ArcGIS: Creating a Common Language

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[Music] well I'd like to now shift gears for a few minutes and share with you s Reis work we see our work as fundamentally creating powerful tools useful tools practical tools that help you do your work better and in the process of that address some of the greater challenges that are facing all of us we do this with products and I'm sharing with you now briefly a little bit about our product strategy so that you can see this see this clearly for your own organization in your own work our fundamental focus has been in GIS with this product called ArcGIS which supports the GIS community and the very rapidly growing online mapping community and also location analytics in recent years we've opened up that environment more for developers to extend the fundamental platform several years ago Scott Morehouse one of my colleagues envisioned also creating a new kind of system a Geo enable system these aren't exactly GIS they're independent systems but they feed on and work on infrastructure created by G iOS's today we describe this portfolio as as characterized by or framed by something we're referring to as the sre geospatial cloud which is the the portfolio of software and SAS offerings that we make I'm gonna start by going a little deeper with ArcGIS and this is advancing rapidly with the integration of many data measurement tools and computing tools and advances in science we this is part of our work ladies and gentlemen is to watch what's happening with new tools like the integration of BIM or the integration of sensor networks or IOT and also the advances that we're making in computing not just faster machines but distributed machines the Newton the new frontiers of micro services and paying a lot of attention to interoperability and so on and then in science wow that's a large thing to keep track of but our work has been around spatial temporal tools and bringing that into the fundamental technologies and also real time real time GIS that's what the the essence of the nervous system is all about where we collapse the time from measurement to decision Marcius is a comprehensive platform that I suppose everybody in the room is quite familiar with but our vision for it is that it's open and services based like dial tone and it's distributed and it's extendable and that it supports not just large organizations or teams but also individuals at the base of our GIS we attempt to organize all the different types of geographic knowledge the data of corpes and the maps that you create the models the apps these are organized under something called a portal but we also pay a lot of attention to organizing people with identities within groups the kind of mantra of of social media today and these are organized under a common user experience where people can search and find each other's work appropriately with the right kind of security in mind arcgis integrates many types of data actually all types of data of course geospatial data like imagery and maps and so on but also tabular data unstructured data IOT data lidar data and BIM building models data brings these together through an abstraction layer to create a common language of maps and 3d scenes and fundamental layers of features these can be matched up and integrated dynamically so think about what I was saying about distributed networks of information we need a powerful integration tool that's what this that's what this does and it supports multiple kinds of systems within organizations one of them is the system of record keeping this is like updating vegetation or updating parcels or updating utilities it's a transaction system second is a system of analytics or insights this allows us to explore data model data and understand it and the third is a system of engagement this is through maps and apps bringing people in across the organization and beyond and more recently the integration of real-time has made this come alive think of this in a distributed environment and you'll get a sense of when we talk about nervous systems are just by design is fundamentally an open platform and we do this in various ways by supporting open standards by now integrating open science libraries things in the AI world and beyond also being open for developers to access the data and the tools and also a major piece of it is now open sourced in github providing us tools providing users tools to be able to extend and make successful systems I'm going to characterize very quickly actually the kind of research and development that goes on and some of you know that we spend well we spend all your money sorry about that but we do it for a good cause about a third of our revenue who goes into ongoing R&D which is about three times the normal amount of a IT company and I'm going to give you kind of a report at the high level of what we've done in these different categories and then you'll be able to have a reference system as you go through the week the different workshops and sessions but these are these are the lists I'll start off with content s trees ArcGIS online platform now has over 7,000 ready to use maps and datasets as well as millions of datasets that you have shared collectively and it makes billions and billions of Maps every week using this content base maps and so on and this content continues to improve there are many new and updated services this event caused us to want to publish some new things so everybody's been working around the clock let's get it ready for the users conference there's a new updated imagery map for the world there's a new base map from National Geographic Society beautiful there on the lower right just published last week there's new updated land cover and we have now integrated open street maps so that when an update happens an open street map within minutes it's served into the vector tiles of the open base map in online and many others you can glance through these and they'll be sessions on this I just want to say thank you for all of you who are contributing to this because this is not s3's content it's really the reorganization of your content and serving it out for practical use so thank you ladies and gentlemen I really appreciate it this is yes to thank each other in the world of mapping smart mapping has enabled us to be able to make amazing maps almost anyone can make beautiful cartography these days across the web and our advancements here have been in 3d data-driven visualization very fast performance and some new mapping types this one on the upper right is exploratory mapping and will be made available in the new map viewer that's coming out in the fall however my favorite my favorite is story maps I'll just ask how many people made the story map here in this room I'm greatly disappointed should have been unanimous okay never mind I'm just trying to be dramatic to get your attention now there's been over a million story maps published and almost 3,000 new ones happen every day and Alan Carroll whose house by the way is flooded he had to go back to Washington DC this morning was one of the principal authors along with a development team of this amazing technology and it's just skyrocketing exponentially he together with a development team has built a next-generation storing that device and and it's being released at this conference it integrates mapping into the basic storytelling component it's easier and it's also mobile first focused moving on highlighting some of the development work that we've done for you in the last year I'll start with mapping and cartography we've made improvements in symbology and annotation and processing of cartographic data improved support for production mapping and charting and also fully integrated ArcGIS into the Adobe Creative Cloud so the designers that are interested in working with Adobe cloud can pipeline in real geographic data to make their Maps better this is this has been very popular in the Adobe community it's gone to number four in terms of popularity around the world in the world of field operations we are now locational enabling all aspects of field work from workforce management and dashboards to help planning this year this conference we're introducing a new capability to do location tracking with something called tracker but also supporting navigation and data capture notice on the far right there's a new collector like app it's called quick capture and this is for people like myself thick fingered you know I don't want to figure anything out is push a button when I see something dang I can take a photo of it and send it immediately to the system and this is becoming enormous ly successful with people like flying helicopters and they want to boom boom boom boom boom or driving in a car they want to see rugged situations or difficult situations it's very interesting and also improvements to explore the simple mapping tool that you can take out into the field will return to these apps in some of the demos in a few minutes the center of many of your work efforts there are around data management and here we've made improvements in editing introduced a number of stronger industry models for utilities and the summer parcels you have asked for us to be able to tear off a piece of map put it into a device and take it to the field and we now support that with vector tiles one of the popular things that has happened in the last year has been the integration of Autodesk's tools engineering tools into the fundamental capabilities of GIS this means that engineers can be fed by whether they're in building design or in engineering civil engineering be fed by your Geographic work and finally we've made some significant enhancements and improvements in providing a comprehensive data management to access all kinds of databases but now databases in the cloud in the world of 3d visualization here are some of the improvements made BIM as a scene layer my favorite is the center one little effects like shimmering water or sunlight reflections but you can pick across this portfolio of improvements also I like the augmented reality virtual reality put on the glasses and see things this is this is a neat stuff 3d isn't just for visualization it's also for analytics and here are some of the new analytic tools you can glance through them here my favorite is volumetric looking into the oceans as Sylvia Earle keeps asking me poking me to do don't forget the blue stuff we need volumetric modeling and by the way she's here someplace I'll just say hello Sylvia how are you all so geologic modeling these 3d capabilities of visualization and analytics are not just one app but they're there across all apps that's one of the magical capabilities in free 3d visualization tools like Earth but also in City engine and pro and the scene viewer another center point for much of your work is spatial analytics and here there's lots of new work done in introducing temporal charts so we can see through time what's going on and some new spatial statistics tools one here I'll cut caught my attention has balanced zones this will be very powerful in redistricting and reapportionment activities in the next year new raster functions particularly focused on hydrology modeling and then there's a whole bunch of interesting things for improved processing here I'll call your attention to the tool to history tool history to model automatically tool you get what this does I'm typing in functions and it's building a model for me dynamically I thought I would get applause for that but my gosh it's supposed to be cool or also the ability to turn models into Python scripts this is another good one for those of you interested in big data in the enterprise we support very large datasets like in the billions of features but this year with pro you'll be able to scale up through parallelizing processing to deal with millions of features in your little in your desktop an introduction of new learning tools deep learning tools but my favorite is the Python Python notebooks hosted Python notebooks are very powerful because they allow us to integrate integrate distributed distributed services and data build scripts and share them all the open science libraries are subtly available to us to programmatically script with analytic services in arcgis and script them with datasets all over the place Big Data data lakes etc and the implementation of Python notebooks is done so that you can create an item this means I do a lot of programming and I can share it with somebody else and finally many of you are familiar with arc PI the modeling tool in the desktop this is now available in the notebook server turning geoprocessing into a service that's okay you were supposed to applaud for that one to run all right well maybe not as popular look this is closely associated with a very popular buzzword thing this time at this time artificial intelligence and people will often ask me what are you doing with AI and machine learning and deep learning here our approach have been to directly connect arcgis pro to the environments that now support this open sourced environments but also to connect them through Python notebooks so that we can leverage the ML tools and other geoprocessing tools in our toolbox directly with these beautiful environments and I'll simply say about two weeks ago packy in Kuwait I don't know if anybody's here from there but they were able to successfully take an image train it with their existing building footprints and get about a 95 percent accuracy on identifying and building new features pulling them right out of the image and this is pretty cool I know and earlier I mentioned the Ordnance Survey they're doing exactly the same thing they're taking the models that they train in the UK and taking the complete learned model to developing countries to be able to make base maps almost automatically is transformational for our field it has yes it's worth they plotting for I mean their work is is really great I'm going to move on now to talk about imagery imagery like this kind of raster geoprocessing is closely associated our work here has been in developing a comprehensive system for imagery and remote sensing and it has five tellers first being able to support bringing in any kind of imagery and traveling with ArcGIS online are many imagery datasets for you to use second image management and here we've made it improvement notice this diagram historically we've used image mosaics to be able to dynamically process imagery in our system but this year we've introduced a new thing called an image cube which allows us to cube up imagery into very large cubes spatial-temporal cubes that pre-process the imagery so you can pan and zoom through it very rapidly and then there's improvements in analytics of map production and visual exploitation in the world of visual exploitation we have released a new capability which is a web-based structure structured observation management technology which allows us to search on the web for imagery bring it up and then exploit the imagery exploit the imagery means really photo interpretation like drawing features on the image and then storing those features in a database to do analytics on it this supports both a GIS view of imagery as well as image space so it supports both kinds of communities with powerful exploitation tools thanks very much it's a cool thing yeah I love you man it's good makes me feel more secure similar to similar to imagery real-time data analytics reading and sensors from the IOT and pipelining them into the geo event server is increasingly becoming popular and we have been working on this in the last year as well making it more performant making our capabilities that you have in server more performant more robust more scalable the diagram will show that not only geo event server for direct integration for alerting and analytics but is there but also a parallel technology called the geo analytics server which is able to take very large reservoirs of data that has been stored about these sensors and then do deep analytics this is becoming very popular in places like cities that want to know what's going on situation awareness but there's a few slides here both looking at illegal fishing in Argentina but also the Port of Rotterdam with its port 42 there they've wired up the whole port and not only the port but also these shipping containers that are moving around the world I've talked a lot about capabilities perhaps talk too long these capabilities are implemented into the standard products Enterprise online pro and the solutions with them I'll now cover these briefly the ArcGIS online platform is kind of like late number one it's a complete mapping and location platform and it has now over seven million users this platform makes literally billions and billions of Maps every week these are the new improvements that we've made in that platform you can glance through them find your favorite my favorite of course is the new story maps that Jennifer just showed and coming will be a new map viewer you'll be able to see this in workshops this week but it'll ship in the fall other ones you might find very interesting like hosted imagery and the integration of IOT directly into ArcGIS and on what this means is that you can have some sensors connect your sensors and bring them right into ArcGIS online this is going to be very powerful for people who don't wish to store imagery real-time imagery or sorry real-time events in their own infrastructure Pro is the second leg in this triad of technologies Pro is becoming very popular now it's made major progress in a number of areas editing supporting for rich utility networks and this summer's release which is actually last week it supports parcel fabric parcel networks okay yes and coming you can look through some of the capabilities again my favorite is voxel three-dimensional n dimensional space support and pro can be extended in a variety of ways with analytic tools specialized tools that integrate focused capabilities into your desktop world the new one here is for unstructured data this is tabular data that may have a Geo name or a geo code or a coordinate in it and it organizes it right into a map for immediate use the third leg of the stool is our chess Enterprise this is a server it provides comprehensive GIS for organisations is perhaps one of our most important technologies it supports all of these capabilities and here we've made improvements as well the big one for me is at this summer's release we've been able to reduce memory requirements by 95 percent this is a big deal and this is the release where we introduce machine learning and AI in a server environment coming over the next year will be ability to do containerization and micro services large organization management and intelligent search now this server runs in commercial clouds that runs in private clouds that also runs in your infrastructure and its architecture is what's interesting it's designed to be modular and massively scalable this means well already some of you are working with hundreds of cores there's some of you they're actually working with thousands of cores so you can scale this up to almost I hate to say an infinite side because that's stupid but you can really scale it up and it also has these modular extensions for imagery and and real time and and big data analytics and now the notebook again I'll just everybody seems to like this dramatically reduction of memory well what that means is that you have the ability have more services and also less memory so some of this is a big thing actually some of you will be interested in the monitor application which provides for for IT people alerts and warnings and root cause analysis and performance reporting that's very very intriguing indeed for me the heart of the nervous system is this ability to enable distributed systems look at the diagram I can share and synchronize data happening in one place at a different place that means if I update my map I can share that over the web and have somebody else's map updated or if I build an app I can share it this is enabling distributed collaboration this had an idea of a system of systems and this will also enable taking GIS to the edge in the winter we released a new licensing capability and many you asked for this it's basically our chess user types which allows scalable flexible licensing across your organization and one of the licensing types is for the interesting product called insights this is a rich environment that allows people to understand their information using location analytics mapping analytic tools charting and here we've introduced a bunch of new capabilities like network or link analysis connecting people in space and time and open it up more for our integration and python integration good ok look your that's great we could spend a lot of time together really you and I we're gonna get become very good friends ArcGIS solution templates are a collection of open-source tools they're data models they're workflow patterns they're add-ins and we have a team of about 70 people working on these if you haven't availed yourself to them check them out they focus on particular industries and this this winter we are releasing something jointly with the National Geographic Society that focuses on protected area management more about that this afternoon app builders you'll know that app web app builder is one of the most extensively used for building geospatial apps with no programming required there's now over 700,000 apps that have been built on this platform the experience builder is our next generation of web app builder and it'll be shown in some of the workshops here it'll be coming out in the winter of this year it's built on JavaScript API and it allows you to do exactly what you do in web app builder but also it has powerful tools to integrate 2d and 3d and you'll be excited by that stop this clapping or you're gonna interrupt my ability to finish on time you see it's the problem really our chest for developers is designed for extending our platform for a creative developers and we paid a lot of attention to this in the last couple of years there are five basic ways to extend our platform one is now I thought notebooks you've seen that another one is pro Adams another one is JavaScript API which allows us to extend over the web another one is runtime SDKs and finally the Python API allows us to program and access the full system in creative ways this is about it's about supporting the creative world not only startups but also the enterprise organizations who wish to really integrate and extend what we're doing my favorite of this is JavaScript API this is enabling server based data to be developed in web browser environments a kind of client-side mapping like 2d mapping or 3d visualization and also analytics so mmm pay attention to this I've talked a lot about archives in the product sense I'll not talk for just a moment on geo enable systems this is interesting to me because it's not a GIS but it's Jil enabled infrastructure enabled systems that are focused on particular workflows like in doors or engagement or urban planning or mission awareness or or business briefly the business analyst which was our first effort in this started almost 25 years ago this packaged up all the relevant data that business people really use demographics and so forth connected it with workflows for analysis and Wow this has been a great success I mean I think 70% 70% of the Fortune 1000 use this as a platform for analytics and making smarter location decisions the second one is introduced just earlier this year it focuses on bringing GIS into indoor spaces and will see a powerful demonstration of this after the break from Exxon corporation who's implementing it for their worldwide headquarters it's about wayfinding and supporting operations management security and so forth and for real-estate organizations this is going to be empowering people have to take care of rooms and find find where to go through building complexes the third of these started here in California with the initiative of mayor Garcetti in Los Angelos it's about a system for enabling community engagement that's connecting a city for example with their citizens it includes a fundamental building block of open data and this building block with hub is now being used by thousands of organizations to make their data open and available around the world like a hundred and fifty thousand data sets have been shared with this and then hub also supports initiatives it supports the ability to build a website that engages people and then it organizes community through various apps of times you can glance at them they're on on the right urban okay I'm biased about it urban is my favorite of these it's a system that's going to revolutionize and transform planning that's saying a lot but watching this technology emerge I actually believe it's going to happen it integrates with interactive visual tools highly interactive tools proposed projects land-use plans zoning and all the geographic indicators that are necessary to create smart cities in the future you'll see some demonstrations of this in a few minutes and finally mission which is not actually available yet it's coming in the winter but we we want to share it with you this is about mission planning what is a mission a mission is like a fire or an emergency or you know the Super Bowl where you have people deployed and you want to have real-time peer-to-peer communication around maps somebody leads this mission and we have situational awareness and I know some of you built these kinds of systems before but this one this one is sort of like out of the box it just works you're not supposed to clap anymore look I've covered a wide swath of tools you're gonna go to workshops you'll see new trainings that go on during the week but I'll close with with what's next this is a list of research topics that our teams are focused on right now this is an opportunity at this conference to tell them things that we're missing or to give them feedback about how we're doing we're strongly committed to continuing to release software releases incrementally and then just make continuous improvements in these frames of core GIS and also these geo enable systems and of course we'll continue to focus on quality and performance improvements and integrate these new innovations into it you
Channel: Esri Events
Views: 5,346
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Keywords: Esri, ArcGIS, GIS, Esri Events, Geographic Information System, Esri UC 2019, Esri User Conference, UC, 2019, Plenary, Maps, Jack Dangermond, The Science of Where, See What Others Can't
Id: VeqSgANbMxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 36sec (2136 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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