouldn't have happened but now he's taking three self hits for no reason now he did do enough hits to me so now I can't do intercept spec when he rids me um and here he should expect three to four keys and he does get four um he does destroy my starport so I can't be raided again which is unfortunate for white because he had the same idea um he does have to destroy a couple ships um but he destroys my starport and he gets basically two cards or he can take two of my Sonic resources which would you do I I personally think it's better to take one card and the two psionics and put them under his keys that um holds to have three keys um just to make it more secure but he goes for two cards which makes sense cuz he can tax fuel on another turn he can win Tycoon so now we're behind on Tycoon we're still tied um on impath and we're winning Tyrant so now we see red using his skirmishers card to put three fresh ships anywhere he wants um that he controls which is just two places so he can he does them down there which he does also control as well so so now he's raiding um and he only gets two keys which is a little unlucky um just to get two keys and so now he basically gets to pick one of the cards that that blue just stole from me and so he's doing the damage he's having to do quite a bit of building damage as well and so he's going to take the starport and the city and so he's going to do outrage um and then he just gets one card so he takes um the gatekeeper card now it's White's turn so what's happened since white um moved to that gate um three buildings have been destroyed a bunch of raids have happened now he's going to decide whether he wants to move or attack I think he has to just pivot his ship somewhere else um so he's going to seize so that's what he's deciding to do so he decides to seize and moves one moves them over there um for us we have to decide what we want to do we have to decide if we want to raid Blue Back the risk is if we raid blue back and we destroy his psionic City we will lose all our Sonic resources but that's our only path to Victory we have to win Tycoon we can't rely on someone else playing uh admin cards attacks we have to raid so we decide to do our four which is the right call because we want to keep our four um aggression in case we need to do one last fight and then we spin the cionic um and so what we're going to do is we're going to secure with the psionic to take oil Keepers and then we have one last action to fight blue and raid blue um we see we have material cartel which is going to help with Tycoon but this point there's not enough actions to influence or secure it I look at some other cards just see if maybe I should secure a second card but I decide no what I have to do is I have to rate blue that's the only way we can win Tycoon reliably so we just have two keys because I just need two keys I don't want to destroy the building so if I rolled a third raid dice I really high risk and we get it we get two keys so we get lucky I was definitely lucky role to get two keys on just two dice um we do damage his ship and we damage his building but we don't destroy it all right so so now it's White's turn and white is going to have to decide what he wants to do so he plays the two with three Pips which is great for us because now we can play our four but then we realize we are in the lead we have a one keyion he needs only one key to win the game but he get zero keys in fact he wipes out his whole Fleet with 10 damage we have six ships there that intercept is six damage then he has four self hits so even if he did roll a key it would have mattered the odds of this happening I think are about two or 1% so definitely not likely to happen um another outcome of this is he destroys our last two buildings and he secures a card um and then we realize we got to shuffle guil struggle back in um and that this point the court is pretty irrelevant because there's not enough actions to take another card um but now because he destroyed our two buildings we can be raided wherever we have ships so it's our turn what do you do we're winning all three Ambitions but we can't be rided a single time otherwise we'll lose and because we have no buildings we have no board presence we have to win this turn otherwise our game is toast so what do you do well you have to play your four and you got to take both actions so first we battle blue what we want to do is we want to wipe ourselves out here at least wipe blue out if nothing else so we wipe blue out but we have one ship remaining so we lose two ships and give them the blue and then we take Blue's three ships and then we have one other place we can do this and then that's going to be where the red ships are with the psionic city so we're going to do the same thing we're going to do four assault dice this time and what we're hoping for is we're hoping to get wiped but that doesn't happen instead We Roll very very well and we nearly wipe um red out completely and so we do five hits to red so now we got to hope that blue and red don't roll a successful raid against us so blue has one ship in the pionic um there's one face so he has one six chance of rolling a key in a building hit which would basically mean that he gets to take our psionic away from us um he also could roll um the if he rolls the two key intercept face he doesn't get it and so then he just blows the ship up um red has the same odds um but red has a different option red um could take that one and six chance or he could try to roll two dice against Blue and steal oyal Pilots which would allow him to Ty me and Tycoon and so he's rolling hoping for three keys um not great odds but better than what he uh had with one and six I believe and he doesn't get there he just gets two keys and that's the game um there's still two cards left um but ultimately they don't matter they're both mobilization cards um red and blue can't do anything and this just shows why it's important to play to your outs and why what ultimately can really influence this game um white played a masteral game had a great engine to get relics and then pivoted away at the last second and went to impath I think that was the key mistake at the very end if White had went with Relic it would have been a very very different game and even then even with that if you call it a mistake white could have won at the very end if they had raided and rolled well um they probably should have rolled three keys maybe four Keys instead they rolled zero keys and blew up their whole Fleet and so that's the game um I hope you enjoyed it um this is my first time recording and doing commentary so if you have any feedback I would greatly appreciate it um I hope to do more of these as the arcs launch tournament progresses um I hope to get better with my cinematography with TTS um about halfway through I forgot I was recording and uh ignored um the camera um but yeah any feedback would be appreciated um any um any criticisms would also be appreciated it's my first time doing anything like this in my life so um but I hope you had fun and if you did enjoy um a like is appreciated so hope you have a wonderful day and I will see you next time [Music] bye-bye
Channel: snoopymate25
Views: 3,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arcs, Board Game, Arcs Board Game, Leder Games, Analysis, How to Play Arcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 41sec (3641 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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