Archangel Michael: The Strongest Angel (Biblical Stories Explained)

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the mystery surrounding Archangels are as you might imagine quite difficult to unpick and perhaps that's what makes them so fascinating in that there is so much intrigue surrounding their vague presence in the Bible while the Bible is full of ambiguity with some of its characters there is perhaps no one more ambiguous than the Archangel known as Michael yet despite his minuscule presence in the Bible Archangel Michael has cultivated a massive devotion from not only those from the Christian faith but also the Jewish and Islamic faiths as well given that Archangel Michael appears across all three religious texts in some capacity however there are those that would believe that Archangel Michael's appearance in this manner is subject to interpretation in this video we'll be primarily focusing on Michael's presence in the Bible as this is a biblical stories explain series but I will be touching on stories and legends originating from both Jewish and Islamic texts to give you an unbiased and hopefully more complete picture on who Archangel Michael really is as well as what he means to people today he's considered to be the biblical God's finest champion a being so powerful that he's able to banish Lucifer from heaven by himself without direct intervention from God his name which means he who is as God is usually considered to be an angel of protection and perhaps the most powerful of all of God's angels it goes without saying that as the most powerful Michael is the leader within the realm of angels and says as a warrior to defeat the forces of evil in all of their forms but did you know that Archangel Michael is only mentioned a total of six times in the Bible he's mentioned three times in the Old Testament in the Book of Daniel where he is merely mentioned by another unknown entity and later on again in the New Testament in his battle of Lucifer and the other fallen angels he's also seen in the Epistle of Jude in a debate with Satan and is again alluded to in the first epistle of the Thessalonians though he's not explicitly named in this instance in all of these accounts though the scripture supporting Archangel Michael is loose at best and as I mentioned earlier perhaps this is where the fascination of angel stems from in that the Bible does not tell us much about this bold and brilliant persona Archangels Michael's first mentioned comes out of the Old Testament in the Book of Daniel and it is virtually just that I mention Daniel suffering of a prophet for God praise to his Lord in hopes that he will bring some stability to the turmoil in Israel it helps to confess all of the sins of its people during this prayer a being makes himself known and is described in Daniel 10 5 through 6 as a man just in linen with a belt of fine gold from you pass around his waist his body was like topaz his face like lightning his eyes like flaming torches his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze and his voice like the sound of a multitude while this man is never explicitly identified it is understood that this being is not mortal and a he's of a supernatural composition his presence in Daniel 10 10 through 20 sees this entity explained to Daniel what will happen to his people and what lies in Israel's fate in a times coming what's most interesting about these passages is that the entity powerful as he appears to be claims that he has been resisted by the Prince of Persia and that this has delayed him in reaching Daniel in Daniel 10:13 he states though the Prince of the Persian Kingdom resisted me for 21 days then Michael one of the chief Prince's came to help me while the nature of Michaels help is not detailed beyond this we can gather that the entity in question is reinforced by Michael and thus on the side of God the fact that Michael came to help this entity shows us perhaps the basis of witches reputation as a protector stems from Michael's involvement at all also serves to show Daniel that the entity which has approached him is on God's side for Michael works only with God's divine intentions in mind some have speculated that this entity is actually Archangel Gabriel another other suspected Archangels in religious Scripture most notably Judaism but many dispute this idea as this figure is never addressed as Gabriel in this chapter previously Daniel hears Gabriel's voice in chapter 8 verse 16 when Daniel is having a vision he stays and I heard a man's voice from the you like calling Gabriel tell this man the meaning of the vision in the next verse Gabriel speaks and says son of man he said to me understand that the vision concerns the time of the end furthermore gaper actually appears before Daniel in Chapter 9 verse 21 where Daniel explains Gabriel the man I had seen in the earlier vision came to me in swift flight about the time of the evening sacrifice so if the entity speaking of Michael was actually Gabriel then Daniel should have recognized him instead of being overcome by the shape or of him where he's noted as trembling when his hands and knees unless of course as some have suggested Gabriel has only shown himself to Daniel in a lesser form and when he appears to him again in chapter 10 he comes as his true self hence why Daniel only chooses now to describe the entity's appearance all in all though the reference of Gabriel as man in the title of the chapter called Daniels vision of a man seems to indicate that this is not Gabriel and while obviously otherworldly is merely a messenger bringing word of Michael by the end of their encounter in 10 20 through 21 the entity further confirms their leaders with Michael by saying do you know why I've come to you soon I will return to fight against the Prince of Persia and when I go the Prince of Greece will come but first I will tell you what is written in the book of truth no one supports me against them except Michael your prince by calling Michael Daniels prints it highlights his importance it gives us something of an inkling that Michael harness is some sort of higher power and that he should be respected and revered by Daniel and therefore Daniels people however beyond this we can't do much more than speculate the prophecy is finally concluded in Chapter 12 and Michael is brought up one last time his final mention in the entirety of the Old Testament where the entity explains Michael the Great Prince who protects your people will arise there will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then but at that time your people everyone whose name is found written in the book will be delivered essentially Daniel was being told that Michael would be the one who brought salvation upon Israel and once more his status as a protector is further more cemented beyond this it's hard to gather a real sense as to who Michael is and what is great attributes are based on the old test own alone defining a Michael is a difficult task because frankly he isn't physically present we are able to do some idea as to what the Archangels role is and that is the dispelling of evil forces some say demons if we take the demon analogy there are those that believe the Prince of Persia for lack of any real identity is in fact a demon if this is the case then we can derive from this encounter that angels and demons engage in spiritual battles ever HAP this is why Daniel is unable to understand or convey the gravity of what is actually happening in this encounter for it is beyond him to comprehend the conceptuality of angels battling demons still we get a much better understanding it's Archangel Michael's persona once later in a New Testament most notably the book of Revelation some of you may wish to refresh your memory by watching my Lucifer video for this part video but to keep things brief the biblical God created a perfect being a beautiful creation that was so divine and mighty when in comparison to his peers that he grew woefully arrogant as you may remember his name was Lucifer and before long he believed that he was above God and he was worthy enough to rule the heavens instead worse yet many took to Lucifer's charisma and passion and believed that he could overthrow their God and so joined him in his quest of his subs and fortunately for Lucifer though challenging God would be a secondary concern for him because first he had to get through resistance led by Michael himself a fierce battle took place but Lucifer soon realized that Michael was stronger than expected so Lucifer transformed himself into a dragon as noted in Revelation 12 7 through 8 and there was a war in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon and the dragon fought and his angels prevailed not neither was their place found any more in heaven from these passages we understand Michael a little better we already gathered that from his illusive counsel with the Prince of Persia that Michael was a fighter likely what he fought was in Italy for the glory of his God but like most battles the measure of a man is determined by how big his enemy is the Prince of Persia had given hassle to the unknown entity for 21 days and going by his prophecy Michael would prevail showing us how he succeeded where others did not but the Prince of Persia was a relatively unknown adversary and so we cannot comprehend how much of a fight Michael was actually given but when the character so bold as Lucifer the creature created perfectly by God we can mostly agree that this pitted Michael against an enemy of equal skill some might even say it but Michael at a disadvantage and he was facing off against God's favorite angel turned bad boy from this we can divide that Michael is certainly courageous he would even think about going head-to-head against Lucifer the being who had been created by God to be perfect by that logic Michael may have considered his own mortality in a duel with someone like Lucifer but without hesitation Michael said to have defeated Lucifer and all of his angels furthermore Michael demonstrates loyalty and that he doesn't turn away from God and join Lucifer where so many other angels chose to do so it's also notable that during this battle when things are looking bleak for Lucifer Lucifer turns into a dragon and makes one last assault upon Michael only to be defeated anyway while it's not specified if Michael had s ability to transform as well he chooses not to and faces Lucifer as he had done from the beginning of the battle some might say that this is a testament to his skill as a warrior that he did not see it necessary to face Lucifer as anything other than himself others would agree that his stance in the battle was one of fearlessness and his facing of Lucifer even in his dragon form only shows us that the power of God flows through him and he is something of a conduit for God's justice and punishment we see Michael mentioned again in a rather ambiguous confrontation between himself and Satan in Jude one-line the writings of Jude a servant of Jesus Christ is featured in the Bible as he addresses a letter to his friends reminding them to pay respects to God and not allow the failures of the likes of Cain Sodom Gomorrah and even what appears to be the angels of Lucifer to influence them in any way during his lengthy rant Jude also cites an incident between Archangel Michael and Satan where they were debating the body of Moses he says but even the Archangel Michael when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses did not himself dare to condemn him for slander but said the Lord rebuke you yet these people slander whatever they do not understand and the very things that they do understand by instinct as irrational animals do will destroy them the event that Jude speaks of does not seem to appear anywhere else in the scripture and Jew doesn't try to explain it either thus assuming his friends knew what he was talking about which they may very well have done so all we know from this though is that Michael somehow found his way into the company of Satan and that Moses his body was the reason for that argument some say that this was because Satan opposed God's decision to race Moses to eternal life because Moses had sinned or that God was considering letting Moses into the Promised Land after all and has Satan detested this threatening terrible things if this was to happen others suggest that Jude is referencing the story from an apocryphal text in adjacent to the old or New Testament in which details the account Majid speaks off supposedly some source this book has been titled the assumption of Moses or the Testament of Moses but these books appeared to be either lost or missing chapters according to some scholars ultimately though our conjectures nor the conjectures of the scholars bring us much closer to the real understanding of what Michael and Satan were arguing about in relation to Moses his body some do not see the reason for Michael and Satan arguing as the thing to take away from this encounter but more so how Michael reacts in the proper Christian way Michael tells Satan in the heat of their argument the Lord rebuke you his only four words in the entire scripture might I yet which shows us that he himself is not sinking to Satan's level in his argument he's not physically engaging Satan nor condemning Satan for his words but telling Satan that God will deal with him his refusal to personally attack Satan serves as a lesson to believers that they should not exact justice for themselves and should allow God to work his fan it also shows believers that if once such as Michael is refusing to address a demon then believers themselves should not address them either even if they mean to banish them for this should be left to their God this brings me to the mentioning of the Archangel in Thessalonians 4:16 where st. Paul writes to the Christians in Thessalonica he states for the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with a loud command with the voice of the Archangel with the trumpet call of God and the dead in Christ will rise first you'll notice he does mention an archangel but this one is preceded by thee as in the Archangel suggesting that there is only one whether or not this is Michael or not is of course unknown to us but what's interesting about this passage is that it shows us another role of the Archangel that is his voice that will come to earth in the end times and signaling the rising of the dead some translations of this text indicate that the Lord being referenced in this passage is Jesus and that it is Jesus whether as God or the son of God who is using the voice of the Archangel by this many go on to say that Jesus and this Archangel are one in the same because if Michael is the Archangel as in the only Archangel then he is the single most powerful creation of God but then Jesus is also said to have been God's most powerful creation and so many conclude that these two must share the same existence other beliefs include that it was Jesus who was present against the battle against Lucifer in Revelations and that he was the one leading the army of angels given that the bible does not mention two armies one led by Jesus and the other led by Archangel Michael there exists belief that these two are actually one in the same today there are those that believe that Archangel Michael is amongst us on earth and at his role as a divine protector has not changed over time it's understood that many believers call upon Archangel Michael in time of need particularly in times of potential danger in that Michael will answer them and deliver them safely from a certain circumstance there are many who believe that they can feel Archangel Michael's presence when they have summoned him usually if they have been successfully removed from a dangerous circumstance or if they feel protected uplifting feelings of warmth inner peace and flashing lights are also said to be common science that Archangel Michael is amongst those who have summoned him others claim to have even heard Archangel Michael speak to them with guidance similarly to how the unnamed man spoke to Daniel by in any case whether you believe in Archangel Michael as a champion of the biblical God as Jesus Christ was an entity that wanders through earth offering aid and guidance do let me know your thoughts in the comments below let me know who you'd like to see next on biblical stories explained don't forget to give this video a thumbs up and hit the subscribe button until the next time [Music]
Channel: The Legends of History
Views: 2,662,804
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Keywords: Archangel Michael, Legends of History, Biblical Stories, Michael in the bible, Archangels, What are Archangels?, Are angels real?, How to summon Archangel Michael?, Signs Archangel Michael is with you, Signs of Archangel Michael
Id: iReD_5-96Hs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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