Lucifer: The Fallen Angel (Biblical Stories Explained)

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before the biblical God created the world he first created the heavens and inside the heavens he created the cherubs the angels and archangels the Archangels were essentially the highest-ranked of the angels and were the chief messengers of God himself amongst these Archangels was the being known as Lucifer the highest Archangel of old he was described as being the most beautiful creature that God had ever created a splendid being that was perfect in every way Ezekiel 2015 described Lucifer as that was perfect in thy ways from the day that thou was created but Lucifer was so perfect so handsome so divine and so strong when in comparison to his peers that he grew arrogant his superior qualities to God's other creations caused him to become prideful and pretty soon he believed that it was he who should be in God's place he wanted to be God himself now given that he was deemed worthy to be in the presence of God more than any other and that he arguably understood God better than any other Lucifer could think of no one better than himself to be the one to overthrow his Lord as noted in Isaiah 14:12 14 the prophet Isaiah quotes what some suggest is Lucifer saying I will ascend to heaven I will raise my throne above the stars of God it can even be argued that Lucifer's ambition is greater than gods that not only does he want to take God's place but wants a place even higher than which God sits pride would spur on Lucifer to act on his thoughts that he was indeed more powerful than God it was pride in which blinded him pride which led him down a path haughtiness and pride which saw him begin to manipulate the other angels into serving him after all his intellect was superior to that of the other angels and so deceiving them was not beyond his means while some did remain loyal to God many of the angels who like Lucifer would become known as fallen angels began to recognize him as the superior being all Ezekiel 28:15 notes Lucifer has been perfect in every way he also notes that iniquity was found in him thus diminishing his perfection with a third of the angels on sight Lucifer loads an attack on God and a mighty war for the heavens took place but Lucifer was not counting on the strong resistance put up by another Archangel the one known as Michael unable to defeat Michael in his current form fast lending Lucifer to doubt his Oh perfection at this point Lucifer transforms into a dragon as noted in Revelation 12 7 through 8 and there was war in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon and the dragon and his angels prevailed not neither was their place found any more in heaven why you might say Lucifer had the courage to prevail in the first place although many would say this was not courage and more so blind arrogance he's ultimately defeated by Archangel Michael by this we understand how powerful the biblical God actually is that Lucifer is defeated without God actually having to getting involved in the battle you might argue that God work through Michael in order to overcome Lucifer by in any case Lucifer's defeat is absolute revelation 12:9 goes on to state and the Great Dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world as he was cast out into earth and his angels were cast out with him this is also where we see Lucifer referred to by his other namesake Satan which he earns after he has been defeated his defeat is more than just a loss of pride though Lucifer loses everything he's not only shunned by God but he is cast out from heaven along with all the other angels who had sided with him gone are his glory days of being the most splendid perfect being of all of God's creations and instead he takes the role of the complete opposite his fault F is described by Luke who quotes Jesus in 1018 I beheld Satan as lightning fell from heaven Lucifer's ultimate fate is detailed in revelation 20:10 where it's understood that the devil that deceived them was cast out into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever it's understood that that Lucifer would not tolerate his sentence quietly in fact from the very day of him being cost out Lucifer began to plot his revenge against God seeing as Lucifer was no longer God's favorite creation Lucifer would talk his vengeance against that which took his place mankind itself when God created Adam and Eve he tested them forbidding them from eating from the tree of knowledge seeing an opportunity to scorn God Lucifer smoked his way into the Garden of Eden posed as a snake however in the early passages of Genesis which detailed the temptation of Eve the serpent is never explicitly stated as being Lucifer in Genesis 3:1 the snake is merely described as being the crafty animal therefore it's likely that the idea that Lucifer is this serpent is merely ascertain by the members of the faith while it's taught as Scripture it's not necessarily stated in these opening passages some recounted this argument though by saying that Lucifer is referred to as the serpent most notably in Revelation 12 19 where he is called that old serpent and perhaps therefore the original serpent others argue that Lucifer wasn't the snake itself in the Garden of Eden but that he manipulated the snake to speak on his behalf however again there's no scripture to actually support this furthermore when we look at the origin of Lucifer's name you will find that Lucifer is actually Latin for light bringer or Morningstar or even the planet Venus but how could let him find its way into a Hebrew manuscript when the manuscript was written before Latin was even a language let's take the 14th chapter of Isaiah to analyze this seeing us believe it or not it's the only point in the scripture where the name Lucifer is actually explicitly mentioned as I have 14 12 states how art thou fallen from heaven o Lucifer son of the morning how art thou cast to the ground which did ass weaken the nations for thou hast said in thine heart I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit also upon the Mount of the congregation in the sides of the north I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like the Most High yet thou shalt be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit many believe that here Isaiah is referring to Lucifer the devil but there is another argument that this passage is actually in reference to a fallen Babylonian king one who is mortal and not one who is created as a divine perfect angel it's understood that this King had sinned greatly in his persecution of Israel and likely believe that he was beyond the power and punishment of the biblical God in this argument Isaiah in this chapter seeks to explain the Kings folly and not the folly of the Archangel Lucifer in fact his uses of the term Lucifer isn't Universal across all translations in some versions as I as simply refers to the subject as the Morningstar or hail L the Hebrew word referring to Venus it implies that the king of Babylon whose identity is not confirmed in Scripture was once someone considered in high regard before his downfall as predicted by Isaiah but if this is the case and how that it all become about Lucifer the fallen angel well that's not exactly known but we can speculate that early Christians tribes who were by this time writing in Latin simply decided for themselves that this would be a great opportunity to fit in a story about a fallen angel going by this argument as I as 14:12 was therefore hijacked by these scribes and molded to fit their own narrative about the character Lucifer by the time our King James the first translations into English st. Jerome who was largely responsible for these translations would incorporate Lucifer into the final version and thus the metamorphosis of what was a Babylonian king who'd sinned for his arrogance would instead become Lucifer the fallen angel of God it would be interwoven into the biblical account of the fall and would eventually become canon for some believers the same can be said for Ezekiel's worth in 2015 where he stays that was perfect in thy ways from the day thou was created until inequity was found there while there are many who believe that Ezekiel is addressing Lucifer other accounts indicate that Ezekiel is actually referring to an unnamed mortal king of Tyre in conclusion to this video regardless of how you interpret the story of Lucifer whoever as an unnamed Babylonian king or the fallen angel of God the Maul of the tale is quite profound it echoes the old saying pride goes before a fall or in the biblical sense in proverbs 16:18 pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall it serves to show us that like Lucifer if we are too confident and believe ourselves to be more powerful than we actually are we could risk to set ourselves up for our own failure the tale also seeks to teach us to be modest and to be thankful for what we have and while we should aspire we should not rush into things and be impulsive of our desires it also echoes the idea that we should respect our elders our parents and those that paved the way before us in that in some cases they know better than we do and hold wisdom that we may not be able to conceive at the time Lucifer for example believed he was stronger than God and even though God had made him what he was Lucifer threw back in his face and against him because he believed he was better the result of this of course leads to Lucifer's banishment which shows us that the consequences for such disrespect to those who came before us can and should be severe let me know your thoughts on lucifer below and what tales and ideas that you believe in when talking about this convoluted and yet powerful figure please leave a thumbs up on the video as this really really helps me out and don't forget to hit the subscribe button until the next time guys
Channel: The Legends of History
Views: 2,038,545
Rating: 4.8554983 out of 5
Keywords: Lucifer, Legends of History, Who is the fallen angel in the bible?, How many archangels are there including Lucifer?, Is Lucifer a Samael?, Was the devil an angel?, Lucifer in the bible, Satan in the bible
Id: yK3zumP2W3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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