Arcane SEASON 2 Predictions (Teaser, Warwick, writer interviews, story structure)

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okay so season two predictions let's start out small let's start out with just a little humble prediction just a peaceful small fun little perdiccy wiki but like actually this is the prediction so let me explain we gotta start with kind of a meta prediction this interview probably the most important interview when it comes to season two they actually just say exactly what happens well can you tell us about season two what can we expect from the gang can you give us any insight into what we can expect the focus to be on well everyone dies in the first five minutes and that's it for the video subscribe thanks for watching okay you know so here's what they said right now we're focusing more on following up what you saw in season one tell the story and hopefully wrap it up with a great ending and go further we started a story that we're really passionate about and that we want to see through there are so many characters in our ip so many things you keep thinking about keep towing with over the years that you want to explore so there's a lot we want to do we want to find ways to be able to bring stories for players for more champions and get to see more parts of the world so this is super important so first and foremost it's telling us some very important things that arcane is not going to be let's start with that arcane will not be 10 seasons of jinx vi pelt over zahn which by the way i totally watched loved the characters though the setting of course could watch forever but either way not what our game will be arcane will also not be a slow expanding build up to bigger stories this isn't like the epic fantasy or shown an anime type structure where we start with a story with a limited scope and gradually expand those initial characters stories to encompass more and more of the world until we're fighting for like the fate of humanity nope season 2 will be the concluding half of the story we started in season one that story will end decisively and then we're moving on new part of the world new characters new storylines and the implication it seems is that the show will continue this way in future seasons as well couple seasons in this place with these characters move on new place new characters spend two or three seasons here move on and so on and it won't be completely separate we probably will get the mcu type metal plot we'll get the slow build up with a lot of individual threads that won't seem necessarily so connected until we start seeing crossovers we're like in bilgewater and oh my god watch that neon monkey tag on the wall it's jinxier threads we thought were separate will converge building up into a big overarching meta plot something like each star in each area relates to the political situation with noxian imperialism and the final season is like a marine forward or avengers endgame esque battle of all of runeterra vs noxus or we get something more magic god void related something like that now the reason why this is the most important fact to get clear when it comes to predictions about season two specifically is that this general structure itself becomes a huge source of information about the specifics of next season about what happens how the arcs play out most prediction stuff i've seen is based on the mix of lore hints dropped in season one and actual info we've been given in like interviews and teasers and we'll get into that but i think much more importantly we're being told here that in season two we'll see resolutions to every character are so that tells us a ton we can look at the characters see where they're at see what is unresolved and use that to determine what must happen in this season so for example warwick's resolution has to be saving vi and yeah warwick vander been talked about a lot for those who aren't familiar warwick kemtecki werewolf creation of singe we see it hanging here mirroring this art vander called hound of the underworld called a lap dog by selco seems like vander survived and was made to warwick by singed but the important thing here is that we can clearly see that this form of this character is a continuation of the arc we're already familiar with this is directly following vander's arc vander is consistently throughout every scene he's in at war with his own tendency for violence he has to fight his inner monstrousness to accomplish his goal of protecting his people his family so what's season 2 coming to do here we're in the same unresolved conflict with vander vs the inner monster but now it's gotten worse vander is an outer monster as well it is a new form of the same conflict a new stage of the conflict he had the potential for violence now he embodies violence the mindlessness we feel when we're in rage which we see him fight against in season one that's now his natural state that mindlessness is who he is now it hasn't just consumed a state of mind it's consumed his identity but it's still what he needs to overcome as bad as it is he still needs to find whatever small part event or whatever tiny sliver of that identity of the peace loving father that still exists somewhere in there and fight all the wolfiness and do what protected children same as before so that i think is the building blocks of warwick's season 2 arc his struggle is finding his identity from within the monster starting point monster warwick hurting things being violent ending point van der waals protecting things protecting his children and i do think that has to be the ending point it has to be its climax it's been said as his goal from his first scene and when he left his identity of violence it was to become a father the show was setting up two mutually exclusive identities now his identity is violence again in a new way and he has to make that switch again and also it's the one thing that we just want to see as the audience so it's the one thing that sorry will keep us from seeing until the very end or i should say it's one of the two things we want to see the other i could see going either way the other thing they're setting up for here is a big reveal if you're making a character with a secret identity you're telling us that there's going to be a big moment where we get that release that emotional discovery of who he is so the question there when is that going to be so either it is going to coincide with the climax either vi finds out warwick is vander as he's saving her so he's like rewarded his identity back through vi's realization almost like he's earning it with his actions or vi learns he's vander at the end of like act two and then we have to watch her living with this painful knowledge for a few episodes until the end and showing her pain they're so close but yet so far chanshi has to rekindle her most precious relationship that would be used as something to up the stakes for his resolution okay so now there's one last detail here with warwick but we need to talk about something else first so let's put a pin in this puppy and talk about this every way i slice it if i go after your sister alone one of us comes back in a book i can do this myself no one else needs to get hurt i'm glad it's you had to be you this is telling us allah there's actually a ton we can derive from it i want to get really really specific go line by line i want to talk about the second line first i can do this myself no one else needs to get hurt no one else needs to get hurt what must you say here someone already got hurt i can do this myself and via's crying which is surprising we barely see her to get emotional like that at all in season one something seriously awful must have happened so again what must you say here well vi only really cares about a few people in her life so i only see three possibilities either kate got seriously hurt ekko got seriously hurt or it's some new character she forms a bond with in the first half of season 2 either someone completely new or someone she just hasn't interacted with much or at all like jace or victor is drinks a possibility no i don't think so they're talking about going after jinx here so it wouldn't make much sense to provide to be talking about her what about other random undercity people we already got a taste of that with vine jason the shimmer factory it seemed like her response to that was not to get more emotional but to just let that make her more determined so i don't think it's that maybe if jinx destroyed enough of the undercity but no i think it's a specific person who gets hurt and the only other possibility i can think of is vander which reasons we'll discuss i also don't think is likely okay next line if i go after your sister alone go after what does that mean so i think you can only see two possibilities one jinx is somewhere this season like somewhere specific or two she's like on her way somewhere maybe or on some kind of mission either way she's somewhere or following her takes us somewhere with limited access for some reason why else would there be a question of who goes after jinx everyone should go after her but no apparently it's limited who goes after her to me it seems most likely that this has to do with the nature of the place itself it's some kind of limitation on how many people can get there that i think fits best with the rest of it i'm glad it's you had to be you jinx expects your opposition to be limited in this way she expects only one person to get to her or to be able to get her something like that and then what about this every way i slice it this isn't a general impression kate has every way she slices it this isn't a guess it's not expressing a fear it's a calculation kate is trying to figure out how to go after jinx which also by the way means that something has changed drastically with jinx because in season one they were going after her without this dilemma so now she's leveled up somehow she has a weapon or some new advantage and one of us comes back in the box not both of us okay so let's put this all together what do you get so here's the job are you ready this is where it gets kind of speculative i'm like 50 50 on it just because a it's so specific and b i don't know if i'm reading too much into a line or into a pair of lines and to preface this is all in the context of what of this of this triumphant but also traumatic moment for her it's not just a moment where something changed internally for her it's a moment where her outer world changed entirely jinx found herself but she lost everyone else in her world her father is dead again and she's rejected her sister there isn't anyone else she has any sort of relationship with whatsoever we know jinx tends to turn inward in unhealthy ways when she's suffering she retreats sometimes we even see attempts to escape and she has just been through a triumph also so we also need to see jinx empowered in a way we've never seen her before so what the heck does that look like what's it look like to suffer and retreat further inward into solitude while also being empowered one day i'm gonna ride in one of those things okay so this line definitely is foreshadowing something there is zero chance that by the time our queen is taking off the airwaves we don't see jinx in the sky is it foreshadowing this season specifically that's a toss-up we don't know we can though this could very well be hinted how jinxy eventually maneuvers herself for a crossover of some kind in like season 43 of arcane we can only hope but or this is foreshadowing jinxed having a power moment in a sense and also retreating in a sense putting herself in this position that's threatening but also where it's hard for people to reach her and that is my prediction here jinx creates a death ship of doom menacingly circles piltover someone needs to go up and stop her but how can you reach a single airship while it's in the sky you need some kind of smaller vessel to be able to board it and mimo drinks is just up there with pow-pow gunning down anyone who gets close so your options are you can shoot the whole ship out of the sky or you can confront jinx so that's the situation and then what happens well what's the other line one day i'm gonna ride in one of those things and one day i'm gonna shoot one of them down remember what milo represents she is called jinx and this is like her jinx representation that destructive voice within her saying this irl in the same breath as non-destructive jinx says she wants to ride one so what's gonna happen i think vai goes after her we see the big epic fight between the sisters that we've been waiting and waiting to see and like everything jinx is involved in big boom self-destructs agony trauma but we do hear one more thing in this teaser that's about the jinx of eye conflict okay now time to remove the staple from our puppy let's bring him back into the discussion and we gotta talk about vine kate's arcs too here this whole thing never got resolved we had this scene and then they were back together but you know being kidnapped by the same person doesn't solve fundamental questions about how society works so the central conflict between these two characters season two is going to be the same as the conflict in season one but again different form now put a lower alert here we know vi's final form so to speak vi becomes an enforcer along with kate she is heading in that direction already she's realizing a that savings jinx involves tackling much bigger societal issues and b that if her real loyalty is lie with the people of the inner city then she has to even sacrifice and betray that part of her identity in order to help them so in both of these ways she is growing more distant from her sister practically she's going to be less direct in reaching her and it's going to involve caring about greater concerns and also it's going to involve her becoming something that's anathema to jinx becoming the worst thing and meanwhile savika was right it's not what you think she's with some girl enforcer guess she replaced you despite this being played off in season one as kind of a hallucination it is real she is growing closer and closer to this person may even come to love her which means that jinx isn't the only object of love invites world anymore more distancing from her sister and via is going to struggle with all of this but in this final battle we're going to see her at her most distant we're going to be seeing the piltover enforcer fighting the zonite terrorists it's going to be very different from the tea party where we really did see them as sisters there's so much more going on now so much more at stake so many more priorities vai's life has expanded outwards jinx's life has retreated inwards and this misalignment means that the story will essentially be punishing them thematically for forgetting that they're sisters engaging this lose-lose fight that will result in the hindenburg disaster and their ultimate demise unless they have some way of simultaneously being saved being reminded that their family and getting a lesson about lose-lose situations and violence enter doggy saving either both of them and reminding them of this or jinx is hopeless we just say vi vi had the strong relationship with vander anyway either way getting that moment of resolving all the arcs at once so that's how i think it's going to go sisters grow apart advise and enforcer jinx in her airship of doom big epic fight hindenburg van der says them and reminds them that ohana means family okay now all this is going on we got piltover versus on and probably piltover versus noxus so let's talk about that jace victor mill prepare for a heartbreak that is my prediction here the season ended with these three characters on the same side making the moral decision and then getting punished for it and they were in three very different positions when they got to this point in their arcs and i think we can look at those differences in the context of what we know about these characters personalities to predict how they're going to react to this whole thing blowing up in their face and long story short my prediction is that we're going to see a really messy breakup between all three jayce is going to become the warhawk this is just the pattern of how he reacts to everything whenever he is wrong about something he picks up and sprints in the other direction turning the energy down didn't work gotta crank it time to crank it economic solution didn't work time for violence violence didn't work time for sudden peace treaty and now that doesn't work so he has to go back in the other direction again except this time it's going to be much worse because think about how he did develop in the end with respect i don't give a what any of you think of me anymore up until now we saw jesus impulsivity and arrogance tempered by two things he was inclined to go along with society's rules unless someone else urged him not to he was always waiting for someone to give him permission whether it was about developing hex or developing hexatech weapons and the second thing he also did seem to recognize his lack of experience at least for part of last season and now he's no longer inexperienced and he is no longer waiting for permission he no longer cares at all about society's evaluation of him so jace is poised to do the jace flip-flop there's not a lot riding on this peace decision specifically for him compare that to mel her development was all about choosing peace specifically that is what differentiates her from her family and that is a separate thing from whether peace works in this particular instance or not it's not like now she sees it didn't work she's going to run time best and be mommy's favorite now no she took off that ring she cannot undo that by choosing war again or to hedge a little bit at least not choosing it in the way ambassador wants her to she will not become the wolf but what will she become well she's only started to build her own path she took that first step of casting off would define her before now she has to figure out how to make that work i think that would be her arc she'll be juggling piltover and zhan and whatever happened to her brother whatever we see with noxus she'll be urged towards violence from jace and from her mother and we're gonna see confusion for the first time with mel we're gonna see her being lost because she's ventured into completely unfamiliar waters she has no idea how to be this new person she's gonna have to find that within herself but the whole time she's gonna refuse to become the wolf that is a matter of principle for her and then victor it's interesting it's a matter of principle for him too and it's also a matter of identity victor is a zone height jace victor shippers prepare for a rough season if jace leads pils over to war against zahn that is the end of jason victor's bond victor has never searched for violence he's already been moving towards zan with the drugs and the body modification and the low self-esteem the only thing that had been keeping him in piltover was his relationships and he is running out of those heimerdinger that's done skye that's done jace done if he ends up choosing more and the only other character victor has a relationship with is singed so that is the natural destination for him we're gonna see victor unleashed under singed not the victor heimerdinger would have wanted to see but the victor singh had hoped to mentor and victor's purpose once he's in the undercity will be the same selfless purpose we've always seen with him he'll be trying to use his technology to help people this time helping poor six zelonites modify their bodies with a hex core just like he'll do to himself and i think people who know lord know where that's going and that's kind of the next big question here how does this become this of all the characters in arcane besides warwick now i suppose victor is the furthest from his lull form and season one he doesn't seem to make that much progress in getting there right which means we need to see a lot of change in season two but no actually i think we see him move further along that road than it appears there are five unresolved progressions that they start in season one towards the glorious evolution victor number one victor is wasting away both physically and mentally he's dying still obviously that was unresolved but his self-worth which was always low his identity is also deteriorating we lost ourselves number two we see that the heck score consistently gets stronger as a result of victor's giving over of himself his blood his relationships his virtue so combining these two progressions we have so far we get this picture of victor's body becoming less valuable to give up as his self-worth also wastes away as he cares less about giving up his soul and who he is that feeds perfectly into what the heck score needs to become stronger three so how does victor go from a scientist to like a religious cult leader type guy well we've already kind of crossed that threshold too think about how this all started you had a vision in that scene we see the side of him that may tie in with science but also stretches beyond strict logic i think that's a foundation that they're gonna build on a lot this season four we kind of talked about a bit in season one we saw this reinitiation of a relationship with singed and we're gonna see that grow and number five most mysterious is that the hex core seems to have a will of its own and it wants to be used so these are five little roads that our little victor train is already chugging along which all end in semicraves science cult leader and like he mentioned previously his goal this season will be helping zonate people who need the hex core working at full capacity for that he's going to be giving over more and more of himself to get it perfect and the final sub will be that ultimate form of the scene that we've seen with him over and over again of him facing the decision to really give over all of himself and being consumed by it physically transforming but also in terms of his identity becoming the hex core's new priest the herald of the glorious evolution a complete sacrifice of victor which means maybe we're going to get this final tragic scene with him waking up as low victor hoping that everything worked and that people were saved but unfortunately it seems in your anger you killed her but yeah i want to see the scene frame for frame but just with victor with the no and everything i'm just kidding actually maybe not maybe i'm not kidding okay next heimerdinger and singed so they've set up a history between these two now for legacy are the sacrifices we make for progress it's why i parted ways with heimendinger they've set up so many opposing parallels i think heimerdinger versus singed has to happen in some capacity heimerdinger is now on the side of the ultimate present-oriented good guys singe has always been working so far in the future that he doesn't care about the present well-being of anyone at all so they've never been more diametrically opposed and i think both of these characters are going to be on the rise in the season cinch was a side character in season one and i could see him becoming a major antagonist in season two doing something like releasing a bunch of mutations on the street making some new more dangerous shimmer technology or he's doing some new grand experiment that will involve him experimenting on actual people of the city and obviously the echo heimerdinger alliance will now oppose that more than anything amy say battle by the way i would love to see like a dumbledore versus voldemort at the end of harry potter 5s duel but somehow i don't think that that's their style so i think we'll see something more interesting than that i have full confidence in the arcane writers as always and about heimerdinger specifically where he fits in and all this he actually has a ton that's unresolved about him first we had his relationship with jace he was trying to be a mentor to jace jace cast him out jace is likely going further down that exact road that heimerdinger cautioned him against so i think we will see climax for heimerdinger involving jace specifically being the mentor he should have been and jace confronting that sort of anakin obi-wan style second very similar his relationship with piltover this departure to echo is him learning how to be of better service to his city and that is still his goal will they accept him now that he knows how to serve them in a much better way very similar to what i'm saying with jace jace accepting him will probably be representative of whether piltover accepts him or not and third thing heimerdinger is afraid of stuff this caused him to make a lot of decisions in season one but he never had to confront his fear itself whether that's through fighting or putting himself in the position of great sacrifice or potential danger i don't know what that would mean for a yordle i think we're going to see an arc that's all about him facing his fearfulness so the arc is going to be focused on that culminating in a big scary sacrifice to prove his worth and his wisdom to jason to his city with a confrontation with singed along the way okay savika my prediction is that cevica becomes the boss of the undercity and then walks away from it gives up power so she's in a weird position to start out with personality wise she is not a leader she's all about humble loyalties of the cause she's the king maker she is not the king she never has been but also she's sort of next in line both starry side and audience side silke was the most powerful guy in the inner city she's silko's number two so she should get the spot especially since all the kanbans we met so far are kind of useless they're kind of dopey and on the inside for us she's the character we already have an attachment to they could make someone new and then have to convince the audience that this person is scary and sinister enough to deserve the position easier to just give it to someone we already know is a ruthless badass so that is kind of a strange place to be in for this character but i think it's actually all kind of brought together by this cryptic amanda overton tweet hey tris thought you'd like to know that vid doesn't smoke and the only spoiler i'll give about season two cevica is also quitting this is a huge milestone so that's interesting smoking as we know is the symbol of undercity leadership in arcane i made a short about this it's a status symbol luxurious breathing in an environment so oppressive that many people can't breathe at all we see this symbol everywhere cevica quitting smoking means that she rejects the whole institution of undercity power and there's only two ways i could see this happening either at the beginning of the season she takes power but then she goes through a similar thing that vander silko both did or once she's in the position of leadership she sees that all out war might not be the best option there's too much at stake and nobody will come out on top so the crucial moment she just can't anymore she sees clearly that this is not right and she does the unthinkable the george washington the cincinnati she walks away from power second way she quit smoking which i think is also a possibility is that there is a new ken baron they're everything that ceviche wanted in terms of being ruthless etc but then she has the same realization whole institution is hurting people and she walks away from being a follower unhinges herself from her henchwomanship so to speak maybe allies are someone we wouldn't expect that kind of thing that's what i'm getting out of the amenity but i don't know if i'm missing ways to go with interpreting it so let me know what you guys think echo sorry to disappoint i am at a total loss with echo pretty much i'm fairly certain he stays the third option the scrappy punk whose faction doesn't really side with anyone not piltover not zahn not completely with vi not with jinx either i'm definitely not on team echo becomes the new undercity leader that's just not who he is he's with his own people and doesn't want to be involved in those bigger conflicts in those ways lore wise i mean we know he makes his time turner thingy with heimerdinger presumably but it's like what was his arc in season one we saw it but it felt like such a snippet we barely know anything about his real inner conflicts i think it's gonna be more of a main character in the season and we'll see more of that we'll get to know him more but i gotta be honest with this one just say i don't know with this character what do you think please comment i'd really like to hear and finally ambessa main villain i don't think so i think she's the herald for the new major villain from noxus and she's gonna be flapping about in that infuriating medardo zone where we can't quite figure her out which side is she on what she up to but she's already mentioned this other medarta killer she's in piltover trying to get weapons presumably to fight this guy and to try to get piltover involved in this conflict with noxus noxus is definitely being set out to play a bigger role in the season in some antagonistic fashion might start out as an alliance of some kind but not going to stay that way and we're going to see mel trying to solve this as the new mill and then ambassador trying to push for more wolfish ways of solving this presumably war and the arc i mean it's very clear what they left unresolved here mel and bess's relationship they left that shattered basically for mel it was this necessary step in building her own identity apart from her family but for embezzle i think it's a sore point she definitely cares about her family and about being big bad war mommy so that is what the show is going to make her choose between my prediction she dies in the season sacrifices herself for mel i think that is the natural direction for a character okay last major topic new characters new champions specifically and i'm not a little guy at all but i did some research and we know we're in for a super messy season filled with conflict probably filled with trauma and i think anyone who knows laura's already expecting this there's only one champion who can really come in and just save the day there's going to be a season about war we need someone who can single-handedly make peace world peace really so it shouldn't be a surprise that season two act three with the power of love and joy and music arcane show becomes the seraphine show and there's music and peace and everybody loves each other and we have a dance party okay no my four predictions are swain camille jin and renata glasgow and warwick obviously but we talked about him already and i don't have too much to say about these again not a lord i just kind of dip my toes into some research here so first of all swain i think a lot of season two is going gonna be about the relationship between piltover and noxus and like we just talked about we not only already see them getting involved through embezza we already see the way that they would get involved starting with one side to take advantage of the technology in ambassador's case as we saw it was hex but i could just as easily see them going to zhan also making that alliance and getting shimmer instead or getting shimmer also but anyway we see arcane doing that setup and we have this madara killer running around some mysterious important guy that killed mill's brother from what i've seen it seems like swain could fit this real well he's a noxian leader he would see him bessa meddling medals the opposite way joins the conflict in some way and we end up with piltover against zhan and noxus and psych up to mel to use her new uniquely mel way to save everyone so loosely that's my swing prediction number two camille if jace goes all out warhawk and stands against mel he's gonna need some new powerful ally built over society someone with a similar zealous hardliner perspective camille seems to fit that role very well she would embrace the tech in a different way from what we've seen and should really match the vibes of season two's jace who is now jaded and more egotistical than ever and we also do get a brief mention of her family in season one maybe that was foreshadowing the house pharaohs received your letter they insist businesses study so number three jyn i don't know we we see his mask hard to say what kind of role this character plays i think we'll get a character we don't realize right away as him and then we'll see the transformation and i'm hoping that between jinx and warwick and jyn at least that means we're getting like an obscene amount of wild cards causing absolute chaos in the season with our other characters just kind of trying to figure out how to get through their day but yeah hard to say anything more here and then miss glasgow i mean whoever she is it seems like they released her after season one to set her up for season two so she does kind of fit into the two possible predictions i laid out with savika she could be cevica's ken baron form and then she eventually leaves that role but still goes rogue on her own or it could be the chem baron that savika sides would that sevika chooses to follow this is a long shot i think it would be cool if it was like savika's older sister or something like that that might provide some more insight into her antagonism with vine jinx but might also lead to more understanding for her in that conflict and then maybe she ends up siding with one of them because of it i think that would be cool hard to say here okay my questions that i dearly want answers to so in that same interview from the beginning they said this it was exciting to get into it because of how much the ending of season one just turns everything upside down for every character uh it's just been really fun to explore these new colors for all the characters um you know don't want to say too much but um new colors for these characters that's definitely intriguing for me what exactly are we gonna see so a lot of this video by design because it's all we have was based on what we know about the characters now and even if there were some things we could say about how we expect them to transform it's using such limited data compared to the writer's knowledge of the full story they intend to tell so what are these new colors what will these further developments and further nuances look like learning more about these characters that i love is almost definitely the thing i'm most excited for related singer's daughter is going to play a role in his development i am at a total loss to speculate on this what will singe the father be like and who is his daughter i've seen a bit of orianna speculation here can't say no much about that but i'm totally open to it echo as i said big question mark for me but i want to zoom in on the biggest blank here for me so his time device this kind of time travel is so hard to introduce in a way the audience accepts there's kind of a general piece of advice with world building concepts that they should create conflict not solve it and rules can be broken of course but time travel in general is always such a hand-wavy type of fantasy device so often we're just meant to accept it and that makes it again super difficult to introduce well so how will you do it arcane writers fourth and this might be a small detail but i was stumped on it when exactly does kate become sheriff i could see equal possibilities for the beginning the middle or the end beginning would mean that it's a primary source of conflict throughout her arc this season middle would make it a be careful what you wish for thing and if it's at the end it would sort of be a reward she earns by completing her arm so how is this going to fit in aside from juggling her city and her girlfriend this is kind of the main thing that i expect to fill out her arc but i can't exactly figure out how very curious as to how they'll do that and lastly noxus so many questions what role will noxus play this season or will it even be part of the main arcs this season or will be the start of the meta plot whatever that will be i'm sure we'll see more building blocks in season two i'm very excited for that so what do you think if you agree with my predictions which when i step back and look at it basically is like saying half the cast is going to sacrifice themselves for theme then please subscribe so we can all cry together and for anyone else who like me was a tad let down by the lack of any season 2 announcement or trailer snapshots or anything on wednesday the netflix thing i was thinking about it and i'm actually so happy that nothing was announced a this means that fortish is taking its time which we all want we don't just want to see season two we want to see season two of arcane the show that we all love because of how much care was put into every detail and that's something that takes time so for teachers taking its time that is a good thing be equally great netflix is letting fortish take its time which is like the one thing that so often messes up these situations even when you do have artists who are realistic about timing and scheduling and everything thank god the netflix people are on the same page as the fortish people so that is really a positive thing and that making up serious thing looks great too great idea to tie this over for a bit i'll be doing something with that in my channel i haven't decided what yet patrons thanks so much especially dane brammage new 10 supporter and of the lame i'm going to be changing something up by the way for those who don't know i offer a little one hour writing consulting session for the 25 a month dear and i originally intended it as like a one-time thing and anyone who want to stick around could stick around for that tier but if you didn't want you didn't have to but i'm gonna try changing it to once every month for all 25 patrons and the one hour can be about writing it can be about analysis discussing fiction in general i'm fairly open so if anyone's interested gonna try that i think it's gonna be a lot of fun for me and hopefully helpful for all of you anyway that's it for the video see you in two weeks for another longer vid some shorts between now and then and thanks for watching
Channel: schnee
Views: 475,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eP7nT0cwvb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 8sec (1808 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2022
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