How to Play ARCS - Base Game in Under 1 Hour - COMPLETE TEACH

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how to play arcs this is uh something I threw together quickly for all of the new players who want to get prepared before receiving the physical copy of the game I'm using tabletop simulator and will refer to some commands used to make playing the game easier because of this I will not go into uh all the details regarding setup um beyond what the mod will do automatically um depending on your player account you will need to refer to the rule book for main differences in setup but since the mod will handle that and our three-player game here uh I will not be going into into those differences what is ARS arcs can be played in one of two game modes referred to as small arcs and campaign arcs this video will cover and teach small arcs to get started though you will need the mod here is the mod address so you just go to the tabletop simulator um workshop and you will search for arcs and the first one will be won by Cole and this will include everything that you need to play um it's not super scripted um but it does have all the components necessary to play and then here is the scripted fully script or I guess much more scripted version uh by quinal um this is the one that I will be using and it does have some really useful commands especially for like sorting the cards and setting up uh the game in arcs you lead a space fairing Society through an epic Saga as you try to survive in the harsh and dangerous reach at the Galaxy's Edge a game of arcs will last until someone has enough power when the game ends the player with the most power wins you gain power by completing Ambitions which are objectives declared while you play these are scored at the end of the chapter and that and that that SL will continue until either the end of the fifth chapter or somebody uh ends the round or I guess the chapter with the required points we don't need to worry about the uh cards here because it will automatically load everything in with the mod here so as you can see it pulled out a three-player game map setup and it automatically removed the sectors on either side of the map as it says to do so here and it went ahead and set up all of the player pieces as well as assigning a randomly a player to get the initiative marker in addition to the player pieces and zones of the map being set up it will also give the resources uh depending on your starting location so in this case for instance red is starting on a material planet and a weapons Planet so it will automatically get those resources placed on your play board and it will uh deal the cards necessary for the court deck so it'll Shuffle the cord deck and it will deal or I guess reveal four of those cards once everybody is uh set up here you can click on this blue button to start the round and it will Shuffle the action card deck and deal it to all the players so as you can see here it automatically delal me my hand of cards and now you are ready to play Core Concepts Arc of play in a game of arcs you play through a number of chapters usually three to five they are attracted here with this Pawn each chapter is made up of several rounds in a round each player will take one turn by playing an action card and doing various actions starting with the player who has the initiative is here here are a few examples of action cards the number Pips suit and uh the actions associated with that suit and the ambition at the bottom so for these four you have build Administration mobilize and aggression each of these cards will have different options but each suit will share the same options all of the Ambitions are the same for each number so for instance each three is going to be for tyrant each six is going to be for empath and then five for keeper four for Lord four they're all listed right here so if you're ever unsure if you're thinking something's going to come up and you forget which uh goes with which it will automatically show you here as an example here is an aggression card this aggression card is a three so it's on the lower end of what's available it only has two Pips that's common aggression cards generally will have lower Pips compared to other cards so for example here's a three of mobilization and that three of mobilization will have a whole extra action associated with it compared to what the aggression normally does so just because a number is the same does not mean the Pips are the same even if the ambition that can be declared is the same up to the number of actions that you have Pips so for this mobilization you could move three times or influence three times or move once and influence twice or any combination as long as you're doing only three of those actions action cards are kept in a deck right here and can be dealt automatically using this utility so and as you play the game you will be taking these cards and cleaning them up into this deck here it'll go right here um there are ways to play where you keep the cards face up that have been revealed face up but as you're starting out it's generally better to put them face down here everyone will continue to play cards from their hand until they no longer have any cards in their hand and once that happens the uh the chapter will end and you will score ambitions that brings us to Ambitions players gain power by fulfilling Ambitions the player with the initiative marker may choose to declare an ambition shown on the action card that they're playing so for instance if I was the player with initiative and I played this to card I could declare the Tycoon and ambition with the symbol so the symbols match Tycoon so I could left click on this little ambition declared token and it will automatically cover up the number of my card so now my card is a zero I still get to do the actions for it but the reason why I do that is because I want to place this token here so these tokens will automatically be placed with the mod but they are placed automatically depending on whichever one's the highest so for instance 5 will be placed first then three then two as you play the game uh these numbers will change so for instance at the end at the end of the first round the last one will switch and then the next one and then the next one so you'll progressively get more and more points some rounds players will not declare any Ambitions or they may only declare one ambition or they may declare all of the same ambition so for instance like let's say everybody's really fighting for Tycoon this is a valid uh board state where all of them are on one just keep in mind that all of the ambition tokens will automatically reset at the end of the chapter scoring points for Ambitions uh so once an ambition is declared uh the player who has the most of that thing score the points for it so in these examples uh the Tyrant so the player with the most captives would score five points and then if there was a second player that had the second most captives they would get three points if the first player was tied with the second player so they let's say each of them had three captives then they would both score three points but if there was for instance three people tied then nobody would score any points or instead of like I guess nobody scoring points for that if like for instance one person was winning and then two people were tied for second place then nobody would score second place and you track those power points down here on the bottom so each color will have one of these cubes and you win the game by reaching the number of points listed here so in a four player game it's to 27 points three players to 30 and then uh two players to 33 the map the map is made up of six clusters so we have cluster one two 3 4 five and six each cluster has one gate which is the system toward the center and three Planet systems or guess three planets each system is adjacent to all the systems that share a thin border so in this case for instance this all of these are adjacent so five is adjacent to to this one here and here but of course this planet is not adjacent to this weapons Planet because they are not immediately adjacent with this border and neither is this weapon Planet adjacent to this material Planet because of this dark border that splits them uh one thing you can't see is under here so let me just unlock that so here's an example of the two systems on either end that share borders between clusters are right here and right here so you could pass between clusters on these edges and for purposes of gameplay these arrows are like hyper Lan so they'll just automatically connect the system so you cannot enter this system this does not count it'll automatically zip you over to the next one over and then same goes for here except this system is not system for purposes of travel so you could not for instance go through like here you'd have to go down over and then back up that example resources and cities there are five resource types in the game materials fuel weapons relics and psionic there are five resources of each type and uh yes if you were wondering that is not a whole lot it is very common for one player to have all the resources of a type as you can see here uh there are six slots so it would be super easy for any player to completely take all of a particular type of an item this is like not an uncommon board State especially if somebody is going for uh an Associated uh ambition so for instance like Tycoon is going to want you to get a lot of fuel and material uh empath is going to have the player get a lot of psionic resource here and keeper is going to have you get a lot of relics the only uh kind of weird interaction is the weapons does not have any Ambitions directly associated with it but it is indirectly associated with warlord these uh resources don't just represent you know one unit of resource they represent the entities associated with producing this resource and so if you do something that makes them mad for instance like destroying a place where that resource is produced then that resource will become outraged with you to gain resources you will need to tax loyal cities so you have these little triangle command token like pieces that you can tax and that will yield you one of the planet type taxing is an action that you can find with the administration action card you cannot tax the same city more than once a turn so even if you were taxing in the prelude for whatever reason you could not also tax later in your turn using the actual action Pips of the administration action card the main thing that resources will allow you to unlock is more actions on your turn when you take uh when you do an action you can play resources so in this example if I was the blue player and I played this mobilization card I could play additionally any number of resources so here I have a fuel and a relic I could play both of these to interact with other aspects of the game so if I was going to play this fuel I could use it to move an additional time and then if I was going to use this Relic I could use it to interact with the qutech up here and secure all of the interactions are listed right here if you ever forget and once an action is used using these resources they will be returned here you cannot not mix and match when you use these actions so for instance if I were to do a Prelude action with my fuel and Relic here I could not do some actions from my action card and then do actions with my materials or my resources when resources are not spent they are held here on your player board uh they can be placed in any of these circular slots so as you place cities on the board these slots will be become uncovered as you can see and they will open up more options for storing more resources the top symbols is how difficult it is to take these resources and this is their raid cost it's a represented by a number of keys and I will explain this when we get into battling um the main thing though is you don't have to ever feel restricted by keeping them to the far left or keeping resources to the far right um but instead you can keep your more valuable resources on the higher raid cost slots if for whatever reason uh city is returned to your play area or player board you must move the those whatever resources were on that spot so in this case I'd have to move my weapons here and then if another city was returned I would have to discard a resource to be able to place a city back and then that resource would go right back to place cities you have to take the build action so you can find that on an action card or using a material resource when you build you just take one of the little Tri angle City tokens and you place them on an empty City slot on a planet as long as you control that system you're you can put that down so in this case for instance here we have a system that I control so here's blue I could just place that like that if for whatever reason I wanted to place a city in a system that I do not control uh I would be able to place it but it would come in damaged and the same goes for uh Starships so for instance if red here was over here and my ships over here and they wanted to build something like build a ship for instance then that ship would come in damage so it' come in like this sideways very simple and I'll go over that more detail later um but just for reference if you need to damage a building you just press the F key to flip it over and if you need to damage a ship you press the two key on your keyboard and it will automatically flip it on its side and you press the one key to flip it back and the same goes for Star ports and you could but you just grab star ports from your supply here on your player board and then when you build ships you grab them from the supply here and ships can be placed at your star ports um and then the agents though these are placed with the influence action so that'll bring us to the next section agents and the court so uh on the right side of the board there is the court consisting of the Court deck which is uh going to be a 31 cards the start of the game four of those cards will be revealed these cards uh share just slightly different types so as you can see here there's two different types there's Guild cards which are just kind like a regular card and then there are Vox cards main difference is Guild cards generally are cards that will stay in your play area while Vox cards are like a onetime event so generally these are when you secure the card card uh it will trigger a specific action to gain these cards you will influence the court so using the influence action you will take an agent which is one of these little blue little dude guys kind of standing and you will place it over on the card that you're interested in so for instance if I was interested in Galactic CS I would place my agent right here sometimes you guys will want to place their cards on top of the card um but it just is kind of hard to see so even like here if I was like playing the game like this and generally you'll leave your map like this it's like really hard to see that it's like almost impossible so people have start started placing them on top doing another action you can secure it and that will allow you to take the card place it in your play area you'll get your agent back go back to your supply and then a new card is revealed that is how that goes Al although of course generally as play the game it's not necessarily always going to be as simple as one agent grabs the card a lot of times somebody will want to fight you for the card or I guess not fight for the card they'll want to influence uh that Court card more so so for instance let's say yellow's interested let's say white places a guy here and then of course me I'm blue so I'll place two guys here as well right so we all of us have a stake in this card but none of us can secure it because I'm tied with yellow yellow's tied with me and white has one less than everybody else on the skirmisher card so I would have to influence again to then have enough to secure the card with the secure action and then all of these agents will be captured and of course your own agents can't be can't be captives so you'll just put those guys back and then all of these will go here and this little Nifty counter will count for you keep in mind that all these captives they will stay in the captive Zone not in the trophy Zone and as you can see the symbol matches for tyrant so the number of your captives will determine your ability to score Tyrant keep in mind though that Tyrant is an ambition that has to be declared and only until the ambition is declared and scored will captives return on cleanup so it is also common for a game that has gone on for a while maybe nobody declares Tyrant that there will be a ton of captives stuck on one player's player board and that can make things extremely difficult if you're trying to of course influence the court um because you can no longer you no longer have the guys available to do that so uh try to try to declare Tyrant if that ever is an issue same with Warlord as well uh so if a ship is ever destroyed in combat it'll go to your trophies as well okay moving on to the next section okay so damage and control so sometimes you do have to battle your foes right because they do something you don't like or they're in an area that you don't like or you just want to be a warlord or Tyrant for that matter so at the start of the game all of your buildings and ships will be fresh and fresh is just when they are on the upright side or the side that does not have the little borders on the corners those are fresh and as a reminder you can press uh two on the keyboard to flip your ships or one to the damage side so that's important it's not like route where rout all your guys only have like one life or health in arcs all of your ships can can be damaged and they can still move around and do things as necessary of course damage ships are not quite as good as fresh ships so control is not going to matter as much with damage ships so for example it here's a a red Fleet and a blue Fleet even though they're tied for the number of ships because blue has more fresh ships would of course be the leader and this counts for any any number of damage ships so even if red had all of these ships here if these were uh damaged then blue would still be the uh kind of ruler of that zone as you're playing your ships will become damaged and uh in combat it takes just two hits to remove them so that's how you calculate it and we will go over that more later playing a chapter of course would start the round and then you would be dealt a card player with initiative in this case I'm going to steal it from yellow and I will I will be the one with initiative would play a card and that would be considered the lead card they would have the option at this point to declare the ambition or start their actions so so if I was going to start my actions I could do three movements or some moving and some influencing once I do that the next player could then play a card so let's say they play this card so this is a three but you cannot follow with the same suit but it' be less than the lead card so in this case if for example the red player wanted to play this it would have to flip it over and it would copy the lead card to do one of the actions of the lead card another player could also play a card that does not match but when a card does match it just has to be higher so in this case this one is lower it can't be played so it would be just a copy so you only get one action but this card is higher than four so you would be able to do all everything associated with this card so you'd be able to do the two actions and now you would be the leader which is nice because when you're the leader that means you get the action the initiative token but if you don't want to do the action of the leader you can also play any card you want and you just get one action of that type and then the player who has the highest number is the leader and so they would then take the initiative okay that is not seizing that is just surpassing seizing is when a player uh does either a seize uh car there's like seasoning cards and I'll say seiz the initiative um usually that involves like uh placing something near here so you remember um or the more common way is if somebody for instance declares you know Administration six right it's like it's going to be very hard for anybody to play higher than a six especially in a three player game there is no other higher higher number seven is the highest but that only is for four player games so it kind of makes everybody out of luck so even if like another player played this too it's like well shoot I can't I need to have the initiative for the next round so what they can do is they can take another card from their hand flip it over and then burn it essentially and that will seize the initiative so that they can then take the initiative and they can uh place it over here so that everybody knows like they're the ones that have gotten it for next round once the initiative has been seized it cannot be seized again so you can't take it from another player again you can only do this one time and that's different than surpassing surpassing isn't seizing um slightly there same outcome but uh big difference is you would then be down one card or you'd have to spend one year uh cards from here if it says for example uh sees the initiative so here's a great one Lattis spies I put this here so before you any other actions you may discard this card CES the initiative and then it just as a little reminder at the bottom you can't seize the initiative if it's already been seized so you would use this and then you discard it which would go over here okay that covers most of the turn structure just remember that uh the basics are lead card gets played then that player will do all the actions associated with it if they want to they can declare ambition if they do declare ambition the card will effectively become zero then if you play a card that matches the suit it must be higher and that will be a surpass so they would then get the lead card but if another player wants to to take the lead card they can play any card and another card they of course do not get the actions for this other card this is just a burnt card so nothing is done for with it action wise and then whatever card they played they get to play as normal so in this case they would pivot and they would get one action of the mobilization suit and if you're ever unsure you can always look here and it'll tell you the three things you can do you can surpass copy pivot copy pivot as you play the game you'll get a better sense of like when is a good time to play a card or not usually what I do is I will organize my cards based on when I kind of want to play them so if I know like oh man I have like a lot of material so I'm for sure going to need to declare materials or Tycoon then I know that I'll need to uh put myself in a position where I can win the the trick which is like one round essentially so I can then be the one to declare Tycoon later so if you ever do surpass though you do uh just take the initiative otherwise the initiative will stay with the active lead player and of course at the end of the round after everybody has played a card and done their actions you clean up the cards and you start a new so everybody will go through they'll play a card go around the table and that will be the round you will keep going around playing one card each doing the actions and the next player will go checking for initiative passing around and then that player will go until until everybody's out of cards once everybody is out of cards the chapter will end and then of course at the end of the chapter you will go down all the declared Ambitions scoring the amount of points listed or I guess the amount of power listed so in this case if uh somebody wins here then they'll score the points down here sometimes there are cards that will allow you to uh have an extra card so here's a great example construction union so it's it's a card that is played at the after you play an action card but before you do any of the actions from that action card uh that's the Prelude uh you may place this card next to a face up played construction card and then when the round ends draw that card back into your hand so in this case um I don't have a single construction C which is kind of kind of annoying okay here we go here's one so uh I would play this and then if this was in my play area I could before I did any actions for my construction card play this card right here and then everybody would know that this card instead of being going going back to the deck would then come right back to my hand and then this card would be discarded so that is a a very powerful card having more actions than anybody else will basically secure you the initiative marker at the very end because if the lead Card cannot be played by the current player it will get passed to the next player and then the next player and then next player as long as they have a card to play they can keep this initiative marker so time for some rapid fire stuff so standard actions okay we have the tax action so here we go boom tax what does tax let you do tax lets you choose a loyal city or a rival City and I guess that's not a city that's starport so here's these two cities here yep and it lets you take one resource from the suppli so if I was playing as blue in this case and I was in the system I control this planet I can tax it and get one material which I would then place on my player board just like that that's a tax if I tax this rival City so in addition to getting one material I would also gain a agent so I can take this agent from his play area and I would capture it by putting it in my captives so very very powerful to capture agents that way um so it's basically like getting more value from the same action because you can also of course tax on your own cities so if I were to tax this weapons Planet I would grab a weapons place it on my player board but I would not be able to capture my own agent okay remember that you can not tax more than once and uh the agents will be returned once Tyrant is declared or I guess scored but for now I'll just give a pick all right building okay so here we go here's the next card that we're going to learn about construction Builder repair so building allows you to place a city or or starport or ship and remember that you can place it uh if you control the system it'll come in fresh or ready to go or if there is you are not controlled then that piece will come in damaged so for instance in this case if yellow wanted to you know build another building here before blue could they could of course place a city and it would come in damage so be coming just like that with the corners tarnished they probably would want to do something like this maybe so then they could build more ships but that's up to the player who knows what they have planned so the next one is uh Mo the move action from mobilization there's also move for on aggression cards as well so this move action will allow you to move ships pretty straightforward generally when you take a move action you will move ships to an adjacent system just like that so if I was here in this gate and I were to move my ships here that would be one action move and then I can move here as well that would also take an action the other move option is moving from a starport you can do a catapult move which will allow you to move any distance as long as as you are moving from the starport and don't run into other planets or other players uh pieces so for instance I could go here I could go here to this gate and then go up and here and then I could stop here that is that would count as one move when you do one of these catapult moves you can also drop things off so if I wanted to move here and then here and then drop a ship off and then go here that is also valid if I was moving as well I could go here move over here and then once I hit this system because there are enemy ships I would stop and then remember for purposes of movement these little arrows are kind of like hyper Lanes so you just automatically scoot over when you're moving through them the next uh action that we'll go over is repair so repair is a construction or an Administration action repair will allow you to take either a ship or a building and flip it to its Fresh side and this can be any ship or building the only thing that you should remember about that is this can be done anywhere so even if you don't control it you can still do it so even if like yellow was damaged here they had all this stuff damaged they could in theory do all three of these just like that and that would count the next one is influence influence is an Administration or a mobilization option so influence and influence allows you to take a agent from your supply and place it in the court PR stra forward secure is an action only found on aggression cards so here we go just like that secure secure will allow you to take the cards that have agents in them and put them in your player area as long as you have more agents than any of your rivals or any other player just keep in mind that when you do that you will secure when you secure a an agent you will capture all of the agents that another player has on that card and when you do do that as soon as you secure it and the action finishes you will replenish that spot and if there are any actions that say when secured you would do them at that time so for instance here uh called action so when you secure that it would that would fulfill or that would be completed when you do it so you don't have to wait until the end of your turn or anything like that and now for the big one battle okay so aggression this is only found in the aggression card but any card can use a weapons to add the battle action as an option so for instance if I was playing this Administration card I could play a weapons to do those actions so this can be extremely devastating because generally aggression cards have one less action pip so this Administration card would be a good option because I could do four attack or battle actions as opposed to the maximum of three that can found on the aggression card so in combat you follow a few uh steps so you will declare a Target system so in this case we can say that this yellow system or this yellow City system with the three blue ships is the active system and you declare a Target Defender so even if red had a one ship here You' still you would say okay I'm going to attack yellow or I'm going to attack red all of the ships that are your own ships are the current attacking ships and then whoever you pick as a Defender all of their ships are the defending ships as the attacker you select dice up to the number of ships you have so in this case I have three blue ships so I will go over to this Nifty tool here and I can pick up to three dice to roll in this little Simulator the dice are these little symbols here they look like this there are six of each so I could do three red dice for instance if I wanted to and then I could roll and that would be the outcome you can also press on this button to roll it or reset it with that button so when you are attacking though you can mix and match stce there are three types as I said before each one slly different so red is like more aggressive with a higher chance of taking damage blue is a 50/50% chance of doing damage but it's you will never take damage and then raid is risky as well uh and it has options for destroying cities or buildings and it has keys for raiding so remember when I said you could steal cards so for instance like ltis spies for instance could be taken if you rolled two of those keys so in this case like let's say I did want to try to steal some cards from somebody I could roll this and hit the roll button and then you can count that key so in this case I drew one key so if I was taking it from this player board here I would then I could pick any of the one key options to take but that happens in a certain order which you follow here so if I was going to do this roll it you follow the steps so step one damage your ship so little flame icon here's one here there's one here that is what happens first so you hover over your ships you press two so I would take two damage and then you do the next one so intercepts so there are no intercepts but intercept is you just take damage for the number of Defending ships that are fresh so in this case there's two so if an intercept was rolled I would take two additional damage or hits and then after that you do the little stars so no stars for me so I didn't do any damage but I did do three damage to a building so I would do one hit and then damage this fully and remove it from the map and I would take it into a trophy you mind that this is this would then trigger outrage so I would check the planet type so it is a materials Planet so I would take an agent from my supply place it on top of this materials to signify that I've outraged it and then all of my materials would be discarded so that's pretty devastating because now I immediately lost that and I lose an agent for the rest of the game if you don't have an agent available you would you could use another piece just to cover it up until you get an agent back if I had any cards here from the court deck those would also be discarded as well unless they said otherwise after destroying a rival City you will provoke outrage and after you provoke outrage by discarding all of the matching resources and uh placing one of your agents onto the resource slot to indicate that it has been outraged you will ransack the court you will will secure any card that has any number of Defenders agents so in this case uh if I is the blue player removed a yellow City then I would be able to secure all three of these cards because they all contain a yellow agent so we'll go ahead and start securing them so I'll take this guy here and as a any secure you'll take all the agents but when you rans the they will not go into captives they will go into trophies and then you'll secure the next card and you will resolve the when secured uh tag and so this one would be discarded after it was resolved then you would take the agents from here and goes to Trophies you cannot have one of your own agents as a trophy so that would go to the supply and then lastly uh you would take the this card as well in this case again those would go to your trophies and this card would come to your play area so one thing to remember is that because R second the court happens after you would provoke outrage you can still collect cards from the court that have the symbol or that are of the resource type that you have outraged so if this card was in your play area before you had outraged that type of course it would be discarded but since it was acquired afterward you can play it so this is uh very good upside when you sometimes have to outrage a particular resource and that pretty much sums up combat for more in depth please refer to the rule book they do have uh some information here this is the page from the from the rule book so it talks about the dice there's the six side of each of these Dice and then the steps and then as well as a more full breakdown this is helpful when uh doing timing or anything like that but for the most part it's fairly straightforward also don't be overwhelmed by the options for dice once you realize like what your goals are in a combat it's very easy just to select what you want and then you can roll it action cards are just one of the ways that a player will interact with the game state but the more consistent way of doing what you need to do is with the resources so after you play an action card you can play any number of resources to do additional things those things go as follows so as we said before psionic will allow you to do anything that the lead card does so for instance if you were to play the psionic resource then I could do an additional mobilization it's essentially like having a fifth pip or an additional pip on whatever card you're playing this is extremely powerful then uh you have relics which are in addition to cyanic probably one of the best if not the best resource so these two are probably the highest in terms of overall uh flexibility and options especially this combo even as an example but relics allow you to secure and remember only aggression cards have the secure action so having relics available to you is critical to being able to secure cards when you need to and a lot of players will do this exact combo where they'll play cionic and and then a relic to do for instance one influence with this psionic and then immediately secure so that's the only way to get a card right when you want it so that's relics then we have the only weird resource is the weapons instead of adding an action it will allow you to do battle actions in addition to whatever the suited card is so in this case if I was to play this aggression or this uh weapons I would then also be able to uh battle in addition to move and influence very useful again the main thing with these is flexibility because you're not reliant on what cards you draw so this was the hand that I drew I don't have any build cards so if I want to build I'm going to have to wait for another player to play that card or I'm going to have to use a material and I have two administrations so I could definitely play this and then tax one of my cities to get that material just opens things up of course there are a lot of combos that you can do with these as well uh definitely something to consider and play around with if you need a reference at the bottom here all of those options are here and this will also remind you when you have something that is outraged or not so just remember when you outrage a resource you cannot use it for its Prelude purpose so for instance if I outraged relics then I could not spend a relic to secure a card so really really kind of tricky to play around sometimes but that is part of the fun so also remember when you are securing uh with relics or with the aggression card uh if it says uh Prelude you would not do that Prelude action right then so for instance we can do this as an example so I'll play this card let's say I played this Relic I secured this construction union card I could not immediately say you may place this next to a face up card right I couldn't do that even if this was a was the construction card I would have to wait until next round to do it you have gone through all of the rounds you've used all of your cards and and some Ambitions have been declared and now you are ready to end the chapter so usually how this will work is we will go around in turn order counting so I'll uh say all right white do you have any scored objectives no okay boom and you go around one at a time so for instance has anybody scored Tycoon okay and in this case you can see here yellow has one resource and then red has one fuel so they're tied so they would use score three points and then warlord would score looks like blue is the only one who did combat so they would score two points top and then keeper doesn't it looks like the only person with a relic is red so they would score three points and keep in mind though that you also score for the uh symbols on the court cards so if for example yellow had this materials or this fuel that would count for three when scoring Tycoon this is a very powerful way of increasing the supply of potential options for uh scoring a lot of these Ambitions because the materials and resources are extremely limited there's only five of each of them and like I said before a lot of times they get absorbed very quickly so as you're scoring you will add points up here and you if you have all of your cities out can get bonus points so here is an example so this is plus two and plus three to one ambition so if you had one of these revealed then You' get plus two if you had both revealed then you get plus five to one Ambitions keep in mind that one Ambitions are only Ambitions that you have won with first place so you cannot get second place and still score that so if in this example these players uh both scored for their one Tycoon resource neither of them would be able to get bonus points because they're both getting second place but if uh I won as blue with one trophy to get warlord I would then be able to score plus five points because of those two revealed slots once everybody has done scoring all of these will return and the lowest value one will flip over now next round more points are going to be scored okay and that'll continue until the end of the round and of course the tracker moves up one if this was the fifth round then the game would end even if no players score the necessary amount of points to end the game so it just be Whoever has the lead the most amount of points if there's ever a tie it goes to whoever has the initiative or is closest in initiative order and then of course to start the next round you would Shuffle this deck and deal it to everybody okay the last thing that we'll go over is uh Prelude actions just how they work so again after you play an action card but before you do any action action this would be considered a Prelude this is when you can play resources from your play area or use actions from Guild cards Guild cards will sometimes have uh abilities or powers that can be only triggered in the Prelude so in this case you can say this for shipping interest you could do Prelude you may discard this to gain fuel up to the number of empty resource slots if the fuel supply is empty steal the fuel instead so that as you can probably imagine this is extremely powerful especially when scoring Tycoon so you could imagine a situation where a player has this in the player they play a two they declare ambition during their Prelude so now now Tycoon is being announced and then they can play this card and then they could take all of the fuel up to the amount of slots they have available so in this case it wouldn't be very good because they only get three but they could definitely set themselves up for a very strong move where they maybe get all of the fuel all at once and that would really put them in a good position later in the game usually when you use a Prelude action you would discard the card so this card would then go over to the discard pile sometimes this is not the case but generally that is what happens um so that is how you do a prud action uh from a guild card the only other thing is uh when you do the special action you can see here synthesize build gain one fuel that when will allow you to instead of using a build action you could do a synthesize action instead all right so that is pretty much it good luck as you begin your journey in arcs the first couple games uh should be played knowing that it is an extremely odd system compared to root or Twilight Imperium and players should expect things to get more smooth with repeated plays if you are liking arcs and want to expand your gameplay with isometric player options try adding the leaders and lower cards they are located way over here with on the TTS mod boom boom boom boom so I highly recommend it if you're coming from Twilight Imperium you may be able to start with one of these but it is generally not recommended because of how different arcs plays compared to some other games not having the actions available to you at every given time can be a little weird to wrap your head around if you're coming from a game like root for example that guarantees certain actions every round I might do a video going over how to set these up this mod is great because it will automatically set that up for you so if you are interested in playing with it you can click play with leaders and lore and then you can click Start base game and it will automatically pull up a few options for you and then of course when you place this in your play area put one those in their play area then you can click on the setup leaders and it will automatically place those cards where they need to go cards and items and all that so highly recommend it but not until after at least probably one game so have fun and hopefully this video helps out online
Channel: Ian Powell
Views: 5,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 57min 18sec (3438 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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